How to restore the boot file in Windows 7. Startup recovery tools

For many years, Microsoft has improved the Windows operating system recovery system, and in Windows 7 and Windows Vista it works almost automatically. If you boot from the Windows 7 installation disc and click "" ("Repair Computer"), Windows Repair will launch and try to fix any errors it finds on its own. It is able to fix a large number of problems, however, it is quite possible that the bootloader is damaged, and the recovery system cannot cope with this problem. In this case, you can manually restore the bootloader using the Bootrec.exe utility.

application Bootrec.exe serves to correct errors related to damage to the bootloader and, as a result, the inability to start operating systems Windows 7 and Windows Vista.


The utility will display help on the available command line switches.

Description of startup keys for the Bootrec.exe utility

Bootrec.exe / FixMbr - Launched with the / FixMbr switch, the utility writes a Windows 7 and Windows Vista compatible Master Boot Record (MBR) to the system partition. Use this option to troubleshoot a corrupted master boot record or if you wish to remove non-standard code from it. The existing partition table is not overwritten in this case

Bootrec.exe / FixBoot - Launched with the / FixBoot key, the utility writes a new boot sector compatible with Windows 7 and Windows Vista to the system partition. Use this option in the following cases:

  1. The boot sector of Windows Vista or Windows 7 has been replaced with a non-standard one.
  2. The boot sector is corrupted.
  3. A previous version of the Windows operating system was installed after installing Windows Vista or Windows 7. For example, if Windows XP was installed, NTLDR (Windows NT Loader, Windows NT loader) will be used, the NT 6 boot loader code (Bootmgr) will be overwritten by the Windows XP setup program ...

It should be noted that a similar effect can be achieved using the bootsect.exe utility, also found on the Windows 7 bootable media. To do this, run bootsect.exe with the following parameters:

bootsect / NT60 SYS - The boot sector of the system partition will be overwritten with BOOTMGR compatible code. You can learn more about using the bootsect.exe utility by running it with the / help parameter.

Bootrec.exe / ScanOs - Launched with the key / ScanOs, the utility scans all disks for installed Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems. In addition, when using it, a list of found systems is displayed that are not currently registered in the Windows Boot Configuration Data (BCD) Store

Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd - Launched with this key, the utility scans all disks for installed operating systems Windows Vista or Windows 7. Found operating systems are displayed in a list from which they can be added to the Windows Boot Configuration Data Store. Use this option also if you want to completely rebuild the boot configuration data store. Before that, you need to delete the previous store. In this case, the set of commands can be as follows:

bcdedit / export C: \\ BCDcfg.bak
attrib -s -h -r c: \\ boot \\ bcd
del c: \\ boot \\ bcd
bootrec / RebuildBcd

In the above example, the current boot config store is exported to a file C: \\ BCDcfg.bak, the attributes "system", "hidden" and "read-only" are removed from it, after which it is deleted by the DEL command and rebuilt by the command bootrec / RebuildBcd.

Of course the utility Bootrec.exe very functional, however, it will not help if, for example, the Windows bootmgr file is damaged or is physically missing. In this case, you can use another utility that is also included in the Windows 7 distribution media - bcdboot.exe.

Restoring the Boot Environment with BCDboot.exe

BCDboot.exe is a tool that is used to create or restore a boot environment located on the active system partition. The utility can also be used to transfer boot files from one hard drive or partition to another.

The command line in this case may look like this:

bcdboot.exe e: \\ windows

Replace e: \\ windows to the path appropriate for your system. This operation will repair the damaged Windows Boot Environment including Boot Data Configuration Store (BCD) files, including the file mentioned above bootmgr.

Bcdboot command line parameter syntax

The bcdboot.exe utility uses the following command line parameters:

BCDBOOT source]

a source - Specifies the location of the Windows directory used as the source when copying boot environment files.

/ l - Optional parameter. Specifies the language of the boot environment. The default is US English.

/ s - Optional parameter. Specifies the drive letter of the system partition where the boot environment files will be installed. By default, the system partition is set by the BIOS firmware.

/ v - Optional parameter. Enables verbose logging of the utility operation.

/ m - Optional parameter. Combines the parameters of a newly created and existing storage boot record and writes them to a new boot record. If the operating system loader GUID is specified, merges the loader object with the system template to create a boot record.

