Acer laptop shuts down on its own. The laptop turns off by itself. Reasons. Possible consequences. What to do? Reasons for spontaneous shutdown

Not every person in the process of choosing a laptop computer is able to accurately determine how reliable the model that interests him is. Someone relies on the “maybe” inherent in many. And some are openly deceived by the “expert opinion” of the sales consultant. In the end, each of us has our own opinion on what exactly a mobile device should be. Nevertheless, due to our ignorance, and, as often happens, filled and driven by the momentary desire “I want it - that’s it!”, we tend to commit rash actions. You may not agree, dear readers, but for the most part we ourselves are the culprits of the unpleasant situation when the laptop turns off by itself.

However, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining! Therefore, let's cheer up and try to solve the problem that has been voiced, which, for your information, may be far-fetched. To know for sure, you just need to devote a few minutes of your precious time to reading the material below. Who knows, maybe the expert in you will awaken, and the experience gained will become a starting point into the fascinating world of electronics.

Instead of an introduction: a little about trade secrets

Rejoice, owners of budget modifications! Since the generally accepted statement that a cheap laptop is an extremely unreliable technology, in fact, oh, how far from the truth! And the current situation in the computing device market is great proof of this. Competition is a great helper for the practical user. Well, the mentioned trick “the laptop turns off by itself” is also inherent in branded electronics. By the way, the last option is the most difficult in terms of repair maintenance.

So, about the secrets of manufacturers... One way or another, making reliable laptops is a matter of the future. Unfortunately for some and fortunately for some, this is indeed the case! Budget modifications are often equipped with the same parts as expensive ones, but in a stripped-down version. The cooling system of any design “cannot live without dust.” Well, the “packed power”, constrained by the ultra-thin body, is still prone to overheating. On top of that, the technology of planned aging as a commercial tool is applied to literally everything that surrounds us. However, something can still be done.

The laptop turns itself off: what to do first

Of course, it is necessary to conduct a visual examination of the “patient”. Dust is the worst enemy of any electronics. Especially when it comes to compactly organized devices.

  • Inspect the laptop's ventilation holes. Perhaps dust layers are preventing free access of air.
  • Put your ear to the computer and listen to see if the cooling fan is running. You don't need to have an ear for music to understand the difference between the steady rustling of cooler blades and an eardrum-straining sound with a metallic “hint.”
  • Reset the BIOS settings to default settings.
  • If the laptop turns off by itself, it is possible that the hardware is conflicting as a result of incorrectly made software changes. Roll back the operating system using a stable restore point.
  • By the way, especially cunning viruses have the ability to influence the hardware components of the system. As you understand, this problem cannot be solved without special software. Download an antivirus utility and scan your OS for infection.

So now you know what to do first. However, let's touch on another aspect of the problem and understand the question “why the laptop overheats and turns off.”

When can you fry eggs on a laptop?

You cannot “strain” a laptop in a hot room for 6 hours in a row, playing a super-realistic arcade game: firstly, it is harmful to your eyesight, and secondly, you can get burned on the hot body of the device. This example characterizes the main source of the problem being covered, and therefore we will give it a significant number - one. Do you want to laugh? The largest number of users who contact the burn center are gamers. Of course, this is a joke, but most often the “sad” cause of the problem “the laptop turns off while playing” is precisely the critical moment of overheating. Therefore, when taking part in virtual battles or traveling in other worlds, do not forget to sometimes tactilely experience reality. Perhaps the case around the video card has warmed up, which means it’s time to cool down your gaming ardor, otherwise the graphics processor will fail.

"Creative crisis" of the operating system

The operating principle of a computer resembles a human model. Therefore, the unproductive state so familiar to many people, when translated into machine language, is still the same dead end and digital inaction. If a person is overwhelmed or constrained by feelings, then the computer acts rationally in such situations - it reboots. Therefore, if your laptop turns off while playing, you should apply the recommendations below:

  • In the "Power Options" section, pay attention to the mode being used. In “Additional plans” you should activate the “High performance” checkbox.

