How to load garmin raster maps. How to download JNX raster maps to Garmin navigators. Creation of custom maps in * .jnx format

Modern GPS-navigators from Garmin support loading raster maps in kmz format. And you can download topographic maps to the device and use them on trips. List of navigator models that support loading raster maps

1. Go to the section. Find a location on the map. Click on the "Select territory" button and select the rectangle by clicking on the map and holding the mouse button.
2. Select the type of map you want to save. You can choose a satellite map, a satellite map with names or maps in scales 1cm \u003d 2km and 1cm \u003d 1km.

3. Click the "Save for GPS" button. The site will offer to save the .kmz..kmz file to your local computer. If you have the Google Earth program (Google Earth), then you can open this topographic map in 3D viewing mode

An example of Elbrus in 3D:

4. Connect the navigator to your computer, open the Custom Maps folder and copy the .kmz file there

The map is loaded!

In the navigator under SETUP-\u003e MAP-\u003e MAP INFORMATION "Custom maps: site" should appear. It must be enabled to view.


Now just find the location in the navigator that the downloaded map belongs to. Zoom in and make sure the map appears (the map appears at a certain zoom level).

Please note that Garmin devices have quantity limit downloadable raster maps. Each map, .kmz consists of several pictures. No more than 100 images will be displayed in the navigator. This is a limitation of the GPS manufacturer.

KML (Keyhole Markup Language) is a file format used to display geographic data in Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Maps for mobile applications.

KML uses a tag-based structure with nested elements and attributes and is based on the XML standard.

You can use Google Earth, an XML editor, or a simple text editor to create KML files.

KML files and associated images (if available) can be compressed using the ZIP format into KMZ archives.

With KML files, you can:

  • set various icons and make signatures to indicate places on the surface of the Earth,
  • create different angles for the selected objects by changing the position of the camera,
  • use different overlay images,
  • define styles to customize the display of an object, apply HTML code to create hyperlinks and inline images,
  • use folders to hierarchically group items,
  • dynamically receive and update KML files from remote or local hosts,
  • receive KML data according to changes in the 3D viewer,
  • display textured 3D objects COLLADA

The following can be used as objects in KML files:

Placemarks (object Placemark) - the simplest element, defines a placemark - designation of a position on the Earth's surface using the icon in the form of a yellow button.

Paths - lines of a certain thickness and color

Polygons - defines the color of the lines and the color of the signature.

Images - Overlay images of the Earth's surface allow you to superimpose an image on the Earth's landscape, can be movable and scalable, or non-movable, for example, a logo.

Three-dimensional model - allows you to connect the description of three-dimensional objects (for example, buildings and structures). A three-dimensional model can be set in two ways: by setting the height of flat figures (by pulling) and by linking to a full-fledged model in the COLLADA format (Google SketchUp).

The simplest example of a KML file.

Palace of Sports
Sports Palace "Nagorny" ave. Gagarina, 29

I will describe the structure of this file.

The first line is the XML header. This is the 1st line in every KML file. There must be no spaces or characters before this line.

The second line is used to declare the KML namespace. This is the 2nd line in every KML 2.1 file.

Placemark object containing the following elements:

- name, the label used to denote the label

- description, the description that appears in the comment box attached to the tag

- Point, indicates the position of the mark on the Earth's surface (longitude, latitude and optionally altitude).

You can load this file in the Google Earth program by choosing File - Open from the menu.

It can also be downloaded using the Google Maps API.

Example code:

An example of using Google Earth on the site

If we load it in the browser we will see

You can also view the KML file on Google Maps.

It is prerequisite that your KML file must be placed on a website on the Internet.

From the beginning you need to go to

Then in the search bar enter the address of your KML file on the Internet, for example, http: //site/examples/kml/prim_kml_1.kml and click on the button "Search on the map"

Your KML file will appear on the Google map.

To be continued…

The Custom Maps format is not currently relevant, it is much more efficient to use JNX. It is enough to crack the firmware and save the maps in JNX format using the MAPC2MAPC program described below.
Information about formats of vector and raster maps of Garmin.

As you know, the latest models of Garmin navigators (Oregon, Dakota, 62, Colorado, 78, Edge 800) support loading raster maps in KMZ format. Let's try to figure out what it is and what it is eaten with.

