How to increase the volume on an android through engineering. How to adjust sound volume on Android: all the ways. Video: Total Volume App to Optimize Sound on Android

Let's consider several effective ways to increase the volume on Android through the engineering menu.

The creators of this operating system have provided for the presence of several modes of operation of sound signals.

The volume of each signal depends on the connected device, the running task, or the situation of using the phone.

For example, the sound on a smartphone may be muted, and when the headset is turned on, the volume may increase dramatically.

If you have encountered such inaccuracies in sound operation, we advise you to perform an engineering volume setting. This method involves a more complex setup process, however, even beginners can master it. the main thing - follow all steps of the instructions in order.

Standard setting method

Sound volume of an Android smartphone regulated by the system for each task separately:

  • Incoming calls;
  • Voice recording or conversation with another subscriber;
  • System sounds;
  • Play media files.

Note! For all gadgets with an MTK processor of any generation, a single code operates - *#*#54298#*#* or the combination * # * # 3646633 # * # *.

Entering the menu using third-party software

If you did not manage to enter the engineering menu using the first method, or you simply do not have our code for your gadget, use a third-party utility - a program that automatically connects to the engineering menu and allows you to change the configuration of the smartphone through its interface.

One of the most reliable and popular utilities for working with the secret menu is MTK Engineering Mode... It can be downloaded and installed on your gadget for free.

Also, you can choose any other program for working with engineering settings by entering the phrase "Engineering Mode" in the search field in the store.

To launch the secret menu, simply open the application. You do not need to enter any additional codes or other information.

Consequences of customization

Sound problems can occur on absolutely any phone or tablet.

The reasons for their appearance and the nature of the manifestation of the problem can be expressed in different ways, but the methods for eliminating the malfunction are always the same.

The software shell implies an identical configuration of a sound card for smartphones from different manufacturers.

Differences can only occur in different firmware versions or if your device is running a custom Android OS from the manufacturer (for example, Flyme OS).

Each user should understand that setting up the engineering menu will not help sound at the same level as expensive devices.

At the same time, changing the menu configuration allows you to eliminate all disturbances in the sound and eliminate the noise that appears.

Setting all parameters of the engineering menu "to maximum" does not guarantee the best sound quality. On the contrary, such a setting can significantly spoil the gadget and cause hardware problems with the speakers. This is due to the fact that the sound starts to play at frequencies that the speaker cannot use.

As a result of incorrect settings, noise may occur when playing or recording sound, as well as wheezing, hum.

Increase the volume

After successfully launching the engineering menu on your gadget, you can proceed to increasing the volume of the phone. Follow all instructions strictly in accordance with each step of the article.

Otherwise, the playback quality may deteriorate.

After opening the menu, familiarize yourself with its interface.

The main window has several tabs, each of which is responsible for global settings (testing hardware components, working with the software shell, and so on).

D use a right-left swipe to move between tabs.

Follow the instructions:

1 Go to the masonry Hardware Testing;

2 Click on the item "Audio";

3 The window that opens will display a list of all modes that are available for customization on your device - normal mode, spoken and auditory speaker, notifications, etc. Click on the required parameter (the meaning of each option is indicated in the next section of the article);

4 In the window that opens, click on the field Type and in the list that appears, select the required field ( Sip - for setting up cellular communication and Internet connection, Mic - to determine the sensitivity of the microphone, Sph - to set speaker settings, Sph 2 - second speaker, Sid - sound reflection or echo, it is better not to change this field, Media - volume mode for media files, Ring - ringtone and notification volume, FMR - radio mode);

5 In the next field Level set the volume level (we advise you to click first to the zero level and check the changed sound - so get to the most suitable playback level);

6 The next step is to adjust the value for the selected volume level. Enter it in the field Value is (default volume). The range of values \u200b\u200bcan be any number from 0 to 255... We advise you to set the average value;

7 Enter a number in the same way in the Max Vol ... - maximum volume. Press the keys to save the settings. « Set » ;

8 Place Value is and Max Vol for other volume levels. Remember, each level is one press of you on the volume up / down key. It is important that the transition of the sound change is as smooth as possible.

