How to uninstall avast software. How to completely remove Avast Free Antivirus with a dedicated utility? Before starting uninstallation

The Avast antivirus package often causes complaints from many users about its incorrect operation with the appearance of many errors, the omission of potential threats or the blocking of completely harmless files and programs. Next, we will consider how to completely remove Avast from Windows 7 or from any other system. Three of the simplest methods are proposed for consideration.

How to remove Avast from a Windows 7 computer using your own system tools?

First, let's look at the standard uninstallation procedure. The question of how to completely remove Avast from Windows 7 is first solved using the tools built into the system.

In the simplest case, you need to use the section of programs and components located in the standard "Control Panel". Here it is enough to mark the application and press the uninstall button, after which its own antivirus uninstaller is activated (it is built-in). Upon completion of the process, you will be prompted to reboot the system.

Everything seems simple, but do not rush to rejoice. The fact is that both the built-in Windows and its own antivirus uninstaller are such that after the standard software removal procedure, the system contains a huge amount of residual garbage in the form of files, folders and registry keys.

Thus, the question of how to remove Avast from a computer completely implies manual user intervention. And the first step will be to call the registry editor (regedit in the Run console). After logging in, you need to set the search for residual records. To do this, either the file menu item or the shortcut Ctrl + F is used. In the value field, you must specify the name of the antivirus (in our case, avast). Everything that will be found must be deleted (the transition from one result to another is done by pressing the "Find Next" button or by pressing the F3 key).

Upon completion of these actions, the problem of how to completely remove Avast from Windows 7 still remains unresolved to the end. This is due to the fact that physically some files and program directories are still present on the hard disk. To delete them, you need to use the search field in the "Explorer", enter the name of the application (by the type of how it was done in the registry) and delete all search results. After that, it is advisable to reboot again.

Note: sometimes, before uninstalling the antivirus, it is necessary to enter its settings and deactivate the self-defense module in the troubleshooting section. If the package is not removed in the standard operating mode of the system, you can perform similar actions in safe mode (F8 at startup).

How to completely remove Avast from a computer using a specialized utility?

As you can see, this method is quite inconvenient, since user intervention is required, and some prefer not to joke with the same registry, fearing that critical changes will be made, which may cause unpredictable consequences for the system.

Here, in the problem of how to completely remove Avast from Windows 7, a special utility for removing this particular antivirus software called Avastclear comes to the rescue. It is presented in the form of a single executable EXE file, which must be run as an administrator (the program itself recommends using safe mode).

Everything is simple here. After starting the application, in a special drop-down list, select the software product installed on the computer, click the uninstall button and wait for the process to end. Upon completion, again, you will be prompted to restart the system. The antivirus is allegedly removed in such a way that no trace remains of it.

Removing antivirus using uninstaller programs

Finally, the question of how to completely remove Avast from Windows 7 can be quite simply resolved by using highly targeted uninstaller utilities. Consider removing antivirus using the powerful iObit Uninstaller program as an example.

The list of installed applications in the program is very similar to the section of programs and components of Windows, so it is difficult to get confused here. First, we find an antivirus in the list (you can also use the search bar), then click on the button with the basket image. After that, the built-in antivirus uninstaller is activated.

When it stops working, you need to enable powerful scanning (this tool of the iObit Uninstaller application can be configured to start automatically). This is how it detects all the remains in the form of computer garbage (files, directories, registry entries). In the list of results, select everything that is (by default, all objects will be selected automatically), check the box for deleting files at the bottom and press the "Delete" button. At the end of the cleaning process, restart the computer. Now we can safely say that the antivirus has been completely removed.

What to use?

As you can already see, the problem of how to completely remove Avast from Windows 7 is solved quite simply. It seems that using manual deletion is an absolutely thankless task. For unconditional and complete removal of this package, it is better to use either a specially designed utility for this, or uninstallers (you can use, for example, Revo Uninstaller, which is very similar in principle of operation and interface to the above program).

Reinstallation of anti-virus programs is performed by users quite often. This may be due to the fact that the installed antivirus program can "eat up" a lot of computer resources. In some cases, anti-virus software can block many sites that are not malicious and you have to regularly add certain addresses to exceptions. Also, if an antivirus program was installed with a free license, its functionality is limited and only a purchase can provide maximum protection. Due to the fact that parallel installation of antivirus software can lead to various conflicts in the system, the computer can be very slow. That is why it is necessary to know, for example, how to remove Avast Free Antivirusto avoid possible problems and to be able to install a different antivirus program.

