Development of advertising for trade in upholstered furniture. SEO promotion of an online furniture store. Do furniture makers need social networks

The easiest way to advertise a furniture store is on social media. If you do not specialize in the premium segment, you can hand out leaflets near the metro. Send catalogs with current prices to residents of new buildings. A furniture showroom demands more responsibility. It is desirable to develop your own website, corporate identity - to develop a brand. It is somewhat easier to sell a product from one manufacturer - then you will focus on a single brand and its benefits. But a limited assortment can negatively impact sales and consumer interest.

πŸ“ We take into account the needs of customers when creating advertising texts

How to promote a store so that people are regularly interested in it?

Constantly make special offers, taking into account the main needs of your audience in the texts:

  • comfort - focus on soft and delicate beds, comfortable chairs, sofas from which you don't want to get up
  • price - promise a discount, name the exact cost of a piece of furniture
  • practicality - emphasis on functionality, space saving
  • environmental friendliness - concentrate on beneficial properties, especially when advertising children's furniture
  • design - offer stylish solutions for modern interiors

βœ… If you want to focus on coziness and comfort - keep examples of beautiful slogans:

  • "It's very easy to fall asleep"
  • "Sleep Like a Baby"

And a note to sellers of beautiful designer furniture:

  • "Feel Italian chic in your home!"
  • "Exclusive furniture from noble materials"

πŸ’Ž Be sure to compose a portrait of your buyer and do not scare him off with an incorrect description of your niche.

🀝 We call the trust of residents of residential areas with new buildings

When a person buys a new home, he spends a lot on repairs and household appliances. When buying furniture, comfort is important, but price can play a decisive role. There is high competition in the areas under construction, but there is also an increased demand.

Therefore, here you need to connect all available advertising methods:

  • post ads
  • hand out flyers on busy roads (near stops, as well as metro stations - in the case of large cities)
  • print flyers and send to mailboxes
  • use social networks, use geotargeting
  • negotiate a partnership with the developer (if you are ready to fulfill its conditions)

πŸ” Features of promotion in small towns

A working tool for promotion in a small town is word of mouth. Attract buyers with your originality. Marketing moves such as price cuts, promotions like β€œa free chair” are half the battle. Invite clients to lie on soft beds, arrange displays of furniture - let them talk about you, create informational reasons. Work carefully with local forums and social media groups - reviews should only come from real users.

🌍 Promotion of a furniture store on Instagram and VK

It is up to you to create your own website or limit yourself to social networks for the first time. Instagram is becoming the platform on which to promote more fashionable or inexpensive furniture, due to the age specificity of the audience. Use all the chips: from ordinary photos of a product and a furniture store to original videos of a beautiful girl lounging on the bed. Do not forget about "Stories", where you can also come up with a lot. Posts should be interesting, so that there is a desire to like and go to the entry in the ad.

VKontakte maintains its position in terms of audience activity. Create a public page and start promoting. Submit as many photos as possible for customers to rate your product. Set up targeted ads. Make an agreement with the administration of groups ready to post your post. Do not be afraid to contact directly representatives of the communities in which the owners of housing under construction are members.

πŸ“’ Should I order advertising on radio and TV?

In most cases, it is better to refuse advertising a furniture store in the media because of the impressive costs. Do this only with complete confidence in its effectiveness. Advertising will be relevant during the sales season. Sometimes it is useful to order it before opening an outlet.

  • if you organize delivery yourself, put an advertisement on the awning of a truck - then you will be better recognized
  • mount a noticeable sign with the name of the store, and a slogan or specification of the product category ("furniture from Belarusian manufacturers", "Italian kitchens")
  • place a banner on the wall, show photos of furniture (for such purposes, you can organize a photo session)
  • pavement sign next to the sidewalk, signs are also effective

We know how to bring your website to the TOP, attract the target audience and turn it into customers of your business.

  1. Deep expertise... Specialists with practical experience in promoting online furniture stores will work on your project. The effectiveness of promotion is ensured through in-depth analysis of the target audience, forecasting demand and detailed elaboration of the semantic core.
  2. Outstanding technology... Our unique Ingate Marketing Cloud technology platform allows you to instantly respond to any changes: from quality to search engine algorithms. This ensures effective promotion of the resource in search engines 24/7.
  3. Customer care... We work for those goals of your business that you want to achieve. We do everything for comfortable collaboration: we provide transparent reports, a detailed work plan, legal guarantees, and a personal account manager accompanies your project and advises on all issues.

Features of promotion of furniture sites

Methods of promotion of furniture sites almost do not differ from methods of promotion of resources of other topics. But it should be noted that many users prefer to see the furniture first before making a purchasing decision. If this is not possible, it is important for them to get the most complete information about both the product itself and the company. That is why the resource must meet all the needs of the audience. Here are a few factors to watch out for:

  • the presence of competitive advantages on the site;
  • convenient navigation;
  • detailed information about furniture (materials, construction, exact dimensions, etc.);
  • high-quality product photos;
  • production information;
  • information about additional opportunities (custom-made furniture, design ideas implementation, etc.);
  • reviews of the online store (both on the website itself and on third-party sites).

