Download open folder hide downloaded. Hidden downloads and web page requests: how to see them in Chrome. Where files downloaded from the Internet are saved

Free of charge program for hiding foldershelping to put a password on a folder or hide it from unwanted viewing. There are many programs on the Internet and we will talk about the most worthy one here. One of the main problems of the modern user is the problem of data confidentiality. If you work on the computer yourself, then it is a little easier here (however, at the same time, almost no one is immune from intrusion from the Net). What if multiple users have access to the PC?

Then definitely something needs to be done with personal data: either not store it on the computer at all, or hide it in a proper way! And since sometimes it is simply impossible to do without the necessary files and folders, I propose to consider the option with hiding in more detail;).

Program for hiding folders

Today there are many applications that help us in one way or another to hide any information on a PC from prying eyes. However, they can be divided into two large groups: those that only protect the necessary directories with a password (while they remain visible in Explorer), and those that completely hide the password-protected folders and files. The latter type of program seems to me to be more reliable, since intruderthat penetrated your computer, will never know that there is hidden information on it, accordingly, it will not even try to access it (unless, of course, it knows in advance that you are using the program to hide).

Intrigued? 🙂 Then I present to your judgment a free application WinMend Folder Hidden! This program for, allows you to hide any files and folders on your computer from prying eyes so that you can access them only through the interface of the program itself. In turn, to launch its interface, you need to know the password, without which you will not be logged into the repository.

At the first start you will have to come up with a password (from 6 to 15 characters) to access the hidden storage and enter it twice in the form that opens. After confirming the password and clicking the "Ok" button, we will see the actual Folder Hidden working window:

The program interface is English by default, however, Russian localization is also present. To activate it, just click the "English" button in the lower right corner of the working window, and in the dialog that opens, select the "Russian" item, and then click the "Ok" button. The language change will take place without restarting the program itself, so we can start working right away:

First you need to click one of the two top buttons: for example, to hide the entire directory (as in our case) - "Hide folder". In the opened browse window, it is now enough to select the desired folder and click "Ok".

The folder we specified will disappear, but will appear in the Folder Hidden list as a new entry. To the right of the entry, you will see its current status. Now, even if you close the program, all records with the "Hidden" status will remain invisible until you return to Folder Hidden and activate their visibility!

Now how to return our folders to their original place. The program has two ways to change the visibility of hidden files and folders:

  1. Use buttons on the sidebar (right). In order for the "Show" button to become active, the required entry must be previously ticked (on the left). This way of showing hidden folders is especially useful if you want to open several or even all of the hidden folders.
  2. To display a single entry in the Folder Hidden list, just call its context menu and select the Show (or Hide) item. Here (in the menu) there is one more item ("View Path"), which allows you to quickly go to the directory in which the hidden file or folder is located.

If desired, while in the main window of Folder Hidden, you can change the password for entering the program. To do this, you need to click the "Change password" button and in the window that opens, enter the new access code for our hidden files and folders twice.

If you no longer need to hide this or that file, you can simply delete it from the program list. To do this, you need to tick the desired item in the list and click the "Delete" button on the sidebar. After that, the selected item will disappear, and the file (or folder) will be displayed in Explorer in its original location. As if nothing had happened;).

Making the final verdict, we can definitely say that Folder Hidden is an ideal option for those users who store their personal data on public computers. This application is also useful for protecting important information, for example, from children who have access to a PC and, well, very much like to "dig" where they should not :). The main thing to remember when using this program are two things. First, do not forget the password for Folder Hidden. If you forget the access code, you will never see your data again (even if you reinstall the program) !!! And second: before deleting the application, be sure to delete all entries of hidden files and folders from its list! If you follow these two rules, you will always be sure that nothing will happen to your data - they are in a safe place :)! I hope you enjoyed this program for hiding folders. 🙂

In Google Chrome, as, indeed, in other popular browsers, the loading indicator of a web page is triggered only at the stage of its initial loading. And after that, the browser doesn't actually display any additional requests from that page in any way. And hidden downloads as well.