  • Second, go to the “System” - “Advanced Settings” section. In the last block of the “Boot and Recovery” service window, using the corresponding button, uncheck the “Perform automatic reboot” checkbox.

Most likely the problem will go away. However, do not forget that unstable OS behavior can be caused by a hardware failure. With your permission, let's move on!

Energy “misunderstandings”: the laptop turns off immediately

Let's consider the option when a mobile computer completely refuses to start. As a rule, in such situations, the user still observes some, albeit short-term, “signs of life” on the laptop: the indicator lights up, the hard drive starts up, and you can hear the cooler blades begin to accelerate. However, something is preventing the electronics from entering operating mode. Well, this state of affairs requires detailed analysis.


  • First of all, you need to check whether the power supply is connected correctly.
  • Is the power connector of the computing device damaged?
  • It is also worth paying attention to the integrity of the power supply cable itself.

Most portable modifications are equipped with a special indicator that lights up when connected to an external power source. If no light activity is observed, you should measure the output voltage from the power supply. In principle, a known working power supply will help dot all the i’s.


  • If the laptop turns off when you turn it on, remove the autonomous power supply and try starting the device from the network.
  • It is quite possible that the battery should be replaced, since the controller installed on it, due to its malfunction, can block the process of energy consumption.
  • If the laptop has not been used for a long time, then most likely the energy reserve in the battery has completely depleted. Put the device on charge and literally after a few minutes try to turn on the laptop again.

Typical laptop hardware problems

Let's say that when starting up, the laptop turns itself off. You already know what to do in such a situation when it comes to incorrect power supply. With hardware it’s a little more complicated, but you can still figure it out on your own.

  • So, if when you turn it on you clearly hear clicks, then try removing the hard drive and starting the computer without it. If the BIOS has started initialization, the “culprit” has been found. It may be necessary to replace the drive if the cause of the HDD failure is not software. In any case, it is worth replacing the hard drive and turning on the laptop again. Such simple manipulations are often effective.
  • The above “symptom” of a malfunction may be a consequence of an incorrect upgrade. Installing incompatible RAM will definitely cause conflict in the system. Remove the RAM module. If there are two of them, remove them one by one between each test run.

Unfortunately, the methods described above are not applicable to analyze the performance of the central processor. If the laptop is able to “stay on the move” for some time, then you can try the following diagnostic method. Place your hand closer to the middle of the case - can you feel how the laptop is heating up?

And it turns off, and reboots, and hangs? All this can only mean one thing - it is necessary to dismantle the protective cover in order to conduct a thorough inspection of the cooling elements, and most importantly, the condition of the thermal paste. By the way, in some cases, to get to the CPU, you will need to completely disassemble the laptop. It is worth noting that the last “procedure” requires skills and certain experience.

Design features of the laptop

Why does my laptop screen turn off spontaneously? As we have already mentioned, there can be several reasons, and the most common of them is that the display cable has failed. If you are the owner of a relatively old modification, then the connecting element may have broken. If you have a new laptop, it means the inverter has burned out. In any case, a visit to the workshop cannot be avoided. However, there is another explanation - the video adapter burned out. If your computer configuration allows it, you should switch from discrete graphics mode to integrated. You can easily find the corresponding section in the BIOS where you can switch video equipment.

Before we finish: a few words about software incompatibility

Typically, the laptop turns off during operation due to a system conflict, which usually occurs as a result of using inappropriate software. In other words, the user installs software that is incompatible with the computer's hardware resources. As you understand, the problem can be solved in an elementary way - by uninstallation, that is, deletion. Sometimes you need to reinstall the OS. Often this kind of “whim of turning off” a laptop can be eliminated by reinstalling critical drivers. Again, the current version of the BIOS program can correct the problematic state of the laptop. However, everything needs to be done gradually and thoughtfully.

