How to remove everything from the wall in contact. How to clean a wall in VK quickly: save time on cleaning! Deletion using script and address bar

Entries on the wall of a personal profile in the social network Vkontakte, individually or all at once, may at some point in time dislike the user. And, of course, he will want to get rid of them (remove photos, audio, video, etc.). However, how long will it take for him to "clean up"?

If there are 5-10 notes in the tape, then no more than a minute, but if there are 300, 500, 1000 - then ... It turns out the same - just as quickly! But provided that the account owner knows how to clean the Vkontakte wall with special software. All the effective and, most importantly, safe removal methods are presented to your attention.

Standard social network function

In order to selectively remove posts on the wall (in a small amount) of VKontakte, it is absolutely not necessary to use specialized cleaning tools. It will be enough to work with the mouse a little (without third-party programs):

1. In the feed, in the news block that you want to delete, move the cursor to the upper right corner.

2. A cross icon will appear. Click on it to remove the entry from VKontakte.

VkOpt addon

The multifunctional VkOpt extension, which increases the comfort of using the VKontakte website, is supported by all popular Internet browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera). Allows you to instantly clean the entire wall at once.

Installation instructions

(for Google Chrome)
1. Click on the "three stripes" icon on the right side of the browser panel.

2. In the menu that opens, select the "Settings" item.

3. Go to the "Extensions" section (left-click on its name).

4. At the bottom of the list of installed add-ons, click on the "More extensions" link.

5. In a new tab, on the Chrome web store page, in the "Search" field, type - Vkopt. Press Enter.

6. In the search results, in the addon block (it is the first in the list!), Click on the "Install" button.

You can also install the extension to the browser directly on the developer's official website:

1. Open the site -

2. On the main page, click on "Download Page".

3. Scroll down the download web page slightly. Then click on the "Install" button (it shows the Google Chrome logo).

Removal procedure

1. Log into your account on the VKontakte website.

2. At the first start VkOpt will offer to select the interface language. Select the appropriate option from the tiled menu.

3. In the profile menu (to the left of the avatar), click the "Wall" section.

4. On the new page, in the upper panel, open the "Actions" drop-down menu by clicking the mouse.

5. Select the "Clear Wall" function. After activating it, the entries will completely disappear.


Special scripts that allow you to quickly remove the wall are integrated into the code of your VKontakte personal page using various methods.

Important! Regardless of the implementation method used, use scripts exclusively from developers you can trust. Otherwise, your account may be hacked.

Method # 1: manual installation

(only for Google Chrome)
1. Login to VK.

2. On the open profile tab, press the F12 key. Or, in the browser menu, open: Additional Tools → Developer Tools.

3. An additional panel will open on the left side of the page. In its horizontal menu, click the - "icon (located near the" Profiles "section).

4. From the drop-down menu, click "Console".

5. In the last line of the list of items, after the "\u003e" sign, paste this code:

for (var i \u003d 1; i

(copy - "CTRL + C"; paste - "CTRL + V")

Note. If there are more than 530 posts on the wall, set “i

6. To delete all entries from the wall, activate the code by pressing the "Enter" key.

Method # 2: using addons

(solutions for Firefox)

Note. The instructions for Firebug and Greasemonkey do not include custom scripts, since they quickly lose their relevance (that is, they lose their performance) due to the fact that developers are constantly modernizing the design and functionality of VK. New solutions (scripts) can be found on specialized forums and social network communities.


1. Download and install the extension (

2. Click the "bug" icon on the top bar of your browser. The addon menu will open at the bottom of the window.

3. Click the mouse to activate the Console tab.

4. Paste the script into the right block.

5. Click on the "Run" function.

Note. This option also allows you to clear the wall in the social group as well.


1. Install the extension from the page -

2. Open the addon menu: Tools → Greasemonkey.

3. Click on the "Create Script ..." option. Enter the script code in the panel that opens. Or drag the script file to the Firefox window and confirm its installation.

