DIY spy gadgets. How to be a spy. Spy Kids Gadgets

Become fearless. When you go to your espionage business, you find yourself in not the safest situations (known as the "danger zone"), this can have certain consequences, there will certainly be many unknowns associated with this. Can you handle it? Did we say that your only weapon can only be a quick mind and resourcefulness?

  • The answer is yes, you can handle it. Begin to involve yourself in strange situations - the more you can handle whatever happens to you, the less you will be dumbfounded by the information you receive and the strange people you meet.

Get smart. This is more than a reference to a 60s TV show - you have to have a great mind to really spy at a high level. No wonder they talk about "collecting information"! Expand your knowledge and become a master of your craft. After all, knowledge is power.

  • Learn a little about everything. That way, when your target says something like “God, I just adore everything that Picasso created during his blue period,” you will be able to answer something sensible, keep the conversation going and bring the other person to the topic that you need. The more you know, the more you can pursue potential sources of information.
  • Read books on espionage and spies. Based on just watching James Bond, you won't be able to achieve much in the real world. This is all very interesting, but not real; choose books and electronic sites on which real spies can learn, gain knowledge that spies can put into practice. Television programs can also help, but anything related to science fiction should be suspicious.
  • Be creative. Your best bet is to start relying on yourself to answer any questions. You may not have all the equipment you need at first, so your key to success will be being able to sort out the situation and problems with what you have.

    • You will find the methods and recommendations later on this page, but simply thinking outside the boundaries of habits will already be the first step of a real spy. Anything can be a hint to you, anyone can come in handy. How can you manage the people around you so that you can reach your goals faster?
  • Find a day job. You know even Superman had a job. Unfortunately, most spies require a cover where you are an ordinary person with your habits. If you constantly tell everyone that you are "doing something", then eventually the thread will lead to you. On the other hand, you already have a cover story ready and it will be true.

  • Take care of your fitness. While fighting and fighting is something that any spy avoids at all costs, being in good physical shape will be needed so that you can spend all day on your feet, spy on someone or quickly disappear. Emphasize walking / running long distances, exercise the strength of your arms and legs, and maybe also self-defense.

    • Learn parkour, it can also come in handy in espionage. Not only do you need to move quickly between obstacles, but you need to imagine the world around you in the same way, think about the fastest ways to solve problems. Along with training your body, you will train your mind.
  • Be unnoticed

    1. Hide in the air. The most important thing for a spy is to be able to dissolve. Don't think about adding a nice suit or chic sunglasses to your look; have different wardrobes every day for different places and situations. Wear a dark outfit if you're heading to a punk cafe, or bring a bag and camera if you want to melt into a group of tourists.

      • If you do not know what the scene will be like, then you can always safely hide behind your work. You are the easiest worker to have a drink after a hard day. Take a newspaper, your folder, and there will be nothing suspicious about you. Add accessories to your daily spy wardrobe if needed.
    2. Use the minimum amount of clothing. Fewer things mean more mobility, so only wear the things you need that are important to your work and survival. Do not carry weapons with you, they are not only dangerous and illegal, but they can also give you away if you get caught.

      • If you are attacked, then invent a weapon from the objects around you; it is better to learn in advance martial arts in order to "protect" yourself (never attack).
      • If you feel that a conflict is coming, then rely on your words first. Spies are masters of manipulation, they can make people believe anything. You can even smile and wink at someone for more effect.
    3. Take part in what is happening around you. If everyone is eating ice cream, drinking coffee, and buying hot dogs, then do the same so that you disappear into the crowd. It's okay to even watch people, but don't overplay. Keep things simple, otherwise you will become visible (especially if you are very good at it). Along with this, you cannot quickly disappear if you are busy with something difficult, for example, if you find yourself in a room with closed locks or if you need to get through a crowd of people.

      • When mothers have babies, they often start sleeping with "one eye open." You need to learn to look like you are enjoying your hot dog while you follow the bearded man to your left. Practice with your friends in normal situations first, and ask if they notice that you are distracted or look strange. Watch your body.
    4. Remove your pages from the internet. Staying incognito in the real world is not helping yourself if anyone can find your profiles, photo albums and blogs. Be online everywhere, but do it on the sly. You cannot afford to be recognized by anyone.

