Search engine promotion. # 7.2 Anchor and non-anchor links, image links: which ones to use

Good day, dear readers of the blog site.

Today we will talk about how to promote your website in search engines using a variety of methods. I will tell you about some rules that will help you develop your project more effectively and optimize it for search engines. I will also touch on services that can automate some routine processes. Let's talk a little about link building.

The issue of promoting resources is quite acute. Many people think that there is some kind of magic button that can very easily bring the desired project to the top places of search results.

I hasten to dispel your expectations: promotion is a complex process that consists of a large number of different components. Some of these components have nothing to do with the user at all - that is, the owner of the website.

You need to understand that search engines are constantly evolving, changing their algorithms, trying to improve the quality of resources in the search results. This is the whole point of competent promotion - you need to do it with high quality, then the site will be in the first positions in search engines.

Today we'll talk about how to do it efficiently. Let's begin!

How search engines work

As I said above, search engines strive to deliver the most relevant results to users. They want users to receive only high-quality information - this is the principle of all search engines.

Nevertheless, people have been looking all the time for a way to trick search engines a little with the help of certain manipulations. Then all sorts of spam links appeared, the mass building, over-optimization, etc. Webmasters tried to create sites only for search robots - such sites were not suitable for people.

Then search engines began to actively fight SEO sites, giving preference to quality content and resources that are made for people. That is, sites that were convenient, beautiful, readable or functional, if we are talking about some kind of services.

The search engine optimization vector has shifted towards optimization for people. That is, now it is not so important what keywords and in what quantity are contained in the text - it is the informational value of the text that is important. Does he answer the user's questions, whether he gives truthful information or, on the contrary, is misleading.

If earlier webmasters tried to optimize their sites specifically for search engines, now they strive to do everything for users. Because they are one and the same. If users like the site, then search engines will like it too.

Great importance is given to such a concept as behavioral factors. These factors represent exactly what I described above - the value of the site in the eyes of ordinary readers. How convenient, practical, efficient and high-quality it is.

Behavioral factors have become one of the most fundamental pillars of search engine promotion. Sites with good behaviors go to the top, bad ones go to the bottom. It is impossible to somehow cheat this indicator - search engines quickly determine this and ban all violators.

But don't think that search algorithms work 100% efficiently. These are still robots, not artificial intelligence. They, too, can make mistakes and miss out on really high quality sites.

That is why it is worth thinking not only about the quality of the content itself, but also about certain actions that are aimed at showing these qualities. It turns out such a mixture between optimizing the project for search engines and creating quality content / improving usability.

If you give preference to only one side - you get rubbish. In the first case, your site will definitely fall under the filter marked “useless content”. Then there will be no talk of any progress. In the second, your quality content may simply not be noticed. And for whom, one wonders, tried.

Internal optimization

First of all, we should take care of the technical optimization of our project. This includes all these robots, sitemaps, adding a project to various panels of webmasters, etc. Here, there are meta tags, design, code optimization and page loading speed. More on this later.

Adding a site to Yandex.Webmaster and Search Console

We have to add our site to the panel for webmasters of the two main search engines - they are actively used in Russia and the CIS, so this stage is mandatory.

Semantic core

To understand which queries are especially relevant now, you must. You can do this yourself or commission a third-party company. There are a lot of them now, so there will be no problems with the search. And the cost will be inexpensive. Although it depends on how you look at it. The price starts from 5 rubles per request. Many have limits on the number of requests.

Several rules for successful website promotion

I said this before, but I will repeat it anyway: success depends on a huge number of different factors. If you can put a lot of effort, and all your actions are justified and competent, the site will quickly get to the top.

Mistakes will slow down the development of your resource, so I recommend constantly staying “in trend”. Read blogs of successful SEO specialists, watch articles from the search engines themselves, learn new information. Search engines do not stand still, they are developing. To be in the top, you need to develop with them.

Don't forget that quality content is in vogue. You need to worry not only about how good the numbers are in this or that service. It is important to understand whether your readers or customers like what you are doing.

It will be good if you can collect feedback - feedback. So that users can express their thoughts about the project.


The article turned out to be quite voluminous. I hope these tips will help you optimize your site yourself, increase your loading speed, and think about creating quality content. After all, in fact, it is the behavioral factors that decide. If they are good - the site flies to the first positions of the results, bad - remains in the same place or vice versa flies down.

If you want to learn more about promoting information projects and making money on them, I recommend paying attention to. The author talks about all the nuances of competent promotion in the PS, shows how to do it and how not. The entire course is divided into blocks of information and lessons. During the course, you get the opportunity to network with experts and other students. Follow the link for more details.

Having your own website, the first thing you need to do is make a plan for its promotion. Without clear planning and setting goals, you will not be able to promote the resource yourself. I must say that there is no specific algorithm for promoting a website. Each specialist builds his own strategy, which is based on personal experience.

If you are new to this business and do not know where to start, then you can proceed according to a rough plan, which is detailed in this article. Naturally, you can change, supplement and correct items, trusting your intuition.

How to start promoting a young site?

