errors at the data loading stage

“1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8.0” is a mass-produced program for comprehensive automation of payroll calculation and implementation of personnel policies of enterprises and organizations. It is successfully used in personnel services and accounting departments, as well as in other departments whose task is to organize the efficient work of personnel.

“1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8.0” is a ready-to-use solution that takes into account legal requirements, the actual practice of enterprises and global trends in the development of methods of motivation and personnel management.

Application solution "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8.0" automates the solution of the following tasks:

payroll calculation;

management of financial motivation of personnel;

calculation of taxes and contributions from the wage fund regulated by law;

reflection of accrued wages and taxes in the costs of the enterprise;

management of monetary settlements with personnel, including depositing;

personnel accounting and personnel analysis;

automation of personnel records management;

personnel needs planning;

providing business with personnel;

management of competencies, training, certification of employees;

effective personnel employment planning.

The subject area automated by the application solution “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8.0” is illustrated by the following diagram.

Scheme 2.1 – Subject area

The program allows you to keep records in a single information base on behalf of several organizations - legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs, who, from the point of view of business organization, constitute a single enterprise.

The program maintains two types of accounting in parallel: managerial and regulated. Management accounting is maintained for the enterprise as a whole, and regulated accounting is maintained separately for each organization.

The program “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8.0” will be useful to all employees of the enterprise without exception.

Management will have full control over what is happening, set the structure of the enterprise and its constituent organizations, analyze personnel composition, and make management decisions based on complete and reliable information. Powerful analytical reports provide the user with information in arbitrary sections.

The HR department will receive a valuable tool for automating routine tasks, including surveying and preparing reports on employees with various selection and sorting conditions.

Employees of the enterprise will be confident that at any time they will be able to quickly receive the certificates they need, information about their vacation, personalized accounting data in the Pension Fund, etc.

Submitting regulated reporting to government agencies will become a much less labor-intensive process. This is especially true for information for personalized accounting of the Pension Fund (SZV-4, ADV-11) and reporting on personal income tax (2-NDFL).

“1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8.0” was created on the new generation technology platform “1C: Enterprise 8.0”, which provides high flexibility, customizability, scalability, performance and ergonomics of application solutions. The software product delivery package includes a standard configuration “Salary and Personnel Management”.

For the purpose of accounting, the joint work of the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8.0 program with the 1C: Accounting 8.0 program is ensured.

The application solution automates almost all types of wage calculations used in self-supporting enterprises, and related deductions, taxes and contributions. The main forms of remuneration have been implemented: time-based (using monthly, daily and hourly tariff rates) and piece-rate forms of remuneration, as well as their options - time-based bonus and piece-rate and bonus forms of remuneration.

To use time-based wages for an employee, it is enough to indicate the amount of wages and the schedule according to which the time worked will be taken into account when hiring him.

If, as a result of personnel changes, the employee’s work schedule changes, then such events must be documented in the information base.

There is no need to specifically keep track of hours worked. The actual time worked will be calculated as the amount of planned time that the employee was supposed to work according to the schedule, minus documented deviations from this schedule when the employee was absent during the working hours specified in the schedule, for example, due to vacation or illness.

When paying piecework, in order to calculate the amount of earnings, it is necessary to register the employee’s actual output monthly with special documents - piecework orders. But the work schedule is also required to be specified, since it is used in some other calculations.

Time tracking

Work schedules used to record time worked can be of the following types: five-day, six-day, shift and, in addition, individual.

The configuration must indicate the length of the working week and working hours: work intervals during the working day or shift, excluding lunch breaks. For example, for a 40-hour work week and a five-day work schedule, working hours could be from 8-00 to 12-00 and from 13-00 to 17-00 (here it is assumed that the lunch break takes place from 12-00 until 13-00).

The configuration supports summarized working time schedules, as well as reduced working time schedules.

The current work schedule calendar is automatically filled in, taking into account national holidays, which reflects working days, shortened pre-holiday days and postponed rest days. A list of national holidays is also stored in the information database.

It is possible to enter detailed and/or summary time sheets as primary documents, the data of which is further used when calculating wages; in this case, the time worked is determined according to the timesheet data; existing work schedules will be used only to determine the standard amount of working time.

