How to register VKontakte using mail. Virtual number for VK. Current ways to register

Vkontakte is the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS countries. Not only the number of active users is growing every day, but also the number of fake accounts. To solve this problem, the Vkontakte management decided to bind it to a specific phone when creating a page, which not all users liked. How to register in VK without a phone number? Let's figure it out.

What does registration through the phone give

Not everyone understands the importance of linking a phone when creating a social media account. The implementation of such a function has two main goals:
  1. Improve security. When you link a cell phone, spambots will not be able to send “nasty” messages from your profile to friends. It also makes it harder to hack your account, since logins from other PCs are displayed on your mobile device;
  2. Support for the mobile version of Vkontakte.

It should be borne in mind that the developers of the social network are planning to completely abandon the use of e-mail for linking a profile in order to increase the level of security.

Can I register in VK without a phone number?

There is no unambiguous answer to the question, since in any case you will have to enter the number or use third-party resources. Of course, the field can be left blank, but then the user will be missing some of the features without which Vkontakte cannot be called a social network, namely:
  • A ban is imposed on sending private messages to other users;
  • It is forbidden to add to friends;
  • The ability to join groups.
If a social network is only needed to listen to music or watch videos, then you can register in VK without a phone number.

Vkontakte registration without phone

There are three main ways to create a page in VK for free without linking a number:
  1. "Fake" (fake) phone ;
  2. Login via Facebook;
  3. Through a virtual number.
Let's take a look at each method in order.

Fake number

The essence of the method is that when creating a profile, the user does not use his own number, but someone else's. For example, take a phone from a friend or buy a second SIM card. On the confirmation page, enter the third-party number:

If you have a landline phone, you can go a different way. To do this, just enter the number in the 11-digit form and click "Get code". The robot will call and say the profile activation code. This method allows you to register countless pages using one phone.

The risk of the method lies in the fact that if the data from the account is lost, it will be difficult or even impossible to recover the password (in the case of a landline number). It is recommended to use the "Fake phone" method only if the page is not the main one.

Login with Facebook

Despite the fact that Vkontakte is a Russian-language site, the current owners of are trying with all their might to enter the foreign market, cooperating with other social networks. One of these partners is Facebook.

Vkontakte provides only foreign residents register on the resource through Facebook. But since we are in Russia, we will have to cheat the system a little. For this we will use anonymizers, of which there are a great many on the Internet

As an example, consider one of the popular Chameleon anonymizers. Go to the site:

We simply drive into the search bar or select from the list of popular queries.

This is how registration looks like for residents from Russia:

And this is what the site looks like for a user logged in through an anonymizer:

Accordingly, we click on "Login with Facebook".

Note: Do not forget that this method requires a Facebook account, which requires only an email to register.

The risks of the method are the same as in the above: the inability to recover lost user data.

Creating a Vkontakte page via a virtual phone

Now let's talk about a difficult, but more effective way to create a VK account without a phone.

To create a virtual number will use international servicepringer. com... You cannot make calls through it, but you can receive SMS messages that are necessary to complete registration.

If you have an account on google +, Facebook or Twitter, then to save time on the service, you can go through these resources.

It should be noted that the number is issued to you on a permanent basis. If you have forgotten your account password, you can request confirmation of the recovery request on your current phone.

You can use not only the Pringer service, but other analogs of a virtual cellular (Room5, Kontiki, Bizo, Kendo UI).

Video instructions: how to register in VK without a number

The following video presents the main ways to register on the Vkontakte social network without entering a personal phone number. All methods are relevant:

Despite the large number of ways to bypass the system, do not be afraid to enter your personal phone number when creating a profile in VK. Firstly, registration is completely free - they won't take a dime from the user. Secondly, it will increase the level of security. Hacking your account is more difficult, and you will always be aware of unauthorized actions from your page.

Due to the increased activity of scammers, cunning and spammers, it is no longer possible to register on VKontakte via e-mail. The option with Facebook, which was used 5-6 months ago as an additional way to bypass the restriction that appeared, will not work either (when authorizing through a third-party social network, VK still requires an identity confirmation via a mobile phone number). And here two ways are born. The first one is connected with the purchase of an additional SIM-card from the mobile operator you like. That is, it is enough to look into the office of the company, sign an agreement and be sure to show your passport (recently, a similar identity verification system has been operating in the Russian Federation, which cannot be avoided by standard methods).