Summary... The article covered the principles of working with utilities bootrec.exe and bcdboot.exethat are used to resolve problems related to the inability to start the Windows 7 operating system due to a damaged or missing bootloader

Quite often, computers use Windows 7 startup recovery after errors that have occurred. This can be good or bad for your operating system. Today we will talk about how to manage system startup recovery.

What is Recovery Tool

Windows 7 Startup Repair Tool repairs the OS. It can fix a number of problems that prevent Windows from working properly. At the same time, this process launches a computer scan, thereby detects the presence of problems and errors, tries to eliminate them and ensure the correct and efficient operation of your "iron friend". By default, Automatic System Restore is enabled on every Windows operating system. You can turn it off if you want. But without special knowledge of your own computer, you do not need to do such manipulations - let the machine be checked, restored and functioned normally. Although there are times when restoring Windows 7 startup is long and boring. This is already a signal to think about testing the hardware. Of course, Windows 7 startup recovery does not provide a 100% guarantee that the system will work correctly - there are errors that recovery tools cannot handle. We will talk about them further.

What recovery tools can't handle

Windows 7 Startup Repair is unable to fix some issues. As a rule, system files that have been damaged, deleted, or not delivered at all are subjected to recovery. It is not capable of greater recovery. For example, it cannot fix hardware failure, such as a hard drive or memory incompatibility. Additionally, Windows 7 Startup Repair cannot protect your computer from viruses.

Recovery will not help with system installation problems either. So, if the operating system initially got up "crooked", then there will be no sense from recovery tools. Personal files (photos / videos / documents) are not subject to return and "repair". In order to save your data, you need to do archiving.

If recovery doesn't help

In order to resolve problems that cannot be resolved with System Restore, you must find the problem. Anyway, you will see a summary of the error and some documentation on the screen. Thus, it will be possible to understand what is wrong and take appropriate measures. As a rule, if the recovery does not help, then you need to "fix the hardware" or reinstall Windows.

Manual bootloader repair

There are several ways: to restore the Windows 7 bootloader manually, using programs, automatically and using a system rollback. Now we will talk about how to "manually" restore the system.

In order to answer the question: "Restoring the bootloader Windows 7 - what to do for manual recovery?", You need to be patient and, of course, Windows 7. Now let's proceed directly to the recovery process.

  1. Adjust the BIOS settings so that your floppy drive is in the first place for loading and reading.
  2. Insert the Windows 7 installation disc into your computer and restart the device.
  3. You will see the already familiar window for reinstalling the system. At the bottom left, you will see System Restore. Click on this button.
  4. After that, the "System Recovery Options" window will pop up in front of you. Select the one you want to restore, click "Next".
  5. Next, select "System Startup Restore" - "Command Prompt".
  6. Write in the window that opens: "bootrec.exe".

Bootrec Keys

With the manual recovery method, after completing the last step, you will see a window with the so-called keys. They explain how the Windows 7 system recovery will be carried out. Now we will see which keys are responsible for what.

FixMbr - Windows 7 compatible master boot record is written to the system partition. This option is used when the master boot records are damaged or non-standard codes need to be removed from it. The existing partition table is not overwritten. Windows 7 startup recovery can bother you for a long time because of these entries, but with FixMbr you will get rid of the problem once and for all.

FixBoot - a new boot sector compatible with your operating system is written to the system partition. This key is used when:

Replacing the boot sector with non-standard options;

Damage to the boot sector;

If a previous version of Windows was running.

After you select the required Windows 7 startup repair tool, write it and press Enter. Wait for the process to complete. Done - Windows 7 bootloader is working again and repairing the system. In this case, the boot will occur, the system startup restoration will be in good condition.

Recovery programs

In order to "return" the system startup, you can use various Windows programs; Windows 7 startup will be restored almost automatically. This method is great when you don't have the original Windows disk at hand. What programs can be used to restore?

Heren's Boot CD

As a rule, the salvation in the absence of the original Windows 7 disk will be the so-called liveCD, which can be written anywhere: even to a disk, at least to a USB flash drive. There are many such programs. The easiest and most convenient way is to use Hiren's Boot CD. There are a lot of all kinds of Windows recovery utilities on this disk, but today we will focus on the most convenient and common ones. Before starting work, you need to burn a liveCD and then load it through the BIOS. When this is done, it will be possible to move on to the next stages.

