Lenovo z50 70 entrance to bios. How to enter BIOS on a lenovo laptop: all possible ways. Why you need to be able to work in bios

Good day.

Lenovo is one of the most popular laptop manufacturers. By the way, I must tell you (from personal experience), laptops are quite good and reliable. And there is one feature of some models of these laptops - an unusual entry into the BIOS (and you often need to enter it, for example, to reinstall Windows).

In this relatively short article, I would like to consider these features of the entrance ...

Entering BIOS on a Lenovo laptop (step by step)

1) Usually, to enter the BIOS on Lenovo laptops (on most models), just press the F2 (or Fn + F2) button when it is turned on.

However, some models may not react at all to these presses. (for example Lenovo Z50, Lenovo G50, and in general the model range: g505, v580c, b50, b560, b590, g50, g500, g505s, g570, g570e, g580, g700, z500, z580 may not respond to these keys) ...

BIOS keys for different PC and laptop manufacturers:

2) The above models have a special button on the side panel (usually next to the power cable) (for example, Lenovo G50 model, see Fig. 2).

To enter BIOS you need: turn off the laptop, and then press this button (an arrow is usually drawn on it, although I admit that on some models the arrow may not be there ...).

By the way, an important point. Not all Lenovo laptop models have this service button on the side. For example, on a Lenovo G480 laptop, this button is next to the laptop power button (see Fig. 2.1).

3) If everything was done correctly, the laptop should turn on and a service menu with four items will appear on the screen (see Fig. 3):

Bios Setup (BIOS settings);

Boot Menu (boot menu);

System Recovery (emergency system recovery).

To enter BIOS - select Bios Setup (BIOS settings and settings).

By the way, maybe someone will need it: in fig. 4 shows the settings of the BOOT section of the Lenovo G480 laptop for installing Windows 7 on it:

  • Boot Mode:
  • Boot Priority:
  • USB Boot:
  • Boot Device Priority: PLDS DVD RW (this is a drive with a Windows 7 bootable disk installed in it, note that it is the first in this list), Internal HDD ...

Figure: 4. Before installing Windws 7- BIOS setup on Lenovo G480

After changing all the settings, remember to save them. To do this, in the EXIT section, select “Save and exit”. After restarting the laptop, the installation of Windows 7 should start ...

5) There are certain laptop models, such as Lenovo b590 and v580c, where you may need the F12 key to enter the BIOS. By holding down this key immediately after turning on the laptop - you can get into the Quick Boot (quick menu) - where you can easily change the boot order of various devices (HDD, CD-Rom, USB).

6) And the F1 key is used quite rarely. You may need it if you are using a Lenovo b590 laptop. The key must be pressed and held after turning on the device. The BIOS menu itself differs little from the standard one.

And the last ...

The manufacturer recommends charging enough laptop battery before entering BIOS. If during the process of configuring and setting parameters in the BIOS, the device is abnormally turned off (due to lack of power), there may be problems in the further operation of the laptop.

To be honest, I'm not ready to comment on the last recommendation: I have never experienced problems when turning off a PC when I was in the BIOS settings ...

Happy work 🙂

This article describes a universal algorithm for how to enter Lenovo into "BIOS". Most often, this operation is performed during the reinstallation of the operating system or in case of problems. If everything is clear with stationary PCs, then you have to tinker with laptops, since there are several options here and you need to find out which one is suitable for this particular device.


You can get the answer to the question "how to enter Lenovo BIOS" in the documentation that comes with the device. For desktop PCs, this is the motherboard user's guide. In it, a whole section is devoted to this issue. In addition to the procedure for entering the basic settings itself, each parameter is also described in detail here, as well as its possible values. In most cases, the Del key is used for this purpose. In the case of a laptop, things get more complicated. There may be various options. And one way to find out which one is using in your case is to study the instruction manual. It necessarily describes the very procedure for entering the basic settings of a device such as a Lenovo laptop. You can enter BIOS using one of three options: F1 or F12.

the Internet

The paper version of the documentation is not always saved. This is especially true for those devices that have been in operation for more than three years. But there is nothing wrong with that. In such a situation, the manufacturer's official website should come to the rescue. There are sure to have electronic versions of all operating manuals. But one important point should be noted here. In the case of a stationary PC, you need to go to the motherboard manufacturer's website. But in the case of a mobile PC, we apply for documentation on the Lenovo website. The operating manual should be on this particular resource.


Another way to find out which key is used to access the basic settings is to carefully watch the laptop boot process. More precisely, the first window with equipment parameters. If you see the logo of the device manufacturer, then you need to press Esc. You need to pay attention to the line "Press b to setup". Instead of b, F1 or F12 must be specified. This is the answer to how to log into BIOS at Lenovo. This method is universal and can be used not only on the products of this Chinese manufacturer, but also on any other company.