For the edification of all those who want to significantly increase the service life of their laptop

If you previously thought that the laptop turned off on its own, then you probably now realized that your opinion was wrong. After all, there are reasons for everything, and knowing the nature of their occurrence, you can always foresee the moment of their appearance. As you can see, everything is simple! Nevertheless, there is always room for paradox. In our case, the difficulties lie in the elementary - the lack of experience. Yes, it is our ignorance that can turn a brand new laptop into a pile of metal. By the way, it is common for a person to give up when he is tired or does not understand what exactly needs to be done. Relax, think, or consult with knowledgeable people. Finally, read the laptop's service manual. In general, do not leave an emerging problem unresolved. Take action!

It happens that the laptop suddenly turns off while working. Why does my laptop turn off and what should I do?

The reasons for a laptop turning off can be hardware or software. It can turn off when running on battery power and when running on electricity.

If the laptop turns off while running on battery power, then most likely the cause is a faulty battery and it should be replaced.

The main reasons for a laptop running on power to turn off on its own include: overheating of the equipment, a crack in the motherboard, oxidation of the connector, and poor-quality soldering of the contacts.

In 90% of cases, the laptop turns off due to overheating. A running laptop generates a lot of heat, especially during resource-intensive games and when watching high-quality movies. As you know, the cooling system is not the strongest point in a laptop, the case of which simply does not have space for powerful fans. Overheating can occur due to malfunctioning ventilation. The laptop overheats if the air vents are clogged with dust or blocked by foreign objects during operation. The vents are usually closed when working on soft surfaces: blanket, pillow, carpet.

It is very easy to determine overheating - the laptop is too hot, the ventilation is noisier than usual, there is constant “slowdown” and “squares” in games, the processor load is approaching 100%. When this mark is reached, the overheating protection system is triggered and the laptop turns off. Permanent entails failure of its various parts. Most often, the video chip peels off from the board.

In case of overheating, the cooling system may need to be repaired: removing dust, cleaning the fan and lubricating it. If the fan is faulty, it must be replaced.

Another reason why a laptop turns off is a crack on the motherboard. This is typical for old laptops or in case of active use and careless attitude. Such cracks on the motherboard can occur if the laptop is dropped or knocked. Microcracks may not immediately affect the operation of the equipment, but as a result of inevitable heating and cooling, they will become wider and the laptop will turn off. Solving the problem is quite expensive, which is not always justified.

The laptop turns off due to oxidation of a connector. This defect appears as a result of improper operation of the equipment. For example, using it at unacceptable temperatures or turning on a laptop just brought in from the cold in a warm room. To fix the problem, you need to resolder or replace the connector.

And another possible reason for the laptop turning off is poorly soldered contacts. This defect occurs on cheap models and on laptops that have been in active use for a long time.

The laptop also turns off for software reasons.

This can happen due to antiviruses that consume a lot of resources, especially when scanning files or disks, loading the processor at 100%. The problem is solved by disabling some of the antivirus functions and enabling scanning only upon request.

The next software reason is malicious and incorrect programs that lead to a “freeze” that loads the processor at 100%. At the same time, overheating protection is triggered and the laptop turns off. You need to get rid of viruses and remove incorrectly written programs.

The reason the laptop turns off may be an operating system error, incompatible programs, or software errors.

Spontaneous shutdown of a laptop occurs when the built-in and externally connected equipment malfunctions.

Hi all! Laptops have rapidly gained popularity in the modern world. Thanks to their compactness, simplicity and ease of use, millions of people loved them and preferred them instead of desktop computers. But because of this very compactness, problems often arise that are less common on computers. One of these problems is the laptop turning off by itself. In this article, I will tell you in detail about the causes of this problem and what you need to know if your laptop suddenly turns off by itself.

In general, by and large, it is worth noting that in fact, there are a lot of reasons. And it’s difficult to say for sure what the problem is in your case. But if you carefully read the article and follow everything that is described in it, then with a higher probability, you will be able to solve the problem of the laptop turning off spontaneously.

Why does my laptop turn off by itself?

Now I will describe the most common problems, as well as ways to deal with them. Read carefully and if you find a problem with yourself, then immediately begin to fix it (if it is possible to do it yourself, and if not, then take it to the service center as soon as possible), because any slowdown can lead to a breakdown of the laptop.

