How to turn on the calculator on a lenovo laptop. How to enable calculator on the keyboard in Windows OC. Through local disk

Where and how can I find a calculator in Windows 8? The article will give a couple of tips on this matter.

A bit of lyrics.

Sometimes you need to calculate something quickly, but doing it in your mind is problematic (we skipped school), so it became necessary to use a calculator. Excellent! Not everyone has a pocket, so it would be nice to do it on a computer. True, that's bad luck! Windows 8 users (troubles with the Start button are not enough for them), and so, these happy people faced another problem. All its essence and pain in the next sentence (read with emphasis)

Where is that damn calculator on Windows 8 !? Let's try to answer this question, since the calculator can be used in different ways.

Option 1.

Press Win + R, in the window that appears, enter “calc”. The coveted calculator window will appear.

Option 2.

We go into the "search", drive in the "Calculator" (naturally, without quotes). Both of these methods are dreary, and therefore we will try something else, preferably with a minimum of body movements.

Option 3.

The essence of the manipulations below is to always have quick access to the calculator. So, first things first, go to "All Applications"

Scroll down the list to “standard”, where the calculator is located. Right-click on it, select “pin to taskbar” That's it, we found a calculator on Windows 8, it wasn't that difficult, right?

Calculator in windows 8 - remember how to open it

Good day, dear readers! Today's topic will be relaxed, because we will not do any complex manipulations. It’s even strange that I’m writing about this. I just want to tell you how to open a calculator in windows 8. "Yes, everyone already knows" - many will say, and by the way, I thought so too. But it turns out that the figure eight puzzled many people and for some it became a whole problem to find a calculator.

I have met people who could not find a calculator in windows 8, but sometimes it is so necessary, especially when there is no ordinary computing device at hand. No, of course, now every phone has a built-in calculator, but it is very useful to have and use it on a computer. I myself very often (almost every day) have to use a calculator and this computing assistant, oh, how helps me out.

Okay. We won't spend a lot of time on the introduction, especially since our article is not large today, right? Let's go!

I remembered one anecdote here:

To sleep, I mentally repeat the multiplication table, and fall asleep somewhere around seven. And today I could not sleep and I reached two-digit numbers and froze ... I had to get up and take a calculator.

Something like that). How is it? All clear? Well, great, although I am sure that the vast majority of you knew perfectly well how to open this shaitan machine. In general, this information will definitely not be superfluous.

For a more detailed mastering of windows, the Internet and working with various programs, I highly recommend watching this wonderful video course, which will show you how to work correctly in windows, on the Internet, with programs in visual format in video format. In general, a thing.

I hope that the article was useful to you and you can now quickly find our calculator and if you want to keep abreast of new items on the blog, do not forget to subscribe to it. And I say goodbye to you. See you in the next articles. Bye Bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

How to find calculator in Windows 8

4 January 2014 Posted by Alexander Klyuev

The first post, this year, I want to devote to the operating system Windows 8. At the end of the outgoing 2013, I decided to make myself a gift - I bought a new laptop, on which, of course, Windows 8 was already preinstalled.

And immediately there was a problem - where is the calculator in Windows 8? One of the main and perhaps notable features of the new operating system is the "tiled" interface (Metro), which replaced the usual shortcuts and windows. In general, even for the average user, it will not be difficult to deal with all the innovations of the system and understand what's what.

The goal of this new interface is to unify the operating system as much as possible for ease of use on all devices - from personal computers to phones and tablets. For all the time that I "communicate" with the computer, I tried both XP and 7. I really liked the "Eight"! The technical requirements of Windows 8 do not differ from their predecessor (Windows 7), and the boot speed of Windows 8 on the same hardware is almost doubled.

