Whether the processor might overheat. Diagnostics of overheating of laptops and desktops. Monitoring system sensors with AIDA software

CPU Is the brain of your computer that processes millions of bits of information every second. It is for this reason that the processor generates a lot of heat: it is not for nothing that people use such an expression as “brains melt”. To prevent the processor from burning out, it was equipped with two protection options:

  1. radiatoron which the cooler is installed;
  2. temperature sensor-relaythat shuts down the computer when the processor reaches a critical temperature.

But what if the processor began to warm up constantly, even when the system was idle? Well, let's take a look. So!

The advice given on online forums on processor overheating is not original. Mainly:

  1. put additional cooling;
  2. change thermal grease, ;
  3. clean the system unit;
  4. buy a new computer.

You know, I like the last option better. But since I don't have extra money, I have to solve problems with my own hands (with brains in tandem).

If your processor is constantly overheating, and no measures help (in the above list under numbers 1, 2, 3), then most likely you are looking for a solution in the wrong direction!

We clean the socket

Before performing the steps below, be sure to check% cpu load in task manager (Start the Task Manager in Windows OS by simultaneously pressing CTRL + ALT + DELETE). If your processor is working less than 50% - 70% (it is desirable to unload it completely) and at the same time overheats, then it is worth trying out the algorithm described below.

Attention! I want to note right away that the malfunction is quite rare, but if cleaning the coolers (subject to their performance), the case, replacing the thermal paste, they did not give anything, only then you should try this method.

Here is a problem solving algorithm that helped not only me but dozens of users who had the same problem.

  1. Turn off the computer... We put the computer on its side. We remove the wall of the system unit. See the CPU heatsink and cooler? Great, so your eyesight is all right.
  2. Then very carefully disconnect the power to the cooler... Don't know how? It's simple. Two wires with a plug at the ends go from the cooler to the motherboard. This plug must be very gently pulled out of the socket on the motherboard.
  3. Further - remove the cooler and radiator... After you have removed the radiator, you see the processor itself, on which you can see the remains of thermal paste (or maybe not). The processor is installed in a special socket called a socket.
  4. Pull processor out of socket - a task both simple and difficult at the same time. The difficulty lies in the fact that not knowing exactly how the socket comes off, the "teapot" risks breaking the latches of this socket, thereby breaking the computer. (From the author: the main purpose of a socket is a tight contact between the motherboard and the processor. And any violation of this contact inevitably leads to the loss of system performance). Usually, each socket is equipped with a special locking mechanism: such plastic "paws". These "legs" must be lifted very carefully to the top: the door will open. That's it: the processor can now be removed. And one more precaution: the processor has many "legs" on the back side. These "legs" cannot be bent!
  5. Take out the processor and look inside socket: there is dust! This dust is the source of the high temperature of the processor. We take a brush and carefully we remove dust layers.
  6. Then gently insert the processor into place and press it with a mechanism.
  7. Apply fresh thermal paste on the processor and on the bottom of the heatsink.
  8. Installing a heatsink on the processor, and on the radiator - set cooler.
  9. Turn on the cooler plug into the socket on the motherboard: otherwise it won't work!
  10. We start the system... That's it: there should be no overheating!

Naturally, this method is not a panacea for overheating, because the reasons may lie in the other direction. For example, if you have a weak computer, and you have installed a powerful antivirus like "Comodo": it eats up a colossal system resource and therefore the processor can also burn! However, the above method of solving the problem helped not only me, but also dozens of other sufferers: perhaps this is your case?

As with any electronic device, it is normal for your computer to become warm during operation. There is a maximum permissible heating temperature for certain computer modules. It is necessary to sound the alarm only if the temperature exceeds the normalized values. Why is this happening and how to deal with it?

The reasons for the strong heating of the computer

There are three main reasons for overheating of any computer electronic component:

  1. Hardware faults.
  2. Software malfunctions.
  3. Reduced efficiency of the cooling system.

In the event of hardware malfunctions, taking any independent measures to eliminate the causes of strong heating of the computer can only aggravate the situation. However, some minor electronic problems can be fixed at home.

