The pin code is not put windows 10. How to set a password on a SIM card and why is it needed. Setting the pattern

For most, a phone or tablet is no longer just a device for accessing the Internet or a way to contact someone, but also a device that stores your personal information: photos, videos, information on bank cards, contacts, passwords in social networks, etc. And each of us wondered how to protect this data, one of the easiest ways is setting a password on a phone or tablet... Password protection is a compromise between convenience and security, you yourself choose the type of password and regulate its complexity. In this article, I will show in detail what types of passwords exist for the Android OS and how to set them.

There are several types of passwords in Android:

1) Password;

4) Face recognition.

To choose one of the methods, open the "Settings" menu.

Select "Lock screen", on some device models you need to go to "Security".

I propose to disassemble each of the methods, and start with the safest ones.

Set a password for Android.

This method is the best way to ensure the security of accessing information on a smartphone / tablet, since you can come up with a very complex password, which will be incredibly difficult to crack / find.

We select "Password".

Create and enter a password using numbers, letters (uppercase, uppercase) and special. signs.

The minimum password must contain at least 4 characters, maximum 17. There are not many of you in the password, which limits and it is quite easy to come up with a really complex password. The only things to consider:

a) Do not forget the specified password;

b) Please note that you must enter it every time you unlock the device and enter 17 characters for a long time.

Setting a pin code on a smartphone / tablet.

Another way to secure your mobile device is to use a pin code. This method is less secure, since it involves using only numbers in the password.

In the list of methods, select "PIN".

Installing a pattern.

Another way to secure your gadget is to install a pattern. This method is quite convenient to use, since you need to select a pattern as a password. Its disadvantage is that with the standard 9 points, this method provides 389122 combinations, which is not so much today.

Select "Pattern".

At least 4 points must be connected.


Face recognition as phone / tablet unlock.

This method, it would seem, will be the standard and it is practically impossible to crack it, since all faces, like prints, are unique. But it is quite simple to bypass such unlocking, for this you need to have a photo of the owner of a mobile device, and today almost any photo can be obtained from social networks, Instagram and other services. There are variations using face and voice, but this combination also does not make the hacking process much more difficult. Plus, you need to remember that you may find yourself in a dark room or in a place where it will be extremely inconvenient to bring the gadget to your face.

Smart Lock feature in Android.

Starting from version 5 of Android, it has a Smart Lock function, which can facilitate access to the device. What is Smart Lock? You specify the conditions under which the password, pin code or graphic code will not block your phone / tablet. What conditions can be used:

1) Reliable devices. They can be a Bluetooth watch, a Bluetooth speakerphone in a car, or an NFC tag in a car. For example, if the watch is near you, then unlocking your phone / tablet is not required.

2) You can specify a geographic location where no password is required, such as home, place of work, etc.

4) Physical contact. The mobile device will be unlocked as long as it remains in contact with you (in your hands, pocket, bag).

Naturally, in order to use certain conditions, it is necessary to use the appropriate sensors (GSM, take a photo, connect a Bluetooth watch, etc.).

I must admit that such a function will be extremely convenient if you actively use your phone or tablet. But keep in mind that each of the conditions leaves a small loophole for attackers.

Data protection is an important point for any user, especially when it comes to account. Of course, with each subsequent authorization, entering the password will get a little boring. But you should not neglect the protection. Especially for users who are tired of this procedure, Microsoft has introduced a new option that allows you to establish protection through a PIN code.

Fans of operating systems from Windows have rated the top ten for innovative security features. Actually, the PIN-code option has become one of the innovations of the latest OS version.

Today we will show you how to set a PIN code in Windows 10 during authorization.

Naturally, PIN code is far from ideal in the context of security and it can hardly be compared with such methods of protection as fingerprint or retina scan, which are available in the top ten thanks to the Windows Hello service. Despite this, this method also has some advantages.

Why set up a PIN? Feature benefits

In particular, entering a PIN code is notable for its speed, and if unexpected guests can find out the coveted combination, only a specific PC will become available to them, and not all available devices. Thus, this PIN will not help an attacker to pass authorization on other devices that are associated with the account. Another thing is when the underappreser manages to compromise the password - then there will be access to absolutely all platforms that are tied to the password.