If you want your resource to be in the search and bypass competitors in all respects, then you should start by working out the main points:

  • Compilation of the semantic core. Your task is to find requests close to the promoted resource. To find high-frequency search phrases, it is important to put yourself in the shoes of a regular user. You must understand your future audience, know the interests of users, their age and gender. When you find those high-frequency queries, start highlighting the low-frequency and mid-frequency ones. Thus, you will form the semantic core of the resource.
  • Niche analysis and forecasting. After determining the core, it is necessary to do a market analysis to identify the main competitors. Enter the high-frequency queries you have highlighted in the search bar and analyze which resources are in the TOP. Go to each page, study in detail the work of competitors, what methods of promotion they use, the main trends and positions. After working through this item, you can make a forecast of traffic to your resource and adjust the optimization strategy.
  • Internal SEO audit. Having studied the competitors, you need to go to the study of your resource or to its audit. This is a challenging task that requires at least basic SEO knowledge. The purpose of the audit is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the resource. Please note that after working through these 3 points, there are no cardinal changes on the site yet. Although a lot of time will be spent. All that you have received is a huge store of knowledge with which you can safely move on.
  • Microdata. If you want to bring your site to the TOP, then micro-markup is extremely important. Basically, your page is initially marked up with commonly used tags and attributes. Usually this is enough for search engines and many sites still exist and even flourish like that. However, if you want to help search engines understand your resource, understand its structure, pointing out the areas to which you need to pay attention first of all, then it is important to implement micro-markup (add additional tags and attributes that will indicate everything). By doing this, you will help search engines understand the structure and content of your resource, as well as increase its traffic.

Popular technical errors

Let's consider the technical side of optimization and the main mistakes that webmasters make. After analyzing many sites, we can conclude that there are often the same shortcomings that experts make. Errors can affect an Internet resource in completely different ways. Some shortcomings prevent search engines from indexing resource pages, others help competitors to use possible errors for their own purposes, while others have a negative impact on promotion and positions. Therefore, it is extremely important to identify shortcomings in time and correct them.

The most common mistakes:

  • Availability of the resource name at different addresses. If the site can be accessed using different addresses (for example, with and without the www prefix), there is a duplication problem. In this case, the search engine will perceive the content on one of the addresses as non-unique and move it to additional search results. To fix this defect, you need to add the Host directive to the robots.txt file of all resource mirrors and specify the main domain.
  • Slow download speed. This error can directly affect the ranking of the page. Therefore, correcting this defect will help increase the trust in the site from the search engines.
  • Availability of the main page of the resource at different addresses. Remember, the main page of the website should be accessible only at the main address, otherwise there will be a duplication problem, which is likely to cause a decrease in the resource's position.

How to promote your site?

When you know where to start website promotion and the main technical mistakes that are important to avoid, we will determine what types of promotion exist. Today there are 3 main types:

  • By positions. The specialist selects a list of requests and displays them in the TOP;
  • By traffic. The main goal with this type of promotion is to increase search traffic to a certain figure within the time allotted for optimization;
  • Comprehensive promotion. It includes the first two types and additional promotion in social networks, Direct advertising and much more. Complex promotion is much more expensive, so only wealthy site owners use it, or customers who are ready to really spend money to achieve their goals.

What type of promotion to choose depends on the specifics of the site. If you attract visitors to the resource in order to sell goods and services, then it is better to choose traffic promotion. The more traffic, the higher the sales. If you have an informational site, then choose promotion by position. And if you have money for promotion, then turn to integrated promotion.

Having decided on the type of promotion, you will be faced with the question of choosing pages for promotion. The page that users initially land on (the main login page) is important when promoting a resource. It should be user-friendly, understandable and meet the expectations of visitors. If you ignore these requirements, you will inevitably lose customers. Users who have not found the information of interest on the main page will leave the site.

Use the advanced search engine to select landing pages. To do this, type in a request by which the page will be promoted in the search engine, and delimit the search area with your resource. The first page on the list will have the highest relevance, which means that it needs to be promoted.

Now create an anchor list. This is a very important stage of promotion. A competent distribution of anchors in the list will greatly increase the position of the site.

Anchor list includes a list of all text links installed on the resource. In addition to them, the list should contain information about the frequency of use of anchors and the addresses of the pages to which the links lead.

Your anchor list must meet the following parameters:

  • It should be dominated by non-anchor links, approximately 45%;
  • About 40% should be occupied by anchors consisting of several words;
  • About 15% should be occupied by anchors consisting of 4 or more words.

Link placement and donor analysis

When promoting a resource, external factors play an important role, affecting the movement of the site to the TOP positions in search engines. One of these factors is the acquisition of permanent and temporary links on other resources.

Placing links on different sites can help with optimization, or it can be completely useless. Therefore, before buying a link, it is important to analyze the donor site and understand whether there will be a real effect from such cooperation. When doing the analysis, pay attention to the following characteristics of the donor:

  • Domain age;
  • Resource spam;
  • Attendance;
  • Number of indexed pages;
  • Lack of filters from search engines;
  • Content quality;
  • TIC and PR.

Improving usability and monitoring competitors

There are proven techniques to improve the usability of a resource:

  • Filtering information. Remove unnecessary information from the site, and you will significantly increase user loyalty.
  • Convenient navigation. The more comfortable and confident a user feels on the site, the more chances he will come back here more than once.
  • Study and analysis of user behavior on the site.

Do not forget to learn from other people's experience, study the behavior of competitors, follow their innovations. This will help you stay in trend, and with the right use of information, you will be able to bypass the competing side.

Website promotion in search engines

Let's consider how to effectively promote a new, young resource in the most famous search engines:

  • How to promote a website in Yandex. First, learn the main thing - it takes time to get into the TOP of this search engine. The search engine indexes new pages in a chaotic manner, so some pages can be indexed within 30 minutes, while others will wait a week. The same situation is with the position in the SERP: everything is very unstable. Even with active page promotion, your site can remain in one position for a long time without moving. So be patient. Promote the resource constantly, observing a certain frequency. A one-time spike in the link mass gives a short-term result. Be selective about link donors. Pay attention to details - site availability, loading speed, resource design, layout.
  • Features of promotion in Google. In this search engine, the page plays an important role, not the domain as a whole. Having one well-pumped page on a young resource, your chances of being in the TOP of the search engine increase exponentially. Pay more attention to internal resource optimization. The search engine loves over-optimized texts, so don't be afraid to increase your keyword density (this doesn't work for Yandex). But, try not to overdo it with keys, as this can harm readability for users. Use links, they will definitely help the resource reach the TOP faster (this number will not work with Yandex).

