How to leave classmates from the phone forever. How can you delete a page on classmates from your phone. Removing Social Media from iPhone

If you want to delete your page (profile) on Odnoklassniki, especially if you need to do this from an Android smartphone or iPhone, the social network itself does not really want you to do this, and therefore the search for the necessary settings is not obvious. However, it is possible and not very difficult.

This instruction details how to delete your page on Odnoklassniki from your phone completely and permanently, as well as a video where the whole process and additional nuances are clearly shown. On a similar topic: How to delete a VK page from a phone.

  • How to permanently delete a page on Odnoklassniki from your phone
  • Deleting a profile in Odnoklassniki - video instruction
  • Uninstalling OK app on Android and iPhone

Unfortunately, you cannot delete the Odnoklassniki profile in the official OK application on an Android phone or iPhone, but this can be done using any browser - Google Chrome, Yandex Browser or another, the procedure is as follows:

  1. In your browser on your phone, go to the site (just enter into the browser address bar).
  2. Log into Odnoklassniki in your browser with your username (or phone number, email address) and password. If you do not remember the email address or phone number to which the page was registered, you can see them in the Odnoklassniki application on your phone: open the menu - click "Go to profile" - "Settings" - "Personal data settings", there you will see this information, when if necessary, they can also be used to recover the password.

  3. Click on the menu button on the site in your browser, scroll down the menu items and select "Full version of the site", and then click Go. If at the same time you are asked to select an application with which to open the page, select the same browser in which you entered Odnoklassniki.

  4. The appearance of the page will change (it will now look like it does on a computer). Pay attention to the items under the menu on the left, in particular the item "More". If it opens when you click, select "Regulations" in it and go to step 7, if "More" does not open - open the "Help" item in the same place.

  5. On the help page, in the search box, enter "Terms of Service" or "License Agreement" and then click on "What is a License Agreement and where to find it."

  6. On the next page, click on "Here" in the explanations where you can read the license agreement. This action should take you to the page

  7. At the bottom of the text of the license agreement, click on the item "Refuse services"... If there is no such item, apparently Odnoklassniki switched to the mobile view again, try to select "Version for PC" or "Full version" in the browser menu on the phone to re-enable the view as on a computer and the item "Refuse services" was displayed.

  8. You will be taken to the OK account deletion page. In order to delete a page in Odnoklassniki, you will need to check the item why you are deleting your profile and enter the password, and then click the "Delete" button.

Keep in mind that despite the fact that the page will be deleted completely (i.e. not only the profile will be closed), you will still have the opportunity to restore it, and the page in Odnoklassniki will be permanently deleted only after 90 days.

If for some reason you cannot complete the 7th point, since Odnoklassniki is still displayed in a mobile form and there is no "Refuse services" item, try to do the same, but in a different browser.

Removing OK app from Android and iPhone

If, after deleting a page in Odnoklassniki, you also need to remove the application from your phone, then this is very simple to do:

  • On Android go to Settings - Applications, find the OK application in the list, click on it, and then click the "Uninstall" button.
  • On iPhone, hold down the Odnoklassniki app icon for a long time, and when a cross appears on the left in the corner, click on it to delete it.

This completes the complete deletion of the Odnoklassniki page, I hope you succeed.

It is very difficult to imagine the younger generation without a phone in hand and not spending all their free time on social media pages. Social networks are already an integral part of real life.

Despite the variety of messengers created for communication and instant exchange of multimedia or the latest news, the number of users of social networks is not decreasing. Site managers constantly come up with promotions that might tempt people to take advantage of them.

You can log into your own from both a computer and a mobile phone or tablet by installing a special application. And if the device's memory does not allow you to download this application, you can use the built-in browser by simply going to the official website Ok.

But the information world does not stand still. And every year there are new types of sites, messengers for people to communicate, regardless of any geographic distance. And, a person can use several social networks. But stop at one site that he uses more often. Which has a number of advantages from his point of view.

There are different reasons why users want forever. Some are users of another site, others for personal reasons. Still others believe that virtual communication has begun to take up a lot of personal time, someone is tired of annoying "friends" who write every minute. Or, the attackers just hacked the account and deleted all personal data.

Thanks to modern gadgets, the main device through which people sit on any social networks is a phone, a tablet. Consequently, a person who constantly uses only the phone, the question arises, but how to delete the profile of classmates through the phone.

How to remove the page classmates from the phone and how to remove the application itself classmates, we will tell in our article.

It is not surprising that a large number of classmates' users are surfing the net via a phone or tablet. These two devices are always at hand, they are compact, take up little space, and you can also take off on the street without interrupting the events taking place in virtual life. Tablet and phone keep you connected. no different from the computer version, it has all the same functions. Unlike a computer, a phone or tablet is always at hand.