You can track the request cycle, for example, using the monitor built into the browser, but keeping this tool constantly open is not always convenient.

However, web pages very often, even after being fully loaded, continue to send requests, thus generating a rather noticeable (and unpleasant) one.

In most cases, this is absolutely normal and is necessary, for example, to download additional content as the user scrolls the page, to monitor his actions in the background, etc.

But often, requests and hidden downloads are carried out by sites for other reasons that have no benefit for the user. In this regard, let's talk about Netmonitor.

Netmonitor is an extension that renders any background activity in the Chrome browser (link to extension page in the Chrome Web Store). After installing the program, an icon with a counter appears on the Chrome toolbar. The number on it shows the total number of requests made by the site in the background (that is, an open browser tab). Counter readings are updated in real time as soon as the user starts interacting with a particular page.

If the counter increases when, say, you just scroll down, then it is making additional requests (including hidden downloads). The network icon on the Netmonitor icon means that the site is only sending requests while the page is loading. And if an icon in the form of a red hexagon appears on the icon, then this means that the page is sending some requests after the loading process is complete.

In the Netmonitor description, the developer notes:

“The page loading icon in the header of a browser tab is displayed only when the page is being loaded. However, input / output of data in the background via JavaScript can be performed by the site without the user's knowledge after the page has finished loading. This solution shows such network activity by displaying the number of requests for each page on a special counter. Its readings are updated in real time for each open browser tab.

Many sites use hidden downloads to track user activity, send collected data to remote servers, slow downloads of "heavy" content, etc., often without the user's knowledge. In fact, these processes should also be displayed by the standard browser indicator, but since this does not happen, we decided to compensate for this shortcoming and wrote this extension. "

We also add that Netmonitor does not show the type of connection and what kind of data the web pages are transmitting. Therefore, more detailed information can be obtained in the network monitor of the browser or using other tools. Nevertheless, the program is very helpful in identifying all sorts of extraneous activity that was previously well hidden.

There are so-called hidden files and folders in the Windows operating system - they are not displayed among other files and folders on the hard disk and flash drive. It so happens that the user needs to access them. How to open hidden files in Windows?
Let's consider 3 ways + a bonus, how to open hidden folders and files of Windows 7. This is done very simply.

The first method: Open any window with folders, and in the upper left corner we find the tab “ To arrange". In the menu that opens, select the line " Folder and search options»

In the opened folder settings window, at the top, select the tab “ View". Find the item "" and mark it.

Press the button " Apply"And" Ok". Everything is ready.

Second method: Again, open any window in Windows Explorer with folders and files. Press the key " Alt". An additional panel will appear in the upper left corner.

In the additional panel, select the tab “ Service"And then in the drop-down menu select the line" Folders settings»

And again we find ourselves in the settings window, where we first select the tab “ View" and then " Show hidden files, folders and drives»

The third way: We go " Start", Click.

Here we click on " Folders settings", Another name is also possible, but the word folder must be present exactly.

A window will open in front of you, select the tab " View", Then scroll to the bottom with the mouse and click on" Show hidden files, folders and drives».

Bonus: There is another way for those who often have to use hidden folders and files.
To do this, you need to create a so-called.
After creating the "God Mode", open it and look for " Folders settings» — « Show hidden files and folders»

select and create a shortcut to the desktop.

Now, when you need to open hidden files, we click on our shortcut and go directly to " Folders settings» — « View"Where we choose" Show hidden files, folders and drives».

That's all about hidden folders and files. Now you know how to open and hide files in Windows.

That's all. Thanks for reading the article. I hope you found it useful.


All data about saved documents, music, images and video files is quite easy to find in the browser. The main thing is to know where to look. And this, as a rule, does not present any particular problems. To find information about the downloads made, just go to the appropriate section of your browser.

