Fire alarm system based on "bolide" equipment. Security alarm Bolide - technical characteristics and areas of use Non-addressed fire alarm in ISO Orion


The research and development enterprise (RPE) "Bolid" was founded in 1991. Its area of ​​activity is the production and supply of equipment for security systems, automation and dispatching. The company's mission is to improve the efficiency of security, automation and dispatch systems for buildings, structures and enterprises.

Over the years of the company's existence, more than 150 types of instruments and devices have been produced. Our workshops use the most modern equipment.

Brand history

  • 91-97 Specialists of the Bolid company actively participate in the technical modernization of private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, develop and support in production the control and control devices of the Signal series: Signal-VK, Signal-VKP, Signal-VKA, Signal-VK- 4, Signal-VK-4P, Signal-SPI, Signal-20, centralized security system via GTS Phobos-3 lines;
  • '99 A control panel for small objects, C2000-4, has been developed, which is controlled by electronic keys.The system consists of: S2000 remote control, S2000-K keyboard, PPK Signal-20, Signal-20P;
  • S2000-4, relay module S2000-SP1, power supply RIP-12, duty station "Operational task" has successfully passed qualification tests and received the official name - "Integrated security system "Orion";
  • 2004 The new Orion Pro automated workstation software and the new S2000M control panel made it possible to offer consumers a network version for the Orion ISO.For centralized security console operators, the “Workstation Egida-2” program has been developed, compatible with the “Phobos”, “Neva”, “Jupiter” notification transmission systems.

Long proven to be reliable. Systems require a competent approach and special skills. Installation at height, cable laying, in addition to experience, requires the presence of a specific tool. By turning to professionals, you can save time and effort.
New and expensive systems require a fully automated setup process. Our company provides a full range of services for the selection, installation and maintenance of such equipment

Setting up BOLID equipment

The choice of excellent source materials is not at all the key to a high-quality system and its uninterrupted operation. Therefore, to create them, it is customary to turn to specialists. Our employees effectively plan security systems and carry out high-quality installation of BOLID equipment . A number of technological innovations that were proposed by the manufacturer’s specialists were positively accepted and are being successfully used. Openness and collaboration have allowed this company to expand into the global market and gain popularity among installation professionals. The developers were able to provide all the necessary materials to create systems of various levels from small home to large-scale industrial solutions.

The company “Territory of Security” provides maintenance and repair of equipment of this brand. Understanding the features of this equipment helps us perform the necessary manipulations in a short time and restore the operation of the entire complex.

Professional installation of BOLID cameras

Our company takes on solving problems of any level of complexity, from simple and understandable to difficult to implement. On the website you can familiarize yourself with our work and verify the experience and competence of our specialists. Providing security for shops, factories and offices differs from the requirements imposed by a country house or a children's school. In some cases, it is more appropriate to use BOLID sensors in interaction with surveillance cameras, in others, other methods of integration with security systems are needed. To ensure long-term operation of the system, we recommend that you trust the installation of BOLID equipment only to professional and certified specialists, in order to avoid incorrect operation of the system and its further breakdowns. Each equipment has its own special settings, so only an experienced specialist will be able to properly install and configure the security system.

Modern installation of BOLID equipment involves not only the installation itself; it is important to understand the importance of choosing the mounting location and the consequences of an erroneous decision. Some objects are transformed over time or security system requirements change. The list of our services includes configuration and maintenance of created complex solutions.

To make the best decision, it is better to consult with specialists. Such equipment has a number of advantages; it allows you to observe what is happening from a distance, using any gadget with Internet access. Ease of installation is another factor in favor of this technology. Negative qualities are often the high cost if you have to cover large areas, and the low level of security if installed unprofessionally.

Available certificates

One of our employees, Maxim Anatolyevich Tarasenko, received a 3rd degree certificate from the company ZAO NVP "BOLID". This means that we have all the required knowledge for installation, design, maintenance of equipment and devices for fire, burglar alarms, access control and video surveillance based on the integrated system "Orion-PRO".

By contacting our company, you do not have to worry about the professionalism of our employees, having vast experience in installing various security systems from the BOLID company and possessing a valid certificate for working with this brand, our qualified specialists will cope with the task with the highest quality and within the established time frame framework.

ACS— a data control and accounting system that allows you to control access to certain devices responsible for opening/closing the magnetic lock of a room door using a magnetic card/tablet.

