How much they earn from traffic arbitrage. Earning money from traffic arbitrage from scratch: step-by-step instructions, schemes, reviews of real people. Registration in Admitad takes place in three stages

Traffic arbitrage is a popular but highly competitive way to make money on the network, which is generated by obtaining a positive difference between the cost of the traffic itself and the exhaust after it is purchased and redirected. By "traffic" we mean the N-th number of living people, and the whole point of arbitration boils down to ensuring that the final profit exceeds the cost of buying traffic.

Simple example:

You bought 1000 clicks to the affiliate program showcase for $ 10, 3 people made a purchase, which brought you $ 20. The arbitration was successful, the net income was $ 10.

This niche has a lot of features. I will highlight the most significant:

  • You can arbitrate and even earn round sums without having your own website.
  • You don't have to have big budgets to get started. Of course, the amount of earnings depends on the investment, but in order to gain equally valuable personal experience, you can even start with $ 50.
  • Arbitration is theoretically easy. I would compare it to a game of poker - the rules are simple, but the devil is in the details (daily routine tasks, losing money at the start, the ability to build the process correctly, etc.).
  • Everything revolves around the correct work with three components: traffic sources, offers (offers from affiliate programs) and analytics.

More specifically, personal experience plays a decisive role in arbitration. There are many paid courses, manuals, training lectures and the like on the Internet. But the fact is that it is better to try to make money on your own by investing $ 100 to buy traffic than to buy any courses for the same money. You can always find the basics on the Internet for free, and someone's "training materials" in 95% of cases will turn out to be a compact summary of public information and some irrelevant cases.

Where to get traffic?

You can even get a certain amount of traffic for free. To do this, you need to either have your own sites with traffic, or "promoted" profiles on social networks, or professionally deal with spam. The article on earnings on your website describes in detail the basic principles of cooperation with affiliate programs, which is also relevant for affiliate marketers.

The most popular ways to buy traffic are:

  • Teaser networks - are distinguished by their relative cheapness, large volumes, but low quality of visitors. Most often used for entertainment purposes (cosmetics, weight loss products, family history, etc.).
  • Social networks - This includes buying sponsored posts in groups or using automated software to spam communities, discussions, or profiles of real people.
  • contextual advertising - allows you to buy thematic, truly targeted traffic. The price is not the lowest, but Adsense and YAN sites allow you to find a paying audience in any niche.
  • Rest - banner networks, popunders (floating windows), clickanders (a new tab after any click), iFrame, Rich-Media (flash videos with sound), etc.

It is important to understand that there are no “best” or “worst” traffic sources. On each of them, you can both make money and merge. Everything is very individual and depends on a lot of factors: the offer, the settings of the advertising campaign, the correct choice of the target audience, etc.

Where to drain it?

First of all, you must decide on the model by which you will earn. Payment can be made for an action (30 minutes in the game, an application for a lawyer's consultation), for a sale (then you get your%) or for sending an SMS message. The latter, by the way, has lost its former popularity, tk. cellular operators have tightened the rules due to the "dullness" of the scheme (SMS spam, fraud, spread of viruses, misleading).

For beginners, the best place to start is with affiliate aggregators like Admitad or ActionPay. Firstly, it's simple - right after registration you will see several hundred offers that you can connect to right inside the system (it acts as an intermediary). Secondly, it is effective - such aggregators have a lot of built-in tools (ready-made landing pages, statistics and analytics functions, integration into other services) that allow you to work more efficiently.

After registering in the affiliate program (either directly or through an intermediary), you will receive an affiliate link, where you need to redirect traffic. Often, offers are accompanied by advertising materials (banners of different sizes) - you can use them, or create your own creatives.

Direct arbitrage (when traffic goes directly to an affiliate link) in many ways (except for simplicity) gives way to work through landing pages, which allow you to study traffic in more detail and work on optimizing its quality. Landing page means "landing", that is, a one-page site created with the sole purpose of pushing a person to a certain action.

A lot of newbies start out with entertainment traffic and gaming offers - this is a great combination for gaining experience, even if not very positive. I advise you not to adhere to this rule and start with what you personally see the prospect in.

First steps in arbitration

As mentioned above, almost all paid courses with "private schemes" are an attempt by their authors to squeeze out the last money on something that no longer works or does not work as well as it is written in the manual.

