Samsun Vs Iphone. "Samsung" or "iPhone", which is better to choose, what and what is better? Which is better - "Samsung" or "iPhone"? Comparative characteristics, prices Which is better than an iPhone or Samsung

There is no exact answer to the question of which is better than an iPhone or Samsung - if only because much depends on the compared models and parameters, which are most important for a particular user.

However, in order to still partially deal with the problem that arises for those who want to get at their disposal one of the best modern smartphones, it is worth comparing the two flagships.

At the moment, the flagship models are considered the iPhone X, the "younger" version of which will cost about 70,000 rubles, and with the price of a similar 64-gigabyte modification of about 67,000 rubles.

Comparison of top models

The main reason for the emergence of difficulties with the answer to the question of choosing a flagship brand is the personal preferences of the potential buyer.

Someone has long decided for themselves that they are buying only Apple brand products, and in any case they will choose the iPhone X.

Another user considers the presence of 2 SIM-cards, the possibility of expanding memory and - and, most likely, will buy Samsung as the most important quality of a smartphone.

However, a situation may arise when a person does not have special preferences, and the main task is not to buy a gadget from a certain manufacturer, but to objectively compare the parameters.

The results of this choice may vary. - especially since the flagship of each brand has its own characteristics.

Appearance and dimensions

The design and dimensions of a smartphone are some of the first parameters that most users pay attention to.

Naturally, they are far from always decisive for choosing the right option.

However, if we are talking about such an expensive purchase, it can hardly be called superfluous to compare the diagonal, thickness and level of security of the gadget.

The difference between the cases of the two gadgets is the presence of glass in the Galaxy model, which increases the level of screen protection.

The iPhone is less protected from external influences, but it is more compact and convenient, moreover, the difference in screen sizes is not so noticeable and does not give any particular advantages.

The iPhone X wins by a narrow margin due to the thinner and more comfortable fit in this category.

Screen characteristics

The display parameters of gadgets are not much different from each other.

With a diagonal of 6.2 ", the Samsung screen received a resolution of 2960 x 1440 pixels, while the 5.8-inch iPhone has the same figure of 2436 x 1125 pixels.

This feature allows the owner of a Samsung smartphone to use the services of two operators at the same time, or, for example, put two numbers on one phone - work and home.

The Apple model does not have such an advantage - the first iPhones with 2 SIM-cards are not expected on the market until the end of 2018.

Another advantage of the Galaxy S9 - the ability to transfer information at a speed of up to 1200 Mbit / s. The iPhone has a similar figure in half (up to 600 Mbps).

However, this feature cannot be called a real plus - not a single mobile operator provides such a speed yet, and the modules for working with wireless networks are the same for phones.


The level of autonomy of smartphones can be compared in terms of battery capacity - however, such a comparison would be incorrect.

The presence of a 3500 mAh battery allows Samsung to work with an average load up to 8.5 hours.

Flagship iPhone equipped with a 2716 mAh battery works in the same conditions 1 hour longer.

When you turn on resource-demanding games, both models are able to provide no more than 3-4 hours of continuous work, in standby mode and normal telephone communication (with sending and viewing), each works more than a day.

On the Internet from flagships you can be up to 6 hours, depending on screen brightness and connection type (mobile or Wi-Fi). Each gadget has wireless and fast charging capabilities.

Apple Pay, which is more usable than or Samsung Pay.

Most of the other flagship indicators differ little or are not important enough to pay attention to when choosing the right smartphone.

Neither emoji nor transferring settings or frequency are decisive factors.

And the operating time of gadgets mainly depends on the tasks being performed.

Whatever it was and whatever other manufacturers of mobile devices think, but it is Apple and Samsung that are the main competitors in today's mobile market. phone s.

Samsung phones have practically taken on their own style, but quite often they continue to copy Apple's ideas. We will not focus on this, because absolutely all companies use ready-made solutions and create a new product on their basis.


Therefore, autonomy, depending on the capacity of the battery, may be - a draw. But, if the compared gadgets have the same battery capacity, as a result of an objective assessment, it will be possible to say that the iPhone is better than the Samsung GALAXY in this criterion.

Samsung wins in terms of functionality and a slightly brighter screen, but those who value device ergonomics, high-quality design, usability and a good camera should choose exactly iPhone.

