How to temporarily block apple id. Unlock iPad in four days. Why is this the best solution for Apple iPhone, iPad linked to an iCloud account

If, after resetting the device and trying to use it, you see the message “The iPhone is currently linked to an Apple ID...”, you need to unlink the device from the Apple ID. We will find out further why this happens and what to do.

1. Reason for the message

This text appears for the simple reason that when using an iPhone, the “Find iPhone” function was previously enabled. It is designed to protect your smartphone from theft.

That is, when your phone is lost or stolen, this function allows you to determine the location of the device. Then you can immediately go to the place where it is located, invite law enforcement agencies, and return your property.

The function is, of course, useful, but it also has a downside. If you want to use another Apple account on your iPhone, you won’t be able to do this. Unless you have to enter your old data, then log out of your Apple ID (read our article on how to do this) and create a new account.

But if you do not know the login and password that were used previously, you will simply get stuck on the above message and will not be able to do anything.

So, there are two ways to bypass this binding - one is legal, the other is hacker.

2. Method No. 1. Contact Apple

If you do not know the username and password required to log in, do this:

  • Find the nearest Apple service center. You can also send your request to support at For more information on how to access the form for contacting Apple specialists, read our article.

Clue: There is no complete list of certified service centers on the official Apple website. But there are a lot of them and many stores in any more or less large city have this status. To find them, take your warranty card (if you have one) and pay attention to the addresses of stores that provide repair services. You can also use another method. In a search engine, simply enter the query “Apple service center [city name].” Contact any of them.

  • Go to the service center and ask the staff to unlink the iPhone from your account. In this case, you will need to somehow confirm that you did not steal this device, but are its legal owner. Proof of purchase can be a purchase receipt, store statement, or other similar document. Also be sure to bring proof of identity with you.

The account delinking service is paid, and the procedure itself is quite complicated. Most likely, you will have to leave your iPhone for several days at a service center.

Now you know how to unlock your device legally. But what to do if the service center refused to carry out such a procedure? Then you will have to resort to “hacking”.

3. Method No. 2. doulCi

A few years ago, the Dutch group of hackers doulCi created a service that allows you to bypass all kinds of Apple locks.

It is noteworthy that he, in fact, copies the actions of the company’s employees who will be involved in unlocking and unlinking the account. Only Apple specialists use their own servers, known only to them. And the doulCi service imitates a connection to these servers, that is, it deceives the device. As for the moral side of the issue, let everyone decide for themselves whether they should use this method. But if there is no way out, you will have to.

Important! When using the doulCi service, the smartphone will not be able to work with the SIM card. All other functions will be available.

To bypass the block using doulCi, do this:

  • Install iTunes on your computer. You can download it from If you already have it, just follow along.
  • Open the hosts file. On a Windows operating system, to do this, you need to open the system drive (most likely it’s drive C:) and open the “Windows\System32\drivers\etc\” folder. On Mac OS and OS X, open Go, then Go to Folder in Finder and look for "\etc\" there too.
  • Below, under all the lines that are already in the file, add the address “”. This is one of the Apple system servers. Save the changes to the hosts file.

  • Next, enable DFU mode on your iPhone. How to do this is described in detail in our instructions. When you enable this mode, you will connect your device to your computer and to iTunes in particular. The system will check the link to a specific account and try to connect to Apple servers, but the edited hosts file will direct it to doulCi servers. They, in turn, will completely calmly allow activation and unlock the device. At the same time, you will also see the activation screen, but the difference is that now you can enter new data.

In general, this is a very controversial method, but, as practice shows, it works. In this situation, this is the only way out if you do not know your login and password, and company employees refuse to unlock you.

It is possible to unlock an iPhone 5s from apple id, in general, like other models, only through legal or semi-legal methods (with a little deception of technical support), which allow owners to restore access to the device. In order to use at least one of the proposed methods, you need to have at least documents on your smartphone, have account information (answers to security questions) or access to mail.

The term blocking refers to several different situations:

  1. You just forgot the key to unlock your phone;
  2. You are required to enter an apple id password that you do not have;
  3. A message indicating that the device is lost or stolen is displayed on the screen.

For each individual case, the actions will be completely different, so they should be considered separately.

Unlocking iPhone

Quite often on the Internet there are situations where you lose access to your smartphone, in cases where you installed an unlocking key that is too sophisticated or they played a joke on you. However, do not despair - the situation is completely fixable.

