How to delete page internet explorer. Disable IE through program access settings and defaults. Command line uninstall

Windows 10 ships with Microsoft Edge as the default web browser for the modern Internet. Some websites using older technologies will not load correctly in Edge. For this reason, Microsoft continues to ship its browser to offer compatibility support for older web pages. If you rarely use older sites that require IE 11, or you are using a different web browser: Chrome or Firefox as an alternative to loading some pages, then you can completely remove Internet Explorer from Windows 10.

Let's get started on how to remove Internet Explorer from Windows 10

  1. Click Search.
  2. Enter control panel in the line.
  3. Select from the list.
  4. Click on "Programs" (remove programs).

In the opened window:

  1. Enabling, disabling components.
  2. Find IE in the list. Disable it.
  3. Agree to the warning. Reboot your computer.

After completing these steps, "Internet Explorer" is no longer available on your computer. You won't find it listed on the Start menu. Removing the web browser will not permanently remove from your system, which means that you can restore the application at any time. It will simply shut down completely and not function. If you change your mind, you can use the same steps mentioned above. I do not recommend deleting "Internet Explorer 11" completely. Microsoft Edge is still under development. Explorer will help you sometimes load some web pages that use old web technologies.

Microsoft Internet Explorer installed in any Windows operating system leaves much to be desired. Undoubtedly, it has a large audience of users, and it occupies a solid position in the frequency of its use by ordinary people, but there is only one explanation for this - its mandatory integration into the OS and almost forced use of its modules in the work of another Microsoft product - in Explorer ... Let's leave the disputes about usability and speed of web surfing under the control of Explorer-aesthetes. Let's find out better how to uninstall Windows Internet Explorer!

Why uninstall Internet Explorer

It goes without saying that no one forces you to use this browser as the main one on your computer. You can install absolutely any product, Chrome from Google, for example, and leave Windows Internet Explorer as a "substitute" in case of failure or failure of the main one.

But it's true, there are situations when you need to know how to remove Internet Explorer permanently and completely. An example of this is a conflict between the software you need and the new version of Explorer. Here you will have to think about how to find an alternative to the necessary software ... or how to remove Explorer!

Uninstalling Explorer in Windows XP

In order to uninstall Explorer completely on a Windows XP machine, you will have to do the following:

  1. To get started, log in to the system (log in) with computer administrator rights. This will give you the ability to manipulate OS functions that the average user does not even know about.
  2. Press the key combination Win + R.
  3. Type "cmd.exe" without quotes in the line and press Enter.
  4. In the window that opens, enter the following: appwiz.cpl and press Enter. You will launch the Computer Control Panel component that allows you to uninstall the software.
  5. Select the Show updates check box if it was not selected.
  6. Find the line "Service Pack 3". Unfortunately, we will have to ditch the latest XP service pack if we want to uninstall Explorer. We remove the service pack by clicking the "Remove" button.
  7. Now you need to disable Explorer itself. How to uninstall Explorer 7 eg. Find Internet Explorer itself among the "Windows Components". Uncheck the box and click OK. After rebooting your system, you will get rid of Explorer completely.

Uninstalling Explorer in Windows 7.

The algorithm will be slightly modified and simplified.

  1. Start - Control Panel - Programs and Features.
  2. Find the link "Turn Windows features on / off" on the left side of the window.
  3. Follow the link.
  4. After waiting a little (it will take some time to form the list of components), find Explorer in the list.
  5. Uncheck the box next to it, click OK (or Yes).

You have successfully uninstalled Internet Explorer in Windows 7!

Users who have good alternative browser programs are wondering how to remove standard IE (Internet Explorer) in Windows 7 and higher. How to make sure that there is no trace of this classic program?

Standard way

Even though Microsoft leaves its application with each version to provide connectivity with the network. Even though they do not meet the user's requirements and do not allow them to function normally on the network.

In practice, it is simply impossible to remove the program completely.

All that an ordinary user can do is to disable it so that it does not open and install into the system as a program that works with a network, images, and so on.

This precaution was introduced in the event that any browser is damaged and to access the network, IE will become available to you again.

Well, turning it off is available in two more ways that you can apply right now.

1. The first way to disable IE

It is very easy to uninstall IE on Windows 7 and above.

