A program for collecting keywords. Collecting keywords online for free and paid methods. Rush Analytics is an online service for building a semantic core

Pavel Lomakin

AT Most free keyword guides will prompt you to manually copy each keyword and then paste it into a text or Excel file. This is pretty dreary, I'll tell you. Some will offer you to use one of the key parsing programs and they really make life much easier, downloaded from 2 dozen RF parsing requests and went to drink tea. But for beginners and if you are not engaged in collecting keys on an ongoing basis, this will not work, sometimes you can quickly collect a bunch of requests without all this. In general, situations are different and you yourself decide when you may need a plugin that I will now describe.

Dother articles on working with statistics:

Hin fact, there are two such plugins, but they are very similar to each other.

  • Yandex Wordstat Helper
  • Yandex Wordstat Assistant

ABOUTtheir main functionality is the same, but the second plug-in has more capabilities, as you can see, so I use it. See the comparison table below.

TOyou can download each of these plugins for both FireFox and Chrome browsers absolutely free. It is very convenient. Go to extensions or add-ons and enter its name in the search bar:

Pafter installation, we go to the Yandex Wordstat website, it is assumed that you are already familiar with it, since you needed to somehow automate the process, and if not, then you are welcome to familiarize yourself with. As you can see, the plugin added additional functionality to the page.

ATwe run any request and see that next to each of them a plus sign (+) appeared in the search results

Hby pressing the plus signs in turn, you will transfer the request along with the frequency to the block on the left, while the plus signs turn into minuses (-), so that you can see that we have already made such a request.

Eif you click on the minus, then we will remove the request from the block on the left. If you close the page or browser and reopen it, then the requests from the block will not go anywhere. This is very convenient if you suddenly need to distract yourself or accidentally shut it down. To add all requests from the page, you can click on the link at the top: Add all / Remove all

Tas you list each page, add all the requests you need. If the request that you have already added is in the block, then it will not be added and you will be notified that such a request has already been added earlier.

Pby default, all queries in a block are sorted in alphabetical order at once, but you can customize the sorting for yourself. To do this, click on the sort icon.

ANDthe available options are:

  • Alphabet from A to Z
  • Reverse sorting from Z to A
  • Sorted by the order in which queries were added (new ones are added at the bottom)
  • Sorted by order of addition (new ones are added at the top)

Dby adding all the queries you are interested in, you will clearly see how many queries you added and what their total frequency is.

Tnow you can copy requests by clicking on a special button. Copying will be done to the clipboard in the sort order you specified.

ATyou can also copy at a frequency if you need it.

FROMyou can move the copied phrases where it is more convenient for you to process them. Text file, Word, Excel and so on. If you transfer phrases with frequency to the table, they will be transferred to two columns. In one column there will be phrases, and on the contrary, their frequency in the second column. This is very convenient for later work.

Dbut I almost forgot. It is possible to add your own queries one at a time (you can already use a list) and you can quickly clear everything. I think you will find it without a picture.

Hi hope this tool will save you a lot of time, as it did me. At the time when I discovered it, I was completely delighted with its capabilities and now I use it almost every day, which I advise you. Simple, concise, despite the small functionality, its capabilities will be enough for you. And most importantly, it works very quickly.

This concludes my review of its capabilities. I wish you high performing campaigns, high sales, and cheap leads. Good luck!

Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, seniors and senoritas, I am glad to present to your attention my next mega-post dedicated to tools that allow you to select keywords for free to optimize and promote your website on the English-speaking Internet.

First, a small announcement: colleagues from Promodo invited me to two conferences "SEMCamp" and "Search engine optimization and website promotion on the Internet". Unfortunately, I cannot go, I have become old, my legs can no longer walk, I will be in my Siberia. But maybe some of the readers will find it useful.

Megaposts are large and voluminous articles that I spend several days writing. I originally wrote this post in English for my English-language blog. It's already published, you can take a look at it: Ultimate List of 42 Free Keyword Research Tools. It took me 5 days to write it.

