I can't create a new layer in AutoCAD. How to create a layer in AutoCAD. How to select all layer objects in AutoCAD

In this we will show the techniques working with Layers in AutoCAD.

The lesson will answer the following questions:

– How to create a layer in AutoCAD;

– How to delete layers in AutoCAD, for example, unused ones;

– What is a layer property manager;

– How to select objects in a layer in AutoCAD;

– How to move objects to another layer;

– What are the properties of a layer in AutoCAD.

Video version of the lesson:

Text version of the lesson:

Hello friends! I propose to pay attention to such an issue as layers in AutoCAD.

Setting up layers in AutoCAD and using them correctly saves a lot of time, as does using it in your practice

I am not lying at all when I say that layers in AutoCAD save a lot of time, nerves and improve the quality of work by an order of magnitude. Therefore, I suggest you immediately learn in practice, step by step. setting up layers in AutoCAD, At the same time, we will understand how good it is that AutoDESK introduced this feature.

Question 1.Where are layers located in AutoCAD? How to open them?

So, the layer manager is located in the “home” tab, “layers” block. When we expand this block, we will see a number of parameters, functions and buttons. We are now interested in the button that allows you to create layers and assign different parameters to them, such as “Layer name”, “line color”, “line thickness” and others. (see screenshot)

Please click on this “layer properties” button

When you click on the button “Layer Properties” in AutoCAD, then you will be taken to a new window “ Layer Properties Manager“, which looks like the picture below.

Before answering the question, how to create and configure layers in AutoCAD, I suggest studying this window in more detail, because... You will be working with him for a very, very long time. Let's look at the main points you should know now.

Please look at the picture below, regarding each number, under the picture there will be an explanation of what this function is and what it is needed for, this will be a hint for you and will reduce the learning time.

(Important clarification, now we are considering only basic things. There is no point in overloading you with information, moreover, in practice, it is better to leave some functions by default)

1 -Create a layer. This command allows you to create new layers. The commands are nearby, delete layers, freeze and activate layers.

2 – Name. Once you have created a layer, you need to give the layer a name. For example, “Load-bearing walls”.

3 – Turn on and off. This command is shown as a “light bulb”. It literally turns a layer on or off. If you click on the “burning light bulb”, the layer will disappear from the drawing, not deleted, but simply become invisible. Well, vice versa if the light is off.

4 – Freeze and defrost. A team that duplicates the previous one, but with one difference. By clicking on the “freeze layer” button, you unload this layer and the objects associated with this layer from memory.

5- Locking and unlocking layers. Another necessary function, by clicking on it you will lock the layer and will not be able to edit it in the drawing itself. In practice it looks like this (one example). You need to delete lines, except for the “Load-bearing walls” layer, go to the manager, put a lock opposite the “load-bearing walls” layer and that’s it. You can select the entire drawing and delete it; the lines that refer to the “load-bearing walls” will remain in place.

6- Color. It's simple, here you assign the color of the lines. It can be anything and will also be printed in color (if necessary). There is one thing, if the color is white, then it will be black anyway. Do you know why? The paper is white.

7 – Line type., we need to set different types of lines; in this window we configure exactly what types of lines this layer will have. Let's say we draw the axes not with a solid line, but with a dash-dot line.

8 – Line weight. are also configured based on GOST. Therefore, this is also an important function for adjusting layers.

9 – Print. By default, all layers you create will be printed on a printer or plotter. But if for some reason the printing layer is not needed, just turn it off by clicking on the “printer” button.

Here's some more important information. Please understand once and for all if you are going to become a pro in AutoCAD and find fame among your colleagues. ALWAYS USE LAYERS IN AUTOCAD.

Layer in AutoCAD– this is a set of settings, each of which has its own meaning (see points 2-9 above). In simple terms, with the help of layers you can literally decompose a project into layers, as if into components. For example, one layer is “Load-bearing walls”, another layer is “axes”, another layer is “Text”. And so on, depending on the situation. And all the layers make up a single project, which, if necessary, can be easily and very simply edited.

