How to remove unnecessary pop-up ads. How to get rid of ads in the browser (adware). Check browser extension to remove ads

Many users have already become accustomed to the fact that along with the information that we obtain on the Internet, there are advertising banners everywhere, and they just simply do not pay attention to it. However, people who are scrupulous about the little things and who love order, or who are just attentive to all the little things and everything in general, see it as unnecessary information that they constantly have to take into account, so to speak ..

What to do if you think that advertising on the Internet is not needed!?) Fortunately, we will not have to fight against its producers, and all advertising signs can be turned off. As simple as any function on your computer or smartphone.

Of course, we all have long been accustomed to the fact that advertising is an inevitable component of all pages on the Internet, however, this is just a function that the browsers we use read a certain type of code that is advertising, and displays on our view, in one way or another. otherwise overgrow the site pages with a visual presentation of something. You can disable ads in any browser, be it Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, Internet Explorer or any other internet browser.

Standard systems management tools for smartphones, laptops and computers do not provide the ability to disable ads - they are not very profitable. But, all the browsers of your device can be modified so that they do not show the advertising content posted on the visited sites!

The best way to do this today is the Adguard utility, which has already been developed both for devices running Windows (computers, laptops) and for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets running on Android.

So, let's get down to getting rid of all your browsers and the Internet on your computer / laptop or smartphone / tablet from ads.

This is done quite simply, in just a couple of steps:

Step 1. Download the Adguard installer. For computer or laptop . For smartphone or tablet.

Step 2. Launch the installer and install the application on your device. (If you need help with the installation, you can see how to install Adguard on a computer or laptop in detail and step by step, and if you have questions about installing the utility on a smartphone or tablet, see the detailed instructions.

As for mobile devices:

  • In order to achieve the maximum speed of data exchange over the Internet, it is recommended to install a high-speed browser on your Android device with all built-in optimization functions and even save energy Yandex Browserwhich you can download from Google Play

Many users are wondering how to get rid of unnecessary advertising on the Internet. Every year its number in various services, portals, search engines and social networks is constantly increasing.

Some people don't like videos that must be watched before the start of a movie or video. Someone dreams of not seeing constant pop-ups and pictures reminding of recently viewed products. And sometimes the situation becomes quite sad - when you open the browser, as well as in the process of work, once every few minutes, intrusive images are displayed that cover part of the information, or some unfamiliar pages are opened in new tabs. If you are also plagued by online advertising, let's work together to understand why you have so many of them and how to get rid of these unwanted impressions.

Different technologies: correct and not very

There are many different methods of showing the information an advertiser needs to visitors to the World Wide Web. So, they are trying to give you ads on the topic that you were looking for now or very recently, which can even be sometimes useful. Many advertisers also place banners smartly next to related content. For example, in an article about dogs, a reference to food for these animals would be quite appropriate. And if it looks neat and not too intrusive, then usually no one has any questions about how to get rid of such links.

But there are other options, when the banner covers half of the text, the one that you just started reading. Or obtrusive news subscription forms "fall" over the content and even do not allow scrolling the text below. And usually no one wants to see all kinds of "flickering" and "moving" gifs or flash-banners, as well as annoying videos that have come to the network from the TV.

Another option is all sorts of software solutions created on the basis of viral technologies that include advertisers for you or web projects even against your will. All this turns on on its own, bothers immensely, interferes with communicating or working. It is not only possible to get rid of such intrusive advertising and spontaneously opening sites, but it is necessary as soon as possible. But first things first.

Features of contextual advertising

The most famous and unobtrusive version of contextual ads is text links in Yandex and Google search results. They are usually shown above the search results and below the list. The ads correspond to the topic of what you yourself were looking for, and therefore they rarely cause negative, and no one tries to fight them. But graphic pictures of the "context" on partner projects of the network can be very annoying.

They often use information about what you were recently interested in (searched in a search engine, looked in stores, etc.) to determine the topic of the show. And quite often they “miss”, but still “persist” in their obsession. This, of course, no one likes.

There are two solutions to the question: either accept it, or try to set up some kind of blocker of unwanted information. We'll talk about the latter a little below.

