The laptop does not see wifi mts. Laptop does not want to see your Wi-Fi network in Windows - several effective ways to solve the problem. How to turn on WiFi on a laptop

Developing wireless networks, the developers came up with the wifi standard. This is when one or more computers connect to a wireless access point and through it access the Internet. Or through a router. Before we figure out the reasons why the laptop does not see wifi, we think it would be logical to find out something about this technology.

How to understand the term correctly

When we ask ourselves why the laptop does not see wifi, we mean the absence of the Internet. In truth, this is not entirely true. It's just that wifi is, and if a device is equipped with it, then it is certified to work in these networks, that is, it is a guarantor of normal functioning for the intended purposes. Just like there are copiers from Xerox, and there are - from other suppliers. However, out of habit, people call any paper multiplier a "copier".

Wifi equipment

Among most devices for wireless access, two categories of equipment can be distinguished: "access point" and There is also an extended access point - a multifunctional wifi device.

The hardware part of the equipment is similar, it differs in software firmware and, as a result, in the quality of work. If you have problems with the network, and you think that the laptop does not see the wi-fi router, then the problem is not always in the machine itself. The firmware of the router may be incomplete, causing unstable communication with the access point.

The optimal choice of hardware with quality software should include:

  • Famousness of the manufacturer (brand models are less likely to "glitch").
  • Careful study of even top-class models. It is recommended to review with a specialist.

How to connect to wifi. Connection setup

One of the ways is to use the services of cable network providers, and then install wifi equipment on the wired connection.

The next option is to connect through the appropriate access point in the local network of the provider, if such a service is provided to them.

The access point is a hardware radio wave amplifier with the function of receiving and transmitting content. From the PC, a wifi radio signal is received, which is received by it. The signal is unified for the equipment of various manufacturers, which allows not to develop thoughts like "the laptop does not see wifi, probably this is due to the incompatibility of my equipment with the access center."

Wifi connection in windows xp via laptop

The step-by-step setup is discussed below.

  1. Switch on with a hardware button or key combination (depending on the model). At the same time, as a rule, the indicator light should come on - a light signaling that the receiver is on.
  2. For some laptop models, the inclusion of the wi-fi module is provided for by a special instruction that regulates the procedure. If necessary, check if this is the case in the relevant documentation.
  3. If your receiver uses Wimax technology, you can configure this operating mode using special software.
  4. Enable the wireless access service (right-click on the My Computer icon - control - services and applications - services - wireless settings - start if the service is not running).

If the laptop does not see the wifi router, and the system reports it, then, most likely, a special driver utility from the manufacturer of the wifi equipment is responsible for managing the wireless connection. Open "Network Neighborhood" - "view available wireless networks".

If the router doesn't respond at all, then the problem is purely technical. In this situation, you should look for a problem in the wires, power supply, or carry the router for repair. As a rule, it is easier to replace a router with a new one than to take it to service centers for inspection.


As you know, any hardware requires software that guarantees stable operation. If the laptop does not detect WiFi, then it is worth checking the drivers. Even if they are installed, it is recommended to update them.

You can check the drivers through the control panel. In the "device manager" section there is a line "network adapters", which should contain the name of the router, if the problem is in the drivers. Right click on it and see the driver version. Compare it with the current version, which can be found on the Internet.

If the version is outdated, download the new one and install. It is best to download from official sources. Hardware drivers are distributed by developers for free, and you shouldn't risk the health of your operating system in vain.

Signal distance

If, after searching for a network, the answer appears: "No available connections" - think about the signal. In apartments, this option is not very relevant, since modern routers have a strong signal and spread it far enough. But in private homes or other places where the distance can be quite large, the signal may simply not reach the laptop. Therefore, do not be surprised if the Internet suddenly disappeared when you were walking around the house or yard.

Mac address

There are situations when it was possible to connect, but the router does not see the Internet through my WiFi or has stopped seeing. When using the services of some providers, the user cannot just change the network adapter, as the Mac address changes.

The Mac address is written on each router and the user only needs to call the operator to bind the new address to replace the old one. You may be asked to dictate it in full, or to clarify only the last few values \u200b\u200bof the entire number.

Antivirus or third-party programs

Third-party programs installed on a laptop may conflict with drivers or interfere with the correct establishment of an Internet connection, which often happens when the device sees wifi but does not connect. In addition, sometimes antiviruses prevent you from creating a connection. If possible, it is better to try first to connect the Internet without a router. If all is well, then the programs are not to blame.