Let’s say the “load-bearing walls” layer should be thicker. If there were no layers, then you would have to manually select all the load-bearing walls and also manually change the weight of the lines. Do you understand? If there are more than 100 load-bearing walls, then there will be plenty of lines and it will take you... well, I don’t know, all day to highlight them. And if we use layers, then we go to the manager and simply change one parameter under number 8! And automatically, all the lines that we draw with this layer will become thicker!

Or let’s say you need to make the entire project, except the text, disappear while editing the text. There is nothing simpler, go to the manager and turn off all layers (point 3) except for the time of working with this very text.

Question 2. How to create a new layer in AutoCAD?

When you enter the “layer properties manager” for the first time, by default you will have one layer created, zero. In some versions of AutoCAD, there is also a layer called DEFPOINT.

So how to create a layer in AutoCAD?

It’s simple, you just need to click on the special icon that I highlighted for you in the picture below.

After clicking it, you will have the opportunity to make changes to all the points that I described just above (from 2 to 9).

Question 3. How to change the color of a layer in AutoCAD?

As you probably already understood, everything is simple. We have created a layer, named it and now change the parameters along the way by clicking on the desired item in the row of the selected layer (the entire row is highlighted in blue). If you need the line to be a different color, click on the “Color” line, go to the color selection, select a color and click on “Ok”.

Select a color and click “OK”.

Great, we learned how change layer color in AutoCAD.

Question 4. How to change the line type in AutoCAD?

The principle is similar. We select the desired item that we want to change on the line of the active layer; in our case, we want to change the “line type”. Then, you need to select “line type”, if there are none, then load, after loading, select the desired line type and click “ok”. Let's look at an example.

Question 5. How to change the weight of lines in AutoCAD?

The principle is identical. We click in the right place and in a new window we select the line weight we need, why we confirm the choice by clicking on “ok”. Now let's look at the pictures.

Question 6. How can I prevent a layer from being printed in AutoCAD?

As I wrote above, there are cases when one or another layer in AutoCAD does not need to be printed. To do this, you need to set a setting on the selected layer such as disabling printing. Let's look at an example.

Question 7. How to change a layer in AutoCAD?

I think you already understand. To do this, select the desired layer, the layer has the desired parameter that is responsible for its display and change it as we need. If it's a color, then it's a color. If line type, then line type. If all the parameters need to be changed for a layer, then we change all the parameters.

Layer changes in AutoCAD is no different from the process of creating a layer, except that we do not enter a name. But the name of the layer can also be changed.

After the changes, if you have already drawn something with this layer, you will change the parameters that you changed. Color, line weight, etc.

Question 8. How to select an object on one layer in AutoCAD?

This can be done in different ways, but speaking specifically, you can select lines that belong to only one layer. This selected layer will be visible, and the others will disappear for a while. Let's look at it in practice and step by step.

Step 1. Let's take a drawing in which a large number of layers have already been created.

Step 2. Let's decide on the task. Let's say we need to turn off all the lines except those that belong to the “dimensions” layer.

Step 3. In the “layers” block, click on the “bypass layers” button.

Step 4. In the new window, you need to specify the layers that you want to display.

Step 4.1. If you need to select several layers in AutoCAD, then hold down the CTRL button and select the desired layers.

Step 5. In our case, we select only the “dimensions” layer and be sure to uncheck the words “restore on exit”. Then, click “close”.

Step 5.1. Perhaps a window like this will pop up, click “continue”.

Result. Attention. With this action we disabled the layers, but did not delete them :)

Step 6. To turn all layers back on, you need to click on the “turn on all layers” button in the “layers” block.

As a result, all the layers that we disabled will return.

Question 9. How to delete an empty layer in AutoCAD? How to remove extra layers?

Enter the word “Clear” from the keyboard, as shown in the example below.

We need to select the second word “-CLEAR”.

