Powerful directional impulse with your own hands. Pulse emitter. High impedance devices

For the generation of ultrasound, special emitters of the magnetostrictive type are used. The main parameters of devices include resistance and conductivity. The permissible frequency value is also taken into account. Devices may vary in design. It should also be noted that the models are actively used in echo sounders. To understand the emitters, it is important to consider their layout.

Device diagram

A standard magnetostrictive ultrasound transducer consists of a stand and a set of terminals. The magnet is fed directly to the capacitor. There is a winding at the top of the device. A clamping ring is often fitted at the base of the radiators. The magnet is only suitable for neodymium type. There is a rod at the top of the models. A ring is used to fix it.

Ring modification

Ring devices operate at a conductivity of 4 microns. Many models are produced with short stands. It should also be noted that there are modifications on field capacitors. To assemble a magnetostrictive emitter with your own hands, a solenoid winding is used. In this case, it is important to set the terminals to a low threshold voltage. It is more expedient to select a ferrite core with a small diameter. The clamping ring is placed last.

Yar device

Making a magnetostrictive emitter with your own hands is quite simple. First of all, a stand is prepared for the rod. Next, it is important to cut the stand. A metal disc can be used for this. Experts say that the stand in diameter should be no more than 3.5 cm. The terminals for the device are selected for 20 V. A ring is fixed at the top of the model. If necessary, you can wind up electrical tape. The resistance index for emitters of this type is in the region of 30 ohms. They work with a conductivity of at least 5 microns. Winding is not required in this case.

Double winding model

Double wound units are produced in different diameters. The conductivity of the models is at around 4 microns. Most devices have a high characteristic impedance. To make a magnetostrictive emitter with your own hands, only a steel stand is used. An insulator is not required in this case. The ferrite core is allowed to be placed on the pad. Experts recommend preparing an O-ring in advance. It should also be noted that a field-type capacitor is required to assemble the emitter. The input resistance of the model should be no more than 20 ohms. The windings are installed next to the core.

Reflector based emitters

Emitters of this type are distinguished by their high conductivity. Models operate at a voltage of 35 V. Many devices are equipped with field capacitors. Making a magnetostrictive emitter with your own hands is quite problematic. First of all, you need to pick up a small diameter rod. In this case, the terminals are harvested with a conductivity of 4 microns.

The characteristic impedance in the device must be between 45 ohms. The plate is installed on a stand. In this case, the winding should not touch the terminals. There must be a round stand at the bottom of the device. Conventional electrical tape is often used to secure the ring. The capacitor is soldered over the manganite. It should also be noted that rings are sometimes used with overlays.

Sonar devices

For echo sounders, a magnetostrictive ultrasound emitter is often used. How to make a DIY model? Homemade modifications are made with a conductivity of 5 microns. they have an average of 55 ohms. To make a powerful ultrasonic rod, 1.5 cm is applied. The solenoid winding is wound with a small pitch.

Experts say that it is more advisable to select racks for emitters from stainless steel. In this case, the terminals are used with low conductivity. Capacitors are suitable for different types. at the emitters is at around 14 W. Rubber rings are used to fix the rod. Electrical tape is wound at the base of the device. It is also worth noting that the magnet should be installed last.

Fish Finder Mods

Fish finder devices are only assembled with wired capacitors. First you need to install a rack. It is more expedient to use rings with a diameter of 4.5 cm or more. The solenoid winding must fit snugly to the rod. Quite often, capacitors are soldered at the base of the emitters. Some modifications are made for two terminals. The ferrite core must be fixed to the insulator. Electrical tape is used to strengthen the ring.

Low impedance models

Low impedance devices operate at 12 V. Many models have two capacitors. To assemble a device that generates ultrasound with your own hands, you will need a 10 cm rod. In this case, the capacitors are installed on the emitter of a wired type. The winding is wound last. It should also be noted that a terminal is required to assemble the modification. In some cases, 4 micron field capacitors are used. The frequency setting will be quite high. It is more expedient to install the magnet above the terminal.

