Presentation about old and new phones. Presentation on the topic: “The history of the telephone.” - presentation. Why did I choose this topic

Cellular communications Cellular communications have become a part of our lives. Today we cannot imagine ourselves without a mobile phone, either at home or at work. According to the New York company FastTrack Wireless, which researched the cellular communications market, in 2002. There are already a billion cellular subscribers in the world, which is 19% of the world's population. At the same time, their number continues to grow at a rapid pace. This means that today every fifth inhabitant of our planet is the owner of this little miracle. As for our country, in terms of the number of cell phones per capita, it ranks one of the first places among developed countries. Thus, according to the Statistical Office of the State of Israel, 78.8 percent of families had at least one mobile phone in 2002. And last year, two-thirds of Israeli teenagers used mobile phones. It would be something to be proud of if mobile phone owners were protected from the harmful effects of their harmful electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

A cell phone is... A cell (mobile) phone is a subscriber terminal operating in a cellular network. In fact, each cell phone is a specialized computer that is focused primarily on providing (within the coverage area of ​​a home or guest network) voice communication for subscribers, but also supports the exchange of text and multimedia messages, is equipped with a modem and a simplified interface. Modern mobile phones provide voice and data transmission in digital form.

Opinions...... Currently, there are 475 million mobile phone subscribers in the world, that is, 7.9% of the world's population. This data was provided by the Swiss Federal Department of Communications. According to the department, in 2000 the number of mobile phone users increased by 50%. At the end of 2000, Iceland ranked first in the number of mobile phones per capita. For the first time in the last few years, Finland lost the lead to Iceland. Mobile coverage in Iceland is now 75.8%, while in Finland it is 73.7%. This is data from EMC (World Cellular Database review). Norway, Sweden and Finland rank first in terms of mobile telephony density: from 59% to 67.8%.

The place of mobile communications in the global economy Communications are the most dynamically developing sector of the global economy. But mobile communications, even compared to other areas of telecom, are developing at a faster pace. Devices of the first class are generators of electromagnetic fields, the nature and intensity of radiation of which corresponds to the natural electromagnetic background, which, as a rule, is suppressed in areas with high levels of man-made fields.

Mobile communications in Russia. There were no civilian mobile communication systems in the USSR. With some stretch, one can call the Altai mobile telephony system “civilian”, built on the basis of the MRT-1327 standard, which at the turn of the 1970s and 80s was created to provide communications to representatives of the party, state and economic leadership. "Altai" is successfully operated to this day. Of course, it cannot compete with cellular networks, but it is used to solve some highly specialized problems: providing communications to mobile units of city emergency services, installing telephones in summer cafes, etc. There were no civilian mobile communication systems in the USSR. With some stretch, one can call the Altai mobile telephony system “civilian”, built on the basis of the MRT-1327 standard, which at the turn of the 1970s and 80s was created to provide communications to representatives of the party, state and economic leadership. "Altai" is successfully operated to this day. Of course, it cannot compete with cellular networks, but it is used to solve some highly specialized problems: providing communications to mobile units of city emergency services, installing telephones in summer cafes, etc.

Mobilization of regions. Development of mobile communications in Russia. Domestic telecom has shown excellent development dynamics over the past year. Mobile communications, being a large segment of the telecommunications market, also demonstrates active growth in all market indicators. And if in the center - Moscow and St. Petersburg - the era of the initial accumulation of cell phones among the population can be considered completed, then in the regions everything is just beginning. Three of the largest national cellular operators have already stepped into the province. Their strategic goal is vast Russia with many large industrial centers and small county towns

Security The problem of biological safety of cell phones in our country is very relevant. This is due to the fact that when the phone is turned on, it is a source of microwave radiation, even in standby mode. The direct source of radiation in a mobile phone is its whip antenna. All other radiation sources (the transmitter itself, receiver local oscillators, frequency synthesizer, etc.) are so low-power that they can be ignored.