      • It is possible. You can live without Facebook. It may not be easy, but you can. If people start asking you, you can always say that you are avoiding modern technologies, that you cannot rely on them. After that, the questions will stop.
    5. Never run in a crowd. This is a universal signal for everyone to pay attention to you. If you have to run, you better pretend to be a hurrying worker rushing back to the office to get to the meeting, you can tell people, "I'm late for the meeting, I'm sorry and I'm sorry!"

      • In fact, you should get as little attention as possible. The more people notice you, the less likely you are to go unnoticed. But know that not getting attention doesn't mean being quiet - it means being quiet enough to go unnoticed.
    6. Don't be nervous and don't give yourself away if you are noticed. Remain calm and normal to convince everyone to drop their suspicions. If you notice that you are also being followed, then do not get up right there and leave, this will only worsen the situation. Wait for a good chance to leave.

      • The human mind is very malleable. If you think that someone is following you, then change your tactics. Maybe you were hiding behind your newspaper for too long, and your peeping noticed - then it is then that you should already call your friend and ask him where he wears it - and that you have been sitting here alone, reading the newspaper, for half an hour!
        • Another possibility would be to walk up to the party and ask what is going on with them. With good intentions, of course, so your directness will relax them.
    7. Know when to keep quiet. If you are following someone from a short distance, then absolute silence is the key to success. Do not breathe too loudly, do not move noisily, do not wear clinking accessories. You can tune in to the sounds of the environment (the easiest way is to the sounds of crowded places), but if you are alone in the park, then you are at great risk.

      • To make things easier for yourself, before starting the mission, study the area, as well as all the doors, animals, cameras, etc. Explore the area. This will come in handy later.
    8. Disguise yourself. That's right, this is not necessary, but it can be useful to you - it is not necessary to be able to do it well! In fact, sometimes looking defiant means removing all sources of doubt and suspicion from yourself. If it is necessary for the situation, then do not forget about it.

      • Wear scary sweaters, big glasses, and if you have noticeable hair (like red, blonde, or long dark hair), consider a simple haircut or wig. It's more fun for you!

    Spy Techniques

    1. Learn to eavesdrop. It's hard to hide the fact that you're eavesdropping on a conversation when no one is around, but it's even more difficult to pick up individual voices when you're trying to blend in with the crowd. Eavesdropping will help you gather more information even in the most difficult places.

      • Let modern technology be your best friend. Put on your headphones or just start playing Candy Crush. Do something, but keep the sound to a minimum - otherwise you won't hear anything!
    2. Learn to read lips. When the person you are following is out of earshot, or simply inaudible due to the surrounding noise, then lip reading can be your advantage. You can eavesdrop on dialogues from a distance using binoculars or a camera.

      • To practice, watch a silent movie with subtitles to get used to how words are articulated. Once you get it right, remove the subtitles and see what you understand. First, take a movie that you already know very well.
    3. Become an expert in lying and defining lies. After all, whatever you find will mean nothing if the information is full of lies. Learning to read body language will also help you to understand people.

      • The hardest part here is that you can't accuse anyone of lying. The same applies to body language - you cannot walk up to this person and tell him that he is standing in this position because he is talking to his mistress, not his wife. To find out if you're right, you need to watch (or eavesdrop) further.
    4. Learn to spy on someone without being noticed. People don't stay in one place for a long time, so you need to know what to do when the person goes somewhere. What is your reason for going the same way?

      • Always have a backup plan in case you get noticed. For example, try to get in your way, for example, newsagents - in case someone suspects that you are following him, you can just go "about your business."
    5. Steal things without being noticed. Your suspect may be carrying something that could be very important evidence, or you may steal something so that you can later use it as ransom in exchange for information. As already mentioned, you need to take advantage of the situation around you in difficult moments, so it can come in handy if you steal something useful that will help you get out of a difficult situation without drawing attention to yourself.

      • Try to steal something small from your friends, such as a pen or folder, and return it back unnoticed to practice.
      • Don't take this advice as a call to start stealing. This article assumes that you are on the side of good, not evil.
    6. Find technology. You no longer have to hide in corners and read lips with binoculars. With the amount of equipment available at the moment, she will be able to spy on you!

