Registration on mail e-mail. How to register your E-mail address (e-mail)? enter personal data

To register a new mailbox on Mail ru in the browser, write On the page that opens, in the upper left corner there will be an authorization form.

If you need to re-create e-mail mail ru, then under the form there will be "Registration in mail". However, we already have our own account, so we need to enter its name in the top field. Fill in everything up to the @ symbol. Below we write our password. We press the button "enter". E-mail mail login completed.

Mail.Ru is a browser, a search engine, games, and, of course, mail. The history of the company began back in 1998. The American company DataArt, which was founded by Russian émigrés, created software for the mail server. It was planned that in the future this software will be sold to Western companies.

Since the developers were St. Petersburg programmers, they decided to test in Russia. The developers were surprised by the fact that the service began to rapidly gain users. So it was decided to create a mail service mail ru, in which anyone can register for free by creating their own mail with the desired login.

A mailbox created once in the mail ru system will be valid at any time. The box has no expiration or downtime. To this day, the project does not stand still, every day the development team is actively working on new ideas and regularly releases updates. But let's focus on the first and largest project - mail.

Free registration of mail to mail ru

From the moment of foundation to the present day, anyone can create a mail on mail ru absolutely free of charge. In order to create a mailbox, you will need to come up with a unique mailbox name and password.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the mail service has existed for a long time and it is very popular, which means that in order to create mail for yourself you have to show your imagination. The mailbox name must not match any of the existing ones. Agree, it would not be right for someone to receive your letters, and you receive someone else's. If the desired name is already taken, the system will offer you similar options from those available at the moment. You can agree with the proposed option, or come up with another and check if it is free.

Gifts for the New Year and New Year's packaging from the manufacturer

An interesting point: if your name is taken in the @mail ru variant, this does not mean at all that it was taken in other domain variants of the mail service. It may well be free at @inbox ru, @bk ru or @list ru.

Email registration also provides for the introduction of a password that would meet generally accepted password security requirements. The password must be at least 6 characters long and must not contain only numbers.

Mail registration can be faster if you leave your mobile phone number. In this case, you will not need to indicate the secret question and the answer to it. In addition, this will significantly increase the level of mailbox security. Without access to your phone, it will be impossible to recover your password.

Registration also involves filling in the Surname and First name fields. Please note that it is this data that the recipients of your letters will see in the Inbox folder before opening the letter.

Enter your phone number or choose a secret question that only you will know and click the "Register" button. This is the largest button on the registration form. Further, at the discretion of the server, protection against bots may appear.

The introduction of such a check is a necessary measure. At some point, a massive creation of mailboxes began, from which spam was sent. That is why the decision was made to check for a person. Please enter these characters correctly. From this moment mail ru registration is considered complete.

However, since mail ru is a multiservice company, upon completion of registration, it will offer you to use the company's services, which you can refuse. But among the services offered there are very useful ones.

For example, forwarding to your new mailbox of letters that go to the old address you specified.
Possibility to specify a signature, which will be automatically added at the end of each sent letter.
Upload a photo for the My World social network, which you will see in the "My Page" menu.
You can create a mailbox and style it according to your preferences by choosing a subject.
Alternatively, you can install a mobile app.

After all the additional suggestions, you will see a window of the mailbox web interface. By default, the contents of the Inbox will be displayed.

How to set up mail to mail ru?

Let's start our overview of the settings with the visual design. If you did not choose a theme for yourself during registration, or you have a desire to change it, you can install a new theme.

To do this, go to the "Themes" section, which is located in the settings. The range of themes offered will satisfy almost any user. They are provided to users absolutely free.

You can also set up the sorting of letters - the server will distribute mail according to the rules you set in various folders. This will unload your inbox. The server has excellent protection against spam and all kinds of unwanted mail. If the system did not take into account some letter, you can add it to the spam list. Thus, to do a useful thing for all users. The server is able to analyze such marks.

In addition, there is an answering machine function. It will be very useful in case you are on vacation and do not want to be disturbed. Particular attention should be paid to the unique mail ru mail service, the entrance to which is all in the same settings - this is an SMS notification service. Very convenient, especially if you don't want to keep track of your mailbox.

Well, the usual phenomenon for business people is a calendar. It is able to replace paper organizers and organize your affairs and appointments. You can find all this in the settings after you enter your email. mail.

How to send email from mail ru?

1. In order to send a letter, you need to go to your mail. Open mail ru in your browser and log in.

2. Go to the "Mail" service.

3. At the top of the screen in the middle there will be a button "Write a letter". This is exactly what we need.

4. In the form that appears, fill in the recipient, the subject of the letter, and the actual text of the letter and click "Send".

If you are interested in looking at the contents of your sent letter, then you can easily find it in the Sent Items folder.

For faster and easier communication, you can install the Mail ru agent service. This will simplify correspondence and communication with colleagues and acquaintances. But it's worth writing a separate article about this service.

How to send a picture or document from mail to ru?

1. To send a file, for example, a picture or a document, you need to create a regular letter.

2. Just before sending, attach the file itself. This is done by clicking on the "Attach file" button.

3. In the window that opens, select a file on your device or enter a link. And click the open button.

4. From now on, the file will start attaching to your email. Please note that the file must be fully downloaded, otherwise the email will be sent without it.

5. The fact that the file has been loaded will be indicated by a green check mark next to its name.

6. The download speed of the file will depend on its size and the speed of your internet.

Besides, the speed of message delivery to the recipient will depend on the file size. So don't send large files. For these purposes, Mail ru has a cloud service. After placing the file there, send the final recipient a link to it. It will be more convenient not only for you, but also for the recipient. Indeed, in the modern world, a letter can be read not only on a stationary PC, but also on a phone or tablet, where the speed of the Internet connection can be much lower.

When registering, we indicate personal data, a phone number to restore access, if the password is lost or forgotten, choose on which of the service domains your mailbox will be located -;;;

When specifying the name of the box, you can see what variants of names the service has generated for you for a hint. He can stop at one of the proposed options or enter his own.

Registration form: Be sure to indicate the phone number, having first selected the country of residence.

You can have several mailboxes at once and connect them to one, not even necessarily only So you can view all mail from one account. To do this, on the top panel, go to "More \u003d\u003e Settings \u003d\u003e Mail from other mailboxes" and add already registered e-mails:

Outlook, etc.

Just click the "Add mailbox" button and enter the connected email

To make your mailbox unique, you can select a ready-made theme in the tab on the top panel, which is called "Themes". Choose and install, try and reinstall as much as your heart desires.

You can choose any theme or color as the background.

There is one more point in the design of letters that it is desirable to customize - this is your signature at the bottom of the letter. This is what the recipient usually sees at the end like "Sincerely, Ivan Ivanov." This can be registered in "More \u003d\u003e Settings \u003d\u003e Name and signature" and the signature will be automatically added to each letter.

You can use the original signature if you do not conduct official correspondence.

You can also configure how the response will be sent - with or without the content of the received letter - "More \u003d\u003e Settings \u003d\u003e Working with letters". Just leave or uncheck the "Sending Emails" section. There are many more useful parameters that make it easier to work with the box:

Adding new contacts to the Address Book.
Display of incoming emails in a folder.
Grouping letters.

As you can see, in this tab you can create, delete, edit and clean folders.