I thought the topic was relevant and interesting, and translated the post into Russian. I am already preparing a similar post with a detailed list of tools for Runet.

Keywords (they are also called search queries, or keys) are needed in order to optimize the existing pages of the site for them, to use queries when creating new materials for your site, as well as to compose the texts of external links and articles when placing them on others resources.

There are free and paid methods for finding words. Today I will talk about paid solutions, which include online services, browser extensions, and desktop programs (free and paid with a free trial period).

Free online services for collecting search queries

Perhaps this is the best service for selecting keywords for promotion in Google, because it is a "native" Google service. It is suitable for both the Russian Internet and the English-speaking Internet, you just need to select the desired country and language:

A lot of services and word selection programs use data from this particular service.

This service has options that allow you to select requests for both desktops and laptops, as well as mobile devices:

I advise you to activate all columns for information on keywords. To do this, on the right side of the page, click on the "Columns" button and check all the boxes: Competition level, number of requests per month for the whole world (Global Monthly Searches) and target regions (Global Local Searches), Ad impression share (Ad Share), Google Search Network, First Page Impression (Search Share), Approximate CPC (cost-per-click bid), Dynamics of queries in target regions (Local Search Trends graph), Content of the webpage (Extracted From Webpage).

Here is a screenshot in the English interface that I prefer to work in:

The columns in the menu shown can be dragged with the mouse and swapped, which is very convenient.

I also recommend playing with the match type in the left column to get the desired results and additional ideas for your search queries (try collecting keywords by alternately checking the Exact, Broad and Phrase checkboxes).

The received data can be saved in CSV format (as well as in several other formats), for this click on the "Save to file" button. I sincerely recommend using this service as it has all the features you need to collect keywords.

A useful and free service for collecting keywords that uses Google Suggest and other resources. You can select the country and source (Web, News, Shopping, Video or Recipes). Ubersuggest allows you to get search queries from both regular and vertical search. This resource works according to the following scheme: it takes the query you entered, adds a letter or number to it, and collects all possible queries. This way, you get the opportunity to find more ideas for keywords, especially for low-frequency queries.

For example, I collected 344 searches for the phrase "search engine optimization" and 377 for "photoshop tutorials".

Saving the received data is done in an original way. Click on the "Select all keywords" button. By the way, how do you like my new watermark? As they say in Florida - Style! 🙂:

Then click on the "Get" button on the right side:

And a window will appear with all the collected keywords.

There are two options for using the Youtube keyword selection service: enter the desired query or insert a link to the video for which you want to select words and phrases.

I found that the Youtube Keyword Tool service does not work correctly and for many requests it shows a message that there is not enough data. I came up with this solution - register or log into your Google AdWords account and insert a link to a video that is relevant to your keywords. Then set the price to $ 0.01 per view and you will get all possible search phrases. I also recommend playing with the Broad, Phrase and Exact match type for best results.

Another useful tool for collecting keywords from Google. It allows you to compare data across categories, countries, and time periods. You can apply filters Web Search, Image Search, News and Product Search.

Google Insights has another interesting feature - you can watch the dynamics of queries over time and on the world map (click on the "View change over time" item, you can even turn on animation there):

For example, I found out that the query "search engine optimization" in 2004 was the most popular in the US, and now the country where this phrase is most requested is India.

Cool service for collecting search phrases, which is also free. It shows data from popular worlds of internet resources (Google. Amazon, Wikipedia, Answers.com, Yahoo, Bing, Youtube, Netflix, Ebay, Buy.com, Weather.com) and displays phrases in an original manner as you type your request in it. Try it, you will like it! 🙂

I found a tiny button to save the results, it's in the upper left part.

A well-known analytical resource Alexa.com, with which you can find search queries of a particular site for free. We go to Alexa.com, select the Site Info tab and enter the address of the site of interest to us. Then click on the Get Details button:

On the next page, select the Search Analytics tab:

At the bottom of the page there will be a list of the most popular search queries for which this site gets visitors from search engines.

