Error: "Object cannot be created by Object Programming Server." Error in digital signature: object cannot be created by the object programming server Error when signing data; object cannot be created

Error starting script

As a rule, the error occurs as a result of incorrect or incorrect registration of one of the software product libraries. Run the installation as administrator.

Disabling the antivirus and rebooting often helps.

Error in function AddAplication, error code: 0x80070542

The Microsoft Script Debugger utility required for operation is not registered on the system. Read more.

error code: 0x80040154

Class not registered. As in the previous case, the problem is insufficient rights when installing our software product.

Error while running the script. Unable to create object by Object Programming Server. Error code: -2146827859

The Microsoft Scrip Debugger utility, which is necessary for the software product to operate, is not installed.

For Windows 98 and Me, the utility can be downloaded from this link: ( 23992)

For all other versions, follow this one: (

Starting with version 3.06, Microsoft Script Debugger is installed when you install the Call Office software product.

Error registering the main ActiveX component

When installing our software product, the dll libraries necessary for operation are registered in the operating system. It is possible that the user on whose behalf the software is being installed does not have enough rights. Reinstall the Call Office software product as a user with administrator rights.

The object does not support the "SetTrayIcon" property or method

A library that does not support the method is being used. Most likely you are using an old library with a new interface. Correctly reinstall Call Office or download from our website and register the latest version of the CallOffice.dll system library

Object Error

This error may occur in an older version of the program. Download a new version of the program, uninstall the previous one and install the new one.

Error saving configuration

The configuration name allows Cyrillic and Latin characters, as well as some punctuation marks. The following characters are not allowed: " ? * "

Below are typical questions/problems that arise when you start using digital signatures to sign documents in the CONTERRA information system.

Before you begin searching this list for a question you are interested in, make sure you have completed all steps in the following instructions:

Instructions for obtaining digital signature certificates Instructions for installing, configuring the crypto library and generating keys

Typical questions/problems:

Installing the CAPICOM User Download library.................................... ......... 1

Allowing access to personal digital signature certificates from the Web portal when signing an electronic document.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ............. 2

Entering a password when using a digital signature to sign electronic documents.................................. 3

Configuring Security Settings................................................................... ................................ 4

Error "Unable to create object by Object Programming Server".......... 7

If the flash drive is not visible................................................... ........................................................ ............ 12

Error: “No certificates suitable for signing could be found” 14

Installing the CAPICOM User Download library

When you first visit pages where your digital signature is required, a message may appear at the top indicating that you need to install the CAPICOM User Download add-on on your computer.

Allowing access to personal digital signature certificates from the Web portal when signing an electronic document

When you click on the “Sign EDS” button, a Security Alert message may appear, informing you that the Web portal requires access to personal EDS certificates registered in your system. In this window, you must click on the "YES" button, otherwise the operation will be interrupted and you will not be able to sign the digital signature document (and, as a result, send it to the terminal).

Information systems" href="/text/category/informatcionnie_sistemi/" rel="bookmark">The CONTERRA information system also has several digital signature certificates associated with it; a window will appear with a list of digital signature certificates that are allowed to be used for signing documents in the CONTERRA information system.

Here you must select your personal digital signature certificate and click the "OK" button.

YES", otherwise the operation will be interrupted and the document will not be signed with a digital signature (and, as a result, you will not be able to send it to the terminal). You can check this box and this message will not appear in the future." width="333" height="157 src=">

In order to use the digital signature certificate you have chosen to sign an electronic document, you must enter your password and click the “OK” button. ", otherwise the operation will be interrupted and the document will not be signed with an electronic digital signature (and, as a result, you will not be able to send it to the terminal).

You can change the password using the "Crypto-PRO" program - "Service" tab - "Change password" button." width="303" height="408">

Security settings include everything related to scripts and ActiveX controls

Error "Unable to create object by Object Programming Server"

If, when trying to sign an electronic document with an electronic signature, the browser displays the message “The object cannot be created by the object programming server,”


1. Download the capicom archive. zip (http://www. *****/Download/x86/capicom/capicom. zip)

2. Extract files from the archive to your computer

3. Run register. bat from the folder into which the archive files were extracted (for the Windows Vista operating system, it must be launched as an administrator)

If there are problems with this, you can install and register capicom yourself. dll. For this:

2. In the Start/Run menu, enter the command: regsvr32 capicom. dll and click OK." width="334" height="130 src=">

After successful installation, check for the presence of this library in Internet Explorer add-ons. To do this, go to the SERVICE menu - BROWSER PROPERTIES - PROGRAMS tab - ADD-ONS button. In the window that appears, find the capicom library. dll and enable it." width="406" height="400 src=">

If all the previous steps have been completed, but an error continues to appear when trying to sign an electronic document with an electronic signature, this may mean that the work is blocked by the Windows Firewall and Security Center system services. In this case, you need to disable them.

To do this, to disable them, you need to go to "Control Panel - Administration - Services". A list of all services will appear in the window. Find these services. Double-click on each of them. In the window that appears, change the startup type to “Manual” or “Disabled” and click the “Stop” button." width="257" height="164 src=">.jpg" width="255" height="295">

If there is a DISK DRIVE in the list of Available Readers (in the right window), then select it and click NEXT (see left figure), the letter designation of your flash drive should appear (see figure):

Your flash drive will appear in the list of available readers (see figure):

Error: "No certificates suitable for signing could be found"

In some cases, when trying to sign an electronic document with an electronic signature, the system may display the error “Could not find any certificate suitable for creating a signature”:

Possible reasons for this error:

CRYPTO-PRO root certificates are not installed on your computer. Not a single personal digital signature certificate is installed on your computer. Not a single personal digital signature certificate is installed on your computer that corresponds to the certificate (those certificates) that were associated with your login when issued and registered in ROLIS system The necessary certificates are installed on your computer, but are no longer valid - revoked, expired, etc.

