The defender wireless mouse does not work. What to do if the mouse does not work on a computer or laptop? USB port power problem

A stationary computer or laptop greatly facilitates the work with documents and word processing, finance, presentations. The device must be supplemented with an auxiliary accessory - a computer mouse. With regular use, the owner is faced with the failure of the accessory. Using several methods, you can independently, in a short time, identify the source of the problem and eliminate the malfunction. Let's figure out what to do if the mouse doesn't work.

Possible malfunctions and their causes

With a mouse, controlling a laptop becomes much easier, and when working on a computer, it is practically impossible to do without it. When a device fails, the owner is faced with a number of problems. In the absence of an optional accessory, it becomes impossible to control your computer in most cases. The downtime can be caused by several problems. Consider why the mouse does not respond to movement.

  • Loose USB port... Prolonged use may damage the contacts. This leads to the fact that the computer does not recognize the mouse after connection.

  • Possible wire damage... Often the source of the problem is pets, which can gnaw through the wire of the mouse or keyboard.

  • Wireless device may stop working due to dead batteries... In addition, there may be problems with bluetooth receiver.
  • If the mouse works with difficulty, the cursor periodically twitches, and the buttons and wheel practically do not function, cleaning inside the case is recommended.

Addition: Possible factors also include the presence of dangerous and malicious files and viruses on the computer.



In order to establish the exact source of the problem, it is necessary connect the device to another computer... If the mouse continues to work stably on a third-party device, the reason may be a port malfunction. In this case, you can try connecting the accessory to a different port on your computer or laptop.

In most cases, a simple one helps. If the LED inside the mouse is on, that is, the mouse is on, but the accessory itself does not work, you should restart the computer. In the event that a regular restart does not help in solving the problem, you should install the necessary drivers on the computer... Due to their absence, the device does not function after connecting. You can download them on the official website of the manufacturer.

Reference: this problem is most often encountered by users after purchasing a new wireless device.

When the reason lies in the wrong software, mouse performance should be checked in safe mode... If the functionality is stable, the software is removed from the laptop. A safer option must be installed in its place. Similar actions are taken if there are viruses on the computer.


Another reason that the mouse does not move, stops responding to the actions of the computer owner, becomes dust or dirt. With regular use, a large amount of dust, crumbs and other dirt accumulates under the buttons. The mouse must be disconnected from the computer, carefully disassembled and thoroughly cleaned inside the case.

To eliminate greasy stains, alcohol is useful, which will quickly evaporate from the surface and will not cause serious harm. It is recommended to use a thin wooden stick and bandage when cleaning. The cotton swab is quite wide and may damage the contacts.

Advice: the wooden stick can be replaced with a plastic tool.

Replacing the cord or mouse

Pets, especially cats, love to chew on electrical wires. If a damaged wire became the cause of the malfunction, it would be more expedient buying a new laptop accessory... When contacting a specialized service, the masters can replace the cord. However, such a procedure is notable for its high cost, which is not inferior to a new acquisition.

Note: wireless version requires simple battery replacement or accessory charging.

A few additional recommendations will help you when installing the problem and solving it yourself.

  • If the computer unit was purchased recently and is under warranty, it is recommended that you refuse to carry out repairs yourself. Inaccurate actions can aggravate the situation, which will automatically remove the mouse from the warranty. In such situations, it is better to contact the store where the purchase was made.
  • Most often, owners face the above problems mice PS / 2. The plugs of such devices quickly fail. For stable operation, experts recommend purchasing special adaptersthrough which the connection is made directly to the computer.
  • Some users note the occurrence of such "freezes" of the mouse when opening a certain game or installed application. In this case, the problem lies in the settings of the toy itself. These can be viruses, malicious files, or incorrect settings. The solution will require setting the required parameters.
  • If the usual cleaning of the case did not help, and the cursor continues to periodically jump across the screen, should deal with the sensitivity of the mouse... The control panel contains the "Mouse" folder. After opening the settings window, you must in the item "Moving" select the optimal parameters... In most cases, doing this will help solve the problem and troubleshoot problems.
  • Sometimes owners are faced with the failure of a specific button. The left or right half stops functioning. The reason for this is the mikrik, which transmits a signal when pressed. If it breaks down, you can contact a specialist for repair work. However, it would be wiser to buy a new device.