The system allows:

  • Providing online information on opening/closing doors for enterprise security officers
  • keep records of the attendance of company employees electronically by storing data in a database
  • maintaining a list of employees and visitors
  • Operate from a backup power supply in case of a power outage at the site
  • Possibility of flexible configuration of access to premises

ACS from the BOLID company

The product has a large number of capabilities and allows you to work with CCTV system, With security alarm system(SOS), s fire alarm system(THX).

Sometimes all its functionality makes you think very hard about the correctness of a particular procedure. In my memory, me and the colleagues who worked with him managed to block all the doors in the facility for several minutes more than once; the door blocking continued until the button for forced unlocking of all the locks was pressed. It took 5 hours to restore the functionality of all controllers.

This article is devoted specifically to how to create a new employee, a new card, and register new data on existing controllers without harm to everyone.

For a more in-depth study of this product, it is better to use the documentation from the BOLID company, which is installed along with the software on your computer.

If you integrate this system at your facilities, STRONGLY I recommend contacting directly BOLID by phone to provide contacts of certified organizations for the implementation of this product. Your future work in it will depend on the quality settings.

BOLID is a complex system and requires qualified specialists for installation.

Instructions for creating a new user

Instructions for creating a new card and linking an employee to it

After we have created an employee, we can move on to creating a card for him

Instructions for updating the list of access cards on controllers

After we have created an employee profile and attached a card to the employee’s profile, let’s move on to adding new cards to the controllers.

This is a very important point, the main thing is not to make a mistake, choose the right item.

Solving possible errors

After completing the synchronization procedure, the new card does not open the door:

  1. Try rebooting the server where " Sun" or to put it correctly " Orion central server«
  2. If it doesn’t help, find out where the card works/doesn’t work by placing it on the readers
  3. Where the card does not work, rewrite the controller using the procedure below ""

After working with controllers or other devices, situations arise when some cards cannot provide access to some doors

  1. In this case, it will not help you " Sync all TouchMemory (Proximity) key codes"
  2. It is necessary to perform the procedure " Read configuration from devices» according to the problematic controller responsible for this door.

Using previously used cards that were blocked:

  1. It is advisable not to use old cards.
  2. Most often, not all doors work if the card was previously used by someone or was blocked
  3. When using such cards, it is advisable to carry out the procedure “ Read configuration from devices» for all controllers. This is a very long lasting effect.

Procedure " Read configuration from devices«

Above are possible cases when some cards do not open the door. This procedure allows you to erase all data from the controllers and write everything into them from scratch.

An approximate algorithm for this process on one controller:

Let's consider the case when you need to update ALL controllers (BE CAREFUL):

  1. First the configuration is deleted FROM ALL controllers along with saved cards
    1. First, everything will be removed and left without access to the doors.
    2. The time of the procedure and closed rooms will depend on your number of controllers and cards
  2. After deleting configurations of controllers and cards, all configurations and cards will be written to these controllers.

I have 39 controllers, this procedure will take about 4-5 hours in practice


1. Check the functionality of the PI-GR and COM port using the Uprog program ( www. bolide. ru). When searching for devices (Figure 1) on the selected COM port, the PI-GR indicator flashes intermittently.

Figure 1 – Search for devices on a given COM port

2. Using Uprog, find the control panel (Signal-20, Signal-20P, S2004) and read its internal settings. In the “Loops” tab (Figure 2), make the basic settings of the loops - select the type of loop (Security, combined fire,... - indicated by the leading engineer of the project), set the required arming delay, and also determine whether the activation of this loop will trigger an alarm Monitoring station relay (Relay 1,2,3), Siren (Output C) or Lamp (Output L). More details - Table 1.

Figure 2 – Configuring device loops

Figure 3 – Setting up outputs

3. Enter the necessary information about the control panel in PlanEditor. (Figure 4). The address field is the address of the control panel on the RS-485 line, the number is the loop number.

Figure 4 – Setting parameters in PlanEditor

4. Configure the settings file icmq2.e3d (icmq3.e3d). This file (Figure 5) specifies the operation parameters of the message manager, which is the central process of Integration. Its task is to receive various messages from various systems (video detector triggered, fire detectors triggered,...) and distribute them into logical queues. Next, events from the queues are sent to client machines (they can be either client programs (integration) or the local machine itself on which the OPS is running). A single event can be added to multiple queues at once, but each queue is forwarded to only one client.