Enter BIOS

Well, now let's directly figure out how to go to Lenovo to enter BIOS. It is important to understand that this can be done only during the testing of the equipment when turning on the PC or restarting it. In turn, it is impossible to access the basic settings of a personal computer in the operating system. When the first window appears (it can be either a window with PC parameters or a manufacturer's logo), hold down the key that was found out in the previous step. After the line "Press b to setup" (instead of b there should be the key that is used to access the BIOS) changes to "Entering to Setup", release it. At the end of the collection of information, a window with "BIOS" will automatically open. Now you can make the necessary changes to the values. When finished, be sure to save them by pressing F10 and answering "Yes" in the next request.


Within the framework of this material, it was described how to enter Lenovo into "BIOS". The easiest way to do this is on a stationary. In this case, only one key is used - Del. But in the case of a laptop, everything is much more complicated. Various options are possible: F1 or F12. Which one is used on your mobile PC, you can easily and simply find out by following the instructions in this article. Well, then it will not be difficult to enter the system of basic settings of the computer of this manufacturer.

In the process of reinstalling the operating system, as well as, if necessary, to calibrate the batteries and in some other cases, the user needs to refer to the basic settings of the laptop.

If you do not know how to enter BIOS on a Lenovo laptop, then it will be very problematic to implement any of the above, and in some circumstances it is completely impossible. But what prevents you, dear reader, from finding out how you can enter the computer "abode" of management?

Dedicated remote button "Novo Button"

In some modifications of the Chinese brand, in order to get into the basic I / O system, it is enough to press the "Novo" key (aka "OneKey Recovery"). After the service menu is highlighted on the display, you must select "Bios Setup" or the item with the abbreviation "UEFI".

Usually the "Novo Button" button is located on the front of the laptop, directly next to the laptop power button - "Power". Look carefully at the top edge of the keyboard module if you find an arched arrow icon - that's it!

In some modifications, the Novo Button is installed in one of the end parts of the case. Again, you should take a close look at the laptop for hidden buttons. In case your laptop is not equipped with the “OneKey Recovery” rescue element, you can try the next option.

The universal way to log into the laptop Bios

In principle, using the "Delite" and "F2" keys, you can enter the basic firmware of most computing devices, including desktop modifications. Perhaps your laptop also supports, so to speak, the traditional access scheme.

  • Turn on your laptop.
  • Hold down the "F2" button.

After a short initialization process, the BIOS interface should be displayed on the device screen. Sometimes the procedure for calling the Bios firmware is carried out by intensively pressing the corresponding key at the moment the laptop starts up, as if the radio operator was transmitting a message in Morse code. However, do not overdo it, the keyboard is not iron ...

Trouble-free method of entering BIOS settings

Laptops equipped with SSD drives boot up fairly quickly. Therefore, it is not always possible to "catch" the moment of entry, and often it is completely impossible.

However, there is a way, armed with which the user can easily and in the most correct way solve the problem covered.

So, if your laptop is preinstalled with a "high-spirited" Windows 8 OS or a "super-capable" new tenth version of a Microsoft product, follow the instructions:

  • Click on the "Options" icon (pop-up toolbar on the right).
  • Next - activate the item "Change computer settings".
  • Go to the "Update and Recovery" section.

  • On the left in the window, click on "Recovery" and go to the right area of \u200b\u200bthe screen, where in the "Special boot options" block, click on the "Restart now" button.
  • Then - "Diagnostics".

  • And the last one is "UEFI Firmware Settings".

  • And again click on the "Restart" button.


Probably, the question: "How to enter BIOS on a lenovo laptop?", Now for you it is not. For those for whom the information from the article did not help, you should refer to the technical manual of the product for help.

Perhaps in your laptop, the F1 or F12 button is used as a service key that activates the process of accessing the basic settings.

And by the way, be careful with the settings in Bios, thoughtless and reckless changes are sometimes fraught with unpredictable consequences. Be wise and prudent in your actions.

Laptops of the Lenovo company are extremely popular in Russia and other countries. This is due to the fact that laptops are reliable, unpretentious, efficient and have adequate cost.

Products of this Chinese manufacturer literally flooded all the shelves of computer stores. But along with all the advantages, they have one small drawback: in some models, it is completely unclear how to enter BIOS. And this is necessary when installing the system or making any settings. If laptops of other companies react to keyboard buttons, Lenovo refuses to do so. Especially the models of the G series. Hence the question arises: "How to enter BIOS. We will try to answer it.

Why do you need to enter BIOS?