The Bing search engine search service allows you to collect data from organic search and study statistics for the last 6 months for free. You can filter the received requests by language and country. In order to use this service, you need to register in it.

Another free service for collecting keywords from Google. You can compare multiple queries, to do this, write them separated by commas. You can compare up to 5 queries.

🔥 By the way! I am conducting a paid course on SEO Shaolin English language websites. If you are interested, you can apply on his website seoshaolin.com.

And another free tool from Google. Google Corellate allows you to find key phrases based on popular global trends, which can be very useful for many webmasters and SEOs.

Google Correllate also shows search activity maps. For example, I use it to find out the popularity of a particular query in various US states. Just hover the cursor over the required state and you will see information on it. I pointed to my beloved Florida, where I lived for 4 years:

A popular free tool among foreign optimizers. The data is taken from the Wordtracker service. In order to start using it, you need to create an account. You can save received requests in CSV format.

I met a couple of times that in runet the name of this instrument is translated as "Stupidly generator" 🙂. This is actually a typo generator. Some of the queries users have always entered, enter and will enter them with typos. Therefore, typos can be used to get additional targeted visitors. This tool just allows you to receive keywords with typos.

Browser extensions for keyword searches

Search queries can be received not only from various online services. You can also study those pages of competitors' sites that already occupy the first places in the topics you are interested in and receive keys from them based on the density of requests. This method allows you to get additional ideas about what words and phrases can still be used in the text of the pages you promote. There are browser extensions for this, which I will discuss next.

I have been actively using SeoQuake since 2007. This extension is available for the browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Safari.

With the SeoQuake extension, it is very easy to analyze the keyword density on any page of the site. To do this, go to the page you are interested in, click on the SeoQuake icon and select the Keyword Density item:

On the next page, you will see detailed information about which keywords are used to optimize this page:

You can analyze one-word, two-word, three-word and four-word queries (which is very useful for selecting low-frequency users), as well as a keyword cloud:

I found a video that shows this process in detail in SeoQuake:

KGen (short for Keyword Generator) is an SEO addon for the Mozilla Firefox browser that allows you to find out what search queries are used on a particular page to optimize it. The essence is the same as for the previous extension.

KGen scans the page and displays information about how many times a particular request is encountered, as well as its weight and the average position of the request on the page.

To select keywords, just go to the desired page, click on the KGen icon (I have it in the lower right part of the Firefox browser) and in the window that appears, click the "Scan" button.

Free versions of paid online services for collecting search queries

This is one of my favorite tools for site research and keyword research when promoting in Google (I use the Professional plan). It has a fairly functional free version, with which you can get very valuable information about the requests and links of competitors.

For example, you can find out what requests a competitor you are interested in is promoting this or that internal page of his site. To do this, go to the SERP "s Analysis tab, select Organic Keywords and enter the address of the desired page. You will receive 10 free search queries for which this page is in the Google SERP. Data is available not only on Google, but also for Bing and Yahoo.

I did a detailed video review of the Ahrefs.com service for 40+ minutes in this post:.

In the free version, Wordtracker issues up to 100 search queries. Please note that it shows the frequency of impressions per day. If you need monthly data (like me), then simply multiply the results by 30.

Another useful tool from the Wordtracker service. Enter your request and get 100 questions that fit it. This is a good help when searching for new ideas for keywords and writing articles. Questions can be used when writing assignments for copywriters.

Service from the famous blogger Dimka in runet. Actual Keywords allows you to get 100 keywords for any request for free. There are also keyword selections available for free download on several topics (Auto Loan, Digital Camera, What Is and How To).

The popular Semrush service allows you to enter 10 queries per day for free and get 10 results for each query. This service has its own database of 95 million keywords and 45 million sites.

Like other free versions of paid services, Keyword Discovery produces 100 searches. Data is collected from over 200 resources around the world.

