Samsung laptop won't turn on. Laptop won't turn on, what should i do? Laptop screen won't turn on, what is the reason? Possible problems and solutions

Worked your laptop for a year or two and stopped turning on? Or maybe he didn't work at all 😉 Well, such a nuisance happens, and in this article I will tell you what you can do in this situation yourself, and when you need to contact the specialists at the service center.

All problems with a laptop can be divided into two parts: hardware and software. Hardware problems are physical problems with the device, i.e. when repair is needed "by hand". And the software can be solved on the spot, without getting up from the chair. This includes problems with setting up BIOS, operating system and programs.

First, let's define our problem a little. If the laptop does not turn on at all, i.e. does not show signs of life, then the problem is definitely hardware. If it comes to loading Windows, but then something goes wrong, freezes, reboots, then here is 50/50. Next, I will describe the diagnostic steps, and you can skip those problems that you do not have. Accurate fault diagnosis is already half of the repair.

The laptop does not turn on and does not show signs of life

In most cases, we have nutritional problems. The first thing to do is connect the laptop to the power supply and check that there is voltage in the outlet :). Power adapters usually have a light bulb to indicate that they are working. And on the laptop there is an indicator that signals the inclusion in the network and / or the battery charge.

Most often, the power supply does not work, or it functions inferiorly (here just try a similar one), bad contacts in the connectors, broken or bent wires. Look at the whole thing and draw a conclusion - at what stage power is lost.

So that there are no problems with the power connector, I advise you to plug the power plug into the laptop first, and then only the power cord into the outlet. By doing this, we exclude the possibility of a short-term appearance of a spark when the plug is connected, which spoils the contacts.

If everything "burns", and the laptop still does not turn on, then the problem may not be in the power supply. Try again to remove the battery and turn on the device again without it, then after 10 minutes put the battery back. Also, disconnect all connected external devices (you can also disable the Wi-Fi adapter if the design allows it).

Try to turn on, and if it works, then return the devices one by one, and so you can determine what was the matter.

If your laptop does not turn on and there is still a warranty, then immediately contact the service center!

Perhaps this is all that you can do yourself without disassembling the laptop, if it really shows no signs of life or shows a black screen. More serious reasons may include a non-working motherboard, a broken internal power controller, a south / north bridge, broken contacts inside the device, BIOS firmware failure, and others.

Fans are making noise, but laptop screen is not working

Maybe the laptop itself turns on, but the screen does not work. Take a closer look at the monitor, maybe there is something there, but the backlight does not work. Define hotkeys for turning on the backlight on your laptop and press them. For example, on many Lenovo models, these are Fn + F2 buttons.

A discrete graphics card can often be the cause of a malfunction, especially for those who like to play games on a laptop. Due to a poor cooling system, dustiness / pollution thereof, or improper use of your "friend", video cards overheat and break down faster. This is especially true for nVidia video cards (GeForce 8400M, 8600M, 9300M and others).

No need to play with the computer on your knees, on your stomach, or in any position that blocks the vents. It is advisable to use laptop cooling pads. And in general, if a laptop is not positioned by the MANUFACTURER as clearly GAMING, then it is not recommended to play heavy toys on it for a long time, even if it pulls them. Keep an eye on.

So, if the matter is in the video card, then try to pull it out, if the design allows, or turn it off using the switch that is present on some models. Without "beech" it can work, demanding games simply will not go.

There may be more serious reasons: missing / not working processor or memory, broken BIOS firmware, non-working laptop northbridge (problems with the motherboard).

Turns on, shows a splash screen or writes something and hangs

It may be that the initial splash screen appears or information is displayed, but then the laptop does not start, it also beeps or writes about errors. The probable cause is problems with BIOS settings. You need and reset all settings to default. In different versions, this item may be in different places, but the name is approximately the same "Load BIOS Defaults" - the keyword "defaults". Then exit with the settings ("Save Settings and Exit").

Please note that the system may be reporting some kind of error, but further download is possible, you just need to press a button. For example, it can write "Press F1 to continue", which means you need to press F1 to continue loading. This usually happens when the battery on the motherboard runs out (not to be confused with a large battery), the time and BIOS settings get lost. The battery must be replaced at a service center.

