Is it possible to insert another SIM card into the modem. How to unlock modems from Megafon, MTS, Tele2, Beeline - Unique instructions. With HUAWEI Unlock code calculator

Sooner or later, you will face a situation when another operator has better connection, better internet speed, cheaper tariffs and you would like to switch to it, but the trouble is that your modem does not work with another operator. If you insert a SIM-card from Beeline into a modem from Megafon, it will not work. To correct this situation, you first need to unlock the modem. Many sites offer paid unlocking methods, but I'll show you a free method.

The easiest way to unlock the modem is by its IMEI. This option is suitable for many modems. Let's assume that you have a Huawei modem. Basically, all modems from Beeline, MTS, Megafon are made by Huawei. Some modems from MTS are made by ZTE, but there are very few of them - this article will not talk about them. You can see the model of the modem on the label, it will say something like HUAWEI Mobile Broadband 320S modem. Or maybe E173, E171. Below on the modem will be written IMEI.

First: find out the model of the modem and EMEI (they are written on the modem).

Then download Huawei Modem 3.5 software (link below). This program will replace the program from your operator that you installed when you first connected the modem to your computer. By the way, if you have not installed the official program from the operator, be sure to install it, since the drivers for your modem will be installed along with it.

The points:

Download Huawei Modem 3.5

Install the office. Program from a modem

Install Huawei Modem 3.5

When you start the installed Huawei Modem, the program will ask you to enter the unlock code. We need to get it.

Step two.
You need to download the Huawei Unlock Code Calculator program (link below). It is she who will give the unlock code. It is with the help of this program that supposedly paid unlocking is done on many forums.

After starting the program, you must enter the IMEI of your modem and then press the Calc button. A lot of numbers and letters will appear in different fields. We only need the v1 code field - this is the unlock code. It must be entered in the unlock code field in Huawei Modem 3.5

The points:

Download Huawei Calculator

Enter your modem IMEI in the IMEI field.

Press Calc, then open Huawei Modem and in the unlock code entry window enter the code from the v1 code field

What to do if the modem unlock window does not appear.

The first is not to panic. To unlock the modem, you need to download the Huawei Modem Terminal program. If you have a code entry field on the second paragraph, and you unblocked modem, you no longer need to do what is written here.

After you have opened the program Huawei Modem Terminal, select your modem, it will be named something like this: HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G and press the Connect button
Then we enter the command below ATto check the connection with the modem. The modem should respond to this command: OK.

To unlock the modem write in the console: AT ^ CARDLOCK \u003d YOUR_V1_CODE and press Enter. If the modem answers OK, then everything is fine, you have successfully unlocked your modem completely free of charge! In another way, the code from the v1 field is called NCK. This was the old version of Huawei Unlocker, this article uses the new version. So if you are looking for NCK code, then the code from v1 is what you need.

If you have problems unlocking, be sure to unsubscribe in the comments.

Dear visitors, the article was written a long time ago and is outdated in some aspects. I recommend that you read the more current version -.

Hello dear site visitors. In this article I would like to touch upon a number of issues related to the mobile Internet in general, and with 3G modems in particular. Where will the 3G modem work? Do you really need it? What kind of SIM card can I insert there? And most importantly, what connection speed can it provide?

Let's start with the basics. If we are interested in a 3G modem, then we will talk exclusively about data transmission through the same networks with which our mobile phones work with you, into which, if we are talking about the capital region, we insert the SIM cards of the Big Three operators - MTS , Megaphone and Beeline. The modem is inserted exactly the same SIM card as in the phone. These modems have nothing to do with Yota, LTE or Wi-Fi. Quite quite.

Where will the 3G modem work?

The answer is pretty simple. Will work in the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe operator whose SIM card is inserted into this modem. Almost everywhere, with a high degree of probability. Moreover, the better the signal level, the better, as it is not difficult to guess, the mobile Internet will also work. True, the connection speed depends on several more factors, which are discussed below in this article. By the way, all is not lost yet.