High impedance devices

High impedance ultrasound transducers are well suited for short wave receivers. You can assemble the device yourself only on the basis of transition capacitors. In this case, the terminals are selected for high conductivity. Quite often, the magnet is mounted on a rack.

The emitter stand is used at a low height. It should also be noted that one rod is used to assemble the device. To insulate its base, ordinary electrical tape is suitable. In the upper part of the emitter there must be a ring.

Rod devices

A bar-type circuit includes a wound conductor. Capacitors are allowed to use different capacities. However, they may differ in conductivity. If we consider a simple model, then the stand is prepared in a round shape, and the terminals are set at 10 V. The solenoid winding is wound last. It should also be noted that the magnet is selected of the neodymium type.

The rod itself is applied at 2.2 cm. The terminals can be installed on a backing. It should also be mentioned that there are 12 V modifications. If we consider devices with high-capacity field capacitors, then the minimum diameter of the rod is 2.5 cm. In this case, the winding must be wound up to insulation. A protective ring is installed at the top of the radiator. Coasters are allowed to be made without an overlay.

Models with single junction capacitors

Emitters of this type give out a conductivity of 5 microns. In this case, the indicator of the wave resistance for them reaches a maximum of 45 ohms. In order to independently make a radiator, a small stand is prepared. At the top of the stand there must be a rubber pad. It should also be noted that the magnet is procured of a neodymium type.

Experts advise installing it on glue. The terminals for the device are selected for 20 W. Directly the capacitor is installed above the plate. The rod is used with a diameter of 3.3 cm. There should be a ring at the bottom of the winding. If we consider models for two capacitors, then the rod is allowed to be used with a diameter of 3.5 cm. The winding should be wound up to the very base of the radiator. Electrical tape is glued at the bottom of the drain. The magnet is installed in the middle of the rack. In this case, the terminals must be on the sides.

Good afternoon, dear Habrovites.

This post will be about undocumented microwave functions. I will show you how many useful things you can do by using a slightly modified microwave in a non-standard way.

A microwave generator of enormous power is located in the microwave.

The power of the waves used in the microwave has been stirring my mind for a long time. Its magnetron (microwave generator) emits electromagnetic waves with a power of about 800 W and a frequency of 2450 MHz. Just imagine, one microwave produces as much radiation as 10,000 wi-fi routers, 5,000 mobile phones or 30 base cell towers! In order to prevent this power from bursting out in the microwave, a double protective screen made of steel is used.

I open the case

I want to warn you right away that electromagnetic radiation of the microwave range can harm your health, and high voltage can cause death. But that won't stop me.
Removing the lid from the microwave reveals a large transformer: ILO. It raises the mains voltage from 220 volts to 2000 volts to power the magnetron.

In this video, I want to show you what this voltage is capable of:

Antenna for magnetron

Having removed the magnetron from the microwave, I realized that you can't just turn it on. Radiation will spread from it in all directions, affecting everything around. Without hesitation, I decided to make a directional antenna from a coffee can. Here's a diagram:

Now all the radiation is directed in the right direction. Just in case, I decided to check the effectiveness of this antenna. I took a lot of small neon lights and laid them out on a plane. When I brought up the antenna with the magnetron on, I saw that the lights were on exactly where they needed to:

Unusual experiences

I want to note right away that microwave power has a much stronger effect on technology than on people and animals. Even 10 meters from the magnetron, the equipment was malfunctioning: the TV and the music center made a terrible growling sound, the mobile phone first lost the network, and then completely froze. The magnetron had a particularly strong effect on wi-fi. When I brought the magnetron close to the music center, sparks fell from it and to my surprise it exploded! Upon a detailed examination, he discovered that a network capacitor had exploded in it. In this video, I show the antenna assembly process and the effect of the magnetron on the technique:

Using non-ionizing radiation from a magnetron, plasma can be obtained. In an incandescent lamp, brought up to the magnetron, a brightly glowing yellow ball is lit, sometimes with a purple tint, like ball lightning. If you do not turn off the magnetron in time, the light bulb will explode. Even an ordinary paper clip, under the influence of the microwave, turns into an antenna. An EMF of sufficient force is induced on it to ignite the arc and melt this paper clip. Fluorescent lamps and "housekeeping" lamps are lit at a sufficiently large distance and glow directly in the hands without wires! And in a neon lamp, electromagnetic waves become visible:

I want to reassure you, my readers, none of my neighbors have suffered from my experiences. All the closest neighbors fled from the city as soon as hostilities began in Lugansk.

