How to remove your visits (visits) from Yandex.Metrica statistics. Yandex Metrica: basic setup Filtering robots by strict rules and behavior

Yandex.Metrica is an excellent tool that has rich functionality and, most importantly, is constantly updated. However, not everyone knows about some of its useful features or postpones their use on the back burner.

What functionality of Metrica often remains unfairly unnoticed? We have compiled the top 10 Metrica settings and tools that are time to remember and start using them. Go!

10th place. Labels by counters

Not everyone needs this tool. However, if you have multiple lines of business and each has more than one site or landing page, you can use tags to view consolidated reports.

9th place. One click month selection

In my work, I always try to "cheat" (cheat), use hotkeys and so on, which allows me to speed up my work. Therefore, I am always surprised when the month is selected by clicking on the first and last day of the month.

The truth surprises me even more when the choice of the month with one click is not provided by the service, fortunately, Metrica took care of us.

8th place. Filters and operations

The tool is powerful, but you need to be extremely careful with it so as not to mess things up.

Filters are used to cut off non-targeted traffic. I recommend that you immediately check the box "Ignore my visits." In this case, if you are logged in to Yandex with access to the counter and view the site, your visits will not be counted.

If you check the performance of targets, then this checkbox must first be removed.

Filters can also be used to cut off users by IP address (both by full and by mask, i.e. 192.168. *. *). You can also exclude from reports views of certain pages by link or page title.

I warn you again: be careful!

Filters have a reverse option "Leave only traffic" that matches the specified conditions. If you specify a specific IP address or page address, then only data from this address or page, respectively, will be taken into account in the reports.

Let's conclude our consideration of filters with "Filtering robots".

The setting accompanying filters is Operations.

Popular use cases:

1. Replace https with http... If your site is accessible via http and https at the same time, use this operation, otherwise your traffic in reports will split in two. Additionally, it is better to immediately redirect to the https-version of the site. At the same time, it is advisable to consult with SEO specialists in advance so as not to lose positions in the search results.

2. Convert to lower case... Another option is when the same page is available at several addresses. To make it clearer, let's give an example with URL addresses and the number of views of these pages: https: // - 4 - 12 - 7 When viewing a report on On popular pages, you will see these three lines separately, and for accurate calculations, the data must be additionally processed. If you enable the "Convert to lower case" option, the data will be represented in one line: https: // - 23Please note that the operations will be applied only to new data from the moment you save them.

You can read more about filters and operations in the help.

7th place. My reports and favorites

There are never too many reports. Each business is individual, and each marketer, analyst, business owner looks at the indicators that interest him.

It is for such cases that reports are saved. How to do it:

1. Customize the report: change the groupings and add your own metrics;

2. In the upper right corner, click the "Save As" button;

3. Enter a relevant title and click "Save";

4. And so that the most important ones are not lost in a large number of reports, add them to your favorites:

All these reports can now be found here:

6th place. Notifications

The larger the organization, the more it costs every hour of downtime for its site. This is especially important for online stores.

Add notifications about the unavailability of your site to mail and in the form of SMS in order to be able to quickly respond to site failures.

5th place. Hide statistically unreliable data

In our work, we often face the desire of clients to keep track of everything. The desire is great, but there is one problem: the data collected can be negligible, and it will be incorrect to draw conclusions based on them.

What does Metric have to do with it? The function "Hide statistically unreliable data" speaks for itself.

How does it work?

Methods of mathematical statistics allow you to calculate how many visits are needed so that you can confidently assert (for example, with a 95% probability) that the calculated conversion value differs slightly from the true value (for example, by no more than 5%).

Business analytics: not a step without Yandex.Metrica! 1PS service

1.3 Filters Tab

1.3 Filters Tab

After saving, go directly to the "Filters" tab ( Objectives can be created later).

Filters are applied to the original site statistics counter data, leaving or removing records in site reports that match the specified criteria.

If there are no filters, the reports will include records of all visits. When creating a new filter, only new data will be filtered, the old ones will remain unchanged.

When checking the box " ignore my visits»The service remembers the cookies of the last five visitors who entered the reports of this counter and does not take them into account when calculating statistics. We recommend that you tick off this item.

You behave on your site in a completely different way than ordinary visitors - spend more time on it, view more pages. If Metrica takes into account this data, then false information will be displayed in the reports. This option allows you not to "litter" statistics with the data of your visits.

In addition to this checkbox, you can set separate filters for specific visits: exclude some traffic or, conversely, take into account only a certain type of traffic. If several developers, usability specialists work with your site, then it is better to find out their IP and add to the filter:

Operations on initial data change the appearance of the URLs of the pages of the reporting or referring site that are displayed in reports. Add operations as needed, for example, if you want to strip a parameter or replace https with http.

