Download egais software for retail. What is the egais program, how it works, features

EGAIS, or the unified state automated information system, was developed with the aim of controlling the volume of ethyl alcohol produced by the state and the turnover of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.Any actions with alcoholic beverages must be reflected in this system (receipt, receipt at the warehouse, write-off or sale). In terms of work with suppliers, EGAIS has been working since January 1, 2016. The sale of alcohol to the end consumer using the EGAIS became mandatory from July 01, 2016.

In fact, EGAIS is an electronic control system for the alcohol market in Russia, both for strong alcoholic beverages and for beer and low alcohol products. The level of control depends on the strength of the drink and the type of business, but in general, the system allows you to track the entire chain of movement of alcohol from the supplier or distributor to the end consumer, and does not allow selling counterfeit goods. Thanks to EGAIS, market participants, from the Federal Tax Service and the Rosalkogolregulirovanie service to the end consumer, can check the "history" of the origin of any bottle.

The rules for accepting any alcoholic beverages at the warehouse are the same for everyone. The rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages depend on the strength of the drink itself, the form of ownership of the enterprise (individual entrepreneur and LLC) and on whether it is intended to be sold in bulk.

What functions does EGAIS perform?

If the activities of a trade organization are related to the sale of alcoholic beverages, then a software module must be installed on the cash register, which, in the course of operation, will send data to the EGAIS system. All this happens automatically and there is no need to prepare any reports for the owners of the companies.

The data collected in this way allows:

  • to make accurate records of the production and turnover of alcohol-containing products, including in the context of types of products, volume, strength, with details on the subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • keep records of imported alcoholic beverages, analyze sales by country of origin, importer, supplier and manufacturer, name, volume and strength;
  • keep records of excise and special federal stamps;
  • analyze trends in the development of production and circulation of alcohol-containing products;
  • fight counterfeit products by controlling the document flow between the buyer and the seller.

It is precisely the fight against counterfeit products that is the main mission of this system, since, according to some estimates, it accounts for about 30% of the entire market.

Who and when should connect to EGAIS

Depending on the types of activities and location of organizations and individual entrepreneurs, the government has determined different terms for connecting to the system.

Data on connection dates in the pivot table:

Kind of activity

Fixation in EGAIS

Entry period

Trade organizations operating in urban settlements

Purchase confirmation


Trade organizations operating in rural settlements

Purchase confirmation


Organizations engaged in the production of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead (up to 300 thousand decaliters per year)

Organizations engaged in the production of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead (more than 300 thousand decaliters per year)

Production and turnover

Dealers organizations engaged in the purchase, storage and supply of alcohol-containing products

Individual entrepreneurs purchasing beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead for the purpose of resale at retail

Temporarily released from connection:

  1. Organizations engaged in the purchase, storage and supply of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol - until 07/01/2016.
  2. Organizations engaged in the retail trade of alcoholic beverages in settlements with a population of less than 3000 people and do not have access to the Internet - until 01.07.2017.
  3. Retail trade enterprises selling alcoholic beverages, beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret and mead in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol - until 07/01/2017 (rural settlements - until 01/01/2018)

Organizations that may not connect to EGAIS:

  1. Producers of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret and mead with a volume of up to 300 tons of decaliters per year.
  2. Vineyard owners producing champagne (sparkling wine) and wine \u003e\u003e
  3. Retailers selling beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret and mead may not record sales \u003e\u003e

How to order alcohol from a supplier

The rules for ordering any alcohol are the same for everyone: for LLCs that sell all types of alcoholic beverages, and for individual entrepreneurs who sell beer and low-alcohol drinks, and for catering. For a retail outlet or a food service outlet that offers alcoholic beverages, ordering alcohol begins with work IN EGAIS.

Starting from January 01, 2016, the work of a retail outlet (or catering) when ordering any alcohol should be structured as follows:

  1. Having received your order for a consignment of alcohol, the supplier ships the required quantity of goods and draws up an invoice. The electronic version of this waybill is sent to EGAIS, the printed version is sent to the forwarder. The system records that a certain amount of alcohol has been sent to you.
  2. Upon receipt of the goods, you check the quantity and names of goods against the paper invoice, and then check the data with the quantity specified in the electronic version of the invoice that the supplier sent to EGAIS. If all the data agree, then you are confirmed by the purchase in EGAIS. The system shows that you have purchased alcohol in such and such quantity. It is not necessary to scan the bottles.
  3. If the number of bottles in the invoice and in the batch differ, then you need to form an act of discrepancy and send it to EGAIS. The supplier must confirm the discrepancy statement, then the changes will be reflected in the EGAIS and you will not have problems with the discrepancy between the purchased and sold alcohol.