Another significant advantage of a PIN code is the need for the user to be near the PC, since only in this case it is possible to enter the code, which cannot be said about the password. In addition, if your device is stolen, an attacker will not be able to enter the system in any way, since he does not know the PIN.

It should be noted that activation of the PIN-code function is necessary for users who wish to "open the doors" to advanced security functions. In particular, this applies to the modern protections provided by the Windows Hello service.

Another small bonus of using a PIN is its ease of typing in devices that operate on touch screens.

Activating the PIN entry option

In general, the use of this function can be attributed to one of the most elementary procedures in the system. Also just an option and is included. To do this, open the main menu of the system and select the "Settings" section, then go to the "Accounts" subsection. On the left side in the list of options, click on "Login Options". On the right side of the screen, find the item "PIN" and click the "Add" button.

After that, the system will ask you to confirm your identity by entering a password, then you can add a PIN code.

In the event that the user uses a Microsoft account, it is necessary to enter the appropriate password and click the "Login" button. Then a dialog box will appear, in the center of which there will be 2 fields for entering a PIN and confirming it.

The system assumes the use of a code, the minimum duration of which is 4 characters. Numbers in the range from 0 to 9 (and nothing else) can be used as these characters. But the maximum has no restrictions, so calmly turn on your imagination, because you are worried about the safety of your device.

In order to check the typed combination, click on the icon, which is located at the end of the second field with the code. For the amendments to take effect, complete the procedure by clicking the "OK" button.

Once you add it, in all cases when the system requires authorization, you can use the set PIN. It is worth remembering that loading safe mode involves authorization only through a password - other methods are not considered by the system.

You should also remember about some of the nuances when typing the code. As already mentioned, there is no limit on the number of characters in the PIN, and this allows you to create such a combination that it will just break your head. At the same time, this combination should be quick to use, since the use of the code will not have any serious differences from the clever passwords.

In no case, do not enter banal codes in the 1111 or 1234 format, since in this situation it is completely unclear whether there is any sense from such a code when the security level is minimal.

You should also exclude the use of a PIN that is used in your bank accounts or credit cards. Also, don't use the same combination across platforms.

Change PIN in Windows 10

In the event that you doubt the reliability of your combination, the code can be easily replaced. To do this, go to the same section "Login Options" using the "Start" menu. Now you will see in front of you in the item "PIN-code" instead of the button "Add" the button "Change".

Actually, after pressing it, you can enter a more reliable combination in the "New PIN-code" field and typing it again in the "PIN-code confirmation" field.

However, it often happens that the user has forgotten the code - and this happens. In such a situation, you need to reset the forgotten numbers. Fortunately, Microsoft employees anticipated this development of events as well. In general, it is easy to get out of this situation - log into your account using a password. Then go to the above-mentioned section "Login Options" and in the "PIN-code" item, next to the "Change" button, click on the link "I do not remember my PIN-code".

After that, you will need to enter the password again in order to verify your identity and then the user can enter a new PIN.

How to remove the PIN code on the computer?

In order to deactivate this function, you need to carry out the reset procedure. That's just in the window that appears to enter the code, instead of dialing a PIN, just click the "Cancel" button.

As you can see, the PIN-code in the top ten represents a very strong and reliable protection, besides, it is very convenient when typing. Basically, all the settings related to the code are very simple and making changes involves only a few steps. Also, our detailed instructions should leave you no questions asked about this topic.

If you still have questions on the topic "How to put a PIN code in Windows 10 during authorization? ", You can ask them in the comments

Friends, personally I do not use the PIN code of SIM-cards, because I do not see the need for this, for ten years already. Modern smartphones, including Xiaomi smartphones, have fairly good protection, of course, the phone, and not the SIM card. But you must admit that sometime in the past it was the PIN code that was used to protect phones. On the other hand, I agree with those users who will tell me: "What to do when it is a bank SIM card, that is, a SIM card whose number is tied to bank accounts?" Then yes, you need to set a PIN code on the SIM card. But back to our question.