Safety engineering

I strongly advise against repeating the experiments I have described, because special precautions are required when working with microwave ovens. All experiments were carried out exclusively for scientific and educational purposes. The harm of microwave radiation to humans is not yet fully understood. When I got close to the working magnetron, I felt the heat, like from an oven. Only from the inside and, as it were, pointwise, in waves. I did not feel any more harm. Still, I strongly advise against aiming a working magnetron at people. Due to thermal effects, the protein in the eyes can coagulate and form a blood clot. There is also debate that such radiation can cause cancer and chronic diseases.

Unusual magnetron applications

1 - Pest burner. Microwave waves effectively kill pests, both in wooden buildings and on the sunbathing lawn. The bugs have a moisture-containing insides under their hard shell (what an abomination!). Its waves turn it into steam in an instant, without harming the tree. I tried to kill pests on a live tree (aphids, moths), also effective, but it is important not to overexpose because the tree also heats up, but not so much.
2 - Metal melting. The power of the magnetron is quite enough for melting non-ferrous metals. You just need to use good thermal insulation.
3 - Drying. You can dry cereals, grain, etc. The advantage of this method is sterilization, pests and bacteria are killed.
4 - Cleaning from wiretapping. If you treat a room with a magnetron, you can kill all unwanted electronics in it: hidden video cameras, electronic bugs, radio microphones, GPS tracking, hidden chips, and the like.
5 - Jammer. With the help of a magnetron, you can easily calm down even the noisiest neighbor! Microwave breaks through up to two walls and "calms" any sound technique.

These are not all possible applications that I have tested. Experiments continue and soon I will write an even more unusual post. Still, I want to note that it is dangerous to use the microwave like that! Therefore, it is better to do this in cases of emergency and while observing safety rules when working with a microwave.

That's all for me, be careful when working with high voltage and microwaves.

It is known from the course of civil defense that the electromagnetic pulse appears in a nuclear explosion and causes enormous destruction. However, of course, not everyone is pulse so dangerous. If desired, it is allowed to make it completely low-power, just as a spark in a piezo lighter is a tiny exact copy of a huge lightning.


1. Get an obscene pocket film camera with flash. Pull the batteries out of it. Put on rubber gloves and disassemble the unit.

2. Discharge the flash storage capacitor. To do this, take a resistor with a resistance of about 1 kOhm and a power of 0.5 W, bend its totals, clamp it in small pliers with insulated handles, then, holding the resistor with only pliers, close the capacitor with it for a few tens of seconds. the capacitor by closing it with a screwdriver blade with an insulated handle for a few tens of seconds.

3. Measure the voltage across the capacitor - it should not exceed a few volts. If necessary, discharge the capacitor again. Solder a jumper on the capacitor results.

4. Now discharge the capacitor in the sync circuit. It has a small capacity, therefore, for its discharge, it is quite short to close the sync contact. At the same time, keep your hands away from the flash lamp, from the fact that when the sync contact is triggered, it receives from a special step-up transformer pulse high voltage.

5. Take a hollow dielectric frame a few millimeters in diameter. Wrap several hundred turns of insulated wire about a millimeter in diameter around it. Wrap several layers of insulating tape over the winding.

6. Switch on the coil in steps with a flash storage capacitor. If the camera does not have a flash test button, connect a button with excellent isolation, say, a bell, in parallel with the sync contact.

7. Make small notches in the unit case for the total of wires from the button and coil. They are necessary so that when assembling the case, these wires are not pinched, which frightens them with a break. Remove the jumper from the flash storage capacitor. Assemble the unit, then remove the rubber gloves.

8. Insert batteries into the unit. Turn it on by turning the flash away from you, wait for the capacitor to charge, and then insert a screwdriver blade into the coil. Hold the screwdriver by the handle so that it does not fly out, press the button. Simultaneously with the flash, an electromagnetic pulse , the one that will magnetize the screwdriver.