Another way to get 100 requests for free. Data from Google is available for several countries: AU, BR, CA, DE, ES, FR, IT, RU, UK and US.

I found an interesting feature in Keyword Eye - the search query cloud. This is how it looks:

Wordpot shows data from various search engines by frequency of impressions per day.

This service allows you to create 1 project for free and make 25 requests per day. Synonyms, similar queries and associative words are also limited - up to 5 per day.

If you participate in the Amazon.com affiliate program, then this service will allow you to find search queries from Amazon, which is especially valuable for finding specific low-frequency queries. Please note that in the free version you can only enter 3 queries per day.

Like the other services above, WordStream gives us 100 requests for free. It is upsetting that the received data cannot be downloaded. But you can send them to your e-mail. Although I personally do not like this moment - what if a newsletter I don't need will come?

This service collects data from eBay.com. Enter the required query and you get such a table (there is still information there, I did not capture it in the screenshot in order to show this particular table in detail):

This service reminds me of a closed project from Google - Wonder Wheel. Looks like it, doesn't it?

Terapeak allows you to find search terms for specific countries. There is a free trial period for 7 days.

And another way to get 100 keywords for free. I did not find a way to save the received data, because this service is inferior to those that I described above.

Niche Bot issues 20 searches per day.

And this one is only 10. The fewer requests the service issues for free, the less I write about it 🙂. Will give 1 request - just put a full stop instead of the description 😉.

And this tool makes 100 requests. For example, I entered "Photoshop tutorials" and got 110 phrases. But after entering the second request, I received a message about reaching the daily limit "You have reached your daily limit". In the free version, you cannot download the report on the collected keywords, but you can select it with the mouse and copy it, although it is not so convenient.

This service allows you to find out the Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI), that is, the index of the effectiveness of a keyword, as well as collect queries from sites you are interested in. It also has a module for collecting keywords for which this or that site is in the search results. Wordze has a 30-day free trial.

SpyFu allows you to collect queries that promote any site you are interested in. It is a popular tool for studying competitors on the English-speaking Internet, but it provides very little information in the free version.

Free Keyword Search Software

A useful free program for Windows. The data is collected from the Google word suggestion service.

This program allows you to select search queries directly in the Microsoft Excel interface, which is very convenient for many users. The data is collected from Bing and Yahoo search engines and includes relevance, cost history, frequency of impressions, and country data.

To be honest, when I installed the Microsoft Advertising Intelligence program, I didn't immediately understand how to get it running. There is no shortcut on the desktop, I did not find it in the list of programs either. It was only after I started Excel that I saw a new tab 🙂. I took the screenshot above where you can see it.

Paid word search software with free trial

The Good Keywords project has created another keyword search solution - the Keyword Strategy Studio program. It allows you to find new ideas for search queries that are based on search data, trends and popularity. Keyword Strategy Studio has a fully functional trial version that can be used for 30 days.

Market Samurai is a very popular program among foreign SEOs. It is paid, but there is a free trial period. The great thing is that the Keyword Selection module in Market Samurai continues to work normally even after the trial period ends, that is, in fact, this function in the program can be used for free for an unlimited amount of time.

Keyword Researcher is literally "Keyword Researcher". This program is well suited for finding low-frequency search queries with low competition and works on Windows and Apple OS X. The screenshot shows that you can set a search query pattern by replacing one word or phrase with an asterisk, and the program will select all possible keyword variations. For example, we make a request like this:

How to * a camera

And the program selects 119 phrases using this template. There is a free period. I suggest watching a video about its capabilities:

This program has a free version that has many cool features. For example, I liked the Amazon keyword scraper module (for collecting keywords from Amazon.com). See screenshot:

You can set various filters when searching for keywords and phrases, you can delete brand names with one click, set the range of local query impressions and global impressions, and also set the parameters of the average cost per click (CPC). Also, as in Google Adwords, you can specify the type of match (exact, broad and phrasal).