In addition to the above, there can be a lot of reasons. Basically, a variety of reasons are due to malfunctions in the operating system. Therefore, if all else fails, try reinstalling your operating system. Perhaps all the problems come from here.

Laptop does not see WIFI network on Windows7 / on Windows 8 / on WindowsXP

For those who are wondering why a laptop does not see wifi Windows 7, first of all, you need to try manually enabling the wireless network.

This requires:

In Windows 8, activity is checked through the "PC Settings" item. Next, select the line "wireless" and move the slider on the right side of the menu to "On".

When using Windows XP, the wireless network does not require manual activation and, as a rule, is connected, like Windows 7. It is enough to activate it via the control panel or via the wireless icon via the bottom panel of the system.

Video: how to create and configure a WI-FI network

How to set up a wireless network

For a comfortable use of the network, some users resort to settings. Usually, the standard settings are enough, but if you want, you can delve into your personal account. It is through the personal account that the parameters are changed.

The login and password are indicated by the manufacturers of the router, and you can find these data in the instructions. The address is also indicated there, which will lead you to your personal account. It is best to replace the standard data so that no one can use it.

All other settings are made on the laptop itself, and they are installed using the Network Control Center.

WiFi without internet due to Windows

There are rare cases when the operating system itself does not want to detect a wireless connection and shows that there is no external network at all. This option can be when using non-licensed operating systems. Some people prefer to use amateur assemblies, which do not load the system so much and allow you to squeeze more out of iron.

Another reason could be "blockage" of the system. System folders, over time, become clogged with unnecessary files and if you do not defragment, then the processor will be loaded more and more. Antiviruses also cannot keep a laptop clean forever.

In any case, all problems with the OS are solved by a simple reinstallation. After reinstalling Windows, everything should work. Thus, the solution to the problem lies only in the operability of the router, WiFi enabled on the laptop, or in the presence of the necessary software. Subject to these points, WiFi will not provide difficulties, and will delight the user with stable operation.

A fairly common problem for owners of laptops with Windows 10, Windows 7 or 8 (8.1) - at one point in the notification area, instead of the usual wireless Wi-Fi connection icon, a red cross is displayed, and when you hover over it, a message stating that there are no available connections.

At the same time, in most cases, this happens on a completely working laptop - yesterday, perhaps you successfully connected to an access point on it at home, and today this is the situation. The reasons for this behavior may be different, but in general terms - the operating system thinks that the Wi-Fi adapter is turned off, and therefore reports that there are no available connections. And now about the ways to fix it.

If Wi-Fi was not previously used on this laptop, or you reinstalled Windows

No Wi-Fi access

If the laptop does not see the wireless network, the first step is to check if the adapter is enabled on the laptop. Take a look at the row of keys F1-F12: one of the keys should have the designation of the antenna receiving the signal. Find this key and press it in combination with the Fn button - for example, Fn and F2.

Some laptop models use a hardware switch on the front of the case instead of hotkeys. After pressing a keyboard shortcut or applying a hardware switch, a message should appear stating that Wi + Fi is on / off. You, of course, need to put it in an active state.

But that's not all: sometimes the wireless connection in the system is turned off, while the adapter itself is working. To fix this problem:

  1. Open the "Network and Sharing Center".
  2. Go to the "Change settings" section.
  3. Find your wireless network and make sure it works.

If the adapter is turned on, the wireless network is active, but you still cannot access the Internet, then it makes sense to check the Wi-Fi drivers. This is especially true if connection problems started after reinstalling Windows.

  1. Right-click on the Computer icon.
  2. Open the Manage tool.
  3. Go to "Device Manager".
  4. Find the wireless module among the network adapters.

Even if it is written that the equipment is working correctly, do not be lazy to go to the official website of the laptop and download the drivers for the Wi-Fi module of your particular laptop model.

Checking router settings

If the laptop does not catch the wireless network, but you see that everything is fine in the system, then you should pay close attention to the router. Make sure the signal distributor is working properly. Go to its web interface and see the Wi-Fi settings.

  1. Enter the address of the router in the browser ( or another specified on the router).
  2. Open advanced settings and make sure Wi-Fi is turned on.
  3. Save the correct configuration and close the router interface.

After applying the new configuration, try connecting to a wireless connection again. To make it appear in the list of available networks, turn off and then turn on the Wi-Fi adapter on the laptop.