The presence of a computer is mandatory for every modern person. Additional accessories in the form of a mouse, keyboard or speakers greatly facilitate the workflow. Regular use or careless actions can cause malfunction of a computer mouse - one of the main attributes. There are many factors that can cause problems like this. A few tips and tricks will help each user independently determine the cause and carry out repair work.

A mouse in a computer is a wonderful and almost ingenious device that engineers invented at the very dawn of automatic computers - almost in the middle of the 20th century. And if now we did not have this device, then it would be inconvenient to use a desktop computer or laptop. In addition, now a person is so used to a computer mouse that he cannot use his PC without it, although in theory this is possible.

It is for this reason that when a person realizes that his device starts to work worse or does not work at all, he immediately runs to the service center or goes to buy a new mouse, since one cannot do without it. But in fact, most of the problems that arise with a wired or wireless device can be relatively easily solved at home, or at least diagnose the breakdown on your own and then take it to a service center to be quickly fixed there, knowing in advance what the problem is. In this article, we will tell you why the mouse does not work from the computer and what to do with it, as well as figure out what could be the cause of the problem if it is a wireless device.

Why the wired mouse doesn't work

First of all, in order to understand what exactly is the reason why the mouse does not work - in the device or in your computer - you need to connect it to another computer or to a laptop and check how it will work there.

If everything turned out well with another personal computer or laptop and the device works fine after checking, then you need to try to insert it into another USB port of your computer. Experience shows that most often the problem lies precisely in it. If you have a PS / 2 mouse, then it would be better for you to buy a special PS / 2 / USB adapter. This way you can use the device by connecting it via the USB port on any computer or laptop. The adapter is inexpensive, and you can use the mouse further, even if you change the computer - it is much more convenient and economical.

Interestingly, statically problems with the mouse most often occur for users whose device has a PS / 2 plug. The fact is that this type of plug consists of many contacts in the form of small pins. And they can easily bend, which is why the entire wire stops working and the mouse does not even burn. This happens if you do not carefully remove or insert the plug into the jack. If you have such a port, carefully inspect for bent pins. And, if you find even a slightly curved edge, you need to return it to its normal position. At home, without special tools, this can be done with a sharp, thin object - even a pen with a not very thick rod will do. You can use tweezers or a thin knife if that's more convenient for you.

Software and device conflict

If the point is not that the port is not working and you have already checked this on another PC or on another port in your laptop, you need to see if the LED on the mouse is on. If the mouse is on, but not working, then the most likely and common cause is a software problem. The first step is to restart the computer and try again to connect and use the mouse.

In addition, sometimes device malfunction occurs due to device conflict. When, after you have installed some program, the mouse suddenly stops working. Most often, it glows at the same time. Sometimes this also happens due to the fact that the computer is infected with a virus.

The first step in such a situation is to check the computer with an antivirus. And, if he finds any danger - to cure the program or completely "kill". In the event that no malware was found, you need to uninstall the program that you installed before the mouse stopped working or roll back the system to an early date.

If nothing works after a reboot, you need to install the driver, most likely it just crashed. Perhaps the box in which you bought the mouse contains a mini-disc with the driver, but many modern manufacturers do not do this anymore because it is expensive. They upload drivers to the official website and any user can download them to their computer and use the mouse of this company.

Try to go to the mouse manufacturer's website and find the drivers, and then download them. Usually, they are installed on their own after downloading and everything is done in a couple of minutes, almost without your participation. After updating the drivers, the mouse should start working.

Wire damage

In theory, the reason why a wired mouse for a computer does not work may be a damaged wire. But this does not happen so often, since the mouse wire does not lend itself to large mechanical stress. Although, if you hold it in such a way that it bends strongly at an angle, or you have the habit of pulling the mouse strongly towards yourself, then the wire may indeed be damaged. Also, if you have an animal at home that walks freely around the apartment, then it could gnaw part of the wire and the device stopped working.

In any case, as an option, you need to check it. To do this, disconnect the wire and carefully examine and feel it at every millimeter. If you find a malfunction, then take the mouse to the service center. There they will change or solder the wire for little money, this is a matter of a few minutes.

Buttons and wheel

In addition to the wire and software, the problem may be that the button does not work or the mouse does not respond to the movement of the wheel. If the button does not work for you, most often the problem is in the mechanics. In this case, you will have to re-solder the microcircuit. It is not profitable, long and difficult. It's easier to buy a new mouse, it will cost you the same amount, or maybe even less.

