How to increase the volume on android 4.4. How to increase the speaker volume on Android - we use the engineering menu and sound amplifier programs. Setting up the sound of headphones, speakers using phone or tablet apps - instructions

You can increase the volume of your device in two ways: through the settings of the engineering menu or using third-party programs. Determine for yourself right away whether you are ready to deal with the interface of the engineering menu, because by accidentally clicking the wrong option, you risk knocking down the settings of the entire phone. Also, if none of the method from this article suits you, there is a high probability that the problem is in the speakers themselves, and the device needs to be taken to a service center.

How to increase the speaker volume on Android in the engineering menu

To enter the engineering menu on your phone, you need to enter a special combination, enter it depending on the brand of your smartphone or tablet:

  • if your phone is based on MTK: * # * # 54298 # * # *, or * # * # 3646633 # * # *,
  • samsung gadgets: * # * # 8255 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # *,
  • hTC phones and tablets: * # * # 3424 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # *, or * # * # 8255 # * # *,
  • Sony: * # * # 7378423 # * # *,
  • equipment from Fly, Alcatel, Philips: * # * # 3646633 # * # *,
  • Huawei: * # * # 2846579 # * # *.

Go to the dialing menu and enter the selected code.

  • If after several attempts the menu still does not open, go to the Play Market and enter “Engineering Mode” in the search field and download any application of your choice.

Go to the program and follow the instructions:

  • you will see the engineering menu tabs,
  • find the line Audio,

  • click on it, you will be taken to the audio settings of your phone,

  • go to Normal Mode,
  • now you have to choose the mode that you will configure,

Here is a breakdown of the main types:

Sph - spoken dynamics settings,
Sph2 - settings of the second spoken speaker (if any),
Media- multimedia volume setting,
Ring - setting the volume level of incoming calls,
FMR - FM radio volume settings.

If they are all too quiet, then the algorithm will have to be repeated with all the tabs.

  • now just set the volume level, where 0 is no sound and 6 is very loud. Your speaker is now set to its loudest setting. Be careful, this may affect the sound quality and longevity of the speakers. If setting up the engineering menu did not give the desired results, or you decided not to try to customize it, go to the second point.

How to increase speaker volume on Android using apps

Third-party software will make your work easier and eliminate the need for a complex engineering menu. Go to the Play Market and enter the name of the utility “Volume Booster Plus”. Download the app and follow the instructions:

  • open the utility,
  • press the only button on the “Next” screen,

  • now click “Boost”,

  • upon completion, a loud signal will be heard on your phone, and the application will notify you how much you have been able to increase the volume.

In this case, the speaker volume is 23% higher. Sound settings that are too loud will have a detrimental effect on the playback quality, so be careful.

Every owner of a smartphone with the Android operating system ("Android") has probably more than once encountered inconsistencies in the sound volume in different device options or the problem of too quiet speakers, even in the maximum volume mode. This becomes especially unpleasant when the sound cannot be increased even through the phone settings. However, there are other ways, for example, using the engineering menu. Increasing the volume in this case is not difficult.

How the sound is regulated on phones and tablets running Android OS ("Android")

The developers have laid down different volume modes in the Android operating system, designed for different situations of using a smartphone, which depend on the connected devices. Thus, without a headset, the sound on the phone can be quiet, and when headphones are connected, it can sharply deafen with the melody of an incoming call. It is to eliminate such misunderstandings that you need to adjust the sound and change the volume using hidden methods.

How to change alarm, ringtone, music and video volume through settings

Sound control on an Android smartphone is possible through the buttons on its body, as well as through the internal settings of the standard menu. The setup methods are the same for smartphones and tablets, so you can easily figure out the functionality.

  • Go to device settings and select the "Sounds and notifications" section.
    Select the section "Sounds and notifications"
  • Depending on the version of the system, you either need to click on the gear opposite the active mode, or open the "Volume" subsection. If you are afraid of losing the standard settings, you can add a new mode.
    Click on the gear opposite the active mode
  • In the window that opens, depending on the version of the system, the following items for changing the volume will be available:

  • for music, videos, games and other media files;
  • for calls and notifications;
  • for an alarm clock.
  • Adjust the settings to anticipate all possible situations and prevent unexpected explosive sounds when a call or alarm rings.

    The window will contain all the items that can be changed through the standard settings

    Another reason for a too loud or insufficiently quiet call may be the installed melodies themselves. Standard sounds are usually equalized in volume, but there may also be those whose beginning consists of bright, sharp sounds, in contrast to others, where the sound rises slowly and gradually.