Of course, you can remove Avast Free Antivirus using the standard Uninstall tool, but in this case all traces will not be removed. For example, a browser can be installed together with this antivirus (according to the developers, it is maximally protected from hacking and reliably protects personal data, passwords, etc.), information about found viruses can be stored, files that were quarantined, etc. P. That is why the removal of such software must be approached responsibly.

Avast Free Antivirus is run by two processes avastui.exe and AvastSvc.exe. You can see them if you open the Task Manager.

As you can see from the screenshot, this antivirus program does not require a lot of resources and its removal is most likely caused not by the fact that it overloads the system, but by other reasons, for example, insufficient protection tools.

The above processes are launched from the C: \\ Program Files \\ AVAST Software \\ Avast directory (if your OS is in a different partition, only the drive letter will be changed).

To proceed directly to uninstallation, you need to open the "Remove Programs" tool. This can be done by following the path "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Uninstall a program", or open the "Run" window (press Win + R) and enter the command appwiz.cpl.

A window with a list of installed programs will appear on the screen. Find Avast Free Antivirus, select it and click on the "Remove" button, or right-click on it and also select the line of the same name.

The deletion process will be launched, the user can only wait until the end.

After completing this operation, you need to restart the computer, which will be reported in the window that appears. It is also suggested to answer the question why you decided to get rid of Avast, but this is absolutely not necessary.

Note: It is better to reboot immediately and do not postpone this action. Even before the OS is loaded, those files that are used by the OS will be deleted.

Remember that the usual removal of directories with the program can only bring a bunch of unnecessary problems, because the installed antivirus drivers will not be affected, after which the computer will constantly crash, give a bunch of errors, etc.

After the performed procedure, it is necessary to clear the computer of files that probably remain and delete entries in the registry. So, to delete files related to Avast, you need to:

  • open "My Computer";
  • go to the system partition (as a rule, this is drive C);

  • enter the word Avast in the "Search" field and search for directories and files in the system that have not been deleted;

  • after waiting for the search results, you will have several folders and files that remain even after the removal procedure with a standard tool;

  • select all found directories and files, right-click on them and select the line "Delete";

  • confirm the action you are taking;

  • also after that a message will be displayed stating that you need to have administrator rights to delete these folders. Check the box so that this dialog does not appear again and click on the "Continue" button.

Some folders and files from this list cannot be deleted, because they are also used by the system. A corresponding window will be displayed on the screen.

Do not click on the "Repeat" button, this action will cause this window to appear again, click on the skip button by checking the box on the execution of a similar command for all similar objects. To delete these particular directories and files, you must use another tool, for example, "Unlocker", which can be downloaded from the link.

After you have installed this software (by the way, it consumes a minimum of resources and it is absolutely not necessary to remove it from autorun), re-search all directories and files in the system partition. Select them all, right-click and click on the "Unlocker" line.

After that, a security window may appear, in which you need to click on the "Yes" button.

To prevent such a window from being displayed, click on the "Configure the issuance of such notifications" link and move the slider to the very bottom. After that, the security window will never be displayed.

The Unlocker window will open in front of you. Select “Delete” from the pop-up menu and confirm the action.

The process will start, after which a window will appear indicating that the object has been deleted.

Searching again will confirm that all traces of Avast Free Antivirus have been permanently removed.

After that, you just need to delete the entries in the registry. To do this, press Win + R, enter regedit in the field and click "OK".

In the registry window that appears, search for the word Avast. Remember that the mentioned word can be not only in the name, but also in the meaning. To search, click Ctrl + F and enter the specified word.

If the value was found, right-click on it and select "Delete" and confirm the intended operation.

In the same way, it is necessary to delete those records, in the name of which there is no mention of Avast, but they are present in the value field. Right-click on them and select "Delete".

Having reached the end of the list, the operating system will display a message that the search is complete and there are no more items with the specified word.

This completes the uninstallation process for Avast Free Antivirus. According to this scheme, you can remove not only this anivirus, but any other.

In contact with

Having decided to replace the Avast antivirus with another, you must first remove it from the system. Moreover, this must be done thoroughly, since its residual files can significantly slow down the system. On top of that, they can make it impossible to install a new antivirus. As a result, the question of how to remove Avast from Windows 10 is more relevant than ever.
You can completely remove Avast in one of the following ways:

  • standard Windows tools followed by cleaning the registry;
  • the Avast utility;
  • special programs.

The process of removing antivirus using Windows tools, followed by cleaning the registry

After the actions taken, the program will, of course, be deleted, but will leave its mark on the system, which will prevent the installation of a new antivirus. You can delete it in the system registry.