If you have a wheel sticking, then most often the reason is that a lot of dirt got into the device after a long period of use - dust, crumbs and microparticles of hair mixed with particles of sweat and sebum clogged the wheel and it does not work as it should. In this case, you need to disassemble the mouse and clean it of all unnecessary things that have accumulated over the years. Prepare for a lot of nasty sticky particles, hair, and more. When you clean everything with a cotton swab, the wheel should start working fine.

If you have additional buttons on the sides of the mouse and they do not work (most often such buttons are found on more expensive - gaming models of mice, since the buttons are used for additional control in games), you need to install a separate driver for them.

Sometimes such drivers come on mini-disks complete with the mouse, but more often they are simply downloaded from the manufacturer's website as regular mouse drivers. They are also easy to install - installation occurs after downloading with little or no input.

If it doesn't work well

In the case when the mouse does not work quite adequately: it jumps, cannot stand in the place that you mark, this is most often the fault of the dirt on the bottom of the mouse. If you still have a ball device, then this is a very likely cause. But if everything is clean from below and nothing is covered with dust lumps, then problems may be with the settings. In this case, you can try adjusting the sensitivity of the mouse.

Please note that if the mouse does not work or does not work well in some heavy program or game, then most likely the cause of the problem lies in the settings of the game or program. Google a specific game and figure out how to fix this problem in the settings.

Why the wireless mouse doesn't work

If the wireless mouse does not work, then the reason, as with a wired one, may be either a hardware malfunction - this happens when the mouse does not connect or does not charge. In addition, the problem may be in the software part. In this case, the mouse is on, but not working. Let's take a closer look at each of the possible problems.

If the wireless mouse does not work after turning on the computer, but the LED on the back is lit, the problem is most likely in the software. Restart your computer first. If this does not help, download the driver for this particular model from your mouse manufacturer's website and install it on your computer.

Also, a mouse that works without a wire could run out of battery or run out of charge. In this case, there is still enough LED for the operation, but no longer for normal full functioning. It's worth checking it out. Remember that even a new battery can negatively affect the operation of the device - if it is conditionally too strong, then the mouse may not work.

In addition, if you open the back cover of the device and see that the battery has oxidized - there is a white coating, then the mouse can be safely thrown away - it is more expensive to fix it than to buy a new one several times.


In this article, we tried to analyze all the possible reasons why the mouse does not work, and also tell you how you can solve this problem with different types of devices.

If none of the ways to reanimate the mouse work, do not be discouraged over trifles. Perhaps it will be repaired at a service center for little money. If not, then buying a mouse will not cost you a lot. For the first time, you can take the cheapest model, and then buy a new and high-quality one, if there is no money for a new device at the moment.

Please note that if you recently bought a mouse in a store, you should not try to repair it - most often the device is under warranty, and if you disassemble it yourself, the store will refuse to repair or replace the device with a new one. Test the mouse in simple ways, but don't spin anything. If it doesn't work, take it to the warranty store and ask for a return or repair. However, before bringing it to the store, look at the warranty conditions and check if there is an option to fix your problem, otherwise you will have to deal with support for a long time.

If you have questions or you know other reasons why the device does not work and how to solve this problem - write it in the comments and share your experience with other users.

Welcome all!

Not so long ago I watched a very amusing (even funny) picture: at work, one guy, when his mouse stopped working, stood and did not know what to do - did not even know how to turn off the PC ... Meanwhile, I tell you, many actions that users do with the mouse - can be done quickly and easily using the keyboard. I will even say more - the speed of work increases significantly!

By the way, I repaired the mouse for him pretty quickly - this is how the topic of this article was born. Here I want to give some tips on what you can try to do to restore mouse operation ...

By the way, I will assume that your mouse does not work at all - i.e. the pointer doesn't even move. Thus, I will give in each step the buttons that need to be pressed on the keyboard in order to perform this or that action.

Problem number 1 - the mouse pointer does not move at all

This is probably the worst that could have happened. Since some users simply did not prepare for this at all. Many do not even know how to enter the control panel in this case, or start a movie, music. Let's look at it in order.

1. Checking wires and connectors

The first thing I recommend doing is checking the wires and connectors. Cables are often gnawed by pets (cats, for example, love to do this), accidentally bend, etc. Many mice, when you connect them to a computer, start to glow (inside the LED is on). Pay attention to this.

Also check the USB port. After fixing the wires, try restarting your computer. By the way, some PCs also have ports on the front side of the system unit and on the back - try connecting the mouse to other USB ports.