Such a scheme of work is obligatory for the purchase of all types of alcoholic beverages: both strong and low alcohol. And for all types of business: retail and catering.

How to sell spirits and wines

From July 01, 2016, new rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages to the end customer come into force. From this moment on, the sale of alcohol becomes possible only with the help of the Unified State Automated Information System (this rule does not apply to the retail sale of beer and beer drinks, cider, Poiret, mead, including in bulk).

Starting from January 01, 2016, the work of a retail outlet for the sale of alcohol should be structured as follows:

  1. First, the cashier reads a standard linear barcode from the bottle, after which the cash register program offers to scan a special "alcoholic" barcode - PDF-417.
  2. The cashier reads the "alcoholic" barcode using a special 2D scanner. EGAIS determines the authenticity of the bottle and gives the go-ahead to add this position to the check.
  3. The cashier gives the buyer a regular check and a check with a QR code. By clicking on the encrypted link, the buyer goes to the egais website and can find out all the information about the bottle and verify its authenticity.
  4. Further, the purchase data is sent to a special program - UTM EGAIS. UTM stands for universal transport module, but in fact it is software for working with EGAIS.
  5. Further, to send the sales data to PAP, the seller must connect a special USB device - JaCarta to the computer. It contains an electronic signature that allows you to send data directly to the PAP.

For settlements with a population of less than 3000 people, these rules for the sale of alcohol come into force a year later - from July 01, 2017.

How to sell beer and low alcohol drinks (including individual entrepreneurs)

Sellers of beer and other low alcohol drinks may or may not use the EGAIS system in terms of retail sales at their discretion. For them, this norm of the law is not obligatory and other rules of sale to the end consumer are provided.

Starting from July 01, 2016, there are two legal ways to retail beer (and low alcohol drinks).

Method one: using "manual" filling. In this case, each retail outlet that sells beer is obliged to keep an accounting log in a regular notebook or on an electronic carrier with further printout. A prerequisite for the legality of information in the magazine is to enter information about the sale no later than the next day after the sale.

In this case, the goods at the checkout are broken through bypassing the EGAIS.

Method two: by voluntarily connecting to the EGAIS to fix retail sales. The entrepreneur voluntarily connects to the retail part of EGAIS. In this case, the sales scheme is as follows:

  1. At the checkout, the cashier reads the usual line code from a can or bottle of beer. This uses a conventional 1D scanner.
  2. The EGAIS system determines that this is beer and adds a position to the check. The buyer is given a so-called "beer check" without a QR code.
  3. Further, information about the sale is sent to UTM and, just like when selling regular alcohol, with the help of JaCarta and CEP, information about the sale is sent to PAP.

The second method at first glance seems more complicated and costly, but it completely eliminates the need for a retail outlet to keep a retail sales journal by automating this process. The magazine, as in the case of the sale of ordinary alcohol, becomes available on the website, in your personal account.

As for the sale of beer in settlements with a population of less than 3000 people, the Retail Sales Journal there must also be kept starting from January 01, 2016.

How to sell alcoholic beverages (hard and low alcohol)

When selling alcoholic beverages in bottling by catering establishments, as well as when selling beer in retail, there are two ways:

  • using “manual” retail logging. Information is entered into the log after opening the container, before bottling.
  • by voluntarily connecting to EGAIS to confirm retail sales. Information is also entered into the system after opening the container, before bottling. The subsequent sale of opened containers is carried out without sending data to the system. In this case, the retail sales journal is generated automatically.

What is needed to connect to EGAIS?

  • the Internet
    The point of sale must be equipped with the Internet. Nothing will work without it. The official speed requirement is at least 256 kbps.
  • CEP and JaCarta
    You need to start connecting to EGAIS by purchasing a JaCarta crypto-key with a recorded qualified electronic signature (CEP). CEP is needed to sign electronic documents in EGAIS.

Where can I buy? JaCarta can be purchased from any company licensed by the FSB. CEP can be obtained from "CenterInform"

Who needs to purchase JaCarta with a CEP recorded on it?
For LLC: For the EGAIS to work correctly, each individual outlet with a unique checkpoint must have its own JaCarta and CEP for reporting.
For individual entrepreneurs: It is enough for individual entrepreneurs to purchase one JaCarta with a CEP record, regardless of the number of outlets.