And now about everything in order. The Internet Explorer browser stores information about all downloads in a special section. There are two ways to go to it. Click on the browser settings icon - it is displayed in the form of a gear - and select in the drop-down window the item "View download"Or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + J for quick access. You can also enter the "Service" menu (it is located under the red cross used to close the browser) containing the downloads folder using the keys. For this purpose, you need to press Alt + X. After the next page opens window downloads, you can find the desired object (in the "Name" column) and the path to save it. The location of the file will be listed in the "Location" column.

In Chrome (Google Chrome) window downloads also opens from the settings menu. The transition to it is carried out by left-clicking on the icon-icon in the form of a wrench. Click on the picture and find the "Downloads" section in the panel that opens. To view this folder, you need to click on the corresponding inscription or simultaneously press Ctrl + J on the keyboard. By opening this section, you can view all produced download and the folder where the downloaded files were saved.

Everything is extremely simple in the Mozilla Firefox browser. In it you will need to find and open the "Tools" section on the work panel. The first in the list will be the desired folder - "Downloads". To view it, you can also use the keyboard buttons Ctrl + J. After that, a list of completed downloads will be presented in a new window, which will indicate the name of the file and the date it was saved. By right-clicking on the desired object, you can select the operation required for it: open the file, open the folder containing it, and also go to the page download of the marked document, copy its download link, delete the file. By selecting all downloaded files and choosing the "Delete" option, you will completely clear window downloads.

Similar actions for searching downloaded files in other Internet browsers. At least the Ctrl + J keys always work.


  • my downloads open

TO choice operating room systems (OS) should be approached responsibly, since it largely depends on how convenient it will be to work on a computer. A properly selected OS will allow you to realize the full potential of your computer and use all its resources. It also depends on the choice of the operating system which programs you can install on your computer.

You will need

  • Computer


It is worth making the choice of an operating system based on the user's goals and PC configuration. Today - Windows XP and Windows 7. There is also Windows Vista, but it has not been able to supplant Windows XP. Moreover, Windows 7 is, in fact, a modified Vista.

First of all, abstract from your computer. If you have a medium-sized computer with little RAM, Windows XP is worth considering. This operating system is less demanding on hardware resources compared to Windows 7. If you have less than 2 gigabytes of RAM, Windows XP should be preferred. It is on such an operating system that you can work comfortably.

Also, if you play video games, keep in mind that games will run significantly better on Windows XP with average PC power, and on Windows 7 they may or may not run at all. Of course, Windows 7 implements cutting-edge technologies in video games, such as DirectX 11, but you can really feel them only on a powerful PC with the latest that support this technology.

If you have at least two gigabytes of RAM and at least an average dual-core processor, the best option would be to install Windows 7. It is the latest operating system that supports all the latest technologies and has a beautiful interface. Despite the fact that Windows XP is still a popular and demanded operating system, the future belongs to Windows 7. All modern programs are written specifically for this operating system. In addition, owners of new video cards can fully enjoy high-quality graphics in video games.

Helpful advice

There are different variations of Windows 7. For home use, Home Premium is a good option.

If you have a laptop, please note that the battery life on Windows 7 may be shorter than on Windows XP.

It happens that one operating system is not enough for normal operation. In this case, as a rule, several operating systems are installed. This is useful when you need to work with old programs that will be problematic to run on newer operating systems. After the second OS is installed, the question arises, how to choose the one you need?

You will need

  • A computer with two operating systems.


After you have installed the second operating room system, turn on your computer. During system boot, a dialog box should appear, in which there will be a list of operating systems that are installed on the computer's hard drive.

Using the arrows on your keyboard, select the operating system that you need at the moment and press Enter. After that, the OS you have chosen will boot in normal mode.

If the dialog box in which you could select the operating system did not appear, but just booted one of the OS, you need to enter some settings. To do this, right-click on the "My Computer" icon and select "Properties" in the context menu. In the next window, click on "Advanced system settings".

