Useful keyboard shortcuts in windows 10. Reassign Windows hotkeys. Managing shared folders and shortcuts

Windows 10 has keyboard shortcuts specifically for the convenience and productivity of users. What it is? Roughly speaking, in order to copy one file you can right-click on it and select the "Copy" menu item. And you can just press two buttons on the keyboard, which will be several times faster. The Windows operating system has several dozen key combinations that will make your work faster and more convenient. And now I will show you the basic combinations.

Attention! In the future, in the article, I will often mention the Windows button or just Win. Often, beginners have no idea what this key is and where to look for it. Especially for beginners I have - I advise you to study it.

Basic keyboard shortcuts for Windows

F1 - Windows Help (used for this same function in most programs)
CTRL + ESC - Open the Start menu
ALT + TAB - switch between programs
ALT + F4 - close the program
SHIFT + DELETE - Deletes an item permanently
Win + L - Lock the computer without using CTRL + ALT + DELETE combination
F10 - Activate menu bar

CTRL + C - copy
CTRL + X - Cut
CTRL + V - Paste
CTRL + Z - undo an action
CTRL + R - repeat action
CTRL + B - Bold
CTRL + U - Underline
CTRL + I - Italic
Win - open the Start menu
Win + R - open the Run dialog box
Win + M - Collapse All
SHIFT + Win + M - restore minimized windows
Win + F1 - Help
Win + E - explorer
Win + F - search for files and folders
Win + D - minimize all open windows and display the desktop
CTRL + Win + F - Search Computer
CTRL + Win + TAB - Moves focus from the Start menu to the Quick Launch to the taskbar. However, you must use the RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW to move the focus to items on the Quick Launch and taskbar.
Win + TAB - switch by buttons in the taskbar
Win + Break - System Properties Dialog Box
Win + P - start print manager
Win + C - open control panel
Win + V - open clipboard
Win + K - open the Keyboard Properties dialog box
Win + I- open Properties: mouse
Win + A -start accessibility (if installed)
Win + S - search for applications and files

Keyboard shortcuts for controlling the dialog box

TAB - Move to the next control in the dialog
SHIFT + TAB - Move to the previous control in the dialog
SPACEBAR - if focus is on a button - then pressing the button
ENTER - similar to pressing the highlighted button
ESC - equivalent to clicking the Cancel button
SHIFT + right click - open context menu with alternative commands
SHIFT + double-click - execute the default alternate command
ALT + double-click - Show file properties
SHIFT + DELETE - delete an item without placing it in the trash
SHIFT + F10 - open the context menu for the selected item
CTRL + ESC - open the Start menu (similar to pressing Win)
CTRL + SHIFT + ESC - Opens Task Manager
ALT + DOWN ARROW (Open a dropdown window)
ALT + TAB - menu for switching between running programs. While holding down the ALT key, press the TAB key once to view the Task Switch window. Then press TAB again to switch to the next program.
SHIFT - press and hold the SHIFT key while inserting a CD to bypass the autoplay feature
ALT + SPACEBAR - Displays the System menu by the open window
ALT + HEPHIS - open the System menu of the child window
CTRL + TAB - switch to the next child window of the multi-document interface
ALT + "underlined letter in a menu name" - Opens the corresponding menu item
ALT + F4 - Close the current window
CTRL + F4 - close the current window of the multi-document interface
ALT + F6 - switch between multiple windows of the same program

Keyboard shortcuts for the selected object:

F2 - Rename Object
F3 - Find File
CTRL + X - Cut
CTRL + C - copy
CTRL + V - Paste
SHIFT + DELETE - delete the selected object without using the trash can
ALT + ENTER (Open the Properties window for the selected object)

Managing Shared Folders and Shortcuts:

F4 - Selects the Go To Another Folder box and moves items to the box
F5 - update the current window
F6 - Toggle between explorer panels
CTRL + Z - Undo the last command
CTRL + A - select all files or items in the current window
BACKSPACE - go to the parent folder
SHIFT + Click + Close Button - Close the current folder and all parent folders