Competition. In order to understand the trends in the development of mobile communications in the regions, we will try to imagine the picture of the domestic mobile market as a whole. According to the Modern Telecommunications company, the development of the Russian cellular communications market continues in the face of increasing competition. In order to understand the trends in the development of mobile communications in the regions, we will try to imagine the picture of the domestic mobile market as a whole. According to the Modern Telecommunications company, the development of the Russian cellular communications market continues in the face of increasing competition.

Microwave radiation directly heats the body (complete analogy with a microwave oven). Blood flow reduces heating, but, for example, the lens of the eye is not washed with blood and with significant heating it is destroyed and becomes cloudy. These changes are usually irreversible. This process is accompanied by pain in the eyes and noise in the head.

Mobile phone radiation Professor Henry Ley of the University of Washington has established a link between microwave radiation and memory impairment in rats. The experiment involved two groups of rats, one of which was exposed to electromagnetic radiation at 2450 MHz for an hour. The rats then had to swim through a water maze and find their way to the shore. Rats that were exposed to microwave irradiation found their way much more slowly. This allowed Dr. Ley to conclude that in rats, as a result of irradiation, spatial memory is impaired and they lose orientation. Professor Henry Ley of the University of Washington has established a link between microwave radiation and memory impairment in rats. The experiment involved two groups of rats, one of which was exposed to electromagnetic radiation at 2450 MHz for an hour. The rats then had to swim through a water maze and find their way to the shore. Rats that were exposed to microwave irradiation found their way much more slowly. This allowed Dr. Ley to conclude that in rats, as a result of irradiation, spatial memory is impaired and they lose orientation. Scientists from the University of Bristol and the Bristol Royal Hospital under the leadership of Dr. Alan Preece conducted an experiment on humans. The subjects were volunteers. The participants in the experiment were asked to perform a certain set of intelligence tasks while being in different conditions: under the influence of microwave radiation from digital telephones, analog telephones, and without any influence. After 30 minutes of exposure to radiation, 36 subjects showed a significant reduction in reaction time during visual tests. Scientists from the University of Bristol and the Bristol Royal Hospital under the leadership of Dr. Alan Preece conducted an experiment on humans. The subjects were volunteers. The participants in the experiment were asked to perform a certain set of intelligence tasks while being in different conditions: under the influence of microwave radiation from digital telephones, analog telephones, and without any influence. After 30 minutes of exposure to radiation, 36 subjects showed a significant reduction in reaction time during visual tests.

Mobile phones. Mobile phones can cause cancer. Mobile phones can cause cancer. For a long time, most scientists and scientific institutions have said that there are indications that mobile communications are harmful to health and it would be wise to use mobile communications devices with caution, especially limiting them to children. For a long time, most scientists and scientific institutions have said that there are indications that mobile communications are harmful to health and it would be wise to use mobile communications devices with caution, especially limiting them to children. Until now, scientific progress has proceeded at an offensively slow pace, reminiscent of a dash before the finish line in a turtle race. This applies primarily to those who are waiting for a verdict from scientists regarding the alleged harm to the health of a mobile phone: for example, whether it causes brain tumors. Until now, scientific progress has proceeded at an offensively slow pace, reminiscent of a dash before the finish line in a turtle race. This applies primarily to those who are waiting for a verdict from scientists regarding the alleged harm to the health of a mobile phone: for example, whether it causes brain tumors.

Effect on earthworms Research carried out in Scotland under the direction of Sir William Stewart gave very puzzling results. When earthworms were exposed to microwave radiation, a change in their protein structure was discovered. It felt like heatstroke - like worms had been lightly fried. Professor William Ross Edie from the University of California, who has been studying the effects of electromagnetic radiation for more than 20 years, came to the same conclusion: “Just as a microwave oven cooks meat, microwave radiation heats living tissue, which can lead to a wide variety of consequences. Research, carried out in Scotland under the leadership of Sir William Stewart, gave very puzzling results. When earthworms were exposed to microwave radiation, a change in the structure of their protein was discovered. It was similar to a heat stroke - as if the worms were slightly fried. Professor William came to the same conclusion. Ross Edie from the University of California, who has been studying the effects of electromagnetic radiation for more than 20 years: “Just as a microwave oven cooks meat, microwave radiation heats living tissue, which can lead to a wide variety of consequences.