Although, what is best for you, Samsung or iPhone - you choose! 🙂

Samsun Vs Iphone. "Samsung" or "iPhone", which is better to choose, what and what is better?

When they ask the question: which is better than the iPhone or Samsung, I want to answer: which is better - gold or silver, glossy or matte? Perhaps you, too, understand that there is no dispute about tastes. But the desire to understand the details is quite obvious. For example, which device has a better camera or what is the difference in battery life, there are many questions, and there are even more reviews.

But the ubiquitous consumer should be sure that he has not spent his finances in vain, choosing, for example, an iPhone or better a Samsung? Therefore, the user reasonably wants to have a complete answer about the distinctive characteristics. Reading a boring sheet describing the characteristics of a smartphone, it is difficult for a common man to understand everything, relying only on numbers. It is important to have a professional understanding and at least get expert advice on the parameters of devices in a simple and understandable language.

This article aims to solve exactly this problem. Let's take a look together, compare and understand: what are the advantages of this or that device, what disadvantages are hidden behind the outer cover, what pitfalls are hidden in the depths of the filling. And then you yourself can decide which device is best for you - an iPhone or a Samsung.

Of course, there are many iPhone models as well as Samsung models, so it is better to compare the leading Samsung smartphones Apple iPhone 5S and GALAXY S5, or iPhone 7 and Samsung Galaxy S7.

There is an opinion that Samsung often distorts Apple's ideological solutions to catch up. Maybe you are right. Let's figure out how smartphones can differ.

We analyze the design

Let's start with smartphone design. In the ring iPhone vs Galaxy Samsung. Naturally, when evaluating this parameter, primarily the body of the device, the color, the presence and convenience of external buttons are affected.

If you pick up an iPhone, then you will feel its metal casing made of light anodized aluminum, there can be no talk of any creaks and backlashes. Everything looks expensive and of high quality. The case is thin. I was especially surprised by the color of the iPhone "wet asphalt", where the side edges and the back wall were not painted on top, they just used a gray detail, and the outer side and inserts at the back were left in classic black. In general, the color "wet asphalt" looks unrealistically cool.

samsung GALAXY S5 has a plastic casing, a leather-like design. The smartphone is slippery to the touch and looks like an expensive fake. But tastes differ. However, due to the plastic, the Korean manufacturer saved on the price of the product.

Samsung also added a fingerprint scanner to the new version of the iPhone 5S. Catching up with the iPhone, Samsung GALAXY S5 has reached the IP67 level in terms of moisture and dust resistance. At the same time, many do not trust these indicators because of the easy-opening cover of the device and unprotected external audio connectors, where moisture can easily get.

The dimensions of the iPhone allow its owner to comfortably reach all corners and buttons of the smartphone with one finger, so the ergonomics are at their best. Samsung, in principle, also sits well in the hand, but not all angles can be reached with one finger, operating with one hand. Samsung's advantage is a convenient side locking button.

the iPhone has an external Mute button, which is often very convenient when you need to quickly mute a loud sound, Samsung does not have this option, which gives the opponent a little head start.

An excellent bonus iPhone 5S is endowed with a dual LED flash "True Tone", which provides backlighting of different shades based on color LEDs designed to maintain the illumination setting at different times of the day, then saturating the light, then dimming its brightness.

Screen differences

What can be said about the brightness of the two devices. Considering that the color rendition of the two fives is the same, with the difference that the iPhone adds a little red to the picture, and the Samsung dilutes it with a blue tint, the brightness of both models is quite high. However, the picture on the Samsung screen is a little more realistic, while the iPhone is a little warmer.

Apple won over its users with a convenient fingerprint scanner for entering the iPhone. It protects its owner's data, reacts quickly and identifies the user, which makes it different from other devices. Following Apple's principles, Samsung has replicated this technology with the Galaxy S5.

However, a good and convenient scanner input turned out to be not so easy with the Samsung, since the scanner did not turn out to be optical, but requires accuracy and strict perpendicularity of the finger application with a full pad, which makes the speed of use difficult. IPhone can store up to 5 different fingerprints, while Samsunge can only use three saved fingerprints.

