Preparing an automatic recovery 10. Authoritative recovery commands

Windows 10 boot loader recovery must be performed if the operating system cannot be loaded on the computer. After starting the PC, an error message appears on the screen, indicating the impossibility of loading the system for one reason or another.

System bootloader problems can be caused by hardware and software issues. In this article, we will look at ways to recover the operating system bootloader that is not related to computer hardware problems, such as a malfunctioning hard drive or RAM.

Some possible causes of Windows bootloader problems:

  • unknown system failure;
  • exposure to malicious software;
  • incorrect user actions;
  • shutting down the computer while installing updates;
  • installing another operating system on a computer;
  • the result of the work of programs for cleaning and tweaking the system.

If the user uninstalled the bootloader by their own wrong actions, or it does not work due to another problem, how to recover? It suddenly became impossible to load the operating system on the computer, how to restore the Windows bootloader?

If the automatic repair does not work, the command line launched from the Windows 10 recovery disc, from the installation disc, or from the. Therefore, I recommend that all users have a bootable disc, which will come in handy in case of problems on the computer.

Simple failures are eliminated directly in the running system, and in case of serious failures, the OS may not boot. Booting to a PC from a bootable media (flash drive or disk) will allow you to invoke system recovery tools to solve the problem.

Directly by means of the system, you can create on a USB flash drive or CD / DVD disc. To restore the system, you can use a bootable Windows USB flash drive or an installation DVD with the operating system.

The user can free from the official website and then immediately create. There are a large number of third-party programs for creating bootable USB drives.

The most reliable way to restore your system in case of serious problems: for example, using the system tools, and then from a backup. To create a backup image of the system, you can use third-party software:, (free program), etc.

In this article, we will look at several ways to repair the Windows 10 bootloader without using third-party software. The instruction is suitable for operating systems Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7.

To start booting from a bootable disk (flash drive or DVD), you need to enter the BIOS or UEFI boot menu, and then select the boot device. Another launch option: the choice in the BIOS settings of the boot priority from the bootable media. Different keyboard keys are responsible for entering the BIOS on computers, so first find out what to press, focusing on your device model.

Repair Windows 10 boot loader with automatic fixes

Using my example, we will try to restore the UEFI bootloader Windows 10. The article is suitable for users with computers that have an MBR bootloader in Windows 10.

After downloading on your computer, in the first window of the Windows setup program, click on the "Next" button.

In the next window, click on "System Restore".

In the Select Action window, click on Troubleshooting.

First, I recommend choosing the Startup Repair method. The Windows operating system will independently fix problems that prevent the system from booting. This is the simplest solution to the problem, I myself have used it more than once.

The operating system will automatically diagnose the cause of the crash and restore the system files necessary to boot Windows.

In case of a positive outcome, Windows 10 will start in normal mode on the computer.

If Startup Repair fails to recover your computer, you will need to use the command line.

Repairing the Windows bootloader via the command line - 1 way

After unsuccessful automatic recovery, in the "Startup Repair" window, click on the "Advanced options" button.

Alternatively, you can reboot from the bootable media (USB flash drive or DVD), and then go to the Advanced Options window.

In the Advanced Options window, click the Command Prompt button.

We will perform a Windows boot loader repair via the command line. The bootloader recovery process will take place in two stages:

  • using the Diskpart utility, we find out the name of the system disk on which Windows is installed;
  • then we will create the operating system boot files.

In the command line interpreter window, enter the command to run the Diskpart utility (after entering each command, press the Enter key):

Diskpart list volume

In the list of disks (volumes) on your computer, you need to find the system partition on which the Windows operating system is installed. We need to find out the "Name" (drive letter), when searching for a volume, be guided by the size of the disk with the installed system. The operating system can be installed drive "C", "D", "E", etc.

In my case, the system is installed on the "C" drive.

To exit the Diskpart utility, enter the command:

Now you need to enter the command to create the operating system boot files using the bcdboot utility.

In the command prompt window, enter the command:

Bcdboot X: \\ windows

In this command, "X" is the letter of the volume (drive) on which the system is installed on my computer drive "C", so I entered this drive letter.

After executing the command, you will see a message stating that the download files have been successfully created.

Close the command prompt window.