Here you set the activity of the manager (Active -> True), the maximum number of queues (MaxQueueNumber) and the IP address of the OPS server machine. ATTENTION!!! For stable operation of the firewall, even in the absence of clients, it is recommended to specify not the local address, but the address of some active network adapter. If the machine does not have a network card, you need to create a virtual one and assign it a fictitious IP address. (For Windows XP -> Control Panel - Hardware Installation - Device Already Connected - Adding a New Device - Installing Hardware Selected Manually from the List - Network Cards - Microsoft - Microsoft Loopback Adapter).

Figure 5 – Setting up icmq2.e3d

5. Configure the settings file ismq_clients.e3d. In file
(Figure 6) it is specified which queues will be sent to which clients.

In this example, queues 1-4 are used for video subsystem events (covered in another tutorial). Queues 5-6 are used to transmit events via OPS (5 - to the local machine, 6 to the client machine - see the logical diagram at the end of the manual) 7-8 are not used in this example, but since the total number of reserved queues is 8, they are redirected to the local machine by default (although they are not read by it).

Figure 6 – Setting up icmq_clients.e3d

6. The file queues_fba.e3d (Figure 7) indicates which events this machine will receive.

Figure 7 – Setting up queues_fba.e3d

7. The file ras1.e3d (Figure 8) indicates whether this machine will be a user identification server. If the user name specified on the client in the file local_user.e3d matches that specified on the server in the file ras_users.e3d (the name of this user must also be specified in the file bolid_fba_users.e3d on both the server and the client), then the user identification is successful, and with the client can control sensors (arm/disarm). Otherwise, it will only be possible to receive events from the server (and observe the state of the sensors on the plan).

Figure 8 – Setting up ras1.e3d

8. On the client, the file ras_servers.e3d (Figure 9) indicates which server is the user identification server.

Figure 9 – Setting up ras_servers.e3d

Here we indicate that the manager is active. We indicate the IP address (also preferably NOT And we indicate to which message queues OPS Bolid events will be written (in this case, 5-6, i.e. we assume the presence of 2 clients, including the local machine itself). We specify the delays for writing and reading from the port (WritePortDelay, ReadPortDelay). This is the waiting time for the control panel to respond. By varying these parameters, the optimal performance of the alarm system is achieved.

The main parameters for selecting the optimal speed are:

WritePortDelay\ReadPortDelay – responsible for the delay in writing/reading to the COM port (actually to the device)

NonReplyMaxCount – the number of polls for the status of each loop in case of no response.

The values ​​are selected as follows:

Necessarily a survey is prescribed only existing loops (we receive information from an engineer or from the Shleifes program).

The exchange rate with the Signal-20 device is checked (by running UProg we read the contents of the memory) and if reading occurs evenly and without delays, WritePortDelay\ReadPortDelay is set to 50/50. If after this there are frequent changes in the state of the sensors in the integration (to gray and back), it is necessary to increase both parameters in increments of 25 and ensure that the state of the sensors does not change frequently.

If even at 50/50 values ​​the OPS works stably, you can reduce the NonReplyMaxCount parameter to 32 (or 16 at least), which will increase the speed of polling non-working loops.

The CommState section specifies the RS-232 operating parameters (Line speed, even/odd parity, message length, stop bit presence).

In the Serial1 section, we set the COM port through which the first logical stream will work. And we indicate that at the first line address (address of the receiving and control device) of the first logical flow, loops 1 to 20 will be polled.

Figure 10 – Setting up bolid_fba2.e3d.

Table 1 - Configuration parameters (attributes) of alarm loops



Function description

Valid range

1 Type of alarm loop

Determines the tactics for monitoring the alarm loop and the class of detectors included in the loop (security or fire alarm alarm; detection of alarm alarm; opening of the detector housing).

1, 2, 3 – Fireman

4 – Security

5 – Security with
blocking control

2 Group arming/disarming

The alarm system is armed and disarmed by pressing the 20th switch, as well as by the “Group arming/disarming” command from the “S2000” remote control or computer together with other alarm systems in the group.

3 Relay 1 control

Connects this AL with relay 1

4 Relay 2 control

Connects this AL with relay 2

5 Control barely 3

Connects this AL with relay 3

6 Output control "C"

Connects this AL with output "C"

7 Output control "L"

Connects this loop with output "L"

8 Automatic re-arming

In case of “Non-Arm”, the device automatically arms the alarm system as soon as its resistance falls within the normal range.