  • Open the "Ringtone" item in the sound settings.
    A quiet ringtone is one of the possible reasons why you may not hear the phone ringing
  • Listen to the suggested melodies and choose the one that suits you best.
    To listen to the melody, click on it with your finger
  • Adjust the notification volume settings in the same way by visiting the corresponding section of the sound menu.
    Customize notification sounds similar to choosing a ringtone
  • Check the other options and see if sounds like key beeps when dialing, screen taps and screen lock sounds will bother you.
    Check only the sounds you want or set vibration
  • You can change the sound level very quickly using the buttons on your smartphone or tablet.Manufacturers specifically carry these buttons to the body so that you can find them without looking and increase or decrease the sound. However, there are very few settings in this mode.

    You can adjust the volume with the usual buttons on the phone

    Pressing the volume buttons up or down will display the corresponding sliders on the device screen.

    In some models, from this screen, you can go to detailed settings by clicking on the corresponding icon to the right of the volume slider.

    On some devices, a special button is displayed for accessing the settings

    Sometimes a smartphone spontaneously goes into silent or quiet mode, for no apparent reason. This happens most often with Samsung, HTC and Lenovo devices. This situation can occur when the sound profile is changed from soft to loud, followed by an outgoing call. When the call is completed, the new profile may get lost, and the gadget will erroneously restore the previous one. The solution is to reboot the device after changing the sound profile. This problem is associated with bugs in the firmware version and is usually fixed by the developers with the release of updates.

    Increase the volume through the engineering menu

    You can make more flexible sound settings if you get into the Andoid engineering menu. However, it is not so easy to get into this section of the device. The developers specially hid it from the eyes of ordinary users so that they could not knock off the settings and disrupt the operation of their device.

    But for smartphone owners who want to understand everything and thoroughly study the operation of their device, the ability to access such settings is a real gift.

    Do not forget that a thoughtless change in the parameters in the engineering menu can lead to a malfunction of the gadget.

    Before you change anything, you need to read all the available information on this item, compare with how it looks on your device, think about how you can quickly return everything back in case of unexpected behavior of the gadget. Only if you are confident in your own actions, you can proceed with the settings. It is best if, before making changes, you will take a screenshot of the screen or rewrite the original values \u200b\u200bin notepad so that you can restore them back.

    Opening a menu through a call

    To enter the engineering settings menu, you do not need much effort and Root rights. The menu is entered through the dialing interface using a special code.

    The access codes to the engineering menu are different for all devices, since they are set by the manufacturer, not by the system. All of them will be presented in the table below.

    You need to dial the code for entering the engineering menu in the same way as a regular phone number. The engineering menu usually opens on its own after typing the last character of the code. If this does not happen, press the "Call" key.

    Try different options if the first one doesn't work.

    Table: access codes

    Opening the menu through the application

    If none of the codes suits you, try downloading a special utility from the Play Market that will create a separate shortcut to go to the engineering menu.

  • Open the Play Market and enter "engineer mode" in the search bar and select the first application you like.
    All applications for entering the engineering menu are the same, so you can choose any
  • Install and run the application.
    The application will weigh very little and installation will not take long
  • You will either be automatically sent to the engineering menu, or you will have to clarify the manufacturer of your device (or processor).
    In some cases, you will need to check the manufacturer of your device
  • Increase the volume: step by step instructions

  • First thing you need to do is open the Audio section. If it is not available initially, swipe left a few times to open the Hardware Testing tab.
    Open the Audio section in the Hardware Testing tab
  • Now you will see a list of modes available for changing, you need to select one of the proposed ones.

    The meanings of all modes are described in the table below.
  • Now select the parameter to change under Type.
    The meanings of all sound parameters are described in the table below.
  • Select the volume level you want to adjust. There are 7 of them (from 0 to 6). These are the same levels that are set in the standard settings of the smartphone (when you press the volume up or down button on the smartphone body, the level changes). It is best to start from zero and the last level.

    Set up the first and last levels first
  • Now you need to set the volume gain of the selected level (Value is) and press Set.