9. If the screwdriver has become unsatisfactorily magnetized, it is allowed to repeat the operation several more times. As you use the screwdriver, it will gradually lose its magnetization. Do not worry about this - now you have a tea device that can invariably restore it. Note that not every home craftsman likes magnetized screwdrivers. Some consider them hefty comfortable, others - on the contrary, hefty uncomfortable.

Skeptical people at as a result, when asked about actions for vigorous explosion They will say that you need to wrap yourself in a sheet, go out and form in lines. to accept death as it is. But experts have developed a number of recommendations that will help to survive a nuclear explosion.


1. When acquiring information about a permissible nuclear explosion in the area where you are, you should probably go down to an underground shelter (bomb shelter) and not leave until you receive other instructions. If there is no such probability, you are on the street and there is no chance of getting into the room, take cover behind any object, one that may represent security, in extreme cases, lie flat on the ground and cover your head with your hands.

2. If you are so close to the epicenter of the explosion that the flash itself is visible, remember that you need to hide from radioactive fallout, which will appear in this case within 20 minutes, it all depends on the distance from the epicenter. It is important to remember that radioactive particles are carried by the wind for hundreds of kilometers.

3. Do not leave your hideout without an official statement from the authorities that it is harmless. Try to make your stay in the shelter as convenient as possible, maintain proper sanitary data, use water and food sparingly, more food and drink is allowed to be given to children, sick and elderly people. If you are likely to provide assistance to the bomb shelter leaders, it can be unpleasant for a large number of people to stay in a confined space, and the duration of such forced cohabitation can vary from one day to a month.

4. When returning to your home, it is important to remember and follow several rules. Before entering the house, make sure that it is intact, damaged, and there is no partial collapse of structures. When entering an apartment, first of all, remove all flammable liquids, medicines and any other acceptable unsafe substances. Water, gas and electricity are allowed to be turned on only if you have accurate proof that all systems are working normally.

5. When moving around the area, stay away from explosion-damaged areas and areas marked with signs "unsafe materials" and "radiation hazard".

Your radio will be of invaluable help to listen to official messages from local authorities. Follow what you receive invariably, because the authorities invariably have more information than those around them.

An electromagnetic shock of low power is not far from causing gigantic destruction, demolishing everything in its path, as, say, the one that results from a nuclear explosion. It is allowed to form a low-power push at home.


1. To begin with, get a film camera, obscene to you in the future, preferably with a flash.

2. Put on your gloves and begin the process of discharging the flash storage capacitor. Using insulated pliers, take a 0.5 W resistor with a resistance of approximately 1 kΩ and use it to short-circuit the capacitor for 30-40 seconds. After that, close the capacitor with an insulated screwdriver for another half a minute, so that it is finally discharged.

3. Make sure that the voltage in the capacitor is no more than a few volts. Discharge it again if necessary. Make a jumper on the totals of the capacitor.

4. Now deal with the discharge of a capacitor in a low-capacity circuit - sync. To do this, wind about 200 turns of insulated millimeter wire on a dielectric coil with a diameter of 5-6 mm. Cover the top with electrical tape.

5. Attach a staggered coil frame with a flash storage capacitor. In the event that your camera does not have a flash test button, it is allowed to connect a bell button parallel to the sync contact.

6. Make holes in the camera body in order to remove the wires from the button and the frame with the winding. The holes will allow you to avoid pinching and breaking such important wires. Now you can remove the jumper from the flash storage capacitor and reassemble the unit.

7. Take off your gloves and put the batteries in the camera. Try turning it on while turning the flash aside. Wait a while for the capacitor to charge and insert a screwdriver with an insulated handle into the coil frame.

8. Carefully, holding the screwdriver so that it does not fly off to the side, press the button. You should have an electromagnetic jolt that magnetizes the screwdriver when it flashes.

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Use caution when working with high voltage appliances.

Imagine that you have some kind of device that can disable any electronics at a distance. Agree, it looks like the script of some fantastic movie. But this is not a fantasy, but quite a reality. Such a device can be made by almost anyone with their own hands, from parts that can be freely obtained.