Video inserts in Youtube, Rutube, online cinemas

We all have more than once encountered the fact that watching an interesting film begins with a commercial, ends with it, or even interrupts. This is explained by the fact that by viewing information from advertisers, you "pay" for free access and you can legally watch a movie. In fact, such statements are not always true. And in any case, all these "short films about goods and services" are very annoying. Therefore, the question of how to bypass advertising on cinema sites and video hosting is extremely relevant.

Banners and pop-ups

Often, information projects are sold on their pages. And news portals and even shops sometimes very intrusively persuade you to subscribe to groups on social networks, leave an email and become a news subscriber, get a discount in exchange for a subscription, and so on. All this is decorated with pop-up banners or windows.

In order not to have to close all these every time, there is a simple solution. Go to the "Sites" section and set the value "Block pop-ups". All! You have solved this question.

But with pictures and videos on the site, it will be more difficult to fight. If they are installed personally by the owner of the resource, then any browser and software solutions will perceive them as part of the main content. That is why there is no way to “ban” them. Apparently, you just have to accept this or not visit projects where there is an excess of bright "garbage" banners.

Ad viruses and hidden apps

It often happens that in the process of work you start to see ads and banners even where they obviously should not be. Some additional forms or pictures appear that cover part of the text, new tabs open, and sometimes there are calls to buy something even on the desktop! Most likely, you managed to catch the virus.

Unfortunately, in the pursuit of buyers and visitors, not all webmasters are ready to behave correctly. And therefore, after downloading some software products from dubious sources or watching movies, sometimes problems begin: on each site, what to do in this case?

Of course, first of all, run an antivirus scan of your computer for malicious files. If it didn't reveal anything, and the problem persists, don't worry, below we will tell you how to manually find hidden apps installed in the background thanks to the efforts of unscrupulous advertisers.

Effective ways to eliminate online ads

We have dealt with the main types of technologies above. Now let's talk about practical solutions for different cases. And to begin with, let's dwell on the option when there are no viruses and malicious code, but a person is annoyed by constantly appearing images and videos with PR of organizations, goods or services. Those. Let's start with the global one - with getting rid of banners and other options for online advertising using special bans.

What are blockers

Internet ad blocker is a special extension designed to block all types of online advertising, as well as pop-ups and other "junk". Sometimes such products have other functions that will allow you to even more accurately customize the display of content, taking into account the various wishes of the consumer.

The most popular free solutions:

There are many more free and paid blocker extensions that will help to reliably remove ads from sites, as well as help to further customize the display of content in accordance with personal wishes. The choice is huge, and therefore everyone can find the optimal solution for their taste and needs.

Using the AdwCleaner utility

If intrusive banners do not allow you to work on the Internet, new tabs with unknown resources appear, it is time to look for viral applications. Conventional antiviruses are often powerless against ad junk. In principle, this is understandable.

In this case, the special utility AdwCleaner comes to the rescue. You can download it here:

After downloading you need:

  1. Launch AdwCleaner;
  2. Click on the "Scan" command;
  3. View test results.
  4. If something is accidentally added to the list that is better to leave, just uncheck the box.
  5. Now just click on "Clear" and enjoy the operation of the device without "garbage", dubious tasks and the very advertising that comes out on the sites "by itself".

It is important to understand: AdwCleaner is not complete. The product is focused on finding and removing adware and extensions.

Therefore, we recommend that you use a regular antivirus on an ongoing basis, and use the utility to search for unwanted applications if the antivirus does not find anything, and ads continue to pop up on the screen.

Finding hidden programs manually

If the automatic methods described above did not help, and the device continues to display all kinds of sites without your participation, you will have to look for the reason manually. What to do in this case, we will now tell you.

The first step is to check the properties of the shortcut:

  1. Right-click on the shortcut on the Desktop. Will open. In it you need to select "Properties".
  2. In the "Shortcut" tab, find the line "Object". Here, take a close look at what the file is called and where it is located.

Very often viruses replace an executable program in the "Object" line. At the same time, they can almost completely copy the name, and understand that something is wrong only by expanding it.