Technical description

The KMZ container is a zip archive containing:

  1. One or more fragments of the map in JPEG format.
  2. KML file describing this map in XML format:
    • Fragment names;
    • Parallels / meridians on which the sides of the fragments lie;
    • Fragment rotation angles;
    • Draw Priority: Indicates the location of the raster relative to the available vector maps.

Thus, each KMZ contains a map consisting of several fragments in JPEG format and a file for the navigator with their description.

At the moment, there are the following restrictions on loading raster maps:

  • An unlimited number of KMZ containers (that is, individual cards) are allowed.
  • Each fragment of the map (JPEG) should be no more than 1 megapixel (i.e. 1024x1024, 512x2048, etc.) and no more than 3 MB in weight. The larger map should be broken down into smaller ones.
  • In total, no more than 100 fragments can be loaded in the device in all containers, and their total weight should not exceed 32 MB.
  • All file names cannot include Cyrillic.

Looking ahead, I will say that all these restrictions lead to the impossibility of having more than 12 standard General Staff sheets in the device at a time. These restrictions are purely software-based, but there is another format - JNX - which allows you to load a much larger number of maps with much wider possibilities. However, the use of JNX requires unauthorized interference with the device's firmware, so let's leave this question for another time.

Creating maps


All methods of loading raster maps assume that you have at least a source map in a drawing format. Where can I get it?

  1. If you have maps in "drawing + .map" format, everything is fine.
  2. If you have maps in OZF2 format - use OziMapTrans (free) to pick out a map like "figure + .map".
  3. If you want to upload satellite images or Yandex maps, for example, use SAS Planet (free, Russian). It is very simple to work with it: select the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe desired map, first download it in the required scale (if you want to overlay the "hybrid" layer, download it separately), and then merge it into a huge JPEG, not forgetting to check the MAP box.
    By the way, SAS Planet allows you to immediately collect KMZ for Garmin, but at the moment it does it crookedly - you have to manually set how many fragments to beat the picture, plus a separate KMZ is created for each fragment, which is stupid and inconvenient.

The hard way

This download method is offered by Garmin himself and is described in some detail. In short:

  1. You take Photoshop and compress / chop the existing map into pieces no more than 1000x1000 pixels in size, save it in JPEG.
  2. You put each piece on Google Earth and with your hands (!!!) drag-stretch-rotate it for the best possible overlay (which will not be there anyway) on a satellite photo. It is useful to make the slice translucent. If the satellite photo in this place is of disgusting quality, this is your problem.
  3. Choose the drawing order:
    • 0-49 - the raster map will be shown below the vector map.
    • 50-100 - the raster map will be shown above the vector one, but below the waypoints, roads, elevation and depth lines.
    • The higher order map is drawn above the lower order map.
  4. Repeat pp. 2-3 for all slices. A standard General Staff sheet is 9 pieces, and a satellite photo is up to 100 or more.
  5. Save everything together in KMZ.

In my experience, if you reduce a sheet of HS so that there are 4 pieces, then processing the sheet takes no more than 40 minutes. We are actually doing the binding manually, ignoring the existing one, and by no means the most convenient way.

The easy way

It lies in the fact that you use specialized software for the most simplified creation of KMZ. This method requires a map binding - a MAP file or similar. I use the MAPC2MAPC program, which will be discussed below. I'll make a reservation right away that the program is paid (10 GBP), but the unpaid version is fully functional (it just shits on the map with red crosses), plus you can download old versions for free.

So, the capabilities of this program include:

  • Crop the map with a rectangle;
  • Bonding cards together;
  • Selection of the fragment size in pixels;
  • Choice of compression level;
  • Selection of fragments that we will include in the resulting KMZ;
  • Selecting the level of drawing;
  • Map scaling;
  • The simplest setting of the brightness of the card (it is more efficient to edit the image in Photoshop to your liking);
  • Saving as simple anchor with a picture, and KMZ or JNX.

In general, once the settings are made, it is enough to load MAP, crop the map to taste, select the desired fragments (if we do not need the whole map) and start the conversion. you can watch a video tutorial on creating a KMZ in Mapc2mapc.

Advice: if you set the size of the fragment to 1200x870 pixels, then not 9, but 8 of them will go to the General Staff sheet - accordingly, more sheets will fit into memory. In addition, unnecessary parts of the map (large bodies of water) can be excluded from processing - this also saves space.

In addition, if the path to the map includes Russian characters, the program will swear at it. The path is to hell with it, but the name of the map should be written in Latin, as well as a link to a picture in MAP. You can fix it by hand, or you can use the same OziMapTrans.