Option 1 - Paragon HD Manager

One of the most popular system recovery utilities is Paragon Hard Disk Manager. In order to restore the Windows 7 system through it, you must:

Option 2 - MBRFix

Another convenient, fast and popular system recovery utility is MBRFix. It is not much different from the previous one. Is that your desire. You won't have to wait long for the Windows 7 system recovery to work. It is enough to do the following:

  1. Select "mini Windows XP" when starting the liveCD.
  2. In the menu that opens, find and select "Partition / Boot / MBR" - "Commandline" - "MBRFix".
  3. To repair the bootloader, enter the following entry: MBRFix.exe / drive 0 fixmbr / win7 / yes.
  4. Wait for the process to complete and restart your computer.

Recovery using the command line. This is another good and quality way to restore your system. In order to use the command line as a Windows 7 recovery tool, you need:

  1. Run on a computer. Don't forget to select the command line option.
  2. Sign in.
  3. Register rstrui.exe in the command line.
  4. Press Enter and wait for the processes to complete.

Disable recovery

You can turn off System Startup Restore using Windows 7. In order to disable the annoying Windows 7 recovery on computer startup, you need to:

  1. Go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "System" - "System Protection".
  2. Find the "Properties" window and open the "System Protection" tab.
  3. In the "Protection settings" find and select the drive on which you want to disable system restore, click "Configure".
  4. In "System protection for ..." in the "Settings" check the box on "Disable system protection".
  5. Click OK. In such simple and quick ways, you can perform various manipulations with system recovery. Do not forget that Windows 7 recovery can be done using a system rollback. In this case, your personal data will not be damaged. It is possible to roll back the system only if it can start itself, that is, if Windows 7 bootloader recovery is always enabled, which constantly checks for errors, but the operating system is working normally. You will need to "roll back" the OS to the date when there were no problems. Recovers Windows using the standard set included in the package. But if your computer was prone to some really unpleasant errors, then some problems may arise in the process that will not particularly affect the quality of the system's work - it will just be unusual and inconvenient for you to work at the computer. The most common problem is the disappearance of the language bar in the system.

Language bar and recovery

The language bar is something that is visible and familiar to everyone. As a rule, there is a panel that shows the keyboard layout and allows you to switch it. Sometimes it happens that she disappears. Then it becomes necessary to restore the launch and operation of the language bar in Windows 7. The easiest way is to turn to the built-in recovery tools. Why exactly you have and for what reasons the language panel is "covered" - it is rather difficult to judge, since there can be a huge number of them. Nevertheless, everything is easily and simply corrected. Let's start fixing the problem with this panel. There are two methods.

Method 1 - "folk"

  1. Press Win + r and run intl.cpl. You can also use: "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Regional and Language Options".
  2. Go to "Languages \u200b\u200band Keyboards".
  3. Open the Change Keyboard menu.
  4. Next, you need to select the language bar in the "Languages \u200b\u200band text input services" box.
  5. Check "Pinned to taskbar" and "Show test marks in language bar".
  6. Next, you need to accept the changes and click on Ok.

The language bar should now appear.

Method 2 - "advanced"

  1. Press Win + R and type regedit.
  2. Find a tab in the registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run

3. Check CTFMon for an appropriate "program". If it doesn't exist, create it.

4. Right-click Run and "create string parameter".

5. Assign a name to CTFMon and by right-clicking on it, click on "change".

6. Write down: "C: \\ Windows \\ system32 \\ ctfmon.exe".

7. Click OK.

Will fall into place, allotted by Windows 7. Which method of returning the panel to its place is right for you - decide for yourself. It all depends only on your skills and desires. But do not forget that the computer can be "repaired" to such an extent that it will eventually stop working at all. Be careful with system files. It is good if you have several computers - on one of them you can always see how to fix this or that error in the system.

In extreme cases, only a complete reinstallation of the system without saving data can help.

It is carried out using the Windows installation discs. Before completely "demolishing" the system, make sure that all recovery methods are not working. If there is no other way out, insert the disc into the drive, configure the BIOS to boot from the disc, and get to work. Very often, when the bootloader fails, there may be problems installing a new version of Windows or with a timeout. Try to carefully read everything that the installer writes. Please be patient - any computer requires proper, often very painstaking care.

With these simple methods, you can put your system in order. Windows 7 startup and language bar is not that difficult. If in doubt whether you can do everything correctly on your own, call the master. He will definitely be able to tell you the correct and high-quality way to correct the errors that have arisen. Try to carry out all the necessary manipulations to protect and scan your computer on time and regularly. Happy repair!