9 Arming delay

Arming the alarm system after a specified time after pressing the switch or receiving the corresponding command

0...254 s 255-infinite delay

10 Output control delay "C"

Control of output "C" begins a specified time after the alarm loop enters the "Alarm" or "Fire" mode

11 Output control delay "L"

Control of the “L” output begins a specified time after the alarm loop enters the “Alarm” or “Fire” mode

12 Delay in transition to "Fire"

Duration of stay of the fire plume (type 1, 2, 3) in the "Attention" mode.

0...254 s, 255 – infinite delay (on triggering
do not switch the detector to “Fire”)

For loops of type 4 – delay in restoring the broken security loop in the disarmed state.

0…254 s, 255 and 0 – loop state is not analyzed

13 ShS without the right to disarm

When the switch is released, the loop indicator begins to blink rapidly, and the internal indicator of the device turns on intermittently. When the switch returns to the pressed state, the alarm turns off, and the indicator shows the current state of the alarm loop. When you try to remove it via the interface, upon receiving a command to remove it, the loop is armed.

14 Silent alarm

If the AL types 4, 5 are violated, the device goes into the "Alarm" mode, the "Silent alarm" message is transmitted via the interface, an alarm message is issued to the "monitoring station" relay contacts, but the remote light and sound annunciators do not change their state ("silent alarm" mode ").

15 Integration 300 ms

The device switches to the "Alarm" mode when a type 4 alarm loop is violated for a period of more than 300 ms (only for type 4 security alarm loops). OPS ... setting. Built-in protection By nutrition, protection By video input and output. Enter exit - under ...

AWP "Orion Pro" is a software package for the ISO "Orion" hardware and software complex, which implements security alarm systems, access control and management, security video surveillance, automatic fire protection systems, coupled with engineering systems of objects - the system is quite interesting. One day I had to deal with it and during installation some nuances arose, which will be discussed in this article.

  1. Installation of the server part "Orion Pro"
  2. Installing "Orion Pro" on the client.
  3. Connecting the Orion Pro client to the server.

We have two PCs.

One has Windows Server installed (it will act as a server, respectively), and the other has a regular user Windows (operator/security PC).

The first thing you need to do is insert the Orion license keys into your PC and download the program itself from the website.

1. Installation of the Orion Pro server part

We install "Orion Pro" on the server by checking the box when prompted to install MS SQL Server (only if MS SQL has not been installed previously). The installation program will download and configure MS SQL Server itself and no action is required.

All other installation items can be left as default.

It is better to immediately set the properties of the server, monitor, server management, etc. run as administrator by default.

Checking the connection to the server. To do this, launch “Server Management” (default password 73173100) and the window should show “Connection: established”.

Then we launch the “System Shell” and begin adding data to the DBA (Database Administrator).

If he complains about connecting to the database

and an error occurs after starting the shell (as it happened to me)

Then you need to do the following.

In the central server manager, in the database menu, find the item “Attach a database to the server.”

Click "Forward".

In the field "Name of the alias of the connected database" enter any name in English. layout, you can leave it as default - Orion.

In the "Database file name" field, select the file in the C:\ORIONBASE\MSDE2008\" folder, either orion1202.mdf or orion1201.mdf to choose from.

As a result, there should be no messages or errors.

We go into the DBA and create a client computer. We need to enter the client's IP address, select settings and its name.

This completes the installation and configuration of Orion Pro on the server.

The Bolide security and fire alarm system developed by the company's specialists allows us to solve a large number of problems.

The system, using unified control modules in combination with various warning sensors, is capable of providing:

  1. Monitoring the fire situation at a specific facility.
  2. Reception and transmission of alarm signals.
  3. Notification about activation of the security perimeter.
  4. Monitoring the operation of the complex as a whole.


The fire and security alarm system of NPO Bolid is based on the use of special technical means designed to detect the source of fire or fire, collect information according to a certain algorithm, process it and transmit true, verified data in the form of alarm signals, results of testing equipment diagnostics, and other equally important information including control of automatic fire extinguishing, warning, smoke removal, and evacuation complexes.

Advantages and disadvantages

A set of fire alarm equipment Bolide, developed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, in comparison with other technical fire safety equipment, has a number of advantages:

  1. The kit allows you to change individual elements of the system, adding or strengthening individual sections with additional detection means, thereby increasing the reliability of operation.
  2. The operating algorithm of the kit is based on multi-level verification of incoming information, its collection, processing and verification.
  3. The ability to use the kit’s equipment to automatically notify and activate automatic fire extinguishing systems.
  4. Conduct warning and evacuation management using public address systems.
  5. Use the kit to equip security objects with object alarms;

The negative aspects associated with the use of this technical complex are:

  1. The need for strict adherence to technical standards and equipment operating regulations;
  2. The need to lay new cable lines to ensure the operation of sensors and detectors, their timely repair and maintenance, which significantly affects the cost of equipment maintenance.