Blood pressure and the telephone... German researchers from Freiburg have discovered another flaw in cell phones - during operation they increase a person's blood pressure. The research was carried out correctly. Ten volunteers had cell phones operating in the 900 MHz band (GSM) fixed on the right side of their heads. The devices were positioned approximately the same as during the conversation. The phones were turned on in working mode without the subjects knowing about it. This made it possible to exclude subjective factors that could affect the pressure. Using special monitors, the patients' blood pressure was constantly measured.

Although many aspects of the health effects of mobile phones remain unclear, experts agree on one thing: talking on the phone while driving is dangerous. An analysis of 700 road traffic accidents in the UK found that talking on the phone quadruples the risk of getting into an accident. health There is no difference between a handset held in the driver's hand and a hands-free phone. But it is still necessary to have a phone in the car, since emergency calls from mobile phones in the event of an accident have saved many more lives than were lost due to talkative drivers.

Do not interfere with aircraft navigation equipment According to studies conducted by aircraft manufacturers Boeing and Airbus, there is no scientific basis for banning the use of mobile phones on aircraft. Representatives of the American and British civil aviation services came to the same conclusion. Research conducted by Boeing has shown that 20 mobile phones operating in the cabin of a Boeing 737 do not cause any interference. Airbus conducted similar studies. An analysis of aircraft crew reports did not reveal a single case of interference associated with the use of mobile phones. Despite this, not a single airline in the world allows the use of cell phones on board their aircraft.

Experiments... Scientists fear that due to the widespread spread of mobile communications, humanity is facing a health crisis. Dr. George Carlo, former research director of the Cell Phone Safety Project, predicts that there could be more cases of brain and eye cancer each year between now and 2010 as a result of cell phone use. Currently, this figure remains at the level of thousands of cases per year. According to scientific research, cell phone radiation directly harms health: it has been proven that it leads to headaches, high blood pressure, brain tumors, cancer, Alzheimer's disease and other diseases. The photo shows the brain of a rat before and after exposure to rays.

Cell phone radiation damages genes Radio emissions similar to those emitted by cell phones can damage cells' DNA, a team of European scientists has reported. Extensive research has examined the effects of low-energy electromagnetic radiation similar to that emitted by conventional cell phones.

10 ways to save your brain and health from cell phone radiation. Limit your use of your mobile phone as much as possible, reduce the duration of the call. Limit your use of your mobile phone as much as possible, reduce the duration of the call. Children should only use a cell phone if absolutely necessary. Children should only use a cell phone if absolutely necessary. Use only wired headsets. Use only wired headsets. Do not carry mobile phones switched on in your pockets or on your belt. Do not carry mobile phones switched on in your pockets or on your belt. Only put the phone to your ear when the person on the other end picks up the phone. Raise the phone to your ear only when the person on the other end picks up the phone. Do not use a cell phone in a car, elevator, or other enclosed metal space. Do not use a cell phone in a car, elevator, or other enclosed metal space. It is highly recommended not to use your phone when its charge indicator is one line. It is highly recommended not to use your phone when its charge indicator is one line. Buy mobile phones with the lowest SAR ratings. Buy mobile phones with the lowest SAR ratings. Use only scientifically approved, proven radiation protection products. Use only scientifically approved, proven radiation protection products. Use vitamin and mineral complexes that help reduce the body's reaction to the activity of electromagnetic waves. Use vitamin and mineral complexes that help reduce the body's reaction to the activity of electromagnetic waves.