When generating a time sheet according to form T-13 in the absence of data on wage calculations, data on the absence of employees registered in the “personnel” accounting loop is used.

Accruals and deductions

All accruals of the organization are combined into two large groups:

Basic accruals are accruals characterized by duration over time, i.e. having a validity period (payment at tariff rates, payment for periods of employee absence, etc.).

Additional accruals are accruals characterized by one accrual date, for example bonuses or dividends. These accruals, however, may be calculated on the basis of amounts previously accrued under the main accruals.

Each type of accrual is characterized by a calculation method and other parameters.

The configuration contains a sufficient set of predefined types of charges and deductions. In particular, accruals are provided for several types of vacations and several types of downtime during working hours, alimony deductions, etc. But users can add an unlimited number of their own types of accruals and deductions with all the calculation methods for accruals (deductions) provided in the configuration.

Basic charges can be calculated in the following ways:

at the tariff rate (monthly, daily or hourly) for the actual period of accrual;

piecework for the actual period of accrual validity;

fixed amount;

according to average earnings for vacation by calendar days;

according to average earnings for vacation when calculated from working days;

based on average earnings for calculating temporary disability benefits;

according to average earnings (for example, to pay for business trips);

additional payment up to average earnings;

as a child care benefit up to 1.5 years old;

as a benefit for caring for a child up to 3 years old

Additional charges can be calculated in the following ways:

percentage (of the amounts accrued according to the specified basic accruals);

a fixed amount.

Deductions can be calculated in the following ways:

percentage (of the amounts accrued according to the specified basic accruals);

for withholding under executive documents (i.e. with a preliminary reduction in the amount of basic charges by the amount of taxes);

a fixed amount.

You can indicate that the main or additional accrual is income in kind. Income in kind, for example, includes travel tickets issued to employees of an enterprise. Income in kind differs from income in cash in that they are not taken into account in monetary settlements with employees.

Payroll calculation procedure

After entering information into the information base about the current output of employees, about deviations from the work schedule (including hourly absenteeism), about one-time accruals and deductions, you can actually calculate wages and related accruals.

To calculate salaries, the document “Payroll for employees of organizations” is used.

To perform the calculation, the user should create a new document and indicate the most general parameters of the calculation: month of payroll, organization, etc., after which the remaining actions - filling out the tabular part of the document and the calculation itself - can be performed automatically. Moreover, all deductions will be automatically calculated: personal income tax, amounts of loans for which the repayment period has come, alimony, etc. The calculated deductions will be reflected in the corresponding tabs of the tabular part of the document. The user can change the results manually, after which subsequent calculations will use the user-corrected results without automatic recalculation. If the user changes his mind, he can remove this protection and automatically recalculate the settlement records.

The configuration automatically copes with complex situations when information about the reasons for an employee’s absence is entered several times. When an employee’s absence is registered for an unknown reason, no salary will be accrued for the period of absence, but if he later brings sick leave for this period, then the next time he pays wages, he will be paid sick leave for the days of illness. You can enter accruals relating to previous months. Calculation of paid amounts with rounding has been implemented.

The configuration makes it possible to divide the work of calculating payroll into the following stages: first, data on the main and additional accruals of employees is entered into the information base; then data on repayment of employee loans is entered; at the next stage, personal income tax (NDFL) is automatically calculated; Other deductions are calculated last. Each stage can be documented in a separate “Payroll” document. This procedure for calculating wages can be convenient for large organizations where several employees of the payroll service are involved in calculating wages.

Another possible principle for dividing payroll work, which is supported in the “Salary and HR Management” configuration, is by department. Individual users - payroll clerks - are assigned responsibilities for calculating salaries in specific departments and entering this information into the information base. If you specify a biller when generating documents, then the tabular part will automatically include employees of only those departments that are serviced by the selected biller.

It is possible to automatically calculate wages for the first half of the month, taking into account the data entered at the time of calculation on deviations and actual output of employees.


To prepare salary payments, the document “Salaries for payment by organizations” is used.