Advance on RF requests

To effectively promote your site for high-frequency queries, it is best to use articles. Usually, texts of 3000 characters without spaces are bought, their cost may vary depending on the professionalism of the copywriter. In the purchased article, links to the promoted resource are inserted with an anchor that corresponds to the HF request. For example, promoting the query "flowers", the link will take the following form: ˃href \u003d "resource address" flowers˂.

Buy articles for an RF request on the same topic from different copywriters. This will help you get really high-quality and informative texts. As one, even the best copywriter, is not capable of producing 30 author's texts on one topic.

By promoting the resource in this way, you will reach the TOP in a couple of months. It is not necessary to immediately spend a lot of money on the purchase of articles if the budget is limited, while promoting the site gradually.

How to advertise your site?

To advertise a site, you should post information about it on different services in accordance with the subject of the resource. Ads placed on Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords work best. Teaser and thematic banner ads also work well. Of course, don't forget about PR in social networks on the pages of famous bloggers. In general, the more your site is heard, the better, therefore, when deploying an advertising campaign for a site, use a non-standard approach that will help attract the target audience to the resource.

Welcome to the blog!

How to promote a website yourself - step by step instructions. This article is intended for those readers who have already created their blog or website, have been conducting it for some time and have set themselves the goal of reaching 1000 visitors per day in 6 months, and then 2000, 6000, 8000 visitors, etc. At the end of the article - BONUS from my colleague webmaster Pavel Bogdanov.

Useful info: 3-day intensive blog creation from the famous blogger and webmaster Alexander Borisov

How to promote a website yourself - step by step instructions

So, you have created your site, now you are faced with the task of promoting it. At the initial stage, with a competent approach, you can easily do it yourself. You need to strive to ensure that he becomes the best in his niche. Only then can your project become truly profitable. Plus, it will be able to bring you not only money, but also moral satisfaction. After all, you will build a truly useful information resource for people.

Where will you get traffic to your site from:

  • Bookmarks (people visit your site themselves).
  • Search engines (Yandex, Google, etc.)
  • Social networks, forums, other communities like Subscribe.
  • Other sites (people follow links from other sites, blogs).
  • Advertising of your site in Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords.

Main you should focus on direct traffic, NOT on search traffic... You need to strive to form a permanent audience of your readers. The blog should be so useful and interesting that people pin it to their bookmarks and refer to your resource again and again.

To form a permanent target audience in the first 6-12 months, it is important:

  • generate interesting content (write useful articles);
  • attract a permanent target audience to the site with various promotions: contests, marathons, polls, tests, crosswords.

ATTENTION: this is extremely important for promotion: a constant target audience will improve the behavioral factors of your site:

  • will constantly visit your site;
  • constantly comment on your articles;
  • will link to your site on its own, on other sites or forums.
In the first 6 months, no search engine optimization or link buying is needed! You just need to create interesting content and create an attractive atmosphere through promotions, contests, marathons to form a permanent target audience!
Helpful advice: Own contests, promotions, marathons announce in social networks, forums... People will pay attention to your site and remember it. You will see how the traffic to your resource will increase in just a few months! One more ADVICE.It deals with the traffic that you can quickly attract to your site. using advertising in Yandex Direct and Google Adwords... To be fair, I must say that this is the most effective way to get visitors to your resource. I can say from experience that setting up advertising in Yandex is easier and cheaper. You can customize your ads yourself. And in order not to drain the budget, it is better to automate some of the advertising settings on special services, for example, on the Autopilot of contextual advertising Rookee. The service itself will flexibly manage your advertising. Click on the button for details.

STEP 3. Carry out internal site optimization.

Internal optimization is a set of works aimed at improving your site in order to increase its position in search results.

What work needs to be done?

  • Content work(correct writing of articles is the key to good website promotion, details in the article):
    • Compile the semantic core.
    • Write articles only for keywords (check in super service Mutagen the level of competition and the number of views, views should be more than 150, and preferably more than 500, competition from 5 to 12).
    • Execute correct internal linking (website promotion depends on this).
    • Pictures must be UNIQUE - this is the most important factor in promotion. It is important to optimize images. How to technically accomplish this, you will learn from the video from the webmaster and blogger Alexander Borisov.

  • Analyze appearance, design, usability (user friendliness), site structure:
    • Modern design template (you can find out the requirements for modern design from the article).
    • User friendliness (In the main menu, be sure to: Sitemap (All Articles) , in the right sidebar - Site search and Categories (template settings), file settings , good website loading speed(can be checked on Google pagespeed insights,correct display on mobile devices(you can check it in Yandex Webmaster -\u003e Tools -\u003e Checking mobile pages).
    • Nothing extra on the site (Calendar, exchange rates and the like are bad taste).
    • Comfortable commenting (without captcha input).
    • E-mail subscription form is required (this is your gold, this is the future profitability of your site). I use a new one to customize the subscription form (it costs only $ 11, with unlimited (!) e-mail sending letters to an unlimited (!) base).
    • For blogs: logo is required, section About the author is required!
  • Eliminate broken links, infected links and duplicate pages (operation of cleaning the blog (site)). You will learn how to technically do this from this video:

  • Speed \u200b\u200bup the indexing of your site... New sites do not index new posts (articles) immediately, sometimes for a very long time. What you need to do to increase the speed of site indexing by search engines:

How to do it technically, you will learn from a useful video of the famous webmaster and blogger Alexander Borisov:

STEP 4. Carry out external website optimization.