Software malfunctions mainly lead to a loop in the execution of an operation by a computing device. For example, this happens when any program running on the computer freezes. The central processing unit (CPU) tries to process the incoming command, but constantly encounters the same logical error, which forces it to perform the assigned task again - and so on ad infinitum. This leads to the use of all the hardware capacities of the processor, as a result of which its temperature rises. A similar phenomenon can be observed not only in the CPU, but also in any other computational modules of the computer, including RAM, video card, motherboard, etc.

The second reason for the strong heating of the computer - a decrease in cooling efficiency - can be caused by two events:

  • The presence of a thick layer of dust on top of the cooling radiator cases and the cases of the computer modules themselves.
  • Decrease in the speed of rotation of cooling fans, which may occur due to their natural wear and tear or due to dirt that has penetrated into the mechanical part.

The real cause of overheating of the computer can be associated with one of the above points or all three at the same time. Let's start with software bugs.

Overheating of the PC due to software

The hardest part of troubleshooting software problems is finding them. The first step is to find out under what conditions computer hardware starts to heat up. This can be due to various reasons:

  • General operating system problems.
  • An application freezes.
  • The device driver is not working properly.
  • Malicious program actions.

To exclude the cause of computer overheating due to the operating system or any application, you need to analyze the heating temperature of its individual components without loading the OS. This can be done in the BIOS user interface:

  • Turn off the computer for 15-20 minutes to cool it down.
  • Turn on the computer and, without waiting for the operating system to load, press the "F2", "F10" or "Delete / Del" key. The most common key symbols used to enter BIOS settings are listed here. Different computers can use their own key.
  • In the BIOS user interface, go to the "Power", "PC Health Monitor", "H / W Monitor", "Hardware Monitor" or "PC Health Status" sections (the name of the section depends on the manufacturer and BIOS version).
  • This section displays the current heating temperature of the central processor and the space inside the computer case. For instance:

  • In this case, opposite the item "Current CPU Temperature" is the CPU heating temperature, and opposite "Current System Temperature" is the total temperature of the internal space of the PC case.
  • Now it remains only to monitor these values. When the computer is idle, the temperature readings usually correspond to the values \u200b\u200bshown in the image above. They can increase by 2-5 degrees and no more.
  • If the temperature does not increase, and the computer heats up only after loading the operating system, then the reason should be looked for in it.
  • If the temperature rises tirelessly when the computer is inactive, this may mean the presence of hardware malfunctions or the fact that the electronic modules are heavily soiled.

To eliminate the causes of heating due to software malfunctions of the operating system, the easiest way is to reinstall it. If this is inappropriate in your specific situation, you should uninstall the latest installed or updated programs and drivers. Overheating can also occur due to the actions of malicious programs, which can be found and removed using any anti-virus program with an updated database.

Overheating due to dirt

In any room, dust moves through the air, even if it is not visible. Small dust particles are drawn into the computer by the cooling fans. They are then deposited on the heating electronic devices, because heat creates a force of attraction. If the internal components of the PC are not cleaned, then after 1-2 years or earlier they will be covered with a thick layer of dirt, which will prevent heat from escaping. Dust also gets inside the coolers, causing them to spin slowly. This is how overheating occurs.

There is only one way out of this situation - to perform computer prophylaxis, which consists of three main measures:

  • Removing dust from the surface of electronic components, cooling radiators, structural elements. The easiest way to do this is with a small blower. You can also use a vacuum cleaner if the design allows you to connect an air line hose to the air outlet. In the absence of all this, a regular medium-sized paint brush will do.
  • Replacing the heat transfer paste (thermal paste) applied between the cooled electronic component and the heat sink (heat sink). Basically, thermal grease is replaced on the central processor and externally connected video card.
  • Cleaning and subsequent lubrication of cooling fans with any machine oil. In order to effectively prevent coolers, it is recommended to disassemble them. They are quite fragile, so you should be careful.

For preventive maintenance, the computer will have to be completely disassembled. This should be done at least if you have basic skills in assembling / disassembling electrical equipment.

In stationary computers, separately from everything else, you will also have to disassemble the power supply. It gets dirty faster and more strongly than the devices of the system unit, because its cooling fan is often directed outside.

Overheating due to hardware failure

The most vulnerable electronic components of the motherboard, video card and power supply unit (stationary computer) are capacitors. These devices fail quite quickly, especially if the computer is constantly exposed to overheating. In the course of maintenance work, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to the capacitors. A swollen housing or oil leaking from it will signal the approach of their failure. For example, swollen capacitors look like this:

All you need to do to fix the problem is to re-solder the damaged components. Capacitors in any store of radio components can be purchased suitable in capacity and voltage for mere pennies. The main thing is to observe the polarity (plus / minus) when replacing them.