1. Laptop overheating. This is the most common problem that can cause a laptop to shut down. If the monitor overheats, no notifications or anything else is displayed - the device simply turns off. But what causes overheating, is something broken? - Not necessarily, here are the most common reasons why overheating occurs:

— The grille is clogged or the cooler is malfunctioning.

— Deterioration of the properties of thermal paste.

— Malfunction of the processor, video card or chipset.

In order to accurately determine whether your laptop is overheating or not, you need to check the processor temperature. If you realize that your laptop is overheating, then you need to solve this problem.

2. Software errors. This problem is also not uncommon, especially among inexperienced users. But almost anything can be subsumed under this concept, what problems did I have in mind:

— Incorrect BIOS firmware or its failure.

— Incorrect software.

— Incompatibility of programs with each other, as well as with the operating system.

- Inappropriate drivers.

— Various viruses.

If you have recently flashed the BIOS and it was not completely successful, then this is one of the possible reasons for turning off the laptop. In order to fix this problem you need to flash the BIOS again.

Have you recently installed any questionable programs or perhaps received any notifications after installing them? - If yes, then it is advisable to check this by uninstalling the program and then restarting the computer. You can also roll back the system to a previous state. If you don’t know how to do this, here’s an article to help you:

If the laptop turns off again, then the problem is not in this program. So we need to look further for the reason.
Drivers are an important thing for any computer or laptop. Installing drivers on the wrong video card, for example, will cause some problems in the operation of the laptop; at a minimum, the laptop will overheat. In the worst case, it will turn off or simply not turn on, giving an error even at system startup.

Everything is clear with viruses. In order to get rid of them, you need to install an antivirus if you don’t already have one (Choose an antivirus). And after installation, scan the entire computer and then reboot the system.

3. Fault in the battery.

If the laptop turns off only when running on battery power (and when you remove it and connect the laptop to the mains, everything works fine), then it makes sense to replace the battery. Quite recently, I already looked at the question of why the battery on a tablet drains quickly, so some recommendations also apply to a laptop, so be sure to take a look at this article:

If you have checked everything carefully, but still have not found a problem, then my advice to you is to take your laptop to a service center. Because any delay can cause additional damage to your device, and you don’t need that. Besides, if the problem is not serious, then they won’t charge you much money. You can consult in advance about this with specialists from the same SC.

Concluding today's post, I hope that you were able to figure out why your laptop turns off on its own and eventually solved this problem on your own.

Does your laptop turn off on its own? This is an alarm bell that indicates that there are some problems with the laptop. Indeed, in most cases, the laptop turns off on its own due to overheating protection. This prevents the possibility of damage to the device or its components.

Although there are other reasons why a laptop turns itself off. Therefore, the most common problems, as well as ways to solve them, are discussed below.

The tips given are universal and suitable for any laptop - Asus, Acer, Lenovo, Sony Vaio, Samsung, HP Pavilion. After all, a similar problem happens to everyone.

Laptop overheating

One of the classic reasons. The laptop turns off on its own because it heats up quickly due to its compact size. Especially if you load it with games or heavy programs. And even more so if you use the laptop on the sofa, bed or while sitting in a chair.

The fact is that it has special holes through which air circulates. This is how the laptop is cooled. And if you put it on a blanket or thick tablecloth, the holes will be blocked and the air circulation will be disrupted. The cooling system cannot cope with its job, so at critical moments the laptop turns off spontaneously. As mentioned above, this triggers overheating protection.

Typical signs that your laptop is overheating:

  • does not turn on immediately after switching off (it takes time for the components to cool down - then it will start);
  • automatically turns off under heavy load - during a game, encoding files or when running several programs at the same time (the greater the load on the processor, the faster it heats up);
  • the case is too hot (you will feel this by the buttons on the keyboard - it will be impossible to touch them).

The solution to this problem is simple: use the laptop only on the table. Or on another flat surface. And if you buy a cooling pad, it’s absolutely great. After all, you can sit with her on the sofa, bed, or chair. In addition, it has a slight slope (convenient to work) and is equipped with additional fans that will help cool the laptop.