Working with folders

Additional folders are sometimes required to better organize your mail. You can create a new one by right-clicking on the folder list. It can become an archive, a subfolder of an existing folder, store important information and be password protected, or serve as a separate correspondence.

You can set a password for the confidential mail folder.

In this case, the filtering option - "More \u003d\u003e Settings \u003d\u003e Filtering rules" will come in handy, with the help of which you can specify that letters from a particular sender are moved to a specified folder. You can use it to create a blacklist and transfer emails to the spam category.

Can be used to create a blacklist. mail settings are not complicated at all. You may also be interested in the Notifications and Autoresponder tabs. You can customize them yourself.

The registration and login process in mail is simplified as much as possible:

The sequence of actions is checked by the program. There are hints when entering the name of the mailbox, you can also select the mail subdomain in the line on the right "Mailbox";

After entering all the data, you need to indicate your phone number and receive an activation code on it (if you do not want to enter a phone number, there is a link below "I do not have a mobile phone"). Enter the activation code and click the "Register" button. After that, through a search engine request, your account will be opened;

After registering Mail Mail, great opportunities open up for sending, receiving, sorting and searching for the desired letter, as well as additional functions for storing personal information in the "Cloud" section;

Sending, receiving, sorting and searching for the desired letter to the mail

From your mail account you have quick access to other projects, for example Odnoklassniki, Dating Mail, etc .;

By registering and logging into the mail, the following opportunities are opened:

Free registration;
selection of letters;
search for letters;
creating folders;
a large number of accounts and boxes;
binding to a phone number;
spam blocks;

Web - client;
personal mobile client;
personal account for storing files;
sending files;
information storage capacity up to 25 GB (Mail Cloud);
related services

To get into your mailbox, just go to the portal and specify your username and password. services - available after entering mail

The main page of the resource offers a variety of services. There is not only e-mail, which has become familiar and convenient for millions of Runet users, but also other popular services: agent, answers, my world, news, dating.

Developers offer customers a variety of themes for design. There are specially designed models of the New Year's theme, according to the seasons and others. After going through the stages of registration and logging into mail, you can access the following options:

Agent. The application is designed for messaging. From it you can send SMS, make voice or video calls. If you open mail from any browser on your computer, you can see a minimized application below. The program also exists in a separate extended form, the download link is on the website

My world. Allows you to send each other photos, video clips, exchange messages, play games of various genres (from arcades to strategies and puzzles).

Dating. Convenient and uncomplicated games have been developed that will help you to find a new friend in a playful way. Dating service

Games. The number of available games has exceeded 20 thousand. Games do not require much power from the computer and are launched from the browser.

News. portal offers the freshest and most relevant news. For convenience, they are arranged by headings.

Answers. In the application, you can ask a question to live users.

Lady. Here you can read about the secrets and secrets of movie stars and secular lionesses, read their life stories and interviews. There is a whole section dedicated to cooking and good nutrition. Service people from mileThere is a lot of useful information about horoscopes, dream books, maps, runes, numerology, various types of fortune telling. Highlights the latest fashion trends, cosmetics and housekeeping tips. The forum will help answer the remaining questions.

Bonus. For those who take part in games on the portal, there is a special program. For completing bonus tasks, players are awarded points, which can then be exchanged for useful prizes in a special store.

Cloud. Today the company offers users 25 GB of free data storage. You can post your photos, videos, texts and set up access for yourself and your friends. Mobile applications developed.

In order to enter the mail, you should perform just two simple steps:

If you want to register and create your mailbox, then follow the link to the registration page.

The registration procedure in the mail is simplified as much as possible, and the sequence of filling out the registration form is controlled by the program. Here you can get hints regarding unoccupied box names. To expand the options, you can use the subdomains selection field (to the right of the "Mailbox" line).

After entering the data on your mobile phone, you will receive an activation code by entering it, press the "Register" button (if you do not want to indicate your mobile number, then click the link "I do not have a mobile phone"). Registration is now complete and you can log into your account.

Registered users have ample opportunities for sending, receiving, sorting and searching letters, as well as for storing personal information, there is an additional function "Cloud" (up to 25 GB).

By the way, you can choose a style for your mailbox, the developers offer a wide variety of options right now.
The account has the function of quick access to other projects of Group (at the top of the page - Dating Mail, Odnoklassniki, etc.)

What services of Group are available to users

If you have completed the registration procedure and entered the mail, then you get the opportunity to use other services popular for millions of Runet users: My World, News, Answers, Agent, Dating, and so on. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

Agent - this application is designed for quick messaging (SMS) and making voice and video calls. Also, this program is presented in a separate form, and a link to download it is on the mail site.

News - for convenience, all news are divided into headings. It reflects both local news and world events.
Dating - the site has many simple and exciting games, playing which you can find many interesting people to communicate.

Games - the number of games that are available to registered users has already reached 20,000. I would like to note that these exciting games do not require a lot of power from a computer, but they are launched from a browser. We remind you that absolutely from any device you can go to the mail and start playing.

Answers - if you want to get a direct answer to a question that has been bothering you for a long time, you can ask a question to live real users through the "Answers" section and get an answer from them immediately.

Lady is an interesting app that targets women and their interests. Here you can find information about the lives of stars, psychological articles, cooking secrets, horoscopes, fashion trends, new cosmetology and daily horoscopes.

Bonus - for users who like to play on the portal, there is a special program: for completing tasks, bonuses are awarded to players. Later they can be exchanged for nice prizes.

Cloud - A phenomenon such as cloud computing is gaining more and more widespread adoption. Mail also has its own cloud, where you can store up to 25 GB of personal information.

After registration, users can post their photos and videos, as well as set up access, both for themselves and for their colleagues and acquaintances.
For users of mobile technology (for more convenient access) there are applications.


Method 1: Standard input

A simple and classic way to get into your mail is to use the home page of the site.

While on the main page, find the "Mail" block on the left.

Enter your username before the @ symbol. The system will automatically log in with the @ domain, but if your mail was registered through the @, @ or @ domain, select the appropriate option through the drop-down list.

Enter your password and leave the “Remember” checkbox ticked so that you don't need to re-enter this data next time. In all other cases (for example, when several people use the computer and you need the privacy of your letters), it is better to uncheck the box.

Click the "Login" button. After that, you will be redirected to the page with incoming mail.

Using the interface and capabilities of Mail.Ru mail, you can work with letters registered in other services. This is very convenient if you have several email addresses and need to combine them in one place in order to quickly switch later.

Here you will be offered several ways to enter: Yandex, Google, Yahoo !. Here you can also log in with a mailbox from Mail.Ru, and by clicking on the "Other" button, you can enter a mailbox for other domains, for example, work or foreign.

When you select a specific service, @ and domain will be substituted automatically. You just need to enter your username and password, and then click the "Login" button.

As additional protection, the service may require you to re-enter the password.

A notification will appear about entering the mailbox of another service through the Mail.Ru interface. If you wish, you can change your first and last name, and then click "Enter mail".

Since this is the first entry for Mail.Ru, it will offer to optimize the use of this email for its service. This involves setting up an avatar, adding a signature, and choosing a background. Go through these steps if you plan to actively work with letters, or click the "Skip" button at each step.
At the first entry, the letters may not be loaded and the mailbox will be empty.