What you need to buy a CEP: To obtain an electronic signature, in addition to the JaCarta crypto-key, you must bring the following documents to CenterInform: an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, SNILS, TIN, OGRN, passport. Electronic signature is paid for a year. Then the recording procedure must be repeated.

  • Universal transport module (UTM) - an application that allows you to send data to EGAIS. It can be downloaded to your computer from the website.
    The procedure is as follows:
    - Get JaCarta with CEP record
    - Register on the website (a digital signature is also required to access your personal account).
    - After the above steps, you get the opportunity to download the UTM.
  • Connect the product accounting program for EGAIS
  • Install a cash program compatible with EGAIS
  • Buy 2-D scanner for reading "alcoholic" bar codes.
  • Buy a fiscal registrar with the function of printing QR codes.

Choosing a 2D barcode scanner for EGAIS

To connect to the EGAIS system, a two-dimensional barcode scanner is required. Its operation must be uninterrupted, since if excise stamps are read with malfunctions, then alcohol cannot be sold through the store's cashier. At the same time, it is not necessary that the alcoholic beverage was obtained illegally - the scanner simply could not read a damaged, poorly printed or jammed code (which often happens during transportation).

A two-dimensional barcode has recently been used on domestic goods. Before him, a linear barcode was used on products, but it does not allow encrypting the amount of information that is necessary for the functioning of the EGAIS. Conventional scanners, mostly used in retail outlets, cannot read two-dimensional code.

Two-dimensional hand-held scanners are more modern devices that read information simultaneously horizontally and vertically, that is, in two dimensions. In addition, a powerful laser allows you to read not only the code itself, but also signatures and images that fall into the scanned field. Another undoubted advantage of such a device - to read information, there is no need to place the code directly under the laser beam, it works at a distance of up to 25 cm, which significantly reduces the time for processing goods by the cashier and speeds up the work. In addition, the 2D scanner also reads conventional line codes.

In order to choose a suitable scanner, you need to analyze:

  • where it will be used. If the scanner is needed only for work in the storeroom, then the usual universal model will do. For work in warehouses, in conditions of low temperatures and high humidity, it is better to choose a secure scanner. Since such models belong to the industrial class, their cost will be more expensive, but the service life is many times longer;
  • how the workplace is organized - whether the scanner will be installed on the table or the employee will hold it in his hands. You can purchase a stationary scanner that will always be installed on a table or a hybrid scanner that can work in two modes;
  • does the employee need mobility - if in the process of work the employee needs to move (for example, in the sales area), then it is better to choose a wireless scanner;
  • what is the permeability of the outlet where the scanner will be used - if it is a small shop “near the house”, then the simplest manual model will do. For self-service stores, it is better to choose desktop scanners, for supermarkets with high traffic - powerful scanners with two windows that allow you to read the code from both sides without wasting time searching for it.

What will happen if you do not connect to the EGAIS system

For organizations producing and selling alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, violation of the accounting procedure threatens with administrative fines on the basis of Art. 14.19 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation:

  • organizations - 150-200 thousand rubles;
  • Individual entrepreneurs and officials of organizations - 10-15 thousand rubles.

In addition, from January 1, 2016, the supplier will not be able to send products to a buyer who does not have an identification number in the Unified State Automated Information System, and will not be able to write them off from his warehouse. It turns out that cooperation will be impossible.

When conducting certain operations without fixing in the system, the organization may be accused of illegal circulation of alcoholic beverages. It should be noted that failures in operation will not affect the transfer of data to EGAIS in any way - they will accumulate and, after the connection is restored, will be transferred to the server (but not more than 3 days).

A manufacturer that will operate without registering with the EGAIS will, in court, lose its license for the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol.

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1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is freely accepted and of its own free will, applies to all information that LLC "Inseils Rus" and / or its affiliates, including all persons belonging to the same group with LLC "Insails Rus" (including LLC "EKAM service") may receive information about the User during the use of any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of LLC "Insails Rus" (hereinafter referred to as the Services) and in the course of execution of any agreements and contracts with the User by Insales Rus LLC. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him in the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

1.2 Use of the Services means the User agrees with this Agreement and the conditions specified therein; in case of disagreement with these conditions, the User must refrain from using the Services.