The main difference between Windows 8 and its predecessors is that there is no Menu button in its usual place - the left, lower corner of the screen. All control takes place through the interface (Metro), in the list of all applications. To do this, on the start screen, right-click on a place free of tiles and at the bottom press the button "All applications"

We click on it, highlighting, with the right mouse button. Then we attach it by clicking on the "Pin to the taskbar" button

That's all! The Calculator icon will appear in the Quick Access toolbar

If, however, you do not want to clutter up the panel or the Desktop, now you know where the calculator is in Windows 8 and can quickly find and open it.

What does the updated Calculator look like? It looks standard and hasn't changed much.

If you need more specialized functions, by clicking on the "View" button, you can select other levels of difficulty - for example, "Engineering" or "Programmer"

This is what the Advanced Calculator looks like

Finding a calculator in Windows 8 with such simple settings will not be difficult.

Different people perceive information in different ways - some perceive the video better, and some the text, so I recorded a short video on the topic of the article. I wish you success in mastering the G8.

Sincerely, Alexander Klyuev.

How to use calculator in Windows 8

Recently, one of the main events in the world of it-technologies is the release of Windows 8. In addition, the new version of the operating system is being actively introduced, installed in many models of sold system units or laptops. However, the innovations that the developers decided to introduce confuse some users, even in simple situations, since Windows 8 is very different from other OS versions. You can read more about the features of working in Windows 8 here. Well, now let's get back to working with the calculator in Windows 8. So, many people are interested in seemingly such a simple tool as a calculator. Let's take a closer look at where to find it and how to work with it.

Turning on the calculator

In fact, finding this application in the G8 is pretty simple. To do this, right-click on the start menu in any free space. After that, click on the All Applications button. Scroll through the menu that opens, and find the program we need.

In order to make access to the calculator easier and faster, this application can be pinned to the taskbar. You can read about the features of the taskbar in Windows 8 in this article. In order to fix the calculator in the taskbar, right-click on it. In the list of actions, select the one that will help us pin the application to the start menu.

How to work with the program

The main purpose of the program is to perform the necessary calculations. All the necessary data is entered in several ways. First, this is done using buttons in the window. Secondly, you can use the keyboard. If you need to enter any data into the program memory, you will need to press the desired button. The M button will appear above the value.

The clipboard is filled by pressing Ctrl + C. To insert data into the application field, you need to click on the Ctrl + V keys. The program also has additional settings. So, when you go to the View section, you can see several modes in which the calculator can work. For example, there are additional functions in the engineering view. They are useful for those who need to carry out calculus of trigonometric functions. Moreover, the scale of measurement is presented here in several units of measurement, including degrees, grades, radians.

There are additional buttons in statistics mode. They can come in handy in specific cases of calculus. However, there are keys here that can be used for standard calculations, for example, CAD - deleting all numbers that have already been entered, with C you can correct the previous value.

The programmer mode is quite advanced in comparison with the usual calculator. Not only can you set the number system you want here, you can also specify the bytes contained in the number. In order to work in the hexadecimal number system, new buttons have been added to the application. Thus, the calculator actively uses the keys from A to F. In addition, using the () button, you can open and close the brackets.

Special buttons allow you to rotate to the right or left. The Windows 8 calculator has keys that allow you to calculate modulo or do other things. The program has a large selection of a wide variety of calculations, which are maximally simplified for the average user.

As you can see, the Calculator in Windows 8 is a simple but irreplaceable tool. It is used for a wide variety of purposes. Moreover, the application can be applied both for elementary calculations and for complex examples that are needed only in certain areas. For convenience, it is better to initially pin the application to the Start screen. This can be done with just a few mouse clicks, which has already been written. Thus, the program will always be at hand and will allow you to do even the most complex calculations in a matter of minutes.

Windows XP has standard free applications that some users don't even know exist. If you look closely at "All Programs", you can see a large list of standard programs installed in the system.

One such useful free application is the calculator for Windows XP. The program allows you to perform various arithmetic calculations such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, as well as functions of an engineering calculator, for example, finding logarithms and factorials.

Where is the calculator in Windows XP?