Camera features

Here Samsung is undoubtedly better and the battle is won by the Samsung GALAXY S5 with a 16 megapixel camera against the 8 megapixel camera of the iPhone 5S. Although many note the equally high quality of the photo in both models. Even the iPhone turns out a little more pleasant photos, despite the fact that more realism is given by photos taken through the Samsung.

The iPhone produces sharper photos and the widest viewing angle, while the Samsung covers a wider range in dynamics. On the other hand, HDR mode is turned on automatically on iPhone. But still, in terms of functionality, the Korean's camera outperforms, which will delight fans of photo shoots.

Battery capacity

Of course, in terms of battery capacity, Samsung, issuing 2800 mAh, is confidently ahead of the iPhone 5S, which have a capacity of up to 1560 mAh. But again, in practice, the iPhone, despite its low indicators, holds the battery even better than the Korean. The secret of good autonomy of the iPhone lies in the high consumption of installed applications on Samsung.

Processor differences

As for the power of the processors of the fives, here the Eppelo 64-bit iOS 7 versus 32-bit comes into the arena Android 4.4 ... We can say that there are no particular advantages. Samsung's RAM overtook the iPhone, providing 2GB instead of 1GB. However, both devices demonstrate HD video quality well, display animations softly, and provide good speed in games.

Beneficial features

Many people understand that in practice, the convenience and usefulness of a device is evaluated in the capabilities of its functions, when they are simple, convenient and concise.

Compared to Windows Phone, which provides simplicity and accessibility with a minimum of functionality, the iPhone is inferior. However, if we compare it with the Samsung, the manufacturers overloaded the interface of the latter with all sorts of functions, which made the user inconvenient in finding the necessary data.

When the GALAXY S5 starts up, about 47 shortcuts will appear on the OSD, representing the various applications and browsers copied in multiple copies. In order to navigate such a load, you need habit and sorting. Therefore, in terms of convenience of functionality, the iPhone 5S has succeeded. And in the functionality itself, Samsung rather wins, providing functions impossible for an iPhone - data transfer via bluetooth, connecting USB memory and other external storage devices, the option of sending files via mail and messengers.

The opinions of all users regarding the benefits of the iPhone 5s over the Galaxy S5 lie in their software. What's better than iPhone or what's different about Samsung? Android is a powerful Samsung platform, but it lacks Apple's favorite service apps, such as the handy and helpful Siri assistant, iTunes installer, AirPlay, AirDrop, Find My iPhone, and iCloud storage.

In conclusion, I would like to add that whatever your choice, whatever phone suits you, both devices deserve to become the flagship of sales.

Apple and Samsung are the giants of the mobile market. Both provide fairly high quality products with their own unique features. However, you can find many differences between them that will appeal to some users, while others will turn away. Which is better iPhone or Samsung?

Features of brands

In the mobile market, Apple is not that long compared to Samsung. Yes, the company previously tried to enter this market, but it gained popularity only after it announced the first iPhone in 2007.

Today Apple focuses on quality. Its products differ from competitors in excellent design, excellent software and excellent optimization, but at the same time they are much more expensive than competitors' products (sometimes unreasonably expensive). Compared to Samsung, Apple has not released so many smartphones in its entire history, and even fewer are sold today.

Samsung, on the other hand, was founded much earlier than Apple and entered the mobile market much earlier, starting to produce first primitive push-button phones, and then moving on to smartphones and flagships. Today Samsung has many lines and models of smartphones, however, they can vary greatly in quality, performance and price.

Since Apple produces expensive and high-quality devices, it would be correct to compare the company's products with Samsung's flagship devices. For example, iPhone 8 and Samsung S8. These smartphones have approximately the same characteristics and similar prices.


The first thing that catches the user's eye is the design of the device, so it would be right to start comparing Samsung's flagship models with Apple's iPhones in terms of case design.

Design of smartphones Samsung S7 / S8

A distinctive feature of the Samsung S8 is the screen that covers almost the entire front of the smartphone. At the same time, its edges are slightly rounded, which makes the design of the smartphone even smoother. The physical button has been removed from the front panel, and the front camera with speaker has been moved to a small top strip, making the design of the smartphone cleaner. Additionally, it is worth noting the rounded corners, which give the body a smoother look.