Wait a while or reload the page for the inbox / outbox / draft / trash list to refresh. In some cases, the problem is solved by exiting and re-entering the box.

Method 3: Multi-account

To manage two accounts, you can use the convenient function of adding additional mailboxes. If you are not logged into any account, do it using Method 1 or 2. Then follow these steps:

While on the main page of Mail.Ru or on the mail page, click on the arrow next to the current account and select the "Add mailbox" button.

You will be asked to select a postal service and go through the authorization procedure. To add a Mail.Ru mailbox, use the instructions from Method 1, starting from step 2. To add a third-party email, use Method 2, also from the second step.

After successful addition, you will immediately be taken to this email inbox, and you can switch between them all through the same link with the current email from step 1.

Method 4: Mobile version

Smartphone owners can work with their mail from a mobile browser. In this case, a simplified version will be displayed, adapted for devices on Android, iOS or Windows Phone. Consider the entrance to Mail.Ru on Android.

Go to the site or enter in the address bar - the mobile version will be opened automatically.

Click on the word "Mail" to open a form for entering a login and password. Select the domain after @, check or uncheck the "Remember" box and click "Login".

This option is available only for the @, @, @, @ domains. If you want to enter the mail with the address of another mail service, use one of two options:

Go to the site, click the word "Mail", and then the button "Login".

Click on @ to select the domain of the desired service.

Select a domain, then enter your username and password.

Alternative for quick login through other services:

Go to the touch-version of Mail.Ru

Go to the touch-version of the site or enter in the address bar.
Select the service you want and click on it.

Enter your username, password and click "Login".

You will be redirected to the login form of the selected mail service. The login will be substituted automatically, and the password must be re-entered.

Go through the authentication procedure, confirming access to the service data.

You will be taken to your mobile mail and can start using it.

Method 5: Mobile application

It is more convenient for regular users to install a mobile application instead of entering the site through a browser. In this case, the authorization will not be reset after clearing cookies, as is the case with browsers, and push notifications of new letters will be received.

Download the application or go to the Play Market, enter "mail" in the search bar and click "Install".

Launch the application, select a service to enter, and, by analogy with Method 4, starting from the second step, perform authorization.

Method 6: Mobile multi-account

In both mobile versions of the application, you can freely switch between multiple accounts. To add a second address, do the following:

Open the mobile version of the site or application and click on the service button with three lines.

Click on the "plus", which is located below the avatar of the current mailbox.

To register, go to the site (enter in the address bar of the browser). A page will open with a special form in the upper left corner.

Registration in mail mail ru

The Registration page opens. There is nothing difficult in filling out the registration form. First name 1, last name 2, date of birth 3 are required, but no one will check whether you wrote honestly or not. Choose your gender by toggling button 4.
How to choose a mailbox name (mailing address)

In line Desired mailing address 5, there will be options for email names, generated automatically, taking into account your first name, last name, date of birth. You can choose from the proposed list, or you can choose a good name yourself.

The name must be 4-31 characters long. In addition to Latin (English) letters, you can use numbers, underscores (_), period, or hyphen (-), but the name of a mailbox cannot begin with these characters. Prepare for the fact that the simple name that you want to use is already taken and you will receive the answer that "A box with this name already exists."

You can choose a mailbox name in four domains:,,, Your email, depending on this, may look like this: [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

If a nice name is taken in one domain, then check in other domains. To do this, click on the domain that is visible in window 6 (in my example -, a list of four domains will open, and you choose the one you like from the list. When you have finished choosing the name of the mailbox, proceed to entering the password.

How to find a strong password for a mailbox

If you are going to use e-mail for a long time and for serious purposes, then password 7 must be reliable. Russian letters are not allowed. And while we love to use meaningful words, it's best not to. If your password is hacked, you will not only lose your letters, but it will still be problematic for you to get your mailbox back.

The password must be at least 6 characters long, but it must not consist of only numbers. It must contain English letters, numbers, and symbols (for example: $,%, #). Letters must be used in both lowercase and uppercase. As you type, the tips to the right of the password will change: weak password, medium password, strong password. Make sure the password is strong - then you can sleep peacefully!

To make sure that you entered the password correctly, enter the same password in the next field 8 again. After that, immediately write down the name of the e-mail box and password in your notebook, before you forget!
Enter your mobile phone number

The Telephone 9 field must be filled in in case you forget your password and cannot get into your mailbox. Provide for such a nuisance!

To do this, select your country from the drop-down list and enter your mobile phone number. Within a minute you will receive a message with a confirmation code.

Confirmation code window
Enter the confirmation code

Enter the Code received by SMS in the appropriate field and click Continue.

How to register a mailbox without a mobile phone?

If you do not want to indicate a mobile phone number, then click the link I do not have a mobile phone 10. An additional field will open. In this field, enter an additional e-mail, if you have one, and click the Continue button. ... In principle, you do not have to specify anything, but keep in mind that if the password is hacked or lost, it will be difficult for you to get your mailbox back.

When, you register mail without a phone number, a window will appear in which you need to enter the code from the picture. I, for such cases, keep a magnifying glass at hand. And, all the same, you have to click the link 2-3 times I don't see the code to update the picture to a more legible one!

Have you entered the code? Now click the Continue button and you will find yourself in your new mailbox. There you will have 3 letters from the Team with congratulations and recommendations for working with e-mail.

Although no! You will see the contents of your new mailbox, but a configuration window will appear in front of it.

Setting up your new mailbox for mail ru in 3 steps

In the first step, a window will appear with which you can upload your photo and create a signature that will be inserted into every email you send. After these actions, click the Save button. However, if you do not have a photo at hand, and you have not decided on the signature yet, then click on the Skip button and you will find yourself on the next step.

Step 2. Choosing a theme for the mailbox

The second step is to choose a theme that will decorate the mailbox while you work with letters. After choosing the theme you like, click the Save button. You can click the Skip button - then the Classic theme will remain. As I see, for the majority of users, it is she who remains.

Step 3. Install the mail ru mobile application

At the third step, it is proposed to install a mobile application from If you register on a smartphone, you can immediately press the App Store or Google play button (depending on the model of your smartphone) and install the application on your phone.

If, however, you create a mailbox on a PC or laptop, then - no big deal! As soon as you have a smartphone, you can install the application from mail ru and, using your login and password, associate your email with this application.

Now press the Finish button and you will find yourself in your new mailbox. Write and send your letters, receive and re-read letters from friends!

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue the conversation about the most popular services, and our next step is - mail... I will not say that he is a generator of promising ideas and innovations in ensuring the convenience of working with correspondence, but he is the leader in this market in Runet and this alone deserves respect.

In addition, over the past year and a half, the email development team has significantly expanded and they have managed to implement almost all the useful tools from competitors.

We also added convenient viewing of photos and office documents attached to letters right in the web interface, mobile versions and applications, language support, a correspondence collector, a new interface, virus protection and much more.

Although they do not yet have such a high level (two-step authorization using the cell phone number and trusted computers), they still do not have a similar service, but to the majority of Mail users all this is either not necessary, or they never bothered with it at all. Therefore, I offer you an excursion into the possibilities and nuances of this free service, and whether to use it or not, you will decide for yourself.