Description of the device

Electronics Destroyer is an electromagnetic gun that sends powerful, high-amplitude, directional electromagnetic pulses that can disable microprocessor equipment.

The principle of operation of the exterminator

The principle of operation is vaguely reminiscent of the work of the Tesla transformer and the stun gun. An electronic high-voltage boost converter is powered from the battery. The load of the high-voltage converter is a series circuit of a coil and an arrester. As soon as the voltage reaches the level of breakdown of the spark gap, a discharge occurs. This discharge makes it possible to transfer all the energy of the high-voltage pulse to the wire coil. This coil converts a high voltage pulse into a high amplitude electromagnetic pulse. The cycle is repeated several hundred times per second and depends on the frequency of the converter.

Instrument diagram

One switch will be used as a spark gap - it will not need to be pressed. And the other is for commutation.

What do you need to build?

- Batteries 3.7V -
- Housing -
- High voltage converter -
- Switches two pieces -
- Super glue.
- Hot glue.


We take the case and drill holes for the switches. One from the bottom, the other from the top. Now we are making a coil. We wind around the perimeter of the case. We fix the coils with hot glue. Each coil is separated from each other. The coil consists of 5 turns. We put everything together according to the scheme, we solder the elements. We insert an insulating pad between the contacts of the high-voltage switch so that the spark is inside and not outside. We fix all the parts inside the case, close the case cover.

Safety requirements

Be extra careful - very high voltage! Perform all manipulations with the circuit only after disconnecting the power source.
Do not use this electromagnetic shredder near medical equipment or other equipment on which human life can depend.

The result of the work of the magnetic gun

The cannon famously knocks out almost all the chips, of course there are exceptions. If you have unnecessary electronic devices, you can check the work on them. The electronics shredder is very small and fits easily in your pocket.
Oscilloscope check. Keeping the probes at a distance and without connecting, the oscilloscope just rolls over.

A powerful electromagnetic pulse (EMP) occurs due to a burst of energy that is emitted or conducted by a source such as the sun or an explosive device. If there are electrical or electronic devices in your survivalist arsenal, it is necessary to provide for their protection from EMP so that they can continue to work after the start of hostilities, natural or man-made disaster.

What is an electromagnetic pulse

Whenever it passes through the wires, it generates electric and magnetic fields that radiate perpendicular to the movement of the current. The size of these fields is proportional to the strength of the current. The length of the wire directly affects the current strength of the induced electromagnetic pulse. In addition, even a simple power-up produces a short burst of electrical and magnetic energy.

At the same time, the surge is so small that it is barely noticeable. For example, switching actions in electrical circuits, engines and ignition systems for gas engines also produce small EMP pulses that can cause interference to nearby radio or television. To absorb them, filters are used to remove minor bursts of energy and interference from them.

A large burst of energy is produced when a certain charge of electricity is quickly discharged. This electrostatic discharge (ESD) can shock a person or cause dangerous sparks around fuel vapors. Many also remember that as a child, we would rub our feet on the carpet and then touch our friends, creating an ESD discharge. This is also a form of ESD.

The stronger the pulse energy, the more it can damage buildings and affect people. For example, lightning is a powerful form of EMP. can be very dangerous and disastrous. Fortunately, most lightning bolts are grounded where the electrical charge is absorbed. The lightning rod was invented by Benjamin Franklin, thanks to which many buildings and structures are preserved today.

Events such as nuclear explosions, high-altitude non-nuclear explosions, and solar storms can create powerful EMP that damages electrical and electronic equipment located near the source of the event. All of this threatens power grids and the functioning of most electrical and electronic devices in our lives.

The damaging factors of the electromagnetic pulse

The danger of EMR lies in the fact that it affects life support systems and transport. Therefore, for example, under the powerful influence of an electromagnetic pulse, modern unprotected vehicles fail. This is especially true for cars produced after 1980. Therefore, in the event of a man-made disaster, the outbreak of hostilities or a surge in solar activity, it is optimal to use old-style cars.

