Why is cable TV dazzling. What to do if streaks, ripples, or other interference appear on the TV screen. If the TV ripples when turned on and stops after a certain period of time

It happens that during operation there is interference on the TV. They can look like multicolored vertical or horizontal stripes, noise, flickering. The general quality of such problems is that they interfere with comfortable viewing and also harm the eyesight. Therefore, many are interested in what to do if they appear.

Some types of interference can be eliminated by yourself, but in most situations you have to seek help from a specialist.

Before fixing a problem, you first need to diagnose it. There are several types of defects in total:

  • ripples with hiss;
  • noises;
  • horizontal or vertical stripes on the TV screen;
  • shiver;
  • grid on display.

Both old CRT TVs and modern plasma and LCD panels are susceptible to these problems.


Defects can be caused by external causes associated with wires, antennas and incorrect settings, as well as failure of internal elements of equipment.

Internal defects

Such problems appear as ripples. Internal defects occur in the following cases:

  • if water or dust gets inside the device, then white dots are visible on the display;
  • when the TV has been dropped or hit during transportation;
  • when using unsuitable cleaning agents;
  • small colored dots may indicate broken pixels, the likely cause of which is a factory defect.

If the TV falls, it may break the sensor. Then, instead of the image, only a black screen will be visible. The appearance of dark areas at the edges and the shift of the picture towards red shades indicates problems with the backlight module. If the microcircuit is broken, the display may turn gray.

Internal faults are rare. Usually the cause of interference is damage to the periphery or problems with the connection with the provider.

Defective antenna

Ripples with hiss and horizontal stripes indicate problems with the antenna. They can appear due to bent wires or damaged plug. To test the operation of the antenna, connect it to another device. You can also try reconfiguring it or restarting the receiver.


Interference can cause wiring wear and power problems. In this case, the user will see a blue screen. Then you should inspect all wires for damage or damaged insulation.

Also, the reason may be the lack of grounding - horizontal narrow stripes with blurry edges will appear on the display.

Lost settings

If vertical stripes, noise, or ripples do not appear on all channels, auto tune is worth doing. The rules for its implementation can be found in the instructions for the TV.

Provider problems

Due to technical problems at the broadcaster or service provider, the display may be blank. To verify this, check if the green LED on the router is on. If it is off, call the provider's office and find out when the repair work will end.

External interference

The most common cause of noise and ripple is external noise. They can be triggered by other radios next to the TV. Wi-Fi router, microwave oven, computer - all this technology with its electromagnetic field can affect the operation of the TV receiver. If possible, move the source of interference away from the TV.


Keep in mind that only the antenna can be repaired at home. For more serious problems, call a technician, as doing it yourself can make it even worse.

To replace the plug on the antenna cable:

  1. Remove the old plug.
  2. Strip the wire from insulation 1-1.5 cm.
  3. Attach the new connector to the end so that its body does not come into contact with the center channel of the cable.
  4. Screw a new F-plug with the same thread size onto the connector.

As a result, a reliable connection with the screen should be obtained and the TV receiver will stop rippling. Also, place the electrical and antenna cables away from each other.

If there is interference on the TV, you must first determine the cause of their appearance, and only then fix the problem. It is important to correctly calculate your capabilities and it is better to attract a professional for serious repair work. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the problem and significantly increase repair costs.

Any TV set is a complex (consisting of several interconnected blocks) design. Knowing which blocks are responsible for what will help diagnose a series malfunctions already when looking at the image.
Liquid crystal (LCD) TVs consist of a liquid crystal matrix illuminated by a special lamp. Due to the changeability of the light conductivity of liquid crystals, an image is formed on the screen. Some characteristic image defects can be used to determine the type lCD TV malfunctions .
No picture, black screen
There may be many reasons for this. In the simplest case, if the TV does not turn on at all, this may indicate a failure of the power supply.
If the TV is working fully, with the exception of only the image, then this may indicate a malfunction of the video amplifier or color block.
Also, the absence of an image may mean a breakdown of the matrix itself. The matrix must be replaced, but this operation only makes sense if the new TV set will cost significantly more. As a rule, prices are comparable.
To accurately determine the cause of the "black screen", it is necessary to open the case and carry out a full-fledged diagnostics of all nodes, starting with the power supply unit and ending with the matrix.
The backlight may also fail (see point 2).
Dimming at the edges of the screen, or on a more impressive part of it
Typical symptom of a malfunctioning monitor backlight system. There may also be several reasons for this.
  • Malfunction of the backlight module (high-voltage converter). The easiest way to check the functionality of the module is to hook it up to a known good matrix;
  • Burnout of the lamp in the matrix itself. It is possible that the lamp was originally of poor quality, or it was damaged by a power surge. In this case, it still makes sense to carefully check the backlight module. The lamp itself must be replaced.
  • Mechanical damage to the lamp. This happens with careless handling of the TV. If the matrix was subjected to mechanical stress (bending, shock), then this could well damage the lamp. Of course, the lamp needs to be changed.
  • If dimming is observed in the center of the screen, then this may indicate a malfunction of the inverter driver.
"Snow" on the screen
The first step is to look at the image from different channels. If snow or ripples are present on only one or two channels, then there is a signal problem. Perhaps the settings are out of order.
If all channels are equally rippling, then most likely the problem is in the antenna. Check the condition of the antenna itself, the integrity of the cable, the connections. The tuner may be defective. If possible, you need to test the TV on a previously debugged and working antenna and tuner.
Image is flashing
Returning to point 2. Most likely, the backlight is dying. Or there is a problem with cooling.
Vertical bar on display