Do you really need a 3G modem and a special SIM card?

All other things being equal, we can say that you can do without all this. Almost any modern mobile phone, being connected to a computer by wire, via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, can function as a modem. As well as the fact that some kind of mobile Internet can be connected to almost any tariff of any operator. So, if you already have a mobile phone and a SIM card, and you can connect mobile Internet to this SIM card at a price that suits you, and you know how to use your phone as a modem - voila, you can use the mobile Internet, and you don't need anything else.

Another thing is that it is not always convenient. For example, when the phone receives a call, the Internet connection is disconnected. And even when working in the network, the phone's battery runs out pretty quickly, that is, with prolonged surfing, it will most likely have to be constantly connected to the mains.

But sometimes a telephone can be more convenient than a modem. For example, the phone, when connected via Bluetooth, may be located at some distance from the computer. If you are in a weak signal area, you can place your phone where the signal is better. While the modem is plugged directly into the computer, and it is not always possible to put it where the signal is best.

By the way, there are special devices. Routers, to which you can connect a modem, or already having it "on board" (you just need to insert a SIM card), which will be able to "distribute" the Internet via Wi-Fi. By the way, they will be the most optimal solution not only when the best signal level is present where it is impossible or inconvenient to sit with a computer, but also if you need to provide access to the network from several devices at once.

What kind of SIM card can I insert into a 3G modem?

Can I insert a SIM card from my phone into a modem?

Can I insert a SIM card from a modem into my phone (communicator, tablet)?

The answers are yes and yes. Sims are exactly the same. If you have a mobile Internet connected to your "phone sim card", insert it, good health, into the modem and use it. If there is a need to insert a "modem" SIM card into a phone, tablet or communicator - also good for you. I will only note that many tariffs aimed at working specifically with the mobile Internet do not provide for the ability to make voice calls.

How good is the access to the network that the 3G modem can provide?

To put it simply, it depends on three factors.

Let's start with the simplest. Tariff plan. It is not uncommon for the connection speed to be regulated by the tariff plan, and no matter how wonderful all the other conditions are, the speed will never be higher than the one indicated in your tariff.

The second aspect is signal strength. Here, too, everything is quite simple - the higher the signal level, the better. With a low signal level, you will not get an adequate speed.

And finally, the third, the most difficult thing is the data transmission technology used. In total, four technologies are currently used in the Big Three networks: GPRS, EDGE, 3G (UMTS) and HSDPA. The first is the slowest, the last is the fastest.

These technologies must be supported by both the modem and the operator's network. And not a network in general, but a specific base station in particular. A modem may also only be able to use a few of them, however, modern modems (and phones) generally support all four. Many phones and communicators are able to show what specific technology they are working with at the moment. Pay attention to the letters G, E, 3G and H next to the signal indicator? They just mean GPRS, EDGE, 3G and HSDPA. Of course, the software of the modem will also show you what technology it is working with at the moment.

And if you are going to use a modem, say, at the dacha, it will not be superfluous to ask what data transmission technologies are supported by operators in this area.

- GPRS - you can start drying your oars. Everything will work very slowly - even in ideal conditions, the GPRS "ceiling" is 171.2 kbps, but in practice it is much less. You can surf (if you are not pissed off by the long page load time) and communicate using ICQ and similar programs.

- EDGE is not so bad anymore. The maximum possible speed is 474 kbps. Sites are still loading slowly, but much faster, you can even watch videos of not very high quality on YouTube. You can use e-mail quite adequately and play online games that are not demanding on traffic (for example, EVE-online).

- 3G - in fact, there is no 3G technology as such. This is just a beautiful marketing ploy, and this means a slightly different technology - UMTS. The theoretical maximum data transfer rate is 2048 kbps. 3G allows you to feel quite comfortable, use voice calls in Skype, play almost any online game.