At the very beginning of the "arbitration path" just read all the free information on the Internet. In each article you can find some really useful facts or tips, your task is to compile the knowledge gained in your head. It will not be superfluous to follow the news of CPA networks in order to feel the "trends" of the market.

Don't get hung up on one thing. Try different offers, traffic sources, advertising materials. It is very important to conduct testing in order to ultimately know exactly your target audience. For example, through trial and error, you should come to the understanding that your product is bought on weekdays from 13:00 to 17:00 unmarried women 21-23 years old with one child.

And in order to get such data, you need to conduct your own experiments and improve the settings of advertising campaigns (targeting, blacklisting sites, the best promotional materials). Analytics helps you install bots (junk traffic), understand typical audience behavior and, as a result, choose only revenue-generating topics.

What is mobile traffic arbitrage and where to start making money on it? Where is the best place to get traffic for online arbitration? Where to get training on making money on traffic from scratch?

The Internet has spawned a lot of new, hitherto unseen ways of earning money. One of them is traffic arbitrage. This term has nothing to do with legal proceedings. This is about attracting visitors to sites and redirecting them to other resources.

Thousands of people make decent money from such actions. Want to join them - read this article!

With you Denis Kuderin is an expert on financial topics of the HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, what is traffic arbitrage, who and where directs visitors to Internet resources, what are CPA networks and which is more profitable - advertising in social networks or banners?

1. Traffic arbitrage - an additional source of income or a waste of time?

For those who do not know at all what traffic arbitrage is and what it is used with, I will explain the essence of the term using a simple and understandable scheme.

For any commercial transaction to take place, you need 2 things: product (service) + people who are ready to become customers... To increase sales, sellers attract a third party - those who will tell potential buyers about the product. It is these people who arbitrate (i.e. redirect) traffic.

On the Internet, this marketing option is often bypassed cheaper than launching full blown ads... Or, these methods complement each other, helping to attract the target audience to advertisers' sites through all possible channels.

Traffic (sometimes the spelling with two "f" is found, which is also permissible) - this is the number of visitors to a site for a certain period of time.

It's obvious that the more popular the resource, the more visitors it attracts... But there are also artificial ways to get visitors to the site: all available ways to attract an audience are used for commercial purposes.

Traffic can be redirected (sold) from one resource to another. This action will be called traffic arbitrage... The point is to buy it cheaper and sell it more expensive... The difference will be your earnings (profit). How can you buy visitors online, you ask? Who sells and buys them at all?

What are affiliates doing? They place advertisements, links to sites and landing pages, thereby forcing potential customers to take a useful action - register on the seller's website, use the services offered, buy goods.

The potential buyer is named lead... Turning visitors into leads is called lead generation.

The user is distracted by advertising and is already making a purchase in an online store - it means that the affiliate has done a good job

Why does the seller need it? It's simple - by paying once for a lead, the advertiser will be able to recoup his costs many times in the future due to repeated sales.

For a deeper understanding of the topic, you need to grasp the meaning of the main terms of the arbitration topic:

  • Offer - an offer from an advertiser interested in attracting leads.
  • Landing page- a landing page created to keep the user's attention and encourage him to take targeted actions.
  • CPA network - Affiliate network operating on the Cost Per Action principle - payment for action.
  • Hold - the time for which the CPA network delays the payment to the publisher. The delay is needed for the advertiser to be sure of the quality of the attracted traffic, since the latter can be useful and useless.
  • Profit- the net profit of the webmaster.
  • Conversion (ratio)- the ratio of the total amount of traffic and leads. The higher the ratio, the greater the ad's profit.

At its core, arbitration is a slightly improved and "industrialized" attraction of visitors through affiliate programs. This is one of the most popular and affordable types.

Increasingly higher profits for modern adverts bring mobile traffic arbitrage... According to statistics, every third Internet visitor enters the network from a mobile device. For such users, special applications and programs are being developed that differ in many respects from desktop advertising.

To make money on arbitrage, it is not at all necessary to have your own website - you can launch an advertising campaign both on a social network and on a blog.

2. How to make money on traffic arbitrage - step-by-step instructions for beginners

Thousands of newcomers come to arbitration, but not all of them have a stable income in this business. Buying traffic requires certain investments, although there are free promotion methods.

There are many companies on the network that train aspiring affiliate marketers. Examples - groups CPA NOOB, RichAdvert and CPA King VKontakte, author's courses and trainings from experienced affiliate marketers.

but enough free information to get startedwhich is full on the net. A universal advice for beginners is not to get stuck in one direction, but to try different offers, traffic sources and affiliate programs.