Using a laptop or stationary PC running Windows 7, users often encounter problems with booting, system freezes, or blue screens. The main causes of these problems can be viruses, deletion of system files and low-quality software. To solve these problems, it is enough to use system restore points.

These restore points are designed to restore the state of the OS to the point in time when it worked stably... Each restore point is created automatically when there are changes in the system. For example, when installing a driver or software.

In this article, we will pay special attention command line, with the help of which we will restore Windows 7. By restoring the OS through the console, you will significantly speed up the process. Our article will be especially interesting for novice system administrators and advanced PC users.

Running System Restore in the Console on Normal OS Boot

If in Windows 7 after loading there is unstable operation, programs do not open, system components freeze and do not work, then in this case it is necessary roll back to the previously saved point. Let's start the console on behalf of the Administrator. To do this, go to the menu " Start"And in the search we type" CMD". Then click on the found result with the right mouse button and select the item “ Run as administrator».

After these steps, the console will start in Administrator mode. In the running console window, enter the command rstrui.exe

After executing the command, the System Restore Wizard will open. Click the Next\u003e button in the window that appears to go to the selection of recovery points.

Let's choose suitable a restore point at which Windows 7 functioned normally and continue.

In the window that opens, press the Finish button and confirm the message. After confirming the message, we will launch the system rollback to the selected restore point. If the recovery is successful, you will see a corresponding message.

As you can see, it is not difficult to start recovery from the console.

Console recovery in safe mode

The recovery method described below is necessary if Windows 7 cannot start normally. To go to the Windows alternative boot menu, press the F8 key at system startup (there may be other options, for example, Del or others). In this menu, you must select the item shown in the image below.

By selecting this item, the operating system will boot no graphical interface, and the only means through which the system can be controlled will be console... In the console window, enter the already familiar rstrui.exe command

By running this command, we will open the System Restore Wizard. Let's choose a suitable access point in the wizard.

The example shows that it is identical to the previous one. The only difference is the launch Windows in Safe Mode with console support. Usually this method works almost always, even if the system badly damaged by virusesas at startup the OS only loads the basic drivers and there is no internet access.

Running System Restore in the console using the Windows 7 installation disc

If the second method does not help restore the system, then the only option to start recovery using the console is installation disk or boot flash drive... Turn on our PC and boot from the Windows 7 installation disc.

Now let's go directly to the console itself. To do this, click the hyperlink “ System Restore”, Which will start a search for installed systems.

Let's choose the operating system we need and move on to the next window.

In this window, select the item " Command line", After which it must be launched.

In the console, type the command rstrui.exe, already familiar to us. After executing this command, the recovery wizard will start. The work of the wizard is identical to the above examples. Therefore, we will skip further description of how the recovery wizard works.

Repair Windows boot record using the console

Using a PC with the Windows 7 operating system, users often encounter the problem of loading it and receive messages of this type when the OS starts.

Or something like that.

The main culprit for this problem is a corrupted boot record. MBR or broken boot config BCD... You can solve this problem using the utility Bootrec.exe... Using the commands " / FixMbr"And" / FixBootThe utility can create a new boot record and fix it.

To use these commands, we need to boot from the installation disk and run the command line, as in the previous example. Let's use the first command “ / FixMbr»Utilities Bootrec.exe.

By running this command, we fixed our boot record MBR... If this command does not help, then we will use the second command “ / FixBoot»Utilities Bootrec.exe.

By running this command, we will create a new boot record that will allow Windows 7 to start.

From the example you can see that using Bootrec.exe in most cases, you will be able to restore or fix the boot record in Windows 7. I would also like to note that the main reasons that damage or overwrite the boot record are:

  • Resizing local disk with the operating system using special software;
  • Installing old Windows OS on top of new... For example, installing Windows XP on the same PC with seven installed;
  • Third party recording boot sector, which the does not support Windows... For example, linux bootloader GRUB;
  • Various viruses and malware.

By paying attention to the reasons that damage or overwrite the boot record, you can keep your PC working.

BCDboot utility

As part of the Windows 7 installation disc, there is another great utility that you can use to restore your OS. Let's also boot from the installation disk to the command line. Then we will enter the command shown below.

In our case, Windows is installed on the "E: \\" drive, so we specified the path in the " E: \\ windows". By running this command, we will restore the configuration files BCDand also the bootloader file bootmgr.

By entering the bcdboot.exe command in the console, you can see a description of the utility, as well as a list of additional keys that can be used when starting it.