As a result... Regular studies are currently being conducted that should finally determine the degree of negative impact of radiation from wireless devices, in particular mobile phones, on human health. In parallel with medical research, Ericsson, Motorola and Nokia are developing a single standard for the permissible level of radiation - specific absorption rates (SAR) - of cell phones and a person's weight. According to the future specification, the maximum permissible amount of radiation will be determined, so to speak, "per kilogram of a living person. health

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Presentation on the topic: “Cell phone” Prepared by: Student of VIII grade “A” MOUBSOSH No. 7 Nikolay Litvinov

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The history of the appearance of the first cell phone in the world. On April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper, head of Motorola's mobile communications division, was walking through downtown Manhattan when he decided to make a cell phone call. Passers-by were very surprised and did not understand what was happening: there were still 10 years left before the advent of commercial cellular telephony. On March 6, 1983, the world's first commercial portable cell phone was released. On this day, Motorola introduced the DynaTAC 8000X - the result of 15 years of development, on which more than $100 million was spent. The phone weighed 794 grams and had dimensions of 33 x 4.4 x 8.9 cm. The battery charge of the first mobile phone with an LED display was enough for 8 hours of standby time or hours of talk time. The phone was the first to be certified for commercial use by the US Federal Communications Commission. At retail, the new product cost fabulous money - $3,995. However, according to Motorola representatives, even despite the high price, the idea of ​​​​being always connected so inspired users that thousands of Americans signed up to buy the DynaTAC 8000X.

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Phone operation on a cellular network. The cellular network consists of base stations (multi-frequency VHF transceivers) distributed throughout the coverage area of ​​the cellular network and switches. The cell phone listens to the airwaves, finds the signal from the base station and sends it the unique IMSI of the SIM card, as well as the unique IMEI of the phone. The network computer verifies the subscriber's authenticity by sending a random number to the mobile phone, which the SIM card processes using a special algorithm and sends the result to the nearest base station. The base station transmits information to the control computer, where the code from the mobile phone and the one calculated by the computer are checked. If there is a match, the mobile phone is allowed access to the network. The reliability of identification is considered quite high. The cell phone and base station maintain constant radio contact. When moving, a cell phone periodically switches from one base station to another, choosing the station that has a stronger signal. This process occurs even if the phone is in standby mode and there is no conversation in progress. The network computer always knows with which base station a given mobile phone maintains stable radio communication. By remembering the current time and base station number, the computer stores the time of negotiations and the location of the subscriber. A stolen cell phone can be found by its IMEI, regardless of what SIM card is installed in it. In many devices, you can change the IMEI using various illegal methods. Communication between the telephone and the station can be carried out using a variety of digital protocols, which can be divided into families. The main ones are: (DAMPS, CDMA, GSM, UMTS. Obsolete analog protocols - (AMPS, NAMPS, NMT-450). Most modern cell phones can operate in several standards, which allows you to use roaming services in different cellular networks. Most GSM- phones used in Russia support the GSM-900 and GSM-1800 protocols, many also work in the GSM-850 and GSM-1900 networks. Almost all UMTS phones can work in GSM networks. There was a media report about a cell phone project that. you can use it much like a walkie-talkie - if the subscribers are close to each other, such a phone will provide communication between them without using the switching equipment of the cellular operator - you will not have to pay the cellular operator for such a conversation.

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The influence of a cell phone on human health. First of all, I would like to present the results of a survey conducted on the Internet about the safety of cell phones. The question was: “Do you think that using a cell phone is harmful to your health?”

