The laptop gets very hot. Why the laptop is warming up: causes and solutions to the problem. Dirty ventilation openings

What to do if the laptop starts to make noise, freeze and reboot. Let's consider the reasons why the laptop gets very hot and freezes, and how to solve this problem.

Why it happens

The electronic components of a mobile PC consume electrical energy, which is converted into heat. The most powerful components are CPU and. They get hotter. Especially in the latest generation laptops with multiple video cards.

Overheating reasons

  1. The thermal paste has dried;
  2. Dust;
  3. CPU load caused by resource-intensive software.

How to know if the device is warming up

If the temperature rises, the OS automatically increases the speed of the cooler. He starts to make noise. In games or when running "heavy" applications, this is acceptable. But if the fan makes noise afterwards, the reason is poor cooling or dustiness.
When working:

  1. The device freezes unstable;
  2. Quadrics and stripes appear on the screen. The reason is overheating or damage to the video card;
  3. Heating of the case. It can be determined by the keyboard buttons. They get hot.

The laptop is very hot, what to do - determine the temperature

Go to BIOS, find information as in the screenshot. Depending on the version, it is located in the following sections: "Power", "Health" or "Hardware Monitor".

What temperature is considered working

For modern Intel and AMD CPUs, the average values \u200b\u200bare:

  1. In idle mode 28-40 degrees;
  2. Under load - 40-62;
  3. The maximum temperature for the CPU is 67-72.

Go to the official website of your device, look there for the temperatures recommended by the manufacturer.

Specialized software

Remove running software

The laptop is very hot and noisy - clean the cooler

Cleaning is the most effective way to solve the problem. How to clean? Turn off the power to the laptop, remove the battery.

Remove the DVD by unscrewing the mounting bosses on the back of the case

Disconnect the RAM in the same way. They are fixed with brackets. Fold them back to remove.

Remove the location bar located above the keyboard. If it is difficult to remove it, unscrew the screws.

Remove the ribbon cable. Lift up the securing tab.

Remove the keyboard. It is secured with plastic clips (4 to 8). I recommend starting at the top corner. Press on it with a screwdriver and raise the corner.

The system board will appear. Remove it by unscrewing the bolts.

We unscrew the screws to detach the motherboard from the case. On its reverse side there is a cooling system with a fan. Remove it by unscrewing the screws that hold it.

Remove dust with a brush or special balconies with compressed air. Purchase them from a specialist store. Purchase graphite grease to lubricate the fan.

If the cooler is noisy, disassemble, clean and lubricate.

How to do it? Disconnect it from the radiator by unscrewing the screws.

Peel off the sticker. Remove the flat washer with a small screwdriver or needle.

Remove and clean the impeller.

Lubricate the cooler.

Apply new thermal grease

Thermal paste is a substance that improves heat transfer from the CPU to the heatsink. It dries up in 2-3 years. Get a new one at a computer store. Apply it in an even, even layer. A plastic card is suitable for this. Hit the old substance with a school rubber band.

The laptop gets very hot when charging

The battery is heating up due to a power controller failure or charger malfunction. How can I check this?
Let's check the operation of the battery:

  1. Turn off the laptop, unplug the charger;
  2. Remove the battery;
  3. Connect the charger, turn on the laptop;
  4. Work 5-10 minutes;
  5. If the device does not heat up, then the reason is the battery.

If it continues to heat up, look for the cause in the charger. To do this, measure the voltage with a multimeter. Check the values \u200b\u200bon the device. If it doesn't match, replace it.

The reason is in the power controller

It distributes energy between electronic components. A common cause of a crash in software that is responsible for setting energy saving options. Settings can be changed when installing utilities and third-party software.
Press "Win + R" and write "control".


Pay attention to the surface where the device is installed. If it is on a blanket or shag rug, it makes it difficult for the cold air to flow.
The bolts on the plates may be loose. Heat dissipation from the CPU or video card has become worse. In this case, you will have to reapply the thermal paste.