In the Select Action window, click the Continue button to exit System Restore and continue using Windows 10.

How to Repair Windows 10 Bootloader Using Command Prompt - Method 2

This method will use the command line invoked from the recovery disc, bootable USB flash drive, or from the Windows installation DVD. The computer must boot from the boot disk and then run the command prompt.

The Windows 10 boot file creation process goes through three steps:

  • using the DiskPart utility, we find out the number of the hidden volume (disk, partition) and the file system, format the disk, and then give a letter to the volume (disk);
  • creating files on a hidden volume (disk) to boot the system;
  • deleting a letter from a disk (volume) of a hidden partition.

In the command line interpreter window, enter the commands in turn (do not forget to press "Enter" after entering the appropriate command):

Diskpart list volume

A GPT UEFI computer has a hidden partition with the FAT32 file system, it is not labeled with a letter, ranging in size from 99 to 300 MB. On computers with BIOS MBR, there is a hidden volume with NTFS file system, up to 500 MB.

We need the volume number (“Volume 0”, “Volume 1”, “Volume 2”, etc.) and its file system. Pay attention to the letter of the volume (drive) on which Windows is installed.

Select a hidden volume, it does not have a "Name" (drive letter). In this case it is “Volume 4”, your computer may have a different volume number.

Select volume X

Enter the command to format the volume to the FAT32 or NTFS file system, depending on the UEFI or MBR hard disk partition style respectively. On my computer, the hidden partition has the FAT32 file system, so I chose the option with formatting to this file system.

Format fs \u003d fat32 or format fs \u003d ntfs

Assign letter \u003d Z

Exit the Diskpart utility:

Now you need to run the command to create Windows boot files:

Bcdboot C: \\ Windows / s Z: / f ALL

In this command, "C" is the letter of the partition on which Windows is installed, and "Z" is the letter of the hidden drive.

After the boot files have been successfully created, run the Diskpart utility again:


Display a list of computer volumes on the command line:

List volume

Select the hidden volume that you previously assigned the letter "Z" to:

Select volume X

In this command, "X" is the hidden volume number on your computer. You already selected it on the command line when you assigned a name for this volume (partition).

Enter the command to remove the volume name (drive letter) and then exit the Diskpart utility:

Remove letter \u003d Z exit

Close the command prompt.

Remove the DVD or bootable USB drive from your computer, bootable media is no longer needed.

In the "Select action" window, click the "Turn off" button.

Turn on the PC, which will boot the Windows 10 operating system again.

Repairing the Windows 10 boot loader in Bootrec

The Bootrec.exe utility can help you troubleshoot system startup problems on computers with MBR (Master Boot Record).

Basic commands of the Bootrec.exe utility:

  • FixMbr - Windows Compatible Master Boot Partition (MBR) record, existing partition table is not overwritten.
  • FixBoot - writing a new boot sector compatible with Windows to the system partition.
  • ScanOS - search all disks of installed systems compatible with Windows, displaying entries that are not in the system configuration store.
  • RebuildBcd - search all disks of installed systems compatible with Windows, select systems to add to the configuration repository.

In most cases, it is sufficient to write a master boot partition or a new boot sector that is compatible with the current operating system.

After booting into Windows Recovery Environment. In the Command Prompt window, enter one of the commands:

Bootrec.exe / FixMbr Bootrec.exe / FixBoot

If the problem is not solved by the proposed methods, you can fix the problem using a "clean" system instead of the one installed on the computer.

Conclusions of the article

In case of problems loading the operating system, the user needs to restore the Windows 10 boot loader. To get the job done, you will need to boot from a bootable USB flash drive or from an installation DVD. Recovery is performed from the recovery environment automatically by means of the system, or manually by the user after entering the appropriate commands in the command line.

Experienced PC and Internet user

This article focuses on the messages that appear on the "Automatic Repair" screen and inform the user that the operating system did not start correctly or the computer did not start correctly Windows 10. In this article, we will understand the reasons for their appearance and consider how to get rid of such messages and prevent their occurrence.

What to do first

When a notification appears that the PC did not boot correctly, you must restart the computer. In cases where the message pops up during system reboot due to interrupted Windows update, it helps.

