How to join a Facebook group. How to join an open or closed Vkontakte group? Joining a group

VK is a popular social network that almost everyone uses. But nevertheless, sometimes not only beginners have the idea: "How to join a group in VKontakte." Detailed instructions will allow you to understand the algorithm of this action, and then this question will no longer puzzle the user.

How to become a member of the public

It's easy to become a member of the open community. For this:

  • Log in to your page;
  • Choose the public association you like, go in or use the "Subscribe" button right away;
  • There will be a blue button in the upper right corner "Join the group" Vkontakte or "Subscribe";
  • We click on it and find ourselves among the participants.

It's easy to understand that everything went well. As soon as you click on the button, an alert will appear in the form of a line "You are a member" / "You are subscribed".

You will see such a message in the general list of social network groups, and by entering a specific community.

But unfortunately or fortunately, the site has not only publicly accessible publics, but also those that restrict access to content. We will describe below how to join a closed group or community in contact.

How to become a member of a private club

This task differs in that you have to wait for the administrator's approval. Only after his permission can you see community content. The rest of the algorithm is similar to the previous one, just click the "Submit application" button. It is also located on the right, also in blue. We are waiting for approval and ready.

Everything that was described above was about joining the community on your own. But, how to enter a group in a contact if there is an invitation from a member? It should be noted that an offer to become a member of a public or a meeting comes with ready-made buttons "Decline invitation", "Join". That is, it is more convenient than looking for yourself. It is enough to go to the alerts and select an action.

Perhaps the question of how to join a private group in contact will seem strange. Since many people think that they are identical to closed ones. In fact, they include a narrower circle of persons who are connected by something personal, some kind of special interests. And, if you are signed on to a closed public page after considering an application, then a private one may be refused. One cannot argue with this in any way, since the action is only in the competence of the administrator.

If you think about how many groups you can join VKontakte per day, then the answer is quite large - 5000 communities. The limit is quite generous.

How to hide from friends

Usually, users search for interesting public pages from friends or through the search form. And there are times when someone wants to hide their membership in one of them and the very fact of joining from subscribers. For different reasons.

So, we hide the news of the entry:

  • Go to the "Settings" section (in the PC version they are located in the upper right corner, under the drop-down button);
  • Here we are interested in the "Privacy" block;
  • Scroll down to the bottom to the "Other" section. Look for the line there "What updates do friends see" and in the drop-down list select Section Updates;

Other points

Perhaps there are those who are thinking about how to join the blocked VK group. This cannot be done, since the content is closed. And the public itself is no longer active. Naturally, it is impossible to become a member of such a community.

There is another side to this question. It so happens that the public admin himself has banned a participant for some reason. It is now impossible to watch community news, new or old content again. You can try to write to the moderator, overcome the differences.

If it fails, then all that remains is to use another page. Ask someone close to you and see what interests you through another user. Another way is.

As you can see, you shouldn't have any difficulties in order to join almost any group in VK. A small zapara can arise with a closed community, but that is why they are closed so as not to let all outsiders into their ranks.

Many social networks have such a function as groups, where a circle of people who are addicted to certain things gathers. For example, a community called "Cars" will be dedicated to car enthusiasts, and these people will be the target audience. Members can follow the latest news, connect with others, share their thoughts, and interact with members in other ways. In order to follow the news and become a member of the group (community), you must subscribe. You will be able to find and join the group you need after reading this article.

This social network is the most popular in the world, so here you can find many groups on various topics. But it is worth paying attention not only to the introduction, but also to other details that can also be important.

Group search

First of all, you need to find the required community that you want to join. There are several ways to find it:

Community type

  1. Open. You don't have to apply to join and wait for a moderator to approve it. You can view all posts even if you are not a member of the community.
  2. Closed. You can't just join such a community, you just have to submit an application and wait for the moderator to approve it and you become a member. You will not be able to view the entries of a closed group if you are not a member of it.
  3. Secret. This is a separate type of community. They do not appear in the search, so you cannot apply to join. You can join only at the invitation of the administrator.

Joining a group

After you have found the community you want to join, you need to click on "Join the group" and you will become a member, or, in the case of closed ones, you will have to wait for the moderator's response.

After joining, you can take part in discussions, publish your own posts, comment on and rate other people's posts, follow all new publications that will be displayed in your feed.

How to join a Whatsapp group and why do we need it? Man is a social being and for a full life he needs communication with other people. The modern pace of life does not allow us to meet often with friends or relatives, so virtual communication has become a good alternative to personal meetings. Most messengers allow us to create group chats and communicate online on any topic. For example, the possibility of their creation in Watsap is widely developed.

2 ways to join

Everyone can organize their own community according to their interests. In order to become a member, you need to know how to join a group on Whatsapp.