Since 2009, Microsoft has realized that the browser is not to the liking of power users. When in 10 windows you can see an application that has come to replace the classic browser - Spartan.
- To remove IE, enter the OS using an entry with all admin rights. Otherwise, you will not be able to make changes to the application.
- The next step is to close all applications that might interfere with the tasks to uninstall Explorer.
- The last step is several stages:
1. Go to PU through "Start";
2. We are looking for the section "Programs and Features";
3. On the left side, go to the item highlighted on the screen:

Now a special window will appear, required for Vindos.

It is better not to touch most of them at all, so as not to disrupt the work of applications. IE is also on this list, removing it will not harm the system.

We find the browser by the name itself and uncheck it, do not pay attention to the warning entries. After a while, the system will be cleared and the browser will be deleted.

2. Remove IE from command line

The second and final option for uninstalling Explorer is through the command line. You will need to spend the same amount of time as the first method, although the second method is a little more difficult for inexperienced users.
You can run the command line in 2 ways:
- Through the start, go to the "All programs" section and find it in the sub-item " Standard»;

- Run the program through a key combination Win + R, and then we type CMD and confirm the action ENTER.

The user should enter the following command in the CMD field: FORFILES / P% WINDIR% \\ sеrvicing \\ Packages / M Micrоsоft-Windоws-InternetExplоrеr - *. Mum / с "cmd / с echo Uninstalling package @ fnаme && start / w рkgmgr / up: @ fnоstаme /
The screen will show a plate in the form of an error, do not pay attention and click "OK". On the C drive, if it is a system one, we find the browser, select it and select Unlocker from the menu, which will allow you to uninstall the program without problems.

3. Alternative methods

On XP, Win 8, 10 - the actions are similar, in addition to all this, on new versions it is much easier to do this:
1. Programs and Features

Today browsers are the main software for Internet access. The most popular are Opera, Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. However, Microsoft offers a browser such as Internet Explorer with its Windows operating systems. In fact, each of the browsers listed above has a huge number of advantages over the built-in Windows, but we will not talk about the differences, but about how to remove this software from the system. Any of the proposed removal options can be applied regardless of which version of Internet Explorer is installed.

How to disable the explorer

The procedure is performed in the following sequence.

  1. It should be understood that the described uninstallation process is actually just a shutdown procedure, but it will not go anywhere from the system. If you need urgent access to the Internet, for example, if the main browser is out of order, you can return the disabled application to work.

How to uninstall Internet Explorer

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, you will not be able to completely remove Internet Explorer, but it is possible to clear additional space by uninstalling a newer version. After the procedure described below, it will still be necessary to disable the component using the algorithm above, but at the same time the amount of free space on the system disk will increase.

To implement this method, just go to the update removal section, the path to which can be seen in the screenshot.

  1. After rebooting the computer after the uninstallation procedure is completed, the user will see a completion message and that the starting version has been restored, which was in the assembly when the operating system was installed. Usually these are versions from 7 to 10, because the newest to date is 11.

Now the main task is to disable the automatic procedure for updating this element of the system.

The most popular browsers in the world today are clearly not Microsoft's credit. Therefore, we will leave it with the right to produce great operating systems, and we will use the more familiar Opera, Chrome or Mozilla browsers. The instructions described in the article are enough to perform all the actions yourself. The main thing is to carefully monitor what is highlighted in the section with disabling system components and updates, since the error may cost the device to work incorrectly.

A modern Internet user sometimes has the question of how to completely remove Internet Explorer in windows 7 - that is, completely get rid of this almost unnecessary program, leaving instead more functional, fast and easy-to-use browsers - Mozilla, Opera, Chrome and even Yandex or Tor ...

Indeed, while Microsoft's developers have persisted in building this networking application into their operating systems, they fall short of the requirements of most users.

As the practice of removing the program shows, it is impossible to completely get rid of it.

All the user can do is turn off the browser so that it does not open links or install itself as the default launcher for images, web pages, and even PDFs.

Thus, if desired (or if all other browsers are corrupted by a virus), the user can always bring IE back, download a new antivirus with it, return old applications and uninstall again.

And you can turn it off in just two main ways, which even a person who is not too computer-savvy can apply.

Uninstalling any version of IE application in windows 7 is much easier compared to most other operating systems.

Since, apparently, the developers of the system already in 2009 assumed that the majority of users would not like the built-in browser. Whereas in Windows 10, the more progressive Spartan application is already installed by default.

  • First of all, to be able to remove IE, you must log into the OS using an administrator account. Otherwise, the system will simply prevent the user from making changes to system applications.
  • The second step is to close all applications that might interfere with the quick completion of the Internet Explorer removal task.
  • The third step consists of several stages:
  1. Entering the control panel through the "Start" menu;
  2. Opening the section of programs and components;
  3. Going in the upper left part of the window to install and uninstall an operating system component.