All other tabs of the engineering menu are configured in the same way and have the same parameters.

Decoding the meaning of modes

Each volume setting mode in the engineering menu has its own purpose:

  • Normal Mode - general configurations;
  • Headset Mode - connected headset mode;
  • LoudSpeaker Mode - Speakerphone;
  • Speech Logger - conversational logs;
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone + headset;
  • Speech Enhancement - conversation over the cellular network;
  • Audio Logger - sound recording;
  • Debug Ingo - debugging.

Thematic videos:


Smartphones based on the Android operating system are gaining more and more popularity in the world. For most people, a smartphone has become more than just a means of making calls; for many, a mobile is a connection with the outside world.

A smartphone based on the Android system has a lot of possibilities. Such devices have a high screen resolution, front and main cameras, and some models have a dual camera, increased internal memory, two stereo speakers, and this is just a small list of smartphones' advantages.

Today, you hardly meet a person who would not listen to music or radio on the go. Of course, this is all connected with our frantic rhythm of life and almost every person needs to be in time everywhere and everywhere. Sometimes smartphone owners are faced with the problem of very low volume on Android. Let's try to deal with this problem.

The modern system of smartphones allows several applications to work simultaneously without requiring them to be closed, and sometimes this does not correctly affect the speaker's performance, so you should not use all methods at the same time.

Ways to Increase Volume on Android

  • Through the standard menu
  • Through the engineering menu
  • Using apps

To get started, use the standard setup menu, go to the "melodies and volume" section, select the volume section and set the appropriate parameters. If you want to adjust the volume on Android for calls or multimedia applications, you need to use the "sound profiles" menu. By clicking on the corresponding button you will open a submenu and you can set the parameters that suit you.

Add sound to Android through the engineering menu

An equally effective way is to set the volume on Android through the engineering menu. The entrance to the engineering menu for each model is different, here are the most common combinations * # 15963 # * and * # * # 4636 # * # * you just need to enter from a regular dialer.

Usually it can be found from the supplier of the smartphone or in the menu section located on the smartphone itself. You can also easily get into the engineering menu of any device on the Android system by downloading an application from the Play Market called Mobileuncle MTK Tools, it is simple and intuitive, even a schoolboy can figure it out.

After activating the engineering menu mode, you can go directly to the problem of increasing the sound on Android.

In the engineering menu, select the appropriate section, in our case it is "Hardware testing - audio". Going to the appropriate section, select one of the parameters in which you need to increase the volume and try to slightly change the parameters. Set the values \u200b\u200bto the smallest ones, save and check, and then put a little more if you want to increase more, but do not put a lot at once, otherwise you can just break the dynamics, raise by 2 points, each time and check if we are satisfied and we will exit.

It is worth noting that the value 210 was set on the Galaxy A3 and the speaker began to wheeze, so I had to set 190, this was quite enough, and the sound became much louder.

Then reboot your Android and check the work done.

If you have not improved enough, try the same method again. Do not forget that before using the proposed method, you should have open access to system files and the superuser. To do this, you can use many programs for a computer and applications for a smartphone, and how to get root rights quickly read below. You should install the appropriate utility on your smartphone, and then do all the manipulations given in the article.

An equally effective way is to use the special volume + program. After downloading this program and installing it on your smartphone, go to the speaker settings or headset settings menu, then go to the volume level section, set the appropriate parameters. Each item is signed here, so you can change exactly those frequencies that are necessary for you. We need bass, increase the Bass Boost a little, you just need to make it louder, select Volume Level and slightly move the slider to the right.

After setting the parameters, don't forget to restart your Android.

There are also other interesting programs for increasing the volume of your smartphone that are available on Google Play, such as Volume Booster Plus, Audio Manager Pro, Music Volume Eq and others. It's worth noting that many applications require root access, so check out our article.

Then just download any application that increases the volume and install it on your smartphone. After launching the application, enter the menu, here you will see the pictured speaker; by clicking on it, you will start the optimization processes and increase the speaker volume. After completing this process, the volume of all multimedia applications will increase by an average of twenty percent.

Please note that these applications do not work with all Android systems, so when downloading, read carefully which version of the operating system you need.