The second thing that can become the source of the problem is the abnormal mode of operation of the power supply, as a result of which the hardware components operate in a mode that differs from their typical one. Due to two unsuccessful attempts to boot Windows 10, the latter invokes the system restore function, thereby allowing the user to solve the problem.

Drivers may be causing the problem. Think back or see which component drivers were last installed and roll them back.

A message appears after resetting or updating Windows

A common algorithm, the execution of which leads to an error, is the following: turning on the PC after updating / resetting Windows is accompanied by a blue screen, and after collecting information, a window with options for restoring the operating system is launched.

  1. In this case, go to "Additional parameters".
  2. We call "Troubleshooting".
  3. Again we go to "Advanced options".
  4. Click "Launch Options".
  5. Click "Restart".

After restarting the computer, the "Boot Options" will open, where using the F6 key we start safe mode with support for the command line.

We execute the sequence of commands:

  • sfc / scannow - check system files with recovery of damaged ones;
  • dism / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth;

Appearance of the error "The computer has not started correctly"

It happens that, as a result of turning on the computer, an alert appears informing you that the computer / laptop is being diagnosed. The latter ends with a blue screen with the text "The computer has not started correctly" and a recommendation to open "Advanced options" after restart.

This situation indicates that the system files are often corrupted in the registry.

The culprit of the situation are:

  • power outages;
  • the work of viruses or antivirus software;
  • windows 10 updates;
  • deletion or incorrect values \u200b\u200bof keys critical for the operation of the OS.

To solve the problem, we do the following.

1. We go to "Additional parameters".

2. Click on the item "Troubleshooting".

3. Click on the button labeled "System Restore".

4. With the rollback point creation function active, select one of the latest system snapshots and click Next, then Finish.

Resuming Windows 10 often solves this problem.

5. If the option is disabled (it should be enabled after the system returns to working state), a window will appear where you need to select "Troubleshooting".

6. Click on "Reset PC to its original state" in order to reset Windows 10.

7. Be sure to select the option with saving personal files (all files located on the C \\: drive will remain in their own places after resetting Windows, but this does not apply to installed programs).

Further actions can both correct the situation and aggravate it. Their implementation can lead to unexpected consequences. Following the steps below will put your system at risk, keep this in mind.

Using the command line, as in the previous method, we will check system files for integrity, fix damaged ones, and also restore registry files from a backup.

8. We execute the command "diskpart" in order to call the tool for working with partitions.

9. Enter "list volume" - the result of the command will be the visualization of the list of volumes of all disks connected to the PC.

10. In the list we find the system disk and the one reserved by the system and remember their letter labels.

11. Close the program by executing "exit".

12. Enter "sfc / scannow / offbootdir \u003d F: \\ / offwindir \u003d C: \\ Windows" and press "Enter".

Here: F - system-reserved volume or drive (with bootloader), C - system partition.

13. "C:" - go to the system drive where Windows is located

14. "md configbackup" - create the "configbackup" directory.

15. "cd Windows \\ System32 \\ config \\" - go to the appropriate folder.

16. "copy * c: \\ configbackup \\" - copy the previously created directory into it.

17. "cd Windows \\ System32 \\ config \\ regback \\" - go to the system folder "regback".

18. "copy * c: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ config \\" - copy the contents of the specified directory to the active one.

19. Press "A" for the Latin keyboard layout and "Enter" to confirm overwriting files.

These steps will restore the registry files from the auto-generated backup.

20. Close the command line window and click on the button with the text “Continue. Quit and use Windows 10 ".

With a high degree of probability, Windows 10 will start after executing this simple algorithm.

Cases of completely "killing" Windows 10 by manipulating registry files are extremely rare, but they do happen. If this happened or the actions taken did not bring the desired result, one of two solutions remains:

  • Reset Windows 10;
  • Reinstall the operating system.

The first is done through the item "Troubleshooting" in the additional parameters. Even in critical situations, you can get there using the bootable media with the Windows 10 distribution.

In the second case, you will need a bootable flash drive and about 30 minutes of partially free time.

If your Windows 10 suddenly stops working, don't worry - there are so many ways to restore it. For example, a rollback to a previous state, a restore point or creating a mirror of the system and saving it to external media, followed by restoring via a bootable USB (this option in the Top Ten works much better than in previous versions). Below we will take a look at all the existing options for recovering the Windows 10 system and find out what errors most often occur when it starts.