Removing antivirus with Avast utility

This utility is completely free and easy to use. First, you need to download and install it on your computer. You can download it from the "Support" section on the official website From the drop-down menu, select the "Downloads" item, and then you will see a page on which you need to select the "Uninstall utility" item. Or just follow the link - The utility download process will start when you click the link avastclear.exe.
After the download is complete, the utility must be run as administrator. You can select this type of launch by right-clicking on the utility icon. The developers recommend running the utility in safe mode, which, in fact, it will ask for at startup. Click "Yes", after which it will reboot the computer into safe mode and offer to select the installed antivirus from the drop-down menu. After selecting the desired one, click "Delete". After that, the process of uninstalling the program will start, after which it will be necessary to restart the computer.

As a rule, this utility completely removes the antivirus from the system. You can verify this by checking the registry for program remnants. If a search by name does not return anything, then your computer is clean and you can install another antivirus.

Removing Avast with special programs

Since cleaning the registry is not within the power of all users and requires certain skills and knowledge, programmers have developed many programs to simplify their removal. This includes the Revo Uninstaller Pro utility. With its help, a novice PC user can also cope with uninstalling the program.

The utility is launched after uninstalling the program with the native uninstaller, after which the computer is not rebooted by selecting the "Restart later" item. In the utility window that opens, select the "Advanced" scan type and click on "Scan". The utility will find all the anti-virus files remaining in the system and display them on the screen. Delete them by first clicking on "Select All" and then "Delete" and "Finish".

Now all that remains is to empty the trash and restart the computer, after which the antivirus will be completely removed.

You can uninstall Avast antivirus using standard Microsoft Windows tools or using a special utility.

Choose a removal method:


2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " Programs and Features"(Or section" Programs", and then - " Programs and Features»):

4. In the window " Programs and Features

Avast select the tab “ Deleting" and press " Further»:

8. Click " Yes" (or " Yes

To restart a computer" and press " Done»:

Program Files

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section "":

4. In the window " Installation and removal of programms»Select the program you want to remove;

5. Click on the " Delete"(Or the button" Edit»);

Avast select the tab “ Deleting" and press " Further»:

7. Click " Yes" (or " Yes"), If you are prompted to delete:

To restart a computer" and press " Done»:

When you uninstall a third-party antivirus using standard Microsoft Windows tools, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the “ Program Files"After restarting the computer. If the folder contains folders and files of a third-party anti-virus, then they must also be deleted and the computer rebooted.


Avast ESET NOD32.

Safe mode" or " Safe Mode»:

5. Then press " Uninstall

To uninstall a third-party antivirus yourself using standard Microsoft Windows tools, follow these steps:

Specify the operating system. For users of the operating system Windows Vista / 7. For users of the Windows XP operating system.

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " Programs and Features"(Or section" Programs", and then - " Programs and Features»):

4. In the window " Programs and Features»Select the program you want to remove;

5. Double click the left mouse button on the program name;

6. Confirm that you really want to uninstall the program;

7. In the antivirus removal program window that opens Avast select the tab “ Deleting" and press " Further»:

8. Click " Yes" (or " Yes"), If you are prompted to delete:

9. Wait until the end of the deletion, check the box " To restart a computer" and press " Done»:

When uninstalling a third-party antivirus using standard Microsoft Windows tools, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the “ Program Files"After restarting the computer. If the folder contains folders and files of a third-party anti-virus, then they must also be deleted and the computer rebooted.

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " Installation and removal of programms»:

4. In the window " Installation and removal of programms»Select the program you want to remove;

5. Click on the " Delete"(Or the button" Edit»);

6. In the opened window of the anti-virus removal program Avast select the tab “ Deleting" and press " Further»:

7. Click " Yes" (or " Yes"), If you are prompted to delete:

8. Wait until the end of the deletion, check the " To restart a computer" and press " Done»:

When you uninstall a third-party antivirus using standard Microsoft Windows tools, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the “ Program Files"After restarting the computer. If the folder contains folders and files of a third-party anti-virus, then they must also be deleted and the computer rebooted.

To uninstall a third-party antivirus yourself using standard Microsoft Windows tools, follow these steps:

Specify the operating system. For users of the operating system Windows Vista / 7. For users of the Windows XP operating system.

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " Programs and Features"(Or section" Programs", and then - " Programs and Features»):

4. In the window " Programs and Features»Select the program you want to remove;

5. Double click the left mouse button on the program name;

6. Confirm that you really want to uninstall the program;

7. In the antivirus removal program window that opens Avast select the tab “ Deleting" and press " Further»:

8. Click " Yes" (or " Yes"), If you are prompted to delete:

9. Wait until the end of the deletion, check the box " To restart a computer" and press " Done»:

When uninstalling a third-party antivirus using standard Microsoft Windows tools, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the “ Program Files"After restarting the computer. If the folder contains folders and files of a third-party anti-virus, then they must also be deleted and the computer rebooted.