Explorer directory tree management:

Numeric keypad + "*" - expand all items in the selection
Numeric keypad + "+" - display the contents of the selection
Numeric keypad + "-" - collapse selection
RIGHT ARROW - Expand the selection, if it is not already expanded. Otherwise - go to the first child
LEFT ARROW - Collapse the selection if it is expanded. Otherwise, go to the parent element

Properties control:

CTRL + TAB - move through the property tabs
CTRL + SHIFT + TAB - the same action

Accessibility keyboard shortcuts:

Press SHIFT five times to enable Sticky Keys
Press and hold the right SHIFT key for eight seconds - enable or disable the filter key
Press and hold the NUM LOCK key for five seconds - turn sound on and off
Left ALT + left SHIFT + NUM LOCK - Toggle keyboard pointer control on and off
Left ALT + left SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN - Enable or disable high contrast mode.

One of the innovations in the Windows family is virtual desktops, or rather, the function is called. The function appeared in Windows 10, someone will say that this has not happened yet, but it is not, many desktops have been created in Linux for a very long time. But we can say that the desktops are on the same level.

Since Windows 10 is still raw, many of its functions are not finalized, including these desktops too. They are numbered and you cannot change their names. You can move between tables using hot keys, which is very convenient. There are also keyboard shortcuts to help you work productively with desktops. You can, for example, go from table 1 to table 4 at once, etc.

To go to the "Task View" (desktops) window, press the keys Win + Tab... If you are on 1 desktop, but need to switch to 3, then you can use the keyboard shortcut Win + D + 3 and press Enter to go to that desktop.

To go to the next desktop or the previous one, you need to click Win + Ctrl + Left / Right (arrow).

To close the currently open desktop, click Win + Ctrl + F4... Once closed, you will be taken to the next desktop. By the way, applications that were open on the closed desktop will also close.

In order to open a new desktop, press the keys Win + Ctrl + D, and you will automatically go to it.

Here are some quick tips for desktops in Windows 10 I wrote. Then I will supplement this article with new instructions and innovations regarding desktops.

Today's post will be devoted to the key options on the keyboard, as well as the so-called "hot keys" for the Windows 10 operating system.

Since Microsoft made it possible for all users of early versions of Windows to upgrade to a dozen completely free of charge, the prevalence of the latest windows is growing very quickly. If you don't know yet, you can even upgrade from pirate to Windows 10, so if you don't have "tenth windows" yet, I recommend not to postpone, because the action has deadlines - until July 2016.

In the tenth Windows, in addition to the changed interface, there were some changes and options for the keys on the keyboard. This was due to the significant expansion of the functionality of the dozen, since the developers had to put a quick call of the added functions and services into the keyboard (of course, for the convenience of users).

So, for example, the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt (language switching), which is familiar to users of windows XP and 7, has been changed to + space

All further discussion will be about the assignment of options in keys and "hot" key combinations in Windows 10.

Keys on the keyboard

Windows 10 provides the following functionality for the keys:

F2 - Rename the selected item

F3 - Search for a file or folder in Explorer

F4 - display the list in the address bar

F5 - Refresh the active window

F6 - Cycle through screen elements in a window or desktop

F10 - Activate the menu bar in the active application

F11 - Expands

ESC - stop the execution of the current task

← Backspace - go to the previous page in the browser, and when working with text, deletes characters to the left

Caps Lock - turns on / off the case of capital letters (the indicator on the keyboard lights up)

Num Lock - enable the numeric keypad (indicator lights up)


Hotkeys is a widely used term among computer users that denotes quick commands for the operating system and computer programs, carried out by pressing certain predefined (programmed) key combinations on the keyboard.

You don't need to press them at the same time to use hotkeys. Correctly, pressing and holding the first key in the combination, press the following.

All designations for the keys are taken based on the English keyboard layout !!!