Let's figure out how to delete classmates through a phone, if it is not a touchscreen, but a simple push-button, but has Internet access, and you actively use it. Our steps to delete the OK page step by step (instructions):

When upgrading to the full version, you will be prompted to choose the reason why you want to delete your profile. Here are several reasons from the list offered by the site administration: you are a user of another social network; not satisfied with the design and prices for functions; the profile has been hacked and all personal information has been deleted; want to create a new profile, and decided to delete the old one; decided to stop using social networks altogether.

And at the end they will offer to answer the question, are you sure that you want to lose touch with your friends.

Attention! It is possible to delete classmates through the mobile version only if you move to the full version. The device from which you are going to delete your classmates account, be it a phone or a tablet, does not play a special role. The algorithm of actions will be common for everyone.

Above we have given a complete instruction on how to delete a page in classmates from a phone or tablet.

Deleting a page from an android phone

Mobile phones on the android system are one of the most affordable for all segments of the population. Their price category suits many, and, therefore, many applications from the Play Market are targeted at owners of phones running on Android OS.

In this online store from Google, you can download and install, which is called Odnoklassniki (OK).

After installing it on your phone, you will need to log in, that is, enter the login and password of your account.

This application is convenient because you enter your login and password only once. It opens a mobile version of the social network classmates. The app has a beep function when you have a new message, even if your online status is offline. The application interface is so simple that it does not require any special instructions for work. Everything is easy and understandable at an intuitive level. In the settings, you can enable or disable sound notification of new messages, as well as sound notification of gifts sent to you. If you are disturbed or annoyed by the standard beep, then this function can be disabled.

Active users of the application have probably wondered more than once how to delete classmates through the application, forever, from the phone.

Only the classmates application can be completely removed from the android phone, but this does not mean that you have deleted your social network page.

With this application, you can change and make it available only to friends. Also connect the paid function of the private profile. A person who is not your friend will not be able to view your activity stream, leave comments, rate your photos and videos, read statuses or view personal information about you.

Important! It is possible to delete classmates via the mobile version of the site from the phone only when switching to the full version in the browser of your mobile device. After deletion within 90 days, you will have the opportunity to restore your profile. Going to your page using old data.

You can delete the special application of the social network Odnoklassniki through file management on your cell phone. Or you can use your Play Market account. Going to the electronic catalog, find my applications, select the ones that are installed. Find Odnoklassniki. Select it, go to the application page, click delete. Thus, the application will be removed from the phone and from the library of your personal account of the electronic resource.

How to delete an account on an iPhone

Along with phones based on the Android OS, recently, despite their high price, all models of the Apple iPhone have been used. Users note their functionality, practicality.

The answer to the question of how to remove classmates from an iPhone, the answer is simple. This is not possible with the mobile version of the site.

But you can download and install a special social network application in the App Store. In order not to delete your profile completely, we recommend using the special privacy settings. The mobile application allows you to easily use all the settings of the full version.

Among the leaders of this sector in Russia is Odnoklassniki. Sometimes, for various reasons, it becomes necessary to delete your page on a social network. Is it difficult to do it? What is the algorithm of actions? After all, it is clear that the owners of such platforms are not at all interested in losing users. And everything needs to be done quickly and forever. We have carefully studied this issue especially for you. And the decision on how to delete a page in classmates is in this publication.

How can I permanently delete my Odnoklassniki account?

In fact, the solution to such a problem is not unnecessarily difficult. Moreover, two different methods are available at once. Which one you choose is up to you. The first involves using a URL. Hstart with it, if it doesn't work out, then use the official removal through the so-called regulations. The second method 100% guarantees a successful result.

Method # 1 - URL

Solving the problem ofhow to delete a page in classmates from a computer, many choose this method. The reason is clear enough: it is very simple and fast. But if there are nuances. The deleted account does not immediately disappear from the database. It still remains in the records of the Odnoklassniki developers, but no more than three months. What should be done?

First, open the Odnoklassniki website, log in, go to your account page. It is important that the address bar is not reflected as, but the URL contains the ID, that is, the serial number of the user. To do this, you need to click on your name (at the top of the page). An inscription of this type will appear: "/ profile / 732233538213445" (individual profile numbers).

Then you need to copy the following URL:? Amp; st.layer.cmd \u003d PopLayerDeleteUserProfile and paste it after the ID, and then click Enter. After such actions, an additional window will appear. There you can confirm the deletion of the profile. Important: only confirm the deletion if you are completely confident in your actions. After all, the page can be removed immediately. You can check it like this: reload the page, open Odnoklassniki again. Then enter your password and login. If the deletion is successful, a window will appear informing you that the profile was deleted at the user's request. This method is very simple. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work. If something went wrong, feel free to use option number two.