The basis of the fire-security complex of technical means is the Signal 10 alarm unit.

In total, the Orion complex includes:

  1. Monitoring and control panel S2000M (this may include a control panel with a connector for connecting a personal computer with Orion software installed).
  2. Combined device for receiving and control equipment and control of security and fire equipment "Bolid".
  3. Loops.
  4. Temperature sensors.
  5. Smoke detection sensors.
  6. Signal sirens.
  7. Automatic fire extinguishing system control equipment.
  8. Security alarm sensors - sensors that are triggered when objects are opened, motion sensors, glass break sensors.


The Signal-10 control unit from the Orion fire and security alarm kit is in the following state:

  1. Monitor up to 10 alarm loops, which...
  2. Ensures the operation of type 1 smoke alarms (types of kits, their features and use in different conditions are specifically described on the Bolid company website).
  3. Fire combined system with heat and smoke detectors.
  4. Fire heat detectors of two-threshold type equipment of the 2nd type.
  5. Fire detectors of two-threshold equipment of the 3rd type.
  6. Recognizes and processes messages about the status of loops, alarm activation, emergency operation, and loop breaks.
  7. Synchronous operation with the Orion complex in the event of an alarm signal, permission/denial of passage through the security perimeter.
  8. Support for triggering loops when identifying keys or magnetic cards, their recognition.
  9. Support for arming/disarming loops from push-button remote controls or controller.
  10. Stores up to 512 events that have occurred in independent memory.

The direct technical characteristics of the system are characterized by the following indicators:

  1. Input voltage – 10-30 V.
  2. The maximum current per channel is 8A.
  3. The operating temperature of the unit is -30…+50.
  4. Block dimensions – 150*103*35 mm.
  5. Weight – 0.3 kg.


The final price for NPO Bolid fire-security equipment complexes is formed depending on the availability of price components in the set, which on average can be:

  1. Block C2000-Ethernet access to the Internet system – 2050 rub.
  2. Software – “Orion Pro Database Administrator” – 4,725 rubles.
  3. Software equipment for AWS “Head of Security Service” – RUB 22,880.
  4. Protective switching block – 480 -780 rub.
  5. Fire detector 400-800 rub.
  6. Security and fire control panel Bolide S2000-M – 6600-7600 rub.


The NPO Bolid fire alarm system allows you to:

  1. Provide control of connected loops.
  2. The system is capable of operating autonomously from an uninterruptible power supply.
  3. Provide control of protected objects with the function of recognizing lock violations.
  4. Displays individual wiring status and fault messages.
  5. Provides operation using both electronic keys and keyboard control.
  6. Provides storage of event registration in an independent memory with a cyclic recording function.
  7. Has a sensor for opening the control device housing.

Description of the signaling scheme

The main working element of the system is the S2000M unit; in general, the system configuration can be represented as follows:

  1. Software for automated workstation Orion.
  2. Block S2000M.
  3. Block Signal-10 (20).
  4. Loops.
  5. Fire detectors.
  6. Security alarm sensors.
  7. Fire sensors.

Official site

The virtual representative office of NPO Bolid, located on the Internet at the address, opens its pages at the email address The association’s website itself has tabs that allow you to become quite familiar with all types of the company’s activities, view and select the necessary elements for building a fire and security system, security alarm system, video surveillance system, and get acquainted with already implemented, ready-made projects.

The pages of the site are very informative and will provide answers to all practical and theoretical questions regarding the construction of fire detection and warning systems.

Operating rules

The basic operating rules, the procedure for maintenance and basic technological work, specifically for each complex, are described in the attached technical descriptions. The peculiarity of such instructions is that for each specific complex the technical description is developed individually according to the location conditions and functional features of the equipment.

General operating conditions for devices and their technical parameters can be downloaded from the official website of NPO Bolid from the “Documentation” section.

Installation and programming

Comprehensive information about organizations that have the appropriate certificates for carrying out design, research, installation and commissioning work can be found on the company’s website in the “Projects and Solutions” section; here are the contact details of all companies certified by the company, specializing in the installation of Bolide equipment.

Updating the software of certified safety systems The car is described in the “Products – Software” section