1 way - via phone

To join a chat by phone number, you must:

  • 1. Find the contact of the moderator
  • 2. Write down his phone number in your address book, so that later you can find it in Watsap
  • 3. Send a private message asking to join the chat
  • 4. Wait for adding to the community

Let me remind you that you can enter either by calling the administrator or by searching for groups on the Internet. This usually does not take much time, since the admins are almost always in touch and are happy to find new interlocutors.

Join via web version

To join the PC community by invitation, you must:

  • 1. Find a link to add to the chat (we have a catalog of groups, you just need to click on the button to add to the community of interest), and also available on the Internet or ask the current members) Each member can send it to you.
  • 2. Follow the link.

Adding by invitation is very convenient, because it does not require confirmation from the administrator, but you need to be sure that the link is up to date. The administrator can revoke it at any time and use another one.

If you accidentally left the community and do not know how to return to the group in Watsap, then the algorithm is simple. You must again ask to add an admin or find an invitation.

How to unzip a group in WhatsApp

If the created group has lost its significance for you. For example, if the reason for its creation has passed, then it can be added to the archive. The chat will leave the feed and will not interfere, but all the correspondence will be saved. To find it, just scroll down with a swipe (iPhone) to the end of the list of all your correspondence and click on the inscription "Archived chats" (Android) - the entire archive will open. A long press will allow you to unzip and return to public access in your phone.

Within the social network Vkontakte, there are a large number of thematic communities. In order to receive updates and news of the group, as well as have access to the materials that are presented in it, you must become a member of it.

In this article we will analyze how to join a Vkontakte group.

What is it for

If the community is closed, then you can view it only after submitting an application for membership and receiving approval from administrators (see).

If we are talking about an open community, then you can manually go to its pages and view the necessary information. But updates and new records will not appear in your feed (see) until you become a member.

How to join a Vkontakte group?

We need to go to the community page. If you know the link, follow it (see). Or use the search.

To do this, open your Vkontakte page, and go to the "Groups" section. Here open the tab Community search, and setting the criteria, find the desired group.

It is more advisable to first view the group itself. Go to it and read the information provided. If everything suits you and the topic is of interest, click on the button "Join the group".

If the community is public, you will immediately become a member of it. For closed groups, you need to wait for the approval of the administrators.

If you wish, you can invite your friends to the community. You will find a detailed description of the process in the article -.

Do not think that you can use VKontakte only for communication and listening to music (especially, paid). The network has a lot of interesting communities of different topics - from shops to funny public pages and mini-blogs. There you can study, learn new things, communicate in a company of interests and do a lot of other exciting things. Therefore, we will learn how to join a group in VKontakte.

Why join a VK group?

When you open the feed, a lot of news is displayed there (and not only new photos of friends) - all of those publics to which you are subscribed. There are several reasons why users join communities, and each has different goals, for example:

  • Buying and selling things.
  • Exchange of information and communication on various topics.
  • Thematic sites provide specific information.
  • Listening to music.
  • Watching films.
  • Reviews.
  • Corporate websites, business cards.
  • Advertising and promotion of brands.
  • Developing and cognitive publics.
  • Communities with photos and pictures.
  • Closed pages for specific purposes (a company of friends exchanges photos from parties).

Remember that there are several types of communities - closed, open, and private. Therefore, the rules and opportunities for joining are different.

How to join a VK group?

Joining publics and communities is equally easy from your phone or computer, so you can take action from any platform. The software (Android or iOS) also does not matter, since the button "Join" or "Subscribe" is everywhere. So how to subscribe to a page of interest? Easy peasy:

  • Find the community you want (through search or from friends).
  • Visit the page.
  • Press the button "Join" or "Subscribe".
  • Done, you are now a member.

Remember that in closed or private groups you need to get confirmation from the admin in order to view the content inside. Closed ones can confirm, but private ones - more often than not (sects and thematic pages for a narrow circle).

How many groups can I join in a day?

There is a limit, a limit on joining groups per day - a maximum of 5000, but this is quite enough.

Possible problems joining communities

The main difficulty in the process of "subscribing" to a public is associated with closed profiles, when an application may not be approved at all or in a week or a month. The problem cannot be solved, since the process is regulated by the community admin.


Thanks to subscriptions to publics and communities, life on VKontakte becomes more interesting, because there you can study, find out news in the area of \u200b\u200binterest and communicate with like-minded people. There are no problems with the entry - one click on the button, and you will receive information, see posts and comment on them. Exit is not more difficult - through the opposite action. If you have not confirmed the application to a closed public, do not worry, you can find a similar one, but open (see also the article). Then there are no difficulties. Use, learn and see in VK only what you are interested in!