Then, in the "Advanced" tab, find a section called "Startup and Recovery" and select "Options" in it. Find the item "Display a list of operating systems" and check it. Then click OK. In the next window, also click OK.

Restart your computer. Now the dialog box where you can select the operating system will appear exactly.

If you have two hard drives installed, and each has an OS installed, the operating system selection window may not appear. In this case, you can select the OS by selecting the hard disk in which the required operating system is installed.

Turn on the computer and immediately after that press the Del key several times. This will take you to the BIOS of your computer. Now use the arrows on your keyboard to select the boot device priority section. In this section on the number "1" put the hard disk with the required operating system at the moment. Save the settings. The computer will reboot and start from the hard drive of your choice with the desired OS.

You may need to edit the startup settings in cases where you start to notice that the computer starts to boot longer than usual, and you cannot determine the exact reason. One of the surest ways to solve such problems is to remove unnecessary programs from startup.


The simplest and most intuitive way to clear startup parameters is to use specialized programs. However, there are a lot of such programs at the moment and it is not possible to disassemble them all. But in the standard Windows tools there is an equally functional tool.

To call the program for editing system settings (which also includes and), call the "Start" menu, in which you should select the "Run" item. You can also use the key combination Win + R, which will immediately bring up a window for entering system commands.

Type a command such as “msconfig” and press the “Ok” or Enter button. As a result, the system settings window will open in front of you (see the figure).

Go to the Startup tab. In the list presented, pay attention to the "Startup item". The items marked with check marks mean that this program automatically when you start your operating system and, accordingly, consumes certain system resources.

Do not rush to delete everything. some programs support the normal functioning of the hardware and applications installed on your system. Uncheck only those items in which you are absolutely sure that you definitely do not need these executable files.

Pay attention to the buttons "Enable all" and "Disable all". They may be required in cases where it is necessary to select or deselect a large number of items, and manually it would take too much time.

Click the "OK" button after you have made the necessary settings for the startup list. Next, you will be prompted to restart the system immediately, or do it later. Choose the option you want according to your preference.

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  • startup menu

When loading any operating system of the Windows family, you will be prompted to click the "Start" button - the message "Start by pressing this button" will appear on the desktop. You can use the Run command to launch a specific application or file if you do not know its location.

You will need

  • Manage the Run command.


The "Run" command has only one function - calling or starting an application. By default, this command is located on the right side of the open Start menu. If you have not seen the coveted inscription in this menu, therefore, this command is disabled in the settings. To go to the "Start" button settings, just right-click on it and select "Properties" from the context menu.

In the window that opens, go to the "Start menu" tab and click the "Configure" button. Depending on the operating system you have chosen, the menu can be configured without clicking on the "Configure" button. Find the item "Run menu" in the list and put a check mark next to this value. To save the changes made to the system settings, press the "OK" button twice.

Now open the "Start" menu again, the "Run" command will be displayed at the very bottom line. Click on this item. In the window that opens, enter command msconfig and press Enter. If the system settings window appears in front of you, everything is done correctly.

It is worth noting that the Run command is less popular in Windows Vista and Windows Seven than in older versions. How can this be explained? In the latest versions, developers from Microsoft have proposed an innovation - the smart search bar.

The gist of the search bar is this: you enter command or the name of the application installed on the system, and the search results display options from which you can select the one that suits you best. For example, if you enter the word "kerchief", the system will give you results for your query, with your favorite game being the first line in the search results.

If for some reason the Run command is not displayed in the Start menu and it cannot be enabled in the menu settings, do not be discouraged, because this is not the only way to display this command. As far as you know, the Windows operating system allows you to do one action in different ways. In this way, command "Run" can be launched with the keyboard shortcut Win (window image) + R.

The Internet provides everyone with a great opportunity to search and copy the files they want to the hard drive of their computer. But what if while downloading the file you need (which you were also looking for for a long time) for some reason the download was interrupted? How to renew it?

You will need

  • Computer, internet, browser, download manager (optional), torrent client (optional).