After that, select the type of objects that need to be deleted. In our case, we removing layers in AutoCAD.

Question 10: How do I turn off a layer in a viewport in AutoCAD?

Step 1. First, let's go to the “sheets” tab.

Step 2. Here we have , which needs to be activated. To do this, double-click on the frame. As soon as the frame becomes bold, it means you are on the right track.

Step 3. Decide which one layer you want to disable in AutoCAD in the viewport. Let's say this is the “axis” layer.

Step 4. Next, in the “layers” block, expand the list of all layers, find the desired layer in it and click on the icon that I highlighted in the frame opposite the desired layer. This is a button that freezes and unfreezes the current viewport.

Each of these objects has certain properties: color, line weight (thickness), line type, etc.

Purpose and use of layers

The AutoCad computer-aided design system provides the user with a tool - Layer(Layer), which allows you to arrange objects with similar properties together. It is advisable to place objects of different types on different layers. Each of the graphic primitives, along with other properties, also has the following properties: Layer— the layer to which it belongs. Layers can be thought of as transparent tracing paper, on each of which certain elements of the drawing are created. When superimposed, they form a complex pattern. For objects on one layer, you can set properties globally for the entire layer ( ByLayer- by layer) and locally for individual objects.

A layer is also an object, so it has properties inherent to it. Each drawing automatically contains an L layer ayer 0. It can be removed, but the properties can be changed. The creation of other layers is the responsibility of the user. Layers are managed through the dialog box Layer Properties Manager, which is called by the menu command Format? Layer or toolbar buttons Layer.

Layer Properties

Only one layer can be current at any given time. Drawings of new graphic primitives occur on the current layer. To edit objects, the layer does not need to be current.

The list of created layers is displayed in the window Layer Properties. Each layer has the following properties:

Name Layer name. By clicking on the name, you can select a layer to define its properties or make it the current layer.
On\Off Switch on switch off. If you turn off a layer, objects placed on it are not displayed on the screen and are not printed. They cannot be edited. The exception is the team Erase (All).
Freeze \ Thaw Freeze\defrost. Frozen layer objects are not reflected on the screen and are not printed. They cannot be edited. This feature has higher priority than OFF, frozen layers with the OFF property. Are not displayed on the screen.
Locked (Lock\Unlock) Block\unblock. Objects on locked layers remain visible. They can be printed, but cannot be edited.
Color Color. Selects the color of the objects belonging to this layer.
(Linetype) Line type
Lineweight Weight (thickness) of the layer lines.
Print style Assigning a print style.
Seal Layer printing is allowed/prohibited.

Creating a Layer

You can create a new layer by clicking the button New Layer in the dialog box Layer Properties Manager. Name of the new layer with a standard name Layer1 (Layer2 ... , LayerN) will appear in the list of layers. You can immediately rename the layer. The name must not exceed 256 characters and no spaces are allowed in the name. The layer name can be changed by double-clicking on it. The created layer will have the following properties: color White, line type Continuous and line weight Default.

Layer properties can be changed. Click Details and fields for selecting parameter values ​​will appear at the bottom of the dialog box.

Layer color

The color is selected in the layer line by clicking on the field Color. A window appears showing a color palette. Another way to select a color from a list on the palette Properties.

Weight (thickness) of layer lines

Different elements of a drawing may have different line weights when printed.

You can select the required value in the window Lineweight style, which appears when you click the mouse in the layer line on the field Lineweight or from the list with the corresponding name on the palette Properties.

Greetings colleagues!

When implementing CAD, the question often arises: How to bring DWG drawings received from subcontractors and other contractors to the internal design standard adopted by the enterprise?

The built-in utility will help you here Layer translator in AutoCAD. The layer translator allows you to bring the layers of a specific drawing to the standard. The description of the standard can be either a drawing in DWG format, or a file describing the DWS design standard, or a DWT drawing template.

Layer translator in AutoCAD

Algorithm for the operation of the layer translator.