      • While you may run into some legal issues (we warn you), you can set up cameras where your target will be in order to review the recordings later. Arrive early, set up your equipment and go about your business. Evidence? Done.
      • Spy with your computer. Nowadays, not only specially trained personnel can understand computers. If you get access to someone else's files, then you no longer need to specifically monitor them. You can do this by controlling everything with the keyboard.
    7. Improve your vision in the dark. The most hidden things happen in the dark, so you need to be sure that you see what is happening. And although you are an ordinary person (... right?), Which means that you can hardly see in the dark, there are several things that can help you.

      • Start working in the dark. Your eyes will adjust faster over time and you will be less stressed from temporary blindness, which will allow you to move faster and respond faster in the dark.
    8. Improve your memory. All knowledge of the world will not help you if your memory is not developed. Constantly work with memory games, ask yourself questions about the details of events. Over time, you will become more observant and the facts will be remembered better.

      • There are several tricks (rhymes, mnemonics) you can use. If you can't remember anything, don't be alarmed. Everything will work out over time.


    1. Determine in advance where to meet with your partner. Do not meet in the same place, so you will become suspicious and you will attract unnecessary attention. People think that spies are found in dark alleys and the like, so choose an ordinary place (cafes, canteens, libraries, etc.) or public places (parks, museums).

      • There are many reasons to meet, but "business meetings" are the best cover. Plus, in this case, the noise around you will play into your hands - you definitely do not want anyone to hear you.
      • Remember that you will be safe in noisy places. Many places are too large to be searched (or even monitored), and full of witnesses. However, avoid areas with surveillance cameras.
    2. Carry a change of clothing with you if you are being followed. So you can dissolve in the crowd. As a last resort, you can quickly put on a hat or jacket.

      • Or conversely, it may be easier for you to put on a lot of things so that you can take them off later. If this is so convenient for you, then wear clothes that are comfortable to combine.
    3. Do not carry any identification documents with you. If the situation requires it, then take a fake ID with you. Remember that you have all the technology and equipment on your side, so your story must be thought out.

      • Don't make a fake passport or anything that can be quickly checked, otherwise you will have problems with the law; instead, carry with you a postcard or envelope with a false name and address, you can always say that you forgot your passport at home.
    4. Collect information before going on a mission. Take advantage of those hours, days and weeks before it starts to explore the area, learn all the routes, and get people to get used to you. This will make you much more comfortable.

      • Well, if you have a satellite map of the area, use Google Maps as a last resort. You can even see the facades of buildings and all the lawns - what else do you need?
    5. Find out the habits of the person you are following. This way you can predict his next move. Find out what car he drives, his number, with whom he communicates, etc. If you can be one step ahead in the game, then you will be better off.

      • Search the Internet for everything about him. Depending on how connected you are, you may have an idea about his social media and what he does - this could lead you to the right places.
    6. Consider finding yourself a partner. It is very good to have more than one spy - at least for monitoring the territory and for safety net. Teamwork is essential for all spies. Communication will help in everything; daily gestures, predetermining actions, or simply an electronic communication device are recommended. It is best to choose something discreet.

      • You can discuss plans in more detail with your partner. Alone, you might be missing something. But with a partner, you will need to determine the vantage points, communication protocol, possible movements and plan B.
    • If you are on a mission in the dark, black clothes will not help you; Wear colors like gray, dark purple, and blue. Black makes you suspicious, so you only stand out unless you are in a facility where everyone wears black (usually in central business districts). Brown will be an even better choice because many people don't notice it either.
    • Create a sign language that only your team will understand, but don't make it too complicated or suspicious.
    • Instead of avoiding the police or people who might suspect you, approach them yourself and ask such a stupid question, how to find your way somewhere. If you are not a threat to them, then they will not even think to suspect you.
    • The main headquarters should be either in a remote area or under very good cover. Try organizing an office, meeting room, and computer room.
    • Professional spies are trained in different techniques under different conditions. You can adapt to some of the techniques to improve your spy skills; just remember that you can only improve something if you practice a lot.
    • Knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bcan be very helpful. If you are working with anyone else, then come up with your own language or code.
    • If you know well where you are spying, it is best to plan ahead how to get inside and how to get out. This will be very useful to you. Don't forget about surveillance cameras, if there are any.
    • If you are spying on the inside, try putting on something soft (or just socks) on your feet to move around quietly.
    • Write it down in a notebook, transfer it to your computer, and throw out the original. Remember that your computer can be stolen or checked, so come up with another option for electronic media.
    • Learn to pick locks.