Filtering robots allows you to filter information about visits to robots in the service reports. It is best to leave it as default.

- Take into account the visits of all robots. Robot data will be available in the robots report and will not be filtered in other reports.

- Filter robots only by strict rules (set by default). Under strict rules, only a small fraction of robots can be detected, but all human visits are guaranteed to be counted. All visits to robots are reflected in the Monitoring\u003e Robots report.

- Filter robots by strict rules and behavior. Use it if you find pronounced bursts of unnatural traffic in the statistics and there is a high probability that this will happen again. In this case, there may be an error in identifying real visitors: the system may mistake them for robots. Robot data will be fully filtered in all reports.

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Filters / screens

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1.1 Tab "General" On the "General" tab in the new Metric, you should pay attention to the following parameters: - Counter name. Specify the site name so as not to get confused if you have several counters. - Site domain. Be sure to include the full website address. - Notice

From the author's book

1.2 Tab “Counter Code” On the “Counter Code” tab, make the following settings: - Check the box next to “Webvisor, Scrolling Map, Form Analytics”. These options will allow you to receive important information about visits in the future: for example, the webvisor will allow you to view

If you have your own website and you use Yandex.Metrica to collect its statistical data, a natural question arises: “How can you remove your visits and clicks from the statistics figures so that they are not counted by the counter?”. In principle, this is a reasonable task that will allow you to clear the statistics of your web project from your own transfers and visits.

Yandex.Metrica statistics, in which your personal actions (as the owner of the site and the most frequent visitor) are removed, will be more objective and not biased. And this is especially important when setting the Goals for certain actions, events, transitions. Indeed, because of your own visits and clicks, all these calculations may lose their objectivity and will not show the real state of affairs on the site.

In general, it is better to sort, remove your visits for every webmaster working with the Yandex Metrica system, especially since this is done quite simply! Just a few clicks in the Metrica settings and your statistics will become much cleaner and clearer. Well, let's start!

How to remove your visits from Yandex.Metrica statistics: step by step instructions

Step # 1

Step # 2

Note: in the screenshots, we will immediately show the new Metric, which from June 22 will be the official version of this service.

Step # 3

In the section for editing the site counter, you need to find the "Filters" menu item and go to it.

Step # 4

The last step is to set the "prohibiting" checkbox next to the "Ignore my visits" option. We put a check mark and be sure to confirm our actions with the "SAVE" button to remember the entered settings.

Ignore my visits (visits):

In this case, you do not need to change the code of the counter () Metrica or the code of the informer. The settings automatically take effect after they are installed and saved by the webmaster.

By the way, after you have removed your visits from Yandex.Metrica statistics, you can check this and take a walk through the pages and sections of your web resource. Ideally, your actions will be ignored by the statistics collection counter. True, this will be the case as long as you are logged in to the Yandex system, while you visit the site from your main (not someone else's) computer.

If you decide to look at the pages of your project using a mobile phone or tablet, where authorization in Yandex has not been completed, your visits will already be recorded as unique. Consider this when collecting statistics and filter out all the junk information.

Finally - by tradition - an interesting video about working with the Yandex.Metrica system.

For the most complete assessment of the impact of your site, you need to get the most accurate analytical results possible. Let's take conversion as an example.

Let's say a hundred users come to you every day, which you will learn about using the metric data. There are three thousand users per month. Of these, 450 people ordered the goods. We calculate the conversion by dividing the users who performed the targeted action by the total number of visitors and multiply by 100%. That is, 450: 3000 * 100%, it turns out 15%. However, you are also among the total number of visitors, because you also visit the site to check its performance. Therefore, the numbers that you calculated earlier will not be absolutely correct.

That is, in order to correctly calculate the conversion, you need to subtract the visits that you and your employees make, that is, not the target audience. Let's say there are 400 such visits in total. Then we count: 450 / (3000-400) * 100% \u003d 17%. That is, we cut off non-targeted visits and received a real conversion.

In order to exclude your own visits, you can cut them off from the general data. There is a special feature for this. Let's dwell on this functionality in more detail.

We cut off unnecessary visits to Yandex. Metrics

First you need to log in and go to the main page of the counter we need. Click "Settings".

Now go to the "Filters" section.

Your visits will not be displayed, you just need to check the box next to "Ignore my visits". Click the "Save" button for the changes to take effect.

The operation associated with the exclusion of your visits is tied to cookies stored in the service's memory. Now Yandex. The metric will not count you as a new user. However, if you clear your cookies, your new visit will be treated as a new user visit.

We figured out our own visits, now let's talk about other features of the "Filters" that take into account the initial data.