The laptop gets very hot while playing

If the temperature rises when launching a game or resource-intensive applications, the problem is in the cooling system. Replace it with a new one or purchase a special stand to raise the back of the case. Buy with built-in fans.


We've looked at what to do if your laptop gets too hot and slows down. A common cause is dust clogging the heatsink and cooler blades. Use the recommendations above to clean your device. Be careful not to damage the plastic tabs on the board when disassembling.

A laptop is much more compact than a computer and it is difficult to adjust the cooling system in it.
The higher the temperature inside the device, the less the laptop will serve you.

The main reasons for laptop heating:

1. Dust. If your laptop lasted a long time, its cooling system gradually clogged with dust. To get rid of it, you need to disassemble the laptop and clean the blower fan from dust.

2. Overheating of the computer due to its use on soft surfaces - beds, sofas, etc. The laptop cannot cool properly due to lack of air circulation and heats up. Do not place it on soft surfaces or use special stands.

3. Drying of thermal paste is a very common cause of laptop overheating. If you see that your device has started to get very hot, change the thermal paste that connects the cooling system and the main parts.

4. Loads on the processor, hard drive and video card. If you play some resource-intensive game for a long time or load your processor with a large number of running applications, your laptop will get very hot.

Normal laptop operating temperatures:

  • Processor: normal temperature - 30-50 ° С, maximum - 70 ° С;
  • Video card: normal temperature 40-65 ° С, maximum - 85 ° С;
  • Winchester: normal 30-40 ° C, maximum 45 ° C.

If you see that your device gives out temperatures above normal, then it makes sense to take it to a service center or clean the cooling system, change thermal paste, etc.

To monitor temperatures, use the programs:

Hardware Monitor - a compact utility that allows you to see all the current temperatures of your devices in one window.

Miniaturization is an inevitable process in the evolution of comfort. The compact device is always easier to transport. If you need to have constant access to the functionality of the device, its size is of great importance. Despite the progressive capabilities of laptops, the device has a number of disadvantages. The main problem was voiced in the question: "Why is the laptop heating up?" If you are interested in information about the probable reasons that increase the temperature of the device, and you want to know how you can eliminate such "inflammation of the iron", then the material presented in this article will be as useful as you can correctly apply it in practice.

Lack of free space and its consequences

Note how much smaller the laptop is than its desktop cousin, the desktop PC. However, the power and productivity of the "baby" can be many times higher than that of his "giant opponent". However, the time factor always dot the i ... One way or another, a device that is used for a long time (especially when all the hardware resources of a computer are involved) will inevitably start to warm up. The extremely close proximity of components in the inner part of the case is an incredibly favorable environment for increased heat transfer. Question: "Why is the laptop very hot?" becomes especially relevant if, in addition, the user is seated on the sofa. In this case, the soft padding of the headset becomes a kind of additional barrier for the much-needed air cooling system. Why is that? The main restraint is usually the case of the device, the ventilation holes of which sometimes cannot provide sufficient air circulation. How to avoid the negative effects of heat and what to do in order for the laptop to work with "cold calculation" - read in the material below.

Why the laptop is hot: case flaws

The iron "body" of your electronic device, as a rule, frames a plastic case. In the case when a laptop model is involved in budget-class technology, the risk of overheating of internal components increases with every more or less incorrect operation. For example, using a laptop on your lap or working position of the device on a soft surface is obviously wrong. When you work on a laptop in a dusty room or in conditions of high humidity, know that negative consequences cannot be avoided. Incidentally, the cold environment also has a devastating effect on the laptop as a whole. It is reasonable to assume that the question: "Why is the laptop warming up?" might not have happened if the user was aware of all the operational nuances.

What the seller will not say, or What is the manufacturer hiding?