    • You have to be very careful even with your closest friends. You never know who will be next to you in different situations, and your friends can betray you at the most inopportune moment. Even your boss can be the bad guy! Therefore, be careful, do not trust people around too much.
    • Always obey the law. Once in jail with the phrase “I tried to help”, you are unlikely to earn yourself respect from the outside.
    • If you are spying to collect data, then avoid any crimes, such as burglary and entry, damage to property, etc. It will be obvious who did all this if you start publishing information about this case on the Internet or in the press.
    • Remember: you can face different legal consequences in most espionage cases. For example, you may be accused of stalking. Be neat.

    Book How to collect spyware with your own hands
    S.L. Koryakin-Chernyak. Science and Technology, 2010

    The main "spy trick" today is a mobile phone. Spyware able to monitor activity on the mobile device on which they are installed. Text messages dialed on the phone, incoming and outgoing calls along with the duration of the call, SMS, MMS, e-mail, any data received or transmitted via the Internet, device coordinates - all this will be available for viewing at any time of the day. The best spyware programs also eavesdrop on and record conversations through a mobile device, turning your phone into a real electronic bug. Of course, there are also described existing anti-spyware anti-viruses that can detect and destroy spyware on your mobile phone.
    The book also covers traditional spy and antispyware tricks: schematic solutions of devices for obtaining information and protecting their information from leakage are presented.
    The diagrams are accompanied by descriptions, assembly and configuration recommendations. All these designs are available to home craftsmen.


    The main "spy trick" today is a mobile phone. Spyware is capable of monitoring activity on the mobile device it is installed on. Text messages dialed on the phone, incoming and outgoing calls along with the duration of the call, SMS, MMS, e-mail, any data received or transmitted over the Internet, device coordinates - all this will be available for viewing at any time of the day. The best spyware programs also eavesdrop on and record conversations through a mobile device, turning your phone into a real electronic bug.

    Of course, the existing anti-spyware antiviruses are also described, which allow you to detect and destroy spyware on your mobile phone.

    The book also examines traditional spyware and antispyware tricks: schematics of devices for obtaining information and protecting their information from leakage are presented. The diagrams are accompanied by descriptions, recommendations for assembly and configuration. All these designs are available to home craftsmen.

    The book is intended for a wide audience.

    Koryakin-Chernyak S.L.

    Chapter 1. Mobile phone as the main "spy trick"

    Chapter 2. Protecting mobile communications from wiretapping and tracking

    Chapter 3. We develop and assemble radio microphones

    Chapter 4. Developing and assembling radio microphone detectors

    Chapter 5. We develop and assemble jammers for radio microphones

    Chapter 6. Removing information from glass and dealing with it

    Chapter 7. Removing information from the telephone line and fighting it

    Chapter 8. Overview of Internet Resources


    List of Internet resources

    Koryakin-Chernyak S.L.


    Chapter 1. Mobile phone as the main "spy trick"

    What is cell phone spyware

    Real spyware must have the characteristics of human spyware: to spy on, to notice the smallest details, to extract valuable information, to act promptly and hide the slightest traces of its presence.

    Unique spyware for mobile phones, designed by information security experts, they are suitable for installation on various models of smartphones with the most common mobile operating systems today: Windows Mobile, Symbian and iPhone OS.

    At the moment, specialists are also developing the best mobile spies and interceptors for the Android and Maemo operating systems, which are gaining more and more popularity.

    Mobile spyware basic level are able to monitor and partially control the activity on the mobile device on which they are installed. As a result, you will be available for viewing at any time of the day, even in the opposite point of the globe:

    Text messages typed on the phone;

    Incoming and outgoing calls along with the duration of the call;

    SMS, MMS, email;

    Any data received or transmitted over the Internet;

    Mobile phone coordinates with an accuracy of several meters.

    Besides the listed features, the best spyware programs are:

    Listen and record all conversations through a mobile device;

    They can turn the phone into a real electronic bug, listening to the surroundings, even when the phone is in standby mode.

    Phone spyware is compact, easy to install and easy to use. Such a program does not care about such trifles as changing the SIM card. It continues to seamlessly transfer data in all conditions.