But this only works if overheating occurred due to impaired air circulation. If the reason is different (dust, thermal paste), then the solution will be different.

Dust clogged

Another reason why a laptop turns itself off during operation is dust. This is perhaps the most common problem. And the most common one is that users rarely clean their laptops, as a result of which they are constantly dusty. If the laptop starts to turn off by itself, in 90% of cases the reason is dust.

By the way, this problem is very closely related to the previous one. After all, dust accumulates everywhere: on the processor, video card and in the cooling system. And if you use your laptop on a fleecy blanket, then it will become clogged even faster.

As a result, the cooling system does not cope with its task:

  • air circulation is disrupted (in advanced cases, the dust layer is 5-10 mm);
  • the fan is humming loudly;
  • The laptop starts to overheat, slow down, and freeze.

And after a while the laptop turns off by itself. And this again triggers the overheating protection.

These two reasons are the most common. If you clean the laptop from dust and make sure that the temperature is normal, then in most cases the problem will be solved. But there are also others.

Laptop suddenly turns off while running on battery

If the laptop turns off by itself without overheating, then first of all you should check the condition of the battery. To do this, connect your laptop to the network and work on it for a couple of hours. If it no longer turns off, then the problem is in the battery.

The fact is that the battery usually lasts for 2-3 years. While laptops last 5-7 years. This is a common thing: batteries always fail quickly.

Typical signs of their malfunction are:

  • incorrect determination of charge level;
  • instant shutdown of the laptop when the power cord is pulled out (here the battery is already completely inoperative);
  • “absence” of a battery (the laptop cannot detect it, believing that there is no battery at all).

Virus infection

Another reason why a laptop turns off on its own is viruses. There are quite a lot of them today, but on this list there is such an infection as miners. They are used for mining (earning) bitcoins, a popular virtual currency today. This is a rather insidious virus that loads the processor and video card at 100%. This is necessary to mine (earn) bitcoins.

As a result, even on a desktop, your laptop will get very hot, slow down and freeze. And if you open the task manager, there will be a high CPU (central processing unit) load. Even if you didn’t turn on any heavy programs.

Therefore, if the laptop constantly turns off by itself, it makes sense to check it for viruses. To do this, install any antivirus (Kaspersky, Avast, Avira), and at the same time scan your Windows system with a special utility to remove malware.

Another reason that the laptop turns off unexpectedly is a breakdown of the motherboard (motherboard). This is the main component on which other components are installed (video card, RAM, processor), so even microcracks can lead to unexpected consequences.

Typical motherboard failures:

  • mechanical impact (the laptop was accidentally dropped, hit with a heavy object, etc.);
  • pouring water, tea, coffee;
  • incorrect actions (disassembly and incorrect assembly).

There may also be problems with USB ports, the cooling system (overheating of bridges), and the video adapter.

Experts will help you solve this problem. After diagnostics, they will tell you why the PC suddenly turns off, and if the reason was in the motherboard, they will offer you to repair or replace it.

The laptop often turns off by itself: other reasons

If the laptop turns off by itself and the temperature is normal, then the reason sometimes lies in the drivers. Because of them, there are many problems, including spontaneous shutdown of the device. It is not possible to check them manually, so it is better to use a special program that will determine the relevance and performance of the drivers. And if necessary, it will offer to update them.

Another reason why a laptop turns off by itself is the BIOS. Errors in the firmware can lead to the device shutting down. If you have installed new firmware and it is unstable, it is recommended to roll back it to the previous one. In some cases, resetting the BIOS settings helps.

There are two more reasons why the laptop turns off on its own. They are quite rare, but do happen sometimes. The first is a problem with the power supply. Due to constant voltage fluctuations, the laptop often turns off on its own. And the second is problems with RAM. It’s easiest to change it here (after all, it’s inexpensive), although you can give the laptop for diagnostics - perhaps it will be repaired.