External optimization is mainly understood as building up the link mass to the site.

However, if earlier, website promotion was based mainly on obtaining (buying) external links, now the search engine algorithms have changed and links do not have such a value for promotion as before.

Much more important for search engines now behavioral factors of visitors on the site... therefore really useful content is important, an attractive atmosphere on a blog or website. In order for the visitor to stay on the site, be sure to publish in every post useful or interesting video... Are important links to other useful articlesand on trust sites of a similar subject (1-2 links in the article). Important encouraging and encouraging readers to commentth articles. Are important unique text, high-quality and unique photos or pictures in articles.

For the first time 6 months you shouldn't think about link promotion at all... A little later, when the site is filled with articles, you need to start external optimization using free methods: registering on forums, exchanging links with other blogs, etc.

But about 6 months after the website was created or a little later, it is important to start your promotion by buying links from these trusted and trusted exchanges:

There are many other exchanges, but I prefer these - the most reliable. I arranged them in order - from expensive to cheaper... You can buy links temporary and eternal, I use only eternal links for promotion and I advise you to do the same.

IMPORTANT: you cannot dramatically increase the link mass, this can harm your site!

For information on how to buy links correctly without harming your site, see these videos (# Parts 1 and 2):

STEP 5.Conduct a technical audit and SEO audit of the site, make sure that there are no technical errors left.

Perform a technical audit of your siteto identify possible errors that may interfere with the rapid promotion of your site. You can do this for free using the service PR-CY. In fact, such an audit should ideally be done before and after internal and external optimization.

The technical condition of the site greatly affects the promotion.For instance, at low speedpage loads will have a high bounce rate. The speed of loading pages of the site can be checked for free on Google's pagespeed insights.

Also important ensure cross-browser and cross-platform compatibilityso that your site is displayed in all browsers and on other platforms, for example, on mobile phones.

You will learn how to independently (free of charge) conduct a seo audit of a site from this video, prepared by a specialist of the well-known Seopult service.

You can learn how to conduct a technical audit of a site from this useful video (there is a detailed explanation of how to work with an excellent service for checking the speed of loading pages of the website

I hope the article "How to promote a website yourself - step by step instructions" was useful for you and you learned something new from it. Follow all the above recommendations and you will inevitably find yourself in the TOP.

The main thing to understand is that the most important thing in website promotion is content and its consumers!


And finally - a useful bonus from my colleague webmaster Pavel Bogdanov.

If you have any difficulties in promoting your site, you can request a list of recommendations by clicking on the link:, there they send a checklist and if necessary, they can tell you about a specific site - what exactly needs to be done.

With all my heart I wish everyone not to give up and to promote their projects with inspiration!

Until next time on the blog!

Hello dear readers! Today I am publishing the article that you all asked for a long time. An article on how to promote a site and how to promote a site. I wrote it for a long time and after reading you will understand why. After all, website promotion (or as everyone is used to calling it SEO) is a very many constituent process, which is difficult to fit in one article, and in articles in general. But I tried to collect everything from my experience and from the experience of those people who helped me and continue to help. As a result, we got a kind of step-by-step instructions or an algorithm of actions that will help you in promoting your site. So, let's begin!

I'm not an SEO Guru, but ...

I'm not an SEO specialist, but 90% of the sites I have have successfully ranked in the top positions in search engines. I did not take courses, did not participate in cool conferences, but I just tried many ways to promote sites and chose for myself what really works and what has never let me down. I didn’t work with hundreds of client sites, I just worked on my sites for my beloved, but most likely this is even for the best. I learned everything myself and only once even bought a consultation from an experienced person in this matter to clarify some points. Therefore, catch the instruction from self-taught;)

It is important to know

Be sure to read this paragraph! It's not for nothing that I paint everything in long introductions. You will understand this when you read the entire article. Previously, in order to promote a site to the TOP 3 search results, it was enough to simply buy links, stuff the site with keywords and enjoy life. But now IT'S NOT SO! Everything has changed dramatically. Search engines change algorithms, sites change, competition grows and links have become not the main one, but one of dozens and hundreds of factors that affect the position of the site. Their weight is, but not the same as before. This must be understood.

Now, in order to promote a site, you need to take into account much more factors, and we will talk about this below. And the last thing you should know: website promotion is a long process that lasts for months. So get ready for a long, painstaking, but interesting job!

We define the goals of the site

90% of companies do not understand at all why they need a website. They heard that everyone needs a website now and ran to the studio for development. As a result, look at any 100 business card or informational sites and more than half of them will be useless, either with a disgusting design, or with clumsy code, etc. So these sites are generally not inclined to promotion. If you have already taken up the site, then you must understand that this is a great responsibility. It won't just work because it exists!

Before starting a website, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Why do you need it?
  2. What tasks will he perform for you?
  3. What benefit will it bring to people?

If a site is useless for people, then it is useless for search engines as well. You will understand what I am talking about by reading the article to the end. I can only say that this is the fault of behavioral factors (PF). The details are below.

Once you have identified the purpose of the site for you: it should sell something, present or just give people information. And usefulness for people: useful information from experts of your company, useful information from you personally, answers to users' questions or just a place to have a pleasant pastime (an entertainment site), etc. After that, go to the site itself!