Most used keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert - copy the selected item or selected text

Ctrl + V - Paste the selected item

Ctrl + X - delete (cut) the selected fragment

Ctrl + Z - cancel action

Alt + Tab↹ - switch between open applications

Alt + F4 - close the active item or exit the active application

Combinations starting with Windows button

Keyboard shortcuts starting with Windows button are mainly designed for quick and convenient work in the operating system, greatly simplifying the path and speeding up the time to access certain options and areas of the system.

- open / close the Windows start menu

+ space - switch the language from Russian to English and vice versa.

+ A - open the notification center

+ B - set focus in the notification area

+ C - Opening Cortana in listening mode (not for all countries)

+ D - show or hide the desktop

+ E - opens Explorer

+ G - opens the menu of the running game

+ I - opens the Options window

+ K - invoke the Quick Connect action

+ L - lock your computer or change your account

+ M - minimize all windows

+ О - fixing device orientation (for tablets and phones)

+ R - call Projection (

+ R - Opens the Run dialog box

+ S - opens search window

+ T - cyclic switching between applications (programs) on the taskbar

+ U - Opens Ease of Access Center

+ V - cycle through notifications

+ ⇧Shift + V - cycle through notifications in reverse order

+ X - opens the Quick Links Menu

+ Z - shows the commands available in the application in full screen mode

+ Pause - shows the System Properties window

+ Ctrl + F - search for computers on the network

+ ⇧Shift + M - restore minimized windows on the desktop

+, (comma in the English layout) - temporarily turn off the desktop on hover

+ digit - open the desktop and launch the application pinned to the taskbar with the serial number indicated by the digit. If the application is already running, it switches to that application.

+ ⇧Shift + digit - opens the desktop and launches a new instance of the application, pinned to the taskbar with the serial number indicated by the digit.

+ Ctrl + number - open the desktop and switch to the last active window of the application pinned to the taskbar with the serial number indicated by the number.

+ Alt + number - opens the desktop and the list of jumps for the application pinned to the taskbar with the serial number indicated by the number.

+ Ctrl + ⇧Shift + digit - opens the desktop and a new instance of the application located in this place on behalf of the Administrator.

+ Tab↹ - open task view

To work in browsers

Esc - stop loading the site page

F5 or Ctrl + R - refresh the page

Alt + ← (Left Arrow) - Back

Alt + → (Right Arrow) - Forward

F7 - turns on keyboard navigation mode for the current tab

F11 - hide browser menu and tabs (full screen mode). *** Doesn't work in Edge.

F12 - Opens Developer Tools

Ctrl + ⇧Shift + Delete - opens the browser data clearing panel

Ctrl + + - zoom in (+ 25%)

Ctrl + - - zoom out (-25%)

Ctrl + 0 - reset scaling

Ctrl + A - select all content

Ctrl + С - copy the selected content or fragment to the clipboard

Ctrl + L or Alt + D - select the address bar (highlight the link in the browser)

Ctrl + D - add page (site) to bookmarks

Ctrl + E - open a search query in the browser

Ctrl + F - search on the page

Ctrl + J - opens the downloads panel (downloads)

Ctrl + H - opens a journal (history)

Ctrl + N - open a new browser window

Ctrl + P - Print the current page

Ctrl + T - opens a new tab

Ctrl + ⇧Shift + Т - opens the last closed tab

Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4 - close the current tab

Ctrl + ⇧Shift + P - Opens a new InPrivate Browsing window

Ctrl + Tab↹ - go to the next tab in the browser

Ctrl + ⇧Shift + Tab↹ - go to the previous browser tab

Ctrl + number (1,2,3 ..... 8) - go to the tab in the browser corresponding to the number

Ctrl + 9 - go to the last tab

These were not all hotkey combinations. In fact, there are much more of them. Each application (computer program) has its own combinations and purpose for their action. Therefore, the programmed shortcut options for the Windows 10 operating system and for browsers have been described above.

Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts have been replenished with useful new shortcuts. Although one has stopped working. We are talking about Win + F: using this, a search in the system was previously called. Now, in the same way, the Feedback Center appears in front of our eyes, and to search, you should enter Win + S. There everyone can cry to Microsoft specialists. In Windows 10, hotkeys allow you to quickly perform an operation. It is especially convenient with the Task Manager when the PC hangs noticeably. Just press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC, and the desired window will appear instantly. This is much faster than waiting for the system to “prepare parameters”. Windows 10 ready-made keyboard shortcuts often solve other tasks, such as viewing system properties (Win + Break).

It is almost impossible to remember all this information. Therefore, when such a need arises, a person usually scrolls through the Internet in search of a list of hot keys. It should be noted that most of the combinations all include the Win control key. Even the change of languages \u200b\u200bBilly tries to remake. Using a keyboard shortcut in Windows 10 that does not obey this rule is already mentioned above. Another old triplet is, of course, CTRL + ALT + DEL. Even with DOS, it was customary to reset the system to its initial state by pressing the specified combination.

In applications

The fundamental difference from the disk operating system environment is that the CTRL + Y key combination cancels the operation. Previously, CTRL + R served the same purpose. But the current version served to delete an entire line of text. Agree that these are different things. However, this rule does not apply to all programs. For example, in Paint and Notepad, the operation can be canceled by pressing CTRL + Z.

For those who have an uncomfortable mouse, many menu options from the application are conveniently called up with the keyboard. This can be done by pressing the left ALT (or F10). After that, the menu can be flipped with the cursor arrows. It is very convenient when the screen is small or the mouse is bad. The submenu is entered by pressing the down arrow, selection \u003d Enter. An alternative is to right-click on the workspace.

Pressing the key specially designed for this (between the right Win and the right CTRL) displays a context menu through which the lion's share of operations is performed. You can scroll through it with the same cursor arrows as the main one. The same can be done by right-clicking the mouse, or by pressing Shift + F10.

Here are some standard hotkey combinations that are known to almost every PC user:

  1. CTRL + С - copy the selected text fragment, picture, table, and so on.
  2. CTRL + V - paste the copied object.
  3. Double click to select a word. Second double click - select the entire sentence (not available in all editors).
  4. CTRL + I, CTRL + B, CTRL + D, CTRL + U - test formatting: italic, bold, double and regular underline.
  5. CTRL + A - Select All.
  6. CTRL + X - cut a fragment.
  7. CTRL + S, CTRL + O, CTRL + Q - save, open or close the file.
  8. ALT + F4 (Close Window on Windows)
  9. ALT + F6 - switch between multiple windows of the same program.
  10. Double click on the window title - expand to full screen / return to original size.

The Win key has always brought up the Start menu. The difference between the dozens is that the previously used application is not blocked. Pressing Esc returns the focus back. Previously, this was not the case, which irritated many. It is gratifying that Billy Gates noticed this. Another novelty is that the default language switching keys (left SHIFT + ALT) are now triggered from the second to fourth time. They have a replacement - Win + Space. The only problem is that often after that the Start window appears. Apparently, you still need to practice for a full transition to the top ten. The fact is that the Space key is long on most keyboards, and therefore jams when skewed. So the chosen combination cannot be called successful even in the first approximation.

In this case, a language selection menu appears for a few moments. In this case, there are only two of them, but the system allows you to install more.

Emergency help

Every administrator is faced with the fact that they have to launch applications on a PC that works, to put it mildly, slowly or not quite correctly. Usually this action is performed from the command line, but Billy Gates introduced a powerful alternative to this. You can quickly perform tasks on the keyboard (without a mouse) by pressing Win + R. There is an extensive list of modules that are called in this way. In particular, this is the same command line (cmd), registry editor (regedit), user account corrector (netplwiz), boot configuration snap-in (msconfig) and much more.

But after the update, most often they now use the call to the system menu through Win + X. Inside there is a whole galaxy of useful links, starting with a quick launch of the command line on behalf of the administrator and ending with the Device Manager.