A mobile computer is a capricious device. I worked and worked, and suddenly it turned off, abruptly, as if the power had gone out. Sudden shutdowns of a laptop (provided that after that it turns on and works again) is the first sign of brewing problems. If the cause is not removed, very soon your “iron friend” will need expensive repairs. Some of the problems that lead to shutdowns can be fixed at home, but in some cases it is better to immediately take the “pet” to specialists.

There are only two direct reasons why the laptop turns off on its own, but there are a lot of indirect reasons. Let's talk about how to understand them and solve the problem on your own, when possible.

Reason one: overheating

The temperature of the processor and the most important components of the motherboard (chipset, video chip) is monitored by a special system - hardware monitoring (HWM), consisting of measuring sensors and a controller. The latter’s task is to process incoming signals and, if the permissible values ​​are exceeded, immediately turn off the computer in order to prevent thermal damage.

Most often, overheating occurs due to ineffective operation of the cooling system (CO) of the laptop due to dust contamination, as well as due to improper operation: placing the device on a pillow or other soft surface that blocks ventilation and interferes with heat dissipation.

Other reasons for the problem include:

  • Excessive load, especially games. Only gaming and some multimedia laptop models with enhanced heat dissipation are designed specifically for games. The cooling system for office-class laptops and netbooks is designed only for medium and light loads.
  • Cooling system malfunction. When a crack forms at the junction of the heat sink (the area that is in contact with the chip) and the thermopipe or the blower (fan) starts to work intermittently, you can’t count on good cooling.
  • Incorrect installation of the cooling system after home cleaning. The heat sink is impaired by a too thick or, conversely, insufficient layer of thermal paste, as well as loose contact of the heat sink with the surface of the chip (due to weak or incorrect fixation of the former). In addition, laptop owners sometimes replace silicone gaskets with thermal paste when cleaning them themselves (equipment manufacturers use them instead of thermal paste when the cooled chips have different heights - to fill the gaps between the chips and heat sinks). The result is that the laptop turns off a few minutes after turning it on. Or even seconds.
  • Unsuccessful design solution. There are laptops that are inherently more prone to overheating than others due to poor case design, CO, or close proximity of hot components to each other.
  • Overclocking the processor and video card. Mobile computers are not designed for overclocking, but you won’t see anything in life.

Symptoms of overheating

Ineffective cooling is indicated by the following:

  • The laptop turns off only under high load - when watching videos or while playing games.
  • The laptop body and the air flow from the vent are tactilely hot.
  • The case is hot, but almost no air comes out of the vent (the grille is clogged with dust).
  • The case is hot, but the air coming out of the vent is barely warm (the cooling system is not installed correctly or is faulty).
  • Before shutting down, the fan was humming loudly (the cooling system is working at its limit).
  • The fan operates jerkily (faulty).
  • Monitoring programs (Aida64, HWiNFO, Sandra, etc.) record the high temperature of components (the maximum permissible heating of the processor, depending on the model, is 85-105 0 C, video card - 90-110 0 C, chipset - 80-100 0 C) . The screenshot shows the current and maximum core temperatures of the mobile Intel Core i3 under medium and high load. The values ​​correspond to the norm.

Sometimes the only manifestation of overheating is instability during operation of the laptop. This happens when there is poor cooling of nodes that are not controlled by hardware monitoring (for example, one of the bridges).

Consequences of overheating

As a result of prolonged operation under conditions of thermal stress, the solder contact between the crystal and the base of the chip or between the chip and the board is destroyed, followed by degradation of the chip itself. We are talking about microcircuits in a BGA package, which are attached to the board with an array of balls located on the bottom side of the microcircuit. In such cases, video chips, system logic (north and south bridges, hybrid bridges - hubs) and part of central processors for laptops are produced.

Most often, video cards fail due to overheating; processors, less often, fail. When a critical temperature threshold is reached, the latter reduce the frequency in order to cool down (this is how the technology of clock throttling or throttling works). And some video chips, especially on budget platforms, either lack such protection or it is ineffective.

How to solve the problem

The answer is obvious - by normalizing cooling. If the ventilation holes become dirty, it is necessary to disassemble and clean the device and replace the thermal paste and thermal pads (the latter are changed only when they dry out). Please note that due to low thermal conductivity, KPT-8 paste is not suitable for laptops.