So we have analyzed the basic steps and methods to increase the volume of your gadget. One important rule should be remembered: when the volume is increased, the quality of the reproduced sound is often distorted, so you should not be zealous with increasing frequencies. There are also unofficial firmware for many devices in which everything is already installed to the maximum, so if you want to improve your device in all respects, then you should look for such a firmware specifically for your model. If you know any other ways, be sure to share in the comments.


On the pages of our site, we have already told how on an Android device. You may need it if you need to change any parameters, including the volume of your smartphone. Next, you will learn what and where to change.

We immediately draw attention to the fact that all actions you perform at your own peril and risk, the editors are not responsible for your actions, since the likelihood of clicking the wrong place or adjusting something wrong, though small, is still there. Be careful. If you have never encountered the engineering menu before, ask someone who has already dealt with volume control programmatically for help!


First you need to get into the engineering menu. We will show an example on a smartphone based on MTK (MediaTek) processor. In your smartphone, dial * # * # 3646633 # * # * (the screenshot does not contain the last character, since the engineering menu immediately opens and you cannot take a screenshot).

Codes for entering the engineering menu on other devices (performance has not been tested):

  • Samsung - * # * # 4636 # * # *, * # * # 197328640 # * # *, * # * # 8255 # * # *, * # 0011 #
  • LG - 3845 # * 855 #
  • Acer - * # * # 2237332846633 # * # *
  • MTK - * # * # 3646633 # * # *, * # * # 54298 # * # *
  • HTC - * # * # 8255 # * # *, * # * # 3424 # * # *, * # * # 4636 # * # *
  • Sony - * # * # 7378423 # * # *, * # * # 3646633 # * # *, * # * # 3649547 # * # *
  • Huawei - * # * # 2846579159 # * # *, * # * # 2846579 # * # *, * # * # 14789632 # * # *
  • Philips - * # * # 3338613 # * # *, * # * # 13411 # * # *
  • Alcatel, Fly, Texet - * # * # 3646633 # * # *, * # * # 54298 # * # *

The engineering menu has opened.

Select the Hardware Testing tab and click Audio.

You will see several different items here, including:

  • Normal Mode - normal mode.
  • Headset Mode - the mode of the connected headset or headphones.
  • LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone mode.
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone mode with a connected headset.
  • Speech Enhancement - telephone conversation mode.

If you need to increase the volume in the dynamics of playing sounds, select Normal Mode.

  • Sip - volume of internet calls.
  • Mic - microphone volume.
  • Sph - speaker volume.
  • Sph2 is the second earpiece.
  • Sid - cannot be touched, since problems may occur if this parameter is changed.
  • Media - the volume of media files playback.

Let's say you have selected the Media item. See the numbers in the image below? Write them down on a piece of paper or take a screenshot! They may be needed to restore sound if something goes wrong.

In the Value column, you can write the value yourself, or you can click on Level and select one of the levels, for example, Level 2. Press Set to save.

Please note that Value can be set in the range from 0 to 255. It is not recommended to insert the maximum, the speaker may wheeze and quickly fail. Select the optimal value yourself by the method of tests. Just don't overdo it and ruin your device! Item Max Vol. do not touch.

Trying to find a way to increase the speaker volume on Android, you will probably go to this page.

And be sure, here you will find this method, and not even one.

The best option in this case from the proposed set of methods will help you choose intuition or the "trial and error" method.

In any case, you will be happy with the result, but for now let's get down to the problem.


What you should pay attention to?

Sound problems, one way or another, can occur with any device - both budgetary and quite expensive.

However, the ways to solve these problems are almost identical, since the software part of systems of the same generation will always be the same, albeit with some differences.

Accordingly, the minimum differences in the configuration process will be associated to a greater extent with the features of the operating system version.

As for the features of the sound of the device itself, it is worth noting that the differences between the sound of an expensive and budget device will still be noticeable.

And not all software tools are able to correct the sound quality of the speaker or based on Android.

Thus, if the sound produced by such a speaker is increased, hardware problems may arise on the contrary.

For example, the speaker will start to produce sound at unresolved frequencies and as a result, extraneous noises will appear during the sound, including squeaks, wheezing, crackling and, possibly, popping.