So, we found out that the operating system has the ability to launch the built-in calculator. How to use it? Where can I find it? To do this, you need to open the "Start" menu. Then go to the "All programs" tab. Now move the mouse cursor to the item "Standard". Move the cursor to the right to display the Calculator tab. Start it up.

Figure: 1 Where is the calculator in Windows XP?

It is also worth noting that the "Calculator" program can be launched through the "Start" button.

  • To do this, click "Start".
  • Then click on the "Run" command.
  • Enter calc here and press Enter.

Windows XP will automatically launch the calculator.

How do I perform a simple calculation using the Windows XP Calculator?

Numbers can be entered using the keyboard or using the mouse by clicking on the numbers in the calculator (Fig. 2).

Figure: 2 Calculator for Windows XP.
View Normal

The full-size one has two kinds of buttons that are designed for entering numbers. The keys on the right side of the keyboard (the so-called numeric keypad) are designed to quickly enter information and calculate in programs. To be able to enter numbers and operators from the numeric keypad, press the NUM LOCK key.

To perform any calculation, we enter the first number. For example, 2.

Press the + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication) or / (division) button. For example, +.

Enter the next number. For example, 3.

Other operators (+, -, *, /) and numbers can be entered.

At the end, press the button \u003d.

In our example, it should turn out 2 + 3 \u003d 5, that is, the number 5 should appear on the calculator indicator after the calculations.

How do I perform more complex calculations with the Windows XP Calculator?

To do this, you need to change the look of the calculator. It is necessary to go to the View menu (Fig. 2) and there click on "Engineering". The calculator for Windows XP will open in engineering mode (Fig. 3):

Figure: 3 Calculator for Windows XP.
View Engineering

Before starting the calculations, select the number system, for example, Dec is the decimal system.

For hexadecimal, octal, and binary numbers, four display options are available: 8 bytes (64 bits), 4 bytes (32 bits), 2 bytes (16 bits), and 1 byte (8 bits). To enter numbers in the hexadecimal system, you can use the additional "numbers" buttons, denoted by letters from Latin "A" to Latin "F" (in the bottom row in Fig. 3).

For numbers in the decimal system, there are three options for displaying the initial data and the results of calculating functions: in degrees, radians and grades.

Calculator for Windows XP allows you to make calculations using functions such as sine (sin), cosine (cos), tangent (tg), decimal (log) and natural (ln) logarithms, exponent (exp) exponentiation (x ^ y, x ^ 2, x ^ 3) and extracting roots of different degrees (x ^ y), calculating inverse values \u200b\u200b(1 / x), calculating factorial (n!), etc. (see Fig. 3).

The calculator allows performing not only arithmetic operations, but also logical operations such as “and” (And), “or” (Or), “not” (Not), etc. (see Fig. 3).

When calculating on the calculator, the rules of the sequence of operations are followed, for example, multiplication and division is done before addition and subtraction. To change the order of performing operations at the request of users, you can use parentheses: opening "(" and closing ")". Brackets can be used when calculating complex functions (or in other words, functions from functions). In a similar way, you can simulate almost any function that has no buttons on the calculator, for example, cotangent, arcsine, and so on.

Thus, the calculator for Windows XP is a worthy replacement for both conventional calculators and other programs for "manual" calculations, including those offered on a paid basis. With Windows XP, you can not deny yourself the pleasure of using the built-in calculator.

Computer literacy exercises

1) Determine, using a calculator for Windows XP, the value of the expression 2 + 2 * 2 in two modes: in normal and in engineering. Are there differences in the results? Why are there these differences?

Computing has become an integral part of life and work in this fast-paced society. It is used in all areas such as business, administration, education, entertainment, and even in recording personal income and expenses. Therefore, people are becoming more dependent on a physical as well as on a virtual calculator (i.e. on a phone and a computer). How to enable the calculator in different OS versions - read on.