Loading maps

The easiest way to download is to manually drop them into the \\ Garmin \\ CustomMaps folder on the device or on a memory card. But if there were jambs during conversion, then the device will either start swearing at startup, or simply will not show the map.

Therefore, a more reliable way is to use the Garmin Basecamp program (free, Russian). She knows a lot, in particular, to load and unload all information from the device, except for proprietary cards. It is enough to import the KMZ created by us and send it to our device or to a memory card, then everything will be done by itself.


Ultimately, our General Staff list is converted into a KMZ file, consisting of 8 fragments and weighing 1.6 MB (quality "4", ie 80%). It is easy to calculate that 12 sheets will be included in the memory of the device, and if you remove unnecessary fragments, then more. This is enough to cover an area of \u200b\u200bat least 50x50 km with 500 meters, and 200x200 km with 2 kilometers.

At the same time, a satellite photo with a maximum scale of 5x10 km takes up almost all available memory (80 fragments, about 25 MB), so if we want to load especially large raster volumes, we will have to use JNX. Information on this format is available on the GPS-Forum.

Memory cards with loaded raster maps can be changed, so if you need to cover a very large area (that does not fit into the memory), it will be convenient to keep the main (vector) maps in the device's memory, and insert raster cards as needed, since the MicroSD card costs only from 170 rubles. Just remember that the Garmins have a rather flimsy memory card slot.

Here is the result of all our actions: a map from Candida, converted by me for uploading to Garmin. The file can be downloaded and opened in Google Earth (the transparency is set in the conversion settings, the map is normal in the device itself). Site of the author of the map:

Here is an example of a 500m General Staff under the vector as it appears on the GPSMap 62s screen.

And this is a satellite photo of the maximum scale:

The "turbidity" of the cards is due to the initial data - naturally, if you wish, you can sharpen them and make them brighter / more contrasting.

The ability to use conventional paper maps and satellite imagery in conjunction with Garmin portable navigators has appeared relatively recently. Until recently, only Magellan GPS receivers could boast of such a function. All new portable models of the Oregon, Dakota and Colorado series support this possibility, provided that the latest updates are installed from the manufacturer's website. To create and download a raster map, we need to use the software that must be installed on a computer. Let's consider the process of creating and using a raster map using the example of the Garmin Oregon 550 navigator, which we will connect with a cable to a computer to create a folder CustomMaps in the Garmin catalog.

  • Garmin Custom Maps - algorithm for using raster maps and satellite images in Garmin navigators
  • kmz - map file extension
  • CustomMaps - a folder in the Garmin directory, which can be located in the device itself or on an external medium

Preparing a graphic image

Automotive atlases, paper topographic maps, satellite images, schematic plans of the area can act as a source for our map. In principle, any image that can be scanned and snapped by coordinates is suitable. For our example, we will take a satellite image of a part of the city of Ivanovo, the image of which we will record directly from the Google Earth ™ program using the option " save image"from the menu" file".

Linking a graphic file

As you may have guessed, image snapping is also carried out using the Google Earth ™ program, into which we will load the previously obtained graphic file and simply combine it with the original image using the convenient program interface where in the menu " add"choose an option" overlay image". To link the scanned maps, you should approximately find the required place on the satellite map and similarly overlay the image. It is necessary to give a name to our map and install rendering orderwhich serves to determine the advantage of layers in the navigator. If you need to overlay the original map of your navigator with the one you made, you should select a value less than 50, and if you want to completely overlap the installed navigator map - more than 50. In the last two pictures you can see the result of this option, where the value is set to 30 on the left, and on the right equal to 60.

Sending a file to the navigator

To save the resulting map in the navigator or on an external medium, you should select your image in the Google Earth ™ program, in its sidebar " tags"using the right mouse button. Then select the item" save location as"and write the resulting map into the navigator or external memory module, where we previously created a folder CustomMaps... Now we can fully enjoy the perfection of the map we received, on which the waypoints and routes will look very harmonious.