Creation history and current position of mail

She leads her history as far back as 1998 (not much later than that moment). True, then the project was called and assumed the development of an engine for a free mail service for its subsequent sale abroad (at that time not everyone knew about it). However, due to the coincidence of circumstances, this project was tested on our RuNet on the domain and in the very first months of its existence it showed phenomenal results in the growth of the number of users.

As you can see from the screenshot, it was then proposed to use Yandex to search the Internet on the portal. Then, after moving to a new domain, the owners began to offer their users, while developing their own, to which they plan to completely switch in the near future (or have already switched).

Actually, wonder at the monstrous popularity of mailboxes from not worth it, because at that time Gmail and YaPoshta did not exist at all, but there were only bourgeois projects (s), which at that time did not indulge the user with the support of the Russian language. The new product with a Russian-language interface was liked and the number of registered mailboxes began to grow exponentially.

My first account was also registered on Mail, because at that time a similar service from Yandex had just appeared (2000) and had not yet gained the necessary popularity, and before the appearance of Gmail there were still several years to wait. There were no particular problems with his work (it has not yet been hacked), and after a while, having hooked firmly on the brainchild of Google, I simply set up a redirect from my first mailbox to a new one in Gmail. Until recently, I did not even go to the mail interface.

As a person who is keenly interested in everything new and promising, I quickly switched to Gmail when he was still in the beta testing stage (registration was possible only by invitation). However, most of the users of this system have remained faithful to it (it works and okay) and this is a general trend in the development of this market. Newbies have to rely mainly on the influx of new users, and not on poaching the audience from competitors.

That is why mail service almost until 2011 did not develop much, resting on the laurels of the popularity gained in the old years, when the competition was very weak. However, the gap between their capabilities and the capabilities of competitors grew more and more, and then they even began to think about moving.

The owners got worried and decided to invest in the development of the service in order to keep up with the competitors completely hopelessly. The development team was tripled and in a year and a half everything that I briefly listed at the beginning of the article was issued. As a result, at the moment the situation has stabilized and shares of postal giants in runet froze at about the following positions:

  1. Email - 25 million users
  2. The brainchild of Yandex - 16 million
  3. Still Alive - 4 Lyama
  4. Gmail - about the same

In the world ranking, Mail's mail service, although it occupies a modest fifth position, is still an impressive result, especially considering that more than two-thirds of the audience of this giant is concentrated in Russia:

At the moment, there are about 400 million registered mailboxes on, 100 of which can be called active (they log in and check their correspondence at least once every three months). And out of this hundred, a whole fifth are accounts whose owners pick up their mail every day. Monstrous volumes - about three to four thousand letters pass through their data centers in just one second.

On this, the excursion into the history and reasons stimulating the development of email can be considered complete. It's time to go directly to the description of registration, login, settings and opportunities that this box provides to its users.

Registering a mailbox in (creating an account)

So, let's start by tradition by registering the box and entering it. Everything is simple and straightforward. Go to the registration page and enter your name and surname in the proposed form fields, as well as the desired E-mail address, or rather its beginning, because there will be only four endings (@, @, @ or @

Please note that in this way you not only create an E-mail in, but also get access to all other services of this mega-portal (in fact, a universal account).

It would seem that there is nothing difficult here. However, many thousands of mailboxes are hacked precisely because of setting simple passwords that are easy to remember, but at the same time easy to guess (by brute force, for example). There is a misconception that since you have nothing to steal, then no one will break.

There will be, for there are a number of reasons why hacking mailboxes is still relevant and is in demand:

  1. Absolutely any mailbox is valuable for a cracker, because then, together with a bunch of others, it can be sold to spammers who need them to send messages in millions of copies. If you want to help spammers and get your account blocked in - put your password on QWERTY or 123456 mail. Hacking in this and the next two cases is carried out automatically by using the database of the most popular combinations or dictionaries.
  2. In a hacked mailbox, inadvertently (automatically), you can find the data of your accounts in social networks, monetary systems, data for accessing websites and other things necessary in the life of a hacker, which can then be sold wholesale or retail (or monetized on your own).

    Even if the passwords for these useful things are not found, then you can always request their recovery, and accounts in most cases will be tied again to this hacked Email.

  3. You may be blackmailed to return the box or confidential data stored in it. There are a lot of options, and in this case there will be, as a rule, only one payment method - paid SMS.
  4. Well, and the rarest case - you will be broken deliberately by order of ill-wishers or competitors. In this case, only a really strong password and its recovery using an SMS message can help, which will come to the cell phone number specified during registration.

Hope these arguments have convinced you of the need creating a complex password when registering with Another thing is that it is not so easy to come up with it, let alone remember it.

This is where it comes to the rescue. A cool program that will generate a complex combination for you and remember it. The main thing is not to forget the password from Kipas himself, and he will already store all the rest (it is not superfluous to make a backup of the encrypted database with passwords in several places for greater reliability - I personally store it in).

I also strongly advise not to be ashamed. indicate your cell number when registering at, because this will make recovering a lost password a trifling matter (otherwise, you will have to fill out the appropriate form for a long time and tediously or write to the support - [email protected]), and withdrawal of your account is almost impossible.

If there are compelling arguments not to do this, then you will have to click on the link “I don’t have a mobile phone” and in the old fashioned way come up with a secret question and an answer to it, which, by the way, can be easily broken if an attacker starts digging in your social networks or other places. where you could leave information about yourself.

Again, social engineering (or simple divorce) should not be discounted when by E-mail or in the same social networks you may be unobtrusively asked in an innocent form for the answer to your secret question, or slip a fake letter allegedly from a postal service with a link to a fake site that will look like a login form like two peas, except for the URL in the browser address bar.

From this, the conclusion follows - you need to go to the website of the postal service only by the link from your browser bookmarks or search results.

If you specified your cell number at the second step of registration, then after clicking the "Register" button, you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code on your mobile phone, which will need to be entered into the window that opens:

After that, you will be taken to the page of your newly created mailbox and you will find several messages from the development team there. Actually, that's all. It remains only to figure out the current capabilities of [email protected] and see what can be configured there in order to read and write letters, open attachment files and do other things would be easier and more convenient.

Login to - folders, inbox, filters and ...

As I have already mentioned more than once, this service has existed for a very long time and many users have accumulated several mailboxes, which were opened at different times and for different purposes. You can, of course, set up a forwarding or a collection of letters from all the others (we will talk about this below), so that you do not log in and out of your account every time.

However, not so long ago the mountain itself approached Magomed, namely, appeared multiple login capability to your accounts on Let's say you first log in to one of your accounts as usual:

Then you can already click on the name of your E-mail in the upper right corner of the window and click on "Add mailbox" to implement entrance to another of your mailboxes:

After successfully logging into your second account, you can now quickly switch between them by simply clicking on your Email (at the top of the window on the right) and choosing the desired option (or logging into another mailbox on

It turned out quite conveniently, although it may not be useful to everyone. But now let's talk, in fact, for the very atmosphere and.

Their new interface turned out to be rather laconic and not at all overloaded. The left column displays a list of your folders (initially there will be only five of them - Inbox, Sent, Drafts, Spam and Trash, but you are free to create as many of them as you like) and a couple of pretty convenient filters that allow you to show only unread or only flagged messages:

It seemed inconvenient to me that the "Settings" button is hidden in the "More" drop-down list and cannot be found right away (although it is duplicated in the upper right corner of the window). When you view the list of messages in your Inbox (or any other), you will see it in front of the sender's name avatar, or the first letter stylized as it from his name.