The document is generated and filled out automatically. The document provides for the possibility of registering the payment of wages through the organization’s cash desk, as well as by non-cash transfer of wages to employees’ bank accounts. The configuration ensures the generation of all paper printed forms related to the calculation and payment of wages: pay slips, pay slips, etc. For organizations where it is not customary to use a common pay slip to register wage payments, a mechanism is provided for the group generation of expense cash orders (one per each employee) directly from the document form. Additionally, it is possible to automatically transfer information about created cash and register accounts to the “Enterprise Accounting” configuration information base.

The configuration contains the necessary tools for accounting for deposited wages. Transfer of salaries to employee card accounts. To distribute salaries transferred to the bank among employees’ card accounts, a special information exchange mechanism developed by 1C together with Sberbank of the Russian Federation is proposed . Data exchange on transferred salary amounts occurs using XML files. To read information from the received file, to generate a file intended to be sent to the bank, special processing is used in the “Salary and Personnel Management” configuration.

The proposed mechanism allows you to electronically transfer to the bank the information necessary to open employee card accounts, receive confirmation from the bank of their opening with the necessary parameters of the card accounts of the organization’s employees, and then organize regular crediting of salaries to the card account.

Modern ergonomic interface application solution "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8.0" makes available the service capabilities of "1C: Enterprise 8.0":

universal tools for working with printed forms of documents with the ability to send documents by e-mail;

universal group processing of directories and documents;

connecting external processors and restricting access to their use;

connection of additional printed forms in documents;

connecting additional processors for filling out tabular parts of documents;

setting a ban date for changing data;

user administration tools in 1C:Enterprise mode;

means of dividing access to data by user workstations (roles).

Correctly maintaining personnel data in the 1C:ZUP program is very important. Otherwise, you will encounter frequent errors in documents and reports, for example when. Many reports from this program are submitted to regulatory authorities and errors are inappropriate here.

In this step-by-step instructions, we will look in detail at the process of hiring an employee in 1C 8.3 ZUP edition 3.1.

In this example, we use a demo version of the program and perform all actions under the account of the head of the HR department. Depending on the rights available to the user, this functionality may be located in a different location or may not be available at all.

Let’s go to the home page and click on the “New Employee” hyperlink.

In the directory card that opens, select an organization.

Remember that the program has an algorithm for breaking this field into separate details: last name, first name and patronymic. It separates them from each other by spaces. In the case of a double surname, it must be indicated with a dash without spaces.

There are three hyperlinks to the right of the full name field:

Personal data, information about education, family, work activity, insurance are filled out using the appropriate hyperlinks at the top of the form. If necessary, you can also attach a file to the employee’s card, for example, with his photo or scanned copies of documents.

When you have provided all the required information, click “Save and Close”.

Directory "Individuals"

After creating an employee in the 1C 8.3 ZUP program, a new individual was automatically created. This directory is located in the “Personnel” section.

An individual and an employee are two different things. An individual may not be an employee.

For one element of the directory of individuals, there may be several employees. This is the case because a person can work in a company not only at his main place of work. He may have several contracts, for example, main, part-time and GPC.

This mechanism has been implemented so that, in accordance with personal income tax legislation, the total for all places of work for one individual is considered. The remaining calculations are carried out separately.

For example, an employee works in our organization and this is his main place of work. Also, funds are periodically transferred to him under the GPC agreement. Personal income tax must be calculated in total (summed up for both agreements). Payments will be made separately. The program will have one individual and two employees.

In this regard, it is very important to control the absence of duplicates in the directory of individuals. Otherwise, there may be undesirable consequences with incorrect calculations and with the tax authorities. In addition, tax deductions are tied specifically to the individual.

To avoid these situations when filling out data (for example, TIN) in an employee’s card, if the program finds an individual with the same data, it will issue a corresponding message.

If duplicate individuals appear, contact the program administrator so that he can combine cards with personal data using special processing.

Document "Recruitment"

We have added a new employee to the program. Now we move directly to hiring an employee. You can do this in 1C ZUP 8.3 on the home page, in the employee’s card, or through the “Personnel” menu.

In our example, we will accept an employee from the initial page, since those persons who are not hired are clearly displayed there, which is quite convenient.