All executable files will always have an "exe" extension. For example: opera.exe. In case of infection, the name in the shortcut will most likely remain the same, but it will receive the "url" extension. For example: opera.url.

Next, you need to click on the "File Location" button, after which Explorer will open. You will see two “opera” items in the list. But one of them will be an application, and the other will be a shortcut that launches extraneous code and displays some resources. Delete the element named "opera.url". Select "opera.exe" as the "Object". All! You will no longer have an unexpected "home page", and the obtrusive display of images and banners you do not need will stop.

We talked about the solution using the example of Opera. But the method itself can be used for any browser. The only difference will be in the name of the executable file.

Search in Task Scheduler

If it turns out that everything is in order with the shortcuts, it means that the malicious "registered" a little deeper in the operating system. But even here, with some diligence, you can cope with the annoying "advertising problem".

Most likely, while downloading and installing some program, you managed to "pick up" a hidden installation of malicious software at the same time. Now it is registered in the startup and task scheduler. And until you get rid of these processes, you will continue to be thrown out on sites with advertising.

So what needs to be done:

  1. In the "Start" menu in the search, we enter "Task Scheduler".
  2. In the window on the left, find the item "Task Scheduler Library";
  3. We look at the list of what is displayed on the right. This is a list of all programs, automatically launched by the Scheduler.
  4. Find a name unfamiliar to you, most likely, this is the "advertiser" who gave you so many unpleasant minutes. Remember (or better write down) his name.
  5. Delete the process from the Scheduler.
  6. Go to Control Panel - Programs and Features. Check if there is an app with the same name here. If you come across, immediately click on uninstall. This "dirty trick" has no place in your system.
  7. Search the entire drive in Explorer for the name of the identified "pest". If you find files with this name somewhere, also - feel free to delete them forever.
  8. Congratulations! Now you have managed to rid your computer of intrusive ads.

How do you make sure you don't delete something you want? When viewing the Scheduler, carefully study the list of programs. Most likely, all names, except for malicious, will be familiar to you, you use this software constantly. But when in doubt, just enter the name of the app into a search engine. Windows will definitely appear in the output with an explanation of what it is and why they are needed. And the one that we need to find and neutralize will either be unknown to the search engine, or will appear in the SERP with a description of how to get rid of it.

As you can see, methods of getting rid of adware and malware require careful attention and certain computer skills. And in some cases, for example, if the entire system is blocked, the work is even more difficult. You will have to turn on the computer from a special "emergency" disk, the so-called "pusher", manually search for malicious elements, and only then start the "native" system and check if something has deteriorated in it after such actions.

Therefore, if you constantly have ads popping up on the Internet, and neither the antivirus nor the AdwCleaner program helps, it is better to immediately seek professional help. Specialists will remove all "junk" and malware, and then configure you, including blocking unwanted information of various nature, pop-up windows and other parameters.

I ran into such a problem personally, a friend on a computer displays a bunch of ad units on absolutely all pages (even in search engines on Yandex, Google), pages open by themselves and at the same time, no matter what browser to use, I tried on different ones - Firefox, Chrome, IE ... Everywhere the same result is advertising on the pages. At the same time, he had Kapersky's antivirus installed, which was regularly updated. Even the antivirus check did not lead to anything - the advertisement was displayed on the sites and is displayed.

Here is an example - the official site of ASUS, such advertising cannot be there.

Checking browser extensions to remove ads on sites.

You need to check which extensions are installed and enabled in the browser.

To see the extension in Firefox, you need to open the browser, click on the "Menu" button, select "Add-ons".

For Chrome browser users, follow these steps: Click Menu - Tools - Extensions.

A window with all installed extensions will open.

If you see suspicious extensions, disable or remove them. If you do not understand why you are using this or that add-on, just turn it off, nothing bad will happen, just some extra will turn off. the Internet function will work, if you do not notice the extension is disabled, then you do not need it and you can remove it. For the most inexperienced, I would recommend disabling all add-ons, and checking if ads appear on sites (restart the browser first), if ads disappeared, then turn on the extensions one by one and check the appearance of ads, so you will calculate the viral add-on and remove it.