    Set volume gain and confirm change

  • Similarly, you need to set the volume limit (Max Vol.). This is the maximum volume possible.
    Set the volume limit of the selected level and press Set
  • In accordance with the set values, set the rest of the levels so that the volume change through the buttons is the most smooth.
    Calculate the volume levels on the calculator and adjust the missing
  • Adjust the rest of the parameters and volume modes in the same way, if they interest you.
  • Table: mode values \u200b\u200bfor earpiece, headphone and microphone

    Table: Description of Audio Parameters

    Video: how to increase the volume through the engineering menu

    How to increase the volume through apps

    In addition to the standard settings and the system engineering menu, there are special programs that allow you to make additional changes to the sound parameters of a smartphone or tablet. Different programs do not work correctly on all devices, since they interfere with the normal functioning of the phone, and this is not welcomed by manufacturers. All of the programs described below are available in the Play Market.

    You should also understand that such services for editing any limitations of the smartphone, which are not available for changing in normal ways, may cause disruption to the operation of the gadget and, as a result, only worsen its performance.

    Volume + (most reliable app)

    This application is only available in English, but it is the least controversial and almost incapable of causing unfortunate consequences for your smartphone.

  • Find Volume + in the Play Market and install it.
    It's pointless to download the paid version of Volume +
  • Launch the application and select the "Speaker Settings" section.
    Volume + has many features, but you won't need many of them
  • The next screen will display a list of the parameters available to change. First check Speaker Modifications and Virtual Room Effect.
    Check Speaker Modifications and Virtual Room Effect
  • Then increase Volume Level, Bass Enchance and Virtual Room one notch (this will increase the volume slightly).
    Increase the marked parameters one notch and check the effect
  • Test the changes in practice and change the settings again if necessary.
  • A sharp increase in parameters can cause freezes, failures and other troubles in the operation of the device.

    JetAudio (equalizer and effects settings)

    Jet Audio belongs to the category of equalizers and is a very functional program: it has an audio converter, player and ripper. Equalizer is just one of its options. The standard sound mode she uses is Normal Mode.

  • Find JetAudio in Play Market and install it.
    JetAudio may be called a player or equalizer, but they are one and the same program
  • Click on the button in the upper right corner to open the drop-down settings menu.
    If the "Equalizer" button is available from the main screen, click on it
  • Select "Sound Effects ...".
    If the "Sound Effects ..." button is missing, find the equalizer through the "Settings"
  • Now open "Equalizer".
    The rest of the buttons that appear may also be useful to you, especially the sound amplifier
  • On this tab, you can safely experiment with all the values \u200b\u200bwithout fear of harming the device. If you click on the button in the upper right corner, a list of additional embedded programs designed to change sound settings will open.
    All changes made can be very easily returned back.
  • The parameter with a value of 60 Hz must be left unchanged.

    Do not forget that increasing the volume of the sound, you lose in its quality, since not all models of smartphones and tablets are designed for good melodies. Some devices have weak speakers, the extra load on which will cause wheezing and extraneous sounds. Do not burn the speaker and take care of your gadget.

    Volume Booster Plus (automatic sound adjustment)

    The program is available in the Play Market and is the easiest to use.

    Volume Booster Plus is the easiest to use volume control software

    After installing and launching the application, you will see only one button that you need to click on.

    After pressing the button in Volume Booster Plus, the automatic optimization of the volume parameters will start

    Ways to strengthen the speaker with improvised means

    There are some tricky tricks that can help you increase the volume on your device in a very simple way. To do this, you only need materials at hand and a minimum knowledge of the laws of physics.

  • Connect external speakers or speakers to your smartphone. Almost any external audio playback device will be better than a speaker built into a smartphone. First, because it is larger and more powerful. And secondly, gadget manufacturers often save on speakers by installing low-power ones, since users usually prefer to use their own speakers and headphones.
  • Place your device in a glass beaker for an enhanced sound experience when listening to music. Many gadget owners have already tried this method, despite the fact that it seems silly. The glass works like a resonator, reflecting the sound wave. Some smartphone owners cut out the horns from paper cups and attach them to the speaker of the gadget. To increase the volume of the alarm clock, especially witty users put the phone on a saucer with a coin and, in parallel with the call, turn on the vibration mode.
  • Take advantage of the acoustic properties of materials from the outside world that can reflect sound. Find a painted wall nearby and position the phone so that the speakers are directed towards it. The sound will be reflected and amplified. Experiment with other similar materials.
  • How to remove the limitation of the maximum sound level

    Smartphone and tablet manufacturers often set a software limit on changing volume settings. That is, using the interface means you can set one sound level, but in fact the gadget will make sounds much quieter than we would like.