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " Installation and removal of programms»:

4. In the window " Installation and removal of programms»Select the program you want to remove;

5. Click on the " Delete"(Or the button" Edit»);

6. In the opened window of the anti-virus removal program Avast select the tab “ Deleting" and press " Further»:

7. Click " Yes" (or " Yes"), If you are prompted to delete:

8. Wait until the end of the deletion, check the " To restart a computer" and press " Done»:

When you uninstall a third-party antivirus using standard Microsoft Windows tools, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the “ Program Files"After restarting the computer. If the folder contains folders and files of a third-party anti-virus, then they must also be deleted and the computer rebooted.

You need to try uninstalling your antivirus first Avast standard Microsoft Windows tools.

In some cases, after removing the antivirus Avast and restarting the computer, entries may remain in the system registry of the operating system, due to which it is impossible to install the antivirus ESET NOD32.

To resolve this situation, follow the instructions:

1. Save the special utility (aswclear.exe file) on your computer desktop:

2. Restart the computer in "safe mode" - when the computer boots, press the F8 key and in the appeared boot selection window select " Safe mode" or " Safe Mode»:

3. After booting in "safe mode" find and run the downloaded aswclear.exe file;

4. In the window that opens, select the product to uninstall, if it was not automatically selected:

5. Then press " Uninstall»And confirm that you want to uninstall this program:

6. If the deletion was successful, you will see the line “ Program was successfully removed". Then close the window and restart your computer:

ESET does not assume responsibility for the result of this utility, as this software product is provided by a third-party antivirus developer.
We strongly recommend that you contact specialists for help when using a special utility to remove a third-party antivirus.

You need to try uninstalling your antivirus first Avast standard Microsoft Windows tools.

In some cases, after removing the antivirus Avast and restarting the computer, entries may remain in the system registry of the operating system, due to which it is impossible to install the antivirus ESET NOD32.

To resolve this situation, follow the instructions:

1. Save the special utility (aswclear.exe file) on your computer desktop:

2. Restart the computer in "safe mode" - when the computer boots, press the F8 key and in the appeared boot selection window select " Safe mode" or " Safe Mode»:

3. After booting in "safe mode" find and run the downloaded aswclear.exe file;

4. In the window that opens, select the product to uninstall, if it was not automatically selected:

5. Then press " Uninstall»And confirm that you want to uninstall this program:

6. If the deletion was successful, you will see the line “ Program was successfully removed". Then close the window and restart your computer:

ESET does not assume responsibility for the result of this utility, as this software product is provided by a third-party antivirus developer.
We strongly recommend that you contact specialists for help when using a special utility to remove a third-party antivirus.

If you need help removing a third-party antivirus, then you can contact our free technical support.

There are cases when it is impossible to remove Avast antivirus using the standard method. This can happen for various reasons, for example, when the uninstaller file is damaged or deleted. But before turning to the professionals with a request: "Help, I can not remove Avast!", You can try to correct the situation with your own hands. Let's see how to do this.

First of all, you should try to use the Avast Uninstall Utility, which is a utility from the Avast developer.

To do this, go to the system in Safe Mode, run the utility, and in the window that opens, click on the delete button.

The utility performs the uninstallation process, and reboots the computer.

If this method does not help, there is another option. There are special applications for forced removal of programs. One of the best of them is the Uninstall Tool.

Launch the Uninstall Tool application. In the list of programs that opens, look for the name Avast Free Antivirus. Click on the "Forced deletion" button.

A warning window pops up. It says that using this removal method will not launch the program's uninstaller, but will simply delete all existing files, folders and registry entries associated with this application. In some cases, such removal may be incorrect, so it should only be used when all other methods did not give the expected result.

Suppose that we really cannot remove Avast in other ways, so in the dialog box, click the "Yes" button.

The computer starts scanning for the presence of Avast anti-virus elements.

After the scan is completed, we are provided with a list of folders, files and entries in the system registry that relate to this antivirus. If desired, we can uncheck any item, thereby undoing its deletion. But it is not recommended to do this in practice, because if we decide to remove the program in this way, then it is better to do it completely, without a trace. Therefore, just click on the "Delete" button.

The process of deleting Avast files is in progress. Most likely, the Uninstall Tool will require a computer restart to completely uninstall. After rebooting, Avast will be completely removed from the system.

As you can see, there are several ways to remove Avast, if it is not removed by the standard method. But, using forced deletion is recommended only as a last resort.