First of all, it should be remembered that a laptop is a portable device that can function autonomously, without being tied to a power source. However, if you use a laptop as a stationary PC, then do not forget that "prolonged straining" of the device can become fatal to the device if the user ignores the tactile effect - a hot case. Even if you were assured that the laptop was made taking into account all operating conditions, do not believe it - you are being misled. However, some modifications of portable computers are really adapted for use in extreme conditions. Nevertheless, even the happy owners of reliable devices may have a question: "Why does the laptop heat up and turn off?" Developers and manufacturers of portable computer equipment can assure the authoritative competence of their "brainchild", but the fact of temperature remains inevitable: everything is subject to the destructive influence of high temperatures. Therefore, it makes sense to constantly monitor the "degrees" of the components of a long-running system.

Top "hot" problems and how to fix them

So why does the laptop heat up and shut down? Let's look at the main reasons for this phenomenon, and at the same time understand some of the technical nuances and design features of the laptop.

Problem # 1: exposure to dust

As already mentioned, the computer components are "constrained" by the frames of the framing structure, so to speak, by the protective shell. This part of the device can be made of different materials. Diverse polymers, metal frames made of steel and even titanium in the application allow you to give your laptop a different level of reliability. Many of the materials are incredibly effective at absorbing heat. Nevertheless, open areas and air intakes are most susceptible to constant exposure to the external environment: dust, moisture, etc. Often the user has a question: "Why does the laptop get too hot?" Most likely, a critical accumulation of microscopic debris has occurred inside the laptop. Dust particles are compressed around the cooling cooler and block the air inlet / outlet by their quantitative mass. As a result, the fan lubricant becomes clogged, and friction creates an unpleasant side noise effect.

Remedy # 1: surface cleaning

As a rule, such troubles are resolved by elementary preventive actions:

  • The outer openings of the air ducts are freed from dust deposits using an ordinary construction paint brush.
  • You can use a household vacuum cleaner.
  • In some cases, in order to correct the situation that leads to the question "why is the HP laptop heating up", it is necessary to dismantle the protective cover of the case, which covers the place where the cooling fan is located.

Attention: the implementation of the last paragraph deprives the user of the manufacturer's guarantees. Since unauthorized access is a violation of operating rules.

Remedy number 2: "Through the cover to the target"

If the warranty period has expired, then the user has every reason to restore the cooling system on his own. Excluding contacting a specialized service center.

  • Turn the laptop over and use a screwdriver to unscrew the cover screws, which is usually located in the upper case, on the left (rear view).
  • After removing the protective element, use the same brush (see above) to clean the area of \u200b\u200bcontamination. It is worth noting that in a situation where the question is as follows: "Why does the laptop make noise and heat?", Superficial "cleaning" is not enough - you need to lubricate the fan. In some cases, it is advisable to replace the cooling cooler.
  • After completing the "sanitary" work, reinstall the cover in its original position, initially making sure that there are no unnecessary items in the niche that you have cleaned of dust.

As a result of the fact that the cooling system ceases to function fully, it often happens that while working in the Windows operating environment, the computer "freezes" or simply turns off. In the first case, the system may not have enough RAM, in the other case there is a violation of the temperature regime. An emergency shutdown is triggered by the BIOS service.

Remedy # 1: dirty RAM

To clean the installed RAM lines from dust, you also need to open the corresponding protection plate. It is usually located in the middle of the casing and is fixed with two screws. Open, clean and replace the cover. In some cases, you will need to "build" the capacity of the RAM - adding memory.

First of all - diagnostics

Often, access to the central processor is somewhat difficult and is associated with the immediate moment of dismantling the body parts and even some of the system's hinged modules. Therefore, it is advisable to diagnose the equipment in order to make sure that there are grounds for a labor-intensive process. Indeed, sometimes visual analysis can indicate the real reason why the laptop began to warm up. It is not difficult to carry out such a check, for this it is enough to enter the BIOS and in the corresponding menu to see the current temperature readings of the processor. There are also standard Windows tools that can be used to ensure that the CPU is operating normally. In other cases, dismantling cannot be avoided.

Remedy number 2: a substance on which a lot depends ...