Site quality

If you thought that promotion was just manipulation with search engines, then you are mistaken, it was so before. Now, before showing the site to search engines at all, you need to prepare it. After all, one of the criteria for ranking sites in the SERP is to assess the quality of the site itself. So what needs to be done!

Clean and light code

Have you ever visited several different sites, but one of them loads quickly, and the other slowly? So how Yandex or Google perceives you also depends on this. Site speed depends not only on the code, but also on the hosting in particular. With hosting, everything is simple, use it and you will be happy. I am completely satisfied, but I do not impose, you can choose your own.

But with the code, things are more complicated.

  1. When developing a site, I would advise you to talk to the developers so that they do not burden the site with various plugins, scripts, etc. Let them not be lazy and implement the simplest functions in the code, and not when connecting additions. All plugins access the database and load the site.
  2. Try not to stuff your site with all sorts of third-party widgets. For example, I have only a Vkontakte widget in the sidebar on the side, although if you check the speed of the site in this service, then you can see that it also loads the site a little.
  3. Ask for any changes on the site to remove the old code. It happens that lazy developers do not clean the code from old records after changes. If you change your site frequently, it is better to have your own layout designer permanently.
  4. Use caching. If the page is static and does not change, then be sure to use site caching. The page is saved in the cache and when you visit it again there is no access to the database, but a copy is quickly loaded.
  5. Lighten the images. Large images load the site, but if you resize and compress it without losing quality, it will reduce loading time. There are many compression services!

User friendliness

Your site should be easy to use. Any information must be available. If you have large directories or a large number of articles, a site search will help. The user who visits the site should easily navigate through it in search of the necessary information. To do this, simply test on humans. On social media, ask users to go to and browse the site. You will be surprised what kind of feedback there will be and how many flaws they will find. If the user is comfortable on your site, then the search robot is more likely to be comfortable too.

Nice and unique design

Website design should be unique, pleasing to the eye and themed. When I get to black sites with red text that is rippling, I immediately close them. It is impossible to search for something on such a site. This item can also be attributed to convenience for users, so we will not dwell on this for a long time.

Mobile version of the site

Now more and more users visit sites from mobile devices and your site should be ready for this. Just recently, even Google has warned everyone that sites that are not mobile-friendly will drop in search results. This is just the beginning, it will be even stricter further. Therefore, strain your developers to make you a mobile version or switch to responsive design. Personally, on my sites, about 30-40% of visits are made from mobile devices.

Internal optimization and content

The previous points could also be partially added to the internal optimization of the site, but there will be other recommendations here. Here we will just prepare the site for further promotion, or rather, this is where the promotion begins.

Compilation of the semantic core

In order to start promoting, you must know what key phrases you will be promoting. Therefore, the first thing. You should collect the most key, hot and close to your activity queries and group them into sections. If you operate in a separate city, then add to each key phrase "... in Moscow" for example. You must choose key phrases for every page, every section or article of the site.

Writing texts

This is one of the MOST important stages, but many people miss it. People come to the site for information and this is the main factor for search engines. If your information is useful to people, well-written, well-written texts, everything is relevant, then you are more likely to rise to the TOP. Approach the texts thoroughly!

I find it funny when some clients provide text for sites taken from a competitor. This immediately suggests that the client does not need a fuck site and it will never grow in the search results.

Content should be:

  • 100% unique;
  • Structured (divided into sections, lists, headings);
  • Interesting and easy to read;
  • Fully revealing the topic, which is in the title.

In general, I advise everyone to write texts for the site together with the CEO or founder of the company. The business owner knows his business the best, loves the most and understands the subject the most. Maybe he won't be able to compose a good text, but based on his words, the copywriter will do his job better than he will write "from the bulldozer."

We make linking

After all the services and goods are described, the texts for the pages are drawn up, we proceed to linking. Each of your pages should have a link to another page or several pages of the site. You only need to refer to thematic pages, which can also be useful to the reader. Thus, the reader and the search robot, having entered the site, will move through it longer, following the links. But, as I said, the link must be "in the topic", because otherwise the person will not want to follow it.

Remove external links

When publishing materials, try to close external links from indexing, i.e. links to other sites. If you do not use links to third-party sites, then this is good, and if you do, then hide them. There should be more links TO your site than from your site. But more on that below. You can hide links from indexing using the tag and the rel \u003d "nofollow" attribute.

site `s map

Be sure to create a sitemap for search engines and for users. It will reflect the structure of your entire site, all sections, articles and pages of the site.

Introduction to search engines + statistics

Once your site is filled with cool content, combed and ready to float, you can show it to search engines. To do this, add the site to Yandex Webmaster and Google Webmaster. How to do this, I wrote in. After that, your site will start indexing by search engines. It can of course start indexing without it, but it will speed up the process.

Also, to track site statistics, you need to install counters. I advise you to use Yandex.Metrica, and you can put a counter from mail and liveinternet for links in ratings.

Website promotion tools

And finally we got to the sweet spot;) After all the pages of your site are indexed, you can start promoting or promoting your site. Let me clarify that ONLY after the above is done, you can start promoting the site! But here I want to push you to one RIGHT thought and answer several questions with you, relying on logic.

- Why do you need to promote your site?

- Most likely in order to move up in search results!

- Why do you need to rise in the search results?

- Most likely for the site to have traffic!

Is it logical? Right?

Then answer me 1 simple question: Why is it that almost everyone, after creating a website, immediately rushes to buy links if you need traffic? What does the link have to do with it? You don't go for milk if you wanted to buy cucumbers! The logic is the same here. Accordingly, if you need attendance, then buy or get attendance!

I'll tell you from my own experience, but if you don't want to, don't believe it! More site visits grow only from site visits! But not from links. We will need links, but not now and not in the form in which everyone is used to receiving them.