Step-by-step instructions will help you to avoid mistakes and start correctly.

Step 1. Choosing a partner network for cooperation

First you need to register in the CPA network or even in several, otherwise where else will you get offers. It happens that in different networks the owners or specialists responsible for website promotion indicate different prices for a lead - look for the option that is most profitable for you.

By the way, the difference even in 5 rubles significantly affects the profit in the long term. If the number of leads is measured in hundreds and thousands, then even a small plus in your favor will significantly increase your earnings.

Step 2. Get a referral link

After that, select the offer and get referral link - this will be your main earning tool.

Choose the offer that suits you very clear and satisfied in all respects... It will be uncomfortable to advertise something you don't understand.

Step 3. We send the maximum amount of traffic through the link

The key issue in the arbitration business is where to get good traffic with minimal costs?

There are two options for driving traffic - for money and without them.

The free method is available to those who have their own resource with decent traffic. If people who are interested in the subject of your chosen offer regularly spend time on your website and in the group in the social network, then it will be much easier to attract the target audience.

For example, you run a video blog dedicated to online games. You have hundreds of subscribers and loyal readers. Choose an offer that requires leads to register for a new online game, make an honest and professional review of the product as possible, invite visitors to register using the link. Count your coins.

But the bitter truth is that not everyone has their own promoted websites and blogs, so most of the novice affiliates have to resort to paid methods. These include - contextual advertising, teasers, posts and banners in social networks... We will talk about all these options in detail a little later.

Step 4. Finding the best options for making a profit

Traffic arbitrage is a constant analysis and search for new ways to get rich. If you want to get more - regularly test the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. Launch and rest - this option will not work here.

Those who are engaged in:

  • traffic analysis - find out which source gives the best conversion;
  • checking the effectiveness of advertising materials - see how well the advertiser works on his page;
  • creating different ad blocks - we check what is more effective: teasers, banners, contextual advertising;
  • determine the best time for ad display - what time of day the ad is seen by more users.

Step 5. Filtering low-quality traffic

Low-quality traffic should be cut off and eliminated. To do this, use special statistics services (for example, GoogleAnalytics) and all sorts of traps for bots that are invisible to real users.

At first, while you have a minimum of experience, it is better not to use Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. For beginners, the best choice is teaser networks like BodyClick or TeaserNet.

3. Where to get traffic for arbitrage - an overview of the main sources

As I already mentioned, the main sources of traffic are social networks, teaser ads, contextual and banner ads.

Let's make a comparative review.

Source 1. Teaser advertisement

Teasers are small pictures with short texts. This is a source of dirty traffic, but when properly configured, it gives a high conversion... Most of all teasers are suitable for entertainment sites.

One example of teaser ads

This is the most budgetary option for a beginner adverts. Everyone has seen provocative and “shocking” headlines like “ Fat goes away in 48 hours, you only need…" or " The doctors were shocked when I showed... ". Teaser ads are cheap, annoying everyone, but they live on. And this has to be reckoned with.

Source 2. Contextual advertising

Sometimes this is a simple text line with a description of the offer and a link, but more often also with a picture that is not shocking like the image in a teaser ad. Contextual advertising is available in Yandex, Google and other search engines.

Such traffic will be more expensive, but setting it up requires experience. The advantage of contextual advertising is that it attracts targeted visitors who have come to search the Internet for exactly what is being advertised.

Source 3. Social media advertising

The youngest and most promising type of advertising. With the help of social networks, they buy traffic for resources of a wide variety of topics. The plus is that traffic is easily filtered by age, gender, interests, education and other criteria.

The most popular and "money" social networks - VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Facebook... Everyone can try a free way to attract traffic - to create a group (community), promote, and then stimulate members to various targeted actions.

Source 4. Banner networks

An old-timer among the ways to acquire traffic. This conversion method is most effective for large projects designed for long periods of time and a solvent target audience.

Source 5. Posting on forums

A free traffic source for the affiliate.

If you are an active member of various thematic forums, no one will prohibit you from promoting offers from advertisers on such resources. Another thing is that the conversion rate for this method is unpredictable and in most cases low.

Source comparison table:

4. Where is it better to drive traffic - TOP-3 main directions

You need to decide on the scheme by which you will earn. What is preferable for you - payment for an action (registration on the advertiser's website, registration of an application for services), interest for a sale or a fee for sending an SMS message?