- HSDPA is the best option. The technology has a lot of categories (20), the best one can provide as much as 84.4 Mbps. It's hard to say which category our operators use, but I can say that the maximum HSDPA speed, which I personally managed to "intend" was in the region of 7 Mbps. In practice, working with HSDPA with a signal level above average, you can practically not limit yourself in anything, the main thing is that the tariff plan allows it. Skype video calls, torrents and everything, everything, everything is at your service and with quite adequate speed.

That is, perhaps, all the subtleties. I hope that this short article will help you not only have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a 3g modem is, but will also allow you to determine before buying whether it will work where you need it.

Mobile routers purchased from one of the operators are configured to work only with a specific SIM card. That is, when buying a Megafon router, it will be authorized to work with the SIM card of this company. But often in the process of using certain imperfections come up and I want to know how to unlock the Megafon, MTS, Tele2, Beeline modem in order to change the traffic source.

To prevent trouble

Usually, in all reviews of certain USB routers, a warning is highlighted in bold not to insert another card into the device, otherwise a failure will occur.

But where did not ours disappear! And today we will try to unlock the Megafon modem. For MTS, Beeline and Tele2, the principle of action will be the same, since all companies use routers that are manufactured by Huawei, just everyone brands and programs them in their own way.

When you insert a foreign SIM card into the modem, it requires you to enter the unlock code. A total of 10 attempts are given for the correct combination.

In this article, we will consider all the ways how to get the coveted code and painlessly unlock the MegaFon 4G modem.

Using Huawei Unlock Code Calculator

If you are sure that your device belongs to Huawei, immediately start testing this method. Use the online version of Huawei Unlock Code Calculator.

  • Go to the site;
  • Enter in the appropriate column Have a modem;

IMEI is the personal number of each gadget. In routers, it can be found on the inside of the lid.

  • After entering, press Calk.

The program will calculate the V1, V2 and V201 codes. Now is the time to insert a new SIM card into the modem and connect it to your PC. The Internet Connection Manager will start automatically.

A window for entering the code should appear in the upper right corner. Write in turn each of the options given by the program, one of them should work.

Now, when the program has accepted the code, this means that you managed to unlock the Megafon modem and reflash it for another operator.


Users often complain that this method is effective only for old models of devices, they say it is not suitable for new ones, because the code entry window does not pop up.

If you are faced with such a situation, here is the solution. Download the latest version of the HUAWEI Modem control program from the manufacturer's official website and run it. The software will be able to adapt to the drivers of any generation of modems and will display a field where you can enter the unlock code.

DC – Unlocker and its capabilities

You will need this program in the event that the previous method did not give fruit. The fact is that it is a universal unlocker for any type of USB devices from absolutely any manufacturer.

Why was it not suggested in the first paragraph? Because this is a paid service, and we know how much you don’t want to pay extra. But there are some tricks here too. Everything in order.

  • Run the software, connect the USB to the computer, click on the magnifying glass in the program window. Free fields will be automatically filled in (IMEI is also considered an automatic machine there) and the robot will give all the data about the device.
  • Now below the data enter this text: at ^ nvwrex \u003d 8268,0,12,1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0, a, 0,0,0. Copy it directly from here. If everything went well, then you used our life hack for a free unlock.

If a failure occurs, then your device model is so encrypted that you will have to use only paid legal methods.

To do this, register on the developers' website, pay the required amount in euros, and you will be provided with a login and password, which will need to be entered in the program fields. After clicking the Unblock button, you will be the owner of the updated, flashed gadget.

Preparation for work

And now the mobile router is free and open for new unknown worlds of all cards and operators, it remains to make the final network settings.

Go to the Internet management program and create a new Internet profile in it. Indicate:

  • Name (according to your taste);
  • Dial number: *99# ;
  • Name the access point (APN) according to the operator's name. So for MTS it will be, respectively for Beeline -, for Tele2 -
  • Login and password will be equal to the name of the operator. For example, mts.

Keep the default settings and connect to the internet.