"Insails" - Limited Liability Company "Inseils Rus", PSRN 1117746506514, INN 7714843760, KPP 771401001, registered at the address: 125319, Moscow, Akademika Ilyushin st., 4, building 1, office 11 (hereinafter - "Insales" ), on the one hand, and

"User" -

or an individual who has legal capacity and is recognized as a participant in civil legal relations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

or a legal entity registered in accordance with the legislation of the state of which such a person is a resident;

or an individual entrepreneur registered in accordance with the legislation of the state of which such a person is a resident;

which has accepted the terms of this Agreement.

1.4 For the purposes of this Agreement, the Parties have determined that confidential information is information of any nature (production, technical, economic, organizational and others), including the results of intellectual activity, as well as information about the methods of carrying out professional activities (including, but not limited to: information about products, works and services; information about technologies and research projects; information about technical systems and equipment, including software elements; business forecasts and information about prospective purchases; requirements and specifications of specific partners and potential partners; information, related to intellectual property, as well as plans and technologies related to all of the above) communicated by one party to the other party in writing and / or electronic form, explicitly designated by the Party as its confidential information.

1.5. The purpose of this Agreement is to protect confidential information that the Parties will exchange during negotiations, concluding contracts and fulfilling obligations, as well as any other interaction (including, but not limited to, consulting, requesting and providing information, and performing other orders).

2. Obligations of the Parties

2.1. The Parties agree to keep secret all confidential information received by one Party from the other Party during the interaction of the Parties, not to disclose, disclose, disclose or otherwise provide such information to any third party without the prior written permission of the other Party, with the exception of cases specified in the current legislation, when the provision of such information is the responsibility of the Parties.

2.2. Each of the Parties will take all necessary measures to protect confidential information at least using the same measures that the Party applies to protect its own confidential information. Access to confidential information is provided only to those employees of each of the Parties who reasonably need it to perform their official duties for the implementation of this Agreement.

2.3. The obligation to keep confidential information in secret is valid within the term of this Agreement, the license agreement for computer programs dated 01.12.2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs, agency and other agreements and for five years after termination their actions, unless the Parties separately agree otherwise.

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(d) if the information is provided at the written request of a public authority, other state body, or local self-government body in order to perform their functions and its disclosure to these bodies is mandatory for the Party. In this case, the Party must immediately notify the other Party about the received request;

(e) if the information is provided to a third party with the consent of the Party, the information about which is transferred.

2.5. Insales does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User and does not have the ability to assess his legal capacity.

2.6. The information that the User provides to Inseils when registering in the Services is not personal data, as they are defined in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of 07/27/2006. "About personal data".

2.7 Insales reserves the right to amend this Agreement. When making changes in the current edition, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement.

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Insales has the right to establish that the provision of a certain Service is possible only provided that the acceptance and receipt of cookies is permitted by the User.

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2.12 The User is obliged to immediately notify Insails about any case of unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Services using the User's account and / or about any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of his account access means. For security reasons, the User is obliged to independently carry out a safe shutdown under his account at the end of each session of work with the Services. Insails is not responsible for possible loss or damage to data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to violation by the User of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

3.Responsibility of the Parties

3.1. A Party that has violated the obligations stipulated by the Agreement regarding the protection of confidential information transferred under the Agreement is obliged to compensate, at the request of the affected Party, for real damage caused by such violation of the terms of the Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2 Compensation for damage does not terminate the obligations of the offending Party to properly fulfill its obligations under the Agreement.

4.Other provisions

4.1. All notifications, inquiries, requirements and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those that include confidential information, must be made in writing and delivered in person or through a courier, or sent by e-mail to the addresses specified in the license agreement for computer programs from 01.12.2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs and in this Agreement or other addresses that may be further indicated in writing by the Party.

4.2 If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are or become invalid, then this cannot serve as a reason for the termination of other provisions (conditions).

4.3 The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement.

4.3. All suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement, the User has the right to send to the Inseils User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, str. 11-12 Business center "Stendhal" LLC "Inseils Rus".

Date of publication: 01.12.2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

LLC "Insails Rus"

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Academician Ilyushin, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, p. 11-12, BC "Stendhal"

INN: 7714843760 Checkpoint: 771401001

Bank details:

Recently, many entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the sale should seriously think about the topic "EGAIS - what is it and how it works." This abbreviation stands for a single state abbreviation. To put it simply, it allows the state to control the production and sale of alcohol in the country.

Why is she needed

Each retail store, if its activity is related to the sale of alcoholic beverages, is obliged to install a special software module on its cash registers that allows data to be sent to the system. It is worth noting that their information is transmitted to the EGAIS completely automatically. This will ensure the completeness and accuracy of data related to the production and circulation of alcoholic beverages.