Other hardware malfunctions of the computer that lead to excessive heating are almost impossible to fix at home.

There are two ways to increase the efficiency of the computer's ventilation system:

  1. For stationary computers - installation of additional cooling fans in the system unit.
  2. For stationary PCs and laptops - increase the speed of cooling coolers.

The first method involves installing the cooler in special fasteners of the system unit or its removable cover. The design of the case or cover (or both) must have special ventilation holes for installing an additional cooling fan. It is installed in such a way that it works as a hood. This allows not only to quickly remove heat outside, but also to slow down the accumulation of dust inside the system unit. If there is a possibility of installing two coolers, one of them can be directed inward for air injection, the other - outward. Such a scheme will work twice as efficiently.

The increase in fan speed can be realized using special utilities created separately for each series of motherboards or laptops (can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website). Some BIOS versions also have a function to increase the rotational speed of the CPU cooler. However, this method will not be effective in case of heavy contamination, therefore it is better to carry out prevention first.

If the computer gets very hot, then you need to try to identify the cause of this kind of phenomenon as quickly as possible. And if possible, eliminate it.

Problems of this type may require the purchase of new equipment. Accordingly, this is an extra waste of money. However, you should be extremely careful, as excessive heat can be a symptom of a serious problem.


To detect the presence of excessive heating of the hardware on a personal computer, it is not necessary to install special additional software that receives information from the sensors.

Sometimes just indirect signs are enough. They are:

Work slower

Sometimes it happens that even after cleaning, the PC functions quite slowly. Neither disk defragmentation nor various other manipulations helps. The reason for this phenomenon may be excessive heating of the CPU and other components of the computer. A severe slowdown in the execution of tasks for no apparent reason is a serious symptom of a malfunction.

A beep sounds

Many desktop PC motherboards not only come with dedicated sensors, but also have associated built-in speakers. When any malfunctions occur, they give a special sound signal. Moreover, many of these devices are programmed to signal when the preset values \u200b\u200bare exceeded.

Video: Computer overheats

It turns itself off or reboots

Sometimes the PC may start to shut down or restart itself. Quite often, motherboards and BIOSes are equipped with special automated systems that perform emergency power off in the event of any critical situations. For example, excessively high temperature of the components.

Coolers spin and make more noise

Cooling devices, which are powerful fans, automatically adjust the rotation speed. Moreover, usually, the larger it is, the stronger the noise emitted. If for a long enough time the coolers are spinning very quickly without stopping, this indicates a high temperature of the CPU and video card, power supply unit that does not decrease. It is worth checking.

"Artifacts" in the image

Often, with a heavy load on the video processor, various extraneous inclusions appear on the monitor screen.

They might look like this:

  • squares and image overlay one on top of another;
  • bright color elements that should not be on the monitor.

Sometimes this happens due to driver problems, but most often the problem is excessive heating of the hardware. This can occur due to a variety of factors.

Causes and remedies

There can be a large number of reasons for excessive heating of individual PC parts. Moreover, most of them are obvious and require a minimum amount of effort to eliminate them.

The most common causes of hardware overheating are:

Insufficient or defective cooling system

Many personal computers are extremely powerful and efficient machines. They consume a lot of energy, which naturally leads to a lot of heat. Stationary PCs of this kind must be well cooled. If heat dissipation is not fast enough, overheating will occur.

To deal with this problem, you can simply:

  • completely replace the heat removal device;
  • install more powerful coolers on the processor and video card.

If a specific configuration has extremely high performance and conventional cooling fans (even very powerful ones) cannot cope with heat removal due to something, you can use a specialized cooling system - liquid. It has a very high efficiency.

Installing an additional fan

Almost all system units intended for stationary personal computers are equipped with slots for installing additional fans. Thus, you can very easily solve the problem with the presence of excessive heat inside the PC case. Moreover, the more powerful the fan, the better.


The presence of a very large amount of dust inside the system unit has a negative effect on heat dissipation. The fact is that it forms a kind of cobweb on the crate of coolers, exhaust vents and other hardware elements. Dust interferes with normal heat transfer.