Promotion of furniture sites from Ingate

  1. Comprehensive continuous analytics. We study the furniture market, analyze competitors, identify significant commercial factors that can directly affect the increase in conversion. We analyze the search results on a weekly basis, monitor the counter data, study the behavior of visitors on the site and, based on the data obtained, make decisions that will improve the effectiveness of the promotion.
  2. Personal solution for your business. We develop an individual promotion strategy taking into account the peculiarities of the online store. We know how to help you achieve your business goals faster. We continuously monitor the issue, track the dynamics of changes in site positions and, if necessary, adjust the promotion strategy.
  3. All inclusive promotion. Everything you need to effectively promote your online store is already included in the price of your chosen service package. We carry out internal and external website optimization, implement technical improvements, work out behavioral factors, provide high-quality copywriting, web analytics, consulting and provide detailed reports on the work done.

Stages of promotion of a furniture store

1. Conducting research and auditing

  • resource visibility assessment;
  • competitive analysis;

2. Strategy development and resource optimization

  • formation of a promotion strategy;
  • carrying out technical improvements;
  • text optimization;
  • correction of metainformation;
  • the formation of a semantic core;
  • selection of landing pages;
  • elaboration of commercial ranking factors.

3. Monitoring the promotion process

  • weekly analysis of the issue;
  • evaluation of meter data;
  • research of audience behavior;
  • indexation control;
  • analysis of the dynamics of site positions;
  • adjustment of the strategy (if necessary).

4. Formation of reports on the work done

  • by traffic from search;
  • by the number and quality of visitors;
  • by the number of targeted actions on the site;
  • by the visibility of a resource for promoted requests, etc.

5. Maintaining results

  • site audit for technical errors;
  • resource visibility assessment;
  • competitive analysis;
  • installation and configuration of statistics collection systems.

Every seller of upholstered and cabinet furniture is interested in how to convert visitors to an online furniture store into buyers. And the selling texts for advertising custom-made furniture is the bracket on which all the other elements of successful sales are attached.

If, during live communication, the buyer himself asks the necessary questions, then in the text all the answers to the questions must be provided. If the client does not find a solution to his problem in the description, the transaction will not take place.

Kitchens, living rooms and bedrooms are expensive goods that do not belong to the first and even the second necessities. Such a purchase cannot be classified as impulsive; it is planned in advance for the size of the room and the interior design.

Reasons for buying: renovation, moving into a new home, wedding, birth of a child, the emergence of sufficient funds. The buyer will have to live side by side with dressers, sofas, armchairs, tables, chairs for many years and even decades, so this purchase is treated with full responsibility. And in the catalog, the buyer must find solutions to his problems. Simple, clear and concise.

Basic principles of how to write texts for advertising furniture in the catalog

Furniture advertising texts should inspire confidence of buyers... Upload photos and videos of all production processes: carpentry, upholstery, sewing processes. Give the buyer a guarantee that this wardrobe will last a long time.

Give unique information... Tell him about the intricacies of production and choosing a good bed. Even if you are going to order a text for furniture on a website from a copywriter, give him in a concise form the facts that are not in the public domain.

Bypass competitors... Before composing the text, develop an original USP in an ad for a children's, office or kitchen furniture store. The options can be different: custom-made, gifts for kits, free shipping, assembly, custom-made glass engraving.

Keywords in the text for advertising furniture on the website of the online store

It does not matter which product sales will increase texts for advertising furniture: beds, sofas, computer tables and armchairs, wardrobes, dressers, kitchens, tables, nightstands, chairs, folding beds, wardrobes. The main thing is not to forget to prescribe keywords in each.

The rule is simple - one article for one group of key queries. One main request, which will be found in the heading, subheading, first paragraph and several times in the text. And it is followed by synonym clarifying queries in one sentence with the main query.

Keyword example: Β« buy a sofa in MoscowΒ».

Furniture Advertising Texts: Keyword Selection

Clarifying words: inexpensive, sale, from the manufacturer, cheap, corner sofa, sofa bed, book, accordion, transformer, with delivery, for children, leather, folding.

When you offer to buy a sofa in Moscow in the text of your online store selling ready-made furniture, make sure that the above qualifying words are organically (and imperceptibly) inscribed in the article.

Texts for advertising furniture on radio examples

Furniture advertisement from Zemfira, duration 50 seconds:

You have a beautiful dream again

As if you are sitting at your desk

But only your table has become comfortable

And next to it the Japanese safe flashed

Your office suddenly looks like a fairy tale

Everything is so comfortable in him, and you will not understand

So everything will be in reality, believe me

Salon "Zhimal", just open the door (2 times)

Salon "Zhimal" (5 times)

An example of the text of an advertisement for upholstered and cabinet furniture on radio # 2: timing 25 seconds

(Traffic cop's whistle) Inspector Sidorchuk. Citizen, where are you heading? Do you see which sign is hanging?

(Driver) Of course I see. Stop price sign. Therefore, I am in a hurry to the "Formula of Furniture".