Console utility MBRFix

This console utility comes with a multiboot disk Hiren's Boot CD.

Hiren's Boot CD it is a disk with dozens of programs that help many computer professionals and system administrators. The main task MBRFix is Windows Boot Loader Repair. Disk image Hiren's Boot CD can be downloaded from the official website Booting from Hiren's Boot CD, we will be taken to its boot menu.

In this menu, select the item " Mini Windows XP"And press Enter. After completing this step, we will download a portable version of Windows XP with the necessary utilities for diagnosing and repairing the system, including our utility MBRFix... Now let's go to " HBCD Menu»From the shortcut on the Desktop. Then in the menu " Programs"Go to the items" Partition / Boot / MBR / Commandline / MBRFix».

This will allow us to open the console utility MBRFix... In the console window, enter the command MBRFix.exe / drive 0 fixmbr / win7 / yes

This command will restore boot record and bootloaderto start Windows 7.

Use disk Hiren's Boot CD with utility MBRFix especially convenient if there is no original disc with seven.

Summing up

In this article, we tried to consider all the ways to restore Windows 7 using the command line. Therefore, after reading this article, you can easily restore the health of your computer running Windows 7.

I would also like to note that if the OS system files are badly damaged or erased, then it will not be possible to restore the system or its bootloader. Therefore, if you have this particular case, then make a backup all important information on the hard drive and reinstall Windows.

We hope that our material will help you restore the system or its boot record, as well as allow you to avoid similar problems in the future or quickly solve them.

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One of the reasons a computer won't start on the Windows 7 operating system is a damaged boot record (MBR). Let's consider in what ways it can be restored, and, consequently, return the possibility of normal operation on a PC.

The boot record can be damaged for a variety of reasons, including system crash, sudden power outages or power surges, viruses, etc. We will look at how to deal with the consequences of these unpleasant factors that led to the occurrence of the problem described in this article. You can fix this problem both automatically and manually through Command line.

Method 1: Automatic recovery

The Windows operating system itself provides a tool that fixes the boot record. As a rule, after an unsuccessful start of the system when you turn on the computer again, it is activated automatically, you just need to agree to the procedure in the dialog box. But even if it did not start automatically, it can be activated manually.

  1. In the first seconds of starting your computer, you will hear a beep that means the BIOS is loading. You need to immediately hold down the key F8.
  2. The described action will lead to the opening of the window for selecting the type of system boot. Using the buttons "Up" and "Down" on the keyboard select the option "Troubleshooting ..." and press Enter.
  3. The recovery environment will open. Here, in the same way, select the option Startup Repair and press Enter.
  4. This will launch the automatic repair tool. Follow all instructions that will be displayed in its window if they appear. After the completion of the specified process, the computer will be restarted and, with a positive outcome, Windows will start.
  5. If even the recovery environment does not start according to the above method, then perform the indicated operation by booting from the installation disk or flash drive and selecting the option in the start window "System Restore".

    Method 2: Bootrec

    Unfortunately, the method described above does not always help, and then you have to restore the boot record of the boot.ini file manually using the Bootrec utility. It is activated by entering a command into Command line... But since it will not be possible to run this tool as standard due to the inability to boot the system, you will have to activate it again through the recovery environment.

    If this option did not help, then there is another method, which is also carried out through the Bootrec utility.

    Method 3: BCDboot

    If neither the first nor the second methods work, then it is possible to restore the bootloader using another utility - BCDboot. Like the previous tool, it runs through Command line in the recovery window. BCDboot restores or creates a boot environment for the active partition of a hard drive. This method is especially effective if the boot environment was transferred to another partition of the hard drive due to a failure.

    There are several ways to restore the boot record in Windows 7 if it is damaged. In most cases, an automatic resuscitation operation is sufficient. But if its application does not lead to positive results, special system utilities come to the rescue, run from "Command line" in the OS recovery environment.

To make full use of the capabilities of Microsoft operating systems, it is not enough to know how or how to clean the OS from the "garbage" accumulated on the hard disk. Windows 7 is reliable and at the same time capable of surprising the user - for example, unexpectedly and without any reason to "lose" the bootloader. System startup in such a situation, of course, will be impossible; we will talk about ways to solve the problem.

System Utility

The simplest option for restoring the boot sector, like the two described below, involves the use of an installation disk or flash drive by the computer owner. In general, restoring the bootloader, carefully following the algorithm, is no more difficult than; in addition, any removable media with Windows 7 is suitable for manipulations - not necessarily the one from which the system was installed.