It is quite simple to solve this problem, it is necessary:

If, after a good cleaning, the PC operating mode has not changed, it is necessary to look for the cause of overheating in something else.

Something with the radiator mount

Hot air is removed not only with the help of special coolers-fans, but also with radiators. This component is an aluminum or copper piece that is attached directly to the heat-generating surface through thermal grease. For normal operation, this part should fit as tightly as possible to the processor surface.

If even a small gap appears, then the heat removal process deteriorates significantly. Which leads to an increase in heating, and, as a result, to overheating. Most often, the radiator is mounted with four screws. To solve the problem, you just need to tighten them well.

Overestimated output voltage in the power supply

When problems of this type appear on the PC, it is necessary to check the output voltage at the contacts of the power supply using a special device. Sometimes, for various reasons, it can differ greatly from the nominal one.

It is not so easy to repair the power supply yourself; this requires special skills, as well as a soldering iron (hairdryer, infrared). It is much easier and sometimes corny cheaper to purchase a new power supply unit and install it on your PC.

Video: What to do if your computer gets warm

Setting up the BIOS and system power plan

It often happens that when the processor is powerful, but at the same time it is in a very hot room, it can overheat. This problem can be resolved not only by installing additional or more efficient cooling, but also simply by reconfiguring the power plan.

In the operating systemWindows 7 this is done as follows:

It is worth setting the cooling mode "active". Before slowing down the processor, Windows will independently increase the rotational speed of the cooler, thereby removing the heated air.

Similar actions can be performed by going to the BIOS of the system. In most, it is possible to set the rotational speed of the cooler, as well as the voltage supplied to the central processor. It is worth choosing such parameters so that the temperature conditions return to normal, but the system performance does not significantly decrease.

Danger of overheating

Overheating of any component of a PC is not as dangerous today as it used to be. It happens that even after a complete failure of the cooling system, the OS continues to work more or less stably.

But it must be remembered that the normal operating mode of the processor is no more than 60-70 0 С, of the video card - 70-80 0 С. Accordingly, the intensity of resource use should be taken into account.

With a significant increase in temperature, the integrity of the computing core may be violated. Which leads to the failure of the electronic component. Usually, repairs as a result of such situations become impossible, so they must be avoided.

How to check if your computer is warming up

Any user who actively uses his PC, it is imperative to monitor its condition. And above all - for the temperature.

This can be done in various ways:

  • using special software;
  • using BIOS.

The easiest and safest way is to find out the heating value of your running PC using various programs from a third-party manufacturer.

The most popular and functional are the following:

Moreover, some utilities (for example, SpeedFan) allow not only obtaining information from special multi-sensors that monitor the operation of the PC, but also control the fan speed in real time. What is very convenient - you can independently adjust the cooling system and, as a result, the operating temperature.

Another surefire way to check for overheating is to view the relevant information in the BIOS.

This can be done as follows:

It should be remembered that the operating mode for each processor and motherboard is purely individual. That is why you should first familiarize yourself with the technical documentation on the Internet, which will indicate the value of the normal operating temperature.

It is best to simply avoid overheating any of the PC's components.

To do this, it is necessary to carry out preventive work:

It is best to simply avoid any emergencies. This is much easier than eliminating their consequences.

The computer is warming up - what to do? It is necessary to find the cause of such a phenomenon as quickly as possible and eliminate it. Since exposure to extremely high temperatures can simply lead to overheating, which can lead to the death of the hardware.

If such a phenomenon does occur, you will need to purchase new parts for your PC.

That is why, in order to avoid unnecessary expenses, it is worthwhile to diagnose your PC as often as possible and in a timely manner to eliminate various problems that could cause its damage at the hardware level.