Don't you like it? No problem - select the Compact option from the View drop-down list and the extra graphics will disappear.

Letters from the list in can be moved between folders using the "Move" button at the bottom and top of the window, or by dragging and dropping with the left key. If you need to move several messages, just select them with checkmarks. They are deleted first in the Trash, which can be cleared when you exit your account, depending on your settings. By the way, there is a possibility, if necessary, along with all its contents.

It is possible to use hotkeys... For example, the keyboard shortcut Ctrl and the left or right arrow will allow you to navigate between previous and subsequent emails while viewing them, and the Delete key will send the viewed message to the Trash.

All modern mail services use a spam cutter, and almost everywhere it does not work perfectly - either it lets spam through, or counts it as quite decent letters. The second option is, of course, much more dangerous. In, the spam cutter works quite well, but in addition to it, there is the possibility of manual filtering.

Mark spam messages with checkmarks in the Inbox or any other (except for the Spam folder) and click on one of the "This is spam" buttons located above or below:

It is clear that from time to time you still have to look through the "Spam" folder for lost emails, and whenever you find them there, do not be too lazy to put a tick in front of each of them and use the "Do not spam" button. Spam cutter will learn in this way and make fewer mistakes when filtering mail.

I liked how the email tagging is organized in the new electronic interface. Many people use the unread filter, both on stationary mail programs and in the web interface. But it's not always possible to quickly make a message read or unread.

Here it is implemented very simply - move the mouse cursor over the letter and you will see the outline of an orange circle in front of it, clicking on which you mark message as unread (it will be highlighted in bold in the list with an orange circle in front of it):

Second fast a way to mark letters in mail organized by checkboxes. All unread and flagged messages can be viewed using the appropriate filters in the left column. Simple, but tasteful.

As I mentioned, you are free to add as many new folders to your electronic interface as you like. To do this, it will be enough to click on the "Configure folders" link in the left column under the list of existing ones. As a result, the settings window will open, where you will need to click on the button located at the top "Add folder":

In the window that opens, you can give the folder a name, define its hierarchy (at the top level or nested in some other of the existing ones), prohibit mail pickup from stationary programs and even set a password on it, which may not be superfluous to increase security or when several people work with one account (for example, corporate).

Tepericha about inbox filters from - where without them. Actually, they do not offer us anything beyond outstanding (either the Gmail case), but the whole thing is perfectly clear at the first acquaintance.

Find in the upper right corner of the "Settings" window and go to the "Filters and Forwarding" section. Only the Add Filter button will live there, but from its context menu it will be possible to extract the "Create Forwarding" option. However, while we are talking about filters, so just click on the button.

This will open the wizard for creating filters, which is quite simple and logical. First you need create conditions, upon fulfillment or non-fulfillment of which (the words "contains" or "does not contain" before the fields with conditions), you will need to take any action. Conditions can be applied to such email attributes as sender ("from" field), recipient, message subject, message size, etc.

When writing conditions in mail, you can use the asterisk "*" to replace any number of characters with it, as well as the vertical stick sign "|", which replaces the logical operator "or", allowing you to combine several possible options.

There can be as many conditions as you like, and the action will be performed either on the fulfillment of at least one of them (option at the bottom of the screenshot "if one of the conditions is met"), or on the fulfillment of all conditions (option - "if all conditions are met").

Next, we should explain to the electronic interface, what action should be performed when "bingo" falls out according to the conditions set just above. The most common option is probably to move a letter that meets the conditions to a folder created specifically for this:

You may want to mark or even delete this email. In addition, you will have the opportunity to forward this correspondence to another e-mail box (in fact, this will be a forwarding option, which is not always implemented, but only on condition), as well as respond to it with a pre-prepared "stamp" or apply to it some other any filter (create a cascade).

Probably, it will be correct to include the contents of the "Spam" folder in the run through the filters, because not spam messages at all can get there randomly. On the other hand, you can limit the filtration area to a separate folder, which can be selected from the drop-down list. Well, and then click on the "Save" button and enjoy the work of the created algorithm.

It will appear in the "Filters and Forwarding" section of the settings, where you can quickly enable or disable it as needed. There you can set up and forward letters from the mailbox to to your other E-mail in popular mail services. To do this, just select the "Create forwarding" option:

In the window that opens, specify the Email address where you want to forward all correspondence from this mailbox, and click on "Save". After that, a new line will appear on your page with filters and forwarding, but it will be highlighted in red, which means that this entire farm is not involved until you click on the "Confirm" link and enter the forwarding code that came to your E-mail :

When you confirm everything, your correspondence will be sent directly to the address specified in the forwarding settings immediately after arriving at your mailbox in

Other Email Settings and Features

Although it is not the most sophisticated of all, but some of its features are worth paying attention to. Let me try to arrange this in the form of a list with a general name - what else is there good in email from

  1. Developers take pride in what they provide dimensionless mailbox, which initially has dimensions of 10 GB. When you fill it up, you will be given two more gigabytes of living space each time.
  2. They also talk about the unlimited size of attachments, but here they are definitely being cunning, because only files less than 25 MB will be transferred and stored on mail servers, and if this limit is exceeded, attachments will already be stored on the servers of the [email protected] service. This means that in a month they will be removed, and the size of one attached object still cannot exceed 1 GB.
    1. But there is some good news in relation to attachments to letters (sent and received in boxes):

      When you receive a message with attachments, you can directly in the list click on a paperclip and see their full list with size (weight). When you move the mouse cursor over the files with photos, you will see their thumbnails next to them:

      If you click on any attachment file, a new window will open in which you can scroll through all of them, and view pictures and office documents in full. For those objects that cannot be viewed, a Download link will appear.

    2. If open a letter with attachments in the electronic interface of, then at its bottom you will find thumbnails of all attached files; the ability to display them as a list or as a tile; and also get the opportunity to download each object individually or all in bulk in one archive, which will significantly increase the speed and convenience:

      As I already mentioned, when clicking on some types of files, they can be view directly in the mail web interface without downloading to your computer. This will be true for presentations, office documents (Word, Excel, Power Point), photos and music.

      If the file is an archive, then the interface will allow you to read the list of objects contained in it, which, if desired, can even be downloaded separately:

    3. What is noteworthy is that all attachment files that have ever been attached to letters can be viewed separately, and if desired, only attachments of a certain type can be filtered by selecting from the top menu "Files", and on the left panel by selecting their type:

      When you create a message in the web interface, then to attach files the corresponding button will be in front of your eyes. Although it will be possible to simply drag the necessary files with the mouse into the browser window. But this is not the main thing.

      From my own experience, I know that most users, when sending photos, do not really bother with their weight and size, and modern cameras issue simply monstrous resolutions for the mountain. To use, even allowing, most of us do not like or do not know how.

      This creates an inconvenience for mobile Internet users and, more importantly, creates an increased load, requires a lot of storage space from the servers of itself. Therefore, thinking first of all about themselves loved ones, they gave you and me a rather useful, in my opinion, opportunity automatic photo cropping when attaching them to a letter:

      On the larger side, they will leave 800 pixels, which can reduce the weight of a photo by an order of magnitude without affecting its quality when viewed on a monitor screen. You will only need to decide on pruning once, and in the future it will already be performed without any questions. Well, and another little bonus - when you move the mouse cursor over the attached photo you can turn it, which again will allow you not to bother with photo editors.