Quickly clean your VKontakte wall!

Once upon a time, there was a function on VKontakte to delete all posts on the wall with one click, but it did not work for long. It was quickly removed for security reasons, as users often deleted the information they needed without the possibility of its recovery.

But, as time has shown, the need remained. And today the question "" remains relevant. In this article I will give an answer to it, I will tell you about several methods and programs.

When do you need to delete records?

I cannot give an exact answer to this question, since each case is individual. But more often than not, people want to clear the wall of their group because of too many old and no longer relevant posts.

Someone ceases to like such a wall, someone ceases to consider the information that was previously published as interesting, and someone even wants to change the topic of the community (although this is prohibited by the rules of the site).

Regardless of what goal you are pursuing, you can achieve it using the methods described below.

How do I clean the wall manually?

Now on VKontakte, without using third-party tools, you can only delete entries one by one. If there are hundreds or even thousands of posts on the public wall, then this method will be ineffective. But if there are few posts, then after spending just a few minutes, you can delete all unnecessary.

How to delete:

If desired, each post can be restored before refreshing the page.

This method is convenient because you can selectively delete posts on the wall. This way, you can leave the information you want and delete everything else.

Using scripts

Scripts allow you to delete all posts on the wall of a VK group at once. You don't need to download and install anything. All you need to do is:

  1. Open the VKontakte public page.
  2. Paste the following script into the address bar of your browser:

[email protected]@@ script: var h \u003d document.getElementsByClassName (“ui_actions_menu _ui_menu”); var i \u003d 0; function del_wall () (var fn_str \u003d h [i] .getElementsByTagName (“a”). onclick.toString (); var fn_arr_1 \u003d fn_str.split (“(“); var fn_arr_2 \u003d fn_arr_1.split ( “;”); Eval (fn_arr_2); if (i \u003d\u003d h.length) (clearInterval (int_id)) else (i ++)); var int_id \u003d setInterval (del_wall, 500);

  1. Remove @@@ after "Java".
  2. Press the key

Done! The script will immediately start its work and you will see how the posts on the wall begin to disappear.

There is another script that can also clean the wall. You need to use it a little differently:

(function () ('use strict'; if (! confirm ('Delete all posts from the wall?')) return; var deletePostLink \u003d document.body.querySelectorAll ('a.ui_actions_menu_item'); for (var i \u003d 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + ‘ posts deleted’); }());

  1. Press the Enter key.
  2. Confirm the action by clicking the "OK" button.

This process must be repeated as it only deletes the entries that are displayed on the page. Therefore, refresh the page and do the procedure again.

Applications for deleting records

And the third way to clear the group wall from unnecessary posts is to use third-party services. These are various programs and extensions for browsers.

The most popular extensions are:

  1. VkOpt
  2. VK Helper
  3. Instrumentum

All of them are free and to use it is enough to install them in your browser. After opening the extension, select the appropriate function.

In addition to extensions, there are bots that need to be downloaded and installed on your PC. The most popular are:

  1. VkOpt.
  2. VK Helper.
  3. Instrumentum.

The first service is paid (from 21 rubles / month), the second is free. Their advantage lies in the presence of a large list of tools for automating most of the routine processes in VC. With the help of such programs, you can not only clean your wall, but also promote your public in automatic mode.

Have you registered on Vkontakte a long time ago and have been using this social network for several years? Surely during this time you have accumulated a lot of different posts on your wall, reposts that you do not need? Unfortunately for many users, the Vkontakte social network does not provide the ability to delete all entries from the user's wall. Sometimes flipping through the entire tape on the wall is simply impossible.

Manually deleting all posts one by one takes a lot of time, especially if there are several hundred or even thousands of notes on the wall. There are several ways to quickly delete entries from the Vkontakte wall. Let's consider the fastest and most effective.

How to clear the Vkontakte wall from entries?