    Spyware for your phone, for example, prevents your children from communicating with people you think they do not want to contact.


    Similar programs can also be used in the enterprise if it is necessary to track the time spent by employees in the office, as well as the execution of their assigned calls.

    It has become much more difficult to steal a phone with a mobile "spy" installed. After all, this phone continues to transmit data about its location to the servers of the company that sold you the corresponding spyware. At the same time, information about all calls made and transmitted messages is logged, any activity of the attacker on the stolen phone is noticed.

    Spyware for mobile phones will help keep important information even in case of loss or theft of a mobile phone, blocking the smartphone if necessary, and also help to catch an intruder.

    Consider, for example, some spyware for mobile phones.

    Features of the program for listening to the environment of cellular GSM phones Spy Phone Suite


    By downloading and installing Spy Phone Suite, you acknowledge that the program will not be used in a manner that violates current laws. Installing Spy Phone Suite on another person's phone without his knowledge, interception of calls and SMS messages may violate the law. is not responsible for inappropriate use of the Spy Phone Suite software. By purchasing a one-year license to use and downloading Spy Phone Suite, you agree to the above.

    The program provides complete control over anyone with a mobile phone spy. By comparing the data obtained by intercepting SMS messages, call logs and wiretapping conversations on a cell phone spy, you can easily draw up a detailed picture of where, why, what time, with whom and for what a person, carrying a spy phone, walks and does.


    This program is able to control the communications of the person on whose phone it is installed.

    It makes a real GSM bug out of the phone, you can call it and it, unnoticed by the owner, will listen to everything that happens around. In addition to the functions of wiretapping cell phones (their environment), this program is capable of intercepting all SMS messages. Regardless of whether these SMS are incoming or the owner of the spy phone writes them. Any text, in any format, the time of sending / receiving, the phone of the sender / recipient - all this will be available to you.

    If the owner of the spy phone uses the built-in e-mail client, the program will completely duplicate his correspondence and incoming correspondence for you.

    Also, the program allows you to display the coordinates of the controlled phone (Location) by fixing the ID of the cellular stations in the zone of which it is currently located.

    The program maintains a complete history of all incoming / outgoing calls, with records of the time of calls, their duration. If the number is entered in the spy phone's address book, not only its number will be displayed, but also the contact's name.

    The program for wiretapping GSM cell phones and intercepting data (SMS, e-mail) works in a hidden mode, it is recorded in the system core and is almost impossible to detect.

    Installation of the program takes no more than 10 minutes. It is delivered by e-mail within 24 hours of receipt of funds to the vendor of software products.


    All statistically important data (intercepted SMS, E-mail, Location, call history, etc.) are transferred to your account in WEBe and are available to you 24 hours a day from any computer / laptop or phone with HTML support

    So you look at these 007 agents and you think: what is true? Do they really have such supercars and such fun gadgets? It is worth saying that the James Bond films, although fiction, are, in some cases, very true.

    Here we have a small overview of the spy gadgets that were in service with the intelligence agencies of various countries. Something was used in the KGB, something in the CIA, and something in other countries, which cared about their state interests as much as the superpowers. So, what were the saboteurs, scouts and spies of the past armed with?

    The kiss of death

    This is not the poisoned lipstick that a compromised spy used to kiss opponents to death. Everything is much more prosaic: what looks like lipstick is actually a gun with a bullet. It is very convenient to urgently settle matters.

    Buttoned camera

    Ajax is the development of the so-called "bloody gabney". The lens of this spy camera was placed in a button, and the launch was made from a pocket. In fact, this is just one camera from a huge arsenal of similar tools that were used not only in the USSR, but also in the United States and European countries.

    Spy Umbrella

    This is also the development of the KGB. Who could have guessed that an elegant gentleman with an umbrella in his hands is actually a cold-blooded killer. With the help of such a gadget, the Bulgarian dissident and writer Georgi Markov was eliminated in 1978. He was pricked with an umbrella at a bus stop and died three days later.

    Houdini's set

    A real spy kit that the scouts hid in ... the rectum! It was actively used in the 1960s and gave a chance to break free from captivity or to break into a safe. We hope that not a single rectal capsule was opened during transportation.