To do this, select the created employee in the appropriate table and right-click. In the context menu, select “Apply for a job.”

In the document that opens, some fields are filled in automatically. If necessary, correct them, and also indicate the department and position.

If you fill out, then wages will be substituted from it. Let's go to the appropriate tab. That's right, the accrual was filled out from the staffing position. This data can be corrected.

If you do not maintain a staffing table, the “Payment” tab must be filled out manually.

Keep records for enterprises of any size and legal structure.

In one application you can keep records of any number of legal entities and individuals, including unitary enterprises and non-profit organizations. Accounting is maintained for territorially separate divisions that independently report both to all authorities and only to the Federal Tax Service.

Choose the features that you really need.

By consistently answering the questions of the initial setup assistant, you will receive an interface that will contain only the functions you need, up to refusing the ability to calculate payroll and maintain only personnel records. In the future, during your work, you will be able to easily use previously unused capabilities.

Keep personnel records.

  • Staffing table
  • Admissions, transfers and other changes, dismissals
  • Contracts
  • Military registration

Calculate salaries and other accruals.

  • Time-based, piece-rate and other forms of remuneration
  • Night, overtime, holidays, etc.
  • Allowances, additional payments, compensation, financial assistance, etc.
  • Bonuses: monthly, quarterly, annual, etc.
  • Vacations, sick leave, business trips, downtime, etc.
  • Deductions according to executive documents, prof. contributions, etc.
  • Loan settlements
  • Personal income tax and insurance premiums

Pay your salary.

  • Advance, intersettlement payments and final settlement
  • In non-cash form or in cash
  • Electronic exchange with banks within the framework of salary projects
  • Accounting for depositors

Generate and submit reports via the Internet using the built-in 1C-Reporting service:

  • Quarterly reporting and other information for the Pension Fund of Russia
  • 4-FSS and document flow within the framework of the FSS pilot project
  • 2-NDFL, including for third parties (not employees)
  • Reporting to Rosstat: P-4, etc.

Comparison of functionality of 1C versions: Salaries and personnel management 8

1C: Salaries and personnel management 8 BASIC PROF CORP
Personnel accounting and personalized accounting

Payroll calculation and accounting

Payouts and deposits

Calculation of taxes and insurance premiums

Preparation of regulated reporting

Accounting for the activities of several organizations

Ability to configure the application solution

Support for client-server operation

Working with a distributed information base

Recruitment with searching for candidates on the Internet
Grades and KPIs
Social benefits and compensation
Adaptation, training and development of personnel
Personnel reserve and talent management
Accounting for expenses by areas and projects
Occupational safety, permits, medical examinations, briefings
Remote access for managers and employees
Article Version Buy, rub.
Rent, rub./month.
4601546044433 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8. Basic version.
7 400
from 563
4601546092588 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8
22 600
from 563
4601546041807 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 (USB)
27 300
4601546081506 1C: Salaries and personnel management 8 CORP
109 000
2900001729819 1C: Salaries and personnel of government institutions 8. Basic version. Electronic delivery
9 200
from 563
4601546113993 1C: Salaries and personnel of government institutions 8
28 100
from 563
2900001729826 1C: Salaries and personnel of government institutions 8 PROF. Electronic delivery
28 100 from 563

Payment and delivery

We accept payments only from legal entities. persons or individual entrepreneurs by non-cash transfer to a bank account. After completing the application, the manager will contact you, clarify the details of the order and issue an invoice for payment.

We deliver by courier service free of charge to any region of the Russian Federation. If the product is in stock and subject to payment before 12:00 Moscow time, the order can be sent on the same day. When paying after 12:00, as well as when ordering electronic delivery, delivery is carried out no earlier than the next business day. Please check with the manager when placing your order for exact delivery times.

If you ordered a delivery with a software license, you can start using the program without waiting to receive the delivery kit (box). Notify the manager about this desire and he will send you scans of the registration. forms and pin codes for obtaining a license.

Along with the goods, you will be provided with a complete set of accounting documentation: an agreement, an invoice and an act for the transfer of rights (or a TORG-12 delivery note). We send the scans immediately by e-mail, then the originals will be delivered by courier or sent by mail. We work with regular clients via email. document flow (service 1C-EDO, operator Kaluga-Astral).