Removing records using viewing the code of page elements, each page on the Internet has its own code, editing which makes it possible to perform various manipulations with the content of this page. How to remove all posts from the wall using the page code?

You can go to right now and clear your wall of unnecessary entries.

The method of deleting posts from the wall on a Vkontakte page using the page element code is the most common way to delete posts. The user gets the opportunity to get rid of all unnecessary posts on the wall in automatic mode in a few minutes. In this case, there is no need to commit any monotonous actions. We hope this method of cleaning the wall from records has helped you.

If you know more ways to delete all entries, write in the comments.

Built-in VK tools allow you to delete any posts on the wall of a page or group. The only limitation is that you can wash only one post at a time, and not in batches. This gives users some inconvenience. How to immediately delete all entries in the VKontakte group?

Why you need to delete them

Posted posts on the wall persist throughout the lifetime of the community. They are not deleted on their own, only with the help of the person who manages this group.

The need to delete may arise due to changes in the basic information of the public, for example, the address or contact number, which are indicated in the posts. Or there is a need to update the group, which is why old posts just get in the way. Sometimes a person wants to start all over again - also an important reason.

How to clean everything in one go

As mentioned above, the built-in VK toolkit does not allow you to literally clean up posts in batches - only one piece at a time. It's one thing if there are several dozen entries. And if there are hundreds or even thousands of them? It will take a very long time.

The solution to the issue is the introduction of a special script (for more details on how to delete all entries on the wall of a VK group, read). Here's what you need to do:

The code looks like this:

(function () ('use strict'; if (! confirm ('Delete all posts from the wall?')) return; var deletePostLink \u003d document.body.querySelectorAll ('a.ui_actions_menu_item'); for (var i \u003d 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + ‘ posts deleted’); }());

How to delete only some posts

A major clean-up is not required, as you can remove individual posts. This can be solved through the standard functions of the social network. To remove this or that entry from your group, hover over the symbolized arrow in the upper right corner of the entry, and in the drop-down menu select "Delete entry". A notification appears that it has been deleted. It can be restored immediately. You can also erase other people's posts on your wall using a similar method. All this is also true for mobile applications running on Android or iOS.

Possible problems and solutions

There can be several problem situations:

Erasing all posts from the wall or individual posts is even easier than using cheat services and. All that is required is attention and a corresponding desire.

For more than 3-4 years. During this all the time on your wall there could be many posts that you repost or published yourself. One day, you will want to delete them all and clear your wall of old records. Now we will tell you how to do this in 10 seconds, even if you have a lot of posts on your wall.

How to clear the wall in Vkontakte through the Google Chrome browser?

For this method, you do not need any programs, and you will not need any extra programming knowledge either. As usual, we just use the entrance to "View Code"... And so we open the VK page on which you want to delete all entries on the wall. Click on the wall itself from above with the right button and select "View Code".

In the open window, go to the tab "Console", and put the cursor at the very bottom of all codes.

Then we copy this code and paste it there. After we press Enter:

var z \u003d document.getElementsByClassName ("post_actions"); var i \u003d 0; function del_wall () (var fn_str \u003d z [i] .getElementsByTagName ("div"). onclick.toString (); var fn_arr_1 \u003d fn_str.split ( "("); Var fn_arr_2 \u003d fn_arr_1.split (";"); eval (fn_arr_2); if (i \u003d\u003d z.length) (clearInterval (int_id)) else (i ++)); var int_id \u003d setInterval (del_wall, 1000);

The script will automatically start deleting entries, then just restart your computer and everything will be deleted, and your wall is empty. If the script does not run on, try on.

There is also another way to clean records from the wall on a page in VK. Via plugin VkOpt... It is very easy to download the plugin just by typing it into the search.

After installing the plugin, restart the browser and go to your wall. Enter the tab "All records" and in paragraph "Actions" choose "Clear the wall"

The cleaning will take place within 20-30 seconds depending on your number of entries.