In addition, it will allow taking into account all imports, special federal brands. The EGAIS system is designed to make it difficult to sell low-quality, counterfeit products. With its help, it will be possible to analyze and understand how the industry is developing.

When to connect

Now the work of the system is carried out exclusively in a test mode, but the law already prescribes clear dates when and which enterprises to connect to the EGAIS through registration. For example, for wholesalers, the module must be shipped from November 1, 2015. In city stores, the EGAIS program should be available from the summer of 2016; for rural areas, you can not install modules until 2017.

EGAIS - what is it? Module operation

At the moment, each or strong alcohol contains a special brand. Soon it will appear on low-alcohol drinks. The stamp contains a barcode in which all information about this drink is encoded, from the manufacturer to the date of issue.

Each bottle sold must be recorded in the system. To do this, the seller must use a special 2D scanner. Having read the information, the module processes it and transmits it to the server, which allows for online accounting. The EGAIS retail module has already been installed in some large retail chains.

Scheme of work

The manufacturer, organization or importer is obliged to provide each product with a brand that will contain a unique EGAIS code. After that, when the product goes for sale, all bottle data is entered into the system register. In this case, the manufacturer must enter not only the characteristics of the product, but also indicate who purchased this product. After the batch has been transferred, the counterparty is also obliged to enter the information into the system.

If the wholesale warehouse transfers the product to the points of sale, then it is obliged to enter information into the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS) to whom it sold the goods. After that, when the seller sells alcoholic beverages, a QR code will be displayed on the receipt, allowing the buyer to check the purchased item using the system.

System operation in retail

The cashier will need to choose alcoholic beverages from the product group. After that, an offer to scan the code will appear on the screen, if this operation is successful, the item will be added to the receipt, and the cashier presses the "total" button. At this point, the program will automatically generate a file and send it to the system.

After that, a receipt is generated and sent to the cashier, the check is closed and goes to print with the necessary data. Thanks to the checks of the EGAIS retail system, the buyer will be able to check whether he has bought legal products.

Is it possible to avoid connection

At the moment, according to the law, there is an exemption from connecting to the EGAIS retail system for all retail outlets located in an area whose population does not exceed three thousand people. So far, it is impossible to make correct and continuous data transmission there. But it's worth noting that these measures will not last forever, as the state plans to provide remote areas with system equipment around mid-2017. By about that time, enterprises that are responsible for public catering will be connected.

Why is it better to connect now

For businesses that are willing to connect before the law requires them, certain benefits will be provided. They will be able to conduct alcohol by using their personal account in the system. At the same time, the reporting will be in electronic form and automatic.

Equipment for EGAIS

Answering the question "EGAIS - what is it?", It is extremely important to mention what equipment is needed for the normal operation of the system. Each enterprise must have a PD or PTC that is capable of printing a QR code. You also need a personal computer on which a 32-bit operating system will be installed, preferably Windows 7 Starter.

Also, the enterprise must have an Internet connection, the speed of which cannot be lower than 256 kilobits per second. To enter the system, cryptographic equipment, a scanner on the cash register, and more are useful. The enterprise receives the software of the system free of charge.

Why do you need a 2D scanner or TSD

When using system parameters, reading the code is very important. After all, if the seller cannot receive the data, for example, because the barcode is damaged, then he has no right to sell the product. That is, a bottle with a damaged or incorrect code must be returned to the wholesale base or written off at a loss. Therefore, if all products are checked at the stage of receiving the goods, many problems with its sale can be prevented.

Electronic signature

All reporting materials must contain CEP, as indicated by the country's legislation since the beginning of 2014. To create it, cryptographic means of the Federal Security Service are used, and its authenticity must be confirmed by a certificate issued by an accredited certification center. In other words, this signature must be guaranteed that it is genuine.

What to do if the system crashes

Giving information related to the question "EGAIS - what is it?", It is important to mention what to do in case of problems. If the program crashes and it cannot transfer data online to the server, then the program starts working offline. EGAIS is able to accumulate data for no more than three days, then to send it to the server.

Therefore, its performance in case of failures will not be disrupted, and as soon as the wizard fixes the problem, everything will work in normal mode. But this period so far applies only to test versions, in the future it can be reduced or increased. Everything will depend on where the system is, what kind of connection is there.

Why the system is useful for retail outlets

The benefits for retail are undoubtedly present. After all, after paying for the goods, the client has not only the product, but also the check. And then, using the code and phone number, any buyer will be able to verify the legality of the purchase and the quality of the product. This means that the store will be more trusted, because it legally confirms its quality and reliability.