  3. There is support in mail from themes for the electronic interface (at the very bottom of the window there is a link "Themes"), which, in fact, is already the norm for this type of services. But there is also the possibility registration of letters using a fairly large set of templates (drop-down list "Style" in the upper right part of the form for writing a new message). This can come in handy when writing congratulatory or other special letters:

    Slightly to the left is a block of buttons for executing the typed text, it or in several other languages \u200b\u200bsupported by, as well as for express checking it for errors. It will not be superfluous.

  4. All messages and attachments in pass virus scan with the help of Kaspersky, and all the links in the letters are analyzed for reliability using the WOT service, which I already mentioned in the description.
  5. Someone might like the ability to activate and customize free SMS sending to your mobile phone when messages arrive in a specific folder of your email. All this is connected in the settings (at the top of the window on the right there is a link to them) in the SMS notifications section:

  6. If I am not mistaken, then this system did not have mail collector from boxes of other popular services (Gmail, Yandex mail, etc.), but there was only the possibility of sending correspondence to them. So, now such an opportunity has appeared. It is available from the settings in the "Mail from other mailboxes" section:

  7. And finally, I would like to recommend that you go to the password and security settings to indicate your mobile number, if you have not already indicated, or at least enter an additional E-mail, which will allow you to quickly recover a lost or stolen password. If it is static, it will also be possible to bind to this IP:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Create an email - what is it, how and where to register and which email (mailbox) to choose Search engines in Russia and leading Internet search engines

Good afternoon dear friends. Today's topic will not be devoted to specific ways of making money, but registering with Yandex and creating an email from a Russian search engine, which will be needed to register on sites to make money. As it turned out, many people do not know how to create a mailbox, especially older people.

A woman came to Skype for me with a request to help her, she is a philologist by education and now works as a teacher at school. She decided to make money on and on helping students. She was able to create a webmoney wallet according to mine, but she had problems with the mailbox. Of course, I helped her, but I decided to write this small instruction so that no one would have any more difficulties.

If you choose between Russian free postal services, then the choice will be quite small and meager. Here you have to choose, in fact, between mail from Yandex and from Mail, there is also Rambler, but he has long been feeling bad and few people are considering him. But between mail from Yandex and mail, Yandex really has a number of advantages:

A more suitable mail is Gmail, but we'll look at that separately.

  • In view of less spamming, messages to Yandex arrive more stable and fall into the spam folder less, reducing the chance of losing an important message with a link to register on. It is very important.
  • Yandex mail is hacked less, and attackers send fewer fake emails to it.
  • Creating one Yandex account opens access to all services from Yandex (webmaster, metrics, keyword selection, Yandex.disk, Yandex money, etc.). All of them will greatly facilitate further work on the Internet and making money.
  • Possibility to connect your domain to mail. If you are planning to create your own website, you can mail your domain to Yandex mail, and mail on your own domain looks more authoritative and causes more trust.

In short, mail from Yandex is simple, convenient, free.


Registration in Yandex and creating a mailbox is very simple and intuitive, you shouldn't have any problems with that.

That's it, your free Yandex mail has been created, you can start using it to make money.

Configuring Yandex Mail

When you first log in, Yandex will offer you the initial settings for your mail.

First of all, you will be asked to get a link to install the Yandex mail application on your mobile phone.

I usually skip this step, since it is easier for me to download the application from Google Play or the AppStore myself.


In the second step, you can choose a beautiful design for your mailbox from the free library.

If you skip the choice of design at this stage, you can always return to it by clicking on the corresponding icon in the upper right corner of the mailbox.

Collecting letters from other mailboxes

In the third step, you will be prompted to set up mail collection from other mailboxes. A very useful function, if you have several email addresses, enter the data from them in the proposed form and all letters from third-party mailboxes will be sent to Yandex mail.

If in the process of work you need to add a new mailbox for collecting mail, then you can add it in the settings (gear icon) in the section "collecting mail from other mailboxes".


Immediately I advise you to set up a letter signature, which will be automatically added at the end of the message. This will save you from having to spend extra time writing the same text in letters. You can configure it in the sender information.


In the security settings, you should add your phone number to restore access to your mailbox in case of hacking or losing your password, if you did not do this at the registration step.

It is also worth adding another mailbox in case of hacking or losing your password.

Here you can also see the log of visits if you suspect that third parties have access to the mailbox.

Mail programs

You should go to this section of settings if you will use mail programs (Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbitd, etc.) using the POP3 protocol to work with Yandex mail, which allows you to download letters from Yandex to your computer. By default, this protocol is disabled and mail programs will not be able to deliver messages to you.

Useful Yandex services

Once you decide to use Yandex email and register an account, then it will be a sin not to use its additional free services that can facilitate your path to millions.

  • Yandex Disk. Cloud solution from Yandex, where you can upload documents, photos and other files.
  • Yandex. Money for withdrawing earned money from sites to earn money and pay for the services of the same freelancers.
  • Wordstat. A service that allows you to select keywords and watch the frequency of their request in the search engine. As a free analogue to any and others, it will be enough for the first time.
  • Webmaster. If you plan to make money on your sites, then you should definitely add it to Yandex. A webmaster that allows you to track the status of your site, errors, indexing, etc.
  • Metric. Also an indispensable tool for web developers. Collects all statistics on the visits to your site by users: visits, keywords, session duration, bounce rate and much, much more. With the help of the webvisor, you can see in real time what the user was doing on the site. Definitely Must Have!
  • AppMetrica. An analogue of the usual metric, but only for mobile applications, if you decide to make money on the development and distribution of mobile games and applications.
  • Direct. Tool for creating and placing contextual advertising. In case you decide to pay for the attraction of visitors to your website, online store, landing page, etc. Or plan to engage in traffic arbitrage. Has its own service for selecting key phrases, which can be used in conjunction with Wordstat.

Today, sooner or later every Internet user will have to create email... Without a registered e-mail address, you will not be able to fully use all the available information on the Internet. To register on a social network or online game, or subscribe to news, all this requires the creation of an email.

This publication provides step-by-step instructions on how to create email on the most popular mail services -,, Yandex, Rambler,

These are the most frequently used email clients in the Russian Internet, and it is in this area that we will create email.

The article turned out to be large enough, for quick navigation through the material, use the content:

Navigation through the article:

Why do you need email, why have your own email address.

Before you start creating an e-mail address, it is worth talking about what e-mail is needed for, why and where it is useful. If you are not interested in this question, then scroll further.

I think everyone remembers the time when mobile phones began to appear, many then said “Why is he, I feel good without him”, now suppose that today you were deprived of your mobile phone. This is a disaster! Roughly the same situation is now happening with an e-mail address. Without it, it is more and more difficult to “surf” the Internet, and it is almost impossible to take an active part in the “seething life” of the global network.