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The influence of a cell phone on human health. (Part 2) 06/28/2000 The World Health Organization published its recommendations on the issue of cell phone safety in connection with the upcoming conference of the European Parliament. The recommendations note that to date there is no convincing evidence linking the use of mobile phones with the development of cancer or other serious diseases. Final conclusions are expected to be drawn from the results of a multi-year study in 10 countries, which will be completed in 2003. Negative effects such as slower reaction time or sleep disorders are also considered not scientifically confirmed. Thus, the recommendations indicate that no special security measures should be applied to cell phones. This study corresponds to data obtained by a group of scientists from Canada who studied the effect of exposure to radio waves (from cellular antennas installed on the roofs of buildings and from cell phones) on humans. Their independent study was conducted at the request of Health Canada, and the report found that “exposure (to radio frequency fields) of the type and intensity generated by radiocommunication devices does not cause or cause tumors in animals or humans.” Despite this, the need to improve Canadian laws in the field of protection of personnel working in the field of cellular communications was noted.

philologists. His grandfather was the founder of a famous school of oratory and the author of the book Fine Passages. Father, Melville Bell, invented the Visible Speech system, in which speech sounds were represented by written symbols; Using this system, people could pronounce words correctly even in an unknown language. Alexander grew up in an atmosphere of music and recitation, where special attention was paid to the sounds of the human voice. At the age of 14, he moved to London to live with his grandfather, under whose guidance he studied literature and public speaking. And three years later he began an independent life, teaching music and public speaking at Weston House Academy. Having thoroughly studied the acoustics and physics of human speech for nine years, Bell became an assistant to his father, a professor at the University of London. In the spring of 1870, Bell fell ill, and doctors recommended that he change his climate. The family moved to Canada, and in 1871 he lived in Boston (USA), teaching at a school for the deaf and dumb using the visible speech system.

  • childhood leukemia;
  • ocular cataracts (and other diseases of the organs of vision);
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • brain tumor;
  • acoustic nerve tumor;
  • breast cancer (due to carrying a mobile phone in a purse at chest level);
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • disruption of the nervous system, which can lead to DNA damage;
  • dysfunctions of the genitourinary system (possible infertility, female and male diseases);

Pay attention!

We are not discouraging you from using mobile phones. We understand perfectly well that without this tool life is no longer possible.

But if you value your health and the health of your loved ones, then you should make sure that you have quality protection against electromagnetic fields (protection against electromagnetic radiation)!

The children's brain absorbs 50-70% more energy from mobile phone radiation due to the smaller size of the skull.

The critical systems in humans when exposed to EMF are the central nervous system, immune and endocrine systems. Moreover, during the period of growth, the body is more sensitive to EMFs than an already formed, adult one.

Children are a target marketing group for the mobile communications market. They constitute a large number of telephone users and generate huge profits for telecom corporations. The mad rush by mobile phone companies is aimed at maximizing short-term profits. But we cannot ignore the emergence of possible long-term costs associated with disruption of the normal development of the child and youth body, both today and subsequent generations.

Every year, Russian mobile operators make 10% of their revenue from children - about $500 million.

The potential risk to children's health is very high:

  • the absorption of electromagnetic energy in a child’s head is significantly higher than in an adult (the brain tissue of children has greater conductivity, smaller head size, thin skull bones, shorter distance from the antenna to the head, etc.);
  • a child's body is more sensitive to the electromagnetic field than an adult;
  • the brain of children has a greater tendency to accumulate adverse reactions under conditions of repeated irradiation with an electromagnetic field;
  • the electromagnetic field influences the formation of processes of higher nervous activity;
  • Modern children use mobile phones from an early age and will continue to use them as adults, so the experience of children in contact with electromagnetic radiation will be significantly longer than that of modern adults.

According to members of the Russian National Committee for Protection from Non-Ionizing Radiation in Children Using Mobile Phones, The following possible immediate disorders should be expected: weakening of memory, decreased attention, decreased mental and cognitive abilities, irritability, sleep disturbance, increased epileptic readiness.

Tumors of the brain, auditory and vestibular nerves (at the age of 25-30 years), Alzheimer's disease, “acquired dementia”, depressive syndrome and other manifestations of degeneration of the nervous structures of the brain (at the age of 50-60 years).

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"Presentation on the topic "Mobile phones in our lives""


Work completed by: student of grade 10 “B”

Polupanov Maxim


Polupanova Elena Nikolaevna

physics teacher.

