Samsung after receiving Root. Bringing the ripped smartphone back to life After installing root rights, the phone does not turn on

In our articles on Treshbox, you could find out, and what it is. Now it's time to deal with the disadvantages that root-rights bring to Android. Why you shouldn't install root on your smartphone or tablet - read on Treshbox.

Why you don't need to get root rights

There are many advantages to rooting for Android, but almost as many disadvantages that can be frustrating. In this article, we have tried to give the most significant disadvantages and dangers of obtaining root rights to Android.

Loss of warranty service
If you decide to root your Android device, then be prepared that your gadget will lose warranty service from the seller. In almost all cases, obtaining superuser privileges entails a loss of warranty, which means that the device cannot be repaired free of charge in the event of a breakdown or replaced if a defect occurs. Obtaining root-rights is equivalent to opening a seal on the body of a gadget or to water getting inside the device without proper protection.

Experienced users can try to revert to the factory firmware of a smartphone or tablet, but this requires some skill. And many manufacturers (Samsung and some others) have learned how to build in the so-called "counter" for obtaining root rights and carrying out other dangerous actions. What are the ways out of this situation? You can experiment on some cheap gadget from China that does not even have a warranty, or wait until the warranty period for your main device expires. If you like risk, you can get root on Android and hope that everything will be in order, otherwise contact third-party service centers.

It is worth noting that some manufacturers sell smartphones with built-in root "out of the box" and with warranty service. These are mainly Chinese companies.

Risk of "oskirpichivaniya"

Rooting Android is not the easiest process on some devices. If the user does something not according to the instructions, then with a high probability he will turn his gadget into a brick that does not turn on, or fell into a bootloop (constant reboot without logging in). "Brushing" also means the loss of all data. Do not forget that all actions for obtaining root privileges, you do at your own peril and risk.

You can avoid "oskirpichivaniya" banal study of the topic and methods of rutting your device. Follow the instructions exactly and do not leave it a step. Otherwise, your smartphone will "turn into a pumpkin." It is pointless to carry it to the SC under warranty, since such cases are not covered by the service. You will have to solve the problem in other ways or carry the device to third-party repairmen. From all this comes another drawback - installing root is difficult and time-consuming.

If you have already installed root and are now just experimenting with applications and firmware, then do not forget to make full backups of the operating system (NanDroid) with. In this case, the device can be brought back to life even if Android does not boot.

Problems with updates
Full root rights in 99% of cases means that you will no longer be able to receive official firmware updates. The superuser account implies changing the system files in the / system directory, and this does not work in any way with the installation of official OTA updates.

However, there are cases when the update can be installed along with root, but upon completion of the installation, the superuser account is deleted. You will have to root the gadget again, but in the new firmware, the old method may not work. In general, if you received an update with root installed, and after that it was installed and works fine, then consider yourself very lucky.

To receive updates, you can install a non-system root (systemless root) - a kind of root-rights that does not involve modifying the system directory / system. Instead, all the necessary files are located in the / su folder.

Security and vulnerabilities
Getting root on Android means you open up a whole host of vulnerabilities in the operating system. And these "holes" in security are an order of magnitude more dangerous than that used by viruses for ordinary, non-rooted Android. Therefore, if you are not careful, it is quite easy to catch a very dangerous malware with all that it implies. The result of this can be a leak of personal information up to the data of accounts and bank cards, as well as the introduction of viruses into the system.

But all this can be avoided if you use special utilities and do not install suspicious programs. For example, a program is specifically designed to give root privileges to other applications. If some program asks for root rights, then SuperSU will definitely notify the user about this, and he can refuse or agree.

In general, great opportunities bring a lot of responsibility, so deal with root carefully.

Why have we removed Framaroot and other apps from the Treshbox
Since we touched on the topic of security, we need to immediately clarify the situation with applications that can be root in one click. In 2015, a cleaning was carried out on Treshbox, within which we removed a number of programs for quickly obtaining root rights on old and even some new versions of Android. Among them were Framaroot, Baidu Root, CT Hack Root, Root Dashi, DingDong Root and several others. It is no longer possible to download Framaroot for Android on Treshbox.

Why? The fact is that such programs use certain vulnerabilities in the Android operating system, especially in older versions, in order to gain superuser rights. At the same time, they often work incorrectly and can even lead to unforeseen consequences. There are many fake versions of these applications online, like Framaroot for Android, which not only gets root, but also installs several dangerous Trojans.

Another argument against all of these apps is that Google's Safe Browsing technology blocks access to Framaroot and other similar "routers." The best way to get root rights is with a computer or by installing a good third-party firmware. If it is possible not to resort to one-click root hackers, then avoid them. One of the few safe one-click rooting programs -.

If you avoid getting root on Android, why? Let us know in the comments.

Phone won't turn on

Samsung after getting Root

Increasingly, owners of Samsung mobile phones trying to get Root rights are faced with a launch problem. This applies not only to phones, but also to tablets from a Korean manufacturer, in such cases the device stops starting. We will tell you what to do in such cases in this article.

The reason for the inappropriate behavior of the device may be an inappropriate program that was used in the course of obtaining Root rights. Perhaps the problem was firmware incompatibility. In addition, a failed Root may be due to a sudden power outage or insufficient battery power. By the way, the battery must be charged at least 70%, provided that it is normal and not too worn out. This could be due to a damaged USB cable or a malfunctioning computer.

During the course of work, a software failure may have occurred on the computer or device. It can also be related to broken Root files, "underloaded" or incompletely downloaded files. The same files may be incompatible, therefore, when receiving super rights, the phone does not perceive them properly, which is why it does not turn on. Another reason is incorrect installation sequence and failure to follow instructions.

How to fix the situation?