LAN problems

We figured out the wireless connection, now let's look at a more complicated situation - the device does not see the local network, although you connected the Internet cable to the network card connector. What to do in this case?

First check if the wire is damaged. Often it is the malfunctioning state of the cable that causes the laptop to be unable to detect the local network. If the wire is broken or cut, it must be replaced.

The second step is to check the NIC connector where the internet cable is inserted. If you inadvertently remove the wire or drop the laptop, the connector could be damaged. The problem is solved at the service center, where the broken port will be replaced. Another unpleasant situation of this kind is a burnt out network card. It is also better to entrust the operation to replace it to specialists: after all, a laptop is not a computer where modules can be changed at home.

But before you go to the service, be sure to check the drivers of the network card: they may have crashed. This can be done through the "Device Manager", the order of launching which we described above. The principle is the same - download the drivers for the network card from the official website of the laptop manufacturer and install them, and then check again if the local network is detected.

Today's Internet technologies are at a very high level. This is manifested in the proliferation of wireless connections to the Web using Wi-Fi. However, there are situations when a device designed to accept such a connection (laptop, tablet, smartphone) does not want to work normally. The lack of access to the World Wide Web for modern people is worse than the "plague", so strong is the dependence. What is the cause of the malfunction, and how can it be repaired?

Root Causes of Wireless Network Failure

Actually, in order to start repairing, you need to determine the root cause why the laptop does not see wifi.

Here it is worth highlighting the main categories of faults:

  • global problems;
  • not working router (router);
  • malfunction of the wireless module on the device;
  • lack of network card drivers;
  • software settings for wireless Internet in the OS.

Almost all the reasons when the wifi network is not visible on a laptop can be eliminated at home. But this must be done with extreme caution so as not to aggravate the problem.

Global Wi-Fi faults

Common problems include the complete absence of the Internet on the line due to the provider (for example, preventive Internet shutdown everywhere), the limited operation of the router, due to which the signal may be absent (all transmitting devices have a limited range), as well as an external factor, for example, a power outage on the central control panel of the provider company.

What can be done if there is no wireless Internet due to the distance from the router? You can move to a closer room so that the signal appears. The fewer obstacles (walls, rooms, household appliances) there are between the router and the laptop, the stronger and more stable the signal.

Problems with the operation of the router

But this type of problem is already somewhat more serious, although you can fix it yourself. First of all, you need to make sure that the router is working normally. To do this, try connecting another device via Wi-Fi. If a signal is detected, the problem is solely with the receiving device. If not, then somewhere there is a breakdown in the router itself.

At the first stage, you need to try simple measures - just turn off the power from the router, wait 10-20 seconds, and then turn it on again. It happens that the router simply "hangs", and restarting it will restore its functionality. If this did not help and the laptop still does not see wifi from the router, you need to go to the second option.

Check if the incoming network cable is firmly plugged into the dispenser. It happens that due to a slight deformation, movement, the cable may come off, and as a result, the connection will not be established.

Another option, how to find out why the laptop does not see wifi, is to directly check the incoming connection. To do this, you need to connect the main Internet cable to the device. If access appears, then the problem is somewhere inside the router or its settings.

Important! Occasionally, household appliances such as microwave ovens and ovens can cause Wi-Fi interference. But this is rather the exception than the rule.

Laptop malfunctions

Here, the range of troubleshooting is very wide, from technical reasons to software that can block the Internet. As with a router, you can fix almost everything yourself, but you need to know where and what to look for. By the way, if it is not clear what to do if the laptop does not see wifi, then it is better to immediately take the equipment to a service center, where specialists will quickly fix the malfunction.

Technical reasons for the lack of Wi-Fi due to the laptop

There are several options here. The most common is to disable the wireless button on the laptop keyboard. It is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe F4-F5 keys. Pressing it again turns on Wi-Fi.

Another option is to disable the toggle switch on the front of the unit. In a similar way, you need to move the slider to the right position, and wireless Internet should appear. As you can see, these problems are easily solved in a few seconds. But sometimes the reasons why the laptop does not see wifi are more serious.

For example, failure of the laptop's network card. No skill and knowledge will help here if this component has burned out or does not work for another reason. Only the purchase of a new board will help, and for some time you will have to stay without the Internet.