1. CRYPTO-PRO root certificates are not installed on your computer

In this case, the system considers your certificates unsuitable for creating a signature.

Installation of root certificates of the CRYPTO-PRO certification authority is described in the instructions located on the CRYPTO-PRO website at http://cpca. *****/instr. doc

2. There is not a single personal digital signature certificate installed on your computer

Before you start using it, all your digital signatures must be pre-installed on your computer.

The procedure for checking whether they are installed or not, as well as the method for installing a certificate on your computer, is described in the instructions for installing the crypto library and generating keys (http://www. *****/Clients/DigisignCertInstruction. doc), section “Checking certificate installation"

3. There is not a single personal digital signature certificate installed on your computer that corresponds to the certificate(s) that were associated with your login when issued and registered in the ROLIS system

In order to check which digital signature certificates are associated with your login, use the ROLIS Web service “EDS Certificates”

If, when trying to sign an electronic document with an electronic signature, the browser displays the message “The object cannot be created by the object programming server,”

This means that the CAPICOM library was not automatically registered on your computer.

In order to do this manually, you must use a user with local administrator rights:

  1. Download archive
  2. Close all Internet Explorer windows
  3. Extract files from the archive to your computer
  4. Run register.bat from the folder into which the archive files were extracted (for the Windows Vista operating system, you must run it as an administrator)

If there are problems with this, you can install and register capicom.dll yourself. For this:

  1. Copy the capicom.dll file to the system directory of the operating system (usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32), if there is already such a file there, replace it with the file from the archive
  2. In the Start/Run menu, enter the command: regsvr32 capicom.dll and click OK.

After successful installation, check for the presence of this library in Internet Explorer add-ons. To do this, go to the SERVICE menu - BROWSER PROPERTIES - PROGRAMS tab - ADD-ONS button. In the window that appears, find the capicom.dll library and enable it.

If all the previous steps have been completed, but an error continues to appear when trying to sign an electronic document with an electronic signature, this may mean that the work is blocked by the Windows Firewall and Security Center system services. In this case, you need to disable them.

To do this, to disable them, you need to go to "Control Panel - Administration - Services". A list of all services will appear in the window. Find these services. Double-click on each of them. In the window that appears, change the startup type to “Manual” or “Disabled” and click the “Stop” button.


When working with an electronic trading platform (ETP), one of the following errors occurs:

  • "Your computer does not have or is configured incorrectly the tools for working with digital signatures. Contact the supplier of your certificate and CIPF."
  • "Error! The CAPICOM library cannot be loaded, possibly due to low permissions on this local machine"
  • "CAPICOM object not installed"
  • "Unable to create object by Object Programming Server"
  • "Your browser does not have permission to use ActiveX objects"


If the error appears on EETP and you are not working in Internet Explorer (IE), make sure that “CryptoPro Browser Plug-In” is selected in the plugin selection.

If you are using Internet Explorer below version 9, make sure you are running 32-bit IE. Capicom does not work on 64-bit IE.

You need to make the following Internet Explorer settings:

1. Add ETP addresses to Trusted nodes.

In Internet Explorer, “Tools” - “Internet Options” - “Security” tab;

Select "Trusted Sites" ("Trusted Sites"); - button "Nodes" ("Sites");

Remove the flag at the bottom “For all nodes in this zone, server verification (https:) is required” (not all ETPs work over a secure https:// connection);

In the line "Add the next node to the zone" enter the ETP address (via http and https);

"Add" button.

2. For the Trusted Sites zone, allow the use of Active-X controls.

In Internet Explorer, “Tools” – “Internet Options” - “Security” tab; select "Trusted sites" ("Trusted sites"); click the "Other..." button;

In the "Active-X controls and connection modules" section, check "Enable" for all parameters (for IE 6 - "Allow").

3. Install and register the capicom.dll library.

Download the file

Copy the capicom.dll file to the C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder (for Windows XP, Vista, Win7 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32);

Click the "Start" button and select "Run";

In the "Run a program" window, in the "Open" field, type or copy: for Windows XP, Vista, Win7 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32 capicom.dll

Click OK.

Library registration may be prohibited by local permissions policy. In this case, you need to contact your system administrator.

4. Check certificate status

Go to the "Rutoken Control Panel" - the "Certificates" tab

Select the certificate - the certificate status should be "Valid"

Errors are possible: “The certificate is unreliable”/“Could not check the revocation status” or “”, follow the solution from the instructions.

5. Check the rights to the capicom.dll library

Open the directory C:\Windows\System32,

Find capicom.dll,

Right-click "Properties" - tab "Security" - "Advanced" - "Change permissions".

Find the current computer user in the list, check what status is in the “Permissions” column. If other than "Full access" - select the line and click "Change". Check the "Full access" checkbox and save.

If, when saving, a message appears about insufficient rights, go to the “Owner” tab, Change, select the current computer user, try to assign “Full Control” again.

6. As a rule, you must use a browser to participate in the auction Internet Explorer version 6.0 and higher. In IE 9 and higher, errors may occur that can be resolved by using the compatibility view ("Browser Options" - "Tools" - "Compatibility View Options" - add the site address.

These are general settings for all ETPs. Some sites require additional components to be installednecessary for correct operation.