Search engines also rate a site based on site users. If there is no attendance, how will they rate it?

A very important factor is site traffic, which can be used to track behavioral factors. Namely, how people use your site, how they move, how they get in and how they leave, how long they are there, what actions they perform and much more. This is the most important factor, because logically any site should be FOR PEOPLE first of all!

Therefore, below I will cite the working methods I have tested to promote and promote the site.

Social networks

Now social activity is of great importance for search engines. If your site is shared on social networks, then people like your site content. Is it all logical? I pressed "Like", so I liked it. Therefore, social signals have a positive effect on your site in search results.

To do this, I buy posts in active groups on social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter (in accounts). As a result, I put these pluses over this method of promotion.

  1. This does not contradict the rules of search engines. it is not manipulation of search results like buying links;
  2. This gives traffic (sometimes a lot of traffic);
  3. It improves behavioral factors;
  4. This is also a link (search engines take into account links from social networks);
  5. This is the best feedback from your potential and real customers and readers;
  6. This is a direct source of leads that can be generated in sales.

I have my own publics and groups, but I also buy posts in other groups. Their number depends on your wallet. You can redeem at least for every day.

Articles on other sites

This method is more expensive than social media, but it is very important. Traffic should come not only from one place, you need to show search engines that you are "loved" everywhere;) Not only in VK, but also on other sites. But you probably will now go to the exchanges for the sale of articles from sites and will buy there. But this will have little effect, because these sites have turned into garbage dumps of articles and links.

I buy or post on some other terms articles on sites that are above me in the search results for my own key queries. It is more expensive, but many times more effective. The main thing is that this site is visited and with an active audience, because I need not only a link or an article, but TRAFFIC. Let us turn again to Mother Logic. If you are being linked to by a site above you in the SERPs, then you are probably the coolest! From article exchanges, you can also collect several normal sites, but all of them will soon become trash heaps, because this is their earnings. From the stock exchanges I chose for myself Webartex.

Also I post articles on blogs! For example, I sell an SMM (social media marketing) service and post on the blog of a person who writes about SMM. Probably through this article, potential clients and other specialists from this field will pay attention to me. If the blog author recommended me in the article, then I'm worth something.

Here are the advantages of this method:

  1. You get a link from a thematic site that is higher than you in the search results;
  2. You get traffic to the site;
  3. If the site is very thematic, then clients are possible;
  4. You increase awareness.

Expert article writing

This item is for those who promote the company's website, and not an informational website, like me. On the site of your company you definitely need a section "Blog" or "Articles", or something else to call it. To post expert articles useful to users. For example, if you sell building materials, you can write articles on how to use them correctly, how to build something, etc.

In addition to products, your potential customers will also receive useful recommendations, which will bring them closer to buying from you.

The pros of all this:

  1. You drive more traffic to your site. Because you are writing articles correctly, as I recommended. This means that you use the key phrases for which you are moving. Therefore, you have another page that can get into the TOP and bring traffic.
  2. You get closer to your real and potential clients;
  3. New content helps to increase interest in your site from search engines;
  4. You can also post announcements of new articles on social networks and in subscription services to increase traffic. I wrote about this in the article about.

Websites with reviews and ratings

You can register your site on sites with reviews (for example, "Otzovik" and others), make a description of your site and leave the first review. As a result, you get a link to your site and an additional page in the search results about your site, which can go to the top on the request “ your website reviews ". Plus, you can get feedback. Maybe people want to leave a review about you. I mentioned this in the article about.

Link promotion

I am skeptical about it, but I definitely use it. Links are not the main factor, but one IS. If others link to your site, that's good. In fact, we have already placed a number of links: in articles on other sites, in reviews, in social networks and subscription services. But now let's focus on link promotion.

I use it mainly not to grow positions, but to increase the status of a site in the eyes of search engines. No more. I did not notice a large increase in positions from links. There is growth, but not significant compared to what all of the above can give.

But even in links, I do not advise you to go to link exchanges. Now, not purchased, but natural links are held in high esteem! For this, it is better to use forums using the service Forumok and negotiate a link with the sites yourself. On the exchanges, as a rule, spammed sites, and you are bored to search for thematic sites in the search results and agree to place a link in already written articles, or offer to put a link on a page of your site for a certain fee in new TOPIC articles.

Remember that the link must have transitions. If the site is not active and there are no conversions, then such a link will be useless. Try to link to your site wherever possible, but not through spam. Fewer links are better, but they will be of high quality.

Pros of such links:

  1. Natural link mass, which means there is no suspicion on the part of search engines;
  2. Traffic to the site because the sites are active and thematic.

As you can see, the link promotion of the site is personally in my last place, but it should be.

Full time job!

The growth of your site, like the growth of a person, requires constant replenishment, constant work to improve it. Nothing is perfect. You have to constantly improve the site, constantly generate traffic, post articles, links, posts on social networks, etc. This is an ongoing process. Only then will your site always grow in the eyes of people and search engines. Therefore, everything that I described in this article, you must do constantly!

You may have noticed that I always put people first, not search engines. And this is logical. After all, you make a website for them. And search engines will do their job based on the reaction of your users. So what kind of work needs to be done constantly, besides what I described above.

Working with users

Every day you should try to attract your visitors more and more and create convenience for them in the form of high-quality content, some kind of services, polls, contests, etc. If people are attached to you, then this affects the promotion, do not forget. Make contact with your visitors constantly.