This is the simplest thing you can do yourself, because problems can be more serious, for example, a hard disk or RAM failure. With a certain skill, problems with the hard disk can be blindly diagnosed by listening to the laptop 🙂 The working disk, when turned on, spins the engine and crackles for a couple of seconds, reading information. In case of problems, the engine may unsuccessfully try to start several times, or the heads crackle cyclically, trying to read something from the plates, while everything hangs on the screen.

Some models have open access to RAM sticks. If you suspect it, you can try to remove the trims, carefully clean the contacts (see how to do this in the article ""). If it doesn't help, then leave one memory module (if there are several) and try to start. If there is only one bar, then move it to another slot.

Constantly reboots or shuts down

The laptop can endlessly reboot before attempting to boot Windows. This is a serious hardware problem, the south bridge may overheat, usually due to a short circuit in it. Most often this happens due to a breakdown via USB (remember what you inserted into the USB connectors).

Or processor overheating due to a dusty cooler or a loose heatsink. But this is rare and is mainly accompanied by high fan speeds. In this case, the laptop can turn off or reboot at different times.

In the absence or poor power supply, the following picture can be observed: the device turns on, but quickly goes out due to a dead battery.

Writes that it is impossible to start from the boot device

There may be different messages in English, for example "Error loading operating system" or something similar, and then the laptop will not boot. First, remove all flash drives and disc from the drive and reboot. If it does not help, then the matter is either in the hardware or in the software problem of the hard drive.

The first one is solved by contacting the service center, but first you need to check that the problem is in the disk. The most affordable way is. If it helped, then the problem was at the software level.

Windows starts loading, but everything is bad ...

It's a kind of option that, as usual, Windows starts loading, but then the laptop reboots itself, errors appear on a black or blue screen. Here again, there may be a problem in the hardware, i.e. hardware failures, and maybe software.

The surest way to check, again, is. "Light" check option - start with Windows. If the laptop with it behaves similarly badly, then the case is probably rubbish, you need to carry it for repair. In general, the problem of loading Windows is a completely different story ...

Let's sum up

So what if the laptop won't turn on? First think about what happened, what was the last time they did it. If you played for a long time, then the video card or other chipsets of the laptop probably overheated and a qualified repair is needed.

If you installed some programs, rebooted and that's it, then there are most likely errors with Windows. The main problems that can be diagnosed and / or solved by myself, I described in the article. Finally, I would advise you not to make rash conclusions and not disassemble the laptop without proper experience.

If you came across this article, then you had to face a problem when the laptop does not turn on and a black screen appears. This is the most common problem with laptop hardware, or to be more precise with hardware settings.

We thank FIXIT.BY laptop repair service (Minsk, Belarus) for help in preparing this material.

Below we will take a look at how to perform a hardware reset. This method helps when the hardware settings have failed, but it will not help if your laptop was flooded with water.

Reset BIOS settings

If the problem "the laptop does not turn on and a black screen appears" appeared after changing the BIOS settings, then you just need to reset and roll back to the factory settings. This action is performed in several steps.

For more details on the information "how to enter BIOS on Windows 10" or "How to enter BIOS on Windows 7" YOU can in our articles.

If these steps did not help, see the next step.

Reinstalling the RAM module

The image may also not be displayed due to improper installation of the memory module or problems with contacts (very often this method helps to get rid of the problem "the laptop does not turn on and a black screen appears" after water or moisture gets on it, but before that, make sure that your laptop completely dry and in no case do not perform any action if it is not dry).

To do this, you need to remove the RAM module, blow out the connectors.

- If you have one RAM stick installed, and there are 2 slots available for it, just swap them.

Now let's figure out how to extract the RAM.

Laptops have become part of the life of a modern person. Like other techniques, they sometimes break. When it stopped turning on, then you should not panic, but you should find the cause and eliminate it. In most cases, you will be able to restore your computer to work.

Causes of malfunction and their solutions

There can be a huge number of reasons why the laptop does not actually turn on. Many of them are quite simple and it will not be difficult to fix them on your own, but with some problems you will have to contact the service center.

Let's take a look at the main reasons a mobile computer might stop starting:

Comment. Very often, people saying that the PC does not turn on at all mean that Windows does not boot. This is not entirely correct reasoning, but it is popular among ordinary users.

Power problems

Power problems very often cause the PC to stop starting. Although the problem seems serious, in most cases it is easy enough to diagnose and fix it at home.