If the cooling system fails, it is replaced. For minor defects (wire has come loose, etc.), repairs are possible.

For games, as well as for normal work on laptops that are structurally prone to overheating, it is advisable to buy a cooling pad.

False overheating

It happens that hardware monitoring makes a mistake - it perceives the normal temperature as prohibitively high and turns off the device. In simple cases, this can be treated by resetting the BIOS settings to default (read below about how to do this) or updating it. However, if the machine shuts down while updating the BIOS, there will be even more problems. If you are not sure that you can restore the firmware yourself, it is better not to risk it.

In difficult cases, you will have to contact a service center for repairs.

Reason two: the most important supply voltages exceed permissible limits

Correct operation of the laptop is only possible if the supply voltages fully comply with a certain level. A small deviation leads to instability - lags, freezes, reboots, and a significant one - either to burnout of board elements (if the nominal value is exceeded), or to a refusal to work (“dead” freeze, self-shutdown, etc.).

The level of supply voltages is also monitored by hardware monitoring. If the voltage sensors show an abnormality, it also shuts down the computer immediately to prevent electrical damage.

The causes of the problem may be:

  • Faulty feeders - power supply (including cord and plug, and with them the connection socket) and/or battery.
  • Defects in the motherboard (multicontroller, bridges, wiring, CMOS memory chip, PWM power controllers or something else).
  • BIOS failure.
  • Other devices - processor, RAM, video card, display, etc.

Symptoms of eating problems

  • The laptop suddenly turned off and will not turn on again.
  • The laptop turns off immediately after turning it on.
  • After an abrupt shutdown, the device does not turn on on the first try, it works for a short time and turns off again.
  • The device turns on and turns off after a few seconds. There are no signs of overheating.
  • The laptop operates normally from the power supply and turns off immediately when it is disconnected (the battery has failed). Or it works normally on battery power, but turns off when the power supply is connected (the power supply is faulty).

Diagnosis at home

In such cases, there is little you can do on your own. Perhaps only:

  • Test the machine with a known good processor and RAM (if any) by disconnecting peripherals and the display and connecting an external monitor. Perhaps the problem node is among them. This can be done by someone who has experience disassembling and assembling their laptop.

In all other cases, you will have to take the “pet” to the service center.

Monitoring voltage readings using programs like HWiNFO, Aida64, etc. is not informative. Signals from sensors on the way to the HWM controller pass through resistive dividers (they lower their level with an accuracy error), and programs take this indicator and try to “restore” the original signal from it. The result, accordingly, is approximate.

Can a laptop turn off due to viruses, drivers, Windows errors and programs?

Yes and no. Yes - because some viruses and faulty drivers load resources so intensively that they cause the computer to overheat and, as a result, shut down. There are also programs that can change the clock frequency of the processor and control the supply voltage of its core. No - because any impact of software is not a direct, but an indirect cause, leading to either overheating or voltage instability.

Some users call the laptop shutting down when the operating system unexpectedly shuts down (occurs on Windows 7, 8, 10, XP). The problem is usually caused by problems in the system itself, application errors, drivers, or the same viruses. Reinstalling or removing faulty drivers and programs, anti-virus scanning, and, as a last resort, reinstalling Windows will help.

There are also unclear situations, for example, when shutdown occurs every time Windows starts. Both software and hardware can be to blame for such problems. To figure it out, boot the laptop from another medium (flash drive, DVD). If the startup goes well, the reason lies in the system on the hard drive or in what “lives” in it. If not, it’s in hardware.

Sometimes the problem occurs only in certain cases, for example, when closing the lid (if the action is assigned not to turn off, but to go to sleep). To fix the problem, click on the battery icon in the system tray, go to “Power and Sleep Options”

and switch to a different power plan.

If there is no result, reset the BIOS to default (update it if possible), reinstall the ACPI driver downloaded from the website of your laptop model, or perform a system restore to a day when the problem did not exist.