You may be happy with all three options.

Direction 1. CPA networks

CPA networks are the most popular type of affiliate programs. Working with them involves payment for a specific action - registration, making an application for services, downloading any files etc. You will be paid exclusively for leads. Simple clicks on links don't count.

CPA networks on the Internet are full. There are entire catalogs of CPA networks, offering affiliates to choose partners for every taste, and offers of any focus and value.

Direction 2. SMS-affiliate programs

Such programs pay their partners a fee for sending by users SMS as a confirmation code or a specific word.

According to experienced advertisers, this option is gradually losing its relevance due to the restrictions imposed by cellular operators.

Direction 3. Affiliate sales programs

In this case, you get a commission on every sale that users made by clicking on your link. Another name for such programs is product affiliate programs... The difference from CPA is that you receive money only for direct sale, and not for registration or application.

The most generous aggregators are willing to pay advertisers 5% or even 10% from each sale.

A short video about product offers to help you:

Your income directly depends on the attractiveness of the offerswhich you have chosen. How do you find an offer that users can't refuse?

Expert advice will help you with this.

Tip 2. Pay attention to the simplicity of the offer for your leads

The best option when the offer is a simple registration that turns an ordinary visitor into a coveted lead. Conversion rates will be lower if other useful actions are provided in addition to registration.

Don't be a blind guide - if you bring visitors to websites or landing pages, appreciate the quality and user-friendliness of the latter.

The simpler and clearer the landing pages and full-fledged sites, the higher the conversion rate (conversion in the slang of affiliates). A good landing page does not contain redundant information, does not look clumsy or intimidating.

The more conditions for a visitor, the lower the likelihood that he will fulfill them... If he is asked to fill in five fields with detailed personal information, it’s easier to say goodbye than to follow the instructions carefully.

If you have forgotten what “ hold”, See the first section. The smaller the hold, the faster you get your profit. If the advertiser takes too long to figure out the purity of the traffic you have attracted, this is beneficial to him, not disadvantageous to you.

Tip 5. Carefully study the traffic requirements of advertisers

It is imperative to study the requirements of partners for the quality of traffic - depending on these parameters, you will be setting up your advertising campaign. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing your budget if the advertiser is not satisfied with your results.

Those who want to start making money on traffic arbitrage should not think that it is very difficult. In fact, having delved into the essence of this type of earnings on the Internet, you can get pretty good earnings. How much you can earn, and how to earn it will be described below.

What is the essence of traffic arbitrage?

Despite the complex name, this type of earnings is quite simple. Arbitration similar to the work of any store, the owner of which tries to buy goods as cheaply as possible, and sell them from his stall at a higher price in order to extract the highest profit in the sale process. Although this comparison is too primitive, it fully reveals the essence of the concept of arbitration.

As a product, the site owner has a need to make a purchase of traffic, or a certain audience of visitors in order to resell this traffic at a much higher price, in order to make a profit as a result of the transaction.

How it works?

If you have your own blog, forum or website, you can earn on your resource by placing contextual advertising. To start making profits, you need to increase the flow of visitors (increase traffic). You can buy traffic with payment of 1000 rubles for 10 thousand visitors. The figures given here are indicative and do not reflect actual prices, and are taken to clearly demonstrate how it works.

After the purchase, you direct the purchased traffic to your website or blog. The visitors directed by you made at least 150 clicks of contextual ads and managed to earn, thus, in your favor 2.5 thousand rubles. As a result, by subtracting costs from this amount, a net income of 1.5 thousand rubles is obtained. This amount can be considered as earning on traffic arbitrage.

In theory, everything turns out very nicely and simply.

To be able to make money in this way, you need to have money to start and have certain knowledge. If there is a person with personal experience of successful earnings on traffic arbitrage, his personal experience will not hurt.

If we talk about the size of investments, it will be very difficult to say exactly how much money can be earned, since many factors can influence this. There are cases of receiving income with a successful investment initially about 2-3 thousand rubles. But sometimes it happens that you have to invest hundreds of dollars and spend a lot of time on work.

Watch a video from Andrey Merkulov, where to get traffic:

Where is the best place to buy traffic to your website?

The network has various sources of traffic, among them there are not only paid but also free ones. These include forums, sites, blogs. If your site has a lot of visitors, you need to urgently think about arbitration in order to be able to redirect traffic to partner sites and start profit from it.