There are several ways to reset the unlock password to the standard one. Nevertheless, for the legal methods invented by the developers, you need to know the apple id of the iPhone; below we will indicate an option without it.

Method 1. Using the iTunes service

To perform the necessary actions, you should connect the device to the computer, check that there are no errors. To unlock:

  • Use the iTunes service;
  • Find the phone icon in the left menu, which takes you to the “Devices” section and click on it;
  • Find your iPhone among the list and go to its review;
  • Next you will see the “Recover” tab.

Method 2. Unlocking iPhone via iCloud service

To perform the following steps, make sure that you have access to the Internet on your phone or computer. In addition to everything else, the “Find my iPhone” application should work for you.

  • Go to the iCloud search application, use the link;
  • You need to log in to the site using your id and password;
  • Make sure that the service finds your smartphone online (there should be a green circle);

  • Click on the iPhone and press the “Erase” button.

This method will erase all user data from the smartphone, so you should copy it to the cloud in advance.

Method 3. Unlocking a jailbroken phone

This method is extremely simple, you just need to download the SemiRestore application from the website at Also, to perform a reset you will need the OpenSSH component, you can get it from the link Now just connect your iPhone, launch the program and after analyzing the application, click on the SemiRestore button in the main program window.

Even though the program deletes all user data, it retains the jailbreak function.

When I activate my iPhone it asks for my apple id, what should I do?

This problem occurs in cases where you have lost your apple id record or, even worse, you were not the one who set the password. This problem can only be fixed if you have all the recovery information or documents for the iPhone along with the receipt.

The iPhone asks for activation via apple id in cases where you have updated the smartphone’s firmware after a certain period of time or you are trying to make important changes, including in apple services.

Sometimes people offer to buy an iPhone at a low price right on the streets. You shouldn’t rush into such offers, since you will definitely have to enter your password and id sooner or later. If you don't have your email or password, your smartphone will become a useless brick.

There are only two ways to recover your password: through the standard proposed method or through technical support. To restore access, you need to know the answers to security questions or access to the mail to which your apple id is registered.

1.Go to the iTunes or iCloud website;

2.On the login page, under the password entry screen you will see the message “Forgot your apple id or password?”, click on it;

3.Enter your email address;

4.You will see two reset options, select the one you need:

  • Reset by e-mail – allows you to use the backup e-mail, if this is not confirmed, then the main one, to restore access to the account;

  • Answering security questions. If you personally registered an account and entered adequate data, then there should be no problems.

If for some reason you were unable to use this tool, then all hope lies with the technical support service. However, you should understand that you must prove ownership of the iPhone.

Support will have legitimate questions, like: “Why don’t you have access to mail, etc.”, then your only hope will be to provide documents. After review, you will be notified of a decision regarding your situation.

How to unlock iPhone from apple id?

Here we will consider a situation when your iPhone is completely locked and the screen indicates that the device is lost. In this case, there are not as many options for the development of events as we would like. The only way that will give you back access to your smartphone is if you have the information necessary for at least one of the recovery methods. When contacting technical support with the request: “I can’t unlock apple id,” you will not receive a satisfactory answer, since this is the function of blocking the phone.

If everything turns out in such a way that you do not have the information and do not know the password to the apple id, then you have a choice: return the iPhone to the owner, possibly for a fee, since it is not always possible, but a contact number or his email is indicated, another option is This is to give the smartphone for analysis, reimbursing at least some part of the money spent.

Some craftsmen, whose videos can be found on YouTube by searching for Activation Lock, have learned to bypass the lock to some extent. Gaining access to some iPhone functions such as a video camera, player, browser and several others.

Etc.), you know that there is such a thing as Apple ID - a universal user identifier for an Apple device. It links a specific device to the Apple cloud service, thus allowing you to control the device and synchronize it.

In this article we will try to draw your attention to an unpleasant situation that every owner of an Apple device may encounter. We are talking about a message stating that the iPhone is blocked by the ID shown on the screen of your phone or tablet. Let's look at the main situations and possible reasons why this recording may be displayed, and also tell you what to do to get rid of it.

Why do you need an Apple ID?