MBOU Secondary School No. 50.

Novosibirsk 2014

Purpose of the work:

Using the knowledge gained from studying the physics course and additional literature, study the effect of mobile phones on the body of children and adolescents of MBOU Secondary School No. 50.


  • To study the problem of the influence of electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones on the human body;
  • Find out the positive and negative effects of these fields on the human body;
  • Conduct a survey among school students
  • To formulate principles of protection from the harmful effects of mobile phone fields;
  • Provide recommendations to students on the use of mobile phones

In today's Russia, mobile communications have taken a strong place in the life of a modern person. Today, almost everyone, from preschoolers to senior citizens, has at least one mobile phone.

Russia has taken second place after Italy in terms of the number of connected cell phone numbers.

Technologies do not stand still, and in 1921 in the USA, a dispatch service for telegraph mobile communications at frequencies of about 2 MHz appeared in the USA for the operational management of police actions.

In 1947, two events took place that were of great importance for the further development of radiotelephone communications.


Bell laboratories

W. Shockley, W. Brattain and J. Bardeen

invented the transistor, and D. Ring

put forward the idea of ​​cellular

networking principle

mobile communications.

In 1967 the company Motorola The first portable radios were created, which gave impetus to the creation of mobile phones.

Our first fully automatic professional mobile radio communication system with moving objects called “Altai” started working in 1962 (engineers A.P. Bileiko, M.A. Shkud, L.N. Margunov, G.Z. Grinev, V. M. Kuzmin).

On the morning of April 3, Martin Cooper, Vice President Motorola , picked up the first mobile phone Dina - TAC , weighing 1.15 kg and measuring 22.5 × 12.5 × 3.75 cm, went out into the street and made the first “cellular” call in the world. Thus, the birthday of the cell phone, and indeed all cellular communications, can be considered April 3, 1973.

A * - external questionnaire; B – internal questionnaire; ** - warning about possible radiation hazards in the user manual; -- - not described; - - Badly; + - Fine


StarTac 130 (A)*


SAR, W/kg

StarTac 130 (B)*


0 ,10










I8888 World



























OneTouchmax (A)*





OneTouchmax (B)*





























For reference: According to Russian sanitary standards, not a single mobile phone is suitable for human use if you press the handset to your ear, as 98% of people do.

I would like to clarify that the radiation of a telephone affects not only the person who is talking on it, but also all people who are within a radius of 1-3 meters!

Pay attention!

Children are a target marketing group for the mobile communications market. They constitute a large number of telephone users and generate huge profits for telecom corporations.

Every year, Russian mobile operators make 10% of their revenue from children – about $500 million.

Expected (possible) long-term consequences:

brain tumors,

auditory and vestibular nerves (aged 25-30 years), Alzheimer's disease,


depressive syndrome and other manifestations of degeneration of the nervous structures of the brain (at the age of 50-60 years).

I decided to find out what role a mobile phone plays in the lives of students at our school. To do this, I conducted a survey in which 100 students (8-11 grades) participated.

Your phone brand.

Cell phone bills are usually paid by parents.

17 students (17%) are allocated up to 100 rubles,

51 students (41%) are allocated from 200 to 350 rubles,

And 32 students (32%) cost in this sense more than 400 rubles.

  • Limiting the frequency and duration of telephone conversations.
  • A one-time 3-minute communication session is better than five half-minute calls made one after another
  • It is best to carry your phone in a bag, briefcase or backpack
  • Wear on the belt, on the hip side
  • During a conversation, do not press the phone too hard to your ear. And if possible, it is better to keep it at a short distance.
  • If you are planning to buy a new phone and are choosing between several models that are equally suitable for you, do not be lazy to ask the seller or consultant about SAR indicators and choose the device with the lowest value.
  • The higher the radiation from the base station, the lower the radiation from the phone itself.
  • Try to keep call time to a minimum.