When I added a friend to my classmates. News feed in classmates. I want to add friends to this or that category

If in real life, before calling someone else, you need to communicate for a certain time: at work; visiting various gyms, swimming pools; perhaps they were introduced by mutual acquaintances, and you quickly found a common language. Then in a social network everything is much simpler: you wanted to make friends with someone, pressed the button and you're done.

In this article, we'll talk about it. We will learn how to see in Odnoklassniki who wants to add to friends, how to accept or reject a person's application, how to apply for adding as a friend, and what to do if they did it by mistake.

We look at friend requests

When someone wants to make friends with you, a corresponding message immediately appears in the "Alerts" section. If you know the person, then without hesitation, you can click the "Accept" button.

Also at the very beginning of the "Feed" there is a block "Friend request", where you can "Accept" or "Reject". Here you can already see more information about the user: how old, place of residence.

If you are in doubt: have all the applications been answered, then click on the bell and on the left select the "Friendship" tab. See the list of people and decide who to be friends with and who not.

You can view friend requests by selecting the appropriate section at the top. Then go to the appropriate tab and decide whether you want to be friends with a person or not.

If there are many users in the list and you do not want to add them as friends, then immediately click on the "Hide all applications ..." button. After that, they will become your "Subscribers".

Dismissing friendship

In principle, from the first paragraph it should be clear how to decline a friend request. At the very top, you need to select the appropriate section, and then go to the "Applications ..." tab. The "Hide" button means that you have declined the friend's offer. To reject all offers from this list, click on "Hide all ...".

But that's not all. Instead of the "Hide" button, the message "Application rejected" will appear. The user does not receive any notification that you have declined the friendship offer. He will see all your new posts, photos and more, since he remained in the list of your "Subscribers". At the same time, you will not be able to see any of his actions in your feed, since you canceled the friendship.

Of course, it is worth noting that if a person pays a lot of attention to you, he will easily notice that you have not appeared in the list of friends, but he has become your "Subscriber". This will mean that you rejected his offer.

What if you refused the application and do not want a person to be able to see your posts in their feed? You need to remove it from your Subscribers list. To do this, click on the "More" button and select the appropriate item.

Find the user here, hover over the user and select "Block" from the pop-up list.

This will add the person to. Now he will not be able to see any information, even if he goes to your page. You can read more about blacklists by following the link.

How to apply for friendship

There are a lot of registered people in Odnoklassniki, and you can find a friend simply by looking through someone else's list of friends. So, if you stumble upon a friend, then just hover the cursor over his avatar and click on the "Befriend" button.

If you want to familiarize yourself with the profile in more detail, then after viewing it, go to the main page and click on the "Add to friends" button.

After the other user accepts the friendship, you will receive a corresponding notification. If there is no such notification for a long time, then there are two options: the person has simply not entered Odnoklassniki yet, or he canceled your application, and you automatically became his subscriber.

There are times when asking for friends is not an option, but you really want to know what the user is publishing. To do this, Odnoklassniki developers have added a section "Subscribers" and "Subscriptions".

The Subscribe button can be found in the pop-up menu. Its plus is that you do not go to a person's page and do not appear in his "Guests" list. But you will see all his added notes, photos, and so on in your feed.

If you have already entered your profile, then you can click on the three dots right here and select the "Subscribe" button.

A person will not receive an alert that you have become a subscriber. But if he is following this, then in his "Friends" he may notice you in the "Subscribers" tab. By the way, indicating the exact time when you signed up.

Now for those who decided to unsubscribe from the friend request it is too late, and it is not displayed in the "Outbox ..." list. There are two options here:

  1. The person added you to the list of their friends. If this does not suit you, you need to. In order for him not to see your updates in his feed, you also need. Now you can be calm. This is described in detail in other articles on the site, which you can read by clicking on the links.

    What does it mean: "there is an unconfirmed friend"

    Such notification in Odnoklassniki began to come recently. And it may appear for two reasons:

    Add friend from phone

    Select the "Friends" section in it.

If you open the list of your VKontakte friends for viewing, then some will be higher in the list, others below. What does it depend on? Top positions fall important friends... In this manual, I will tell you how this list is formed.