The user will need:

  • Insert the disk into a floppy drive or USB flash drive into any free slot, turn off and restart a computer or laptop running Windows 7, and then set the boot from removable media in the window that appears by quickly pressing any key.
  • Wait for the files to download - a user who has already managed to install Windows 7 on their own will experience a slight feeling of nostalgia.

  • In the window that opens, select the installation language.

  • Go through one more standard step required to repair the Windows 7 boot loader.

  • And use the link "System Restore" in the new window.

  • After again waiting for the utility to determine the presence of the OS installed on the computer or laptop.

  • The user must select the desired one - the one whose bootloader refuses to work normally, and click on the "Next" button.

  • In the list that opens, select the "Startup recovery" option.

  • And wait until the system detects existing bootloader errors and offers to fix them.

  • After the recovery is complete, using the system utility, you can restart the computer and check the bootloader status again - if it has been successfully restored, the message "Failed to find an error" will appear.

  • Now the user can restart Windows 7 using the appropriate button and start working in normal mode - not forgetting to make a backup copy of the system just in case.

Important:this method is suitable for all types of Windows 7 and all used disks, including those with an MBR structure.

Usually its effectiveness is one hundred percent, but if it did not work out to restore the OS bootloader in this way, you should try one of the following - they are just as safe, although a little more complicated.

Using the command line

The command line is a truly wonderful tool. With its help, you can not only, but also restore the bootloader, if the "standard" method did not work. The user will again need an installation disk or flash drive; with patience, you can get to work:

  • In a known way, select the "System Restore" option, and then the "Command Line" utility.

  • In the window that opens, enter the command diskpart and press the Enter key.

  • Review your computer information and enter the following command without quotes or extra spaces: lis vol.

  • Find your MBR disk containing the boot loader in the list that opens, and enter its number using the set vol N command, where N is the disk number. The easiest way to determine the required media is by its size: usually it lies in the range of 100-500 MB, but in any case it should be smaller than the others.

  • Make the previously specified disk active by entering a new command for it: activ.

  • Read the information on the successful recovery of the Windows 7 bootloader, enter the exit command and close the console, then restart the computer or laptop - the bootloader should be found successfully.

Important:recovery of boot sectors using the command line performed in this way is suitable for hard disks with MBR markup; in other cases, the user is likely to fail.

Bootrec command

Another system option executed from the command line. A Windows 7 user who has already inserted a boot disk or USB flash drive and managed to call "System Restore" should proceed as follows:

  • Enter bootrec on the command line and press Enter.

  • Read the brief help on the utility operation.

  • And enter the new command bootrec.exe / fixmbr - it, as you might guess, serves to fix errors in the boot partition and is suitable only for hard disks with MBR structure.

  • Verify that the command completed successfully.

  • And enter the following command - bootrec.exe / fixboot. It is used to bring up the Windows 7 bootloader.

  • As soon as the request is fulfilled by the system.

  • The user can enter the final exit command.

  • And restart Windows 7 normally.

Important:to restore the Windows 7 bootloader, you can use not only standard installation disks or flash drives, but also all kinds of assemblies - the main thing is that they have the ability to call the command line.

Disk management

If several versions of Windows are installed on a computer or laptop, you can fix the bootloader of one of them by starting the working one and performing a series of simple manipulations:

  • Open the start menu.

  • Go to "Control Panel".

  • Further to the section "System and Security".

  • Now, being in the subsection "Administration".

  • The user must open the "Computer Management" shortcut.

  • In the window that opens, switch to the "Disk Management" tab.

  • And check if the Windows 7 system partition is active - it often turns out that it is deactivated, and instead of it the main partition is marked, containing the paging file, system and user data.

  • If so, right-click on the boot sector and select "Make partition active" from the context menu.

  • After confirming the action, the user.

  • It will see that the MBR partition is activated and will most likely be able to start Windows 7 normally.

Advice:if none of the above methods helped, one thing remains: try reinstalling the system, saving user data - or, if you want to start over, copy important information to removable media, then format the hard drive, etc.

Summing up

You can restore the Windows 7 bootloader by running the installation disc or USB flash drive and selecting the "Boot recovery" option. Other ways are to use the command line and manually activate the desired partition, or fix the boot sector. If it is possible to enter under another OS, you need to check if the Windows bootloader is activated - the priority can be shifted to the main partition of the disk.