This tells us about a malfunction of the line scan stage. The transformer may have failed. Accordingly - replacement and repair.
Horizontal stripe or too wide / narrow image

Problems in the frame scanner. Accordingly - opening the case, checking, replacing faulty elements.
Black fragments on the screen

Small dots of black or some other color are most likely broken pixels. It cannot be repaired. If a broken pixel is very annoying, then you can sell it to a less demanding viewer, and buy yourself a new, good one.
Large spots can indicate both total damage to the matrix and the ingress of foreign substances into it: water, for example. In either case, there is only one way out: replacing the matrix or TV.
The TV "turns into a thermal imager"

If there is such a riot of colors on the screen, then the reason is a banal firmware meeting. The issue of flashing the TV memory is being solved.
Instead of an image on the screen, multicolored horizontal stripes

The first step is to check the power supply, at least for swollen capacitors. If the problem is not in the unit, then it is necessary to examine the submodule board. Typically, this problem occurs when a capacitor fails.
Disappearance in whole or in part of any color

This situation leads us to repair either the video amplifier or the color block. Replacement of microcircuits may be required.
Instead of an image - vertical stripes

Most likely, the matrix itself is faulty. However, just in case, it makes sense to check the performance of the video amplifier and the color block.
Bands at a specific location on the display

As a rule, this indicates a decoder malfunction. There may also be problems with the scanner driver. You need to check both.
Also, color imbalance, vertical stripes, deformed menu items may indicate memory problemsRAM... The microcircuit must be replaced with a similar one.
There is no picture, but the screen is lit

In this case, the image may appear some time after starting the TV. The reason is the "dead" electrolytic capacitors on the main board.
The presence of wide vertical stripes of different colors

Possible cause - poor contact with the matrix. Examine the ribbon cable for damage. Corrosion, oxides can cause similar image defects.

It is impossible to describe all possible types of "unwanted guests" appearing on the screen within one article. When faced with a problem that does not fit the cases described above, it is recommended that you carefully check all the TV units, starting with the power supply. Work with the matrix should be left at last, since an attempt to replace the lamps on her own can end fatally for her. That is why all other factors must be eliminated in the first place.

Sometimes it happens that a user buys a new TV in order to enjoy watching while sitting on a comfortable sofa in his apartment and lazily changing channels, but by chance, noise and ripples appear on the screen.

They not only prevent you from watching TV properly, but also harm your eye health. Flickering, noises and other interference very much tire the eyesight, and if a person tries to see something, he bends forward and strains the spine. Accordingly, you should not expect pleasure from watching your favorite programs.

If you are worried about interference on the TV screen, then you can contact the workshop site or try to deal with the problems yourself. And how to do this, you will learn from the article.

What kind of screen noise are there?

The first step to solving a problem is to diagnose it. You should be aware that there are different interference on the TV screen, here are their main types:

  • Ripple beginning with hiss.
  • Stripes.
  • "Trembling" of the image.
  • Buzzing that occurs suddenly or constantly.
  • Grid.
  • Interference that is difficult to describe.

You should be aware that such problems are inherent in all TVs, regardless of model, brand or year of manufacture. Both old tube TVs and modern plasma TVs break down equally. The causes of interference are very different, ranging from faulty power wires to serious breakdowns inside the device.

If you have decided what kind of interference on the TV screen you have, then it's time to continue the diagnosis.

Causes of interference

It is worth gradually addressing the two main causes of interference:

  • Faulty wiring.
  • Antenna problems.

In the first case, you should inspect the wires for faults, for example, damaged wires or poor insulation. If the wires are not grounded or are not well shielded, then according to the well-known laws of physics, the electromagnetic field is not kept inside the wires and the image quality is deteriorated by the presence of ripples and noise. If you are convinced that the problem is in the wires, then the solution is very simple, you need to replace the cables with new ones with better properties.

After a close inspection of the wires, did you find a problem? In this case, there is a possibility that the interference on the TV screen is caused by the antenna. In order to verify this, it is required to diagnose the antenna cable. First you need to inspect the plug, evaluate the quality of the contact, changes in states during operation, try to turn it off and on. If there are no problems with the cable, then a filter with a ferrite sheath will help to solve the problem, it will reduce interference.