Entering the Internet Explorer Disable Menu

As a result, a window of programs that are required for windows will appear.

And, although it is better not to touch most of them, so as not to disrupt the operation of applications (for example, some games created with java will not start without the Net Framework), IE can be freely removed without fear of damaging the system.

Applications and utilities required for Windows 7

In this list, you should find the name of the browser (for example, this is IE 8) and uncheck it, not paying attention to the messages that appear about possible changes to other programs. After a while, it will take the system to uninstall the browser,

Disable Internet Explorer 8

All removal actions may apply not only to the eighth version of IE, but also to earlier and later parts.

Back to menu

Another option for uninstalling an unneeded program involves using the command line. It will take about the same amount of time to complete as the first one, although the level of complexity of user actions is slightly higher.

The command line is launched in two ways:

  • Selecting the start menu item "All programs" and the sub-item "Standard";

Go to the command line via the Start menu

  • Launching first the command execution window (Win + R keys), and then typing the cmd command.

Alternative way to start command line

Now the user is required to enter the following text in the command line window: FORFILES / P% WINDIR% \\ sеrvicing \\ Packages / M Micrоsоft-Windоws-InternetExplorer - *. Mum / с "cmd / с echo Uninstalling package @ fnаme && stаrt / w рkgm up: @ fnаme / nоrеstаrt "(observing all signs and spaces) and press" Enter ".

When an error message appears on the screen, select "OK" and find the IE program on the system disk, select it, right-click and select the Unlocker utility from the menu that appears.

When the utility starts, select the "Delete" and "Unblock everything" options in its window, and then restart the computer. Sometimes, to fix the result, the actions are repeated - in this case, IE, unlike the first method, is permanently deleted.

Back to menu

The differences in uninstalling Internet Explorer in windows XP, 8 and windows 10 are not too different. In addition, in the latest versions of the operating system from Microsoft, it is even easier to do this:

  • Selecting the item "Programs and Features";
  • By clicking "Turn Windows components on or off";
  • Finding IE 11 in the list (this is the version that will be on new systems);
  • Uncheck;
  • To restart a computer.

After rebooting, you will not find any "Explorer" in the lists of default programs or browsers that open links. And you can use any other programs for working with the network.

Back to menu

When uninstalling any version of the IE browser, regardless of the reason why you intend to do so, you should take into account that its complete absence can lead to some problems.

And, if you do not have another application installed to access the network, and Explorer has already been completely removed, you may even need to reinstall the system or transfer the browser installation files from other computers.

Therefore, when destroying any reminders of this program from Microsoft, provide for the possibility of installing other applications such as Opera or Chrome (which can be done, for example, by saving their installation files to a non-system disk or external media).

How to completely uninstall Internet Explorer on windows 7 - 2 working ways

How to remove the standard Internet Explorer browser in Windows 7

The abundance of programs for viewing Web pages - the so-called Internet browsers - forces users to constantly make difficult choices.

Some browsers win with their design, others with a user-friendly interface, others with functionality, and others with unpretentiousness and size. Everyone chooses for themselves, in accordance with their interests, needs and capabilities of the available computer.

By installing one browser, others are sometimes removed. This is done in order not to receive periodically idiotic and annoying messages, like - "Do you want to consider me the default Internet browser?" Internet Explorer 11 is the least popular version of this type of programs in our latitudes. How to remove internet explorer in Windows 7 - will be the subject of our further consideration.

Explorer 11 is the latest version of the MS browser released under this brand. There is practically no benefit from it in the system, unless you are a fan of programming web pages in VBScript or have some super-valuable content containing ActiveX components.

That is, if you are not a developer or user of software developed specifically for this browser, then it is best to remove it from your computer - there is still no sense in it.

Another reason to remove Internet Explorer 11 is its "glitchiness". In the end, if you suddenly need it, then reinstalling this Windows component is not problematic.

Uninstall Internet Explorer

To remove Internet Explorer 11 from your computer, you need to follow steps like the following:

  • Go to "Control Panel".
  • Select "Uninstall a program".
  • A window opens with a list of programs that can be removed or reinstalled from the computer.
  • In this window, click on the link "View installed updates" - it is located in the upper left corner of the window.
  • Then a list of windows components opens, including Internet Explorer 11.
  • Select the line with the Internet Explorer 11.
  • Click on the "Delete" button that appears on top.
  • Accept the offer to uninstall the program, wait for its destruction and reboot the system.

