How to log in to Bios on a Sony Vaio laptop. Non-standard door or how to enter BIOS of SONY Bios laptops on a sony laptop

Although Sony Vaio laptops are powerful modern computer devices, with Windows installed on them, they can also experience software failures when it is necessary to apply some settings specified in the primary input / output system of the BIOS. This is where the problem of how to enter the BIOS of the Sony VAIO arises. As it turns out, this is not easy to do, since the solution used is sometimes radically different from the standard one.

Sony VAIO laptop: how to enter BIOS in the standard way?

Unfortunately, many owners of devices of this lineup are somewhat perplexed about why their creators needed to complicate the lives of users.

The fact is that the standard combination in the form of the usual three-finger combination with pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys does not work here. The user begins to rush in panic, looking for at least some way to get to the primary system, up and down exploring his Sony VAIO Pro laptop. How to enter BIOS in these particular models will be said a little later, but for now let's dwell on the solution proposed for the outdated line of devices.

The entrance to the BIOS is carried out using the F2 or F3 keys. But the catch is that the time for pressing is quite limited, sometimes you have to press the same key several times or use both keys alternately.

Some models use a slightly different solution, partially similar to the previous one. In them, the problem of how to enter the Sony VAIO BIOS is solved using the F8 or F12 keys. Again, sometimes a single press does not work.

Sony VAIO Pro: how to enter BIOS using an alternative method?

If you look at later modifications, they use a solution that an ordinary user, without prompting from the outside, perhaps would not have guessed.

In this case, the problem of how to enter the Sony VAIO BIOS is solved by pressing the special ASSIST key located directly on the keyboard panel at the top right. However, for some reason, the login mode is called VAIO Care (rescue mode), and not the direct login expected by the user.

First, a special menu appears, in which you need to select an option. And to gain access to the BIOS system, you need to use the F2 function key.

So, the entrance is made. Fortunately, in Sony VAIO laptops, the BIOS and the main parameters of the computer system are configured using standard methods, and the menu names do not differ much from the generally accepted ones. In the same way, the changed settings are saved and exited (F10 and the letter "Y" to save the parameters).

What if I can't sign in?

But these were only the main methods used. But it often happens that none of them works. What to do in this case? Most experts advise reading the technical documentation or using information about the installed motherboard and then looking for a solution to the problem precisely by modifying it.

You can get this information from Device Manager (devmgmt.msc) or from the complete system configuration description (msinfo32). The given shortcut commands are entered in the "Run" console, invoked by pressing the Win + R keys together. After that, all that remains is to enter a search query and see exactly how you can enter the primary system.

To compose a more accurate request, you can use the serial number of the motherboard or special identifiers DEV and VEN, which can be found in the properties of the motherboard controller in the "Device Manager" (for this, use the information tab) or in the same system configuration.


As you can see from the above, the problem of how to enter the BIOS of the Sony VAIO, although it looks a little difficult at first, is nevertheless solved quite simply. It all comes down to finding out exactly which keys are used to enter each specific model. On the other hand, every owner of such a laptop, with the ASSIST key on the panel, should be quite obvious that it is possible to get into the settings of the primary system with its help, so experimenting with other options will be a waste of time. If, however, a different combination is used to enter, it is better to preview the user manual that comes with the kit in advance. Finally, if it is not there, you will have to dig around the Internet. In any case, a solution can be found. There would be a desire.

So I had to tinker and steam the mosk the day before with the sony vaio SVE1712P1RB laptop, which a friend brought me, asking me to take 8 Windows off him and put 7-ku. O_o at first I tried to get from the BIOS for 40 minutes .. I was stinging delete, all the F1-F12 variants, I even tried all sorts of combinations, like ALT + CTRL + S, etc. Figo. Sonya stubbornly twisted the 8's logo and proceeded to download it. This cannot be, because this can never be ... So that even a sony vaio laptop cannot enter the BIOS, boot from DVD-ROM and reinstall the OS from the boot disk. And there was a solution

It turns out that the sony vaio SVE1712P1RB model has an interesting button on the front panel, which is called ASSIST... Why the hell did the developers of this laptop have to reinvent the bicycle, I don't know ... However, I got into the BIOS only by poking this fucking button when the laptop is off

It turned out to be the coveted item, which was allowed into the bios, after his choice. Well, isn't it nonsense? For me - complete. Well, or a very tricky protection from the fool, so that they don't climb with crooked handles into the BIOS and do not rummage there in search of adventure.

However, there is one more nuance for the successful installation of windows 7 instead of windows 8. Namely, one change had to be made in the BIOS. In chapter Boot there is a regime Boot mode, which with the installed 8th Windows is UEFI

And in order for the 7th Windows to get up and work normally, you need instead UEFI select mode Legacy

The further into the forest, the more Microsoft is inventing various garbage to make life difficult for system administrators and ordinary people. Spending an hour of time on debriefing and searching for an entrance to the BIOS was not a pity for me, but even interesting. But I don't think that for an ordinary user it would have ended in an hour. And even more so if it's a whole organization with a pack of such laptops. In this case, it is much easier to subscribe to

I faced the problem of entering the BIOS of a sony vaio laptop only a couple of years after purchasing it. I own a model that is already outdated and I wanted to modernize it. Install Windows 10 instead of 8. Change the HDD to an SSD. 4GB of RAM to increase to 8.

After installing all the new hardware, I rebooted the laptop and then problems began with the entrance to my Sonya's BIOS. Standard login methods for laptops, pressing F2, F12 and desktop computers Del (Delete) did not work.

I am quite good at computers, but this is the first time I encountered Sony's equipment, and I immediately got such a kick. This is not to be arrogant. I went to the Internet for answers and immediately understood what was the matter.