The Advanced Web Ranking program provides all its functionality for the entire free trial period of 30 days and works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux operating systems.

Rank Tracker's keyword selection module allows you to determine the level of competition, find words with typos, etc. Data is collected from Google AdWords, Yandex Wordstat, Keyword Discovery, Wordtracker, Bing, and Semrush. You can use Rank tracker for free, but you won't be able to save projects and reports. The program works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

I also want to mention two popular tools for selecting search queries - Micro Niche Finder (program) and Keyword Ninja (PHP script), but they do not have a free trial period, so I did not include them in the list, I give them for information. Micro Niche Finder has a 30 day period, but you have to pay for it, so it is not free.

If you know other tools for searching for keywords on the English-speaking Internet, you can write about them in the comments.

If you are interested, I can recommend the services of Alexander Pavlutsky, who is professionally engaged in the selection of keywords for websites (for the Russian Internet). You can find out more details at this link.

Hello! Almost every webmaster uses Wordstat from Yandex when creating a semantic core. Well, not a bad choice - a huge database and free use. But Wordstat is just one source of keywords.

Below I will tell you about 10 free search sources that can significantly expand the semantics. Some may seem trivial to you, you have read about others but have not used them, and others have not even heard of. In any case, it will not be superfluous to refresh your memory \u003d).

Most internet marketers do not use such databases:

  • some are lazy and do not want to use them;
  • others have enough wordstat;
  • still others do not know about them.

So let's go.

As you can see, not everything is limited to Wordstat. There are sources of key phrases that will help you create a quality core. Moreover, no one forbids the use of all tools in a comprehensive manner.

Some sources are not very convenient to use. For automation purposes, simple and inexpensive parsers can be ordered.

Since I mentioned Wordstat.Yandex, I will write a little about it.

  1. Use the right column. It will allow you to fully cover the selected topic.
  2. If the niche is wide and the wordstat statistics does not end on page 40, then you need to "run" the received phrases through the service again. In this case, the parsing will be the most complete.
  3. Free tools to help:
    - SlovoEB - truncated version;
    - https://words.elama.ru/ - ready-made simple grouping;
    - Magadan Lite;
    - https://arcticlab.ru/yandex-wordstat-helper/ extension for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox to speed up work.

What did I miss? What non-standard ways of collecting search queries do you know? Let's discuss the topic in the comments.

Keyword selection has been and remains a central challenge in creating a viable and competitive website. Anyone who has touched this work at least once understands that it will take a long time to collect a large pool of keys. The technology for collecting the semantic core with one click has not yet been invented. In addition to competence, experience and time, you will need tools that make the process easier and faster. Today in our blog is a selection of services and software that will help you in your work.

Key collector

The most famous service among specialists involved in collecting the semantic core. Key Collector allows you to parse keywords from various sources (Wordstat, AdWords, web analytics, search suggestions, etc.). It helps to determine the frequency of requests, filter, group, delete duplicates, remove positions and evaluate by several dozen different parameters.

This is a real "combine" that can cause confusion for a beginner because of the abundance of functionality and buttons.The program is constantly being updated. Developers respond quickly to any changes in the connected services.Apart from the wide range of possibilities, one of the main advantages of Key Collector is its affordable price. The total cost of the service is 1800 rubles.

Rush Analytics.ru

A tool to automate the collection and grouping of keywords. As practitioners note, it works faster than Key Collector, session time is an order of magnitude shorter. Doesn't require the use of proxy servers. Parsing of queries through Wordstat, collection of search suggestions and advanced clustering are available.

All work is done on the server side, which means that there is no need for a powerful computer if the work is done with a core of tens of thousands of keywords. You can upload the result from anywhere with Internet access.

Compared to Key Collector and other desktop programs, it gives freedom of movement without being tied to a specific computer on which the program is installed. The price of the minimum package of services is 900 rubles.