What is important to know when working with the system

Working with the system, you need to scan every bottle, regardless of how many boxes of products have arrived. When installing the software, the device must be equipped with an operating system no older than Windows 7. So far, only spirits are counted in the system, so the alcohol register cannot be completely filled, but work with it is partially reduced. If the system detects problems with the bottle being scanned, then the company will be able to find out about this only after visiting the store of the specialists conducting the check. The problem may be the fact that this bottle has already been scanned at another outlet or something similar.

If it is impossible to read the code from the bottle, it must either be returned to the supplier or written off from sale. Even a license to sell alcoholic beverages at retail does not give the right to move products from one outlet to another. But legal entities engaged in wholesale trade have this right. If the connection between the personal computer and the cash register is lost, then the store must stop working and stop selling products. At the same time, it is important that the system sends reports at least every three days.

From January 1, 2016, the rules for the sale of alcohol at retail have changed. In accordance with the law, shops and outlets selling alcohol are required to connect to the EGAIS or ... not to trade in alcohol.

What should entrepreneurs do? How to get a working connection at the lowest cost? Now on the market several suppliers offer equipment and software for working with EGAIS. But in most cases, such solutions are not cheap, from 40 thousand rubles and higher. One of the most economical options is free eGAIS software for retail... Where can I find them? Look at specialized forums on the Internet, according to user reports, you will understand how efficient and how a particular program is developing. There you can also ask a question to its developer. Having chosen the program in this way, download and install it. You can use it on any PC or laptop with the EGAIS transport module installed on it (downloaded in your personal account after registering on the website). Thus, you immediately save on the purchase of a specialized POS terminal. A fiscal recorder and a 2D barcode scanner can be connected to a computer via USB connectors. And you are ready to use EGAIS in retail!

Sounds tempting? But such a decision has risks. If you have a serious business with high turnover, then think about how much you will lose if the free software for EGAIS is not updated on time and you have to suspend sales. And this can happen - such software is usually developed by single enthusiasts who can simply cool off to the topic or go on a long vacation. Also, the disadvantage is that there is usually nowhere to call - such software does not have a hotline.

Do you want to evaluate the possibilities of a solution before paying money? Just register on the supplier's website. After that, you will have a trial access to the EGAIS program for retail, and the managers of the supplier company will contact you and answer questions on setting up the system. If we are talking about equipment, then order a demo.

The Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market of the Russian Federation makes a lot of efforts to protect buyers of alcoholic beverages from the numerous dangers that may be associated with the purchase of counterfeit alcohol-containing products. So, a colossal number of people suffer from severe intoxication, which sometimes leads to death. Indeed, for the most part, people are trying to buy alcohol at a cheaper price, and therefore they often encounter fakes. A recent innovation of the said Federal Service makes the sale of uncertified alcoholic beverages practically impossible. How is this ensured? Thanks to the accounting system for the sale of alcoholic beverages EGAIS. What is it? How does it function? What do you need to take advantage of this program? Who is forced to install the system in their organization? What is the reaction of those who have already encountered EGAIS? You can find more details later in this article.

What it is?

This abbreviation should be deciphered as "Unified State Automated Information System". It is designed to form a database of organizations that manufacture alcoholic beverages, as well as enterprises that are engaged in its implementation. This system keeps track of all alcoholic beverages. Data is collected about where they were produced, as well as where they are later supplied and, accordingly, in what volumes. How does EGAIS work in retail? The considered program provides the ability to control the entire market for the production and sale of alcoholic beverages. In turn, this helps to significantly reduce the level of sales of non-certified goods.

How the EGAIS system began to work twelve years ago, but only until the beginning of last year, only suppliers and manufacturing firms had to deal with it. According to the current legislation, since then, absolutely all entrepreneurs and companies involved in the sale of cider, beer, poiret and mead have also been forced to report on the program under consideration. This must be done in the process of receiving products from the supplier; subsequently, at the time of sale, further accounting is not required.

Why do you need a system

So, why did it take to create the Unified State Automated Information System? How does the system work? Each point of retail sale of alcohol must install a module specially designed for accounting of goods at the checkout, which allows you to instantly transfer the necessary data to the database. The device transmits all information automatically, nothing needs to be entered manually. This guarantees the absolute reliability of the data and the ability to assess the complete picture of what concerns the production and sale of alcoholic beverages.