For a successful recovery, you need to understand how this or that option works. First, try starting Windows in. It allows you to perform a "clean" boot without activating additional drivers and software. Failure can happen not only in Windows itself. Most likely, this is an error of the driver installed later, or some application. If safe mode does not solve the problem, you can proceed directly to recovery.

This feature recently appeared in Windows 10 and has already proven itself well. This is similar to a hard reset on Android smartphones (Windows reverts to factory settings). There are several ways to start the process:

  1. Click on the notification icon and click on the All Settings tile.

  1. Click on the Update and Security tile.

  1. In order to return Windows 10 to factory settings, click on the "Recovery" entry, and on the right side - on the "Start" button.

There is one more opportunity to get into this menu, we will talk about it below. There we will also tell you what to do if Windows 10 does not start and you cannot get into the rollback settings. Once the "Start" button is pressed, you will be offered two options to reset Windows 10. You can return the system to its original state and at the same time keep all user data, or permanently delete everything and reinstall the OS from scratch.

You can get into this mode even without logging in. To do this, on the Windows login screen, hold down the Shift button and restart the PC.

A menu will appear in which we need to select the item indicated in the screenshot.

It remains to click "Return the computer to its original state."

On the next screen, we will again be offered the choice to save or delete user data.

After that, our system will go to reboot and the recovery process will begin.

We just need to wait for Windows to prepare all the necessary files.

Once again we will be asked to choose a recovery option: we will do a "clean" reinstallation, so click "Just delete my files."

The Ten will notify that all data will be deleted. We agree and click on "Reset to original state".

The recovery procedure can take a long time. Sometimes many times more than if we reinstall the system from a flash drive. By the way, you can read about how to do this.

After clicking the "Clear" button, the installation of Windows 10 will begin.

  1. We select the location that we need.

  1. We decide on the system language.

  1. We agree with the Microsoft license and click the "Accept" button.

  1. We select the type of system use.

  1. Choosing an authorization method. You can use a Microsoft account, register for one, or sign in to a local account.

After completing the process, the computer will be returned to its original state. In other words, it will appear as if only after installing the operating system. In some cases, you may need to install drivers.

The advantages of automatic system recovery include the ease of use of the tool and the absence of the need to have bootable media.

On laptops and computers that had Windows 10 preinstalled, resetting involves installing all the necessary drivers (there is a special section for storing them on the disk).

Using a recovery disc

A recovery disc is a medium that contains all the data you need to reincarnate or completely restore the OS and system files. Let's take a look at the algorithm for creating a Windows 10 recovery disc. Below is a step-by-step guide with screenshots. Getting started.

  1. We open the system parameters using the search tool. It is located on the left side of the taskbar. Enter a title in the search field.

  1. In the search bar of Windows parameters, write the word "Disk" and select the tool we need in the search results.

  1. If, when creating a disk, we check the box next to the item marked in the screenshot, in the future we can not only fix the OS, but also reinstall it again with copying all user data.

  1. Select the disk to which the recovery image will be written and click "Next".

  1. Windows will notify us that all files on the flash drive will be deleted. We agree and click "Create".

  1. After the preparation of automatic recovery is completed, disk creation will begin. The process can take a lot of your time.

With our recovery disc you can:

  • restore the previous state of the computer from a backup;
  • use the rollback mode to the restore point;
  • apply automatic recovery mode at system startup;
  • use the command line;
  • perform a full recovery of Windows 10 from an image.

The drive, the creation of which we described, is even more convenient than a simple installation flash drive. After all, using the latter, you need to configure Windows 10 every time, and the system restored from a copy requires almost no configuration and is immediately ready to work.

OS rollback with full image

The Top Ten has the ability to fully backup the entire system. Below we will look at how to create an image and how to recover the OS from it, for example, after failures that have arisen due to the fact that the computer was not started correctly. Each step of the step-by-step instructions will be accompanied by a screenshot for clarity.

This option differs from the one described above in that we create a complete snapshot of the existing operating system with drivers, user files, etc. With this image, you can restore the system and go straight to use - no additional actions will have to be taken. It is best to make a backup as soon as the system is installed, configured and, in general, brought to a working state. But in no case when it already starts to slow down from clutter.