E-mail is an indispensable tool in the hands of an "advanced" person who wants to conquer the Internet. What benefits and entertainment we can lose without having our own mailbox on the Internet, I will list the options where e-mail is most often used:

  • Social networks. An e-mail is required for registration, password recovery and receiving notifications. Without it, you will not be able to go beyond the start page.
  • Forums, blogs. To register on the forum you are interested in, you need an email. To leave a review and comment on blogs, you will also need mail on the Internet.
  • Communication. E-mail correspondence with relatives, colleagues, clients, all this will be available after creating an email.
  • Banks. Banks are increasingly using emails to communicate with customers. They conduct polls, inform, warn now not only in person at the department, but using online mail.

These are not all options for using the so-called "soap", but they are quite enough to create email right now.

Top 5 most popular Runet mail services

Now I will skim through the most popular postal services in the CIS, if such a concept is still appropriate to use. Mail can be created on almost any major Internet portal, but only a few "giants" provide a quality product.

So, the TOP 5 most used mail services:
At the last 5th place hosted the once very popular search engine Rambler, on which I created my first e-mail, for registration in an online game. This was about 15 years ago. Since then I have completely forgotten about her. The breathing, once mega-popular email client has exhausted its potential and does not at all strive to correct this situation.

On the next 4th position hosted Ukrainian, less neglected, but just as primitive The portal is still alive and quite popular and offers to create a mailbox. I can’t say anything good or bad, solid three.

Bronze receives the infamous Once well, a very popular mail service, in most minds it is that is associated with an e-mail address, most likely because of the consonant name. Why scandalous? Mail hacked several times by cybercriminals, and in the millions, for this reason, even those who have been using mail for a long time smoothly switch to other, more secure ones. Also, some sites refuse to accept mail, mail, and letters do not always reach their destination.

Honestly earned silver receives Yandex Mail. Great interface, large space for storing letters, level security. Why then only the second place? We will talk about this presenting the winner of this small competition.

At the first place in Runet, and in the world as a whole, mail from Google, called Gmail, is firmly established. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, reliability, attachment to the phone and the need to confirm the entrance from other devices are one of the main advantages of gmail. Speed \u200b\u200band reliability. The probability that the sent message will not reach the addressee is very small.

Another important lever for the active growth of Gmail users is linking Google accounts to Android smartphones. Without Google mail, you will not be able to download the required applications through GooglePlay. And if you look at the growth of Android consumers, you can imagine how fast all this is gaining.

It's almost impossible to find fault with Gmail mail, everything suits me personally and I am quite satisfied with its interface and functionality, although I also have created e-mail boxes on Rambler, Yandex and, I just use them for different purposes.

The postal giants have discussed now it's time to create email. Let's start creating an email address step by step, and in this case we'll go from better to ... less good. ...

How to create an email (account) on

Now we will start creating an email on, which is also an account for all Google services, follow the link and follow the instructions.

First of all, you will see a greeting from Google, at the bottom there will be a link "Create an account", click on it.

A form for registering an account will open for you, we will gradually analyze what and how to enter.

  1. First of all, enter your Name and Surname. I recommend entering valid data, this will facilitate your further activities with Google.
  2. The next step, probably the most difficult one, is to come up with a free, and it's not so easy, username. It is allowed to use Latin letters and numbers, you can also put periods between words for separation. Dashes and underscores are prohibited, unlike most mail services.

The picture above shows a great example of filling out a form correctly.

Let's talk about this point in a little more detail, what pitfalls we can expect:

  • Password must be at least 8 characters.
  • Do not use one password for all sites (registrations).
  • When coming up with a password, you can use English capital and small letters, numbers and punctuation marks (shift + keyboard numbers).
  • In the first and second cases, the passwords must match, if you cannot achieve this (well, anything can happen), write down the password on the computer, then copy and paste it twice.
  • The password must be strong, use all the provided arsenal of symbols, upper and lower case letters, numbers and signs. Better yet, all this mixed up, do not make it easier for burglars.

After you have come up with a good password, move on. In the next stage of creating a mail on Google, you will need to specify the date of birth and gender:

I think you will not have any problems with this. Next, enter the mobile phone number, indicate the country of residence, if any, a spare email address.

Be sure to enter the correct phone number, it is closely related to the further security of your Gmail account.

If you enter all the data correctly, Google will prompt you to read the terms of use for your account. To successfully pass this stage, you need to go down to the very bottom of the text, after which the "Accept" button will become active.

Click on it, we receive congratulations from Google on the successful creation of a Google account. This means that all Google services have become available to you, and this is a huge number of possibilities, including gmail mail.

By clicking the continue button, you can make changes to your account settings. We got acquainted, set up. In any case, in the future, everything can be corrected. To enter Gmail, you need to look at the upper right corner of the screen and click on the square or on the circle, then select the red envelope of gmail mail.

After logging into the mail, I can congratulate you and I, you have just created an email and a Google account in general.

You can go through a quick introduction to the mail, for this Google has provided a small tutorial.

Of course, there are many more settings for Google mail, but the purpose of this tutorial was to create an email, we successfully coped with this task. At the end of the article, I will talk more about security and little tricks. ... ...

How to create mail on Yandex

Let's start creating free e-mail on Yandex, first you need to follow the link. After the transition, you will see a standard authorization form, at the bottom there will be a button "Register", click on it.

As you might have guessed, now we will enter standard data for any registration.

I'll tell you about each field in order:

  1. First Name Last Name. I think everything is clear here.
  2. Create a username. Here you need to pick or choose from the login offered by Yandex, which will be the prefix to Yandex mail. You can use Latin letters, numbers, period, hyphen.
  3. Pick a password. Yandex shows how secure your password is, the picture shows that my password is safe. I have used letters, numbers and punctuation marks, this is the ideal use of symbols and the hardest to find.
  4. I'll tell you about the phone separately.

In the "Mobile phone" field, you must specify a work number, as an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to it. If you don't have a phone, click "I don't have a phone".

After you enter the phone number and click "Get code", you will receive an SMS, the code from which we enter in the field that appears:

After successful confirmation of the phone, we press the coveted "Register" button. Yandex Mail is configured in such a way that immediately after its creation, you will be prompted to quickly configure it, after going through 6 steps you will improve it as you need it.

When the quick setup is complete, you will be able to successfully use the mailbox from Yandex.

In the future, you can change and configure any data associated with the newly created email on Yandex. To do this, in the upper right corner there is a gear button, clicking on which will open a panel of possible settings.

How to create an email on

Unlike the two previous proposed variants of Yandex and Google, which are associated as search engines, firmly stuck in the minds of users as a mailer. Nevertheless, the mailer also has a large number of its own tools and services, however, now we are not talking about this, but about creating a mailbox on

For free registration of a mailbox to the mail, you must specify:

  • First name, last name.
  • Birthday.
  • City (optional).

The next step is to come up with a name for the mailbox and a strong password. It is allowed to use Latin letters, numbers, a period and a hyphen in the name (there should not end with a period and a hyphen). An example of a strong password "qazwsx! 2016".

We go down below, you will have three options:

  1. Press the "Register" button immediately.
  2. Indicate and confirm the mobile number "I have a mobile phone". This and the next option serves for password recovery.
  3. Enter "Additional e-mail" (optional).

If you clicked to register, then you are already on the mail page and you can scroll through this page a bit below. If you decide to protect yourself and your password and enter your mobile number, then look further.

Find your country, write your mobile number, click on "Register". We receive an SMS with a code, enter it in the opened window.