In general, basic truths that many neglect ...

2. Battery check

This applies to wireless mice. Try to either change the battery or charge it, then check again.

3. Troubleshoot mouse problems through a wizard built into Windows

In Windows there is a special wizard, which is just designed to find and automatically eliminate various problems with the mouse. If the mouse LED is on, after connecting it to the PC, and it still does not work, then you need to try using this tool in Windows (before buying a new mouse).

1) First, open the execute line: press the buttons simultaneously Win + R(or the button Winif you have Windows 7).

2) In the execute line, write the command Control and press Enter.

3) Then press the button several times TAB(on the left of the keyboard, next to Caps lock). You can help yourself arrows... The task here is simple: you need to highlight the section " Hardware and Sound". The screenshot below shows what the selected section looks like. After selecting - just press the key Enter (this will open this section).

Control panel - hardware and sound.

5) Next, using the buttons TAB and arrow highlight the mouse and then press the key combination Shift + F10... Then you should have a properties window in which there will be a cherished tab " Troubleshooting"(see screenshot below) Actually, open it!

To open the same menu: select the mouse (TAB button), then press the Shift + F10 buttons.

By the way, after checking, there may not be any instructions for you, and your problem will be eliminated. Therefore, at the end of the check, click the finish button and restart the PC. Maybe after reboot everything will work ...

4. Checking and updating the driver

It happens that Windows incorrectly detects the mouse and installs the "wrong driver" (Or there was just a driver conflict. By the way, before the mouse stopped working, you did not install any hardware? Perhaps you already know the answer ?!).

To determine if everything is in order with the driver, you need to open device Manager.

1) Press the buttons Win + R, then enter the command devmgmt.msc (screenshot below) and press Enter.

2) Should open "device Manager"... Notice if there are any yellow exclamation marks in front of any kind of equipment (especially in front of the mouse).

3) To update the driver: simply with arrows and TAB buttons highlight your device, then press the buttons Shift + F10 - and select "update drivers" (screen below).

4) Next, select automatic update and wait for Windows to check and install the drivers. By the way, if the update does not help, try removing the device (and the driver along with it), and then reinstalling it.

5. Checking the mouse on another PC, laptop

The last thing I recommend in case of a similar problem is to test the mouse on another PC, laptop. If it does not work there too, there is a high probability that it has come to an end. No, you can try to get into it with a soldering iron, but what is called " game - not worth the candle".

Problem number 2 - the mouse pointer freezes, moves quickly or slowly, in jerks

It happens that for a while the mouse pointer seems to freeze, and then continues to move (sometimes it just moves in jerks). This can happen for several reasons:

  • too strong CPU load: in this case, as a rule, the computer slows down in general, many applications do not open, etc.;
  • system interrupts "work", disrupting the stability of the PC (see also the link above);
  • problems with the hard disk, CD / DVD disk - the computer cannot read the data in any way (I think many have noticed this, especially when you take out a problematic medium - and the PC seems to hang down) .;
  • some types of mice "require" special settings: for example, the Logitech MX Master gaming computer mouse may become unstable if the checkbox with increased pointer accuracy is not cleared. In addition, you may need to install the utilities included on the disk bundled with the mouse (it is better to install them all if problems are observed)... I also recommend going to the mouse settings and checking all the checkboxes.

How do I check my mouse settings?

  • pointer movement speed: try changing it, too fast movement of the mouse often affects its accuracy;
  • increased accuracy of the pointer setting: check or uncheck the box next to this item and check the mouse. Sometimes, this tick is a stumbling block;
  • show mouse pointer trace: if you enable this checkbox, you will observe how a trace of the mouse movement remains on the screen. On the one hand, some users will even find it convenient (for example, the pointer can be found faster, or, if you are filming a video from the screen for someone, show how the pointer moves), on the other hand, many consider this setting as a mouse "brake". In general, try turning it on / off.

Properties: Mouse

Just one more tip. Sometimes the mouse connected to the USB port freezes. If you have a PS / 2 on your computer, then try using a small adapter and connect the USB to it.

Problem number 3 - a double (triple) click works (or 1 button does not work)

This problem most often appears with an old mouse that has already worked pretty well. And most often, I must say, it happens with the left mouse button - since all the main load falls on it (even in games, even when working in Windows).