Benefits of Rush Analytics:

  • huge time savings: up to 100 keywords per second via Wordstat, up to 200 search suggestions and clustering up to 10,000 keywords in 10 minutes;
  • there is no need to use proxy servers and anti-captcha;
  • stop-word functionality allows you to delete unnecessary queries on the fly;
  • any depth of collection of search tips;
  • advanced clustering algorithm with the classification of queries by type (informational or commercial) and automatic selection of landing.


The service base is over 1.5 billion Russian words and phrases. Users are relieved of the need to parse queries every time from scratch, which saves a lot of time.Bukvarix contains only the minimum necessary functions for filtering. Therefore, the program is used in combination with Rush Analytics and Key Collector for post-processing. Data can be exported to .txt and .csv.

Wordstat data is presented in two versions - broad and exact match. However, these values \u200b\u200bare valid at the time of the base assembly. I would recommend further double-checking the frequency. The main argument in favor of using Bukvarix is \u200b\u200bthat the program is completely free, and it looks like it will remain so in the near future.

Probably the most famous product of this kind on the Russian Internet. Useful for any webmaster. There are several database options available: Russian - 1.655 billion keywords, English - 1.3 billion keywords and Russian hint database - 3 billion queries and links between them.

Unlike Bukvariks, which is updated monthly, the Pastukhov database is updated only 1-2 times a year.It is quite a logical question - why do we need Pastukhov's base if there is a free Bukvarix? Pastukhov has much wider possibilities for creating selections and filtering keys. For example, you can make selections and sorts by numerical data: the number of queries, the number of words in a phrase, etc.

Another important advantage is that online versions of databases have been available recently. This allows you not to depend on a particular computer and its power. And also makes the base cross-platform, so that the owners of MacBook and other Linuxes are now also in the subject.It can be a little expensive for an ordinary freelancer, but for those working with large projects and large semantics, the tool is very useful. The usual price for a complete set is 36,000 rubles. On promotions, you can catch an offer of 8900 rubles.

MOAB Keyword Base

Another keyword database whose creators seem to have decided to break all the volume records. It includes 3.2 billion requests from Yandex.Metrica, 6 billion requests from Yandex prompts, and more than 2 billion requests from Google EN / USA prompts.MOAB has an exclusive set of key phrases parsed from all Metrica counters currently closed by Yandex. At the beginning of 2015, a Russian search engine “hung up” a lock on this information. But a couple of months before this event, the MOAB developers managed to parse all this stuff.

The key advantage of the service is the ability to receive requests for which real traffic goes. Moreover, with such data as the number of visits, number of views, search engine, bounce rate, viewing depth, time on the site.

Minus - the base is outdated, and obviously not suitable for trendy topics or fresh niches.It is unlikely that it will be possible to collect semantics on it for queries related to the Apple Watch, since the device itself appeared on the market only in April 2015.

The base does not require captcha and proxy, and when integrated with Key Collector, users receive the latter as a gift.

The secret to business success can be pretty simple. See how the competitors have done and do it better! This rule also works for key guessing in semantics. On related sites, you can spy on requests that you yourself did not think of.

SpyWords.ru is a service that allows you to find out competitors' requests in search and context. Determines the visibility of domains and individual pages. Tracks snippets and SERP positions. Moreover, SpyWords collects data on both Yandex and Google.

You can collect Top domains for a specific request and upload keys for them in general or for a specific URL, which is shown exactly for this phrase:

This is a very good opportunity if you are collecting semantics pointwise for a content plan drawn up in advance.A mix of competitor visibility queries with a little bit of hand or tool polish can provide great results.

It is possible to find competitors in the search, compare domains by intersection of phrases, and many other useful options. There are three tariff plans: Business, PRO and Unlim. The cost depends on the duration of the subscription: month, half year and year. The minimum price is 1978, the maximum is 44,550 rubles.