The predecessor of the Samsung S8, the S7, used the standard design for the company's smartphones, without any "novelties". The only exception was that the back of the case was slightly rounded. The back cover of the "eight" also has a slight rounding, though not as noticeable as that of the "seven". In addition to the camera, flash module and Samsung logo, a fingerprint scanner was added to the cover of the S8, which in previous models was built into a physical button.

However, the beautiful appearance of the new Samsung S8 sometimes comes at a price with its convenience. For example, because of the edges rounded on both sides, the phone tries to slip out of the hand. Some users were not satisfied with the fact that the fingerprint scanner "moved" to the back cover of the device. The bezel-less display may look beautiful, but it also harbors some inconveniences for the user. Often there is an accidental triggering of the sensor on the sides when the smartphone is held in the hand while it is on.

IPhone design

Oddly enough, the latest iPhones (7 and 8) haven't had big design changes. The only exception can be called the iPhone X, which, by analogy with the Samsung S8, received a screen almost in the entire front panel, but it is worth considering that this smartphone costs much more than the "eight" from Samsung and appeared recently. All iPhone models, starting with the "sixes", have pronounced rounded corners, which have already become a distinctive feature of Apple products.

Both the 7th and 8th iPhones have a 4.7-inch or 5.5-inch screen on the front (depending on the model). Below is the Home button, which is also a fingerprint scanner by default. At the top there is a speaker strip, a front camera and a light indicator. "Buns" in the form of a frameless screen were not implemented in either the "seven" or the "eight". However, according to the assurances of Apple employees, a special glass was added to the new model, which has improved characteristics, but this was not reflected in the appearance of the device.

More significant changes were made to the rear of the case. In ordinary "eights" and "sevens" there is a camera with only one module, and in similar models, but with the "Plus" postscript already with a double module. Unlike Samsung smartphones, the camera on the iPhone is located in the upper left corner, and not in the center and catches the eye only in the case of dual modules. As for the rest, there are no differences between the iPhone of different versions on the lid - the apple logo and the inscription "iPhone" are on both the "seven" and the "eight".

One significant difference between the iPhone 8 and the iPhone 7 and Samsung S8 is the presence of glass that covers almost the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe back cover. According to Apple, this solution is needed in order to improve the wireless charging of the smartphone.

Unlike the Samsung S8, the iPhone 8 has not undergone significant design changes, but at the same time it is more convenient to hold it in the hand and control the operation of the device, since the absence of rounded sides prevents the phone from slipping out of the hand, and the presence of frames eliminates accidental sensor triggers. True, the user has to sacrifice screen size, since the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus have a smaller screen size than the regular version of the Samsung S8.

operating system

When the first iPhone was announced, the operating system was also presented with it, on more advanced versions of which all Apple smartphones now work. For Samsung products, the situation looks a little different. Even before the advent of the smartphone, the company used either its own operating systems or Symbian OS.

The company initially used Android in its budget phones, but now it is installed on every smartphone and tablet from Samsung. The Korean manufacturer tried to bring its own operating system to the global market, but failed, so all of its flagships run only on Android.

Android to Samsung

Android is an open source operating system available for modification by anyone. Today it is the most popular mobile operating system installed on every smartphone. However, due to its popularity, the OS is poorly optimized for a specific device, as is the case with iOS.

Poor optimization entails certain problems in the operation of Android on certain smartphones. These problems can range from buggy animations to persistent bugs. Fortunately, this flaw has hardly affected flagship smartphones. Samsung has tried to optimize for the needs of its Android devices as much as possible.

True, not a single optimization will help fix the eternal problems of Android - susceptibility to infection by various mobile viruses and problems with updates.

In the first case, the user will have to limit himself to visiting suspicious sites, downloading applications from third-party sources. Additionally, it is recommended to install a mobile antivirus. You can use any free antivirus package from the Play Market, as its level of protection will be sufficient.

The problem with updates is not so acute, but it does take place, especially when the smartphone is already several years old. Once in a certain period of time, Google releases a new version of Android, but update alerts rarely, if ever, come. Therefore, users have to independently check for updates, install new firmware, etc.