Let's start creating a complete image of the existing Windows 10:

  1. Open the control panel using Windows search (click the magnifying glass icon, enter a search term and click on the result).

  1. In the search field of the control panel, write "File history" and click on the result.

  1. Now in the lower left corner, click on the inscription indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Go to "Create a system image".

  1. Now you can start directly creating the image. There are three options for saving it. We can write the backup to a hard drive, split it into several DVDs, or specify a target network folder. We use the first option. Click on "Next".

  1. Let's get down to business - click on "Archive". The system tells us that this may require about 46 GB.

  1. The creation of the archive has begun. Depending on the amount of data and the performance of the PC, it may take different times.

  1. When the backup is complete, you will see the following window. Click "Close".

In the future, the system can be restored from this image. To do this, when the OS is being installed from a flash drive or disk, select the recovery mode and specify the image created above. The system will unpack the archive to drive C and be ready to go. This is much more convenient, if only because the OS no longer needs to configure, install drivers and software: you just sit down and start having fun or work.

How to create a restore point in Windows 10

Restore points in the 10th version of the OS from Microsoft work exactly the same as in the 7 and 8 versions. With their help, you can return the system to a specified point in its life and fix the problem that arose after the checkpoint was created. In order for us to roll back the system to a restore point, we need to enable their creation. We do the following:

  1. Go to the control panel (we described how to do this in Windows 10 above). Next, in the search line, write "Recovery" and click on the result indicated in the screenshot.

  1. In the next window, click "System Restore Settings".

  1. In our case, the automatic creation of rollback points is disabled. Let's fix this - choose "Customize".

  1. We activate the automatic creation of control points and click "OK".

Now, whenever you change Windows settings, restore checkpoints will be created automatically. You can also make manual points right there - this is necessary before any serious step, for example, installing a suspicious program.

When you need to apply one of the points and fix the system, go to the control panel, namely "Start System Restore", and restore a copy. If Windows won't start, you can use another option. Boot from the installation flash drive or disk and select the system recovery mode there.

Restoring the bootloader using the command line

Despite the fact that working with the command line is a method more intended for professionals, each of you can use it. The main thing is to follow our instructions exactly.

  1. Initially, install the bootable media into the slot of the PC and boot from it. In the window that appears, click on the item indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Next, click on the tile with the name "Troubleshooting".

  1. We select "Command line".

  1. Now you can run the utility to repair the master boot record. To do this, enter the bootrec.exe C: \\ Windows command on the black screen (specify the letter of the drive on which your system is installed) and press Enter.

The system will inform us about the successful creation of the disks - the master boot record has been restored.

Comment. To work properly with operators, you need to know the name of the disks installed in the system. Such names are individual and in most cases do not match.

Registry repair

The operating system registry is periodically saved in the directory indicated in the screenshot.

To create a copy of the registry, copy these files and save them. You can recover data by moving it back with replacement. Naturally, for this you need to have administrator rights.

Error 0x80070091 during system restore

More and more often, users are asking: what causes the 0x80070091 error when working with restore points. This is due to a system update and will be fixed with the next patch later. You can't fix the error yourself.

Summing up

Now we know how to rollback Windows 10 and perform its advanced recovery. There are many options for this, and they are all effective. If used correctly, they should be enough to fix any problem with the operation or startup of the operating system. There are additional programs that can reset Windows 10 to factory settings, such as Aomei OneKey Recovery. It can be the same Acronis or a backup image provided by the computer or laptop manufacturer. But you shouldn't discount the tools in Windows 10 - their functionality is enough to solve any task.

The final click will start the Windows 10 rollback procedure. After successful completion, the system will start in normal mode.

Several important points regarding recovery in this way:

  • It is impossible to stop a process launched through the console in safe mode;
  • You cannot undo changes that have taken effect;
  • After the end of the rollback, a text document will appear on the desktop, which will describe all the affected (deleted) files. The names are presented in the form of links, by clicking on which you can quickly recover the lost data.

If a black screen or eternal preparation for automatic system recovery does not allow you to enter the safe mode of the computer, then proceed to rollback the system using the BIOS tool.

Windows 10 BIOS recovery

It should be noted right away that this method can be implemented only if the user has a disk or flash drive with a licensed operating system distribution kit, otherwise the option can be skipped.