Moreover, the system allows for accounting of imported products, as well as special federal brands. The program is also designed to make it impossible to sell counterfeit, low-quality alcoholic products. The generated databases help to understand exactly how the situation is actually developing in this market. As you can see, it is not difficult to understand how the EGAIS system works.

Connection conditions

For a certain time, the system under consideration functioned in an experimental mode, however, during this period, all interested parties had to connect to EGAIS and register. Instructions in this regard, containing the exact dates and indications, are available in the legislation. So, all wholesalers had to start such cooperation from November 1, 2015. Retail outlets located in cities were supposed to connect no later than summer 2016, and rural stores - before the beginning of this year.

Tasks of EGAIS for retail beer sales

What tasks are set for the system under consideration?

  • Accounting for the manufacture and sale of alcohol-containing products by manufacturers (including fixing the city in which the goods were bottled for sale, as well as the strength of drinks, their name and volume).
  • Accounting for alcoholic beverages that were imported from abroad (required for a fixed calculation of excise taxes).
  • Creation of a database containing information on excise stamps, which contributes to the improvement of control over the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.
  • Analysis of the dynamics of the alcoholic beverages market in the Russian Federation.
  • Obstruction of the sale in the territory of the Russian Federation of low-quality, counterfeit products. This is possible thanks to the verification process of all documents sent by the supplier to the buyer.

The EGAIS system (alcohol) will help in all this. How to work with it, the following groups of people must figure out:

  • Individual entrepreneurs making relevant purchases.
  • All wholesale companies that buy, store and supply alcoholic beverages.
  • Outlets that sell beer both in the city and in the countryside.
  • Any catering establishments that buy alcohol.

Today, all these organizations and their employees should know well how to work in EGAIS. Beer accounting should be done at the national level. Data is collected from both suppliers and buyers (including those who sell beer on tap).

How to work with EGAIS for beer

The process of accounting for products is not complicated. Nevertheless, it is necessary to pay attention and time to figure out how to work in the EGAIS. The instruction for retailers might look something like this:

  • The supplier is obliged to form and carefully fill out the invoices for the goods ordered by the buyer even before the delivery.
  • The company that purchases the products, using the UTM (Universal Transport Module), receives these invoices. UTM is a specialized program that is installed by specialists on a personal computer. It is designed to collect data in the system.
  • When the buyer receives his goods, he is obliged to recount and compare whether the received quantity corresponds to what is indicated in the documents. If everything is in order, then he needs to send a special confirmation to EGAIS.
  • If this happens, then the volume of alcohol indicated in the confirmation is automatically deducted from the balance of the goods of a particular supplier. These data are credited to the customer (for his balance).
  • If what was received does not correspond to what was sent, then the store may refuse from the brought products or fix a shortage in the program. The same happens with surplus goods.

This mechanism helps to carefully control how much product was shipped by the supplier and how much the buyer received directly at the retail point of sale.

If the UTM EGAIS does not work, you must contact the support service. Its experts will help to improve the situation as soon as possible.

Necessary equipment

To get started with the program, you need to do the following:

  • Register on the official Internet resource of the FSRAR RF.
  • Create a personal account there.
  • Purchase from a company specializing in issuing Jacarta crypto-keys, such a key for their trading floors.
  • Write a personal digital signature on the crypto-key.

Equipment requirements:

  • At least 2 GB of internal memory.
  • Operating system - "Windows 7" or newer.
  • Special software for work in EGAIS.
  • Network controller 100/1000 Mbps.
  • The bit depth of the processor is 32 bits.
  • Processor frequency - at least 2 GHz.
  • The network storage must be at least 50 GB.
  • Scanner.
  • Software (system) - from Jawa 8 onwards.

In practice, everything happens as follows: a customer in a store chooses a product for himself, brings it to the checkout. Already there the seller with a special scanner reads the code that is subject to excise duty. At this point, all the necessary data is sent to the cash register software, and from there they go directly to the system in question.

And if EGAIS does not work, what to do? You should not try to independently establish the functioning of the system. Better to trust the professionals.

Responsibility for not connecting

And what will happen if the entrepreneur refuses to connect to the EGAIS? How does the punishment mechanism work? At the moment, an obstacle to national accounting of the turnover of alcoholic products threatens the offender with an administrative fine:

  • Companies will have to pay an amount ranging from 150 to 200 thousand rubles.
  • Entrepreneurs (individual) will have to pay from 10 to 15 thousand rubles.
  • If an individual employee of the enterprise is to blame for the violation, he must pay from 10 to 15 thousand rubles.