In addition, the electromagnetic pulse affects:

Power supplies.
Landline telephones.
Any electronic circuits.
Radio, DVD players.
Game devices.
Media centers
Communication systems (transmitters, receivers)
Cables (data, telephone, coaxial, USB, etc.)
Wires (especially long).
Antennas (external and internal).
Electrical power cords.
Ignition systems (auto and aircraft).
Microwave electrical circuits.
Accumulators (all types).
Alarm systems.
Charge controllers.
Power tools.
Electronic spare parts.
Charging device.
Control devices (CO2, smoke detectors, etc.).
Hearing Aids.
Medical monitoring devices, etc.

Factors that determine EMP damage

The strength of the incoming electromagnetic pulse.
Distance to the pulse source.
The angle of the impact line from the source to your position on the rotating Earth.
The size and shape of objects that receive and collect EMP.
The degree of isolation of devices and devices from things that can collect and transmit EMP energy.
Protection or shielding of devices and devices.

How to protect yourself from EMP: first steps

Small systems are most likely not to be affected by EMP if they are isolated from the mains. Therefore, when you receive a warning of an impending EMP, disconnect all appliances and devices connected to the electrical outlet. Don't forget ventilation and thermostats. Disconnect the solar panels and the entire house from the mains, open the isolation switches between the solar panels and the inverter, and between the inverter and the power distribution panel. With concerted action, it will take a few minutes.

General protection against electromagnetic radiation

Suggested protective actions:

Unplug electronic devices when not in use.
Unplug electrical appliances when not in use.
Do not leave components such as printers and scanners in standby mode.
Use short cables for work.
Install protective induction around the components.
Use components with self-contained batteries.
Use loop antennas.
Connect all ground wires to one common ground point.
Whenever possible, use small devices that are less sensitive to EMI.
Install MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor) Transition Protectors on portable generators.
Use a UPS to protect electronics from EMP surge.
Use device locks.
Use hybrid protection (eg band pass filter followed by lightning protection).
Keep sensitive devices and devices away from long runs of cable or electrical wiring, antennas, guy wires, metal towers, corrugated metal, steel fences, railroad tracks.
Install the cable underground in shielded cable ducts.
Build one or more Faraday cages.

Consider the protective system in advance. For example, a backup generator is likely not to be damaged by a solar storm, but EMP can damage sensitive electronic controllers, so shielding is advisable. Conversely, a device such as an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can be useful in and of itself as a protection component. If an EMP occurs, a surge can destroy the UPS, but this will most likely protect the connected devices and components from destruction.

How to build a Faraday cage

A Faraday cage can be made at home from metal containers and containers such as a trash can or bucket, closet, safe, old microwave oven. Any bulky object that has a continuous surface with no gaps or large holes will do. A tight-fitting lid is required.

Install non-conductive material (cardboard, wood, paper, foam or plastic sheets) on all inside sides of the Faraday cage to keep the contents from metal. Alternatively, you can wrap each item in bubble wrap or plastic. All devices that are inside must be isolated from everything else and especially from the metal container.

What to put in a Faraday cage

Place inside the cell all the electronic and electrical arsenal that is included in the NZ, and those components that are purchased "for future use." It is also necessary to locate everything that may be sensitive to EMP in the event of a warning signal. Including:

Radio batteries.
Portable radios.
Portable TVs.
LED flashlights.
Solar charger.
Computer (laptop or tablet).
Cell phones and smartphones.
Various light bulbs.
Charging cords for mobile phones, tablets, etc.

How to protect important information from EMR

Keep in mind that an electromagnetic pulse can disrupt infrastructure for a long time, and in case - forever. Therefore, it is worthwhile to prepare in advance and back up important files by placing them on different media in different Faraday cages.

Instead of an afterword

If an EMP warning has not been received, but you see a bright flash followed by a power outage, proceed at your discretion. After all, one cannot know in advance how heavy and dangerous an electromagnetic pulse will be, the range of which reaches 1000 km in some types of explosions. But thanks to preparation and preliminary planning, it is possible to determine how realistically we can survive in the world after EMP.

And you will be safe!