Getting Root rights on Android. - Programs for getting root from PC

When using Android devices, users often note the impossibility of stopping some programs that overload memory, or the problem with the inability to install an application from outside the Play Market. Because of this, it becomes necessary to expand the range of permissible actions. You can do this by rooting the device.

To get access to advanced functions, the user will need to install special software on a mobile device or PC. This procedure can be dangerous for the phone, and lead to the loss of the saved data, therefore, first save all important information on a separate carrier. The installation should be carried out in accordance with the instructions, otherwise the phone may simply turn into a "brick". To avoid such problems, it will be useful to read the next article.

Let's move on to how to get root rights to Android through a computer or without its participation.

Step 1: Checking for Root Rights

Before proceeding to the methods described below for obtaining superuser rights, you should check their presence on the device. In some cases, the user may not be aware that root already exists, and therefore should read the following article:

If the test fails, review the following methods to get the capabilities you want.

Step 2: Prepare the device

Before you start rooting the device, you may need to install the drivers for the firmware if you are using a non-"pure" Android. This is required in order for the PC to be able to interact with a mobile device (relevant when using programs for flashing from a computer). The process itself should not cause problems, since all the necessary files are often available on the website of the smartphone manufacturer. The user only needs to download them and install them. A detailed description of the procedure is given in the following article:

Step 3: program selection

The user can use the software directly for a mobile device or PC. Due to the peculiarities of some devices, the use of applications for the phone may not be effective (many manufacturers simply block the installation of such programs), which is why you have to use software for your PC.

Android Apps

First of all, you should consider applications that are installed directly on a mobile device. There are not so many of them, but this option may be somewhat easier for those who do not have free access to a PC.


One of the simpler applications that provides access to superuser functionality is Framaroot. However, this program is not available in the official Android application store - Play Market, and you will have to download it from a third-party site. Many devices with the latest OS versions do not allow the installation of third-party .apk files, which can cause difficulties when working with the program, but this rule can be circumvented. How to work with this program and properly install it is described in detail in the following article:

Baidu Root

Another application for obtaining Superuser rights, downloaded from third-party resources - Baidu Root. It may seem unusual due to poor localization - some of the phrases are written in Chinese, but the main buttons and symbols are translated into Russian. The program is quick to work - in just a couple of minutes you can get all the necessary functions, while you only need to press a couple of buttons. However, the procedure itself is not so harmless, and if used incorrectly, you can face serious problems. A detailed description of working with the program is already available on our website:

PC software

In addition to installing software directly on a mobile device, you can also use a PC. This method may be somewhat more convenient due to its ease of use and the ability to carry out the procedure with any connected device.


Convenient interface and intuitive installation process are one of the main advantages of KingROOT. The program is pre-downloaded and installed on the PC, after which the phone should be connected to it. To get started, you need to open the settings and allow USB Debugging... Further actions are performed on the computer.

The program will analyze the connected device and, if rooting is possible, notify about it. The user will have to click on the corresponding button and wait for the end of the procedure. During this time, the phone can reboot several times, which is an essential attribute of the installation. After the completion of the program, the device will be ready for use.

Root Genius

Kingo root

The name of the program may seem similar to the first item on this list, but this software is different from the previous one. The main advantage of Kingo Root is a wide range of supported devices, which is important in case the previous programs turned out to be useless. The process of obtaining root rights is also quite simple. After downloading and installing the program, the user only needs to connect the device via a USB cable to the PC and wait for the scan results of the program, then press just one button to get the desired result.

The above information will help you root your smartphone without any problems. However, it is worth remembering to use the resulting functions with care to avoid problems.

Almost all users of Android devices sooner or later wonder how to get Root rights to Android. However, most users believe that it is too difficult to get root rights or that root rights can lead to damage to their data. Therefore, most quickly abandon this idea. In fact, now you can get root rights just by making a few mouse clicks. The times when it was necessary to study long instructions for a long time and tediously to obtain root rights are long gone. Nowadays most of the work is done by special programs. In this material we will talk about what root rights are, what they are needed for, and how to get root rights to Android.

