Hidden communities in contact. How to easily and quickly hide the list of groups in VK and remove interesting pages without unsubscribing from them. How to add a user to contacts

Let's assume that you are just sitting on VKontakte. Found an interesting group. And then you decided to subscribe to it. Of course, it instantly hits “My Groups”, and every user can see it. However, this is precisely what you do not want. What to do in a similar situation? I want to show. how can you hide communities on VKontakte.
How to hide a community on VK;
How to remove a community from the “Interesting Pages” section;

So, how can you hide a VK community?

The privacy setting will be able to help us with this question. We go into our VK account (page), and select from the menu on the left side "My settings". Then we select the item "Privacy"... Now let's move on to the settings themselves. Here we need the item “Who sees the list of my groups”. Directly opposite the value, open the list with possible variations, and select "Only me". Hide groups. From this moment on, other VK users can never see the list of your communities, of course, unless you open it again in the privacy settings. there is also one more option: to leave the group - in this case, too, no person will know that you have ever been in it. However, it is better not to do this, as you will need to constantly search for this group. By the way, in the privacy settings you can hide any information from your VK page.

How to remove a community from interesting pages

In chapter "Interesting pages" the same communities appear, in which you are a member, but you go there often, put likes on posts, comment. And from here, too, it is imperative to hide the community that we want to hide from other people. We should be from the community, and just add it to our bookmarks. So that whenever we need it, we can enter it at any time. First, be sure to check if bookmarks are enabled at all. We go back to "My settings", and at the first point we make sure if there is a mark opposite "My bookmarks"... If there is a mark, then we can continue further. Now we go to the community, the news of which we are subscribed to. Add it to your bookmarks using the link, right below the community avatar. And now you just need to unsubscribe from the news of this community. To do this, you need to open the drop-down list, and in it we find the desired item. Unsubscribing from group news. After these actions, this community will disappear from the list of interesting pages. And if we need to enter the group, then we can do it from the “My Bookmarks” section, in the “Links” tab.


You learned what a joint venture is and learned how to put it on your own page using a real example.

Hello, friends! If you have created your own Vkontakte group, then your profile will be automatically added to the contacts block, which is located on the main page on the right side. But if you do not want other users to know that you are related to this group, then it is better to remove your page from this block.

In addition to the creator, pages of other users can be added to contacts. But what if you need to remove people from this list, or it's time to change the information?

In this article we will talk about this. Remove the administrator or creator from the group and edit the contact information.

How to hide the admin or the creator of the Vkontakte group

In order to hide the people indicated in the contacts, it does not have to be the owner or the administrator, scroll through the main page gr. down and on the right side, click on the name of the "Contacts" block itself.

Hover the mouse cursor over the person you want to remove from the list. Then on the right in the line, click on the cross that appears - "Remove from the list". Close the window.

As you can see, the group creator has been removed from the block. In the same way, you can delete all other users.

If you do not leave any address at all, then the button "Add con ..." will appear on the page.

If your group is popular with users and the number of subscribers is constantly growing, then it is better to leave at least one person to contact.

How to add a user to contacts

If only your page, as the creator, was connected, and you deleted it in the first way, but still want to add another user with whom you could contact, then do the following.

Click or on the button "Add contact ...." - it will be if you do not have a single person in this block, or on the name of the block itself - this is if people are already indicated in the contacts.

If there were contacts in the group, then they will open in this window. Here you need to click on the button of the same name.

In the "Add a contact person" window, you must specify a link to the profile of the person you want to add. The rest of the fields: "Position", "Phone" and "E-mail", are specified at will

We return to the "Add contact person" window. In the line "Vkontakte" paste the copied link. Fill in the rest of the information and click "Save".

The new person will be added to the group's home page.

How to edit contacts

If you need to change the information that is indicated in the block, for example, the phone number has changed, or the position of the user has changed, then click on the name of the block - "Contacts".

Opposite the person whose information you want to edit, click on the gear.

There are various reasons why VK users do not want to share some information. How to hide groups in VK? Many people do not want their relatives or friends to see the list of communities to which they subscribe. That is why you can hide them from prying eyes in the privacy settings.

How to hide groups in VK?

If you intend to join the community and hide it from everyone at once, then:

  • Now you need to go to the public, which should be removed, and bookmark it. After that, immediately unsubscribe from his news.
  • It will disappear from the section with interesting profiles.
  • Then you can open this mini-blog in the "Bookmarks" - "Links" section.

This way you can hide the public page, but not lose sight of it. The bookmarked section has changed slightly.

If you want to remove a VK public from a smartphone, then the method is the same.

  • Go to the application settings, the item "Privacy" and next to the value "Who sees the list ..." indicate what you need.

To remove interesting publics, you also need to add them to your favorites, and then exit.

Possible problems when hiding a VK group

What problems can arise when hiding communities:

  • I hid a certain group from my list, but after a while it began to appear in the "Interesting Pages". The solution is the following, most likely, the administrators of this community decided to transfer it to a public page on their own initiative. Therefore, you need to use the method of hiding the public - add it to your bookmarks first, and then unsubscribe from updates.