Processor operation is accompanied by high heat generation. If the cooling system is not functioning properly, the thermal grease dries out. This substance serves as a kind of interlayer between the CPU die and the heatsink, absorbing the heat coming from the processor. As you understand, to replace the thermal paste, it is necessary to remove the cooling part and clean the contact surfaces from traces of dried substance. It should be borne in mind that the component involved in heat transfer is applied uniformly, in a thin layer and in no case goes beyond the boundaries of the processed planes.

Problem # 2: "hot" video effects and resource-intensive software

Software, and in some cases multimedia material, is often the cause of the question: "Why is the laptop heating up?" First of all, pay close attention to how the video card works. When graphics are displayed on the screen, the processor starts to "strain", and if the user has loaded a modern toy on his portable device, then the system will use all its resources, and then the hardware potential is laid out at 100. High performance requires more energy consumption, hence the increase in heat generation system components. Of course, you know that a powerful graphics card needs efficient cooling, and that the GPU, like the CPU, has a cooling fan. Of course, the fan blades and the discrete heatsink can get clogged with dust. In this case, there is a risk of overheating of the parts of the video card, and the question: "why does the laptop heat up when you play" requires immediate permission.

Remedy number 1: software "troubles"

A lot of simultaneously running software can also cause your computer to overheat. It will be more expedient if you disable some applications. Firstly, you will significantly increase system performance, and secondly, you will not overload your laptop's hardware.

Remedy # 2: discrete cleaning

Typically, the graphics module is located in close proximity to the air duct grilles. Therefore, it is not difficult to calculate the exact location of a discrete graphics card. By unscrewing the corresponding screws, you can dismantle the protective cover and clean the part from dust deposits.


So, we examined why the laptop is heating up. However, the issue cannot be considered closed without discussing another important point. The fact is that another reason for the problem we are interested in may be the laptop battery. To be sure of the reliability of suspicions, it is enough to use a special utility or contact a specialized workshop in order to diagnose and receive recommendations. Do not forget about a simple operating rule: during operation, the laptop should be located on a flat surface of the table, so that nothing prevents air from entering the inside of the laptop. As you have probably seen, there is nothing difficult in understanding and resolving the problem we are discussing. Timely preventive actions will help you prevent the negative consequences of this property of the unit, and let the systematic temperature monitoring of the laptop become a mandatory rule for you. We wish you productivity and happy service!

Overheating laptops Is the most common problem faced by laptop users.

If the causes of overheating are not eliminated in time, the computer may work slowly, and eventually break down altogether.

The article describes the main causes of overheating, how to identify them and the most common methods for solving these problems.

Overheating reasons

1) The most common cause of laptop overheating is dust. As with a desktop computer, a lot of dust accumulates inside a laptop over time. As a result, cooling problems in the laptop are inevitable, leading to overheating.

Dust in the laptop.

2) Soft surfaces on which the laptop is placed. The fact is that on such surfaces, the ventilation holes are blocked on the laptop, which ensure its cooling. Therefore, it is highly advisable to place the laptop on hard surfaces: table, stand, etc.

3) Too heavy applications that heavily load the processor and video card of the mobile device. If you often load your computer with the latest games, it is advisable to have a special cooling pad.

4) Failure of the cooler. You should immediately notice this, because the laptop will not make any noise at all. In addition, it may refuse to boot if the protection system is triggered.

5) Too high temperature around. For example, if you put your laptop next to a heater. I hope this point does not need a detailed explanation ...

Do not place your laptop next to such a device ...

How to determine if a laptop is overheating?

1) The laptop is making a lot of noise. This is a typical sign of overheating. The cooler inside the case spins faster if the temperature of the internal components of the laptop rises. Therefore, if the cooling system for some reason does not work efficiently, then the cooler will constantly work at maximum speeds, which means it will make more noise.

The increased noise level is quite acceptable under heavy load. But if the laptop starts to make noise after turning it on, then something is wrong with the cooling system.

2) Strong heating of the case. Also a characteristic sign of overheating. If the laptop case is warm, this is normal. Another thing is when it's hot - you need to urgently take action. By the way, the heating of the case can be controlled by "hand" - if you are so hot that your hand can't stand it - turn off the laptop. You can also use special programs.