Root is a term from UNIX-like operating systems. It means a user with an identifier (UID, User IDentifier) \u200b\u200bzero. This user is also called the superuser and has full access to the operating system. In other words, if you get root rights on your Android smartphone, then you will have full control over the Android operating system that is installed on your device.

This control provides many benefits. Firstly, having received ROOT, you will be able to remove standard applications pre-installed by the manufacturer of your smartphone. You can also change program shortcuts, install themes, run specialized applications, change operating system files, install applications on a memory card, etc.

On the other hand, getting ROOT rights carries some risks. Firstly, devices with ROOT access lose the manufacturer's warranty. So in the event of a breakdown, you will have to repair the device at your own expense. Also, on devices with ROOT rights, the ability to update "over the air" disappears (you can no longer install OTA updates).

It should be noted that there are several types: Full Root (full access without any restrictions), Shell Root (without access to the system folder), Temporary Root (temporary Root, works only until the first reboot of the device). But enough theory, it's time to move on to practice.

How to Root Android Using Kingo Android ROOT

Kingo Android ROOT program is a free utility that allows you to quickly and easily get ROOT rights. This program supports most of the popular Android devices, so it can be considered a universal solution.

Step # 1. Download Kingo Android ROOT.Go to and download the program to your Windows computer.

Step # 2. Install the downloaded program on your computer. We will not consider the entire installation process, there is nothing complicated there. Everything is exactly the same as when installing any other program.

Step # 3. Enable USB debugging mode on your smartphone. To do this, first we need to enable "Developer Mode". To do this, open the settings and go to the "Device Information" section. Here you need to click on the item "Build number" several times in a row. After that, a message will appear stating that developer mode is enabled.

After we turned on "Developer Mode". Go back to Settings and go to the "Developer options" section (this section can be called differently, for example "For developers").

In the Developer Options section, we need to find the USB Debugging feature and enable it.

Step # 4. Enable installation of applications from unknown sources. To do this, open the Android settings and go to the "Security" section. Here you need to find the function "Unknown sources" and enable it.

Step # 5. Launch the Kingo Android ROOT program on the computer and then connect our Android device to it using a USB cable. After connecting the Android device, the program will find and install the necessary drivers.

Step # 4. Get Root rights to Android.The wrong step of getting root rights. After Kingo Android ROOT program installs drivers, you will see a big red “ROOT” button. Click it and wait for Kingo Android ROOT program to finish working.

Step # 5. Reboot your Android device. After successfully obtaining Root rights, the program will display an appropriate message and ask you to restart your Android device

That's it, now you got Root on your Android gadget. You can remove root rights if necessary. To do this, it will be enough to reconnect the device, launch the Kingo Android ROOT program, and click on the "Remove Root" button.

How to check that you got Root rights on Android

If you wish, you can check that the receipt of root rights went right. This can be done in several ways:

  • If you have Root, then in the terminal emulator, after entering the su command, you should see a prompt with a pound sign (#).
  • If you have Root, then in the terminal emulator for the command “/ system / bin / id” you should receive the answer “uid \u003d 0 (root) gid \u003d 0 (root)”. But, this method of checking does not always work.

You can also check for Root rights by simply running the application that requires them. If the program works fine and all its functions are available, then you have Root rights. If you see warnings and errors, then there are no rights. Also, in some cases, after receiving root rights, the Superuser or SuperSU application will appear in the list of applications.

In the past, the process of obtaining root permissions on Android was complex and varied greatly from device to device. Installation of special programs and drivers on a computer, hours of digging in incomprehensible manuals, entering complex commands and the constant fear of getting a brick that does not show signs of life. Such methods have not disappeared anywhere and are discussed in detail on the forums of profile resources and xda-developers. Sometimes only with their help you can achieve what you want, but why start with the difficult, if there is a high probability of getting by with a little blood? In most cases, you only need to install one app on your Android and press one button to get root rights.

Most Popular Rooting Apps for Android

Below are the most universal applications with a high success rate for obtaining superuser rights, supporting a large number of device models.

Even more important! The process of obtaining superuser rights will void the warranty and may lead to the complete inoperability of the mobile device. All actions you perform at your own peril and risk.