By the way, on my blog I already had a note on this topic, in which I advised how easy it is to get rid of this ailment. It was about a simple way: swap the left and right buttons on the mouse. This is done quickly, especially if you have ever held a soldering iron in your hands before.

Replacing the right mouse button with the left mouse button.

If you didn't, there are two options: ask a neighbor or friend who is about to do this; or go to the store for a new one ...

By the way, just as an option, you can disassemble the mouse button, then take out the copper plate, clean it and bend it. You can read about this in detail here (although the article is in English, but everything is clear from the pictures):


By the way, if your mouse periodically turns on and off (which, by the way, is also not uncommon) - 99% of the problem is in the wire, which periodically leaves and the connection is lost. Try to fix it with tape (for example) - this way the mouse will serve you for more than one year.

You can also climb in with a soldering iron, after cutting off 5-10 cm of wires in the "right" place (where the bend happened), but I will not advise this, since for many users this procedure is more difficult than going to the store for a new mouse. ..

Advice on a new mouse. Eif you are a fan of newfangled shooters, strategies, action games - you would like some modern gaming mouse... Extra buttons on the mouse body will help increase micro-control in the game and more efficiently issue commands and control your characters. In addition, if one button "flies", you can always shift the function of one button to another (ie, reassign the button (I wrote about this above in the article)).

Every computer or laptop user does not hurt to know what actions can be taken if the mouse does not work, that is, when it stops responding to any movements and keystrokes. In many cases, it is possible to restore its performance on its own. Often the problem is not related to the functioning of the device itself, but to the installed software.

Damaged wired mouse cable

If you have a wired mouse, first of all, it is recommended to check the cable connected to the computer for possible damage. Over time, wires are frayed, and in some cases, pets or children spoil them.

If possible, then it is advisable to check whether the mouse will function when connected to another PC. Working on a different device will eliminate the possibility of mouse breakage and damage to wires.

Software glitch in the operating system

It happens that for some reason the operating system crashes, so the mouse sometimes freezes. In such a situation, it is worth trying to restart the computer. This often solves the problem. If the mouse does not work after rebooting, you can restore the system to its working parameters to roll back the latest updates.

How can this be done?

  • Click "Start" to display a sub menu. In it, using the arrow keys, select the "Parameters" item.
  • In the window with basic Windows settings, use the arrow and Tab keys to navigate to the "Update and Security" section. To go to it, click Enter.

  • Moving along the left menu using the same keys, enter the "Recovery" category.

  • At the very top there is an inscription "Return the computer to its original state." Below is the "Start" button, which you need to press. In the dialog box, you can select a recovery option (with or without deleting personal data).

Attention: if or any connected device, then you can always try to restore the operating system, while preserving personal files.

Incompatible drivers installed

If incompatible drivers are installed on the computer, then the mouse may not work precisely because of this. However, this can be easily verified using the standard Windows Device Manager.

How to do it?

  • Click "Start" on the keyboard to get to the menu with utilities, then select the "Device Manager" section.

  • Find the line "Mice and other pointing devices" in the window with the list of equipment. After opening the tab, all available devices will become visible. Click on the inscription with a connected mouse.

  • A window will appear with the properties of the specific equipment. The text box titled "Device Status" should indicate that it is working properly.

  • If there are any problems with the drivers, you will see warning icons. In this case, you should go to the "Driver" tab at the top.

  • Press the "Remove device" button and install the appropriate version of the system program for the hardware. Usually the driver can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website.

Mouse buttons are confused

Inexperienced users will consider it a malfunction when the mouse buttons behave differently. Pressing the left key sometimes performs functions that are specific to the right key.

How to change?

  • Press the button with the Windows logo and in the "Start" menu that opens, use the arrow keys to select the "Settings" category.

  • Then press the Tab key to move the cursor out of the text field to select the "Devices" section.

  • Then follow the link labeled "Mouse" using the same keys to move.

  • Select the button that will be responsible for the main actions.

Interesting: despite the presence of a mouse, in many cases certain pieces of text are convenient. You just need to know the keys that are responsible for this.

If the mouse is wireless

Often, wireless mice are used to work with a PC, which interact with the system using Bluetooth communication. Sometimes the reason may lie in weak batteries or the presence of electrical appliances in the immediate vicinity of the pointing device.

You also need to check if Bluetooth is enabled:

  • Press the button with the standard Windows logo and go to the window with parameters.

  • Open the "Devices" category.