The interface of modern versions of Android is practically no different from the iOS interfaces in terms of ease of use and smooth animation. Samsung's flagship models are not equipped with “pure” Android, but with a special add-on from the manufacturer, which changes the appearance of many icons and elements, as well as adds new animation.

iOS for iPhone

iOS is the easiest to learn, one of the most secure and closed-source mobile operating systems. A distinctive feature of this OS is that it is designed only for the iPhone, iPad and iPod lines, which allows for a high level of optimization and does not cause problems with the regularity of receiving updates, as on Android.

However, it will not work to install any modifications or applications from third-party sources. Operational safety and high level of stability are achieved due to closed source code and extremely limited distribution. It is also worth considering that the programs in the AppStore are mostly paid.

The iOS interface looks a little more attractive than Android's. The animations are smoother and the icons are better rendered. True, if you are tired of the iOS style and want to radically update the appearance of the operating system, then you cannot do this. On Android, you just need to download the desired launcher and install it.

Build quality and usability

This criterion is one of the most important when choosing a smartphone. Since in this case we are talking about flagship smartphones, the build quality of both models is at a very high level, although both the iPhone and any Samsung phone are assembled in Chinese factories.

The quality of the iPhone is almost perfect - it is almost impossible to find a model for which the Home button does not work or the volume switches quickly break. However, for Samsung, it is still slightly worse. It is worth remembering the recent scandal with the Galaxy Note 7, which had to be returned back to the factory due to a marriage with the battery. Modern Samsung S8s are not devoid of problems, however, they are not so global and are very rare. For example, in a pocket, the phone can just turn on or restart.

Do not forget that due to the design solution in the form of rounded edges, Samsung phones are not very comfortable to hold in the hand. The iPhone is normally held in the hand, and false alarms of the elements on the touch screen located on the sides do not happen even in the frameless iPhone X. However, both the Samsung S8 and the iPhone 8 / X are covered with glass, on which fingerprints remain after use.
As a result, Apple's smartphones have the highest quality assembly and high usability.

Performance and battery life

It will be difficult to make a correct comparison of two different devices running on different operating systems and with different applications with different components. The fact is that the optimization of iOS and applications for this OS is at a very high level, which cannot always be said about Android.

Samsung's new flagships have 4GB of RAM, while the iPhone 7 has 2GB and 3GB for the Plus version. The iPhone 8 added 1GB of RAM, though it didn't impact performance too much. Even with small amounts of RAM, iOS will work without serious "brakes", even if you open several applications at the same time. At the same time, Android will consume more RAM, and if there is a lack of it, it will slow down the entire OS.

However, the small amount of RAM in the iPhone can affect the operation of some programs, mainly games that require a lot of RAM to work, however, it is difficult to find such mobile programs that would not have enough 3-4 GB of RAM in the AppStore. Thanks to the excellent optimization of the operating system, the iPhone beats Samsung a little in the speed of the OS and the response of system applications. True, it is better to play "heavy" mobile games on the flagship from the Koreans.

In conjunction with a more powerful processor, Samsung gets a tangible advantage for those who like to play games. The device is powered by an 8-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor and an Adreno 540 graphics accelerator. Thanks to a new processor in the G8 from Samsung, energy efficiency has been improved.

iPhone 8 is powered by the proprietary 6-core A11 processor, coupled with an integrated graphics accelerator, which provides high performance even in demanding games that would normally only be run at lower settings.
The battery life is longer for the latest flagship Samsung models. Not so long ago, Apple won in this regard thanks to the optimized software, but Android also received updates that allowed to reduce the system's power consumption several times. Also, do not forget that Samsung has worked on the details of smartphones, for example, they modified the processor and added an AMOLED-type screen that turns off the additional backlit layer. This does not affect the picture quality in any way, but it saves a significant percentage of the battery, especially at high brightness settings.

Comparison of displays

Apple relies on the compactness of its device and the convenience of working with them with one hand, so the screens of many "Apple" smartphones seem tiny compared to counterparts from the South Korean manufacturer. However, the iPhone has some of the best screens in terms of viewing angles, color reproduction and pixel density. However, due to the small screen size, the resolution of the devices also remains relatively small (iPhone 8 has 1920x1080px).