Alternatively, you can get traffic for free by posting links in articles and videos that redirect a potential buyer to the site of partner programs. This free method of using traffic at the initial stage gives good results, while there is not enough experience and money for promotion. It is also a good way to save money and frustration when getting started with arbitrage.

How much does it take to start earning?

If you can't use free traffic, you need to buy it. This requires initial capital, which can be around $ 100. The more, the better, since you will have to buy traffic in thousands of visitors.

Not a very pleasant nuance is that you will need to buy traffic for arbitrage every day, and you will be allowed to withdraw the profit that may appear in a couple of weeks. All affiliate programs are built on this principle. Therefore, a financial reserve is needed to avoid disruptions during work.

In no case should you lose your head and start taking risks. You can experiment, you even need to allocate an initially certain amount for this, which you will not be sorry to lose. Experience shows that the first attempts to make money on arbitrage are unprofitable in 99% of cases. But they provide an opportunity to gain experience.

Experienced affiliate marketers, who today make good money on this business, at first poured more than one hundred bucks into who knows where. But persistent attempts yielded results and later this money "fought back" with a profit. The main thing is to find your niche.

The most accessible for receiving traffic are teaser networks and exchanges that sell traffic. On these resources, you can attract 10 thousand visitors for $ 30-50. But such a number of people will not show high activity. The most fruitful will be working with affiliate programs with entertainment topics.

Any economic activity with the aim of making a profit has its own peculiarities. Earnings from traffic arbitrage are no exception:

  1. You can resell traffic without having your own resource, its availability only contributes to getting more profit.
  2. It is allowed to start an activity with small investments, but the larger they are, the noticeably increased income from work. Experts do not recommend that novice "users" invest big money. It is necessary to master the system that brings profit, to study it. It is recommended to start from $ 50 conventional units.
  3. The first impression of simplicity of operation may be wrong. The trading principle of buying and selling is observed: it is cheaper to take, to give more expensive. It is necessary to carefully study the whole process, to learn the "pitfalls". Then there will be no negative opinion about earnings on arbitration.
  4. When starting his business, a netizen must understand 3 main components: traffic source → offer → analytical analysis. Each component link must be carefully disassembled and understood how it works.

The ability to get high-quality traffic at a cost that satisfies arbitrage and its subsequent resale - big profits (high conversion). We cannot rule out working with affiliate programs as an increase in income. It is necessary to understand which offer (offer limited in time for making a decision) is more profitable to buy.

What is traffic arbitrage, where to start and how to make money?

Starting an online activity with the aim of making a profit, you need to learn everything about traffic arbitrage - a proven, not easy and profitable way to make money. An experienced arbitrage user has a monthly profit with the right actions of up to 200 - 300 thousand rubles per month.

What is traffic arbitrage - an acquisition for the purpose of reselling network traffic and making a profit from these actions. Basic concepts:

  • network (Internet) traffic - a quantitative indicator of visits to an Internet project for a specified time;
  • traffic arbitrage is a trade indicator of buying and selling: take cheaper, sell more.

Understanding the concept of traffic and arbitration fully discloses the question of what is traffic in arbitration. There are features of receiving traffic:

  • direct type of traffic - visits by unique users to an Internet project without clicking on third-party links;
  • using the Landing Page resource, through an intermediary, attract “users” through a referral link to your project.

Is it possible to make a customer base using the Landing Page resource and the intermediary page, the experts answer that it is possible. You just need to add to get a link to the main resource, the user must register on the site. Having registered "users", we make mailing lists.

There are two types of network traffic: paid and free. Remote work from home traffic arbitrage with the choice of a free option requires a long time interval:

  • passing registrations at different sites (thematic forums, social networks, groups), on the topic of the partner's resource, active work;
  • create your own Internet resource (blog, video channel), use partners' links on it to promote their resources;
  • create a free site, "promote" it and on the pages in thematic sections promote links to partner resources.

The free option of getting traffic is lengthy and difficult. To make a profit on arbitrage, it is better to use paid options for "mining" traffic, attracting a unique user:

  • contextual advertising, target "users", sites: Google Adsense, Yandex Direct, other resources;
  • teaser network (picture with text), resources: TeaserNet, MarketGid and others;
  • social network, projects: Instagram, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook;
  • banner advertising resource:;
  • special projects, traffic exchanges: Wizard Traffstock, KupiTraff, other resources.

