Most popular facebook groups. How to search for Facebook groups on a specific topic. Proper and effective use of Facebook groups

You can use the power of Facebook groups to promote your business. It's no longer a secret that brand promotion on social networks is one of the modern Internet marketing.

Moreover, using all the opportunities that this or that social network can provide, the effectiveness of this kind of promotion increases significantly.

So, working on the basis of the social platform Facebook, it is possible to take advantage of the advantages and prospects that open the correct use of Facebook groups as a marketing tool.

How to find Facebook groups

If you are looking for Facebook groups that you would like to join, you can follow Facebook's suggestions, or you can search using Facebook GRAPH Search.

To find Facebook offers, take a look at the control panel on the left side and select Groups, then click on Search New Groups. The results that the system will offer you are based on your interests in the social network and your activities in other groups.

The results page also lets you view groups by friend group, local groups, and new groups. Or you can return to the list of groups you have joined earlier - they should be used more actively.

Facebook Graph Search Tool

However, experts point out that the most effective and accurate tool for finding a group is using the Facebook Graph Search tool.

To use Graph Search, enter a keyword in the search field and then click Show All Results at the bottom of the original search results.

The default view shows messages. To find groups, select More\u003e Groups from the toolbar. Now you will see the groups that contain the keyword you are interested in.
Check out the results to see which groups are best for you, and then simply join the conversation.

Proper and effective use of Facebook groups

You can use groups in several ways. If you are interested in starting your own group, it is worth considering creating one for VIP clients or for a product. And of course you can create a dedicated group for the network.

If you decide that you want to create and manage a group, you just need to know that the administration process requires a lot of work. You will need to post regularly and respond to comments and messages from other people. Watch for spam and make sure people get the information they are interested in.

To connect with your Facebook fans, you can find out what groups they have and connect with them through those groups. To do this, you just need to go back to the Facebook Graph search and work on the search results.

If you can invest in self-education for the next 5 minutes, then follow the link and read our next article:

I have compiled a list of the best pages and communities that can be useful in everyday life, for which we are very grateful to Irina.

So, without thinking for a long time, we present the entire list.

. Business Marathon. Israel
. Russian-speaking business in Israel
. Interior design in Israel
. Master Services Israel ProMaster
. Cluster - Disruptive Technologies HUB

. Timur and his team (Timcohelp)
. Chance4life
. תרומות ומעשים טובים
. מתנדבים למען ניצולי שואה

. Language Exchange Israel YEAH Cultural
. Yeah: Tel Aviv Language Exchange

... Israel loves cats
... ISRAELI DOG BREEDING (for Russian Israelis)
... Pets - Israel

... For whimpers, depression and pms
... Only girls on air
... Women's Territory
... Meetings for new friends
... Boomerang of good
... Girlfriends

... Healing in Israel
... Medicine and health for women (and not only)
... Questions to Israeli beauticians
... Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle with Alla Best
... Proper nutrition VitaTeva

... Dating Romance in Israel
. בחורים שווים בין חברות
. בחורות שוות בין חברים
. בחורות ובחורים שווים בין חברים

... ChGK @ Bar 911
... Mafia by Adventure
... Mafia Club "Maska". Mafia Game, Tel Aviv, Israel
... MAFIA ISRAEL CLUB - Mafia Game in Israel
... ENCOUNTER is an international game in Israel
... Trendl - board games in Israel
... InSightOut - Play to the result
... Riddles, puzzles and rebuses

... I don't eat anyone - vegans and vegetarians of Israel.
... Yana "s Indian / Vedic cooking master-classes
... We have delicious!
... I would eat!

... LaBoheme - מועדון תרבות
... Poster in Israel
... Cultural life of Israel
... Israeli culture news announcement - Weekend-IL
... What and Where, When and How
... Tory Brayman & Co

LECTURES and more:
... Sambation
... Think & drink Different

... Israel free classifieds board
... Doska_il message board all israel
... free classifieds board in israel
. לוח מודעות חופשי וחינמי

... I will give it for free (Israel) - RuCoil
... Second hand - I will give it as a GIFT, Israel
... I will give away / exchange or sell!
... Take darom - the capital of Jerusalem
... We give for free and from the heart!
... Doing good (תרומות ומעשים טובים)

... Ebay world
... Smart Shopping
... e-ma-bey
... me-ma-bey
. אמהות קונות ביחד

... Buy / Sell iL
... Prodam_il Sell in Israel
... Flea market Israel
... Helping Your Neighbor (Israel)
... Barter / Exchange of services. Israel.
... Pass Next
... Tremp / טרמפ
... Advice to a friend

... ADventure
... Chronicus כרוניקוס
... שישי שבת ישראלי - Shishi Shabbat Israel
... On a hike! Igors hiking
... Meeting point
... Long live local history !!!
... Israel-history, geography, excursions
... Tel-Aviv Tours Tel Aviv Walks with Boris Brestovitsky
... Traveling Israel from Natalie
... Travellab - Journeys to the Middle East and Africa
... Igor Tours Ltd - Igor Torik Excursions
... Q-Terra - Adventure Tourism
... Walking amateurs
. טיולים ואגדות - קבוצת הצעירי
. טיולים ואגדות

... We travel across Israel and not only ...
... Travel reports from Israel abroad
... Author's travel "POOH"

... Job Vacancies Israel
... rabota_il Jobs and services in Israel
... Israel Executive Jobs

... Repatriates in Tel Aviv
... Olim in Tel Aviv Yafo
... Ramat-Gan Returnees Department
... Tatiana Proektor Ashdod

... Training center "Urban Tao"
... AUM - center for seminars, meditations and personal development
... Vse Dorogi
... Zen Tracks
... International women's club "MUZA" (International woman club "MUZA")
... Psychology, psychodrama, group therapy in Israel
... Magic pendel
... Reiki practitioners
... Goodness Club Israel
... Territory of love

... My Look Today is ....
... Tanya Shin blog
... Boho - lifestyle
... PRO shopping in Israel.

... מדיה נוצ"ה תל אביב (Media Noche Tel Aviv)
... Media West - Free WCS at Tel Aviv University
. לטינגייט - סלסה - הקומפלקס
. נמת"א סלסה
... סלסה תל אביב salsa tel aviv
... Let "s go to dance
... WCSI - West Coast Swing Israel
... Holy Lindy Land | הולי לינדי לנד
... מדיה הופ Smiley Media Hop
... הוואנה קלאב havana club
... Dance Walking Tel Aviv

... SAMODELKINO - מלאכת יד
... Create and get up
... Fans of beading

... Our pension contributions. Stop Losing Money
... Investment Club "Apartment for a Year"

... Portrait for ....
... Photography master class in Israel and beyond
... Photo club - learning to take pictures
... Photographers and models. DFT shooting.
. קבוצת הצילום שלנו

Today we will tell you how to find groups on Facebook. Communities appear on any social network in which users share news, upload entertainment materials and look for like-minded people.


Before moving on directly to how to find groups on Facebook, let's say a few words about the project itself. The resource is aimed primarily at an adult audience. In addition to communication, here you can find communities, join them, and also share your opinion with other users.


To solve the question of how to find groups on Facebook, go to your personal profile. There is a search bar above the picture in the account. Nearby we see our name and a magnifying glass icon.

To solve the problem of how to find the desired group (users often go to Facebook for this), enter its name in the specified search field. Press the Enter button. The system shows us all communities, as well as people and pages in which the specified combination occurs. To the left of the options, we find the type of results. Here you can select groups, users, events, and the best options. Thus, we get access to the most popular communities that have high traffic. Click on the "Send request" button. This will allow you to join the community.

A complete list of groups that we managed to join is displayed in our account on the main page. It can be found at the bottom left. Sometimes there is confusion and concepts such as public page and community are confused. Let's figure out what the difference is. The main difference is that the public page is created primarily for advertising, it can be found, and then viewed by all users, while registration in the social network is not required. In order to join the group, the user needs an account in the project, as well as sending a special request.


Now let's look at how to find interesting Facebook groups with high traffic. You can clarify what the most popular communities are available on this social network today through statistics. Dedicated services continuously rank the largest groups with regular content updates and a constant influx of audience. Most often, it is here that you can find world-famous brand communities. Also on this list are pages that gather celebrity fans, groups filled with entertainment content. Popular topics also include games, relationships, and love.

As a rule, ratings are compiled on the basis of the number of participants: the more there are, the higher the position in the top. Also, the place depends on the direct involvement of users in the life of the community. If you are planning to draw attention to your social network account, such ratings will help you choose a project for ordering advertising services. Now you know how to find groups on Facebook.

Recently, various ratings of sites that provide information on opportunities relevant to scientists have become popular. At the same time, young people involved in science are often so busy that they do not have enough time for full-fledged surfing in search of a grant or a conference. But it is difficult to refuse viewing the feed on social networks ...

Increasingly, we observe that a person receives the lion's share of information about internships, summer schools and vacancies, just like news in education and science, without leaving Facebook. You can blame these people for being too lazy, but the fact remains that most scientific communication platforms try to have their own representative groups on social networks.

Today we will try to bring together groups and public Facebook pages that are relevant for young scientists.

Opportunity Collectors:

This public page has almost 16.5 thousand subscribers. It is designed not only for scientists, or rather not so much for scientists as for students, those who are looking for opportunities to get a free education, or for young professionals who are developing resumes. However, there are offers for both postdocs and graduate students, and many more summer schools.

The page contains a lot of humor about the modern education system, employment problems, ethnic stereotypes, and more. Administrators are trying to please their subscribers with all sorts of useful things in life - the so-called life hacks.

This page is, in fact, a representative office of the Ukrainian crowdfunding platform The number of her subscribers is also over 16 thousand. Here you can find up-to-date information about language courses, trainings, facilitations, lectures, competitions, etc.

The target audience of the site and the group is much broader than just scientists. This platform is designed for young, active and intelligent people engaged in self-education. But useful scientific and popular science events are also covered here. Use and choose.

This is perhaps the largest and most famous academic mobility program today. And the public page on Facebook of Erasmus Plus + is also quite numerous (over 15 thousand subscribers).

Here you can find program news, tips for applicants, success stories and descriptions of the life of fellows in Europe.

Among the subscribers of this community are more than 6 thousand people. As the name suggests, the public page is designed, again, for active urbanized youth (conventionally called "hipsters"), however, here you can also find offers with interesting courses or competitions for scientists who are not aged and not "with big shoulder straps." A pleasant feature of the platform is that partners are often found here for the implementation of socially oriented projects.

As you might have guessed, the community is dedicated to short-term scientific and pseudo-scientific events. There are also many funny motivating pictures in the group. Come on a five-thousander!

The community numbers almost 4 thousand people. The range of activities covered by the group is quite wide - from parties of young leaders to internships in the Verkhovna Rada, from a competition for journalists and bloggers to a summer school on gender studios. Not everything will be of interest to scientists, and not everything covered in the group is science, but you can find a lot here.

Yes, yes, our site also has its own public page, which is developing dynamically. She recently hit the 2000 subscriber mark. It collects information primarily focused on the scientific community (grants, vacancies, conferences), as well as articles of a problematic nature about education and science, their prospects and negative trends in development. We also duplicate our digest on this page. Join us!

Representation of the site of the same name on Facebook. Both the site and the page are young enough, but they show quite good expectations. The number of subscribers approaches the first number with three zeros. It should be noted that the site team monitors foreign "collectors" of opportunities well and translates information from foreign resources with high quality.

The page is a representative of the site Quite an ambitious Lviv project. There are already more than 500 people among his followers on Facebook. The project is designed for the humanities. Its content covering grants, competitions, conferences and scientific lectures is original. I use it in my scientific life and advise my colleagues.

The project was created by an enthusiastic student Irina Samchenko, who herself has traveled half the world on various international educational initiatives. Ira simply wanted to share her experience and thanks her for that. There are only those opportunities where you can really get, even for a beginner, even without perfect English. Unfortunately, recently, the activity on the page has been low (Irina's busyness affects, because the carefree students are already behind). But she does not completely forget about her brainchild, sometimes delighting with very useful content, which in other places in the daytime she cannot find with fire.

Discussion clubs:

The group presents the project of the same name by Yuri Khalavka on social networks, but recently the life of the group is much more diverse and complete than the life of the site. The undisputed leader of "discussion clubs" both in the number of participants (almost 5000 people) and in the intensity of the polylogue. Practically not a single problem article, not a single draft law and not a single reform in the field of education and science remain outside the attention of community members. Although the intensity of the discussion is quite high.

The number of group members is just over 650 people. In the community there is a lively discussion not only of the issues of reforming higher education, but also secondary education. He was joined by many concerned about the quality of knowledge of parents of schoolchildren. Despite this, the group does not lose its relevance for the scientific environment (as you know, the solution to the problem must be sought at its root). There are many university professors among the participants.
UPE and the mission of universities, financing of education and the professional choice of the child - this is not a complete list of issues discussed here.

The group started just a few weeks ago and today boasts a fairly representative composition of 302 participants (among them there are enough people with a name in the scientific community, before many of whom I am ready to bow my virtual head). Its goal is to unite Ukrainian scientists, regardless of the borders existing between them due to life circumstances.

The group has quite strict rules: “If you want to become a member, you need to be aware of the fact that you are in science, advertising with a scientifically pre-existing abbreviated mortgage” (how the examination of the authenticity of evidence in the horizontal world of social networks remains a mystery to me).

The founders are no less demanding of the quality of the published material - only the strategy for the development of Ukrainian science and education. For disobedience to the ethics of the group, they face expulsion from its lavas. Obviously, because of this, the number of publishers is small. Personally, I did not dare ...

The most long-awaited and favorite day of the week has come! There is no energy left for instant coffee, the hated butebrod is annoying by its mere appearance, and until the end of the working day there are still several hours. What kind of work on a Friday afternoon? Alas, the depth of this thought remained unappreciated by the management, which means that the appearance of work will have to be created.

Sympathizing and practically empathizing with this situation, we will share what you can have fun while sitting with a smart look in front of the computer. So here's the Top 10 Entertainment Groups on Facebook.

Children are told: don't run or don't whine, young and immature - don't worry, adults - don't freak out. And we say the opposite - run, noah, worry, freak out. In two words - be alive. And NOT to do something you will always have time.

We talk about how to become happier, how to change your life, how to stop striving to meet other people's requirements and how to live “your own way”.

The official page of the website is Note that there is an opportunity to create your own author's postcard.

The community does not shine with originality, but it quickly selects funny photos from the network.

Representation in the social network of a popular resource. Designers and others will appreciate all the versatility of typical clients: “I need a person to be seen from both sides at once, as if we were in a 4-dimensional space. The usual volume will not work, it is beaten! ".

Contrary to the loud name, the number of photo gags and moderately funny pictures exceeds the number of videos on YouTube.