The second path is devoted to the use of third-party resources that issue temporary virtual numbers that are perfect for registering on VKontakte.

Surprisingly, there are more services that open access to virtual numbers on the network than it seems at first glance, some are free, others work on the principle of “pay and get access to one or more SMS”. And since the difference is so big, it is important to look at both sentences at once and figure out the details.

Getting a virtual number through Pinger

Before starting the procedure, you should prepare and download an extension or application that opens access to VPN in advance. The main reason for this is the restrictions that have appeared for users with Russian IP addresses, which is why the number is not issued (the restriction works in 50% of cases, but why risk the free time that will have to be spent on registration again), and further activation takes complex shape with additional tests.

The easiest option is to turn to Browsec for help, a free extension available for both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, where you do not need to register via mail and using a password.

To install, just call the item "Add-ons" (or "Extensions"), and then use the search in the digital store Google or Firefox.

After Browsec is found, it remains to click on the install button and wait for the procedure to complete.

In the first case, it is enough to set the "Off" slider to the "On" state (the server is selected automatically or configured by the "Change" button).

In the second, select Smart Settings and Edit, and then specify the Pinger address and select the server. With these settings, the connection speed when using other resources will be maximum, and the IP address will change.

After a little preparation - the first appeal to Pinger, where in the upper right corner you will have to click on the Sign Up button, and then fill in the available text fields or select the social network Facebook or Google + for quick authorization.

Regardless of the choice made, the service will automatically assign a phone number and allow you to immediately return to the VKontakte website to resume registration.

The main thing is not to forget to choose the correct phone code, otherwise Pinger will not receive an SMS with a verification code and it will not be possible to read the information.

Getting to know the OnlineSim service

OnlineSim is a multifunctional service designed to work with virtual numbers, moreover, as free (in 99% of cases, such positions have been occupied for a long time or have recently been used, and besides, they are also unsafe - if you strongly desire, you can easily reset your password through the linked number and get access to someone else's account), and paid, purchased for the local currency.

To purchase, you will have to do the following procedure. Open the main page of the service ( and select the "Register" item in the upper right corner.

Then - start filling in the available text fields. The service offers to specify a name, e-mail address, password and captcha, and at the same time - to agree to the terms and conditions of use (an alternative option is to select existing accounts on VKontakte and Facebook for authorization).

After preparation, a ready-made interface will immediately appear on the screen, where it remains to perform two actions. Select the service for which you need a virtual number ( ideal combination - "China" and "VKontakte": using "Russia", alas, will not work), and replenish the wallet using any of the offered payment options.

In just a second, the system will assign a SIM card with a number and allow you to receive SMS for registration and activation of accounts in social networks, on entertainment resources or in instant messengers.

The social network VKontakte has completely revised the rules related to registration. The days when a standard email address was enough to create an account have sunk into oblivion. At the moment, there are only workarounds left with the use of paid or free tools that provide access to virtual phone numbers, or exchanges where inactive but working VK pages are sold, which are bought for nothing.

Many users are asking the same interesting question: how can you create a mailbox on the VKontakte social network? Let's say right away, if you want an e-mail box like " [email protected]"- this is impossible to do. If you are not one of the administrators of a social network. And this is certainly not the case. Yes, there was once an idea on VKontakte about, but it was never implemented.

However, you can use any other virtual mail service, be it "@", "@", "@", to create a mailbox for VKontakte. That is, in order to register with this social network.

One of the best email services today is email from the well-known Google company.

Here's what you need to do to create a mailbox for VKontakte in this system:

  • Go to the address:;
  • In the upper right corner, you will see a blue "Create Account" button. Click on it;
  • A page will open where you should fill in all the fields: name, surname, password, username, mobile phone number (for the security of your email account), date of birth, country of residence. As for the username, be aware that this will be your email address! Try to make it unique, concise, beautiful and memorable. This is complicated by the fact that repetitions among users are unacceptable.
  • When you fill in all the fields, enter the captcha, put a "checkbox" next to "I accept the terms of use" and click the blue "Next" button.
In principle, that's all. As you can see, nothing complicated. Now you know how to create a mailbox for VKontakte. Use it during registration. If your situation is such that the VKontakte page has already been created, but the email account is not linked, you can link this particular mail to your account through the VKontakte profile settings. To do this, enter: your page - "My settings" - "Your email address". There you will see a button "Save address". Click on it immediately after entering your new e-mail in the appropriate field.