Small ripples - the problem inside

If you have a brand new LCD TV and you are very upset by the appearance of ripples on it, then there may be several reasons for this: a faulty capacitor, a broken video card, or an outdated video card driver.

You can replace the driver yourself, but you should understand that if the breakdown remains, then your money will be wasted. You can contact the workshop site and experienced craftsmen will diagnose the problem and then solve it. Independent actions in this matter are harmful and can only worsen the situation.

Other causes of interference

If stripes appear on the screen, this may be due to various home appliances or other sources of interference that prevent the signal from the antenna from reaching the TV without hindrance. In this case, installing a directional antenna will help. Also, such interference may occur only on some channels; manual update of the TV settings will help here.

For owners of digital television, the problem can be solved very easily. To do this, you just need to call the service provider, describe the problem and the provider will give instructions that will help in solving the problem. If it turned out that he did not help you, then only the help of professionals remains.

Flickering occurs frequently on the TV, especially when the brightness changes. In order to avoid this nuisance, you need to adjust the image using special functions provided by the options - brightness and contrast. A similar nuisance can arise when using devices from the popular Samsung company.

Of course, if you cannot or do not want to deal with the breakdown of your TV, then you can always contact the workshop site. Our technicians will quickly and inexpensively fix all problems and you will be able to enjoy watching TV again. Noise and interference spoil the effect of motion pictures and if problems cannot be avoided, then they need to be eliminated, only in this way maximum viewing comfort will be achieved.

Interference on the TV screen makes viewing it uncomfortable, and sometimes completely impossible. The picture quality suffers greatly from stripes, jitter, ripples, screen grids, and other artifacts beyond description.

But even more than the image on the TV screen suffers vision TV viewer! Watching TV with noises on the screen can tire your eyes. This activity is very unsafe for the health of the eyes, especially for children and people with vision problems.

Every year, more and more advanced TV models are released. It would seem that the manufacturers of this type of technology cannot cope with the problem of interference so that they do not appear on the screen at all?

In fact, it matters more what you have a televisionrather than a TV. Cable and digital TV is better protected from interference than analog TV.

Did you know that the increase in more modern televisions in citizens' homes only exacerbates the problem of screen noise?

Today, everyone in the house has so many different electrical equipment and technology that they begin to “compete”, constantly “interrupting” each other. Needless to say about the huge number of sources of interference outside the walls of the house!

Number of external interference sources only increases! From this, the problem of high-quality images on TV is becoming more and more urgent.

The most common cause of noise on the TV screen is precisely external interference. To their sources relate:

  • household appliances in the house,
  • high voltage transmission lines on the street,
  • nearby radio stations, industrial plants, and so on.

However, there is also internal interference. They are just caused by malfunctions of the TV itself.

If on your TV screen, instead of your favorite TV series or football game, ripples, stripes and lines, shaking, grid and buzzing and hissing are heard, call the master of VseRemont24 to your home!

A certified and experienced technician will come to your home on the same day and will first carry out a free diagnosis, and then all the necessary TV repairs.

When ripples and noise appear on the screen

When you turn on the TV, gray ripple interference, a characteristic hiss the first probable cause is faulty antenna. Sometimes it is enough to set it up better, sometimes a replacement is required.

You also need diagnostics of the antenna cable (it could fray, bend, break) and a careful inspection of the plug. Their replacement may also be required.

You can easily check the health of your antenna by connecting it to another TV (known to be working properly) and comparing the quality of the resulting image.

The secondpossible cause of ripple and noise is ungrounded or poorly shielded wiring. It is necessary to replace the old cables with new thick ones and shielding.

Third the reason - the channel settings are out of order. In this case, the problem is eliminated by simply re-tuning the channels. You can do it yourself or order this service from VseRemont24 at a price from 500 rubles

When lines and stripes appear on the screen

Oblique and horizontal, continuous and dotted, wide and narrow stripes and lines also often appear on the screens of both liquid crystal and CRT and plasma televisions.

These streaks and lines are a clear sign that some home appliance or remote sources jam the TV signal.Locate the source of interference and, if possible, take all necessary measures to eliminate it.

The VseRemont24 wizard will also help to deal with this problem. Most likely you will need to install a directional antenna.

If you see stripes on the screen only on some channels, they need to be reconfigured.

If only one channel shows with interference, most likely, these are not your problems, but his. Ask your neighbors how this channel shows them.

Sometimes TV owners see interference on their screens that is difficult to describe in words. In such cases, masters often diagnose breakdown one of the indoor units, any part of the TV or microcircuit.

Even ordinary dust, as well as high humidity in the house, can provoke the failure of any of the internal components of the TV.

Attention! Do not risk your health and life by trying to disassemble, diagnose and repair the TV yourself if something breaks inside it! This should only be done by an experienced master!

The master will determine the exact cost of repairing a TV showing interference instead of an image after diagnosing the TV and determining how difficult the repair is for him.