Special button

To enter the BIOS, Sony has created a special button. If you want to go into the BIOS of a Sony laptop, then first turn it off, and then start the laptop by pressing this button. Boot the recovery menu, which translates as. Inside there is an item "Run BIOS settings", which can be launched by pressing F2 or by clicking the mouse.

Below is a normal video on how to enter the BIOS on a Sony laptop. I set the beginning at the right moment, so as not to waste time looking at empty information.

Why Sony has departed from the method of entering the BIOS, which is familiar to all users, is not clear to me, but what it is. When you know how to do it, it doesn't cause any particular problems.

Also, do not neglect to read the instructions and user manuals. Most likely the moment is reflected there. Our laziness works wonders. Better to mess around with something for 2 hours than to spend 10-15 minutes studying the problem and solving it in 1 minute.

Conclusions and possible questions

  • The ASSIST button must be pressed when the laptop is turned off, then it turns on in recovery mode, where there is an item to enter the BIOS.
  • There is a lot of controversy about the fact that if the hard drive fails, then you cannot enter the BIOS, since the ASSIST button is programmatically tied to the disk. This is not entirely true.

Firstly, by pressing a button, we go not into the BIOS itself, but into the recovery mode, in which only 1 of the points allows you to enter it.

Secondly, when replacing an old disk with a new one, it will automatically boot from an external medium (flash drive, cd-dvd disk). The recovery mode will not work here, since there is nothing and nothing to recover from. We have nothing to do in the BIOS of the laptop until we install a new Windows. After installation, everything will work normally.

In certain circumstances, you may need to call the BIOS interface, since it is used to configure the operation of certain components, prioritize boot (needed when reinstalling Windows), etc. The process of opening BIOS on different computers and laptops may differ and depends on many factors. These include the manufacturer, model, configuration features. Even on two laptops of the same line (in this case, the Sony Vaio), the conditions for entering may be slightly different.

Enter BIOS on Sony

Fortunately, the Vaio series has a dedicated key on the keyboard called ASSIST... When you click on it during computer boot (before the OS logo appears), a menu will open where you need to select the item "Start BIOS Setup"... Also, opposite each item is signed which key is responsible for calling it. Within this menu, you can navigate using the arrow keys.

In Vaio models, the spread is small and the correct key is easy to identify by the age of the model. If it is outdated, then try the keys F2, F3 and Delete... They should work most of the time. For newer models, the keys will be relevant F8, F12 and ASSIST (the features of the latter are discussed above).

If none of these keys worked, then you have to use the standard list, which is quite extensive and includes these keys: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, Delete, Esc... In some cases, it can be topped up with various combinations using Shift, Ctrl or Fn... Only one key or their combination is responsible for the input.

You should never exclude the option of obtaining the necessary information about entering the technical documentation for the device. The user manual can be found not only in the documents accompanying the laptop, but also on. In the latter case, you will have to use the search bar, where the full name of the model is entered and various documentation is searched in the results, among which there should be a user's manual in electronic form.

Also, when the laptop boots up, a message with the following content may appear on the screen "Please use (desired key) to enter setup", by which you can find out the necessary information about entering the BIOS.

And so, to enter the Sony vaio BIOS, turn on the laptop and press the key F2, if the BIOS is not displayed and the normal boot of the system begins, then try pressing other keys F4, F8 or the key Delete.

On the Sony vaio PCG-71812V model, the key is used to enter bios F2... Let's look at what menu items and settings this BIOS provides us with.

The first section is Main... This section displays information about the BIOS version, serial number, RAM size - 4096MB, hard disk size - 500GB. The only thing that can be configured in this section is to adjust the time and date.

The next section is Advanced... There is only one tab in this section - Virtualization Technology. You can turn it off ( Disabled) or enable ( Enable). To do this, press the Enter key and use the arrows on the keyboard to select the function - Disable / Enable, then press the key F10 and Enter.

The next section is Security... In this section you can set passwords.

Set machine password - Set a password when entering the BIOS.
Set user password - Set user password.
Password when power on- Set a password to log into the system.

To set a password, as usual, select the tab on which you want to put the password, press the key Enter and register a password. After all that has been done, press the key F10 to save the settings.

And so the most important and necessary section of the BIOS.

Boot from USB stick or CD-Rom Sony Vaio.

To boot from a USB flash drive or cd-rom into BIOS, we need a section Boot.

Boot Configuration

External Devise Boot - Download from external device

Internal Optical Disc Drive - internal optical drive
Internal Hard Disk Drive - internal hard drive
External Device - external device
Network - net

Select the tab with the arrow on the keyboard External Devise Bootpress the key Enterin the drop-down menu, click Enable. In this way, we allow downloading from external devices.

Next, use the arrow on the keyboard to go down by selecting the tab External Device(External device) and now not with an arrow, but by pressing the key F5 we raise this tab to the very top, thereby we set the priority of loading from a USB flash drive into BIOS. To download from cd-rom, you need to select the tab Internal Optical Disc Driveand also with the key F5 raise to the very top, then the download will be from cd-rom. After setting, be sure to save everything by pressing the key F10... ... I hope it is clear!

The last section of the BIOS is Exit(Exit) . There is definitely nothing to configure, everything has to do with logging out and saving from the system.

Exit setup
Get Default Values - Exit and save the default settings.
Viscard Changes - cancel changes.
Save Changes - Save changes.
Shutdown - Malfunction.

Well, that's all friends, I hope everyone understands everything, how to enter BIOS on a Sony vaio laptopand set the boot from the Sony Vaio flash drive. If you have any questions and additions, be sure to write in the comments, I will help everyone as much as I can. Good luck !!!