Therefore, in the process of selecting settings, keep in mind that such problems may arise and try to avoid mistakes in order to keep the device working.

Standard way to solve the problem

Before moving on to the toughest controls on Android, let's look at the rules for standard volume control.

Note that volume control can be performed both globally for all system sounds, and for individual applications, which is especially important when you seem to have set the sound to full volume, but the composition is played quietly in the media player.

In this situation, everything can be solved mechanically, i.e. using the volume rocker.

You need to use it not when the desktop is displayed on the screen, but when the specified application is running.

For example, in the talk mode, the volume will be adjusted specifically for communication, and when viewing the gallery - the volume of the video being played.

Using this method, most users come to the conclusion that in some situations the sound of a smartphone turns out to be excessive, and somewhere - insufficient.

The correct way to solve the problem

The second way to adjust the sound involves the use of other standard means - software.

Their functionality is limited to just a few categories that adjust the sound volume:

  • calls;
  • conversation;
  • system sounds;
  • media files.

It only takes a few steps to get to these adjustments. The first step is to find a system application called Settings.

Its shortcut looks like a cogwheel regardless of the applied theme.

It is inside it that hinges are hidden, thanks to which you can fine-tune the sound of each of the above categories.

It should be noted that the clarity of this adjustment leaves much to be desired, despite the modern interface.

However, after playing around with the hinges, using short and long tapes (with hold), it's not hard to understand how the app works.

At the same time, if these settings are set to the maximum, this will be only a border that the manufacturer of the device or the developer of proprietary firmware based on cannot be violated, and in order to violate them, other methods are required.

Figure: 2 - Volume control window

Programmatic way to solve the problem

When the built-in capabilities of the gadget seem insufficient, the first reaction of the user is to use third-party software tools. There are a great many of them in.

But before you hammer into his search "Volume booster", it is worth paying attention to the fact that not all software tools provide complete freedom of action.

Some applications have rather narrow functionality and simply maximize the hardware power of speakers and microphones, which is completely wrong, and a similar result can be achieved with hidden built-in tools, which will be discussed below.

In the meantime, let's pay attention to the fact that with the help of one application you can not only improve the sound, but also improve the quality of the reproduced sound thanks to the used special software tricks.

Therefore, it would be more correct to look not for a volume booster, but for something like an audio center or a utility for.

Therefore, when choosing them, you must clearly understand which team you are choosing.

To access the volume settings, find “Hardware testing” among the application windows.

Most models allow you to do this by flipping to the side. In the list that appears on the screen, you will need to select the "Audio" category.

After that, the adjustment window will become available.

Inside it, you need to select a value for the drop-down list with a custom mode, which contains the values, and the most important of them are the first:

Setting the volume for a device

To correctly set the highest volume value for a virtual or physical device, you need to go to the highest level in the list, for example, 13Level.

For it, in the corresponding cell, you will need to increase the standard value by several points.

The highest and lowest values \u200b\u200bavailable for this device will be shown in parentheses on the side.

All selected parameters will be applied immediately, immediately after pressing the "Set" button located next to the cell where numbers are entered.

Please note: each Level is responsible for one press of the volume rocker key. Therefore, if you enter the volume value out of order, the sound will change accordingly.

Figure: 5 - Form of setting values

Increase the volume on Android to the maximum in 2 minutes (increase volume android)

If you are tired of listening to a movie on your Android smartphone, the interlocutor complains that you are hard to hear - increase the speaker volume to the maximum and adjust the microphone sensitivity using the Android engineering menu.

Not all mobile devices reproduce sound equally loudly - for some, the ringing tone is too quiet, while for others - the sound switched to headphones exceeds all permissible limits. How to deal with this imbalance and even out the sound? Can I do this without visiting a service center? Let's figure it out.

Any gadgets on Android OS have such a flexible control system that they can be changed beyond recognition - they can be customized, thereby revealing a wide range of hidden capabilities, and any system functionality, including sounds, can be customized for yourself. Not all basic assemblies are perfect, sometimes the sound reproduction of the device's speakers does not work correctly - in some applications it can reach its maximum value, while in others it is barely audible. You can adjust the speakers in a variety of ways - both standard and using the special settings menu or applications.