After that, it should transfer you to the mail, for some reason I was returned back to the form, I had to enter the password and mobile number again. True, the second time the phone did not have to be confirmed, it was immediately redirected to mail and its quick setup.

You can change the signature under each sent letter, upload a photo or take a picture from your webcam. Click save and move on.

We choose a beautiful background image, or you can leave the “strict” design without changing anything.

To register, click on the button "Edit screen", after which we go to the profile questionnaire already familiar to us.

You need to enter: name, surname, come up with a username and password, mobile number. After confirming the phone, registration on the ukrnet can be considered complete.

On everything, go to the rambler.

How to create email on Rambler

Creation of e-mail on rambler is absolutely free. First you need to follow the link and click on the "Register" button.

After that, you will be presented with a form to fill out the email user profile. You will need to enter the following details:

  1. Surname.
  2. Come up with an accessible login.
  3. Come up with a strong password.
  4. Indicate the date of birth.
  5. Place of residence.
  6. Indicate real mobile number.
  7. Confirm cell phone. Get the code by SMS (it's free).

If you entered all the data correctly, then the mail on rambler will be created, and you will be shown your profile, where you can change your data at any time.

After registering your email with rambler, you will be sent your first welcome email from the system.

After all the above, you can safely use the capabilities of mail.

I will give some worthwhile tips, thanks to which you can significantly secure your already created and future mailboxes:

  1. If it is possible to bind an email address to a mobile phone, do so. Binding will help to avoid hacks and speed up the recovery of a lost password.
  2. Do not ignore the "Additional e-mail" fields, a bunch of several email addresses can also serve you when (exactly "when", few people exist and cases when the password is never forgotten) you lose your password.
  3. Do not use the same mailbox names and passwords for all services. If attackers manage to break into one mailbox, they will try to do the same on other sites, do not make their work easier.

Which mail is the most secure

Gmail is considered the safest of the free e-mail services, if you configure it correctly, using all levels of protection, you can achieve a mailbox with excellent security. Two-level authentication, when, in addition to the password, you still have to enter a code from an SMS, will allow you to control login attempts literally at the same moment. If you receive a code, but you have not tried to go to your mail, know that someone else is planning to do it.

Yandex mail is also quite safe, I have not seen cases of mass hacking of accounts, so you can safely use it. mail has been hacked more than once, and on a huge scale, with millions of accounts at the same time, so it is better not to use this mail to store especially important information. For communication, it is quite suitable.

I think this is where we can finish analyzing the question "How to create email on the most popular mail services", I hope all questions have been cleared, if something is not clear ask your questions in the comments.

E-mail, in our time, is needed everywhere: make an appointment with a doctor, buy tickets online, register in social networks. Therefore, I will tell you how to quickly and for free create a new mailbox on

Registration of a mailbox on

To register, go to the site (enter in the address bar of the browser). A page will open with a special form in the upper left corner.

Registration in mail mail ru

Registration of a new mailbox on

The page opens registration... There is nothing difficult in filling out the registration form. First name 1, last name 2, date of birth 3 are required, but no one will check whether you wrote honestly or not. Choose your gender by toggling button 4.

How to choose a mailbox name (mailing address)

In the line Desired mailing address 5, there will be variants of the names of the e-mail, compiled automatically, taking into account your first name, last name, date of birth. You can choose from the proposed list, or you can choose a good name yourself.

The name must be 4-31 characters long. In addition to Latin (English) letters, you can use numbers, underscores (_), period, or hyphen (-), but the name of a mailbox cannot begin with these characters. Prepare for the fact that the simple name that you want to use is already taken and you will receive the answer that "A box with this name already exists."

You can choose a mailbox name in four domains:,,, Your email, depending on this, may look like this: [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

If a nice name is taken in one domain, then check in other domains. To do this, click on the domain that is visible in window 6 (in my example -, a list of four domains will open, and you choose the one you like from the list. When you have finished choosing the name of the mailbox, proceed to entering the password.

How to find a strong password for a mailbox

If you are going to use e-mail for a long time and for serious purposes, then password 7 must be reliable. Russian letters are not allowed. And while we love to use meaningful words, it's best not to. If your password is hacked, you will not only lose your letters, but it will still be problematic for you to get your mailbox back.

The password must be at least 6 characters long, but it must not consist of only numbers. It must contain English letters, numbers, and symbols (for example: $,%, #). Letters must be used in both lowercase and uppercase. As you type, the tips to the right of the password will change: weak password, medium password, strong password. Make sure the password is strong - then you can sleep peacefully!

To make sure that you entered the password correctly, enter the same password in the next field 8 again. After that, immediately write down the name of the e-mail box and password in your notebook, before you forget!

Enter your mobile phone number

Field Phone 9 must be filled in in case you forget your password and cannot get into your mailbox. Provide for such a nuisance!

To do this, select your country from the drop-down list and enter your mobile phone number. Within a minute you will receive a message with a confirmation code.

Enter the confirmation code

Enter the Code received by SMS in the appropriate field and click Continue.

How to register a mailbox without a mobile phone?

If you do not want to indicate your mobile phone number, then click the link I don't have a mobile phone 10 An additional field will open. In this field, enter an additional e-mail, if you have one, and click the Continue button. ... In principle, you do not have to specify anything, but keep in mind that if the password is hacked or lost, it will be difficult for you to get your mailbox back.

When, you register mail without a phone number, a window will appear in which you need to enter the code from the picture. I, for such cases, keep a magnifying glass at hand. And, all the same, you have to click the link 2-3 times I don't see the code to update the picture to a more legible one!

Registration without a mobile phone

Have you entered the code? Now click the Continue button and you will find yourself in your new mailbox. There you will have 3 letters from the Team with congratulations and recommendations for working with e-mail.

Although no! You will see the contents of your new mailbox, but a configuration window will appear in front of it.

Setting up your new mailbox for mail ru in 3 steps

So, I'm showing you how to quickly complete the mail setup.

Step 1. Upload photo and create signature

In the first step, a window will appear with which you can upload your photo and create a signature that will be inserted into every email you send. After these actions, click the Save button. However, if you do not have a photo at hand, and you have not decided on the signature yet, then click on the Skip button and you will find yourself on the next step.

Step 2. Choosing a theme for the mailbox

The second step is to choose a theme that will decorate the mailbox while you work with letters. After choosing the theme you like, click the Save button. You can click the Skip button - then the Classic theme will remain. As I see, for the majority of users, it is she who remains.

Step 3. Install the mail ru mobile application

At the third step, it is proposed to install a mobile application from If you register on a smartphone, you can immediately press the App Store or Google play button (depending on the model of your smartphone) and install the application on your phone.

If, however, you create a mailbox on a PC or laptop, then - no big deal! As soon as you have a smartphone, you can install the application from mail ru and, using your login and password, associate your email with this application.

Now press the Finish button and you will find yourself in your new mailbox. Write and send your letters, receive and re-read letters from friends!

Mail registration - a video tutorial on registering and setting up a mailbox

The video tutorial shows how to register yourself an e-mail on the popular mail server Mile ru, Video 2017 from the Virtual Computer Academy

  1. Find the registration page in the mail
  2. How do I choose an email name?
  3. Enter a strong password!
  4. We receive a confirmation code by SMS.
  5. We go into your mailbox.