3) Unstable system operation and periodic freezes. But these are inevitable consequences for cooling problems. Although not necessarily the reason for the laptop freezing is due to overheating.

4) Strange streaks or ripples appear on the screen. As a rule, this signals about overheating of the video card or central processor.

5) Some USB or other ports are not working. Severe overheating of the South Bridge of the laptop leads to incorrect operation of the connectors.

6) Spontaneous shutdown or restart of the laptop. When the CPU is too hot, protection is triggered, as a result, the system is rebooted or completely shut down.

Several ways to avoid overheating your laptop

1) In case of serious problems with laptop overheating, for example, when the system spontaneously reboots, is unstable or turns off, you need to urgently take action. Since dust is the most common cause of system overheating, you need to start with cleaning.

If you do not know how to clean the laptop, or this procedure did not fix the problem, then contact the service center. Otherwise, constant overheating will inevitably lead to serious damage. Repair is not cheap, so it's best to eliminate the threat ahead of time.

2) When overheating is not critical, or the laptop heats up only under increased load, you can take a number of actions yourself.

Where is the laptop during work? On the table, on your lap, on the couch ... Remember, the laptop should not be placed on soft surfaces. Otherwise, the ventilation holes on the bottom of the laptop will close, which inevitably leads to overheating of the system.

3) Some laptops allow you to connect a video card of your choice: built-in or discrete. If the system gets very hot, switch to the integrated graphics card, it generates less heat. The best option is to switch to a discrete card only when working with powerful applications and games.

4) One of the most effective ways to help the cooling system is to place the laptop on a dedicated table or stand with active cooling. Be sure to get a similar device if you haven't already. Coolers built into the stand prevent the laptop from overheating, although they create additional noise.

Laptop Stand with cooling. This thing will help to significantly reduce the heating temperature of the processor and video card and will allow you to play for a long time or work in "heavy" applications.

Remember that constant overheating of the system will damage your laptop over time. Therefore, when signs of this problem appear, fix it as soon as possible.

If you do not know and if you are not the first to notice that its case is very hot, the cooler inside the laptop makes a very loud noise, and your laptop, which was previously fast and reliable in operation, now often slows down and malfunctions and, perhaps, it suddenly began to turn off during your work and you cannot understand in any way what is the reason for this behavior of your computer, it is quite possible that the root of the above troubles lies in the overheating of the laptop itself, which, in the end, can lead to the permanent failure of your device. In this article, we will look at the causes of overheating of your laptop, give tips on how to avoid it, and also consider methods for cleaning the cooling system, which will make your PC reliable, fast, and durable in operation.

What is "laptop overheating" and what to do if it gets very hot?

During the operation of the laptop, its electrical components consume electrical current, some of which is converted into heat, thereby increasing the temperature inside the PC case. Therefore, the greater the load on the central processor and video card, on the north and south bridges (chips) of a laptop, the more heat will be generated inside your computer, the more noise the cooler will make, the more your computer will overheat and crash.

Note that older laptops heat up significantly more than modern models, which is due to the use of less efficient cooling systems. Modern innovations and improved quality of overheating control allow improving the cooling process of modern laptops, making the operation of such PCs more efficient and reliable. Plus, modern processors are manufactured using advanced power-saving technologies that can significantly save power consumption and reduce processor heat.

Why is my laptop overheating?

There are several reasons for laptop overheating, we will consider the most common ones. So:

A significant load on the system components of your laptop, causing overheating, can be caused by many simultaneously running utilities, tabs in the browser, as well as powerful modern computer games that use many of your computer's resources. Moreover, the use of such programs on office laptops that are not intended for powerful and resource-intensive games, contributes to significant overheating such computers.

Cooling system contamination

A typical laptop cooling system usually consists of a heatsink, cooler (fan) and heat pipe, as well as vents on the case.