    It is believed that to bypass this limitation, you must reset the gadget to factory settings. However, there is no exact data on how this will affect exactly your device. There are a lot of gadget models, each manufacturer follows its own logic when setting standard settings. Resetting the parameters will inevitably lead to the deletion of data in the phone. Therefore, if the effect of the applications to increase the volume is not enough for you, prepare well and make a backup copy of the information from the device.

    Reset the settings to factory settings, and then select the North America region as the default for your gadget. This is due to the fact that smartphone manufacturers place such restrictions for some countries, where the norms of society may prohibit the use of parameters that could violate the rights of others.

    One of the main problems with cheap smartphones is the poor quality of the built-in speakers, which causes serious difficulties in sound reproduction. However, a few simple ways, from built-in parameters to using available tools, will help owners of smartphones with Android OS quickly navigate the situation and change the sound settings to more comfortable ones.


    From the desktop enter the main menu and find the shortcut "Sound Profiles". There is one small nuance here - each Android has its own personal software. Depending on the software, the "Sound" shortcut appears directly in the menu or in the "Settings" section.

    Then select the Sound Profiles function in the drop-down window. After that, a list of already existing standard profiles will appear on the page, among which select the one you need. Next, find the option "signal sound" or "sound volume" and set the power you need.



    You can also change the sound volume using special buttons. Each phone has volume keys on its body. Depending on the model, they are located either on the right or on the left side of the device. To change the volume level, just switch the display to desktop mode and use the side keys (up, down) to set the sound to the desired sound.

    Special applications


    Among other things. There are many useful programs to help you make the sound louder and clearer. Among them are Volume Control, Increasing Ring, Louder Volume Hack and others.

    Thus, Volume Control is useful for changing all volume settings on one screen, it allows you to bypass the factory volume limits, and it is possible to load and save settings profiles.

    The Increasing Ring app also promotes speakers. But this program has one small drawback - there is no Russian interface, although everything is clear there.

    Louder Volume Hack will be useful for those who previously flashed their phone. There are five ways to change the volume for the available sound effects in the program. The disadvantage of the program is that the user needs root rights for its functioning. By the way, you can make the work with the application much easier by making a Backup of the initial settings.

    Volum + is one of the latest and greatest programs that will help you increase the volume of the sound and generally improve the sound frequency. Volum + works exactly on: HTC Desire HD, HTC Incredible, HTC Desire Z, HTC Wildfire S, HTC Desire S, НТС Sensanion, HTC Sensation XE, SE Xperia Arc, HTC Evo 4G, HTC Inspire, Droid X, Galaxy S II, Galaxy Gio, Galaxy Ace, Galaxy Tab, Samsung Galaxy S, LG GT540, Nexus S, Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini Pro, Lg Optimus 2x, Nexus One, ZTE Blade, Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini ST15i, T-Mobile Touch HD2, Asus Transformer, Orange San Francisco, T-Mobile G2x, Acer Liquid mt.

    The AlsaMixer program also helps to increase the volume for Android. It is suitable for users who are not very happy with the volume and sound quality of their devices, as it allows you to increase the volume on devices without disrupting the performance of the device's speakers, and economically consume battery power.

    AudioManager Pro will help you to easily and quickly control the volume in Android phones and tablets. The Volum X program allows you to conveniently adjust the sound on your Android device.

    As you can see from the above, dedicated volume control applications are sufficient. It is only important to choose your own, the most convenient and functional. By installing one of the listed programs, each owner of devices on the Android platform can enjoy the clear, loud and high-quality sound of the melody. But remember to choose the volume carefully.

    The maximum possible values \u200b\u200bshould not create any sound problems. It is generally not recommended to set the highest values, as this can cause noise in the sound and place additional strain on the speakers. Excessive volume leads to quick wear and rattling of the speaker.

    If you don't have enough volume on your smartphone or tablet, then you can always fix it. In addition to the standard settings, there is one more little trick that we will tell about in this post.

    And so, to increase the maximum volume on your Android, you must get into the root folder, which means that you first need to get root rights. As soon as you fulfill this condition, you need to install the explorer on the device (if it is not already installed). We advise you to use the application that bears the name. Your smartphone / tablet is now ready to turn up the volume. Note to yourself that it is not worth going too far in this case, because you can damage both your device and harm your health.

    To increase the speaker volume, you must find the folder / system / etc on the device and scroll through the entire list to the file mixer_paths.xml... By opening the file in ES Note Editor, you need to find a list , and in it select the sub-item "RX7 Digital Volume" value \u003d "88"... Edit the existing value by changing 88 to any other number. It is best if the new figure does not exceed 95.