Now Internet Explorer 11 no longer works by itself and will not interfere with your work. To re-include this program in the list of installed software, you will need to reinstall it. If IE 10 or earlier replaces the eleventh version, uninstall it using the same panel.

Another way to uninstall IE 11 is related to the command line functionality:

  • We call the console.
  • We enter something like this into the command line:

We press on "Enter" and do not forget to reboot the system. After all these manipulations, IE will disappear from disk and memory. We hope that the information we have provided regarding uninstalling IE will be useful to you.

How to remove Internet Explorer for Windows 7: the answer is here

In the article I will answer the question of how to remove the Internet Explorer for Windows 7 in all possible ways. I will say right away that you can forget about the standard removal method, it will work in one case out of a thousand. Let's start with the simplest and most ineffective way.

How to disable Internet Explorer in the standard way

The standard removal method is aimed at the very first versions of Windows 7 in which the explorer was installed as a standard program. That is, it was enough to enter the control panel and find the item uninstall programs.

There may be internet explorer in this list, but again, this may be 1 in 1000, we do all the actions on behalf of the administrator. And then we delete everything as standard and that's it.

How to remove Internet Explorer 11, 9 and 8 on Windows 7 via updates

This method will not answer one hundred percent how to remove the Internet Explorer for Windows 7, but it will help in 30% of cases. For the procedure, you must also enter the control panel and select uninstall programs, then click on the link "view installed updates".

You need to find an Internet Explorer in the list. I warn you that it may not be there, then we boldly go to the third method, if we find it, we continue.

  1. Select the line.
  2. Click on "delete", either from the top, or with the right mouse button and also "delete".

Eliminate downloads and updates

The fact is that if you even removed the exlorer, then when you update Windows, it can reinstall itself on the computer. To prevent this from happening, you must cancel the automatic update. We go to the control panel, see the screenshot.

  1. We expose "large badges".
  2. We go to the "windows update center".

Updating explorer is optional, so click on the link shown in the image.

  1. We mark with the mouse internet explorer its version.
  2. Next, click "hide update".
  3. Click ok.
  4. They will offer to restart the computer, we agree.

Note. If you still have the explorer on your computer, then you have uninstalled version 11, then do it all over again, because the Internet Explorer 11 uninstall field will appear 9 or 8. Doing it again will permanently delete this installed browser.

We completely remove the Internet exlorer through deactivation

The very last way, it will not remove the explorer from the computer, it just deactivates it. I had a seven in the basic version, and when I clicked on the view of installed updates in the list, I did not find the browser. Then a simple deactivation will come to the rescue, let it lie on the hard disk (11 MB is not a pity), but it will not participate in the work of the computer. To do this, go to the control panel and uninstall programs. Then click on enable or disable windows components.

The entire list of installed standard applications will be displayed. Find internet explorer and uncheck it.

To complete, you need to reboot the system, which will be suggested by Windows itself. This method is suitable for all versions of internet explorer: 11, 9 and 8 inclusive. And on all versions of Windows 7: basic, home and maximum, because it does not come to uninstall.

There are many articles on the Internet where they operate through the command line, I strongly advise against using these methods, so as not to violate the integrity of the system.

A short video about this operation.

I answered the question of how to remove Internet Explorer on Windows 7 in three ways. Use the third method as a priority, it is not necessary to delete system programs, it is better to deactivate them.

How can I uninstall Internet Explorer browser (Internet Explorer)

For some, a little blue letter on the taskbar is the browser icon Internet Explorer is a cherished entrance to the global network. Clicked on it, and here's a search engine, and here are your favorite sites. You don't need to connect, install anything. Beauty and convenience are, so to speak, default.

Well, for some, this same object, that is, IE, is a reason for jokes and creating memes, a "stumbling block" in the process of imposing web pages, and to be honest, a source of user irritation.

So, the last group of comrades, extremely indignant, strives to remove Internet Explorer in windows. And doubts about the success of this enterprise do not always stop them. Those endowed with experience, of course, can carry out their plans. But the newcomers, having pretty much poked around the computer, again observe a browser on the display, which, in fact, in their opinion, should not be. And again they ask themselves a rhetorical question: "Is it possible to delete it altogether, in principle ?!"

Why is IE not uninstalling?