Contamination of these holes, the accumulation of dust and all sorts of fluffy parts of matter there can cause the inability to fully release hot air from the laptop case, leads to its concentration inside, which can cause overheating and malfunction of the computer.

If the user practices the careless operation of his laptop, keeps it in dusty rooms and on various fleecy surfaces, does not clean the cooling system, then the laptop will start to overheat, and then it may even fail, and this can happen within a year or two after it purchases.

Breakdown of the cooling system

The laptop cooling system may break down, the fans (coolers) will fail, the thermal paste will dry out, the function of which is to remove heat from the hottest elements of the system, and the heat pipe may also break. Usually, system elements do not fail at one moment, a gradual decrease in their performance is observed (the cooler begins to hum and vibrate, the system starts to shut down periodically, etc.). Therefore, if your laptop cooler is working loudly or the system suddenly turns off - it is worth checking the functionality of the cooling system, and if necessary - replace defective elements.

How to deal with laptop overheating?

To ensure long-term and reliable operation of your computer, it is worth focusing on the basic methods of dealing with its overheating. Namely:

Reduce CPU load

Try not to run many applications and web pages at the same time, this significantly increases the load on your laptop, leading to it " slowdowns", Overheating and so on. Various virus programs that work hidden from the user and significantly load the processor also contribute to overheating of the computer. Conduct an anti-virus scan of your computer, do not run many resource-intensive applications at the same time, do not try to overclock your "office" laptop for resource-intensive gaming programs - and your laptop will be able to avoid high-quality overheating, will work reliably and efficiently.

We clean the laptop cooling system from clogging

It is necessary to adhere to the correct technique of using the laptop, do not work with it on all sorts of fluffy and soft surfaces (sofa, bed), as particles of wool and dust get into the ventilation holes of the laptop and clog them, preventing fresh air from entering the inside of your laptop. Therefore, it is better to keep your PC on level surfaces (for example, on a table) or on your lap in such a position that the ventilation holes are always open and fresh air can freely enter.

It is also necessary to regularly (with a frequency of at least once a month) clean the ventilation holes in the housing from clogging. To do this, you need to remove the bottom cover of the laptop, unscrew the mounting screws, remove the cooler, and then use a brush to clean the ventilation holes, removing balls of dust and wool from them. Then you should put the cooler in place, tighten its screws, and then close the bottom cover. If you feel insufficiently prepared for such a procedure, then contact a service center or an IT specialist with a similar request, and they will help you, for a nominal fee, to clean your laptop from clogging.

Change dried thermal paste

Typically, thermal grease, which effectively removes heat from the central processor, is applied to its surface and hidden from the user's eyes by a cooler attached to the processor surface. Typically, the lines of work of thermal paste is several years and depends both on its quality and on the thickness and area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the layer. It is recommended to change the thermal paste every 1-3 years so that it does not dry out and the processor does not overheat.

We buy a cooling pad

To reduce overheating of your laptop, you can purchase a dedicated cooling pad for your laptop. Versatile stand models are easily adjusted to fit your laptop, and the heat dissipating surface of the stand and built-in coolers will help to effectively cool the underside of your computer.

Limiting the power of the processor

You can also use the operating system to limit the power of the central processor, setting its maximum work 60-80%, which will help reduce its overheating. To do this, go to the control panel, click on "system and security, select" power supply ", and then" set up a power plan ". We press "change additional parameters", then select "processor power management", then "maximum state" and set the indicator, for example, to 60% of the network and battery.


The quality and speed of a laptop directly depends on the functionality and reliability of its cooling system. It is necessary to regularly clean it from clogging, take care of maintaining its high performance, change the failed elements of the cooling system - and then the likelihood that your laptop will serve you for many years will increase significantly. If necessary, you can contact your local service center, where specialists will clean your system from dust, change thermal paste and test other computer components.

Now you know, what to do if the laptop gets too hot and remember that regular and timely prevention of computer breakdowns is a necessary guarantee of its high-quality, reliable and long-term work and good luck to you.

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