We remove "garbage" from the computer / laptop.

The next step is to clean up the junk from your computer. By trash I mean temporary folders, trash can, etc. To do this, you can use a free program that does not require installation - CCleaner ... Unzip the downloaded archive and run the corresponding version of your operating system EXE file (x86 or x64). The program will start, on the Cleaning menu, the items that need to be deleted will be checked, I recommend leaving everything by default, pressing the "Analysis" button, after the analysis is over, the "Cleaning" button.

The CCleaner program will not affect the files you need, if you look closely at the points, you will see that it will only remove potential garbage - temporary files, trash, cookies, browser cache, etc.

We get rid of viral advertising on websites by cleaning unnecessary programs in a computer / laptop.

Few people know, but in addition to the installed one program, you can install one more or several in parallel, or change the default browser, or change the start page in the browser. This is not always good, because they usually try to hide the changes made to the computer (for example, the installation of a virus). What to do to avoid this:

1) Do not download programs from torrnets or suspicious sites, if you want not to pick up any infection, go to the official website of the program and download from it.

2) When installing programs, carefully check the checkboxes and items installed there, it is because of the thoughtless pressing of the "Next" button that you can change the settings or install unnecessary programs in parallel.

So, it is quite possible that by installing one program you installed a virus that inserts ads into all sites, in order to check it, go and see the list of installed programs and remove unnecessary ones. To do this, go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Programs and Features".

Here you will see all the programs that are installed on your computer / laptop. Take a close look at the suspicious and unfamiliar to you. Remember when you started displaying ad units on sites and see what programs were installed at that time, if there is an extra program that you did not install. This method helped in my case. I discovered a program I was not familiar with, NetCrawl, after uninstalling which ad blocks disappeared from all sites and browsers.

We clean your computer / laptop from viruses.

Well, the last step, even if you removed the malicious program, clean your computer / laptop from viruses. I recommend cleaning not with one antivirus, but with several, you can "one-time", for example


If automatic removal tools do not help, manual malware removal comes into play. The first step is to enable the display of system files in the operating system. The fact is that the system protects important files from accidental deletion or damage by hiding them when viewed by Explorer. And viruses and malware use the same mechanism, hiding from the user's eyes.

First you need to press the special keyboard shortcut Win + R. Win is a special key on the keyboard with the Windows flag, it is located in the bottom row of the keyboard between the left ctrl and alt. After entering the special command, the "Run" window will open. In it you need to type control folders and click OK. In the window that opens, go to the "View" tab and perform two actions. The first is to uncheck the box next to "hide protected system files", the second is to check the box next to "show hidden files, folders and drives". Next, you need to save the changes with the OK button, and press the second special key combination: ctrl + alt + Esc. The Task Manager window opens and requires the first Processes tab. This tab displays active processes in the system, including malicious ones, if any. You need to search for the following names:

- Babylon;
- CodecDefault;
- Conduit eDeals;
- DownloadHelper;
- iWebar;
- Mobogenie;
- MiPony;
- Pirrit Suggesto;
- Podoweb;
- Search Protect;
- Sense;
- ShopperPro;
- Webalta;
- Websocial;
- YouTube Accelerator.

If there are matches, then on the found process, you need to right-click and select the "Open file location" menu item. An explorer window will open with the malware folder. Next, you need to right-click to stop the process in the Task Manager, and then delete the folder of the malicious program along with the files. You should be careful and look in which folder the malware found itself. If it is a separate folder with 3-4 files with an arbitrary name, then the entire folder can be deleted. If the malware sits in the system32 folder, then deleting the entire folder will delete the operating system system files. This is an important and responsible step, and in case of any doubts it is better to play it safe and not to remove it in the heat of the moment.

The next thing to do is check the browser shortcut. Right-click on the shortcut of your browser on the desktop or on the quick launch bar and select the "Properties" menu item. In the window that opens, check the entry field for the "Object" item. There should not be any links after the path of the file with the extension .exe at the end. If there are any, then the links must be removed and clicked OK.