To correct the situation and start the phone, you can use these methods. If the screen of the mobile device displays "perpetual loading" during which the screen constantly displays the loading image, you need to do the following:

  • translate deviceSamsung into special modeRecovery and perform a full data reset - go to the "wipe data / factory reset" options. Reboot your smartphone and wait for the trigger. If that doesn't work, go to the next step;
  • find the firmware for your device, download it and install it using the serviceOdin ... Reboot the device and wait for the result. If it doesn't work, go to the first step and reset the data.

If the phone does not turn on at all, but when connected to a computer a window appears as in the photo below, there are still chances to save the phone on your own. To do this, you must use the same methods as in the previous case. If the phone does not respond at all, and there are no signs when connected to a PC, the only way out is to contact a specialized service center. As a reminder, after receiving Root, the device warranty is void.





After receiving ROOT rights, a smartphone or tablet on Android from Samsung stops starting. In this article I will tell you about the reasons for this behavior of the device and how to solve the problem.

Why Samsung device doesn't work after getting Root rights.

Basically, all the errors boil down to the fact that at the time of obtaining Root rights, the device user did something wrong. Let's look at some of the reasons:

  • There was a failure on the device or computer at the time of obtaining Root rights, for example, the power was suddenly cut off, the USB cable was disconnected and other reasons.
  • An attempt was made to download broken files.
  • Attempting to download files that are not compatible with your device
  • Incorrect sequence of actions when obtaining Root rights

The main thing is not to panic. Now we will try to solve the problem of the non-working device.

If you see the following window:

You can safely take your phone to a service center. Of course, you can try to do a factory reset and try to flash your smartphone through Odin, then the chances are close to zero.

It is important to remember that if Samsung gives at least some signs of life, for example, an eternal boot window appears, there is a cyclic reboot, then you need to try to reset and reflash it through Odin. In all other cases, only Samsung will help you.

Modern phones - it is a rather complex system with its own settings and working mechanism... Buying a phone, the user cannot immediately access the "internals" of Android, so he comes to the rescue. But how to completely remove root rights from Android if they are no longer needed or even harm?

What are ROOT rights and why delete them

ROOT rights are a software project that allows the user to perform various actions with a smartphone at the system level... There are a number of advantages that relate directly to the operating system. This includes:

  • Editing system files... You get access to the Android editor and you can delete, add or change a specific folder / archive at your discretion.
  • Blocking ads... To completely remove intrusive materials from applications and the browser, you will need special programs and root rights.
  • Overclocking the processor to the maximum numbers... Yes, the power will increase, but alas, this often leads to burnout of the device.
  • Removing apps and toolswhich. For example, Google Maps, Calculator, Voice Recorder.

Unfortunately, in addition to the pros, there are also significant disadvantages, which often cause root removal:

  • Android Pay doesn't work... Yes, yes, you will not be able to use the comfortable contactless payment.
  • Warranty immediately expires... Have you recently purchased a phone and have already installed ROOT rights? Well, we must say goodbye to free service.
  • Updates cease to come over the air... An embarrassing enough moment. If you want to get a more recent version of the firmware or OS, you will have to manually flash it.
  • Removing the required system application leads to the device slowing down or completely freezing.In this case, no one excludes "scorching" and complete disappearance of data without the possibility of recovery.

Now that you are familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of Superuser mode, you know exactly whether to leave root on your phone. If the answer is no, read on.

Types of ROOT access

To begin with, we determine what type of rooting is on the smartphone. There are only three of them:

  • Temporary Root - temporary root rightsthat disappear immediately after restarting the phone. It is quite easy to get them, and they are deleted themselves. Therefore, it is the best choice for inexperienced users.
  • Shell Root - full root rights, which still do not give access to the system folder.
  • Full Root - unlimited permanent root rights... Ideal for an experienced Android owner.

Check for ROOT

How do you know that these same rights are on your smartphone? The easiest and surest way is via SuperSU program... Usually they are automatically installed on the phone immediately after activating the mode, but if this did not happen, you can download the utility yourself from.

Download it from the store, install and open it. We see a pale green screen, where we click "Start"... The next page appears and if there is an inscription "Your phone is not rooted" - further actions with the program are impossible.

Click "PDA" and specify the path to the firmware file. We tick only the items "Auto Reboot" and "PDA", do not touch anything else. Tapay "Run"... The flashing process begins, on average it takes up to 10-15 minutes. After finishing you will see a green flashing light in the utility and the inscription "Done successfully".

For smartphones of other brands, you will need the corresponding official programs: on Xiaomi it is MiFlash, on Lenovo it is FlashTool and so on.

Possible problems after removing ROOT and how to solve them

Quite a common complaint from users - the smartphone starts to restart after showing the logo. It would seem that such a problem can be attributed to the disadvantages of root-rights, because sometimes they disrupt the stable operation of the device. But no, it is after their removal that the operating system refuses to work correctly for many reasons (accidentally violated an important file, did not notice the virus).

Us reset to factory settings will help... Before it, do not forget to back up and move important files to external storage. Turn off the smartphone, hold the "Home" key and the volume rocker.

Mode appears "Recovery", in which we go down to the item "Reset to factory settings"... We clean up the system and reboot the device. Everything should start.

Video instruction

Answers to popular questions

After flashing through a computer, the phone does not turn on. What to do?

First of all, don't panic. It is possible that the firmware file was damaged, due to which the program was unable to install the new shell correctly. Try to enter the recovery mode and from there carry out a second procedure, but then the root-rights, most likely, will not be deleted. If all else fails, urgently contact the service center.

Today you learned how you can completely erase all traces of root rights from your Android, and whether it is worth doing it at all. After reading our article and weighing the pros / cons, you will definitely make the right decision, and, if necessary, easily clean the device... Good luck!