Now you know how to unlock a megaphone modem (or any other operator) yourself and you can choose the optimal working conditions.

For many years now I have been following the latest in mobile technology. Previously, it was my hobby, but now it has grown into a professional blog, where I am happy to share the information I have gained with you. I personally checked all the instructions, life hacks, a selection of the best programs and tariff plans.

The ability to connect a laptop or PC to the Internet using a modem, being anywhere, without being tied to a home network, is in constant demand among subscribers. Providing the equipment necessary for this within the framework of the tariff plan, operators prudently make its firmware only for their SIM cards. But what to do if during operation you decide to change the operator, and you have no desire to buy a new device? In this article we will look at how you can flash an MTS modem on all SIM cards.

Unlock HUAWEI Modems

In order to flash the MTS modem, you need to change its program to the universal version. It will not be difficult to find it, just fill in the equipment model in the search engine and follow the indicated links. In this case, the device software is completely replaced, at the output we will get a modem without a pre-installed MTS Connect shell. Some of the universal programs contain the main connection profiles and after the firmware you can immediately go online, with others you will have to configure the connection profile manually. However, the setup process is very simple and will not cause difficulties for most subscribers.

The entire setup process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Create a profile name, by default the name of the operator used is written.
  2. Write * 99 # in the dialing number field.
  3. Login - mts or beeline, when connecting to Tele2 or Megafon, leave the field empty.
  4. The password is the same as the login, including for Megafon and Tele2.
  5. We indicate the access point, depending on the planned operator, there may be the following options: Internet.teleru,,, Internet (Megafon).

After these simple steps, you will have a device in your hands that can work in the cellular network of any telecom operator. This eliminates the need to purchase additional equipment when moving to another operator.

For those MTS subscribers who do not want to mess with changing the device firmware due to fears of receiving a device with system errors, there is a safer way - unlocking with a code. There are many applications on the Internet that allow you to find out the unlock code for your modem. To do this, you must enter the IMEI number indicated on the equipment itself or on its packaging. After that, you can insert the SIM card of the operator you need into it and enter the resulting combination of characters in the window that opens. The result of this option for resolving the issue will be a modem that works with the MTS Connect shell, but designed for all SIM cards.

Unlocking ZTE Modems

Previously, the DC-UNLOCKER program was widely used to flash a device manufactured by ZTE, but after the introduction of a paid application, other options had to be looked for. One of them is the UNLOCKER application, which is not difficult to find on thematic forums and sites. In order to unlock the MTS modem, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Download the UNLOCKER application for ZTE.
  2. We insert the modem without a SIM card into the connector of a computer or laptop.
  3. We install the factory software and drivers from the modem.
  4. We close the standard ZTE program.
  5. We turn off the Internet connection and the anti-virus program.
  6. We launch the UNLOCKER application.
  7. In the new window, press the Unlock button and wait for the end of the flashing process.
  8. If a positive result is achieved, a Done message will appear. Then you can remove the device from the PC connector. Insert another SIM card. The unlocked equipment will work with any cellular operator.

It is not difficult to unblock a modem operating in a 4G network, the process of unblocking does not depend on the communication standard used.

Paid firmware method

For those who do not want to interfere with the software of devices and take risks with entering the generated passwords, there is a third way of flashing MTS equipment to work with SIM cards of any operators. This option is the most convenient and safe, but, as is usually the case, requires a payment for each use. Buying multiple access to the program's functions is much more profitable than purchasing a single flashing.

The DC-UNLOCKER application will help even an inexperienced user of PC and computer programs to easily and safely reflash the modem. Let's consider step by step the process of unblocking.

  1. We go to the site of the program developer, registering in the address bar of the browser.
  2. Click on the Download button at the top of the page.
  3. Next, select DC-UNLOCKER client and Download again.
  4. In the drop-down list, we find the series of your modem and download the installation file.
  5. Install and run the program.
  6. In the left field, select the manufacturer, in our case ZTE modems.
  7. We indicate the model of the modem, but it is recommended to set automatic detection.
  8. Press the Unlock button in the right field of the program.
  9. After notification of the successful completion of the process, you can use the communication services of any operator.