Difficulties in the transition to edition 3.0 “1C: Salaries and HR Management”

  • With version 3.0 you can maintain multiple production calendars
  • In the accounting of hours worked, you can correct the time sheet
  • The possibilities in the staffing table have been increased, for example, you can save the previous version of the staffing table in the program if necessary
  • Another innovation is the ability to create documents from an employee card
  • Of course, new reports and printed forms necessary for maintaining

Advantages compared to the program "1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7"

  • universal tools for working with printed forms of documents with the ability to send documents by e-mail;
  • universal group processing of directories and documents;
  • connecting external processors and restricting access to their use;
  • connection of additional printed forms in documents;
  • connecting additional processors for filling out tabular parts of documents;
  • setting a ban date for changing data;
  • user administration tools in 1C:Enterprise mode;
  • means of dividing access to data by user workstations (roles).

Maintenance of "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" PROF is carried out with a valid subscription to information technology support (ITS).

2012: Opportunities and versions of "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8"

For July, 2012 the application solution "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" automates the solution of the following tasks:

  • payroll calculation;
  • management of financial motivation of personnel;
  • calculation of taxes and contributions from the wage fund regulated by law;
  • reflection of accrued wages and taxes in the costs of the enterprise;
  • management of monetary settlements with personnel, including depositing;
  • personnel accounting and personnel analysis;
  • automation of personnel records management;
  • personnel needs planning;
  • providing business with personnel;
  • management of competencies, training, certification of employees.

The program allows you to keep records in a single information base on behalf of several organizations - legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs, who, from the point of view of business organization, constitute a single enterprise.

The program maintains two types of accounting in parallel: managerial and regulated. Management accounting is maintained for the enterprise as a whole, and regulated accounting is maintained separately for each organization.

The program "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" will be useful to all employees of the enterprise without exception.

  • Management will have full control over what is happening, set the structure of the enterprise and its constituent organizations, analyze personnel composition, and make management decisions based on complete and reliable information. Powerful analytical reports provide the user with information in arbitrary sections.
  • The HR department will receive a valuable tool for automating routine tasks, including surveying and preparing reports on employees with various selection and sorting conditions.
  • Employees of the enterprise will be confident that at any time they will be able to quickly receive the certificates they need, information about their vacation, personalized accounting data in the Pension Fund, etc.

Submitting regulated reporting to government agencies will become a much less labor-intensive process. This is especially true for information for personalized accounting of the Pension Fund (SZV-4, ADV-11) and reporting on personal income tax (2-NDFL).

"1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" was created on the next generation technology platform "1C: Enterprise 8", which provides high flexibility, customizability, scalability, performance and ergonomics of application solutions. As of July 2012, the software product delivery package includes a standard configuration “Salary and Personnel Management”.

"1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" is available in two versions: basic and PROF. The basic version is a single-user analogue of the PROF version of the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program.

For the purpose of accounting, the joint work of the program "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" with the program "

Online support for registered users
The largest HR automation projects
Online demonstration (KORP version)

Personnel are the most valuable resource of any company. And like any resource, it requires accounting and effective management. The efficiency of the enterprise as a whole largely depends on how personnel management is structured. Qualified, proactive and loyal employees can significantly improve the quality of work and competitiveness of any company.

Managing data on hundreds and thousands of employees, conducting recruitment and training activities, assessing the qualifications of production and management personnel are labor-intensive processes. The use of specialized software products gives the company the opportunity to reduce the time spent on processing large amounts of information and data analysis, and allows management to effectively plan and implement personnel policies.

To manage the human resources of an enterprise, 1C has developed a modern tool for automating tasks of personnel management, maintaining personnel records and calculations in accordance with legal requirements for commercial enterprises of various sizes - 1C: Salaries and personnel management 8.