To uninstall Internet Explorer in windows 7, 8 or old XP, you need to use special software mechanisms. Regular removal through the activation of the uninstaller will not help here. And even more so, transferring files to the trash will not help (if you drag the folder where the browser is located to its shortcut on the desktop).

Why is that? It's very simple - IE is integrated (built-in) into the windows operating system. It is an integral part of it, like other related applications (Notepad, Calculator, Player, etc.) It will not be possible to completely remove it (in the usual sense of this standard procedure). But it is quite possible to disable, remove from the user's field of view. It will look in the bowels of the computer, figuratively speaking, as a kind of "de-energized module".

How do I disable IE?

1. Click the "Start" shortcut. Select Control Panel from the menu bar.

2. Go to the "Uninstall a program" options window (in the "Programs" submenu).

3. In the vertical list of functions on the left, open the "Enable or disable components ..." setting.

4. In the list of components, uncheck the box next to "Internet Explorer" (uncheck the box with a mouse click).

5. Confirm the activation of the function in the "Windows Components" window: click "Yes".

6. Wait until the settings are changed. Click OK.

7. Reboot the OS.

That's all. Now IE, with all the desire to use it will not work. It is deactivated.

Internet Explorer repair

And if suddenly, for some reason, you need to restore the deleted IE, follow the instructions above again, but in point # 4, instead of disconnecting, connect (check the box).

How do I uninstall IE updates (newer version)?

It also happens that a more complicated question arises before the user: "How can I uninstall Internet Explorer of the new version and return the previous version?" For example, remove IE10 and restore IE9.

Fortunately, it can be solved quite easily. To cancel the update, follow the procedure below: 1. Go to the "Control Panel" via "Start".

2. Go to the "Uninstall a program" options window.

3. From the menu (on the left side of the window), click View Installed Updates. Wait a bit: the OS will load and display a list.

4. Find IE among the updates (for example, Internet Explorer 11).

5. Click on it with the left button. Click "Delete" (function in the top bar).

6. Restart windows.

If all steps of the uninstallation procedure are followed correctly, the previous version of IE will be activated again.

Dedicated solution for Internet Explorer 9

If you are unable to uninstall the ninth version of the browser, follow the instructions below:

1. Open the page in the browser - (official technical support Microsoft).

2. Choose one of the three suggested solutions to fix the problem and proceed:

  • fix it wizard (you need to run a special program that automatically turns off IE);
  • executing a command in CMD (entering a disable directive on the command line);
  • system restore (windows are rolled back to the restore point before OS updates, including IE).

To search for solutions for other versions of the browser (8, 10 and 11), use the "Find information" field on the technical support site: enter a request and press "Enter".

How to completely uninstall Explorer in windows 7

Users who have good alternative browser programs are wondering how to remove standard IE (Internet Explorer) in windows 7 and higher. How to make sure that there is no trace of this classic program?

Standard way

Even though Microsoft leaves its application behind with each version to provide connectivity to the network. Despite the fact that they do not meet the user's requirements and do not allow them to function normally on the network. In practice, it is simply impossible to uninstall the program completely. All that an ordinary user can do is to disable it so that it does not open and install into the system as a program that works with a network, images and other. This precaution was introduced in the event that any browser is damaged and to access the network, IE will again become available to you. Well, turning it off is available in two more ways that you can apply right now.

1. The first way to disable IE

It is very easy to uninstall IE in windows 7 and above. Since 2009, Microsoft realized that the browser does not like advanced users. When in 10 Windows you can see an application that has come to replace the classic browser - Spartan. - To remove IE, enter the OS using an entry with all admin rights. Otherwise, you will not be able to make changes to the application. - The next step is to close all applications that might interfere with the tasks to uninstall Explorer.- The last step is several stages: 1. Go to PU through "Start"; 2. We are looking for the "Programs and Features" section; 3. On the left side, go to the item highlighted on the screen: Now a special window will appear, which is necessary for Vindos. It is better not to touch most of them at all so that the work of applications is not disrupted. IE is also on this list, removing it will not harm the system.
We find the browser by the name itself and uncheck it, do not pay attention to the warning entries. After a while, the system will be cleared and the browser will be deleted.

2. Remove IE from command line

The second and final option for uninstalling Explorer is through the command line. You will need to spend the same amount of time as the first method, although the second method is a little more difficult for inexperienced users. You can run the command line in 2 ways:

Through the start, go to the "All programs" section and find it in the "Standard" sub-item;