Major power problems:

  • incorrect adapter connection;
  • damage to cables and connectors;
  • battery malfunction;
  • breakdown of the power supply;
  • problems in the food chain.

Often with such problems, the power indicator of the laptop does not light. First of all, you should check that the power supply is connected correctly and that it is plugged into an outlet. It is worth noting that even very experienced users may forget to connect the PC to the network. As a result, after the battery is discharged, the device stops starting.

Damage to power cords and connectors can be caused by a variety of reasons, including rough handling or pets that chew on the cord. You can check this malfunction using an external inspection.

Another very common problem is with the battery. In some cases, if it does not work, then the PC stops turning on even with the network adapter connected. Usually, after pressing the power button, even the cooler does not work. Therefore, it is worth trying to run the mobile computer on AC power without a battery.

The power supply fails quite often for any device. Without a charger, the laptop battery will run out sooner or later, after which the computer will stop turning on. It is very easy to check if the network adapter is working. It is enough to connect another charger from a known working computer.

Many power supplies are equipped with an indicator. Even if the light is on, it is impossible to completely eliminate problems with the network adapter. It is worth noting that there are many power supplies for laptops. Only adapters suitable for a particular model should be connected to a computer.

Power supply problems are much less common, but they are more serious. In this case, it will not be possible to independently diagnose and even more so fix the problem. You need to contact the specialists from our service center. Leave a request and you will be called back within a few minutes.

Defective hard drive

The hard drive stores all the information and the operating system of the computer. If it malfunctions, the computer can be turned on, but it freezes before the Windows splash screen appears. In some cases, an HDD error message may appear, for example, information that the disk is not a system one.

In any case, the user still has the opportunity to enter the BIOS SETUP menu. There you can check if the hard disk is detected and the correctness of the settings. If the hard drive is visible, then you can start the system from a bootable disk or flash drive and test it.

Failure of the video card and chipset microcircuits

Laptop components can also fail. This can be caused by overheating, impact damage, and so on.

Let's take a look at the details that most often cause problems with turning on the PC:

  • south bridge;
  • north bridge;
  • video card.

In this case, the behavior of the computer can be very different. If the video card is out of order, then the image will be absent, but the fan will work and sometimes even Windows will boot, making the appropriate sound. If one of the bridges fails, the computer may not turn on at all or stop before loading the OS.

It is almost impossible to establish what is the reason in this case on your own. And an attempt at home repair is likely to only hurt. Therefore, it is better to use the services of a service center.

Video: The laptop does not turn on. Diagnostics of the board.

Other reasons

In fact, the malfunction may lie in a number of other problems. Among which are the following:

  • damage to the processor or memory;
  • broken BIOS firmware;
  • overheat;
  • errors in Windows.

If the PC beeps when turned on, then this indicates in most cases overheating or problems with RAM. If you have little experience, you can try to find out for yourself why this is happening. For this, it is necessary, first of all, to remove the dust. If the problem persists, you can replace the memory modules with known good ones.

Broken BIOS firmware may result from an incorrect update. If, before the problem occurred, the user tried to carry out this operation, then he will have to contact for repair.

BIOS configuration errors are also common. It is very easy to solve this problem on your own by simply going to the SETUP menu and loading the default settings, for example, by selecting the Load Setup Defaults option.

Errors in the work of Windows can lead to the fact that the OS does not start. First of all, you need to find out their cause and try to solve it. Alternatively, you can try reinstalling the operating system or restoring it from the factory.

The laptop does not turn on at all

Very often, the laptop will not turn on at all due to power problems. But? The power button is lit after pressing and nothing further happens. We'll have to look for the cause and eliminate it.

Typical actions that cause a laptop to stop turning on:

  • dust cleaning;
  • update;
  • overheat.

If errors were made during the cleaning or updating process, then the behavior of the computer can be very different. Including the start may not occur at all. In addition, the system may not turn on due to problems with the hard disk and after overheating.

After cleaning

There are situations when the laptop stops turning on after cleaning. The fan may start or a squeak may be heard. On some models, the indicators also start flashing.

Cleaning a laptop involves disassembling it. The first thing to do is to disassemble it again and check the connection of all components, as well as the installation of the cooling system. It will be useful to pay attention to the thermal paste and the health of the tubes that serve for heat removal.

If RAM modules were removed during the cleaning process, then you should try to remove them again, clean the contacts and reinstall them. You also need to check if the laptop starts with the hard disk and optical drive disconnected.