How to make money on traffic arbitrage - real ways for beginners

Work as an affiliate marketer on the network - post advertising texts that contain links to landing pages of partner resources. Here the target user is offered to perform some action (register, use the service, other actions). We earn as an affiliate marketer, definition of terms:

  • lead , this is a potential client, ready to buy something;
  • lead generation - when the user becomes a potential buyer;
  • offer - commercial offer of an advertiser in need of leads;
  • landing page - project page (landing), which prompts the "user" to take any action;
  • Cost per action (CPA) - partner network;
  • hold - a temporary delay in the payment of money for the webmaster;
  • profit - net profit of the webmaster;
  • conversion - the ratio of leads to the total number of users who visited the resource - (ratio).

Experts conduct online training in traffic arbitrage courses. The meaning of this work is through affiliate programs and modern ways to attract target users to the advertiser's project pages. How to start a beginner "user" in the work of an affiliate marketer and is it really possible to make good money? There are many companies that show this type of activity from "A" to "Z", these are: CPA NooB, CPA King, other resources.

Instructions for beginner affiliates from scratch, we work independently:

  1. To receive a commercial proposal (offer), we register in several CPA. The cost of leads in a project may differ, you need to choose one that is profitable for arbitrage.
  2. In the affiliate program we get ref. link is the main parameter for making money on arbitrage. Experts, studying the basics of arbitration, recommend taking the offer topic that is convenient (comfortable) for the user, so that it is easy for him to advertise the referral link.
  3. We send traffic flow through the referral link. You can get it for investments and without them. Having your own project on the Internet with a fairly high traffic, you can direct your users on the subject of the offer to its page. Or a paid view: contextual advertising, teaser networks, short texts on social networks.
  4. Considering the best option for generating income. We analyze which type of advertising is more profitable to use on the subject of the offer. We check the information for the effectiveness of the advertiser's landing page. We create several types of ad units for teaser, banner and contextual advertising. Let's see what time is more profitable for the show.
  5. To make a profit, you need to filter out bad traffic (cut off bots).

Experts divide the work of an affiliate marketer by the type of traffic:

  • arbitration of news traffic;
  • mobile traffic arbitration;
  • clickander traffic arbitrage.

Mobile traffic arbitration - coverage of almost 20% of Russian citizens who perceive advertisements better. This is browsing websites through mobile devices and tablets. Experts predict an increase in the volume of this type of traffic.

  • there are almost no ad blockers on mobile devices;
  • tablet and smartphone users react to ads less aggressively than PC users;
  • the number of clicks and the number of sales from mobile advertising (conversion) is higher than on a laptop or PC;
  • the number of ads on mobile search sites is less than on a PC;
  • testing ads on mobile devices is more expensive;
  • it is not recommended to use mobile traffic to advertise expensive things, a person views it on the fly, without proper attention;
  • short ad text, small pictures;
  • you need to use filters from bots: FraudScore, Forensiq;
  • correctly configure the token.

Token - technical characteristics that determine the quality of traffic and its conversion, for this reason it is important to set it up correctly when creating an advertising project (company). What is included in it, example:

  • for which device - mobile phone, tablet, smartphone;
  • who is the manufacturer;
  • for which models;
  • what operating system is used;
  • for which connection: WI-FI, mobile Internet;
  • for which operator;
  • geographic location of users.

WI-FI traffic is cheaper than 3G (mobile Internet), in addition, the user must take certain actions (indicate the card or phone number) to conduct a transaction. Mobile Internet provides a direct opportunity for a transaction, higher conversion.

Arbitration of news traffic - attracting users from news resources. The webmaster uses news queries to generate search traffic, and the affiliate purchases news traffic in order to profit from affiliate programs. Features of news arbitrage:

  • selection of teaser banner theme;
  • targeting is performed only with click settings - which device, user geographic location, for which OS;
  • for these reasons, it is recommended to create a blacklist and filter out sites with low leads.

Experts consider this type of traffic to be “cold”, in other words, a “user” who comes to the resource to read the news has little interest in advertising, and if his banner is interested, he should be directed to an intermediate page, and then to the landing page according to the offer. An example of such work:

  • the user follows the banner wanting to see more news;
  • gets to the page with bright pictures and comments, in the form of new news;
  • at the bottom of such a page there are comments that recommend taking certain actions on the offer.