1. Design standard. Let’s assume that you have a design standard, such as methodological support for CAD, that is accepted and that you use it in your work. In this case, you just need to create a file describing this design standard - the DWS file. To do this, open any DWG drawing in which everything is created and designed according to the standard, execute the Save As... command and save it in DWS format, giving the appropriate name, for example, the same as the name of the standard.

2. Open the drawing, the layers of which need to be brought into the desired form.

3. Launch the Layer Translator with the command SLOYTRANS (_LAYTRANS) or the button on the "Manage" ribbon

4. Source layers. In the window that appears on the left side of Source Layers, we see the layers that are in the current drawing.

Look carefully. What's not to like about this? For example, according to our standard, the names of layers with line types should be designated with a capital letter (i.e., not thin, but Thin) and without any abbreviations, and the drawing stamp is located in the title block layer, etc. At this stage we can immediately delete autocad layers marked with a yellow symbol in the list. Right-click on the list and select the command "Delete unused."

5. Loading a description of the enterprise standard – Download button. We select either an existing, correctly designed DWG drawing, or a previously created DWS standard, or a customized DWT template. Why is it better to use DWS? Because the DWG file can be very large, and not all layers can be stored in the DWT template, some of them can be created during the work as needed. In any case, there is no need to worry that something will get corrupted in the selected file; it only serves as a prototype according to which the current drawing will be converted. Another reason to use a DWS file is that you can use it in other teams to audit and control drawings. After loading, a list of layers according to your standard will appear in the Destination Layers area on the right side of the window.

At any time, you can add layers from other files or standards to AutoCAD by simply loading them in the same way. If necessary, you can create a layer right here by clicking the New... button and describing the properties of the layer.

6. Set the layers to match. If the names of the source and target layers in AutoCAD are the same, then you can simply click the “Same Name” button, in which case the correspondence will be set automatically.

In our example, only the layers named 0 and Thin matched. For the remaining layers, we set the match manually by specifying the source layer and the destination layer and clicking the Match button. In our case, we will indicate the layers thick and main, STAMP and main inscription.

As layers are mapped, they disappear from the list of original layers.

7. Setting up the mapping table. If this is necessary, then double-click on the desired layer and change the properties. These properties will be assigned to the layer in the current drawing.

If the mapping was created by mistake, it can be deleted with the appropriate command. The created correspondence table can be saved as a DWS design standard by clicking the Save button.

8. Broadcast parameters. Click on the Settings button - here you can define several important options:

  • Set the color BY LAYER for objects - all objects located on the translated layers will be assigned the BY LAYER property
  • Set linetype for objects BY LAYER
  • Set transparency for objects BY LAYER
  • Convert objects in blocks - all objects in blocks located in the translated layers will be transformed
  • Keep a transaction log - writes the transaction log to a LOG file in the source drawing folder
  • Show contents of selected layer - when you select a layer in the Layer Translator window, its contents will be displayed in the drawing area

In other words, if in the received drawing the primitives have specific colors or line types set in their properties, and you have adopted the BY LAYER standard, then by enabling these options, you can assign the necessary properties to the primitives.

9. Click "Convert" The system will ask whether you need to save the settings in the DWS file or not.

Ready! In the current drawing, the layers and objects lying within those layers will be converted to your enterprise standard.

Thank you for reading to the end! I invite everyone to my courses: How to get started in AutoCAD And How to Make the Most of AutoCAD in Design

When working on the publication, materials from Autodesk Community activist Andrei Mikhailov were used.

Knowing how to work in layers is necessary when completing any projects and any drawings.

A layer is a set of primitives united according to some characteristics. Three properties that affect how an object appears on the screen are color, weight, and line type. A combination of these three properties can be stored in the autocad file's memory as a separate layer. To create, delete and manage layers, you need to go to their property manager.

In the manager window we see a list of layers that are in the drawing file and their properties. By the way, layers have much more properties than color, weight and line type.