If you want your own Russian mail, do the following:

Choose any mail service for your VKontakte page and enjoy communication on your favorite social network.

Hello dear blog readers! Today we'll talk about how to register in VK correctly. VKontakte is one of the most popular social networks in the Russian-speaking segment. At the moment, the number of registered users is over 140 million.

Let's answer this question! Many of you, especially those who are first encountering this service, are wondering how you can register on VKontakte and why?

By creating your profile on this social network, you can communicate with your friends, classmates, classmates, and make new friends. In addition, in this social. the network has many interesting communities where you will find useful information for yourself on a variety of topics.

It is important to know that VKontakte registration is free!

Below you will find a step-by-step instruction by which you can easily register on this site.

Create a new page

To do this, go to the site from any device: a desktop computer, a mobile phone or a tablet. Until 2011, you could register your account via email.

To date, this is not possible, and the VKontakte page is tied only to your mobile phone number. One number - one profile. This is done in order not to fill the resource with multiple accounts. Of course, many do not want to indicate their mobile number. But you can activate the page only by specifying your cell phone number.

In order to create a new page right now, just follow the link where you will be prompted to register.

Step 1... Enter your data.

In the window that opens, you need to enter your first name, last name and date of birth. Data must be entered with a capital letter and without errors. By clicking on the "Register" button, proceed to the next step.

Of course, you can use fictitious data. But then, if your page is blocked, you will not be able to restore it, since the support service for defrosting often asks to send a spread of the passport with your photo and full name.

Step 2... We enter a mobile phone.

Step 3

Enter the received numbers in a special field and click "Send code". Binding to the phone is needed so that, if necessary, you can restore access to the profile.

It happens that the first SMS does not come for various reasons. Perhaps you made a mistake by entering the phone number, then click “Specify another number”, correct the numbers and ask you to send the code again. If everything is correct, then click "I did not receive the code".

Another message will be sent to you. And in the open window, select either “No need, SMS came”, if it did appear, or select the second option. If you didn’t wait for the message, the support service offers a call from the robot, which can dictate the required number of numbers. Then we press the button “Yes, let the robot call”.

Step 4... Enter your password and enter the site.

After you send the code, a field labeled “Password” will appear. Coming up with our own safe and reliable set of letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers. We enter the invented cipher into a special cell and be sure to write it down in some reliable place so as not to forget. There are even special programs for saving passwords.

Note that there is a colored ruler under the Password box that turns bright green if it is secure. In this case, even an inscription appears about its quality.

After completing all the steps, click “Login to the site”. You will be congratulated and asked to enter additional information about yourself. You can read about how to set up a VKontakte page and how to design it on our website, but for now, click on "Skip".

After that, a window opens with a proposal to enter an email address. I would suggest doing this to make your profile more secure. But you don't need to provide an e-mail. We select "Specify later".

Are you on your profile? Nearly. The service provides you with one more service “A beautiful address for your page”. You can come up with it yourself or choose from the presented ones.

Now you are logging into your VKontakte page. You can safely use the social network: edit your profile, upload photos, listen to music, you can also add your audio and video files, and join communities, subscribe to notifications from them, look for your friends and make new ones.

Registration without phone number

Some people want to re-create their VK profile. Often I would like to start some of them without a real surname, but use a nickname.

After analyzing information from various sites about whether it is possible to create a second page in VK without a phone number, and after trying some of the proposed methods, I came to the following conclusions.

Through Facebook and anonymizer

Developers in VKontakte offer to register through Facebook, where you can create a profile using e-mail.

But alas! Mobile is required again.

Particularly advanced people claim that using an anonymizer, you can deceive the system, and VK will recognize you as a foreign guest. Then, through Facebook, it is allowed to register only by email.

Using a virtual mobile number

It may be that you need to create a second VKontakte page. In this case, you can purchase a virtual phone number through various services.