A service for analyzing the semantics of competitors' sites, which displays data on domain visibility in Runet, key coverage and the number of requests up to the Top 50.It allows you to collect keywords for the domain as a whole and its individual pages, and also has a number of unique functions. For example, you can use the Adsense ID and other parameters to "see" the entire grid of projects of the owner of the project you are interested in.

At the moment, the site has over 80 million queries and more than 19 million analyzed sites. It is impressive, considering that we are talking specifically about the Runet. It may seem that this is not enough against the background of databases with billions of volumes, however, this is what has been filtered. The developers cleaned up duplicates and removed all keys, the annual frequency of which is less than 10.

Competitive analysis allows you to find domains that are in the Top Yandex search results for the keys you need. You should especially pay attention to the percentage of matches for keywords, below is an example for an apple-themed website:

Thus, you can weed out the most relevant sites and not be distracted by monsters like otvet.mail.ru and Wikipedia, which are shown for requests of all possible topics.

Many people know him under the old name - "Promoter". After the rebranding, the service is positioned as a tool for comprehensive search analytics aimed primarily at analyzing competitors' sites.

It is worth paying attention to such Serpstat features as data on site visibility in search, search queries for which the domain is shown in the Top 100 SERPs, the ability to find out which domain pages are the most popular, and which publications generate the most traffic.

From the menu item "Site tree" you can export the list of pages with the highest visibility, the list of keys and their frequency in a form convenient for further analysis:

In the summary report, you can quickly see the history of visibility changes (a way to find rapidly growing projects), find out the closest competitors and compare several domains.It should be noted that the semantics selection functionality is only a part of the tools. Serpstat is evolving as a one-stop service.Primarily focused on working with Google, Yandex data is available only for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Ukraine. The cost of tariff plans is from $ 19 to $ 299 per month.

One of the first tools aimed at webmasters working in the English-speaking segment, under Google.They also have an analytical base on Google.ru, but it is clearly inferior to more highly specialized counterparts such as SpyWords. But for the bourgeois, this service is beyond competition.

Using SemRush you can analyze:

  • keywords by which competitors' sites are shown in organic search;
  • the dynamics of changes in visibility over a certain period of time;
  • which pages are shown for a particular request;
  • top most trafficable and visible documents;
  • various data on keywords, such as traffic, number of requests, level of competition, cost in Adwords, etc.

There are many interesting tricks, for example, finding competing sites and visualizing this data in the form of a map:

Overall, the service is very interesting and helpful. Provides services for three tariff plans: Professional - $ 99.95, Guru - $ 199.95 and Business - $ 399.95 for 1 month of use.

Quite a simple tool for quickly selecting queries for Google or roughly assessing the potential of a niche, which can be considered as an alternative to Keyword Planner.The free version allows you to get up to 750 keywords for any of the regional Google searches (com, ru, com.ua, etc.), for different languages, as well as queries from statistics on YouTube, Bing, Amazon and the App Store. A separate tab with interrogative phrases is displayed:

The downside is that, as you can see in the screenshot, data on frequency, cost per click and competition is only available for PRO accounts from $ 48 to $ 88 per month.

For this money, of course, you can find much more interesting solutions, especially if you work for a bourgeois. So I would recommend considering this service only as an evaluation tool.

For a successful business, you need to competently promote your company on the Internet. Therefore, SEO specialists are in demand now more than ever. However, it takes a lot of time to process and sort keys.

Despite the high level of development of computer technology, a powerful semantic core cannot be created by pressing a couple of buttons. Since this involves processing and sorting a huge number of search keys, this operation cannot be performed manually. Therefore, webmasters are helped by a variety of programs and services that help them successfully cope with this task.

To make life easier for other users, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with my review of the most famous tools for processing the semantic core and sorting keys. The SEO optimization tools I have considered have various capabilities, some of them are universal, the rest are used only for auxiliary operations.

Key collector

In my opinion, this is one of the well-known and most commonly used semantics guessing programs. With the help of Key Collector, you can simplify the process of automatic processing and sorting of keys to obtain the necessary data from Wordstat, AdWords. Also useful (especially for beginners), in my opinion, will be search suggestions and built-in web analytics.