It is worth paying attention to the sensor for opening the lid (display) when disassembling again. If not very neatly assembled, it can be out of place.

If the following simple tips did not lead to results and the device still does not work, then you should contact the service center. It is possible that the elements were damaged by static electricity during disassembly or some other problem occurred.

After update

Problems may occur during the update. Failure to install updates correctly may cause the computer to stop turning on.

In this case, the user can install a new version of the BIOS, drivers or patches for the operating system.

The most difficult case is the inability to start the computer after updating the BIOS. This happens when the user tried to interfere with the process, for example, by restarting or shutting down the computer during it, or when using unofficial firmware.

Of course, it won't be superfluous to reset the settings to the standard ones. This can be done by removing the battery for a few minutes or by closing the corresponding jumper on the motherboard. But as practice shows, this probably will not help to fix the problem. The only way out is to contact the service center for repair.

In a situation where errors started after installing driver updates or Windows, you can simply roll back to a previous restore point from Safe Mode, reinstall the operating system, or return to the state it was at when you purchased it, if this feature is available in the model.

Hard drive defective

Usually, when a hard disk fails, the start occurs, but the system simply freezes at the manufacturer's logo or displays information that the disk is not a system one or is damaged.

If the hard drive is defined in SETUP, then you can independently perform its diagnostics by booting from removable media and running a specialized utility, for example, Victoria. In case of confirmation of the worst fears or the impossibility of identifying the device in the BIOS, check the loop.

In extreme cases, you need to replace the hard drive yourself or with the help of our specialists, for this, click the "Order a call" button.

After overheating

Modern computers generate a lot of heat during operation. In case of severe dustiness or a malfunction of the cooling system, overheating may occur, after which some parts may fail. As a rule, it is impossible to solve the problem on your own, you will have to contact the service center for this.

The main parts that can fail as a result of overheating:

  • cPU;
  • video card;
  • hDD;
  • north and south bridges.

Spontaneous shutdowns

In some cases, the computer may turn on and even work normally for a while. Then there is a spontaneous shutdown. There are several main reasons for this.

Consider the typical problems that lead to the shutdown of the device without any indication from the user:

  • overheat;
  • malfunction of parts;
  • viruses;
  • software errors.

Overheating is the most common reason for random shutdowns and reboots of mobile PCs, which in the future can lead to device breakdown. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to regularly remove dust, as well as sometimes change the heat-conducting paste.

Malfunction of parts very often also occurs due to overheating. If there were no regular cleanings, then the likelihood of this is high. You will not be able to solve this problem on your own. Therefore, you should contact our specialist immediately.

Viruses can cause the system to malfunction, as a result of which the PC can turn itself off. To solve this, you need to download special utilities from the Doctor Web site or Kaspersky Lab, perform a full scan and remove threats.

Software errors also often lead to an arbitrary shutdown of the laptop. You need to find the reason using the code that appears on the screen at the time of the failure. After that, the problematic application should be removed or try to update to the latest version.

Checking for battery problems is easy. You need to remove it, connect the charger and start the laptop. If the glitches are gone, you need to replace the battery.

It turns on, but ...

In some cases, the PC may turn on, but the download will stop at a certain point. At the same time, error messages may appear on the screen. In some cases, Windows does not start, in others it even fails to initialize.

Initialization fails

Initialization occurs at the time of starting the PC before proceeding to boot Windows. If the indicators light up, the cooler turns on, but there is no access to the hard disk (the corresponding light does not light up), then with a high probability the initialization failed.

Possible reasons why the laptop may not initialize:

  • malfunction of the processor, memory or video card;
  • incorrect BIOS firmware;
  • defects or damage to the south silt of the north bridge.

Regardless of the reason, you will have to carry your PC to a service center. Only a specialist with the necessary equipment in this case will be able to accurately determine the cause of the problem and eliminate it.

Windows won't start

Failure to start Windows in most cases does not indicate a hardware problem. Therefore, you can try reinstalling it, roll back to the previous state of the PC, or use the manufacturer's recovery tools.

In the hardware part, most often the inability to boot the OS is associated with hard disk problems. In this case, it will have to be replaced. Previously, you can try to diagnose with special utilities by booting from removable media.