  • Check in the section "Bluetooth and other devices" in which position the slider is.

Reference: in order to be correct, you need to build on the basic tasks that you plan to perform while using the printer / scanner.

Summing up

If the mouse stopped working, then the main reasons at the software level can be solved independently - without talking to specialists. However, problems of a technical nature can hardly be eliminated on their own. In this case, it is better to purchase a new mouse than to repair it.

Completely new and from a physical point of view, absolutely workable: there are no chips, it did not fall or "drown" in the water, for some reason it does not respond to attempts to connect it to a PC. In this case, there are several ways to bring her back to life.

If the detachable wireless mouse (not touchpad) does not work, there may be several reasons for this:

  • an error occurred in the OS;
  • defective or just slows down the USB port of the laptop;
  • faulty USB port of the mouse itself;
  • bluetooth does not work (if the connection is made using it);
  • something happened to the driver: it is outdated or, on the contrary, after the update it stopped working normally, etc .;
  • the batteries have already worked out;
  • dust or dirt has fallen on important parts of the mouse;
  • The PC is infected with a virus (however, this does not happen often).

In general, all these troubles are divided into two large groups:

  • software;
  • hardware.

Software malfunctions

Software malfunctions - this means that if the wireless mouse does not work, then the problem is with the computer.

The first step is to check the status of the drivers:

Now let's check how the OS works:

  1. Enter in "Search": "Command line" and right-click on the application icon.
  2. Select RunAsAdministrator to prevent the system from reporting a lack of rights for scanning.
  3. Enter in the "Command line": sfc_scannow and press "Enter".
  4. Wait until the end of the operation - it can take quite a long time, up to several hours.
  5. At the end, a message should appear stating that all found errors were successfully fixed.

Restart your PC and try connecting your mouse. If she doesn't respond and no movement occurs, go to the next step.

Let's check the PC for viruses:

Hardware mouse failure options

When a wireless mouse stops working, it is most often due to the mouse itself. To check if this is the case:

  1. Note if the backlight works when connected.
  2. Check if the slider of the switch has been moved to the inscription "On". This is a trivial, but possible answer when the mouse is not working.
  3. Insert new batteries - some mice use up energy very quickly.
  4. Take a closer look at what kind of connection the device supports: perhaps it has a marking "USB0" (if you look inside the adapter, you will see a blue plastic insert - a distinctive feature of this type of connection), while in a laptop there are only ports for "USB 2.0", or vice versa.
  5. Try plugging the adapter into a different port or PC and see if the pointing device works.
  6. Often static electricity builds up on the metal parts of the port and adapter. To get rid of it, turn off all devices (and the mouse too), shut down the computer and turn it off from the network for 2-3 minutes. Then plug in the mouse and start the PC - the connection should be restored.
  7. Sometimes it happens like this: the mouse is connected, but when you move it, the cursor remains in place. Try to click the left button first, and then move the body. Sometimes problems arise because users are unaware of this little feature.

Now you know what to do if the mouse doesn't work.

How to disassemble a computer mouse

In principle, the mouse has a fairly simple device, and it can be repaired at home if there is no possibility / desire to buy a new one. Typically, such a measure is required when the backlight is off (or turns on and off).

To repair a wireless mouse at home, do it yourself, you will need:

  • soldering iron;
  • small screwdriver;
  • ohmmeter;
  • a special device for creating a temporary contact (ProbeAssembly).
  1. Disconnect the mouse from the PC and move the switch slider to "Off".
  2. Take out the battery - underneath you will find a small bolt that you need to unscrew with a screwdriver.
  3. Then you need to open the halves of the mouse.
  4. Inside you will find a board that should be carefully inspected (it will be more convenient for you if you use a magnifying glass) for oxidation and loose contacts. Loose connections must be re-fastened with a soldering iron.
  5. Next, you need to connect an ohmmeter and measure the resistance. If the sensor reads 0, it means a short, and 1 means an open circuit. In this case, you will most likely have to buy a new mouse or replace every burned-out part.
  6. Now connect ProbeAssembly: "+" align with V +, and the second connector to COM. Open the camera of the mobile device and look through it at the photodiode - a small glow should emanate from it, this indicates serviceability.
  7. In the same way, we will check the performance of the adapter. We leave the connection to COM and create a connection with the sensitive elements of the adapter. The resistance should be around 600 ohms.

If the wireless mouse does not get better after the repair, then you will have to buy a new one or contact a specialist.