    Spy glasses

    It is worth saying that the spies were well aware of what they were doing. Therefore, in addition to instruments in the anus, many also had cyanide. A small capsule was hidden in glasses, and if it suddenly happened that the spy was discovered, then he had a choice: to die quickly and painlessly, or to be subjected to cruel torture and still die.

    Hydrocyanic acid gun

    A similar pistol was used by Soviet agent Bogdan Stashinsky to eliminate the ideologists and leaders of Ukrainian nationalists. So Lev Rebet and Stepan Bandera were eliminated in the late 1950s. The pistol fired explosive capsules of acid into the victim's face, which inevitably led to cardiac arrest.

    Bug in heel

    This is the invention of the Romanian intelligence officers who followed the American diplomats. The Americans did not buy anything in local stores, they were sent parcels that were carefully intercepted. And then it's a matter of technology. Diplomats sometimes could not understand where the information was leaking from, because there were no bugs anywhere.

    Poop transmitter

    This is not dog poop, as you might at first think, but a disguised CIA radio beacon that has been aiming American bombers at the target. Such beacons were actively used in the 1970s.

    Pistol tube

    This device was in service with the British Special Forces during World War II. From such a tube it was possible to eliminate the enemy at close range. To fire the pipe, you just had to turn the mouthpiece.

    Steineck Camera Clock

    This watch was collected in post-war Germany. The spy could take pictures when he supposedly looked at the time. Alas, it was impossible to focus, so we hoped for luck. The clock contained 8 photographs.

    Strategic stump

    This suspicious thing was discovered in a Moscow suburb in the 1970s: an artificial tree stump that intercepted signals from a Soviet missile system and then transmitted to an American spy satellite. As a result, the KGB officers found the radar, which, by the way, was powered by solar panels. A very expensive technology at the time.

    Pen camera

    In the 70s, even spy cameras had impressive dimensions, but this development of the CIA was a real revolution. The traitorous Soviet diplomat Alexander Ogorodnik, with her help, handed over hundreds of secret documents to the Americans before it was revealed. In the same pen there was a capsule with poison, which sent Ogorodnik to the next world at the time of his arrest.

    Stash coin

    And here is a useful coin in which to store microfilms. Who would have thought that this is a miniature container that could be opened with a needle? The idea belongs to the KGB.

    Coal bomb

    It may seem like a lump of coal, but in reality it is explosives in disguise. It was enough to throw such coal into the furnace of, say, a steam locomotive or a steamer. In the 1940s, a special kit was even developed with which it was possible to repaint explosives.

    Gloved pistol

    It was developed at the Pentagon during World War II: an operative only had to "slap" the victim on the back to trigger a shot. This is how the enemies were eliminated without taking off their gloves.

    Bomb flask

    This flask was filled with explosives instead of brandy or water and was used for sabotage behind enemy lines. A gulp from this container was fatal not only for the one who was tormented by thirst, but also for everyone around him.

    Spy camera for pigeons

    The first drones were literally alive. In order to determine the enemy's disposition, the scouts sent on a mission ... pigeons, to which a miniature camera was attached. Really simple idea and efficient implementation.

    Secret cufflinks

    Cufflinks were made like a coin, which we already wrote about above. Hollow inside, they made it possible to secretly smuggle strategic intelligence microfilms across the border.

    Compass button

    Who would have thought that ordinary buttons on trousers could become a compass at the right time? It was enough to connect them together to determine the desired direction: two points pointed to the north, and one to the south.

    Do you think any of this arsenal is used today? As we think, it is unlikely, because now the technique has become much smaller. Perhaps these are some kind of electronic chips ... We can only guess! In the meantime, share this article with others, let them take a look at spy gadgets from the past.

    On the Internet, you can find dozens of markets selling spy stuff. Most often, these are semi-anonymous online stores offering consumers Chinese miniature video cameras and voice recorders. Sometimes, however, there are more original spy gadgets: from FM bugs to night vision devices.

    The Gadgets-reviews portal decided to systematize information about spy gadgets available to a Russian buyer. We do not impose or advertise specific models. The purpose of this material is purely analytical. We are just wondering: to what extent modern digital technologies have grown, and to what extent they are available to the common consumer.

    Our material consists of five parts - a brief legal note on the use of tracking devices, a review of children's gadgets, and three parts devoted to various adult "spy gadgets".