As already noted, with the help of ID, the owner can, in a sense, control his gadget. This is done through the iCloud service. A striking example of how this works is the following case: if the device is lost, the owner has the opportunity to display a message on its screen: “iPhone 5 is locked (this applies to any other model), return the phone.” And, of course, the one who has the device in his hands will not have access to the content and recordings on the smartphone.

Agree, the function is quite useful. Moreover, if someone steals the phone and resells it, the new owner will see a message that the smartphone is locked, after which he will be aware of his duty to return it.

Other Apple ID features

The ability to display an indication that the iPhone is locked is not the only function of such a mechanism as Apple ID. In fact, this system (which is designed as a login and password) also allows you to make purchases on the AppStore content service, access media services, and manage the device using iCloud. In general, I would like to say this: everyone can create their own ID, it is done for free. But this is an optional function, so you do not need to register it. Simply ID makes your phone more flexible. Plus, if you lose your locked iPhone 4s, attackers will not be able to use it, and this is a clear plus from a security point of view.

Blocking restrictions

You may ask: is it possible to somehow bypass the system and continue to use the device? In theory, no. In fact, we all know stories when a stolen phone is sold, after which they begin to use it as before.

There are many ways to organize this. The simplest, obviously, is to switch the device to “flight mode” in such a way as to prevent activation of the lock. In this case, the phone simply will not have time to receive a signal from iCloud, and those who took possession of it will have little time to reflash it or otherwise reset the settings.

Another issue is that the smartphone will not be able to be used normally by its true owner. After all, those who steal a phone do not need to work with it - they need to sell it, get money and hide from both the previous owner and the buyer. As for situations where the legal owner of a mobile phone suddenly receives the message “Your iPhone is blocked by ID,” this scheme is not relevant here. You, as the owner, will need to figure out what caused the blockage. This is where the fun begins.

Carefully! Scammers

You can hear many stories that talk about one deception scheme. A large number of people have already fallen for it. One day a message appears on the screen. It says about a locked iPhone 4, and to gain access to it, you need to pay 1000 rubles to the specified wallet.

A little searching for information and we find many more similar stories. All of them consist in the fact that a message with the same content was displayed on the display of Apple equipment, in which there was a requirement to pay money. So there is a reason to understand how this scam works.

Deception scheme

Fraudsters who send a message that your iPhone is blocked use the iCloud service described above. You can also access it using the web interface (that is, simply by entering your account information on a special website). All the scammers need to successfully carry out their plan is access to your mailbox. Next, accordingly, they find out your Apple ID password and then block your device.

It is very easy to display a message with a text indicating the payment information of criminals; you just need to write it in the service interface itself. As for further unlocking and working with the device, this depends primarily on the conscience of the scammers. In theory, nothing prevents them from repeating the blackmail.

How do they do it?

Everyone immediately wonders how ransomware manages to pull off this scheme. How do they gain access to the account of the owner of the Apple device? And, of course, if iPhone 4 is locked, how can you unlock it for free?

First, let's describe how scammers work. As noted above, first they need to gain access to the user's mailbox. This is done using some kind of malicious program, a site containing a data entry form, or a Trojan virus that reads your passwords. In fact, the arsenal of criminals in this area is unlimited - most people understand too little about computer technology, due to which they behave naively and do not show enough caution.

After the mail is hacked, the bypass paths for the user are then blocked. For example, a filter is created on the mailbox that deletes letters coming from Apple with a new password (which the rightful owner of the phone will request). Then, obviously, the person does not receive the letter and cannot change his password.

In turn, criminals cannot completely block access to the victim’s mail, because then they will not have the opportunity to contact her and describe the requirements in detail. And in a normal situation this is done through mail.


If you see a message that your iPhone is blocked, don’t be upset. The solution is quite simple, you just need to understand a little about how criminals operate. As noted above, they include a special email filter that removes incoming emails from Just remove it and you will see messages containing recovery instructions.

On the Apple ID website, enter the key that was sent by email and your account will be restored. This will give you the option to disable the lock on your phone or tablet. Obviously, the extortionists will no longer have anything to show you in order to demand payment.

How to avoid getting caught again?

Once the “iPhone blocked” status is removed, we recommend taking a number of measures aimed at preventing similar cases in the future. First of all, we are talking about passwords. They must be changed on all your accounts - both on your mailbox and on the Apple ID service.