I would like to add that it is not very convenient to use Google Earth ™ for downloading satellite images, at least for now. Of course, it would be nice to just select the parts of the satellite map you like and upload them directly to the navigator, but for this Garmin has already prepared a separate product called BirdsEye Satellite and Aerial Imagery... More precisely, this is an annual paid subscription, by registering which users get unlimited access to high-resolution satellite images for uploading to their

When Garmin finally decided to use raster formats, it immediately wanted to offer its customers a look at the Earth not only through the plane of topographic maps, but also from a bird's eye view. Why did I launch the BirdsEye service, by purchasing a subscription in which you can upload not only schematic images of the terrain into the devices, but also the achievement of the current civilization - space images.

The container (file format / extension), into which space photographs are packed for uploading to the device, she named JNX.

Although in its heart, like in KMZ files, a bitmap image with a topographic reference still remains, the service shell is more advanced here:

First, there are levels of detail (scaling). Number 5.
... Secondly, if the device can understand (and forgive us) only 100 (or 500 in Montana devices) KMZ files / tiles, then the JNX container allows placing 50,000 of them on each level.
... Thirdly, Garmin allowed uploading up to 250 cards / containers into devices with firmware released since March 2011 and up to 200 cards running on earlier firmware. (!) It is firmware, not devices. Firmware can be upgraded if available.
... Fourth, based on the previous quantitative indicators, we can safely reduce the size and weight of each tile without significant areal losses, which should increase the speed of displaying / updating and scrolling the picture on the screen.

But there is also a spoon ... fly in the ointment - all this beauty is locked and rigidly tied to the device.

(!!!) Therefore! a) if you are not ready to patch (read, reflash) your device because of some superstition, because of fear of straight arms or fear of losing the warranty, b) there is also no willingness to officially pay for the BirdsEye Satellite Imagery - then it is better to stay at this place, content with the capabilities of the KMZ format. At least before ripening :)

Now about how homemade JNX cards can get into our devices.

The meaning of this is as follows. Before paying for a BirdsEye subscription, Garmin kindly offers to test it (the service). And create one test JNX card with some minimum coverage. The task of the patch is so that after the "injection from greed" the navigator's brain will forever forget about checking the limiting parameters, delighting us with the whole breadth of native spaces.

But before starting the procedure, you need to visit the page on the site a_whiter "a, the author of the patcher, and make sure that your device and firmware are suitable for such treatment. If the device data match the capabilities of the patcher, feel free to go to the download page of the current version (by the link on the same page), download and unpack it to your convenience. folder.

Here the paths-paths of those who have devices with the latest firmware version and who had the old firmware diverge for a short time. The latter can go directly to. And the former continue to prepare the device.

The fact is that the patched firmware is not some new and completely different from the official program, but the same version of the same Garmin firmware, with which the code was only slightly corrected. And the device, provided that the installed firmware is not buggy and works without errors, will refuse to update to the same version, remaining "with its own". Therefore, before installing a new firmware, we need to downgrad the installed one.

How WebUpdater works ... This utility is essentially a regular file download. Its role boils down to the following - first, it looks for some kind of service file in the device, from which it reads the HWID and the firmware version. Then it turns to its database, finds the latest version for this HWID and uploads it to the same folder? X: \\ Garmin \\. The end. Then the device does everything by itself, starting the installation on reboot.

We need to do it manually, only the task is to find not the latest, but an earlier version.
You can take Wikispaces as a starting point: Dakota, eTrex 20/30, Montana, GPSMAP, Oregon 6xx, Oregon x50 (450 and 550), Oregon 200, 300, 400i, 400c, 400t, Colorado.

If you cannot find there, there is still a good catalog on this site, where you can also try to search for your own version by HWID. For this on the device, in the folder? X: \\ Garmin \\ you need to find the GarminDevice.xml file and open it with any text editor (a notepad will do). Almost in the first lines of the code, find something like this: 006-B0661-00370 .

This means that the HWID of the device "0661" with the firmware version "370" (do not flatter yourself, deceive the device, as it happened before, simply by correcting the version in the code to an earlier one (360; 350 ... 320), it will no longer work - they became a little smarter). Then find your version in the table, download it to your computer and unzip it if the file is packed into an archive.

PS: Maybe this will happen ... And most likely it will happen - the navigator will stop seeing the maps that are installed in it. Even vector, even basic, overview ... So - don't be alarmed. From such "treatment with electricity" whoever you want will go to brains, even if they are electronic. The device has just lost touch with reality and cannot understand who he is, where he is. Treat with understanding and help him - put it on the windowsill, or better take it out on the balcony - he needs to communicate with his companions. As soon as they tell him everything and give him the latest news, he will become even better than before :)