    As for the headphones, then things are about the same, except that there are left and right channels. Moving on to , we find "HPHL Volume" value \u003d "15" and "HPHR Volume" value \u003d "15", change 15 to any other value that does not exceed 25. To save all changes, click on the arrow in the upper left of the screen.

    Now you can set the volume slider to 75%. With such a serious reserve, you will comfortably listen to your favorite music even in the noisiest places.


    Smartphones based on the Android operating system are gaining more and more popularity in the world. For most people, a smartphone has become more than just a means of making calls; for many, a mobile is a connection with the outside world.

    A smartphone based on the Android system has a lot of possibilities. Such devices have a high screen resolution, front and main cameras, and some models have a dual camera, increased internal memory, two stereo speakers, and this is just a small list of smartphones' advantages.

    Today, you will hardly meet a person who would not listen to music or radio on the go. Of course, this is all connected with our frantic rhythm of life and almost every person needs to be in time everywhere and everywhere. Sometimes smartphone owners face the problem of very low volume on Android. Let's try to deal with this problem.

    The modern smartphone system allows several applications to work simultaneously without requiring them to be closed, and sometimes this does not correctly affect the speaker's performance, so you should not use all methods at the same time.

    Ways to increase volume on Android

    • Through the standard menu
    • Through the engineering menu
    • Using apps

    To get started, use the standard setup menu, go to the "melodies and volume" section, select the volume section and set the appropriate parameters. If you want to adjust the volume on Android for calls or multimedia applications, you need to use the "sound profiles" menu. By clicking on the corresponding button, you will open a submenu and can set the parameters that suit you.

    Add sound to Android through the engineering menu

    An equally effective way is to set the volume on Android through the engineering menu. The entrance to the engineering menu for each model is different, here are the most common combinations * # 15963 # * and * # * # 4636 # * # * you just need to enter from a regular dialer.

    Usually it can be found from the supplier of the smartphone or in the menu section located on the smartphone itself. You can also easily get into the engineering menu of any device on the Android system by downloading an application from the Play Market called Mobileuncle MTK Tools, it is simple and intuitive, even a schoolboy can figure it out.

    After activating the engineering menu mode, you can go directly to the problem of increasing the sound on Android.

    In the engineering menu, select the appropriate section, in our case it is "Hardware testing - audio". Going to the appropriate section, select one of the parameters in which you need to increase the volume and try to slightly change the parameters. Set the values \u200b\u200bto the smallest, save and check, and then put a little more if you want to increase more, but do not put a lot at once, otherwise you can simply break the dynamics, raise by 2 points, each time and check if we are satisfied with saving and exit.

    It is worth noting that the value 210 was set on the Galaxy A3 and the speaker began to wheeze, so I had to put 190, this was enough, and the sound became much louder.

    Then reboot your Android and check the work done.

    If you have not improved enough, try the same method again. Do not forget that before using the proposed method, you should have open access to system files and the superuser. To do this, you can use many programs for a computer and applications for a smartphone, and how to get root rights quickly read below. You should install the appropriate utility on your smartphone, and then do all the manipulations given in the article.

    An equally effective way is to use the special volume + program. After downloading this program and installing it on your smartphone, go to the speaker settings or headset settings menu, then go to the volume level section, set the appropriate parameters. Each item is signed here, so you can change exactly those frequencies that are necessary for you. We need bass, increase the Bass Boost a little, you just need to make it louder, select Volume Level and slightly move the slider to the right.

    After setting the parameters, don't forget to restart your Android.

    There are also other interesting programs for increasing the volume of your smartphone that are available on Google Play, such as Volume Booster Plus, Audio Manager Pro, Music Volume Eq and others. It is worth noting that many applications require root access, so check out our article.

    Then just download any application that increases the volume and install it on your smartphone. After launching the application, enter the menu, here you will see the pictured speaker, when you click on it, you will start the optimization processes and increase the speaker volume. After completing this process, the volume of all multimedia applications will increase by an average of twenty percent.

    Please note that these applications do not work with all Android systems, so when downloading, read carefully which version of the operating system you need.

    So we have discussed the basic steps and methods to increase the volume of your gadget. One important rule should be remembered: when the volume is increased, the quality of the reproduced sound is often distorted, so you should not be zealous with increasing frequencies. There are also unofficial firmwares for many devices in which everything is already installed to the maximum, so if you want to improve your device in all respects, then you should look for such firmware for your model. If you know any other ways, be sure to share in the comments.