There are a lot of laptop malfunction options. You can diagnose and eliminate many of them yourself at home, but in case of a serious breakdown, you still have to contact the specialists of our service center.

What to do if your favorite laptop, which never showed signs of malfunction before, suddenly stopped starting? Most people immediately panic, having no idea what to do.

If the device is not old, and it has a valid warranty card, then after checking the power supply, you can safely go to the service center. And the rest should try to fix the situation on their own, and there are several ways for this.

To figure out what is the reason for the problems with the laptop, you need to know that it, like any computer, goes through certain boot stages:

  1. The moment of inclusion.
  2. Appearance of the image on the display, which corresponds to the beginning of initialization.
  3. Starting the operating system.

Breakdown can happen at every stage. Its search should start from the first, and continue until the last, until an accurate diagnosis is made.

So, when you press the power button, the laptop does not turn on, the indicators are off, there is no noise.

Maximum - you can see the power indicator. There may be several reasons for this:
  1. Broken power supply... At the same time, the device continued to operate on battery power, or simply stood at a time when it gradually sat down. You can confirm the diagnosis by replacing the power supply with the same one. If everything is eliminated, then the cause has been identified correctly.
  2. Not working battery... Notebook does not turn on - indicators are off. A failed battery due to a short circuit can sometimes block the start of the device. To test this version, you need to remove the battery and turn on the laptop without it. If everything works, then the battery just needs to be replaced.
  3. No electricity in the network... The laptop turns on and turns off immediately. This is not a problem of the device, but it can cause it to refuse to turn on if the user did not notice the lack of recharging, and the battery has exhausted its entire charge, and it is not enough to start successfully. To solve the problem, simply plug the charger into a working outlet.
  4. Damage related to the motherboard... This malfunction is the most difficult, and its elimination is the most expensive, and you cannot do without special experience, or a service center. There can be many reasons - from a simple short circuit in the area of \u200b\u200bthe power microcircuit, to the breakdown of the main microcircuits, which can lead to overheating, liquids getting inside the case, mechanical damage, etc.
  5. Beeps (blinksCapsLock) and does not turn on... If the laptop makes sounds when you turn it on, then everything is not so bad. The signal indicates that the motherboard is in order, and the problem is in some part, which is not so expensive to replace. At a BIOS signal, you can simply diagnose a breakdown by looking at the manufacturer's official website for the decryption.

If the laptop nevertheless turned on, the indicators worked, an image went on the screen, but Windows does not load, then everything happened during initialization.

The most common causes of malfunctions during this boot phase are:
  1. All lights are on, the device turns on but does not boot... The HDD simply burns, which indicates damage to the RAM or processor, incorrect or damaged BIOS firmware, damage or defect of the north bridge.
  2. Shutdown or reboot before starting the operating system... Occurs due to malfunctions with or south bridge mat. boards.
  3. When turned on, after a few moments, a blue screen appears with some information... It occurs due to memory problems, the file system on the hard disk, or physical damage to the boot sectors on it. In the information displayed, you can find the BSOD error code (0X-000000), and use it, depending on the BIOS version, to determine the malfunction.

The system started to boot, but at some point it crashes. This phase is characterized by the fact that the system can boot while the monitor is not working.

The most common failures when loading the OS:
  1. The screen works, loading is in progress, but at some point a reboot occurs... If you do not artificially turn off the power, this continues indefinitely. Cyclic reboot is called, it occurs due to malfunctions of the north bridge or video card (see).
  2. The operating system freezes when booting, turning off the power and restarting it leads to the same result. The reason is usually software. The boot files could have been damaged by a virus or careless user handling.
  3. The monitor does not turn on - black screen, coolers are working, indicators are normal.

Breakdowns can be as follows:

Malfunction of the video card... Checked by connecting a separate monitor to the VGA output of the device. If there is an image, then everything is in order with it and there is a problem with the monitor.

The screen is dark, but the image of the loaded OS is hardly visible on it from a certain angle. Signs indicate a faulty display backlight.

The screen is black, showing no signs of life. The reason may be a damaged loop that transmits a signal to the monitor, poor contact with the loop, or damage to the monitor controller.

Laptop repair

All laptop malfunctions can be divided into two groups: those that are relatively easy to fix without special knowledge and tools, and those that require a specialist with good qualifications.

Complex breakdowns include all soldering operations, as well as those associated with the complete disassembly of the laptop case.