A sample of the selling text of an advertisement for furniture on the radio # 3: timing 30 seconds

Salon "Demi", any custom-made cabinet furniture from classic to avant-garde. High-quality materials and fittings, non-standard solutions for any space and for every taste. Free travel of the designer around the city and region, prices are available. Installment plan. Attention, promotion: until the end of June when ordering a kitchen - a coffee table as a gift. Salon "Demi" st. Moscow, 62. Tel 9 14 00. 9 14 00. "Demi". Great choice, great result!

Call to action in text on a furniture website

Cabinet or upholstered furniture is not fashionable clothes, before ordering it, every little thing is thoroughly considered. Therefore, you should not rush a person with a purchase, even if you offer him a profitable promotion.

If we are not talking about a pair of chairs, but about a bedroom, living room, kitchen or office, it is better to invite him to the showroom to see samples or offer him a designer consultation. But a call or a visit to the buyer is better not to be postponed until later. Because "later" may not come

Promotion of a furniture store on the Web is in many ways similar to the promotion of any other store. In many ways, but not in all. This topic has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when creating a site and promoting it.

Features of online furniture stores

Online furniture stores have relatively little popularity on the Web. Most people prefer to visit real salons and watch all the products live.

From here follows the first and main feature of this niche: people should get as much information as possible about the model they are interested in. Of course, through the screens of monitors, they will not be able to feel the sofa, lie on the bed and understand if the furniture is comfortable. But they should get at least basic information (dimensions, material, manufacturer, appearance from all possible angles, combination with various interiors, etc.).

When promoting furniture sites, it is worth remembering that their task is not only to sell, but also to motivate users to come to an offline store. With the furniture on which a person sits / lies, this is exactly what happens. People don't usually buy this kind of product over the internet. They look at the models, compare prices, read the description, delivery terms and guarantees, and go to the salon for the purchase itself.

How to promote an online furniture store

Promotion to the top of search results is complicated by the fact that it is difficult to bypass competitors who have long established themselves on the market. Often you have to be sophisticated, look for low-frequency hot requests, run non-standard advertising campaigns, reduce prices to a minimum, offer additional services and much more.

It is important not to forget to pay enough attention to the design of the site.

  • Nice and modern design.
  • Competent online merchandising.
  • Availability of high quality photos of furniture (possibly already in the finished interior).
  • Registration of product cards.
  • Competent construction of a sales funnel.
  • Convenient search and site navigation.
  • Availability and easy accessibility of all necessary information sections: delivery or pickup conditions, guarantees, quality certificates, legal information, etc.
  • Availability of data about the offline store (preferably with a map and directions).

The site is the business card of your salon. It can both interest and alienate the user. And any of its elements can play a key role. If your company provides additional services (for example, custom-made furniture or the implementation of design ideas), information about them should also be available on your website, technological processes and necessary requirements from the customer are described in detail.

Improving competitive ability is also integral to promoting a furniture website. Pricing policy, price-quality ratio, assortment, availability of delivery and assembly services, guarantees - all this should, if not be better, then at least at the level of your main competitors. Otherwise, there can be no question of any high positions.

Georeferencing a resource

When promoting a site, it is worth remembering about georeference. When a resource is tied to a specific city or region, it is easier for it to get to the leading positions in search results. The level of competition is decreasing, and the search engine itself prefers to show sites of local / local enterprises to companies operating throughout the Russian Federation. It is unlikely that a person will travel to another region to buy a sofa. The maximum is a trip from the region to the regional capital, and only in the absence of local competitors.

Geo-referencing is carried out using the Yandex.Webmaster service and Google Search Console for the respective search engines.

Promotion methods

Now let's briefly go through the main channels and methods of promoting online furniture stores.

1. SEO.

Perhaps, the main method of promotion of furniture sites. Once a quality optimized resource will attract potential customers for years. SEO is a long-term investment. Such promotion is expensive and is carried out in a period from a couple of months to a year or two, depending on the current state and position of the resource. This is a complex method that requires a professional approach. If you're not SEO savvy, it's best to hire a professional.

If you do not want to struggle for the top places in natural results for a long time, use context. It allows you to get a quick return on investment. Already on the day of the launch of the advertising campaign, people will start coming to your site.

Advertisements will look exactly like search snippets and can be placed in the first and last four places on the SERP. In this case, each click on the advertisement (transition to the site) will cost money. Promotion of a furniture showroom through context will continue as long as you replenish your balance. Otherwise, impressions will stop. In addition, if you are not versed in contextual advertising, you will need to additionally spend money on a specialist who will set up and launch an advertising campaign.

3. Social networks.

In the furniture industry, their use is optional, but the presence of an official public page of the company will never be superfluous. SMM (Social Media Marketing) can be used as a tool to increase brand awareness and improve a company's image. Communication with the audience, feedback from real buyers, informing about the holding of promotions - all this will increase the loyalty of old and new customers.


We talked about the main features of promoting a furniture store on the Web. Like any other, this niche has its own nuances and "pitfalls", without the knowledge of which it will be impossible to achieve success. Try different channels and strategies, test targeting criteria and ad formats. Don't be afraid to constantly experiment and look for the most effective promotion methods. This is the only way you can overtake the market leaders.