Video instruction

Quite recently, one of my friends asked me: "Hey, Andrey, how can I set the SIM card PIN on my Xiaomi?" Of course, I did not refuse him and decided to help him deal with this issue. To be honest, at first it seemed to me a very simple question. But when I took his phone in my hands and started looking for the SIM card settings to set the PIN, I realized that it was not so easy. That is why I decided to write a short article on the topic: How to quickly remove or set the PIN code of a SIM card on Xiaomi Miui 9 smartphones.

When I picked up the phone and started looking for the SIM card settings to set the PIN, I realized that it was not so easy

At first I thought that I would find all these settings in the section "Sim cards and mobile networks" - you shouldn't even go there (then I realized that I hadn't used the PIN code for a long time). Then I thought that I would definitely find it in the "Lock and Protection" section, because there are all the settings related to smartphone security. By the way, in this section you can set up fingerprints, as described in detail in our other article here. But, unfortunately, I did not find the necessary SIM card settings here either.

Only after a while (maybe 5 minutes, or maybe all 10 minutes) I managed to resolve this issue. Well, in order to remove or set the PIN code of the SIM card on Xiaomi Miui 9 smartphones - follow the instructions below!

Instructions for installing a PIN on a SIM card:

Unlock your smartphone and go to the settings menu - for this you need to pull the shutter down and press the button in the form of a gear;
Next, you need to go down a little down the menu and click on the Advanced settings field;

In advanced settings, find Privacy - click;
It is in the Confidentiality section that you will find the necessary settings for the SIM card and set or remove the PIN code - scroll down a little and find the Lock SIM card;

On my own I will add - before you do these or other actions, think carefully about whether you need to do this at all, because the security of your phone number and bank account depends on this (if there is an associated account for this number). If you have any difficulties, then do not hesitate - ask questions in the comments below, and together we will try to solve your problem.

Stay tuned, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead!

With the release of Windows 10, users have access to such a convenient function as locking the system using a PIN code. How is Windows 10 PIN blocking different from usual? First of all, the fact that the same PIN-code is put on all user's devices and, in the case of the current use of the OS on any one device, all other devices become inaccessible!

This feature gives a very significant advantage over the usual blocking, because if attackers suddenly find out the usual password, then they will be able to immediately get access to all other user devices. At the same time, a PIN leak will not be able to help attackers, provided that you are currently working in your account.

Another advantage of using a PIN code is that it is easier to log in with it and it is easier to remember, because, unlike a complex password, a PIN consists only of a set of numbers. In addition, only with a PIN, you can use a Windows 10 application such as an iris scanner and log into the system using the Windows Hello function - with a touch or a glance, although there is no need to enter a PIN code here, the system itself will recognize and unlock you.

So how do you set a PIN on Windows 10? The installation procedure is very simple and does not take much time.
In order to enable the PIN code in Windows 10, click the " Start", Then -" Parameters» - « Accounts».

Here select the item " Login options"And in the window, in the item" Pin", Click on the button" Add to».

If Windows 10 asks for a password for the account, then enter it and click " OK". If you have a Microsoft account, then enter the password for your profile and log in.

Some tips for choosing a PIN:

Don't use simple codes like 0000, 1234, 01234567 and the like;
- you should not set an unreasonably large PIN-code, so as not to spend a lot of time entering it;
- do not use passwords from other accounts, bank accounts, cards and wallets as a PIN code.

How to change or remove your Windows 10 PIN

In order to change the Pin, you need to go to the settings " Login options"And section" Pin" click on " Edit».

Here you need to type the old Pin and enter a new one twice, and press " OK».

There are also situations when a user has forgotten their PIN code on Windows 10, or they no longer need it. In such cases, the code can always be removed. To do this, in the "Login parameters" settings in the "PIN-code" section, click on the line " I don't remember my PIN».

After that, a dialog box will appear where you will be asked to enter the password for the current Windows 10 account:

After successfully typing the password, you will be prompted to set a new PIN-code, or click " canceling”, After which the Windows 10 PIN lock mode will be disabled for you. In addition, sometimes the system requires the user to enter a special security code to unlock the protection system, as a rule, this code comes to an additional mailing address that was specified when registering an account with Microsoft.

It is worth noting that when booting the PC in safe mode, entering the system using the pin code will not be available, you will need to enter the password for the user account.