Every PC and laptop contains built-in software, so you don't have to do manual calculations. It's not easy to find in Windows 7, and if you're having trouble, you've come to the right place. Below is a guide to opening such a helper in the 7.

Via the start menu

  1. Click "Start" in the lower left corner of the screen (taskbar).
  2. Enter "calc" in the search box below.
  3. Open the program.

Through local disk

  1. Open local drive C.
  2. Open the Windows folder.
  3. Open the "System 32" folder.
  4. Open the file "calc". Now you can use the program.

If you frequently use the calculator on a Windows 7 computer, you can create a shortcut for it by right-clicking on the file and choosing the Create Shortcut option. This will create a shortcut to your desktop. This will open a dialog box confirming that the system will create a shortcut on the desktop. Select "Yes" and you're done.

How to access 8 / 8.1

How do I find the calculator in Windows 8? As for the software on a computer with OS 8 / 8.1, some people have no idea where it is located, which sometimes leads to great inconvenience. Below will be presented three methods of accessing the utility on a computer running OS version 8 / 8.1.

Access from the application interface

Select from search results

  1. Press the Win key and the F key at the same time to enable the search bar, enter calculator in the blank field, and select Applications.
  2. When the search results appear on the left, click Calculator to open it.

Access from the Start menu manually added to the taskbar

  1. Manually add the Start menu to the taskbar.

On a version 7 computer, you can access it directly from the Start menu, but on a Windows 8 / 8.1 computer, there is no such menu. However, you can add the button to the taskbar on the desktop yourself.

  1. With the Start menu added to the taskbar, click the right arrow next to the button and navigate to Programs - Accessories - Calculator.

Where is the calculator in Windows 10?

Where is the calculator in Windows 10? The version 10 system uses a new utility. If you want to change it from the default because you prefer to work with the old classic look, you have several options.

  1. Install Calculator Plus from on Windows

After installation, launch Calculators Plus from Start or open the folder: C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ Microsoft Calculator Plus

  1. Add exe.

You can also copy the old calc.exe file from old systems 8.1, 7, XP to 10 (use x32 version).

Path: C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ calc.exe or% windir% \\ System32 \\ calc.exe

  1. Find and use the pre-installed default app in OS 10.

You can also use a call to the installed calculator on your Windows 10 computer, as the new one looks a little different. To return the utility, specify the path:

C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ calc.exe

Where is the calculator in Windows 10? You can use this program to perform simple calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It also offers advanced programming, scientific and statistical analysis, and more.

You can perform calculations by clicking on the program buttons, or enter calculations using the keyboard - use the numeric keypad to enter numbers and operators by pressing Num Lock.

Calculation history keeps track of all the calculations that the program performs and is available in standard and scientific modes. You can change values \u200b\u200bin calculations in your history. While you are editing the calculation history, the total of the selected calculation is displayed in the results area.

If you occasionally work with a computer with numbers, then you may need to use a calculator. The Windows operating system has a built-in calculator and this guide will show you how to open it.

Open calculator from the list of programs

By pressing the button Start, the menu is displayed. When you click "All programs" in it, a list of utilities available on the computer will be displayed. Among them, there must be Calculator... To quickly display this application, you can enter in the search bar located there Calculator.

The application of the same name will be displayed, you just need to launch it.

As a result, you will see a calculator window in which you can make the necessary calculations.

Open calculator via system command

On the keyboard, type the combination Win + R, which will display the system window Execute.

In it enter the text “ calc.exe"(Without quotes), and then press the key Enter... This will open the calculator window.

Calculator quick call

You can create a shortcut with the app Calculator on your desktop. To do this, hold down the mouse and drag the application shortcut that is in the menu Start, on the desktop.

Then open the properties of the shortcut and in the field Quick call: enter the desired key combination, when pressed, it would open Calculator.

Now you can quickly call Calculator from a shortcut or by pressing a keyboard key combination. Very comfortably!

The instruction is universal and is suitable for both past versions of Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1) and the latest Windows 10.

If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments to the material.