    Spy Kids Gadgets

    What category of "spyware" is definitely not subject to prosecution by law enforcement officers, is this kids spy gadgets... What boy doesn't dream of feeling like a secret agent? Who among us did not arrange our "special operations" in childhood and did not track down villains in our own yard?

    The demand for such games gives rise to supply from the good old Chinese manufacturers. All the same Internet markets offer parents of future "James Bond" a large assortment. Some products, of course, are simple toys. But some of them have some technical potential.

    Eavesdropping device Eastcolight 9812 - locator for immersion in the work of a real spy

    Toys for children, first of all, should be educational, help the child to socialize and get used to a certain role. That is why the device for eavesdropping Eastcolight 9812 will not only provide the kid with a lot of pleasure, but will also help to handle technology in the future and learn to perform certain social roles. The product is a special spy system consisting of a receiver dish (locator for picking up noise), headphones for listening and a special device for recording audio materials. Thanks to this toy, the child can feel like a real spy on a mission. The disadvantage of the device is that it has replaceable batteries, which tend to discharge and require replacement.

    A set of walkie-talkies SIMA-LEND Spetsnaz as the best gift for studying radio waves and developing communication skills

    Continuing the theme of the complex development of a child, it is impossible not to note a special set of walkie-talkies, with which it is so convenient and pleasant to play spy reconnaissance or war. The compact device is a real model of military radio transmitting information over radio waves within a radius of one hundred meters. Thanks to them, the baby will be able to communicate with his partner, imagine a special mission, and also carry out exploration. Each device included in the kit is powered by one 9V battery. The main disadvantage is the rather limited range of the radio, which is sometimes not enough to complete the "mission".

    Listening device We play together

    Nothing criminal, just a children's gadget with which you can eavesdrop. Made in the style of a ninja turtles game. Includes headphones and a bug.

    Spy Gadgets Comparison Chart


    Main characteristics


    Eastcolight 9812

    Material: durable plastic, child's age: from 7 years, food: AAA batteries, LR41 batteries, telescope magnification: 6X.

    SIMA-LAND Special Forces

    Type: Walkie-talkies, material: Plastic, power type: 1 * 9V, range: 100 meters, weight: 197 g.

    Listening device We play together

    Material: durable plastic, child's age: from 7 years old, food: LR54 batteries,

    Caution, LAW!

    We decided to finish the review with the problem of the legality of using such devices. WARNING: even the very fact of purchasing a miniature video camera or a bug can end up very, very bad for the user. In the Russian Federation officially introduced a ban on the sale and purchase of spy equipment. So, the law obliges specialized stores to go through the procedure licensing in the structures of the FSB... Moreover, spy gadgets even include VHF receivers. Each user of the goods of such stores must obtain their own license !!!

    Back in 2011, the Constitutional Court of Russia found it not contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation provision of part 3 of article 138 of the Criminal Code (“Illegal production, sale or purchase of special technical means designed to secretly obtain information”). The article provides for punishment for the use of so-called bugs - means of secretly obtaining information, espionage. The punishment provided by law - from a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles and up to imprisonment for up to three years.

    Criminal charges may be brought against manufacture, sale or purchase of equipment designed to secretly obtain information, but only if these actions are carried out without an appropriate license and if special technical means are designed specifically for secret, “non-obvious” obtaining of information and affect the constitutional rights of the individual.

    Such special technical means include, for example, hidden video cameras and hidden microphones, means of listening to telephone conversations. According to the law, only employees of law enforcement agencies and special services have the right to use them in the course of operational-search activities, and the development, purchase and sale of "bugs" is possible only on the basis of a license issued by the FSB of Russia.

    There are already known cases of court decisions directed at entrepreneurs selling spy gadgets and even a trial over a pensioner from Novocherkassk who simply bought a spy pen from the "spy gadgets" category on the Internet. The grandfather was detained at the moment of receiving the parcel and "soldered" to him a year of probation.

    The logic of the law is simple: by spying on someone, you are violating their rights. Either warn the person of your intentions, or don't follow at all. It's hard to argue with this logic! And it is unlikely that one should fight against the current rules and arrange guerrilla purchases of portable video cameras. Just ... be careful and take your time to get this or that device if you are not sure that you can use it in accordance with the existing legislation!