Software problems with Wi-Fi connection

In this case, there are a lot of malfunction options, but most of them can be eliminated very easily:

  1. Conflict with the antivirus program installed on the laptop. It is likely that this software simply blocks access to the Internet. Therefore, you should temporarily disable it and check access. If you have difficulties how to connect a laptop to wifi with the antivirus turned off, then you need to immediately configure the antivirus, or install some other software.
  2. Firewall. Standard Windows Network Defender can also add problems, so you need to open its settings and make sure that the specified wireless Internet channel is not in the list of dangerous connections. If present, the laptop does not see wifi. You need to completely disable the firewall or remove this channel from its blacklist.
  3. Technical failure of network resources in the operating system. In this case, figuring out what to do if the laptop does not see wifi can be problematic. Sometimes it happens that the installation of any programs entails changes in the network settings. This problem is especially relevant when installing working programs, cryptographers, modules that require working with secure connections, and so on. If this fact takes place, then you need to identify the source of the problem and try to restore the system. But more on that later.
  4. Installation of third-party software. It is likely that a program for distributing wifi from a laptop is installed. If its settings are incorrect, the device simply turns into a distributing element, and there will be no connection on it. But this is a very rare malfunction.
  5. But network driver failure is the most common situation for laptop owners. "Curved" installation, non-original assembly - there can be a lot of reasons for the incorrect operation of network drivers. But the result is sad - the laptop does not see wifi, and even a wired connection is missing. And there is only one solution - removing old and installing official packages, which can be found on the official website of the laptop manufacturer.

Operating system recovery

This is, of course, the most radical decision, and can entail a variety of consequences. Generally though, System Restore simply rolls Windows back to an earlier restore point. If such, of course, was done. Performing this operation will also roll back the Wi-Fi connection to its last working state.

By the way, the emergence of difficulties, how to connect a laptop to wifi, is also associated with the clogging of the operating system with all sorts of garbage, temporary files. As a result, all processes start to execute very slowly, conflicts arise, including in the network.

The most difficult solution to the problem with access to the Internet via Wi-Fi is a complete reinstallation of Windows. This is the very last resort when all means have been tried, but none have brought the desired result.

Additional Ways to Connect Wi-Fi to Laptop

There are several more ways in which you can check the performance of the wireless network on your device.

The same one (to use this method, you need a second laptop with such software installed on it), will help determine the source of the malfunction. If the laptop sees the distributed Wi-Fi, the reason lies in the router. If not, in the device itself. This is a very good way to check which side the disconnect occurred on.

Alternatively, you can simply go to the Network and Sharing Center, go to the "Change adapter settings" menu. All installed adapters should appear in the window that appears, including the wireless one. It is likely that you just need to turn it on. Or install.


Of course, many of those users who have computer equipment at home are quite savvy in terms of finding faults and fixing them. Wi-Fi is a special case, however, as it requires software skills. Therefore, it is better not to go deeper, but turn to specialist repairmen.

You can identify the source of the signal interruption, and then repair either a laptop or a router.

Wi-fi is a very convenient way to connect to the internet. But there are situations when the laptop does not see the home network and there are no available connections. This is due to a number of unrelated issues. Why can't my laptop see the wifi network? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Checking the operation of the router

What to do if the laptop does not see wifi? Before proceeding with troubleshooting the device, let's check the home network for operability. This is necessary to understand the cause of the malfunction.

Let's talk about a router. Sometimes network problems are caused by this hardware freezing. If you see that the lights on it are blinking in a non-standard mode, then you need to fix it. To do this, unplug the router from the outlet, wait a few minutes and restart it. If there were no serious problems or breakdowns, then this will solve the problem. The laptop will then be able to connect to the network.

If the router hangs, this does not mean that it is not working.

This is the most incomprehensible problem of all existing in it. In any case, if there is no connection, it must be rebooted.

If you live in an area with unstable power lines, the router may also be affected. Its settings may be reset due to constant voltage changes, and it will stop distributing wi-fi. In such cases, you need to go to the device's web interface. To do this, launch the browser and enter the ip, which is indicated on the back of the router, into the address bar. The password and login are indicated there.

Checking laptop performance

If checking the router did not show any malfunctions, then you need to check the laptop itself. First of all, let's examine the operation of network equipment. All modern laptop models have light bulbs below the keyboard. We need to find the one that has an antenna sign or something else related to the wireless network. If such a light is off, then press the "fn" button (available in every laptop) + f8 or another key that suits your model. If it is on, then nothing needs to be done.