Event traffic is an informational page where a user comes to learn something about an event that has occurred (earthquake, flood, major scandal, competition results, and other significant events). This type of traffic is characterized by sharp jumps in user interest in the event, growth and decline in traffic. You can buy event traffic from webmasters of news sites, on advertising exchanges.

Arbitrage clickander traffic - when a "user" comes to a resource and clicks in any area of \u200b\u200bthe screen, then goes to a page of another resource. Clickander traffic is divided into 2 options: switching from a resource or from a toolbar. The concept of a toolbar is a transition from viral browsers (stuffed with ad units). Popunder, this is a large banner on 80% of the website page. An example of getting traffic with a popunder banner:

  • the traffic is "cold", an intermediate site is used;
  • you can immediately go to the +18 page, at the bottom of which there will be offer comments.

You can buy clickander traffic on the following resources: Visitweb (site 18+), Traflab (from toolbars).

What is CPA (Cost-Per-Action)?

Earnings from traffic arbitrage are mainly made through the CPA (Cost Per Action) exchanges, which means payment for actions performed. CPA is an internet traffic exchange that unites an advertiser and a webmaster (affiliate marketer). In other words, CPA are affiliate programs that pay for the following actions of attracted users:

  • registration on the resource;
  • purchase of goods;
  • a call to a consultant;
  • install app;
  • follow the recommended link.

CPA makes it possible to quickly make money on a potential visitor. What you need to understand when working with CPA:

  • profit received by the webmaster from the sale of goods - CPS ;
  • percentage of users who made paid actions - CR ;
  • the ratio of clicks and page impressions - CTR ;
  • the ratio of the number of transitions from resource pages to the landing page - CTR page ;
  • the difference from the purchase cost of a click and the webmaster's profit from the transition - EPC ;
  • percentage for goods sold - PPS .

The system works according to the following principle:

  1. The advertiser indicates in the offer for which user actions he pays and how much he pays.
  2. The webmaster publishes the advertiser's link on his resource.
  3. The user who followed this link is a lead who fulfilled the offer condition.
  4. The webmaster gives statistics of clicks to the advertiser, who pays for CPA actions.
  5. Up to 40% is taken by CPA of commissions.

How quickly you can make a profit from CPA depends on the quality of the webmaster's resource, what needs to be done:

  • register on the exchange;
  • add your own resource to be verified, the verification time for each resource is different;
  • search for the desired commercial proposal (offer) on the subject of the site;
  • in promotional materials, we take a referral link or a thematic banner;
  • place promotional material on the page of your resource;
  • the target visitor of your resource clicks on the promo material, takes an action;
  • product (CPA) or advertiser checks for a lead;
  • the agreed amount is credited to the webmaster.

Experts draw the webmaster's attention to the fact that the lead check time for each advertiser (offer) is different. A well-known online seller Aliexpress checks up to 3 months, and can make a decision in 30 days.

  • no waste of money, only specific orders are paid;
  • it is easy to plan an advertising campaign, the cost of the client is known;
  • the advertiser decides what to pay the webmaster for;
  • high-quality traffic;
  • check of leads by CPA moderators before making payment to the webmaster.

For a webmaster, the advantages of working with CPA:

  • there is no need to negotiate with online stores separately, the option of choosing the best one, generating an automatic referral link;
  • long-term cooperation with the exchange;
  • profit is not limited to the upper limit;
  • the scheme is transparent without cheating.

How do I find a traffic source?

It is difficult for a beginner to immediately understand that traffic arbitration is a redirection of the flow of targeted network users, buying traffic to the advertiser's resource. Where "users" do certain actions by the offer. Traffic can be obtained by 2 methods: white and gray.

White traffic sources:

  • contextual and banner advertising;
  • teaser resources and targeted advertising.

Gray method:

  • creating doorways (one-page sites) with redirecting visitors to the advertiser's resource;
  • spam advertising on forums;
  • advertising on social networks;
  • other methods.

The received traffic to the advertiser's resource is directed through CPA exchanges, through affiliate programs located on the advertiser's resource. How to make money without investments on traffic arbitrage? Experts recommend starting with choosing a niche of activity, in other words, creating a vertical in which many affiliate programs can operate. Let's consider some directions:

  • use of commodity resources (commodity), where the sale of products, goods -;
  • for actions in online games (registration, activity);
  • financial activities (loans, investments, loans);
  • information business (sale of courses, trainings, recruitment of subscription clients);
  • online gambling.