The situation is different with the South Korean brand. Here the emphasis is placed on the screen size, however, in budget devices and devices of the middle price category, the screen quality leaves much to be desired. In S8, the screen is almost as good as the iPhone 8, but it has the advantage of higher resolution and size (2960x1440px resolution). It is unlikely that it will be possible to work with such a unit with one hand, but outwardly it looks better than an iPhone, and it is more convenient to watch movies and play games on it.

Shooting quality

iPhone 8 Plus has a dual camera module that allows you to significantly improve shooting and add additional effects. However, neither Samsung S8 nor iPhone 8 has a module with a dual camera, so the quality of shooting for both phones cannot significantly surpass the iPhone 8 Plus or iPhone X. Here the G8 wins from the Koreans, slightly ahead of the Apple device.

The Korean smartphone is better able to shoot in the dark, take macro shots, but the quality of shooting in good lighting remains similar to the iPhone 8. In terms of the number of megapixels in cameras, Samsung also wins, equipped with a 12 MP main camera and an 8 MP front camera. The iPhone has 12 MP in the main camera, but only 7 MP in the front camera.

South Korean devices gained such an advantage thanks to the constant improvement of the camera in their smartphones, while Apple paid little attention to it.

Connection quality

First of all, users expect excellent communication quality from any mobile phone. It doesn't make much sense to compare smartphones from Samsung and Apple. Both support modern data transmission technologies, 4G networks, are able to catch a weak signal of the mobile network. In this case, the quality of mobile Internet and communication depends more on your mobile operator and tariff plan than on your smartphone.

The microphones and speakers of the "eights" from both sides are of excellent quality, so you will hear the interlocutors even in noisy environments. In due time he will hear you with a minimum amount of extraneous noise, since the algorithms of smartphones will simply filter them.

If you are choosing which phone is better to buy based on the quality of the connection, then both options are suitable here, since they provide the same quality.

Device memory

In terms of the amount of built-in memory, the devices from both manufacturers are approximately the same. At the same time, there are serious differences in the policies of the companies in terms of memory cards. Samsung devices, even the most budget models, have a slot for an SD card. Apple's policy, set by Jobs, is categorically opposed to having memory card slots in their devices.

Previously, there was more harm than good from these connectors. Phones with SD cards were slower, crashed frequently, and there was little gain in internal storage space. In those days, Apple's policies were fully justified. Now SD-cards do not "ruin" the smartphone, they can significantly expand the available memory, and they work a little slower.

Apple's current SD card policy is based on the principle of getting the most value, as the user would prefer to buy a smartphone with a lot of internal memory, which costs significantly more. If you need a smartphone with a large amount of memory, which can be additionally expanded, then it is recommended to buy models from Samsung.

In this article, a comparison was made of smartphones from two competing companies in all major parameters. It is impossible to say unequivocally which phone is better, therefore, when choosing, it is recommended to rely on your needs, based on the information received.

Sooner or later, each of us thinks about buying a new smartphone that must meet all our requirements. On the mobile market, there are a huge number of all kinds of gadgets, among which the world famous iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S IV can be distinguished.

These gadget models were developed by some of the most popular phone manufacturers in the world. Today's smartphone giants are constantly competing for a place in the sun and customer loyalty. Let's analyze a number of factors to find a winner.

Comparison criteria for iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S4


If someone does not know about all the potential capabilities of a smartphone from Samsung, then at the first glance at the phone case, no one will be able to think that this gadget is one of the most powerful that has ever been presented on the market.

Galaxy S IV body material - plastic.

IPhone 5 case material - anodized aluminum.

Output: according to this criterion, the absolute leader is a smartphone from Apple, because the quality of the body material is significantly superior to its competitor.

Screen size

An important factor in choosing is the screen size. Some smartphone owners believe that the screen shouldn't be too big. Others are of the opinion that the bigger the screen, the better. Despite the larger screen size of the Samsung phone, it is quite difficult to give preference to any model. Everyone must decide for themselves which one suits them best.

Galaxy S IV screen size - 140.1 x 71.8 x 7.7 mm.

IPhone 5 screen size - 123, x 58.57 x 7.6 mm.

Output: when choosing between these gadgets, just take each of them into your own hands and choose the one that is more convenient for you. It is impossible to determine the leader by this criterion.