Next, think about where you could have leaked data, in particular your password. For example, it could be a computer virus or a fraudulent site that looks like the official one. In order to find out what's wrong, download an antivirus and some kind of vulnerability scanning program. You can find one in the product line of any brand - the same Nod32, McAfee, Kaspersky - all these and other studios offer their solutions.

iPad Activation Lock protects the device from unauthorized access in case of theft or loss. However, this useful function in some cases can become an insurmountable obstacle for the legitimate owner of the tablet. To prevent the device from remaining in a “bricked” state, you need to know how to bypass the activation lock.

How Activation Lock works

Activation Lock on iPad appeared with the release of iOS 7. The function is enabled when setting up “Find My iPhone” and allows you to lock a device linked to an Apple ID. When the lock is enabled, you will have to enter your Apple ID password every time:

  1. turn off in settings;
  2. exit from ;
  3. erasing information and reactivating.

Activation Lock essentially turns the iPad into a brick. If you forget your password or don’t know it, the device is completely blocked. You won’t be able to unlock the system on an iPad, even if you reflash it twice, nothing will change. When you reactivate, the system will require your Apple ID password, and if you do not enter it, the tablet will not turn on.

Apple has made such protection to protect users' personal data from unauthorized access, but the function can be dangerous for the rightful owner. If you don't remember your password, you won't be able to sign out of iCloud, turn off Find My iPhone, or activate your device after resetting settings and content, or reflashing it.


How to remove the block? There are two ways:

  1. Disable Find My iPhone in Settings.
  2. Unlink iPad from Apple ID.

In both cases, you need to know your Apple ID password, so it's a vicious circle. You cannot remove the lock if the function is activated, and you can only disable it if you know the password. But we constantly forget passwords, what should we do if a device we honestly bought is locked? Which bypass should I use? Maybe the blocking will be removed at the service center? Let's figure out what to do to get an unlocked iPad back.

Contacting a service center or calling support will definitely not help: specialists will immediately tell you that there is no way to regain access to a locked device except to find out/remember your Apple ID password.

Bypass blocking

If you can’t remove the blocking, we’ll try to bypass it. Security Research Labs employee Ben Schlabs wrote about a 100% working method. He has been quoted countless times, confirming that the method really works. You can't call it simple, but you can try. The conditions are as follows: you do not know either the lock code or the Apple ID with the password - nothing.

The instructions may well be used by attackers, but if you know the method, you can protect yourself from them in the event of your iPad being lost or stolen.

Using the doulCi service

If you cannot get into the system interface because you discovered the activation lock only after resetting the settings, then you will have to use another method - bypass using the doulCi service. Open the hosts file on a computer with iTunes installed. Paste one of these lines into it:

Then connect your iPad to your computer in DFU mode.

You can read in detail about the input/output of DFU mode

When the device tries to connect to Apple's servers to verify activation, an entry in the hosts file will redirect it to the hacker's server. On doulCi servers, the activation request will be processed, after which the block will be removed, and you will be able to go to the iOS home screen.

This method cannot be used for iPhones and iPads with a SIM card, since after this bypass they will remain with the functionality of an iPod: they can listen to music and watch videos, but the devices will not connect to the mobile network. Nothing will happen to an iPad without GSM; it will work the same as it did before the blocking.

Another disadvantage is that the owners of doulCi servers receive information about the device, including the serial number and other individual identifiers, as well as access to personal information. So before using this method, think carefully and clear your cloud storage of information that no one else should see.

Many users of Apple devices are often faced with the impossibility of turning on iCloud due to its blocking, how to unlock iCloud easily and quickly?

Let's talk about all the true methods of restoring access.

Activation Lock. How it works?

Activation Lock is a unique system that was created by Apple developers and first introduced in iOS 7.

The main goal of the new function is to increase the level of user security.

The new service was supposed to become a pointless exercise.

As you know, all user data is constantly synchronized with iCloud cloud storage servers. This reduces the chance of losing user information.

At any time, you can roll back the installed firmware and upload files to the cloud.

Even if the user loses the device, phone data can be recovered using any PC or other iPhone.

You just need to log in to your iCloud website account.

Rice. 1 – iPhone activation

Activation Lock is just one of the features in iCloud. Its task is to check the activation status.

If a user loses his phone, he goes to the FindMyPhone service and with just one click of the mouse he locks his phone completely.