Let's go through the main parameters of layers; in addition to the previously announced color, weight and type of lines, there are also:

The first parameter is the status of the layer. The status can be current or secondary. All new lines and texts you create will be on the current layer.

The second parameter is the name, or the name of each layer.

There is also a “Print” property. If this parameter is made inactive, then all primitives drawn in this layer will not be printed.

The file always contains layer “0”. This layer cannot be deleted. It is assumed that some sketches or sketches will be made in this layer.

The “Defpoints” layer is intended for auxiliary constructions. Initially, it is not in the drawing, but if we create it, then its characteristic feature will be that it cannot be printed.

Other lessons on the topic

In this video and tutorial we will show you how to work with properties in AutoCAD, as well as how the properties panel and copying work. The lesson will answer the following questions: – What are Properties in AutoCAD? – How to enable the properties panel in AutoCAD? – What are quick properties and how to disable them? – How to copy properties in AutoCAD […]

In this lesson we show what system requirements your computer or laptop must meet in order to work comfortably in AutoCAD. Video version of the lesson: Master AutoCAD in 40 minutes by completing a basic course from Maxim Fartusov. Text version of the lesson: Perhaps one of the most popular questions, along with how to download the AutoCAD program, is the question related to the system requirements of the AutoCAD program. […]

Layers in AutoCAD

For greater convenience of work and quality control of drawings, it is recommended to use layers. What are layers in AutoCAD and what are they used for? And how will they help you? Let's start in order:
A layer is a property of objects that is created and assigned by the user. Using this property, it is easy to divide objects into groups and change their line type and line weight, as well as hide unnecessary groups from the drawing space.
So, for example, having created one drawing with a floor plan, we can, by turning off the display of pilaf materials, get architectural plans. Or create additional constructions to check any aspects of the design, and then, hiding them, print the necessary elements. Layers also help to instantly change the thickness and line types of all objects included in this layer, which will allow you to monitor the thickness of the lines and, when printing, produce clear, graphically pleasing drawings from AutoCAD.
The layers panel is located in the main panel on the workspace

By default, AutoCAD has one or two layers, in my case one

Also, sometimes there is a defpoint layer, this is a standard layer that will not be printed; in its properties you cannot even activate printing.

To create a new layer you need to go to the layer editing manager

In the Layer Properties Manager we see all existing layers and their properties. The active layer is marked with a green check mark. Let’s create a new layer and call it “Example.” You can also create layers using the key combination Alt+D

If it’s hard to see, then the columns can be moved apart as in Word or Excel by pulling them outside the border
By double clicking on the square we will set the display color of our layer

Now we have two layers. Let's draw several objects in these layers and see what advantages designing drawings in layers gives us

To switch between layers, go to the drop-down menu and select the layer we need

As we can see, objects in the example layer are automatically drawn in blue.
So, the advantages:
1) Quick selection of layer objects: select any object, right-click and select select similar from the context menu.

As we can see, only the circles drawn in this layer were selected, the same can be repeated for rectangles, etc. To select everything on the layer we are interested in, you need to use the quick selection function, which will also be very useful to you in the future.

In the Quick Select dialog box we see the parameters by which you can select elements

Apply to the entire drawing, select the layer property and in the value indicate the name of the layer “example”

And click “Ok”

As we can see, all objects on this layer are selected.
2) Turn off and freeze layers. If objects on any of the layers interfere, then the layer can be turned off. You can disable layers in AutoCAD by opening the drop-down list of layers and clicking on the light bulb icon

In this case, we want to disable the current layer and AutoCAD gives us a warning
In this case, if we turn it off and draw, the objects will immediately disappear, i.e. get into the hidden layer.

The light bulb turns gray and all objects that were in this layer are hidden.

3) Quickly changing the properties of object lines is perhaps the most basic thing that layers give us. Imagine you have drawn a project, and it turns out that the lines of one layer need to be thicker. We go to the layer properties and simply change the thickness of the lines