Place of "1C: Salaries and personnel management 8" in the overall enterprise management system

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The implementation of an automated accounting and reporting system in accordance with IFRS was carried out using the standard project methodology. The project lasted 4 months, as a result, employees prepared reports for 2013 in a new program. The implementation of an automated accounting and reporting system in accordance with IFRS was carried out using the standard project methodology. The project lasted 4 months, resulting in reporting for 2013

In October 2015, the management of NTZ Volkhov decided to introduce an automated system from the ITAN company. more In October 2015, the management of NTZ Volkhov decided to introduce an automated system from the ITAN company. The project as a whole was planned to be completed in 6 months. In March 2016, NTZ Volkhov launched the second stage of the project: automation of consolidated reporting. As part of this stage, ITAN specialists will configure the software

In 2011, we began cooperation with the Edil-Import company. The company had a task to automate management accounting, in connection with which the software product “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” was purchased. Read more In 2011, we began cooperation with the Edil-Import company. The company had a task to automate management accounting, and therefore acquired software

The ITAN company has completed work on setting up a management accounting system for the Museum company. The implementation project lasted two months, and as a result, a management accounting model was customized to meet the Customer's needs. The ITAN company completed work on setting up a management accounting system for the Museum company. The implementation project lasted two months, and as a result, we

The ITAN company completed a project for setting up financial accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS in the branch of the Alpen Pharma company - Alpen Pharma Ukraine. more details The ITAN company completed a project for setting up financial accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS in the branch

The Design-Moda company contacted us in September 2014. The company had a task to automate the management accounting of a group of companies. The company's management decided to automate the management accounting system based on software

The project team from ITAN completed the main work on automation of management accounting in the Aktion media group. The next stage: launching management accounting into trial operation. Aktion Media Group is the leader of the Russian market of specialized and professional periodicals. Aktion-Media CJSC and the media group's subsidiaries have been producing news for a long time.

The ITAN company won the tender for the development and implementation of an information system for corporate financial management in the Terra Auri Group of Companies. The purpose of creating and implementing a corporate financial management information system is to automate the process

The ITAN project team completed a project to automate the generation of management reporting in the Podruzhka retail chain. The implementation project was carried out according to the standard project methodology and was completed in 4 months. As a result, the management reporting system based on “ITAN: PROF Management Balance” has undergone trial operation, and allows you to quickly receive reports such as: OBDR, OBDS, Father

Start of a joint project to automate management accounting in the Museum company based on “ITAN: Management Balance”. Integration of the management system is planned to be carried out with 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7. The main activities of the Museum company are tea and coffee for enterprises in the HoReCa segment.

Ochakovsky Concrete Concrete Plant is introducing modern management accounting automation technologies based on ITAN: PROF Management Balance Sheet. The implementation is planned by our own IT service. The history of the Ochakovsky Concrete Products Plant began in 1990, when an independent enterprise was formed on the basis of workshop No. 3 “Reinforced Concrete Products-10”. From a small company, to a price list

IMPLEMENTATION OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING AND “ITAN: MANAGEMENT BALANCE” IN “SUMOTORI GC” Independent implementation of the “ITAN: MANAGEMENT BALANCE” system in “SUMOTORI GC” has been successfully completed. Tasks of automation of financial accounting of Sumotori Group: Automation of the process of preparing individual and consolidated financial statements based on

As part of the project to automate financial management by ITAN, the first stage has been completed - automation of mutual settlements in management accounting. Next, it is planned to refine operational accounting, comprehensive implementation of management accounting, budgeting and treasury. "Ali

The ITAN company and the BI Partner company have entered into a cooperation and partnership agreement. As part of the cooperation, the BI Partner company will promote the ITAN: Management Balance software product. At the moment, negotiations are underway on joint participation in projects to automate management accounting in several companies, based on software

Company JSC "V.I.P. Service" increased the efficiency of financial management at the enterprise by introducing modern management accounting automation technologies based on the ITAN: Management Balance software. The implementation was carried out by the Customer’s own IT service, with consulting support from ITAN company specialists. Client: JSC “V.I.P. Service" / "V.I.P.