  • Some users can still see my communities. The solution is the following, apparently in the settings the item "Me and my friends" was set instead of "Only me". We need to fix this.

Everyone has the right to personal space.


You can hide the necessary groups in VK in a couple of clicks, but removing public profiles is somewhat more difficult. If necessary, you can close access to this information for other users.

Today we will teach you how to hide VKontakte groups from other users, friends, or a specific friend, subscriber or person.

Vkontakte groups are a very interesting way to view content. A lot of interesting things happen in groups and almost every user of this social network uses the services of communities. They may contain material of a different nature and sometimes this information is undesirable for third parties. So that no one knows about the groups to which the user has subscribed, he can hide them from prying eyes. Then, without worry, you can subscribe to any groups and not be afraid of being calculated.

how to hide groups on VKontakte from other users? Easy! To do this, go to the page settings.

Or open the main page of the site and find your own name and avatar at the top right - you need to click on it. A list of additional functions will appear, among which you should select "Settings".

On the open settings page, pay attention to the column on the right. Find it and go to the item "Privacy". He is the third on the list from the top.

A window with privacy settings will appear in the middle. There is a lot of interesting things here, it is advisable for each user to visit this page to set up detailed information on their own page.

So how to remove groups in personal information in VK? Find the column "Who sees the list of my groups" and in front of it click on the clickable text, in the screenshot it is "All users".

A dialog box will appear in which you should select the parameter that suits you. Let's analyze them in detail.

  • All users - the list of groups is visible to everyone, except for those on the black list;
  • Friends only - visible to friends (subscribers and subscriptions do not count);
  • Friends and friends of friends - similar to the second, only friends of friends also join the list;
  • All except - here you can mark people for whom the list will be closed, and for everyone else it will be open;
  • Some friends - you are given the opportunity to open the list only to your selected friends, and the rest will be closed.

After selecting the desired item and, if necessary, marking friends, you can exit their settings. Also at the bottom of the Privacy page there is a third-person view of the page. With this function, you can open your own page as if it was done by another person to see everything clearly.

Can I hide the list of "Interesting pages" on my VK page?

We figured out how to hide groups from everyone in VK, but there is still another type of communities. Alas, the list with interesting pages cannot be hidden from other people. It is visible to everyone.

There are only two ways to remove them, namely:

  • Add a person to the blacklist, and then he will not see the pages you are interested in;
  • Make the profile private.

How to make a profile private and what does it do?

We figured out how to remove the list of groups from personal information on Vkontakte. However, the question of how to hide the list of groups in VK can be approached from the other side. There is a private profile function, in this case all information on the page becomes private, including groups and interesting pages. This is the only way to hide interesting pages from all users. But the information is hidden for everyone except friends. In this case, everyone, except friends, will not see interesting pages.

To create a private profile, you need to set the "Profile type" item to the closed status in the privacy settings. This item is at the bottom of the settings.

After translation, you can exit the settings. In this case, people will be able to add you as friends and write messages (if allowed), but all information will be closed. It is open to friends according to the rules specified in the same privacy settings.

Vk.com is a popular social network that is used by millions of users every day, and this number is only increasing every day. For each user individually, when going to the "News" section, a special block "Interesting pages" is formed. This block is typed from an automatic collection of information that is relevant specifically for this user. This information includes both news and pages of other users of the social network to which a person is subscribed or which may be potentially interesting to a person (determined by the user's visited pages).

How to hide interesting pages on VKontakte from other users

But is it possible to hide interesting VKontakte pages from other categories of users? Yes, it seems possible, and the answer to the question of how to do this is given in detail below.

Ways to hide interesting VKontakte pages from everyone

Many people ask themselves: how to hide interesting VKontakte pages from everyone? To perform this action and successfully hide the necessary from all users, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

Now you know how to hide interesting VKontakte pages without leaving access to them to anyone but yourself.

Another way to hide interesting pages is to simply unsubscribe from the communities or friends you follow. This may not be the most desirable action for you, but in the absence of subscriptions, communities and friends will not be included in your recommendations, therefore, in the list of your interesting pages.

How to hide interesting VK pages from friends

Many people ask themselves: how to hide interesting VK pages from friends? You can use the method above or everything is simple. In order to hide your interesting pages from friends, you need to unsubscribe from friends or add friends from whom you want to hide your interesting pages to the black list. This is a rather unpleasant way, but given the policy of the social network, the most effective.

After that, your interesting pages will be inaccessible to your friends whom you have added to the black list or from whom you have unsubscribed.

Is it possible to hide interesting VKontakte pages

Above, we discussed key ways on how to hide interesting VK pages in 2017 after updating VK. Unfortunately, the functionality of hiding interesting pages from other users on a social network is much less than the functionality of hiding your posts on a social network, which also has significant restrictions.

This is due to the rather tough policy of the popular social network, which is aimed at creating more transparency in the interaction of users with each other. The growing popularity of the social network only increases the need to tighten this policy.