Deleting a page in Odnoklassniki through the regulations

If you are thinking about how to delete a page in classmates from your phone or computer, and the first method turned out to be ineffective, do not despair. There is another option. It is newer and allows you to delete a profile almost instantly. The Odnoklassniki developers, of course, did not doubt that sooner or later this or that user would show a desire to delete his account. Therefore, they included such an item in the site's functionality. But the catch is that finding the right button is not so easy. Although the tricks are tricky, there is a solution. And it works. More about this.

What do you need to delete a page? The first is the profile password. It will need to be entered from the keyboard. Second, pre-save all the data that is important to you. Photo, video, audio - all this material will disappear and become inaccessible to you immediately after deleting your account. Therefore, take care of this in advance.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Log in to the Odnoklassniki website.
  2. Open your profile
  3. At the very bottom of the site in the large menu, find "Regulations" and click on it.
  4. Go to the section of the license agreement. Here find “Contact support” and “Refuse services” (sometimes there is no such inscription, instead of it there are two dots) and click on this link.
  5. On the newly opened page, indicate the reason why you are deleting your personal profile (such data are of interest to Odnoklassniki developers in order to optimize their platform). As a rule, there are five ready-made options, choose any of them (I don't like the design of the resource, my old page was hacked, I want to create a new account, etc.). Unfortunately, you cannot add your own.
  6. Enter your profile password again and click "Delete forever". After that, your page will disappear.

Important information

Please note: you can register a phone that was linked to the old profile to a new account only after three months. It is impossible to restore the old account, since all data is automatically deleted completely. And one more important nuance - such actions are available only on the full version of the site, therefore it will not work to delete the profile from the phone.

Users are often interested in how to delete a profile in classmates. In the article, we decided to make detailed instructions on how to get rid of the page on the OK social network. We will describe the entire process, as well as share useful tips with readers who cannot decide whether to delete a profile. We will touch upon the sad but important topic of closing the page of a deceased person. The instructions from the material are relevant for 2017.

Today, almost every Internet user has a page on a social network. One of the leaders in the Russian segment is the Odnoklassniki resource. There are many reasons for deleting a profile forever:

  • too much time is spent on online communication, which makes it difficult to concentrate on real life and work;
  • the user wants to change the social network;
  • a page with a fake name was originally created, and the person wants to make a real profile.

At the beginning of OK, it was difficult to get rid of the account, but now the procedure has been significantly simplified. But questions remain, especially for novice users. Follow the instructions, and after 10-15 minutes the page on the Odnoklassniki social network will be deleted.

First, go to your profile using your username and password. An email address or mobile phone number also allows deletion. Are you signed in to your account? Getting started with the removal:

  1. Once on the page, scroll down to the bottom of the profile. Here you will see a list of tabs: "Discussions", "Guests", "Help", "Regulations". We are interested in the regulations, so click on it with the mouse.
  2. Here you will be introduced to the site rules and service descriptions. At the very bottom there will be two active buttons "Contact support" and "Refuse services". Click on the desired link and go to the deletion page.
  3. The system will ask you to indicate the reason for deleting your profile on the Odnoklassniki social network. Some users believe that this item may affect removal. In fact, there is no difference, and this window was created to collect statistics of leaving OK.
  4. You will also be informed that the connection with your friends on the virtual network will be lost, all photos and correspondence will be deleted.
  5. To confirm the action, you will need to enter the password from the profile.
  6. Please note that the page can be restored within 90 days, which are counted from the moment of refusal from the site's services.
  7. If you decide to get rid of your account, feel free to click on the "Delete" button.

Important! You will not be able to use your mobile number and email address to create another profile on the Odnoklassniki social network until 3 months have passed since the deletion. This should be taken into account by users who want to change the page, and not completely leave the OK.

If the user has forgotten their username and password, they will have to go through the procedure for returning the password. Forgot password button is located in the login window. The system will offer a recovery option: via phone, mail, login or using data from the profile.

How to delete a profile on Odnoklassniki in the mobile version

If you use OK on your phone or tablet, then you will be more comfortable performing the deletion procedure on your mobile device.

You can access your profile through a dedicated client for smartphones or through any browser. But you can get rid of the page only through the browser. You cannot get rid of a profile through an application for mobile platforms.

Open the side menu with active sections, at the bottom you will see the button "Full version of the site". A full page will appear on the screen of the mobile device. Now you need to follow the steps from the previous instruction, since you will be working with a standard page. The rules are the same here: a password is entered for confirmation, the page disappears completely only after 90 days, during which the profile can be restored. Now you know how to delete a profile on Odnoklassniki from your phone.