You also need to check the browser start page. To do this, you need to launch the browser and open its settings. In Chrome it will be "Settings", then "Start Group", in Opera, it will be "Settings" and then "At Startup". In Firefox "Settings", then "General", then "Start". If suspicious unfamiliar entries are found, they should be deleted.

If there are malicious entries in the browser, then the problem may be in extensions. You need to open the list of extensions, as already described in the first paragraph, and look for suspicious entries. In which case, they can be temporarily disabled and the result checked, and then removed if necessary.

The last item will be checking the hosts file. First you need to click "Start" and type notepad. Notepad will appear in the search results and you need to right-click on it by selecting "Run as administrator". Next, you need to open the "File" menu item, in it "Open" and in the "File name" input window you need to insert C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ drivers \\ etc and click Open. The required directory will open, in which you should select the hosts file. If it is not visible, then select All files instead of * .txt above the Open button in the selection field. In the hosts file, you need to look at the lines below line, and if you yourself did not add anything there, you should delete the excess and reboot.

I reset the browser settings, it also does not help.

AdwCleaner did not resolve the issue either.

How to remove ads in the browser

Some readers may ask who I am to write on this topic. My answer is, I've been working in the computer field for 20 years and I know what I'm writing about. I decided to write my article after reading some publications on this issue on the Internet, unfortunately the advice given there is superficial and does not reveal the essence of the problem.

How to distinguish between normal and abnormal ads

A bit of history

Who needs to turn our browser into an advertising dump

How your computer gets infected with the adware module

If the average user needs a program, then he downloads it not on the official website of the developer, but anywhere, naturally the risk of infection of the computer increases.What a sin to hide, and now you can download anything on torrents, just recently they gave meinstead of the Windows 10 ISO image, here is such a file, I ran it in a virtual machine, and then for an hour I took the virus out of it.

How to deal with ads in the browser

So, we have an operating system infected with adware (adware). The system is also infected with numerous malicious programs that directly affect the display of ads. As you can see, advertisements on our computer are shown very differently and in all browsers, we are offered: get rich, look younger, lose weight, get fat, increase and even decrease, but the result will always be the same - a decrease in our money.

If your browsers have started to display such funny pictures, then most likely your operating system is infected with malware. Open Task Manager and go to Startup, I bet you will have the same picture there as mine. In the screenshot, you can see that only two programs in my startup are not malicious, the free Baidu antivirus and the cloud service from Microsoft OneDrive. All other programs can be classified as viruses, and among them several programs specialize precisely in displaying dangerous ads in your Windows, these are browsers "", "", "Zeta Games Browser" and news service from Zeta, also seeing the infamous service"Mail Ru Updater".

Friends, of course, you can, of course, right here, in Startup, manually disable all these programs and even remove them, but this will not help the business for a long time, since viruses and various adware modules are not only in your startup, but also in temporary file folders. , also in the C: \\ Program Files (x86) folder, in the user profile C: \\ Users \\ Your username \\ AppData and others, so I suggest you first check the entire drive (C :) for viruses with a good antivirus and if this does not help, manually view the most vulnerable spots of the operating system.

In very many articles on this topic, the authors advise installing the program, I do not argue the program is not bad and is sharpened just for finding and removing various spyware and adware programs (Adware / Spyware) from the system, but it never helped me 100% and after it always had to clean up the tails. Find absolutely all malware on your computer (including Adware / Spyware) can: / 10 and, as well as a very interesting program, I personally prefer it. Why? Because ESET NOD32 and Kaspersky are quite heavyweight, they take a long time to install, and you still need to register, and Zemana AntiMalware installs very quickly and works faster.

Go to the official website of the Zemana AntiMalware program at this link and click FREE Download,

the installer is downloaded to our computer, we start the installation of the antivirus.

After a successful installation, the main window of the program opens, in which we see information that it will work for free for 15 days. Zemana AntiMalware has very simple settings, even a beginner can handle it.