All devices have a standard volume control key - usually located on the side panel. By clicking on it, you can set the desired parameter. But if this does not suit you, then you can do it from the main settings menu. Here you can make settings for any application, set up a ringtone for a particular contact.

To change the standard sound, you need to do this:

  1. Open the main settings menu and go to the section "Melodies and Sound";
  2. In the right corner, click on the gear icon - you will find yourself in the desired settings section;
  3. Set the desired sound parameters.

This will result in the same pitch for all applications and calls. But if you need to change specific values, for example, for incoming voice calls or messages, then you need to do this in the "Sound profile" section in each of the required applications.

Through the functionality of the engineering menu

This method is suitable for advanced users who, in case of failure, can return all the default settings back. But! Each model has its own commands for invoking this special settings menu:

  • For models from Samsung: * # * # 8255 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # *;
  • For gadgets from NTS: * # * # 3424 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # * or * # * # 8255 # * # *;
  • Combination for devices manufactured by Sony: * # * # 7378423 # * # *
  • For devices manufactured by Fly, Alcatel, Philips: * # * # 3646633 # * # *;
  • And for gadgets from the manufacturer Huawei, the combination will be like this: * # * # 2846579 # * # *;
  • For devices on MTK: * # * # 54298 # * # * or * # * # 3646633 # * # *.

After dialing and pressing the dial button, you get to the engineering menu, where you can adjust the desired parameters.

There are other parameters, but it's better not to touch them at all:

  • Debug Info - system information about possible debugging;
  • Speech Logger - setting the recording of conversations, if you activate this position, then in the root folder you can find a file similar to this: Wed_Jun_2014__07_02_23.vm, indicating the date and time of recording;
  • Audio logger - responsible for finding recorded conversations.

Each of these modes has its own subtle settings, and in order to understand what's what, we give the standard list of adjusting the sound Type:

  • Sip - allows you to adjust calls, for example, via Skype;
  • The Mic button is responsible for adjusting the microphone response;
  • Sph - allows you to set the desired parameter for the dynamics of conversations, that is, the one that is brought to the ear;
  • Sph2 - this parameter is not available on all devices, but if it is, then use it to configure the second earpiece;
  • Sid - it is better not to touch this line - otherwise you can only hear yourself during a conversation, and not the interlocutor;
  • Media is an adjustment to the sound of multimedia files such as video;
  • Ring - the ability to set the desired volume level for incoming calls;
  • FMR - is responsible for the pitch in the Radio application.

There are several settings to set the desired sound, from level 0 to level 6. With each press, the level increases, and in order to save the set value, it is erased from the cell and a new one is prescribed, which you see during setup. But! Observe the range: it can be in the range from 0 to 255, and the lower the number, the lower the sound will be played. After making changes, click on the Set button - it is located on the same line with the cell to be changed, and exit the setting by pressing the call button.

Tips: Before changing the default settings, write down all the values \u200b\u200bon a piece of paper - this may come in handy if you overdo it and set the wrong parameter, for example, the sound reproduction is too low.

Examples of

For many users, when recording video, the sound is incorrect, that is, either too quiet or loud. To fix this, go to the engineering menu by typing the command for your smartphone (see above):

  1. Go to the line LoudSpeaker Mode (speaker setting);
  2. Set the microphone sensitivity to the mic position.
  3. Here you can set in the item level for example the value 240. Save the changes with the Set button and exit the menu. Press this button after each change, do not forget about it!

Using special software

If you don't want to bother with fine-tuning the device, then you can use special applications. You can find a lot of them both in the Google store and on the Internet. Remarkably, the soundtrack can be increased by about a third, and the speakers will work absolutely fine, without wheezing or tearing.

Utilities are recognized as the most popular, and it is best suited for adjusting low frequencies.

But the Android OS version must be higher than 2.3, otherwise they will not be able to perform their functions.

Everything is very simple, the software works according to the same principle - an equalizer appears on the screen, where you can make the desired sound adjustment.

Now you know how to increase the volume on Android or, if necessary, adjust the sound and sensitivity of the speakers.