How to delete a classmates profile permanently

We figured out the deletion process, it is also worth saying a few words about account recovery. The procedure requires two conditions: there is a mobile number associated with the profile, 90 days have not passed since the deletion. The procedure is performed in a few clicks:

  • We go to the main page and click on "Registration".
  • The system will ask you to enter a mobile phone number - we enter the number associated with the remote OK page.
  • A recovery window will open, where you need to follow simple steps: enter your name and password. The system must make sure that you are the owner of the page.

If more than 90 days have passed, then there is no way to restore the page. Contacting support will not help either. The scheme works for other social networks as well, the period of possible account restoration may differ.

Deleting a deceased person's page

The easiest option is to use your login and password to log in, and then follow the standard procedure described in this article. If you do not have the opportunity to find this data or recover your password, you will have to use the services of the court. You can contact the authority 180 days after the death of the page owner.

You draw up documents confirming inheritance rights in the form of a page on a social network. It sounds absurd, but this is the law. In fact, the court always issues such papers if you confirm your connection with the deceased. The next stage is communication with the support of Odnoklassniki. In an e-mail you send scans of documents from the court, after which the administration deletes the profile of the deceased. We hope the article answered questions related to deleting and restoring an account on Odnoklassniki.

It is possible that at some point you will feel an urgent need to delete your profile on Odnoklassniki. Well, since you are reading this article, then, apparently, such a moment has already come. Moreover, you are concerned about a specific case - the ability to leave OK via a mobile device. We will now tell you how to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from your phone in as much detail as possible.

We remove from OK via smartphone

If you have a smartphone and an OK account, then you most likely use the social network application. But something has changed, and you intend to close the page once and for all. What to do? We go into the application, delve into the settings and understand that the cherished "Delete" button is nowhere to be found.
And here is the first catch - unfortunately, from a mobile phone, or rather through the official application of the social network, you will not be able to get rid of your account. For some reason, the site's management decided that this function would be superfluous, and the developers simply did not enable it.

But it was not there! We are not giving up, and we are not going to abandon the decision already made. We find a workaround. And it looks as easy as shelling pears: we open not the application, but the OK site itself. In fact, we go through the standard procedure for deleting an account in the web version of the social network, but through the phone. And there, as you know, there is another catch. There is simply no button "Delete profile" - you need to refuse services after reading the license agreement.

We give detailed instructions:
1.Open a web browser on your smartphone;

2.In the address bar, enter the address - we are automatically transferred to, i.e. mobile version of the social network;

3. Enter your account data - login (phone number, e-mail) and password, then tap on "Login";

4. Go to the main site menu - tap on the icon in the upper left corner;

5. Scroll down the menu, click on "Full version of the site", confirm the desire by tapping "Go";

6. Scroll down the page, find the section "Regulations" in the lower menu and tap;

7. Before us is a license agreement; click on "Refuse services";

8. We indicate the reason for our deletion, click on "Delete".

Our congratulations! Your account has been deleted, or rather deactivated so far. All of your information will be removed from the servers in 90 days. And if you still decide to return to the social network, then during these 90 days you can do it without losing any data.

One important point - when following the fifth point of the above instructions, you may have a little problem. When you try to go to the full version of the site, you will simply be automatically transferred to your page in the OK application. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to remove this very application from the phone. You probably know how to do this. But if you're not sure, we'll tell you now.

We remove the application OK

The Odnoklassniki program installed on a smartphone is removed in exactly the same way as all other applications.

So, on an iPhone, this is done as follows:

  • Click on the OK app icon and hold it for a few seconds;
  • when a cross appears on the icon, tap on it.

Application removed!

Now let's see how to uninstall OK from devices running on the Android operating system:

  1. Go to Phone Settings;
  2. Go to the "Applications" section;
  3. We scroll through the list, find the Odnoklassniki client and tap;
  4. We get into additional information - we press successively “Stop”, “Clear cache”, “Delete data” and, finally, “Delete”.

As you can see, the uninstallation process in Android is a little more complicated than in Apple products. However, following the above instructions, you will quickly cope with the task.

Naturally, uninstalling the program on a smartphone is not accompanied by automatic deletion of the account. Therefore, then you need to deactivate the profile in Odnoklassniki according to the scheme that we described just above.

Hide page

There is one more function in Odnoklassniki that you might want to use. In order not to be permanently deleted from OK, you can simply hide your profile. And what's nice is that you can hide the Odnoklassniki page through your phone, namely directly in the application itself.

This function is located in the main menu app. Just move the slider and that's it - the page becomes closed. True, relatively closed - it will be available for viewing by your friends. But all other users of the social network will not be able to read the page information.

And now, not very good news - this service is paid. And you will have to pay 48 OK, which in rubles is equal to the same 48 rubles. Payment, as always, through a bank card, electronic payment system, terminal or mobile phone account.

So, now you know exactly how to leave Odnoklassniki via your phone. It will not be possible to do this directly through the application, but it is still possible to implement what we have conceived - we described this in the article.