By the way, in our material you can read how to work with iCloud not only on portable devices:

Anyone who finds the device will not be able to simply pick it up and unlock it.

This can only be done by the owner of the phone or by special expensive and difficult to use services.

So, if you have lost your iPhone, Activation Lock will help you find and recover your data.

The appearance of the Activation Lock service window service is shown in the figure below. To check whether the locking function is enabled, you must enter the IMEI code of your device.

It is indicated on the box, in the instructions or under the cover of the phone itself.

You may also be interested in:

Rice. 2 – window for checking the lock activation status

IMEI is a unique equipment identifier that allows you to determine whether the device you are using is genuine.

Using a set of numbers, you can find out about the phone’s country of origin, official supplier, model and other parameters.

If you don't find the IMEI, try entering your phone's serial number. It can be easily found on the first pages of the guide on obtaining a guarantee.

Then type the captcha in the second text field and click Continue.

If you enter all the data correctly, a window will appear with brief information about the iPhone and the status of the activation function.

If it is turned off, it means that if you lose it, you will not be able to remotely lock your phone.

You can enable the function in the “Security” section of the main phone settings. After this, the corresponding lock key will appear on the FindMyPhone service page.

Rice. 3 – checking the status of the function

If the device is blocked, only the owner of the device can restore it. To do this, you must enter your Apple ID and password. Moreover, you can’t just take and enter any Apple ID.

Only the identifier to which the device is linked will work. If you suddenly forgot your Apple ID password, then...

Concepts of iCloud and Apple ID

The Apple ID code is a unique user account number that is tied to the owner’s phone.

One ID can be used on several Apple gadgets at once.

Apple ID owners get access to all related services and features from the developer. For example, iCloud cloud storage.

Login to this service is also carried out using a unique identifier.

Rice. 4 – iCloud login page

Common user problems

Trying to save money, users often purchase used devices.

Remember that any falsification of documents or boxes may be grounds for prosecution, so use this method only at your own peril and risk.

If you actually purchased an iPhone, Apple support will always help you restore the functionality of the phone.

To ensure that support immediately understands the nature of the problem, indicate the problem number as “Case 22153744” - write these words as the subject of the message.

The option of going to the support center can take a long time (sometimes up to one month). However, as a result, you will receive a completely legal solution to the problem.

All functions of the phone will be restored, and you will be able to fully use the gadget.

As soon as support disables the lock for the phone, this information will be displayed on the Activation Lock service.

After exchanging data with the server, your phone will be unlocked automatically.

To get started, you will need to reboot the device and begin its basic setup, as when you first purchased it.

Paid services. How do they work and is it worth using them?

There are a lot of online services on the Internet that promise to unlock your iPhone.

90% of such sites are paid and require a lot of money to restore the functionality of the device.

You should not transfer your money to the first resource you come across that deals with unlocking. There are a lot of scammers in this area.

Before using any site, read reviews about it on Google or on thematic forums.

It’s also worth noting that if the service actually works, its functions will still be limited:

  • No third-party site, except the official Apple server, can recover the password to the Apple ID of the previous owner;
  • Only some offline phone functions can be unlocked (listening to music, playing videos, viewing images)
  • It is impossible to access the use of a cellular network or the Internet using such services.

The doulCi service is an effective way to remove blocking

Of all the sites for unlocking iCloud, it is worth highlighting doulCi.

Its developers are hackers who periodically collect information from the transmission channels of Apple's servers.

Thus, it became possible to restore access to more than 50% of phones. Automatic unlocking is available only for a fee.

And also, hackers claim that they have found a serious vulnerability in iCloud security. Any user can restore the device by making changes to the host file:

Rice. 6 – editing the host file

It should be noted that performing the above steps makes your smartphone data available to site developers, who do not guarantee its integrity and safety.

Hardware solution

The problem of blocking a phone via iCloud is much easier to solve with hardware. It will cost money, however, at the end you will get an iPhone with updated parts.

It will fix all past hardware and software failures.

And also, you can contact a good service center.

Such organizations distribute official parts from, where you can replace it and activate the device.

Remember that you will not be able to activate the device if it was added to the blacklist of stolen or lost phones by the previous owner.

No service will recover your data, so the only option is to find the person from whom you purchased the phone.

Only he can unlock its functions.

It often happens that a person sells a device, although he has no idea that his personal Apple ID needs to be deleted from the gadget’s memory.