BIOS is a basic input-output system. It is she who allows you to communicate with a PC or laptop at the hardware level. BIOS settings greatly affect the performance of the computer as a whole. You also need to go into it before installing the operating system in order to choose to boot from the installation media, and not from the hard drive. In general, it is very useful to know such information, as it may be useful in the future. And at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, it is highly recommended to know how to enter BIOS Lenovo G50 or some other equally capricious laptop model.

In addition, BIOS can be incredibly useful for restoring your computer's performance. It is he who can reset the hardware settings to the factory settings. Among other things, it is the settings of the basic I / O system that govern the operation of the laptop hardware. Therefore, we will analyze in more detail the question of how to enter BIOS

How to enter BIOS?

On ordinary laptops, the Enter or F2 buttons help with this. But it's a completely different story with the Lenovo G50-45. How to enter BIOS on this laptop?

Somewhere on the side of the device, near the power connector, there is a small invisible button. She is what we need. Sometimes it is indicated by an arrow. But it may well be without an arrow. This is the "New" button. It provides various options for loading a laptop:

  • loading into BIOS;
  • normal load;
  • boot menu;
  • system Restore.

In our case, we need to select loading into BIOS. Here's a tricky button.

Please also note that in some laptop models, for example, B580 or B590), this very button may be located next to the power button of the device. However, on the above models there is another way to enter the BIOS - you need to press the Enter key at boot time, see the desired line in the menu and press F1 to access the BIOS settings. In particular, this concerns the B580 model. As for the Lenovo G50-30, we already know how to enter the BIOS of this laptop. With the help of a small and inconspicuous "Novo" key. Let's move on to the main BIOS settings on Lenovo laptops.

Settings for installing Windows 7

Recently, Lenovo laptops come with a preinstalled Windows 8 operating system. But it does not suit everyone, and when you try to install a 7 on a laptop, the laptop starts to show up with errors. The situation can be saved by the competent setting of the BIOS of the device.

Let's take a look at the example of the Lenovo G50-30 laptop. We already know how to enter BIOS, so let's go straight to the settings. We go to the Exit tab and look for the OS Optimized Defaults item there. There is a Windows 8 system. We need to change it to "seven". That's all!

However, after that it is necessary to load the optimal BIOS settings. This must be done before each installation of the operating system:

  • to do this, on the same Exit tab, select the Load Default Settings item;
  • then you need to click OK;
  • press F10;
  • restart the laptop.

After performing all these manipulations, the installation of the seventh version of "Windows" will be possible. There will be no more problems.

How do I change the boot order?

Sometimes you need to change the boot order of your device. That is, to make sure that the laptop is not loaded from the hard drive, but from the installation media (CD or flash drive). Consider the G50:

  • We already know how to enter BIOS, so we will skip this stage.
  • After pressing the notorious "Novo" button, a menu will appear, where, among other things, there will be an item Boot Priority. This is what we need.
  • Go to this item and see a list of devices that are currently available for download. If you are installing an operating system using a USB drive, then you need to select the USB-HDD item.
  • And if an optical disc is used as the installation medium, then select the "ODD-device-name" item.

After that, the computer will start to boot not from the hard disk with the preinstalled operating system, but from the bootable media. And you should be able to start installing the system.


So, how to enter the Lenovo G50 BIOS? The answer to this question has been received. To enter BIOS there is a special button called "Novo". It can be located both on the side of the device (near the charging socket), and near the laptop power button. Pressing this button activates an alternative menu, in which there is also the possibility of entering the BIOS. This is quite convenient, although very unusual for some old PC users.

Lenovo has firmly established itself in the Russian market. Lenovo computers are becoming more reliable and more practical every year. It is worth noting the fact that the standard way on lenovo g50 and some other models will fail.

Therefore, it is important to know the specifics of the transition to lenovo. Today there is no standard way to switch to BIOS on a computer. Each manufacturer assigns an individual keyboard shortcut for login, which is inconvenient for users who have previously used devices from only one manufacturer.

Why you need to be able to work in BIOS

After turning on the PC, control is taken over by the BIOS, which provides the OS access to the hardware elements of the computer. This system performs many tasks that cannot be solved using additional software:

  1. Change OS boot priority from media.
  2. Reset BIOS settings to optimal.
  3. Change date and time.
  4. Check the functionality of the components. In the event of a breakdown of an element, you will hear a characteristic sound by which you can determine which part is out of order.


All this can be configured only if you know how to enter the BIOS on lenovo b590 and other laptops. In some cases, during the process of turning on the PC, the programmed key for switching to BIOS is displayed. Therefore, take a closer look at the inscriptions that appear when you boot your computer.