When you download a file from the Internet and for various reasons download the file is interrupted (especially if the file was large), interrupting the download of the file does not add to the mood. If the file is not very large, you can use standard browser tools to download it again. Unfortunately, the standard ones do not support the file resume function, they can only start the download again. To resume the download in the browser, open the “Downloads” item in the browser menu, select the file you need from the list and click “Resume” or “Retry”. The download will start from the very beginning. However, some modern browsers support the function of downloading the file, saving the incomplete file in their cache memory.

If you download files from the Internet quite often or your provider often has a connection to the global network, then it is better for you to use the download manager. Download manager is a program for downloading files from the Internet (and from the local network), with advanced functionality. In it, you can "download" files, limit download speed, queue downloads, significantly increase the download speed of files, splitting the download into several streams. At the moment, there are a large number of free such programs. For example, Download Master, ReGet and many others.

To restore download file in the download managers, select the downloaded file in the manager menu, right-click on it, in the context menu that appears, click the "resume download" option. If it gives out dynamic links for downloading (like DepositFile, etc.), then go to the same address as you started the download, wait until the file hosting service gives you a link to download file. Copy the link to your clipboard. Next, open the interrupted download in the download manager. In the Properties menu, paste the copied link. The download will start from the point where it was interrupted.

Also, in order to avoid unexpected download interruptions, you can use torrent clients. You can download and install them on any torrent tracker. The only disadvantage of this method is that you can download files only from trackers. But thanks to the popularity of this method of downloading on torrent trackers, you can find any file. To resume downloading in a torrent client, you just need to launch it. If for some reason you yourself stopped downloading the file in the torrent client, then to resume downloading, select the stopped file and click "Continue"

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Helpful advice

When downloading files using a torrent client, the download speed of the file depends on the number of users uploading it. Therefore, choose trackers with a large number of users.

Each file has its own format, which is opened with the appropriate application. So, for example, files with the .doc extension are opened in Microsoft Office Word, .obj - MilkShape 3D or 3ds Max. In order for the program to read the required file, it must, firstly, be installed on the computer, and secondly, it must be running. Summon program can be done in different ways.


When you install an application on your computer, the files required for it to work correctly are saved in a specific directory. Go to the required local drive through "My Computer" and open the folder with the name of the program you want to run. Most programs have their own icon, different from the system icons. If the appropriate settings are installed on the computer, you will see that the startup files have the extension .exe. Click on the launch icon with the left mouse button (or with the right mouse button and select the "Open" command from the drop-down menu) and wait for the application to load.

The program can also be called from the "Desktop" if a shortcut for the launch file has been created on it. Some programs create it automatically during installation. If this is not your case, you can create a shortcut yourself. Go to the directory with the installed program, right-click on the launch file. From the drop-down menu, select the "Send" command, in the submenu, select the "Desktop (create shortcut)" item by clicking on it with the left mouse button. After the program icon appears on the "Desktop", you do not have to look for the startup file in the folders every time.

If you have to use the program very often, and there is no space on the "Desktop" for an extra shortcut, the application can be called from the quick launch panel in one click. The Quick Launch is located on the "Taskbar" to the right of the "Start" button. To place the program launch file on the Quick Launch, go to the application folder, position the cursor over the launch file icon. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the icon on the Taskbar to the Quick Launch area. The same can be done with the program shortcut on the "Desktop" - drag it to the panel, then you can remove the shortcut from the "Desktop".

A number of programs create an entry about themselves in the Start menu. Typically, the Start menu contains icons for the startup file (always), uninstallation, and program settings (may not be present). Click on the "Start" button with the left mouse button or on the key with the Windows flag on the keyboard. If the "Start" menu is not fully displayed, select the "All Programs" item, in the menu that opens, select the line with the name of the program you need, in the submenu, left-click on its launch icon.

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If the program launch file is placed in the Startup folder, the application will be launched automatically every time the operating system boots.