After choosing the direction of arbitration, step-by-step instructions recommend choosing the desired offers or affiliate programs (PP). Without a public site for making money on arbitrage and searching for an offer, experts recommend a free resource: The resource navigation is clear, you need to go to the offers section and select the desired category (direction) for work.

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Traffic arbitrage is the redirection of targeted traffic purchased as cheaply as possible to affiliate programs or various resources for financial gain.

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Most modern business projects are built on the principle of reselling a product or service. They increase the starting price and make a profit. Traffic arbitrage can be compared to going to the market. When you buy a bag of potatoes from a wholesaler, you retail at a nearby market. But the doubled price still attracts many customers. They do not know that somewhere it is possible to buy a product cheaper. Or let's draw a parallel with cryptocurrencies. You could buy bitcoin for $ 1000 in 2013, and in 4 years get a capital multiplied 17 times. The product is the same, the place of sale has not changed, but the price increases over time.

First, you need to learn definitions such as traffic, CR, CPA, ROI, etc. Let's start with a standard vocabulary of key terms and abbreviations that every affiliate marketer should know.

  • Traffic is the flow of people on a site over a certain period of time.
  • Lead - an attracted client who responded to a marketing move.
  • Offers () - advertising offers from affiliate networks that receive traffic.
  • CPA (Cost per Action) - payment for the performance of a certain action by an attracted client. For example: registration, ordering goods, payment for services, etc.
  • CPC (Cost per Click) - cost per click when organizing an advertising campaign.
  • CR (Conversion rate) - conversion, that is, the ratio of the number of leads to the total number of unique hosts.
  • EPC (Earn per Click) - the affiliate's earnings per click.
  • CTR (Click-through rate) - the ratio of clicks on your ad to the total number of impressions. Illustrates the effectiveness of your creative.
  • ROI (Return of investment) is a percentage that displays the ratio of revenue to advertising spending.

How to make money on traffic arbitrage

Arbitration is a whole area of \u200b\u200bInternet business, which has its own major players, its own laws and regulations. Every day, thousands of people from all over the world buy huge flows of traffic, which they successfully (or not) redirect. Most new entrants to this market just mindlessly buy ads wherever they can. This approach rarely brings success, which can often be observed on the thematic forums of affiliates, where such "would-be businessmen" shout with might and main that this is all a hoax and there is no money to be made here. In fact, they just didn't put in enough effort.

Despite the high competition, everyone can make money on arbitration. The main advantage of this type of earnings is that you work for yourself and do not depend on anyone.

To get started, you just need to find an affiliate program. Let's go through the important details you need to know:

Where can you buy traffic for arbitrage

There are paid and free ways to get traffic on the Internet. Getting free traffic takes a lot of time and effort, which doesn't always pay off. If you don't have start-up capital, then you can try your luck in getting free traffic. Also, traffic from personal resources is considered shareware: your blog, website, VK public or YouTube channel.

The main traffic flow is bought for money. The more investments, the more traffic, but that does not mean more profit. Earnings on traffic arbitrage come from the difference in advertising costs and profits.

Traffic sources

Affiliate networks

Webmasters work for themselves. Everyone chooses their niche to direct traffic. There are many offers in different areas and directions: from AliExpress and GearBest affiliate programs to Vulcan Casino offers.

Many affiliate marketers are engaged in product offers, where they receive a certain percentage of the sales. There are a huge number of CPA networks in this segment, they have been working steadily for a long time, honestly paying for the work of webmasters. For newbies, networks like.

There are also a number of different affiliate networks that offer gambling offers. These include casinos, slot machines, slots, and more. Newbies should not get into such a market, because very high entry threshold, which requires large budgets. One of these is Welcome Partners, which has been on the market for several years.

When choosing affiliate programs, you need to be extremely careful. You may run into scammers who don't pay you and disappear. Use partner network monitoring sites like FFERATOR (

There are a huge number of tools for searching for offers in different affiliate networks, the most convenient, in our opinion, is the search on CPA Daily. The main thing is not to be afraid to try something new, because every day the market situation changes. Strong profits and high ROI today can turn into big losses tomorrow.

Let's summarize. To start making money on traffic arbitrage, you need:

  1. Select CPA networks.
  2. Decide on an offer based on the analytical data provided by the partner network.
  3. Choose a traffic source, study in detail the features of working with it.
  4. Create, order or copy a creative.
  5. Wait for conversions and leads.
  6. Make a profit.