The first step is to configure the BIOS to read the disk when the computer starts up. For this:

BIOS is configured. Now it is enough to insert the external device on which the distribution is stored.

Helpful hints when working with the environment:

  • You can find the correct key to enter the BIOS in the instructions for the computer or on the manufacturer's website. Most modern PC models use the Delete button;
  • On laptops, the key combination ctrl + alt + esc can be used to enter the BIOS;
  • In addition to the standard Boot, the 1st Boot Device section can be located in “Boot Device” or “Boot Device configuration”.

Now directly restore Windows 10. After the external device has been inserted, and the computer is running, a window will appear in which, instead of "Install", click in the lower left of the "System Restore" screen:

An action selection window will appear, in which you need to select the diagnostics section:

It is worth noting such a tool as Startup Repair. This function initiates a scan of the computer for errors and corrects them during detection. You can try to run the utility, but you should not rely on it. In most cases, after a short search, a message will appear stating that the computer could not be restored.

If BIOS fails to start

Situations when it is impossible to enter BIOS when the preparation for automatic update process hangs up are quite common. Many users do not understand what to do in such a situation, but there is a solution - reset (zeroing) the BIOS environment.

There are three relatively simple and safe zeroing methods:

After using any of the methods, the user will be able to enter the BIOS and configure it to recover Windows 10.

Hard drive problems

The error where Windows 10 does not load correctly can be related to crashes or critical errors on the hard drive. It is impossible to solve this without buying or repairing "hard", but it is still possible to calculate the presence of problems without fully launching Windows 10.

In the right corner you can see values \u200b\u200blike 5ms, 20ms, etc. They represent the period of access to each sector of the hard drive. The ideal value is 5ms and the more such sectors, the better.

Although the Windows 10 operating system is constantly being improved and polished, it still contains more bugs than in previous versions. For example, the user may encounter a problem when loading the operating system: “Preparing Automatic Repair” appears on the boot screen, but no recovery occurs, and Windows 10 does not start. What to do in this case, read within the framework of this article.

About error

Preparing Automatic Repair occurs when Windows 10 is damaged for some reason. Basically, the "prepare" function should restore corrupted files from saved restore points or Windows installation files on a connected external media. But in the absence of such, the window simply freezes and after a while, a reboot occurs. And the cycle repeats again, turning into a closed loop. Break the loop by temporarily disconnecting the power and read the instructions for correction.

How to fix?

There are some practical tips for fixing this problem.

Enabling XD-bit in BIOS

As long as XD-bit (also known as No-Execute Memory Protect) is disabled in BIOS settings (UEFI), the user is faced with the Preparing Automatic Repair loop.

Interesting to know! The No-Execute Memory Protect function provides additional protection against hacker attacks, viruses and similar threats at the hardware level (hardware support for prohibiting the execution of program code from the data area). For the first time such a function was acquired in processors: AMD Athlon 64, Sempron based on them, Intel Pentium 4 of the latest modification and Celeron based on them.

Increasing the space of the "System Reserved" section

The error can occur due to the "System Reserved" section, which has less space than it should be (you need at least 250 MB). To increase partition space, use the MiniTool Partition Wizard boot utility. You may need a different computer, or try going into Safe Mode:

  1. Download the utility (ISO file).
  2. Mount it on a virtual disk (RMB on the file → open with → Explorer).
  3. Connect a formatted FAT32 flash drive, open the virtual disk and drag the files to the flash drive to write.
  4. Also, to write the utility to a USB flash drive from an image, you can use any convenient program, such as UltraISO.
  5. Restart your computer and boot from the USB flash drive (the article "How to change the BIOS boot priority?" Will help with this).
  6. An open program will allow you to work with hard drives.
    Right-click on the system drive "C:" and click "Shrink". Note the 250 MB area. 250 MB of unallocated area will be created.
  7. Move the System Reserved partition next to the unallocated space. Then click on the RMB on System Reserved and execute the Extend function (Aligning the inseparable area with the System Reserved volume).
  8. Restart your computer and test Windows.

System Restore

You can restore Windows 10 using a boot disk or flash drive with a Windows distribution:

Reinstall Windows

If none of the tips above did not help start Windows, reinstall it using