When downloading data from the Internet, various failures often occur that interrupt the entire process. With this, the next attempt to restore the boot file may not work because the browser has no special features.


For example, a file was downloaded on your computer through a browser. When the connection to the Internet was broken, it automatically stopped loading. To restore loading, you need to click the "Continue loading". Every browser has this feature, so there shouldn't be any special problems. However, as practice shows, browsers often crash.

In this case, further download file perhaps only anew. And if the traffic is limited, and almost the entire file has already been downloaded, or the volume is large enough to re-download the data. To do this, you need to do some simple actions. Copy the file you downloaded. If you do not know where, it is located, in the browser in "" right-click on the file and select "Open folder" or "Location file».

Then copy it into a separate category, but do not delete the original copy either. Go to your browser and right-click on the file. Select the item "Continue loading". As soon as the file starts to download again, click "Pause". Delete the file that is in the original folder and move the copied copy there. Then in the browser, click "Continue".

from the place where she stopped when the connection was broken. This way you won't waste time and traffic. In order for files to continue downloading without any problems when the connection is broken or to pause for a long time, use special software. An example of such a utility is Download Master. You can find it on the Internet. Install on your computer and use as a multifunctional download manager.

The "Run" command in the Windows operating system calls the program launch dialog on the screen, which allows you to open both system components and application programs. In contrast to double-clicking on the executable file in the file manager window, this method of launching has several advantages. For example, you can not search for a file of a system program, but specify only its name, you can specify additional startup keys, etc.


There are many sites on the Internet with useful information that you can download to your computer for free for review and non-commercial use. But when downloading, sometimes unexpected technical problems occur, and you need to know how to resume the interrupted loading.


Sometimes it can be difficult to wait for the release of a new album of your favorite band or an anticipated film with a great cast. And when the long-awaited files appear on the Internet in the public domain, I want to download them immediately. However, here too there are unpleasant situations in the form of a blackout, a computer error, or an interrupted Internet connection. To prevent such incidents from spoiling the uploaded part of the file, you can always resume loading.

The way you download information depends on the site where you find it. Most sites offer direct downloads through a dedicated browser built-in program. Therefore, if you have problems downloading, you need to solve it in the "Downloads" section of your web browser.

Open the downloads folder showing the actual download process. In the Opera browser, this is a separate “Downloads” tab, in the Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrom browsers, the downloads folder is minimized by default on the bottom panel of the open window. Maximize the window with the mouse by clicking on the standard Maximize button or using the Toolbar in the web browser menu. The standard "crawling" download bar shows the percentage of information downloaded to the computer, and it also predicts the approximate time of future downloads.

To preserve the integrity of the file, it is advisable not to interrupt unexpectedly loading, that is, do not cause system interruptions such as freezing, rebooting, or power outages. If you need to stop the process of downloading information, click on the "Stop", "Stop" or "Pause" button, its name varies depending on the browser. Do not delete the downloaded part of the file.

When you have the opportunity to ensure long-term operation of the computer without interruption, open the "Downloads" tab of your browser, select with the mouse the name of the file you want to return to downloading. When it is highlighted, the download control buttons will become active. Click on “Continue loading”, Sometimes it is denoted by the“ Play ”triangle symbol. After a while after checking the information, the file will continue downloading from the interrupted location.

If you download information using the torrent site search, please note that loading is produced not by your torrent client, but by the browser. However, before downloading the file, the torrent client must find you an active uploader. Therefore, to resume downloading, open the torrent client, select the line with the file, loading which you stopped and click on the "Resume" button, sometimes it looks like a "Pause" sign. After the program finds a free distributor, the download will begin.

If you deleted a torrent file, but want to download a torn movie, for example, you need to find the topic in which you found this particular version of the movie and download the new torrent file to your computer. As usual, double-click on it, and when the system prompts you to specify the save path. Get started loading to the same folder, and the download will continue from where it was disconnected.

The Windows operating system startup list contains a list of programs that the system must launch immediately after it boots. This list is supplemented by the installed software or by the system user himself. Viewing or editing the startup list in Windows is not difficult at all.