The Galaxy S IV not only has a larger display size, but also a larger extension than that of its avid server American rival. It should be noted that the iPhone 5's screen density is higher than that of the Galaxy S IV, at 441 ppi and 326 ppi, respectively. But will this indicator be visible to the naked eye? Of course not. In addition, the difference in pixels is also not noticeable. The only thing that a potential buyer can notice is just the size of the display.

Galaxy S IV display specifications - 4.9 ′ 1920 × 1080.

IPhone 5 display specifications - 4 ′ 1136 × 640 Retina Display.

Output: According to this criterion, the absolute leader is the model from the South Korean manufacturer Samsung, which was able to surpass Apple both in display size and in the number of pixels.

The weight

According to this criterion, one cannot compare these models, because they differ significantly in size. It should be noted that the new Samsung model is lighter than the previous one, but still the iPhone is significantly superior to its competitor.

Galaxy S IV weight - 138 g.

IPhone 5 Weight - 112 g.

Output: iPhone outperforms new Samsung by this criterion.


The Galaxy S IV has 64GB of storage. In addition, the phone has the ability to expand the memory using a microSD card. The new iPhone has no memory expansion feature, which is not a plus.

Galaxy S IV memory size - 16/32/64 GB.

IPhone 5 storage - 16/32/64 GB.

Output: according to this criterion, Galaxy is the absolute leader.


Based on many special tests of various phone models, we can safely say that the absolute leader in processor power is Galaxy S IV. But does the phone need such power? It is difficult to answer this question, because the vast majority of programs can run any gadget.

Galaxy S IV processor power - 1.8 GHz.

IPhone 5 processor power - 1.3 GHz.

Output: With fantastic power and performance, this Samsung phone is significantly better than the iPhone 5.


According to this criterion, the higher the OP, the better. The new Galaxy has an undeniable advantage in this indicator, which significantly surpasses all its competitors.

Galaxy S IV RAM - 2 GB.

The amount of RAM iPhone 5 - 1 GB.

Output: looking at the number of OPs for each phone, we can safely say that the new Samsung phone has an advantage over the new iPhone in this criterion.


The undoubted advantage will also be the number of pixels in the new Samsung model over its eternal rival from Aplle, which does not guarantee the best picture quality. However, the Galaxy S IV has a ton of useful features like Dual Camera, Drama Shot, and Sound & Shot.

Galaxy S IV camera quality specifications - 13 megapixels.

IPhone 5 camera quality characteristics - 8 megapixels.

Conclusions: Samsung's new development is leading in this category.

Networking capabilities

Both state-of-the-art devices have similar networking capabilities. According to this criterion, there is no significant difference between the Galaxy S IV and the iPhone 5. For this reason, this factor is not decisive when choosing a phone.


Samsung is in the lead in this respect, but it should be noted that the large display and eight-core processor will consume significantly more power than the iPhone. How long the new Samsung can actually work until it is completely discharged is still unknown. This issue will be clarified with the appearance of the first reviews. Therefore, it is still impossible to identify a leader by this criterion.


First of all, it should be noted that the Galaxy S IV operates with the latest version of the popular Android operating system. This allows you to access many different applications using Google Play. The new version of Galaxy introduces the revolutionary S Voice feature, which allows you to control your phone using your voice. But in fact, this function is not so revolutionary. Apple has long been able to implement similar Siri technology.

When implementing a new development, Samsung tried to make its next gadget as functional as possible using a mass of built-in applications. At the same time, the new iPhone approached the issue more conservatively. It's hard to blame Apple for the stuffed developers.

Galaxy S IV at a glance - added voice control, the latest version of Android, the appearance of the S Translate function for communication in various foreign languages.

The iPhone 5 at a glance - the company has conservatively approached the implementation of the new version of the smartphone.

Output: The Galaxy S IV leads by this criterion, which has unique features.

Summing up

Both phones from well-known manufacturers have a lot of positive and negative points. It should be noted that Samsung is trying to incorporate unique and unique features into its designs. According to some criteria for comparing new phone models, the Galaxy S IV was undoubtedly in the lead, but in the vast majority of cases, the iPhone 5 is not inferior to its competitor. Which gadget is better? After studying the above materials, everyone will be able to independently give an answer.