Using the specified functionality, you can filter the following data:

Visitor's IP address. It is relevant if the site is visited not only by you, but also by your employees. You need to know the IP of their computers or the router that distributes to the department or office. Click "Add filter" and in the fields that open, specify:

Traffic type - Exclude traffic;

Field - IP-address;

Condition - Contains;

Equals or Starts with (depends on the number of addresses and the most optimal criterion for adding);

The value is the IP address itself or a chain of them. Set this value and click Save. Below is an illustrative example.

The filter can be removed by simply clicking on the cross.

Page URL. With its help, it is possible to filter those page addresses of sites where analytics is not needed. Let's say you don't need data from a transition from a certain external source, since these transitions are rare, traffic from them is not targeted. Here you need to pay attention to the Conditions field, which contains a number of sub-items: "Contains", "Starts with ...", "Equal", "Site only and other domains.

If the first points do not raise questions, then the last one needs to be dealt with. After the specified value is set, only those visits to the web resource and its domains that were specified during editing in the "General" tab will be included in the report. Below is a visual example.

Page title. Using this filter, you can make sure that some analytic data is not displayed, for example, some pages, page groups with a specific title. Installing this is similar to the case that we considered earlier. Let's set all the parameters and don't forget to click Save.

Disabling filters without removing

Everything is simple here - just use the checkboxes that are placed opposite the filters that will not be used.

Let's summarize: filters created for Yandex Metrica make it possible to exclude your own visits, as well as not show sources and data that are not of great importance, so you can focus on the target data.

Now let's talk about bots and how to cut them off.

We cut off bots in Yandex. Metrica

You can view the Robots report by following the following transition: Reports - Standard reports - Monitoring - Robots.

There is one more way - use the search.

How to cut off search bots in the displayed data? Go to the "Filters" section. Earlier it was said how to enter there.

The last point at the bottom of the page deserves special attention. It is called Robot Filtering and contains three sub-items:

Take into account visits of all robots - in all reports that you receive, the visits of bots will be marked;

Filter robots according to strict rules - selection according to specified templates for an IP address or a group of addresses, or User-Agent. If the filter is enabled, there will be no “false” responses, and only a small part of the robots that are indexing will be shown.

Filter robots only by strict rules and behavior - allows you to find most search engine bots and show them in reports. Relevant if there was a sharp spike in traffic that made you suspicious.

Speaking about the Filters section, I would like to go over the Operations item. Why is this option needed?

First, it is needed to create strict / regular rules that can be used to modify the URLs of the pages that are displayed in the reports. Rules are added and installed in the same way as adding filters. There are several operations, each with its own function.

Cut parameter - removes part of the page address. It is useful when several pages have the same address, similar content and they need to be combined so that the report shows one page, not two.

Cut all parameters- there is nothing to explain;

Replace the https protocol with http- using this rule, in the displayed report, the pages of the secret protocol are connected with the normal one and are shown as a single parameter;

Change domain- replaces the domain in reports (page addresses);

Convert to lowercase - alphabetic characters in the URL are spelled lowercase, excluding capital letters.

Operations are highly flexible, allowing you to customize and optimize these metrics according to your goals.

Consider the following when setting up Filters and Actions:

⦁ You can create no more than 60 Rules: 30 for filters and 30 for operations;

⦁ Changes to settings take effect only from the moment you add and save options. The old data will not change and will be displayed as before.

Final word

So, we see again that Yandex Metrica is a cool service that has great potential and huge capabilities. The system of filters and setting the rules makes it possible to adjust analytics to suit your goals, choosing only what is needed to monitor and calculate the information you need.

I think that each site has one or more statistics services. Our site is no exception, and they are also present on it. After the traffic on the site increased, in parallel with it, the percentage of refusals also increased.

For a long time, I observed this picture:

Agree, the spectacle is so-so. At first, I did not attach much importance to this. But after a while the picture repeated itself, and I began to figure out what was the matter. Using the "Webvisor" function, I analyzed the activity on my site and noticed a strange thing:

Almost a hundred simultaneous visits from different IP addresses, with zero site browsing time. Here you can immediately guess that these are clearly not people, but bots that spoil the overall picture of statistics. And the task was to filter out such traffic as much as possible.

What have I done?

1. First, I went to and in the "Filters" section set the following parameters:

1.1 Checked the box " Ignore my visits».

1.2 Chose a filter with parameters:

Filter type - Leave only traffic;
Field - page URL;
Condition - site and additional addresses.

1.3 I switched the filtering of robots to "Filter robots by strict rules and by behavior".

1.4 Saved all settings.

2. Updated the counter code on the site.

One day later, I saw another picture:

That is, thanks to the standard counter settings, I was able to filter out unwanted traffic (excluding bots) and reduced the bounce rate from 92.1 to 25.4. And a day later, the bounce rate hovered around 10.