You can run Quick Scan or Custom Scan to find and remove malware. You can completely trust the quick scan and all viruses will be found,

but I always prefer full disk virus scan (C :). Open Windows Explorer and just drag the disk with the mouse (C :) to check window, disk scan starts (C :) for unwanted programs.

The scanning process begins and the first threats have already been found.

After a full scan, all viruses (68) in our system were found.

The program asks to restart the computer to completely remove viruses.

After a reboot, a quick scan of the system takes place and two more malwares are found.

All threats have been completely removed from our computer.

You can work with Zemana AntiMalware for free for 15 days, and if you have no problems with the operating system during this time, you can purchase it, the annual subscription costs only 500 rubles.

Note: The same result will be obtained when using ESET NOD32 Smart Security 9/10 versions.

Friends, in most cases, after such a cleaning, none of your browsers will open malicious advertisements anymore, but if this does happen, you need to manually view the most vulnerable spots of the operating system and remove the remnants of malware manually!

Removing ads in the browser using Task Scheduler

Be sure to check the Task Scheduler Library and remove virus-generated tasks. For ordinary users, this is the most difficult, therefore I will go into detail here.

Windows Task Scheduler is a tool for running a program at a certain time and under certain conditions.

Many system administrators use this useful tool, but ordinary users usually do not, malware creators know about this, so many viruses are able to write its launch in the task scheduler.

It is very easy to find a malicious entry in the task scheduler.

Start -\u003e Run.

Enter in the input line "Taskschd.msc" and click OK.

The Task Scheduler will open. On the left is a tree-like folder structure

Left-click on the item« Task Scheduler Library»And in the right part of the window all entries of the scheduler are opened.

Let's take a look at all the entries together with you and find the malicious ones.

Double-click the left mouse to click on the first task of the scheduler named "AnVir Task Manager",

in the window that opens, go to the "Actions" tab and see all the details of this task. This task launches the startup guardian - AnVir Task Manager on my computer. I installed this program myself, it does nothing bad and has nothing to do with advertising, let's move on.

Double-click the MailRuUpdater task

and we see that the task was created by the malicious MailRuUpdater service, which has long been seen in the distribution of advertising on computers. We close this window.

Left-click on the MailRuUpdater task and delete it.

Do you want to delete this task?

We also delete the personal folder the program along with the content from our computer, it is located at:

C: \\ Users \\ Your username \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Mail.Ru

Remove ads by resetting browser settings

If the task scheduler did not help, then try resetting browser settings to the default values... This action will disable all malicious plugins and modules in browsers and restore their work, without affecting personal user data.

Google chrome

Left-click on the "Н setup and managementGoogle Chrome " in the upper right corner of the browser.


Scroll the scroll wheel below and find "Show advanced settings".

Again, scroll down the scroll wheel and click on the "Reset Settings" button.


That's it, the Google Chrome browser settings have been reset.

Mozilla Firefox

In the main window of the Mozilla Firefox browser, left-click on the button with three horizontal stripes, then click on the question mark button

and select "Troubleshooting Information".

Firefox Tweak

Refresh Firefox.

Microsoft Edge

Left-click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the browser and select "Options".

In the item "Clear browser data" click on "Select what you want to clear".

Check the boxes for the necessary items and click "Clear".

Clearing browser shortcuts

Sometimes malware makes its own changes to the properties of a browser shortcut and when you open the browser using the shortcut, the browser will automatically open the malicious site. To clear a browser shortcut, right-click on the shortcut and select Properties.

Checking DNS addresses

Be sure to check DNS addresses of your network adapter settings. In some cases, it happens that the virus has already been removed from the operating system, but the changes it made to the Windows settings remain.

Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Network and Internet -\u003e Network and Sharing Center -\u003e Changing adapter parameters.

Go to Local Area Connection Properties.

Select the IP-version 4 (TCP / IPv4) item with the left mouse and click on the "Properties" button

Checking the hosts file

You all know about the existence of a special hosts file in the operating system, which is necessary to speed up the network by bypassing the call to the DNS server. Virus writers actively use this file for their own purposes. The fact is that if you write certain information in this file, then instead of your favorite site you will be taken to a completely different site, if who is interested, read .

C: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts