Html css page templates. Infusion - One Page Portfolio Template

Website builder Is a toolbox system that allows you to create and administer sites without any specialized knowledge. With its help, you can choose the type of the future site (business card, store, etc.), a ready-made design template, color scheme and modules that will be displayed on it. You will not need to study programming languages \u200b\u200bfor years to publish various pages - website builders will do all the routine and complex work for you.

With regard to usability, small studios often give in to designers, since they always require payment for making even minor changes to the resource. Using the constructor, you can independently and promptly make corrections at will, and completely free of charge!

Rating of website builders (TOP10)

We have prepared for you a rating of the best free website builders in 2019, while trying to be as objective as possible and take into account both the advantages and disadvantages, sorting them by importance. You can find more detailed information about each of the constructors in the reviews available for each and in them you can also read the detailed instructions for creating a site on it.

Let's list the main advantages of a website builder:

  • They are easy to use. Everything is done step by step and easily. You don't have to mess with complicated HTML and FTP codes.
  • Separation of design and text parts: the layout is stored separately from the text. Do you want to change the design - no problem, a few clicks and you're done!
  • Availability of ready-made layout templates that require knowledge of the HTML programming language to create them outside the designer.
  • Ease of loading images. Pictures can be added without leaving the browser and immediately placed on pages, create galleries or make them part of the layout design.
  • Reliability - all files are stored on the designer's server. Therefore, you do not need to worry about creating data backups or the possibility of hacking - all this is taken care of by the server maintenance personnel of the chosen website builder.
  • In addition, some builders allow you to transfer a finished site to another hosting.

# 1: Wix Website Builders

A solid foreign project, quite possibly the best website builder today. Provides the richest tools for creating really beautiful and functional sites, be it an online store, a business card site or a blog. The interface is powerful and convenient, you can immediately see the professionalism of the development team, which inspires confidence in the resource.

The benefits include:


  • Insufficiently memorable page address in the free version looks like / site name;
  • The free version has a limit on the speed of website loading. Many complex items can take longer to load than usual.

So, Wix is \u200b\u200ba gorgeous builder with great website design options and very loyal terms. We have described in detail how to create a website on Wix, launch your online store and create a landing page.

Create your own website with Wix!

# 2: Nethouse Website Builders

An excellent constructor that is suitable for creating sites for small businesses (portfolio, business card, store). Simple enough to learn. According to the developers, creating a website on the portal is no more difficult than filling out a page on Odnoklassniki.
Everyone who signs up using our link will receive 300 rubles to the account for free!

  • The finished site can be linked to your domain;
  • Unlimited disk space;
  • No intrusive ads;
  • Free access to the main part of the portal;
  • Convenient interface, beautiful templates;
  • The possibility of implementing a system for accepting electronic payments;
  • Integration with social networks;
  • Gift to new users in the form of advertising on GoogleAdWords;
  • Possibility of SEO-customization of pages.
  • 100 rubles on the account for testing paid services.
  • Decent tech support.


  • There is no way to insert HTML-code, banners;
  • There is no forum.

Create a website with nethouse

# 3: uKit Website Builders

A very promising and functional website builder. It was created by developers who recently worked on the service. At the moment, the uKit website builder has left the beta testing stage and all its functionality is available to everyone for a nominal monthly fee comparable to the cost of a simple shared hosting.
In order to try it - there is a 14 day free trial period.

  • Extensive functionality;
  • Ability to create attractive, fully functional sites without technical knowledge;
  • Enough opportunities for the subsequent SEO-promotion of the created site;
  • Instant access to extensive statistics and analytics of the created site.


  • Some functional and user interface flaws.

The uKit builder certainly deserves the attention of those who want to create a modern, fully functional website with a very attractive design, but do not have any special knowledge. Especially so that you can do this as efficiently as possible, we have created a step-by-step guide to creating a website in the uKit constructor.

Create a website on ukit

# 4: Umi Website Builders

Also an easy-to-learn constructor. A website or store can be created in about 5-10 minutes. In addition, there is the possibility of transferring to another hosting, although the service is paid. The service is based on its own proprietary engine Umi.CMS.

  • Rich functionality, many possibilities;
  • SEO optimization settings for pages;
  • Using XML format to display any system data;
  • Using REST protocols to access XML data representation;
  • Integration with social networks and the ability to connect comments;
  • Tools for online stores (synchronization of the catalog and orders with 1C, creating categories and characteristics of goods, synchronizing the catalog and orders with 1C, synchronizing the warehouse and prices, connecting payment systems, etc.);
  • Drag support
  • There is a profitable affiliate program.


  • Only 100 MB of disk space in the free package.
  • High buyout prices.

Create a website on umi

# 5: Jimdo Website Builders

Another interesting online website builder, which is especially suitable for those who do not have a special desire to delve into the process of creating templates, as well as seriously study technologies such as HTML and CSS.

  • Quite a large selection of ready-made templates;
  • Intuitive user interface;
  • Fine-tuning the parameters of the site being created;
  • Possibility of SEO-customization of pages;
  • No intrusive ads;
  • Ability to upload your own template.


  • The relative complexity of integrating your own template;
  • Some restrictions when working with graphic elements of the site.
  • Binding blocks of the created site to specific coordinates (on basic templates).

Despite the complexities of the user interface, Jimdo's online website builder definitely deserves your attention. And to get you started as quickly and efficiently as possible, we've created a step-by-step Jimdo guide.

Create a website with jimdo

# 6: Redham Website Builders

High-quality service, but completely focused on commercial benefits - the free trial period is 30 days, then you have to pay. In principle, this is its greatest drawback (the cost of the initial tariff per year is 2,000 rubles, the premium is 5,000 rubles). For those who want to maintain a site for more than a month for free, this platform immediately disappears.

The advantages are worth noting:
  • Simplicity;
  • Sufficient set of possibilities for creating a functional website;
  • Friendly technical support.


  • All the above benefits are free for only 1 month, and then you have to pay.

There are alternatives that are ready to provide the same, albeit with some restrictions, but for free. If you really pay that much, then it is better to buy yourself a separate hosting and create a website on Joomla or WordPress. But this is for advanced users. And beginners can find an equally simple and free constructor. However, we recommend that you read the instructions for creating a website in Redham.

Create a website on redham

# 7: Website Builders Setup

One of the easiest builders for beginners: user-friendly and intuitive interface, 5000 customizable design options. In addition, as a bonus, the portal offers a free domain in the .ru zone and the ability to promote low-frequency queries, which will allow attracting visitors to your site without additional costs.

Let's list the benefits:
  • Beautiful and numerous templates;
  • Initially optimal parameters for SEO promotion;
  • Full integration with SeoPult - a system that allows you to automatically buy links on popular link exchanges;
  • Quite good technical support.


  • Your site is completely tied to the Setup platform without the possibility of transferring to another hosting (in the free version);
  • A free domain is difficult to obtain - you need to fill in 20 pages of the site, after which it will be moderated with the possibility of rejecting the application
  • Little disk space in the free version (100 MB);
  • Inability to index external links by search engines (in the free version).

Create a website on setup

# 8: uCoz website builders

Probably one of the most famous and oldest services on the Russian Internet, although with a controversial reputation. Suitable for creating almost any website. Compared to many other constructors, it has richer functionality, therefore it requires a certain degree of awareness to use.

  • A large number of templates and customizable modules (forum, polls, galleries, store, blog, etc.);
  • Abundance of features and settings;
  • Gradually growing amount of disk space as the site develops (at no additional cost);
  • Well indexed by search engines;
  • PHP available (paid);
  • RSS import and export is possible;
  • Availability of technical support.


  • A huge advertising banner in the upper right corner, covering a quarter of the screen, and not always with decent content;
  • The impossibility of completely transferring the site to another hosting;
  • You cannot install third-party scripts on the hosting, you can only use standard ones;
  • Sometimes the administration bans sites without the possibility of recovery, there is no appeal;
  • The constructor will be difficult for beginners;
  • Quite monotonous templates.

uCoz is controversial. If you are a beginner, then it will be difficult for you, if you are an advanced user, then you simply do not need him.

  • A large number of templates (about 300);
  • An uncomplicated interface plus the availability of high-quality video tutorials on its use.
  • Excellent value for money when upgrading to a paid package.
  • Disadvantages:

    • Non-memorable third-level digital domain, like, in the free version;
    • There is a builder ad in the upper right corner and sticky copyrights in the free package.