By default, the ability to see hidden files is disabled in any version of Windows. This is necessary so that inexperienced "dummies" do not accidentally delete anything and disrupt the operation of the OS. The solution is quite logical, since these folders are rarely needed. And even then - only to a few users. But still, sometimes it becomes necessary to view hidden files.

For example, during Windows optimization and garbage cleaning. Many programs (Microsoft Word, Skype) create hidden files in the process. Over time, they become unnecessary, but they are stored on disk and take up extra space.

Very often, the need to enable hidden folders and files arises from gamers. After all, it is in them that the save from many games is stored.

Also, displaying hidden files is required for users who want to hide documents on a USB flash drive, but do not yet know how to find them later. In general, there are a lot of reasons.

I note right away that in different versions of Windows, this setting is carried out in different ways. Although some of the methods may be the same. Therefore, below are some instructions on how to enable hidden files in all Windows - "seven", "eight", "ten" and XP. Plus there is a universal method that works on all operating systems.

If you need to disable their display, then in the same window, check the "Do not show ..." item.

Second way:

  1. Go to Start, open "Control Panel" and click on the "Folder Options" shortcut.
  2. Select the "View" section, scroll down the slider and activate the "Show ..." item.
  3. Save changes by clicking "Apply".

And the third way:

  1. Open any folder you like.
  2. Click the Alt button and a menu like this will appear.
  3. Click on Tools - Folder Options.
  4. A familiar window will open: to enable the display of hidden files, go to the "View" tab and check the "Show ..." item.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. Choose whichever method suits you best and use it at the right time.

When you enable viewing of hidden files in Windows 7 in any of the above ways, they will be visible everywhere. Including on a USB flash drive. You just need to connect it to a PC or laptop - and you will see hidden folders (provided that they are there). The same goes for the external HDD.

We have dealt with the “seven”, now let's move on to the “eight”.

How to enable hidden files in Windows 8?

There are also 3 options to choose from here. The first two are described above in the instructions for Windows 7. That is, you can enable hidden files in Windows 8 by typing the control folders command. Or by selecting the "Folder Options" shortcut in the "Control Panel".

But there is another way to show hidden files in Windows 8:

  1. Open any folder you like.
  2. Select the "View" section.
  3. Click on the item "Show or hide", and then check the box next to "Hidden items".

Done. And not only in the current folder, but also in the rest. The same methods will help to display hidden files on a USB flash drive or external HDD - you just need to connect them to your computer or laptop.

The last method, which works on Windows 8, is also suitable for the "ten"

To enable hidden files in Windows 10:

  1. Open any folder.
  2. Select the "View" section.
  3. Check the box for "Hidden Items".

After that, you can see the hidden folders and documents in any section of the hard drive or on a USB flash drive (it must be connected to a PC).

If you want to hide folders again, uncheck this box.

There is also another way to enable the display of hidden files in Windows 10:

Done. Now you can open any hidden files on Windows 10. As you can see, the methods on different OS versions are quite similar, but differ in minor nuances.

Piggy is not used by so many users today, but still we will consider it. You can view hidden files in XP like this

All - now you can open or delete hidden folders and documents.

If you don't want to understand the differences between different versions of Windows, you can use the universal method

In this case, you just need to install the file manager Total Commander (download link). The program sees hidden documents and works on all Windows.

How to see hidden files in Total Commander? To do this, do the following:

Now all folders and documents in Total Commander will be visible. And for this you don't even have to go into Windows settings and change the settings for displaying folders.

Need to see hidden documents? Start Total Commander and go to the required partition of the hard disk. Or plug in a USB flash drive and then open it through this file manager.

As you can see, all ingenious is simple. Now you know how to show hidden files and make them visible. And if necessary, you can easily find them. The only advice: if you find any unfamiliar folders, do not delete them. After all, they can contain important system files, the deletion of which will disrupt the operation of Windows.