Hello, I put together a pc two years ago, the budget was small 400 dollars, but for a gaming pc this is not enough and I decided to take a chance and buy a mother and used percent. g41MLX3 and xeon e5450. Everything else is new: gtx 950, goodram 4GB 1333mhz × 2pcs, deep cool 300 cooler, chieftec smart 750wats power supply and a 300GB hard drive from an old sat 2 pc, put everything together, put the OS from scratch. All games flew with a monitor 1400 × 900 ultra and high at least 45 fp, played 15 hours a day all winter and some micro-freezes started to glitches, I started to check everything with different tests, I sinned on hhd, but everything is fine, I installed a new OS and did not help, and took it because the components were sorry for the service said the memory bar died, bought a new one came home but nothing changed about every 20 minutes hangs for 30 seconds and online games every 10 and disconnection from the servo, so I suffered and burned out Monique 6 months did not include bought a new monitor 25 inches fullhd. He turned on and, oh gods, he worked for a week without glitches, and again the hhd light froze and hung as always, bought a new one for a terabyte P300 new OS for half a day and again glitches and more often, found a swollen capacitor on the motherboard, changed all the capacitors at once, nothing helped ... I noticed that the cable hangs much less often with the Internet disconnected, took it to a very good service, tested it and said that everything is in order, (tested separately) but the problem did not go away. Then he started the research he bought a new Sata cable, cleaned everything, changed the paste (PC on an open stand), formatted everything, put the checked old Windows 7-2009, did a stress test for 1 hour without trolling, the maximum temperature is 61 degrees with the Aftoberner and Aida, the video card showed 66 degrees in stress also for an hour all the norms, fur mark, Aida, aftoberner, the memory drove 5 times all the norms, the disk checked by Victoria the state is excellent diffragmentation read speed is excellent, the power supply was checked under stress stress test showed 11.9, 5.1, 3.3 deviations according to the table are the smallest the state is excellent all this for an hour, after these tests there was a blue screen of death and often writes that windows can not be found then writes no hhd I put the old sata cable and nothing helped. In one program, hdd showed 46754 times the connection to the host was dropped. As a result, all the state according to these tests is excellent, we start Word of tanks with departures, we go into the hangar in battle every 15 seconds, a glitch for 30 seconds and a servo break, and so on all 10 servers, not playable, on different tanks, from the observation of another pc mine the tank drives itself straight until they are killed, and the drawing of the tanks and locations as some kind of square boxes with a wheel muzzle is 6-sided, the buildings are soapy, the sound and flight disappear, every other time it does not matter ultra or minimal settings. The disk light is frozen or goes out for a long time and you can hear how it picks up a lot of acceleration and starts to respond. The new Doom glitches every 20 seconds, and many others, the rest of the PC works fine in addition to games, even when watching movies it slows down, on YouTube 2k pulls perfectly without glitches how so? It's a pity to throw away the pulls for ultra WOT, Far cry 4 Gta 5, and battle 4, and all Call of duty, I used to play on this hardware in 50-60 frames, but now I can't even go through the mission. dear experts help to solve the problem.

Computer equipment often fails when the processor overheats. We decided to clarify the situation a little and tell you how problems with overheating are solved.

Why is the processor overheating?

1.CPU cooling heatsink clogged with dust

The only way to get rid of dust is with a brush and vacuum cleaner to remove it from the radiator. The computer is much easier, it is easy to clean. If you have a laptop, you will have to completely disassemble it for cleaning. For an example of how to disassemble a laptop, see.

2.Used processor without thermal paste or thermal paste is dry

In this case, your processor temperature will be higher than normal. In extreme heat, under heavy loads, the processor may overheat. Previously, we saw the difference in CPU temperature with and without thermal paste. We recommend that you definitely use thermal paste.

3.The thermal paste between the die and the processor cover is dry

If you have a clean heatsink, the cooler is working, the best thermal grease is used, and the processor is overheating. Most likely, the thermal grease on the processor die has become unusable.

In order to disassemble the processor, carefully, using a blade or a utility knife, cut the layer between the cover and the processor. Then wipe off the dried thermal paste from the crystal and lid and replace with a new one.

4. The CPU cooler does not work.

The cooler needs to be cleaned, lubricated or replaced with a new one.

7.On the board, the heatsink to the processor is broken

Try to move the radiator with your hand. If it dangles from one side, check the reliability of the fastening. It may have broken or snapped off. Because of this, the heatsink does not completely adhere to the processor and overheating occurs. A broken mount needs to be replaced with a new one, it makes no sense to glue it.


The state of the computer or laptop must be monitored. Dust should be cleaned at least once a year. If you do not know how to do it yourself, contact a specialist.

Overheating is most dangerous for a laptop, since there is one cooling system for the processor and video. With severe overheating, the video chip can be damaged and then expensive repairs will be required to restore its performance.