    A5 is a simple, but rather limited constructor on a free package. However, this builder is great for certain purposes, which is well reflected in the article: creating a site on A5.

    Create a website on a5

    # 10: Site builders

    This service is perfect for creating a business card site or blog. It is very easy to use even when compared to other constructors. Ideal for absolute beginners who don't need a lot of functionality.



    • Weak technical support, often do not respond;
    • Few opportunities for advanced users, rather weak admin panel, you won't be able to get into the code;
    • The site cannot be registered on link selling exchanges;
    • The administration in every possible way imposes paid packages. is, in general, a good resource, especially for beginners who want to quickly create their first website. For serious projects, it is not flexible enough in customization and functional. If you are interested in the project, then a detailed description of the creation of sites on it is located.

    Create a website on foru


    So which website builder should you choose? As you can see, there are no perfect solutions. First you need to decide how you want to see your site and which site builders will be able to provide the most valuable advantages for you, while having minor disadvantages specifically for you.

    Most website builders are free ( expanding functionality will require switching to a paid tariff), have a more or less convenient interface, a good set of templates, promotions, etc. The competition is great, so each resource seeks to attract as many clients as possible by all available means.

    The best website builders make it possible, even with a free package, to do something more or less decent and promote your site on the Internet. From the above constructors, I would like to draw your attention to Wix, Nethouse and uKit. They look somewhat better against the background of competitors. But the choice is, of course, yours!

    So, dear novice webmasters, we got acquainted with the basics of HTML.

    Now, using this knowledge, let's quickly make a small website for ourselves and put it on the Internet.

    True, a full-fledged resource, using only html, is difficult to make, but a business card site from several pages is quite possible.

    If someone has exactly this goal, and there is no desire to learn other programming languages, then this article is for them.

    In short, in a self-written version, without using a CMS, nothing is easier.

    And for those who need something cooler, at the end of the article there are links to articles with block template code, using CSS, and dynamic site code using PHP.

    We will create a website in pure html right on this page, so to speak - a website within a website, quite working and ready to be filled with content.

    Let's divide the whole process into three parts.

    1. Creating a site directory on your computer.

    2. Website development.

    3. Transfer of the site from our computer to hosting, that is, to the Internet.

    Creating a site directory on your computer

    The first point is the simplest. How to create a directory is very clearly shown in the article (all links from this page are opened in a separate window so as not to get lost).

    And what and in which folder to put, I will show in detail after the code of the main page, so that there is already something to go to the directory with.

    Then we proceed to the second point, the most creative one.

    Website template creation

    To create a template, you will need an editor, into which you will need to paste the code below.

    It can be either a simple Windows Notepad or any other text editor.

    Let's take a layered HTML table as a template. Previously, before the advent of CSS, all sites were written in tables, but now block layout has become more popular.

    But until now, the table structure is not outdated and has been successfully used.

    For example, an investment CMS H-script with the most complex functionality, it is entirely built on the basis of tables.

    So, here's a site with minimal design.

    How to design tables in the future is shown in great detail in the article.

    Site name (organization)

    Description of the site


    Hello dear future webmasters! I am 55 years old and I am glad to welcome you to my site.
    This site is the first that I have developed independently, and before that I could only access the Internet.

    Why did I decide to do it? For those 3 months, while I was versed in site building and created this resource, it was discovered that the authors of guidelines for creating sites take many nuances for granted and do not pay attention to them.
    And for me, given my age and lack of experience, it was not easy to understand just these nuances, they took up the most time.


    general information

    General information text

    Name of the site

    <! - Create a container table, which we set the following
    border \u003d "1" - the border around the container. By increasing the number, you can increase the thickness of the frame.
    align \u003d "center" - place the container in the center of the screen.
    rules \u003d "rows" - remove the double border.
    style \u003d "width: 60%;" - add styling properties that make
    the container and the entire site are "rubberized".
    It is impossible to make a full-fledged responsive design in this way.

    border \u003d "1"
    align \u003d "center"
    rules \u003d "rows"
    style \u003d "width: 60%;"\u003e
    <! - Create a string-->

    <! - Create a row cell-->