  • CF-Auto-Root | Official site + | Page on xda-developers
  • Framaroot | Page on xda-developers | List of Supported Devices
  • KingRoot | Official site | Page on xda-developers | List of Supported Devices
  • Towelroot | Official site | Page on xda-developers

Other apps for rooting Android

If none of the above apps work, you can try the following options.

  • 360 Root | Page on
  • Baidu Root | Page on
  • DingDong Root |

You have rooted your Android smartphone or tablet. Everything seems to be good. But what to do next? What are they needed for? Let's say you got them to hack games. Played enough already, what's next, eh? The fact is that root rights are analogous to administrator privileges on Windows. These are called superuser rights.
So, imagine that you are a superman holding a key to any door. Have you presented? Excellent! Now, let's move around the huge house in search of the right room.

Break Android

Yes, yes, with the help of root-rights, you can fundamentally damage your device, and not only in the software, but also in the hardware. If the software is disrupted, then, for example, the processor clock speed can be raised (by unlocking the core) to an unacceptable level (although there are hardware limitations). And at this level, for example, a continuous peak load will be given. And that's all, you can say goodbye to your electronic pet. Of course, you won't do this by accident, but hurting someone is easy.
And, as for self-sabotage, it is very easy to drive a smartphone or tablet into a bootloop state, when, when turned on, the device will "hang" on the startup screen saver. Wow, you will be delighted. But don't cry, run straight to the RulSmart forum, to the Android first aid section and pray for help. Although they always help for free, some of them pray for some reason, they are strange, yeah.


Hook you to the core! Yes, now you have the possibility of total backup of your data, you can also make a full backup of the firmware with user data directly from your smartphone or tablet. The power is directly felt, right? In addition, you can make backups of all your software, and then roll them up, for example, after resetting the settings. One of the programs that can do all this, subject to the availability of root rights, is Titanium Backup. The utility is so ancient that its beard can hold up to 20 kg of nuts.

Custom kernel

Now your smartphone or tablet from the Chinese basement calls you my lord, is that correct? If not yet, then it's time to flash a custom kernel to bend the system! The custom core will open the doors to the basement for you, where there is a dumpster! Infa, weaving! Thanks to this trix, you can increase or decrease the clock speed of the processor or adjust the chipset operating modes very flexibly, like a gymnast's back. For example, for the unlock screen, set the frequency 800 MHz - 1 GHz, and for work with the 1.3 GHz interface, for applications - the maximum available clock frequency or 80% of it.
Feel like the crown is being put on your head? So that!

Hacking games

Ahaha, at the very beginning we considered this and, they say, you are already tired of playing with toys, but while you were reading this to you, you wanted it again, huh? Therefore, we do not interrupt - we listen to every letter from the article. The trick is that some programs for hacking games on Android ask and beg (for mercy) for root rights in order to change the configuration of the application, for example. If you don't have superpowers, then you will simply be sent and the attachment will close along with your lip that rolled out.

Removing system applications

You bought a Chinese smartphone or tablet, and these "friends" have sewn a bunch of junk into your favorite device that cannot be deleted. And sometimes viruses are also shoved. Yes, I lied. What is there sometimes, constantly, it has already become normal practice. With this, even Bluboo dabbles in the fact that they need to be impaled, and then again, and again! By the way, UMI is on the same count, but in turn. We take seats, we don't push.
So, with root privileges, you can delete all this to a dog, you understand? For example, through the System App Remover program or something similar, there is enough such rubbish. Then do not forget to delete this software, the killer has done his job - you need a new killer, right?

Modifying system files

Oh, here guys you can just pick up all the rings of omnipotence. You go to build.prop like this and start changing the brand / model of your device there (this is at least). What for? A few hours ago YOU \u200b\u200bwent to Google Play, and he, the scoundrel, writes that your device is not supported (to install a game). Ha! This is how we write brand \u003d Samsung, model \u003d Galaxy S8. And who is not supported here now, idiots?

In fact, this is a very small fraction of what can be done with a superuser sword. If you have any other ideas or comments - welcome to the comments, puppies.