Work on the usability of the site

Behavioral factors are better not only from the content, but also from the convenience of using it. Keep track of the site statistics, look in Yandex.Metrica for a click map, a scrolling map, a web visor, etc. in order to change the site for the better. Maybe your site has elements that interfere with users that they don't click on. They can be safely removed or moved to another place. You need to keep people on the site as long as possible so that they visit as many pages as possible, and for this there must be all the conditions.

You will learn how to quickly and inexpensively promote your online store, as well as what rules will help self-promotion of a site from scratch.

The profitability of an online store directly depends on the degree of its popularity with search engines. The more money and time you spend on resource promotion, the higher the profits will be. A popular website is an investment vehicle with unlimited commercial potential.

With you Denis Kuderin - an expert of the HeatherBober magazine on finance and their multiplication. Today you will learn what is literate promotion of an online storehow professional SEO differs from amateur SEO, and how descriptions in product cards affect positions in search results.

And you will also find universal rules for website promotion from successful sellers and ways of alternative promotion of network resources. Only white and fluffy SEO, no black and gray methods!

1. Promotion of an online store - reaching a new level of sales

By opening an online point of sale, each owner counts on the maximum financial return. People who are far from modern information technologies reason something like this: "All businessmen have their own page on the network, and I will launch my own site - this is prestigious, modern and, probably, damn profitable."

But a resource launched from scratch, even if you spent a lot of money on it, does not guarantee either attendance, or an increase in sales, or even an increase in the popularity of your company. This is a really promising commercial tool, but only on condition that it is dealt with professionally.

Launching a website but not promoting it is like buying a fast car but keeping it in a closed garage. And do not even pour gasoline into the tank. In the end, such a car will rust and go to the scrap. And your money cried.

But a resource promoted according to all the rules will indeed become a source of constant profit and growth in the company's popularity. Thousands of enterprises are selling goods and services exclusively on the Internet right now and are quite satisfied with their status.

I will list the main advantages of online trading:

  • almost unlimited geography of sales;
  • many effective channels for promoting the resource - social networks, SEO copywriting, mailing lists, contextual advertising, banners, videos;
  • setting up targeted traffic - only those visitors who are really interested in your goods and services will enter the site;
  • a huge selection of market niches for commercial activities - not only tangible goods, but also intellectual services are sold via the Internet: training programs, courses;
  • to open such a store is much cheaper than in "real life" - you do not need to pay rent, hire staff, and the registration is much faster;
  • more convenient and effective statistics and analytics;
  • availability - buyers order 24/7, you just have to respond to requests in a timely manner;
  • automation of most of the processes - the addition of goods, checkout occur automatically.

As you can see, there are a lot of advantages to online commerce. But a virtual store without promotion is just a set of web pages that are viewed by 2-3 random visitors per week, plus your close friends and relatives.

But what is online portal promotion? First of all, it is in the top of search results. Positions on the top lines for relevant queries (that is, relevant topics) are a guarantee of high traffic and increased sales.

And vice versa - if your store is not on the first pages of search results, visitors simply won't see it. Getting to the top is like opening a branch on the main street of a city in the busiest part of it.

This raises a key question: how to make the resource attractive to search engines? On the one hand, the answer is simple, on the other - incredibly difficult: do Website For People (SDL) and your store will love robots.

What is an SOM? This is a resource that contains materials, descriptions, images that are unique and useful for visitors, has a convenient interface, navigation, does not use prohibited promotion methods ("black" SEO), and gains traffic solely due to real popularity.

A site for people usually contains useful information in simple language.

A few years ago, it was much easier to get to the top: I bought links on the exchange, filled the content with keywords and phrases and get the finished result. Modern search algorithms have become more complex and “human”. It's almost impossible to deceive them, you can't bribe them, you can't ignore them. One thing remains - be friends with them and play by their rules.

In a broad sense, promotion is a competent Internet marketing: getting the maximum effect from visitors, increasing traffic and sales. A lasting result is achieved by those owners of Internet resources who use promotion methods in a complex.

2. Ways of promotion

A store without promotion is a waste of money.

Promotion is especially important for aspiring entrepreneurs, about whom no one knows anything yet. But even the popular marketplaces spend a lot of money to increase the rating.

It would seem that popular platforms no longer need to worry about positions in search results - they will be found by all those who need it. But no: content managers and owners of such platforms spend a lot of money to maintain the level of popularity and find new promotion channels.

And rightly so: the Internet is a constantly changing and evolving environment in which past achievements mean little. If you want to stay afloat, always stay in good shape, expand your assortment, audience, sales geography, increase the efficiency of promotion methods and techniques.

If you have the time and ability to do it yourself, please. Self-promotion is cheaper. If you want a more stable result, contact the professionals.

Let's explore both methods.

1) By yourself

An option for those who have at least a basic understanding of the principles of search engines and operating algorithms. The main plus is obvious: free promotion... The savings will be significant if you consider that the base rate in agencies is from 15-30 thousand rubles per month.

But then another problem arises. Amateurs do not always manage to set up a promotion correctly. So it turns out that the costs of promotion are zero, but there is no return.

Here's a real example:

My friends Valera and Sveta have a shop selling oriental goods - jewelry, incense, scented candles, amulets and other exotics. When offline sales plummeted 3 years ago, they decided to fix things by opening an online branch.

I advised them to immediately take care of the promotion and even made contact with a specialist. But their financial situation at that time did not allow unnecessary spending. "I will promote myself" - said Valera and started promotion from scratch without any outside help.

Spent six months and did not achieve any results: only a couple of times the store managed to accidentally go to the first pages for highly specialized requests. The owners had to admit their incompetence and turn to professionals. After another six months, the number of online sales increased by 5-8 times.