We also check the connection settings themselves. The name of the network, if it is not available for all devices, and the password for it must be correctly spelled out.

Before you panic, you just need to restart your laptop. In some cases this will help.

More reasons why the laptop does not see wifi

If laptop does not see wifi network, then, among others, there are obvious points that we forget about. So, your device may not see the wifi network for simple reasons. Let's consider them and answer the question of what to do with them:

  • Disabled router. We turn it on and the problem should be solved.
  • If you are far from the router, then you need to come closer to it or set up a wifi repeater.
  • If the router hangs, then just reboot it.
  • The wifi adapter on the laptop is turned off. We turn it on, while a special light should light up.

All these problems are solved very quickly and practically do not require special knowledge. Now let's move on to more complex reasons why the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network:

  • Unconfigured router. There are optimal settings for each model of this device. If you can't set it up yourself, then you should contact your provider, who will do it with a guarantee and as efficiently as possible.
  • If the wifi network does not find every device. What to do? In such cases, you need to go into the settings of the router and change the "visibility" item.
  • Broken wifi receiver. A laptop is a technically complex device that must not be disassembled by yourself. If your home wifi receiver breaks down, then you cannot do without the help of professionals. Replacing the receiver can cost you a lot.
  • Lack of drivers. This usually happens after reinstalling the operating system. To solve this problem, you need to go to the website of your device manufacturer, where you will find all the necessary drivers. You can also download driver packs that will update ALL drivers for your laptop. If this is not the case, then such updates will never damage your device.
  • Viruses and other malicious software. They can block wifi and other internet connections. You can get rid of them with antivirus programs such as Kaspersky antivirus, avira, or microsoft security essentials. In some cases, the best option is to reinstall the operating system, because it is very difficult to get rid of a large number of viruses that have been accumulating for a long time.
  • Windows related problems. They arise mainly due to pirated copies and incomprehensible assemblies found on the Internet. You must use licensed software.
  • Invalid MAC address. It is unique to each device and is located on the back of the router. But some internet providers change it. If you do not know the new MAC address, then call your ISP. He will tell you how to use it to normalize access to Wi-Fi.

What to do about the above problems? There is a small solution for each of them, but if you are not confident in your abilities to make them, then it is better to contact a professional.

Sooner or later, we all face a problem when our device (computer, tablet, laptop, smartphone) for some reason does not see the wifi network. It seems that they were connected correctly, and everything was configured, but there are no available connections. Let's take a look at the possible options for correcting this situation.

Why laptop ⁄ computer can't see WiFi network

I note that there may be several reasons, and we will start with the primary one: the work of the router itself. It is he who performs the main functions of the access point and provides us with a good connection signal. If you have a problem with your router, try restarting it. If it is turned on and functioning properly, check its distance from the computer ⁄ laptop. Maybe it's because of the range that your device is not working.

Check if wifi is turned on in your laptop. On the working panel at the bottom near the switching of languages \u200b\u200bthere is a corresponding icon (if when you click on it, the networks are not displayed, then the wifi is still turned off).
If this is not the case, we will have to check the operation of some systems of our laptop ⁄ computer (suitable for Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10).

Let's analyze the possible reasons for the lack of a network:

  1. your device simply does not see any of the Wi-Fi networks (they do not appear as available) - let's call it error 1;
  2. your device sees neighboring Wi-Fi networks, but it does not find yours - error 2.
  • A hardware error pops up (i.e. a network card error). In this case, your device does not see the wireless wifi adapter because it is either broken or a problem with its drivers.
  • The network equipment driver is not installed (check the driver in the Device Manager tab, in the Properties folder). If necessary, install the driver or reinstall the software (from the disk or from the manufacturer's website).
  • The wireless connection is turned off (check it in the Network Control Center in the Wireless Network tab or the Wireless Network Connection tab).
  • The Wi-Fi module does not work (in case of malfunction, the module must be replaced).
  • Software failure or other malfunctions (this may require the help of a specialist).

If you find out that your error 2, to fix it, use changing the Wi-Fi network channel.
This can be done quite simply through the Settings item on the Wireless tab. You can select channel number 1-9, or you can check Auto. After saving the settings, you will need to reboot the router.