ITAN company specialists have completed work on setting up the management accounting system to suit the specifics of the Terra Auri company. As part of the project, the following settings were made: The “ITAN: Management Balance” system in the Customer’s “1C: Accounting 3.0”. The chart of accounts for management accounting has been set up. The management accounting analytics has been set up (6 features: CFS, CZ, Project, Article, Counterparty, Agreement), and the rules for filling it out. The correspondence between the RBSU and ex. accounts has been completed. accounting. Nastro

The ITAN implementation team began work on automating operational cash management in the Aktion group of companies. The implementation will be carried out according to the methodology of a standard project, guaranteeing successful implementation. The ITAN implementation team has begun work on automating operational cash management in the Aktion group of companies. The implementation will be carried out according to the standard project methodology, gar

The ITAN company won the competition to automate the management accounting system in the Yellow, Black and White holding. More details. The ITAN company won the competition to automate the management accounting system in the Yellow, Black and White holding. The management of Yellow, Black and White Group of Companies was looking for a solution on the market that could solve the following tasks in a short time: Load accounting data from current 1C systems. Implement complex meth

In July 2016, Sberbank NPF carried out a planned transition to a new edition of the accounting program: 1C: Accounting 3.0 + 1C: NPF Management 4.0, which includes the “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” subsystem, this system is used for budgeting,

The company had a task to automate management accounting and budgeting. To implement these tasks, the company's management decided to purchase the ITAN: Management Balance software product. Cooperation with the company MIR GAZA began in November 2014. The company had a task to automate management accounting and budgeting. To achieve these tasks, management

In 2104, the PLPC company decided to automate the management accounting system based on the ITAN software product: Management Balance. The main tasks are the automation of cash management, budgeting and document regulations. The management accounting system is planned to be built on the existing standard configuration “1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 1.3” with the introduction of the “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet 2.4” configuration into it. The implementation will be completed

The ITAN company has completed the first stage of work on setting up a management accounting system and developing a property management unit for Voentorg OJSC. The ITAN company has completed the first stage of work on setting up a management accounting system and developing a property management unit

The ITAN project team completed a project to automate budgeting using a complex economic planning model in the Podruzhka retail chain. The implementation project was carried out according to the standard project methodology and was completed in 6 months. As a result, the budgeting model was tested and Podruzhka formed a budget for 2013 in the new system. In the future, work is planned to implement the “Cash Management” subsystem

Automation of budgeting and treasury in the consulting company "Redl and Partners" based on "ITAN: PROF Management Balance" A budgeting subsystem has been introduced for planning and controlling income and expenses. The cash management subsystem is undergoing trial operation. Redl and Partners is a multidisciplinary consulting company specializing in providing professional

The ITAN company won the tender for automation of the financial module in the Vipservice holding. The ITAN company won the tender for the automation of the financial module in the Vipservice holding. As part of the “Financial Module” project, the following functional blocks will be introduced: Management accounting Budgeting&

The Liebherr Russland subsidiary initiated a comprehensive project to automate financial management. The project will begin with the formalization of accounting policies in accordance with IFRS. Currently, the group of companies includes ten industry divisions. The holding company of the Liebherr group of companies is Liebherr-International AG in Bühl (Switzerland), which is wholly owned by members of the Liebherr family.

The Ethan company has begun work on implementing a standard management accounting model of the “ITAN: Management Balance” subsystem for the “1C: Trade Management” configuration in the “Red Triangle” trading house. Trading House "Red Triangle" offers a wide range of rubber-fabric conveyor belts (conveyor belts), as well as other rubber products (sleeves,

At the beginning of 2013, the Megalex group of companies decided to automate the management accounting system based on the ITAN: Management Balance software product. The main tasks are automation of management accounting, cash management and budgeting. management system

Implementation of an automated system The implementation will take place according to the standard project methodology, with a preliminary examination of the methodology for transforming RAS data into IFRS, and its subsequent description in the “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” system. Synovate Comcon is part of the international research network Ipsos, one of the top three in the global market. Globally, Ipsos is represented in 80 countries. In Russia Synovate Comcon and

Specialists of the ITAN company completed a project to automate plan-fact analysis of revenue in the company STS Eventim RU based on the configuration "1C: Enterprise Accounting 2.0" more details Specialists of the company ITAN completed a project to automate plan-fact analysis of revenue in the company STS Eventim RU" based on con