Open VK and go to the "Friends" section.

There are two main criteria that affect which of the users gets to the top lines.

  • Correspondence activity;
  • Have been recently added.

With the first option, everything is clear. The more often you communicate with a person, the more important he is considered within the framework of contact.

The second option reminds you to chat with new friends (see). When you add a person, for a while he is included in the list of important friends. But over time, if there is no activity, it will go down to the end of the list.

And what about the list of friends?

There is an assumption that it is formed in a random order. Although when I tried to view my friend's list of friends, it was unchanged after several page updates (see).

Friends online

Here, the list is formed in exactly the same way - by the number of messages (see), or the date of acceptance of the friend request. The only difference with the first option is that the people currently on Vkontakte are displayed.

Mobile app

Go to your Vkontakte page through the application (see). Go to the "Friends" section. Here the list is called “Important”. The principle of its formation is the same as in the full version (see).

One of the main elements of any social network is the feed. This is where the published posts and materials of your friends, as well as the pages to which you are subscribed, are displayed. This article is fully devoted to how the feed is organized in Odnoklassniki and how you can change it.

Basic Ribbon Actions

Going to the OK.ru site, you immediately find yourself on the Newsfeed page, speaking in Russian, in the activity stream. All user news from your friends list and groups of which you are a member is collected here. Moreover, not only the publications made by them are displayed, but also the posts that your friends put "Class" to. And all because in the Odnoklassniki social network, the "Class" mark means not only like, but also automatic repost. You can view your feed on Odnoklassniki at any time - just click on the appropriate section, and you will be taken to the list of your friends' updates.

The news chronicle is formed automatically - the news is in the order of their appearance. Moreover, since there are no feed settings in Odnoklassniki, unlike the same social network VKontakte, where you can arrange news in chronological order, or by setting the smart slider "Interesting first". Unfortunately, in OK.ru you can only partially customize the feed by removing individual users from it.

You can also set some kind of filters for viewing. In the "All" tab, the feed opens in its entirety, displaying, as the name implies, all new posts of friends. "Popular" - a list of posts with a large number of "Classes", which is constantly updated and replenished. "Discussed" includes the most commented posts. You can add individual friends to your Favorites to make it easier to keep track of their updates - they will not get lost in a heap of general news. Friends are new posts posted by people on your contact list. Accordingly, in the "Groups" tab, the entire feed is made up of news from the communities in which you are a member. Finally, Games contains brief notifications from all the different apps you use.

Now let's consider a specific task - to hide some message from the Chronicle. To do this, you need to take just one action - click on the cross in the upper right corner of this post.

You can also remove a person from the feed, or more precisely, exclude any updates from it. The scheme of actions is as follows:

  • click on the cross in the upper right corner near the friend's news from the feed;
  • check "hide all events and discussions".

In a similar way, you can unsubscribe from public news. Such actions allow you to hide all unnecessary - the news chronicle becomes more compact and easier to read.

Users often ask whether it is possible to disable the feed in Odnoklassniki altogether. Unfortunately, the answer is no - the system does not allow turning off the news chronicle. However, you can simply ignore this section and not view it.

Also, you will not be able to completely clear the feed in Odnoklassniki. Mass deletion of all news on the social network is not provided. And this is quite logical, given the peculiarities of the mechanism of operation of services for communication. If you could quickly clear the tape in Odnoklassniki, the whole meaning of this section would be lost. And he is considered one of the main ones, because allows users to stay in the loop and not miss important updates of important people.

Another frequently asked question is why not all news of all groups and friends are displayed in the chronicle? As you understand, it is physically impossible to place absolutely everything, and then read it in detail. Therefore, updates are not fully received - some may get lost. Nevertheless, the most interesting, in the "opinion" of the system, posts remain.

Since it is impossible to completely remove the feed in Odnoklassniki, and it is not very convenient to exclude each user from it, we advise you to use the Favorites tab. How it works:

1. go to the "Favorites" tab;

2. click on the plus sign;

3. we select people, for whose updates we want to follow.

In Favorites, the feed has become short - now you do not miss an important announcement or update.