System diagnostics

In case you have tried all possible and impossible options, and nothing helped you, you can use such a feature as system diagnostics. Go to the Network Control Center, item "Change adapter settings". Find the shortcut for the wireless connection, right-click on it, select the "Diagnostics" line. After that, your laptop (computer) itself will try to find faults in the work and will tell you how to remove them.

Why Android - smartphone does not see the WiFi network

Both in the case of a laptop and in the case of a smartphone based on Android, there may be several reasons for the absence of visible Wi-Fi networks:
  • You are out of range of the router (sometimes you just need to move around the room to find the network).
  • Incorrect access password entered, network authentication (the problem is solved by entering the correct password, case-sensitive or restarting the smartphone).
  • Freezing of the router (the problem is solved by restarting the router).
  • Lack of support for router standards by a smartphone (see the instructions for the router).
  • A large number of connected devices (in the settings of the router, you need to find the number of devices with which it can work, remove unnecessary ones).
  • Installing new applications (this situation is typical for some Android-based devices, try deleting the last saved programs).
  • Incorrect router configuration (exact settings are entered in the router menu).
  • Damage to the router or smartphone.

Regular connection failures may indicate that the problem lies in the phone settings themselves. The way out can be a complete reset of the settings to the factory parameters. Usually, this will require going into Settings and opening the Security tab. After rebooting the phone, try to find a new Wi-Fi network.

As you can see, there can be quite a few reasons for the lack of a Wi-Fi network, but the ones named above are the most common and, in principle, should help.

It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his life without the Internet, and even wireless. But it happens that the laptop does not see the wifi network, why this happens and what to do then, let's figure it out in detail!

Why the laptop does not see the wifi network: possible problems and their solutions

Let's go from the most probable to the most difficult - by elimination. Let's get started.

The most common

So why the laptop does not see the wifi network - this can happen due to the fact that there is no wireless Internet at all!

  1. Let's make sure that there is wireless Internet in the coverage area, for this, using other devices: a tablet, smartphone, laptop or PC, we will check if they see wifi on the laptop. If yes, follow on, if not, then he does not see wifi,.
    We found out that there is an Internet, but the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network, why - it means that something is wrong with our device, as a rule, and there are extremely commonplace solutions.
  2. See if the adapter is turned on, usually highlighted on the keyboard by an indicator:
  • off - looks like the screenshot below.
  • turn on with the keys, according to the layout of the device, + from to.
  • after that, the search for networks should begin with a notification in the tray and a yellow asterisk at the antenna, see the screenshot.
  • if everything works and the laptop sees the Wi-Fi network - enjoy your surfing, otherwise further
  • let's try to run troubleshooting - right-click on the antenna → "Troubleshooting"

  • the procedure in most cases helps, otherwise we are looking for another reason why the laptop does not see wifi.

The driver is an important component!

We urge you not to forget that the driver is the link between the hardware and the OS. Without this talented negotiator, everything works quite crookedly or does not work at all - this may be the answer to the question - why the computer does not see the Wi-Fi network. Whether laptop or desktop, external or internal connection of the adapter, the solution is common.

  • In the taskbar, you can see another icon - a crossed-out monitor, see the screenshot.

    If Windows 7 or 8, follow:
  • "Start" → right click "Computer" → "Properties"

  • " Device Manager"

  • Expand "Network adapters" → looking for "Intel (R) Centrino", "Atheros ..." are also possible, etc.

    It should be like on the screen, with the absence of any marks
  • if there are red or yellow symbols, right-click and select "Engage" - most likely a driver update will be required.

If Windows version 10, follow:

We see that the drivers are not installed:

  • go to the manufacturer and load the appropriate drivers.
  • install → system restart
  • check if it works - we'll finish it, otherwise we are looking for other reasons.

We adapt - an adaptation!

There is such a word adapter - here it is that neither is the main opportunist, in the name of the appearance of internet, and if it is disabled - nothing will be seen!

Let's check if:

He sees everything, but not what is needed!

Why the computer does not see my Wi-Fi network, but catches everyone else - and it happens. Here it is already necessary to deal with the settings of the router. Let's take a look at the Asus models, and for the rest we will write them in commands. First, connect to another existing Internet - for example, you can distribute it from your phone.

Now, on TP-Link equipment:

What's in a name…?

The words of the classic A.S. Pushkin. Do not think that this is a joke, sometimes there is an SSID conflict, your computer does not see Wi-Fi, and everyone else does. Believe it or not, it turns out that his change and Voila are enough!

Let's change it using the example of an Asus router with screenshots.