And yet independent popularization is quite possible. Yandex, Google and other systems have a lot of tools for this. And there are also universal channels for promoting services and goods: advertising in social networks, posting ads on third-party sites and forums, shooting thematic videos, etc.

2) With the help of an SEO company

Promotion is not a one-time event, but a long, ideally ongoing process. Unless, of course, you are interested not in momentary, but in stable profit.

The network has many companies involved in the paid popularization of commercial, information, corporate and any other sites.

Since the industry is relatively new, there are no uniform algorithms, principles and tariffs yet. Therefore, the results are ambiguous. Too many factors influence the online popularity of resources.

Only experienced and professional agencies can guarantee really high and stable positions. But even they will not take the platform to the top in a couple of days or even weeks. Such terms are promised either by scammers or amateurs. Full promotion takes 3 to 12 months.

Method comparison table:

3. How to independently promote an online store - instructions for dummies

A section for those who do not want to spend money on professional services, but have a strong desire to learn how to independently promote stores to the top.

Remember the main postulate: search engines are becoming more inventive and intelligent every year, and visitors are becoming more and more discerning. To make a resource popular, you need full-scale and long-term activity, you need original and useful content.

Do you remember? Then let's get started!

Step 1. Analyzing competitors and collecting semantics

The prospects for making money at a retail outlet on the Internet are endless, and there are many ways to increase traffic. However, there are also plenty of competitors: even highly specialized niches do not guarantee success. The market is overflowing with offers, although demand is also growing steadily.

Where to begin? Be sure to study sites of similar and similar topics: how they attract customers, how they design the showcase and product cards, what mistakes they make. In addition to purely speculative analytics, use special tools: Yandex Bar, Google ToolBar and the like.

The next step that cannot be missed is the collection of the semantic core (SY). These are the words and phrases most relevant to your topic that potential buyers will use to find your pages.

And although with the help of Yandex Wordstat everyone can select the YA on their own, the quality of such a selection is unlikely to be satisfactory. Professionals will do it much more efficiently.

Step 2. Cluster queries and write articles

Clustering Is the correct distribution of requests on the pages of the web resource. Often, to correctly group key phrases and sentences, you have to create new pages.

For resources with a small number of keys, manual clustering is sufficient. If there are several thousand requests, use automatic tools such as KeyCollector.

And be sure to keep in mind that each request has its own price: some are cheaper, others are more expensive. Services will help you evaluate correctly Google AdWords and Yandex.Direct.

Content is the basis of promotion and its main tool. Not only articles for categories of goods and the section "About the Company" are important for the promotion of the site in the picnic. Even product cards play a role.

Not taking content seriously - daily loss of profits. Content should be professional, optimized, unique, easy to read.

Step 3. Doing internal optimization

Internal optimization is the design of a store in accordance with the rules and requirements of search programs. First of all, resource pages must be relevant to user requests.

That is, if a visitor came to the page for the request "buy a teapot", it is teapots that should be sold on the resource, not washing machines.

In general, optimization consists of many elements:

  1. Convenient structure and navigation.
  2. Correct meta tags.
  3. Clean code.
  4. Quality text.
  5. Original images.

Useful copyrighted materials that visitors do not just scroll through, but read carefully, definitely work in a plus. Search engines always take into account behavioral factors: how long the user spent on the resource, whether they went to other pages, whether they visited the address again.

Step 4. Building up the link mass

But you can't build up the mass too dramatically - links, even those bought on exchanges, should be natural.

Step 5. Working with social networks

Almost every internet user has a social media account. It is an unforgivable mistake not to use the capabilities of these portals. All popular stores of clothing, auto parts, household appliances, flowers and pet food have their own pages on Instagram, VKontakte, Facebook, etc.

Social networks are a powerful assistant in the promotion of your site

SMM (Social Media Marketing) is a relatively young, but highly effective method of promoting commercial sites.

4.5 simple rules for successful website promotion

Several important rules for the promotion of a commercial portal.

Rule 1. Expand your assortment

The more user requests you can satisfy, the more visitors will be on the site.

At the same time, the descriptions of each product should be unique and, if possible, by the author's: Yandex and Google systems value and love such texts.

Rule 2. Create a sitemap

The map makes the online store more "visible" for search algorithms. And the visitors themselves will find their way in your "supermarket" faster if they know where what is.

Rule 3. Do cross-navigation

Transitions from page to page raise positions in the SERPs. Internal linking is an effective way to increase behavioral factors and sales. But don't overwhelm (explode) links: transitions should be logical.

Rule 4. Get rid of technical errors of the site

If the site was launched by amateurs, such errors are bound to occur. And this will not only affect the positions, but also the speed of the resource.

The accumulation of technical flaws, "bugs" and unnecessary lines of code is garbage that interferes with the ranking and correct operation of the portal.

Rule 5. Use quality photos

What visitors like, search engines like.

High-quality images and videos (with the correct code) are a good way to attract buyers and visually demonstrate the value of products and services.

5. Alternative ways of promotion

SEO is great, but you shouldn't be limited to keywords and links.

There are many other equally productive ways to promote.

1) Contextual advertising

An inexpensive (relatively) and affordable way to increase the popularity of an address.

Services Google adsense, Yandex.Direct, Runner set up automatic contextual advertising (PPC) and for a certain monthly fee bring a certain number of targeted visitors to your site. It is important to set up the RC as correctly as possible in order to recoup the costs.

2) Sending e-mails and SMS-mailing

The good old e-mail and sms are still working. True, it is no longer so effective. Such channels are used as additional channels and are suitable for small or start-up companies that still find it expensive to order banner or contextual advertising.