With this tool, I can quickly detect the frequency, filter and group them, and then remove the duplicate words. You can also take pictures of positions and evaluate them according to many different criteria.

However, I want to warn you that upon first acquaintance with such a semantic "combine" as Key Collector, it will be difficult for beginners to understand all the variety of its built-in functions.

Also, of the undoubted advantages, I want to note that the developers of this tool are constantly monitoring changes to the connected services. Thanks to this, the Key Collector is regularly updated after a few days.

In addition to the extended set of functions, an important advantage of the Key Collector package is its low price, currently it can be purchased for only 1,700 rubles.

The main purpose of this tool is to automate and simplify the process of processing and sorting keywords.

When working with the semantic core, data for parsing is also used by the information obtained through Wordstat. It also selects search tips and dividing the entire set of queries that have a common theme into separate groups in order to promote landing pages.

The main feature that favorably distinguishes Rush Analytics from Key Collector and similar programs is the lack of binding to a specific computer.

The system is organized in such a way that the processing of the semantic core takes place on the server. Therefore, when analyzing a large number of keywords, you can get by with a computer of average power. At the same time, the results of work will be available regardless of your location, you can view them not only at home, but also at work or in general in any place where there is Internet.

I enjoy using Rush Analytics for the following reasons:

  • tremendous speed of word processing (when working with Wordstat - up to 100 keys / s), as a result, in just 10 minutes the system will give you about 200 hints for searching and cluster about 10 thousand keys;
  • you do not need to use proxy servers, and you do not need to constantly enter anti-captchas;
  • the built-in stop-words function helps to quickly filter out unnecessary information requests directly in the process of work;
  • when searching for hints, you can set any sampling depth;
  • when clustering, the program uses an advanced algorithm that quickly divides the array of requests into separate groups, while simultaneously selecting landing pages in automatic mode;
  • besides this, the system has many other useful functions.

However, all services of this program are paid, although at first glance the prices seem quite ridiculous. So, the selection of words by Wordstat will cost only 0.03 rubles / word, to determine the frequency - 0.01 rubles. for each phrase from hints, key clustering 0.5 rubles / word.

With a large amount of work, you can end up with a substantial amount. Therefore, the developers of Rush Analytics plan in the future to organize access to the service by subscription for regular customers.

It is popular with those who value their time and do not want to parse requests from scratch. The developers of Bukvarix took care of this.

I usually use this tool when making selections, since Bukvarix contains a minimum of filters necessary for full processing of requests. Therefore, I recommend using this system as a finishing tool in conjunction with Rush Analytics and Key Collector, which we reviewed earlier.

The obtained sampling results are saved in files of formats. txt and. csv.

Many SEO-schnicks choose Bukvarix, as it is completely free to use. And, most importantly, its developers do not plan to introduce a board in the near future.

Base Pastukhov

The most famous system in Runet, which is convenient for users of any level, from beginner freelancers to experienced webmasters. The Pastukhov base includes three sections:

  1. Russian base of keywords - 1.57 billion;
  2. Keyword base in English - 1.3 billion;
  3. Russian base of prompts - 3 billion. Requests (including Links between them).

However, the Pastukhov database is updated irregularly (1-2 times a year), while one of his main competitors (Bukvarix) updates the database every month.

I also want to note the following advantage: the latest versions of the program have access to online databases. As a result, you can use the system from any, even not very powerful computer with any operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux).

For the average freelancer, this pleasure is not cheap. For a full set of bases now you will have to pay about 200 USD. Therefore, I would like to ask: "Isn't it better to use the free Bukvariks instead of the Pastukhov base?"

Of course, everyone chooses what suits him best, depending on the tasks to be solved and financial capabilities. But for those who are engaged in large projects or large-scale semantic analysis, I advise you to work with Pastukhov's database.