It is important to remember that the entire unlocking process is carried out with the modem installed, but without the MTS SIM card. When the device is unlocked, you can insert a SIM card from any other mobile operator and go online.

For many people, buying a 3G modem from MTS is the only way out for fast and inexpensive Internet access. And it should be noted that this operator provides high-speed access to Internet resources - this is evidenced by independent tests of large analytical companies.

When buying a modem, we receive not only a subscriber device, but also a SIM card with a certain tariff plan (as a rule, this). By installing the SIM card inside the modem, we can immediately access the Internet. Next, we just need to replenish the account monthly (by phone number) - and there will always be access to the network at hand.

If you purchased an MTS modem and do not know, and configure it for full use, then perhaps you will be interested in another article located at the link above. Now let's imagine a situation that another operator offered more favorable rates for Internet access. Or it turned out that the speed of access to the network from another operator in a given point of the city is much higher. What to do?

A simple answer suggests itself - you need to install a SIM card from another operator into the modem. But when you turn on the modem, we will see that the modem asks for an unlock code - this means that the MTS operator has locked the modem for working with its SIM cards. How to unblock MTS 3G-modem to work with SIM-cards of another operator?

In order to unlock the MTS modem, you will have to use special programs. First of all, we will look at modems from Huawei, and then we will take on modems from the ZTE brand. They have different unlocking procedures, but the result should be the same - both the modem must accept the SIM card of the "foreign" operator.

Some models of modems are unlocked directly at MTS offices.To do this, the subscriber signs a corresponding application indicating the IMEI of the device. Within a few days, the operator will provide the unlock code.

Unlocking Huawei MTS Modems

The easiest way to unlock a Huawei MTS modem is to find a universal firmware for it. It will not only replace the modem's firmware, but also replace the built-in MTS-connection with a universal program. Moreover, there may be customized profiles. If there are no configured profiles, it doesn't matter - let's create a connection profile manually with the following parameters:

  • Profile name - indicate at your discretion, but it is better to enter the name of the operator;
  • Dial-up number - * 99 # (for MTS, MegaFon, Beeline and Tele2 operators);
  • Login - mts for the MTS operator, beeline for the Beeline operator. For Tele2 and MegaFon, the login remains empty;
  • Password - mts for the MTS operator, beeline for the Beeline operator. For Tele2 and MegaFon, the password remains empty;
  • The access point is for MTS, for Beeline, internet for MegaFon, for Tele2.

Everything is very simple and accessible.

If you don't want to mess with the firmware (as a result of an unsuccessful firmware, you can get a "brick" - this is the name of the victims due to the replacement of the device firmware), you should use the online calculators that calculate the unlock code (NCK). There are also special programs on the network that calculate this very code. By the way, the calculation is tied to the IMEI of the modem - this number is indicated on the packaging and on the sticker (on the back cover). We enter IMEI into a calculator or program, enter the unlock code into MTS-Connect and enjoy the unlocked modem.

Do not try to enter numbers at random - after the tenth attempt, the modem will be blocked, as a result of which the built-in counter will need to be reset. If you are afraid to use software to obtain an unlock code, use free help on specialized forums.

You can download alternative firmware for Huawei modems. The user can choose from several software assemblies that differ in support of certain models. Specify the model of the unlockable modem, download the appropriate software and follow the attached instructions.

Unlocking ZTE MTS Modems

How to unlock an MTS modem from ZTE? We recommend using the DC-Unlocker program, which can unlock modems from the specified brand. In the program settings, you can find the option to unlock modems from other brands.

Select the brand of your modem, click on the "Unlock" button - the program will do the rest by itself. There are many other ways to unlock MTS modems - they can use various programs, utilities and online services. But if you are afraid to turn your modem into a "brick", seek help from specialists.