So, you cannot delete the feed in Odnoklassniki, so you will have to get used to it and try to adjust it to your interests. Remove "extra" friends from the group, and then reading the activity chronicle will become much easier. Well, in the new article we will tell you step by step. Read on! And ask your questions in the comments.

For this, the creators of the social network have provided a special tab “friends of a friend”, which appears after clicking on his avatar in the found friend's profile. If you cannot access a friend's profile from history and other sections of your page, there is a link “find friends” in the left menu. There you can set various search parameters. That is, how to recognize friends of a friend on Odnoklassniki is not a problem. We have created an interesting article on how to properly search and find people using search in Odnoklassniki, maybe this material will help you with something.

How to recognize retired friends on Odnoklassniki

How to recognize retired friends on Odnoklassniki? This is often necessary after a quarrel and removing someone from the friends list. Sometimes people remove themselves or leave the social network altogether. If you want to restore friendships or find a lost loved one, this is easier to do with a small list of friends. You can increase the list of friends in a group on Odnoklassniki by going to this section our site.

Lists compiled in plain text or a Word document help you find out your friends who have left Odnoklassniki. You should write down both the unique identifier of the friend on the social network (often entered in Latin letters) and his passport information, if they are available and say something. Then, when a friend disappears, useful information for searching will remain in the list of Odnoklassniki themselves.

The new list is saved directly from Odnoklassniki. The number of friends in the lists is tracked by date, and if someone disappears, this will become noticeable by the decrease in the total number of users. Sorting alphabetically helps you quickly find the missing ones.

How to find out deleted friends in Odnoklassniki

How to find out deleted friends in Odnoklassniki - the creators of the social network have provided help on how to find out deleted friends in Odnoklassniki. The recently introduced feature to view deleted friends is a useful feature. You can also find and enable the status change notification option in the profile settings. Then, when you delete any friends, a message about this will pop up automatically. It doesn't matter if a friend left of his own free will or was banished by the account owner. Learn how to add or delete a friend on Odnoklassniki you can in the following material.

It should be remembered that the built-in storage capabilities of a social network are limited. Therefore, in any case, it is better to put people dear to your heart in the lists on your computer, outside of Odnoklassniki. Then it will be possible to track in time the history of changes in friendly relations with various users.

Did you ever know about the number of friends on VK? Yes, yes, at the time of this writing, it is 10,000 users along with friend requests. And if there are more friends? This means they will be your subscribers.

Finding users who have 10 thousand friends is, to put it mildly, not so easy. For most, this figure is much less - 200-500 user-friends. But today we will not talk about friends, but about how the list of friends for the user is formed. Here, as it turns out, everything is far from simple.

Important friends

You've probably asked yourself why some users are higher on the list than others? The explanation is simple - at the top of the friends list are those users with whom you most often communicate. However, if you meet at the beginning of the list a user with whom you have not corresponded for a long time, he did not get there by mistake - in addition to communication, other factors affect the sorting, including likes to friends, replies in comments, reposts, etc. Therefore, in the list of important friends (and it is named that way) there will be those users to whom, roughly speaking, you pay more attention than others.

There is an important exception to this rule: the list also includes those users whom you recently added as friends. This is done so that you do not forget about them and communicate. If you do not communicate with them, then over time the list will be reformed and these users will be lower in the friends list.

Friends of other users

Can the above apply to friends of other users? No, you can't, because in this case the list is formed on the basis of common acquaintances. If there are no mutual friends, then the list can be formed by the date of user registration. But it is possible that users can be ranked randomly, if not taking into account mutual friends.

Friends online

If we are talking about the list of friends who are online, it is sorted by the "importance" of the friend, that is, there is no difference in the first cases, except that only those friends who are online at the moment will be shown in the list time.

The list of friends in the "Friends online" window is formed, probably, in a random order - with each update, the list can completely change. We dare to assume that this was done for a reason, but so that, when you see someone from your old acquaintances, you decide to write to him.

Mobile app

The mobile application has a list of important friends, it is called “Important”. The order of appearance of users in it is the same as in the first case, which is described above.

Can I change my friends list?

By itself, the list of important friends, and friends in general, is generated exclusively automatically. But you can influence the ranking. For example, the more you communicate with the user, the more often you like him, repost, etc., the higher he will be in the list.