These include:
  1. Replacing burnt out and damaged connectors.
  2. Replacing parts and microcircuits on the motherboard.
  3. Replacing the screen matrix, cables, thermal paste under the chips or processor (see).
  4. Work related to the repair of the hull.
  1. Replacing the hard drive, memory module, Wi-Fi controller and, of course, the power supply. There are plugs in the laptop case, opening which you can get to the above parts, pull them out and replace them with new ones.

But before that, it does not hurt to read the step-by-step instructions, which indicate the sequence of actions when replacing any part.

It should be borne in mind that all electronic boards, and especially RAM, are afraid of static electricity, therefore, when replacing, they should only come into contact with antistatic materials.

  1. Cleaning the cooling system when overheating. A high-quality cleaning of the system can be carried out by disassembling the case, gaining access to its elements. Some models have the ability to do it yourself by removing the cover from the bottom of the case. It often works if the fan and radiator are not thoroughly clogged with debris, and then blow it out with compressed air, alternately directing the jet into the holes of the cooling system.
  2. Software problems that can be resolved without replacing or repairing parts.

Reinstalling the operating system. It is used when the hardware is in complete order, but the system cannot be restored in any other way.

This is considered an extreme measure, but the most reliable, in which the disk FROM:\\ all errors, viruses, as well as all information are removed, so important data must be stored not on the system drive.

If you have problems with the system, you can fix it by rolling back to the last working configuration.

So, when the laptop is booted with the F8 button, a menu is called up, in which the item "last workable configuration" is launched. In most cases, everything goes well.

BIOS flashing. The operation is very important, because if a failure or an incorrect version is made, the laptop will not be able to start, and it will be possible to sew a new BIOS into the microcircuit only by removing it and using the programmer.

VAD sectors on the hard drive. This is one of the reasons for the refusal to boot operating systems when they get to boot files.

Failed clusters can be software, then they can be fixed, and physical - if the magnetic plates of the hard drive are damaged.

In this case, it is better to replace the hard drive, although there are programs with which the OS ignores such places, for example, Victoria. The same program will check for their presence. Software bads will remove formatting.

To avoid situations related to repairing a laptop, you need to follow a few rules: protect it from mechanical stress, extreme temperatures and liquids, regularly clean the cooling system, and use reliable software, and have a good antivirus program.

The laptop is a complex device. To enable it, a number of actions take place that a simple user does not even know about. Breakdown could occur on any of them.

  • Burned out power supply, or the cord is damaged.
  • Battery out of order.
  • Burned out motherboard, or rather any component located on it.
  • Absent initialization.
  • Flew operating system.

Black screen when turned on

The user turns on the laptop, but the screen does not light up. This happens a lot. There can be many reasons:

  • Problems related to southern or northern bridge caused by mechanical interference or overheating.
  • Does not work cPU or a video card.
  • Torn plume.
  • Burned out rAM or fell out of the connector.
  • Wrong set up computer hardware.
  • Battery "Died."

The first three points can be repaired by yourself.

In the case when the laptop turns off after a long work and does not want to start - this is most likely overheat.

Should definewhether the laptop turns on at all when you press the power button. That is, the lights come on and the fans and hard drive are noisy. The outcome of this and will have to act.


Battery replacement

Loop check

It may be that the monitor cable has come off or broken. This can be checked connecting another monitor.

Incorrect BIOS settings

There were cases when users with the same problem helped discharge BIOS settings to factory settings.

RAM is defective

Alternatively, one should verifywhether the RAM strips are well inserted. They can also cause a black screen.

BIOS malfunctions

Perhaps the problem is settings BIOS. While it was written above, you should go to its settings and throw off them to the factory.

Freeze on startup

This can happen for many reasons. One of them is overheat... If it is strong, then you can even feel it. In this case, open the laptop. If there are many dust, then you need to eliminate it, especially the one that lies on the fans.

The hang may be due to malfunctions with a hard drive, when it starts to break, it all starts with freezes. Then you need to change the hard drive, but before that it is better to visit the service center.

Operating system problems

When the operating system crashes or viruses get into it, problems with inclusion may begin. Then either reinstallation Windows or cleaning from viruses if possible. You should try to go through safe modeif possible, then check the computer for viruses.

Also, recently, Windows updates lead to similar malfunctions. Then you need to roll back, or reinstall.