As you can see, there is practically everything that is needed for an emergency solution of a particular problem. In particular, you can notice the good old Control Panel and the same Run tool, for which the Win + R buttons are responsible. It is difficult to say what was the need to enter the last line here (see screen), but this allows, on the other hand, not to break head over how to minimize all windows in Windows (Win + D). The next combination that is useful in case of emergency is the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC mentioned above. If the task manager appears in a stripped down form, click the More link in the lower left corner.

Then the presentation of tasks will be more detailed. Very often it is not possible to get into the settings. They can be called in two ways:

  1. Win + I.
  2. Win → Double click on Tab → Select the desired option with the cursor arrows.

The combination Win + A brings up the notification menu, but we are interested in its lower part, where there are as many as four important snap-ins, which can be reached with the cursor arrows after pressing TAB once:

  • Tablet mode.
  • Network Center (practically the only way to get to this area from the keyboard).
  • Notes.
  • Parameters.

Using Win + T, you can navigate between icons on the Quick Launch Bar. For example, open the calculator located there (by pressing Enter). And Win + B allows you to enter the system tray (bottom right of the screen). An even faster way is Win + Program_number_in_quick_bar_bar.

Navigating Windows 10

The Win + D keyboard shortcut allows you not only to minimize all windows, but also switch to the desktop. Now, by pressing the cursor keys, you can navigate the shortcuts. Enter - launch the selected one. Often the mouse refuses in the top ten, and this method will help somehow to make ends meet. There is one more method - press Win + M (and return Win + Shift + M), but it is still damp. If you double-click TAB when entering the Start menu, then the focus will go to the side icons, among other things:

  1. Accounts.
  2. Conductor.
  3. Parameters.
  4. Shutdown.

This is one of the most convenient ways to restart your PC without using a mouse. In addition, from the accounts menu, you can lock the PC (the same as Win + L), or log out. An experienced admin knows that PS / 2 mice are connected only after a reboot, and any of them can fail. So keyboard shortcuts are very important in such cases.

Another important technique is switching between windows. I must admit that this method was junk on XP SP2, and we threw it into the trash, but then it turned out that everything works on the top ten, and with a large number of open windows the ALT + TAB combination is much more convenient than mouse clicks. By clicking it over and over, you need to get to the desired application.


Not everyone realizes this, but navigating Explorer using the keyboard is much more convenient. To call it, press Win + E. At the initial moment of time, the focus is in the central part. As shown in the screenshot.

When we talk about navigation, we mean going from folder to folder:

  1. Go back one level up - BackSpace (key to delete a character).
  2. Go inside -
  3. Cursor arrows - Move focus from folder to folder.

The option to copy the address bar is very convenient. This is not a keyboard shortcut, but it is inseparable from the theme. Click once on the line and press Ctrl + C.

With a single press of TAB you can go to the view setting (Tiles / Rows). Return - CTRL + TAB.

The next TAB presses are not that interesting, doubt anyone is using them. Noteworthy is the search in the upper right corner (which becomes available after the fifth click). The next time, focus finally moves to the left side of the window. And you can freely navigate between global PC sites, such as:

  • Desktop.
  • This computer.
  • Images.
  • Documents.
  • Downloads and so on.

This allows you not to use the mouse at all. In Explorer, all the same combinations work as in text editors. You can copy, cut, paste files and even undo operations. Holding ATL + Spacebar gives access to the window menu (as opposed to the application), where there are options to close, minimize, restore, and so on.


It is unlikely that there are many who want to read dozens of help, but if you want to do this, hold Win + F1. After that, the instructions will not appear, as usual, but you will go to the Bing search engine page. Pressing F1 on the desktop gives the same result. Well, this is not only a good ad, but also the fastest way to open a browser with a search engine ready to go. It follows from this that there is no other assistance available. Often you need to know some information about the system. A quick entry into the required snap-in is done via Win + Break.