Other consequences

Is the refusal to connect to the EGAIS punishable only by a fine? Many people know how the mechanism of administrative responsibility in the state works, so it is clear that a fine is not the only possible punishment.

So, for example, since the beginning of last year, a supplier of alcoholic beverages can send a batch of goods to the trading platform only if the seller already has a personal identification code in the EGAIS program. How does control work? An entrepreneur who is not registered in the system will simply not be able to purchase goods, since he will not be able to confirm the fact of receiving a batch of products.

What happens to the products in this case? It will remain in the supplier's warehouse. It will not be written off from the remains of this warehouse. How will cooperation between such contractors continue? It can simply stop, since no one likes unscrupulous partners. Subsequently, such a company may be revoked from its license, and it will no longer be able to sell alcoholic beverages. Is such an outcome possible only if the entrepreneur has not begun to use the EGAIS program? We have already figured out how to work in it above.

Excluding products in the system under consideration, the sale of alcoholic beverages will be considered unauthorized and illegal. In this case, the products may be seized by authorized representatives of the relevant departments. Therefore, it would be wiser to find out how the EGAIS system works, and what equipment is needed to avoid all possible troubles.

How are suppliers and sellers reacting?

Many analysts expected that with the introduction of the accounting system under consideration, the sales of alcoholic beverages would significantly decrease. However, these assumptions did not come true. Already millions of electronic documents within the framework of this program have entered the relevant services. Obviously, the recently launched EGAIS program is functioning well? How to work in it for distributors and suppliers, for whom the new accounting system creates certain problems? These groups of entrepreneurs face the following challenges:

  • Suppliers are forced to issue bulk returns for those products that have already been shipped, in the event that the recipient is unable to process the receipt in accordance with the current requirements of the law.
  • Sellers, on the other hand, complain that the new program is completely incompatible with many of the accounting systems that were used earlier, and there was practically no transitional period that would allow adapting the documentation and reformatting the internal organizational system.

All wholesalers have already figured out how to work correctly with EGAIS and have connected to it. The number of compliant retailers is significantly less. The reasons for this are various: there was no time, there was no money, not ready.

What are suppliers doing to protect their markets? Among the activities, the following are distinguished:

  • Convincing their counterparties to comply with legal requirements.
  • They are engaged in launching their own network of retail outlets, where they sell products, necessarily registering them in the EGAIS system. However, not every company can do this: too many resources are required for this.


What is EGAIS? Experts decipher this abbreviation as "Unified State Automated Information System". With its help, the accounting of all alcohol-containing beverages produced and supplied to trading platforms has been carried out recently (and we are talking not only about strong alcohol, but also about low-alcohol drinks). This innovation was made in order to make it impossible to sell uncertified products that could harm those who use them. Among other things, this allows for the accounting of imported goods. That is why a significant part of entrepreneurs from now on must use the system in question in their professional activities. Whom does it concern? Anyone whose professional activity is related to the production or sale of alcoholic beverages.

So how should this be done in practice? The supplier must, using the EGAIS system, record data on what products, in what volume and what point of sale he supplies. When the goods arrive at their destination, the buyer (representative of the outlet) is obliged to recount and verify the results of the check with the data entered into the system by the sender. If everything matches, he sends a confirmation using the program in question, and such products can be sold. When a customer brings the selected product to the checkout of the store, it is scanned there, reading a special code. Thus, all the necessary data is sent to the UTM.

Of course, some employees will need some training. For example, they will have to thoroughly figure out how to work with EGAIS in 1C or switch to a new system from the old familiar accounting methods, adapt the relevant documentation. This should be taken care of directly by enterprise managers and provide their subordinates with a sufficient information basis for study.

However, it is extremely important to comply with this legal requirement. Failure to comply with it entails unpleasant consequences: from an administrative fine to discord in professional relationships with counterparties and the severing of business ties. Why is this possible? The supplier cannot send the goods to a buyer who does not use EGAIS. Thus, the products remain in the warehouses, since the receiving party cannot process the receipt in the correct way. This creates problems for suppliers.

We strongly recommend that you be careful when purchasing alcohol-containing products. Remember that high-quality alcoholic drinks in moderation will not cause significant harm to your health, while low-quality ones can cause serious intoxication and even lead to death. Buy only those goods that are marked with an excise stamp. To purchase, it is advisable to visit trusted brand stores without getting carried away with buying cheap products at dubious outlets. Take care of yourself and your health!