I read a lot of reviews trying to find a free virtual number service for you, but realized that no one provides such a service.

But there is good news - the registration number costs very little. The most popular among paid services is

You can register for the service by filling out a simple form. After confirming the e-mail, as well as payment, you can select the network or site in which you intend to use it. Please note that the cost for each site is different.

The cell for the social network VKontakte often contains "0 items." Don't be alarmed! We need to wait a little (20-30 minutes), the situation will change. But then don't yawn! Act quickly. Virtual numbers are actively sorted out like hot cakes.

Having received the coveted set of numbers, we very quickly register a new user in VK. We have 20 minutes at our disposal. So, go to the VKontakte page, use the number received on the service and click “Get Code”.

On this page, we are waiting for the confirmation code.


Creating an account using a virtual mobile number is considered one of the most effective methods. This number cannot be tracked. Its main advantage is anonymity. It should be noted that there are also disadvantages. If you lose access to the used service, you will not be able to restore access to the page.

Summing up, I will say that earlier the registration process for VKontakte was easier than now. But, of course, some restrictions can be bypassed even now. In any case, the rules of the social network VK are prohibited, and the page may be blocked.

I hope this article was interesting and useful to you. If suddenly something was not clear or there were questions, then you can always ask them in the comments. I would be glad to answer. Good luck to all!

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I will not tell you how popular the social network VKontakte is. Since everyone has known about this for a long time. Today we will talk about how to register in a contact via email.

I was asked recently: "How to register in a contact via email?" I want to upset you right away, this is impossible at this time.

If even at the time when I was registering, it was enough to indicate an e-mail address, invent a complex password, now, for reasons of security of your account, it is tied to the phone.

Why did VKontakte take such a step? The fact is that with the growth in popularity, the number of attacks on this social network has increased.

And this can be done only by hitting the page of this person, that is, by hacking it. And when there is demand, supply is immediately born, and many homebrew "hackers" start looking for vulnerabilities.

One of the weak points turned out to be the mail, after taking possession of which the criminals gained access to social network accounts.

It's no secret that many of us keep logins and passwords from entering various services, including social networks, in folders in our mail. It is convenient, they are available to us, and we think they are completely safe.

I told you about the reason why you cannot register in contact via email. Now, let me describe to you in detail the process of registering a VKontakte account.

You need to go to the official website, which has the address Be sure to pay attention to the address in the address bar.

Since now there are many twin sites that collect information about you. They look exactly the same as the VK site, only the address in the line is different.

If you notice that before, or after vk, there is one more word, letter or number, for example: or, then do not enter your data on such a site, in any case ...

Registration on VKontakte

Registration in a contact consists of several steps, the first three steps are required, the rest you can safely skip:

  1. Enter the last name and first name;
  2. Provide a phone number;
  3. Come up with a password;
  4. School Number;
  5. The name of the university;
  6. Find friends on social networks.

If you are registering a real account, and not a fake one, then it is better to enter real data.

Enter last name, first name

You can write any words in these fields, leaving them empty will not work. However, it should be remembered that when blocking the page or when trying to correct the first and last name in the future, you will need to go through verification.

You may be asked to take a picture with your passport in hand. If you specify incorrect information, you can lose your page forever.

Of course, while you are a beginner, this is not a big deal, you can register another account. And if over time your page becomes overgrown with friends, subscribers, it will be dear to you, here registration oversights may come around.

Provide phone number

Everything is simple here, enter your mobile phone number,

receive an SMS with a code, enter the confirmation code in the special field.

Without specifying a phone number, and without confirming it, further registration is not available. Do not worry about security, your number will never be transferred to a third party.

Create a password

It is advisable to invent a password that is complex and long so that it would be difficult to guess. The more complex the password, the higher the protection of your social network account.

Indicate where you studied

You can skip this step, if you wish, but if you want to quickly find friends, classmates, then it is better to remember where you studied.

As soon as you enter the city, the school number, you will immediately be shown everyone who studied at this school, at the same time as you.

University or other educational institution that you graduated from after high school

This step is also optional, but it will help you find classmates.

Friends in social networks

At the end of registration, go to your page.

Your page on the VK network is ready, now you can find friends, acquaintances, join groups, listen and download music, play, enter other people's feeds.

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