Save all open tabs. How to save open tabs in Opera browser. Save tabs when closing browser by installing extension

Users who prefer to work with multiple tabs at once often wonder how to save them for the next session. After all, it is not always possible to find the necessary sites after they are closed. In fact, this is not impossible in the Opera browser, you just need to change the settings a little.

The first way

If you worked with several bookmarks at once, but you need to end the session, then you do not have to worry about the fact that the data will not be saved. You can return to the tabs the next time you start the browser. To do this, you must initially make the following settings.

  1. Open your internet browser.
  2. Click the Opera button.
  3. Select Settings - General.
  4. Click the General tab.
  5. Next to At startup, set the status Continue from disconnect.
  6. Confirm your choice with OK.

After that, you can safely close the browser with multiple tabs. After starting the program, you will see that the pages with all the sites you worked with the last time have opened. Note that in this case, you can also set the Show launch window setting. If you set this item, then the next time you open Opera, a message will appear, which will offer several options for getting started. Among them, you can choose both the method to start from the last session and the loading of the home page (set in the settings).

Second way

There is another way to keep open tabs in Opera -.This can be done in several ways. First, just open the basic settings and select the Bookmarks section. From the drop-down menu, click Create Bookmark. In the line name, you can write any of your options. You can also specify the folder in which information about the site will be stored.

In addition, you can save the address of the resource in bookmarks by clicking on the asterisk, which is located on the right side of the address bar. After that, you will be prompted to add the site to your bookmarks or to the express panel. Choose the option you like and wait for just a few seconds, after which the message Added will appear.

Restore tabs

There are situations when the browser crashed. Usually, in this case, at the beginning of a new work, a window appears in front of the user, which offers several options for starting work. Choose among them Continue from the place of disconnection and work with the last session, which was conducted in the Internet browser.

If for some reason this could not be done, then you need to do the following:

  1. Launch the browser and select the About item in the Settings.
  2. We find the line Saved session.
  3. Copy and paste the address contained in it into the address bar of the file manager.
  4. Delete the file called
  5. Remove the last 4 characters from
  6. We restart the browser.

Council. You can call Explorer (file manager) by pressing the hotkeys Win + E. The utility is also opened through the system search.

There are situations when tabs are inaccessible due to the fact that their panel is disabled in the browser.In this case, the menu button may also be unavailable. The fix is \u200b\u200bsimple - you just need to click Alt while the Opera web browser is running. From the drop-down menu and check the box next to the Tab bar item.

The browser developers have provided the ability to restore a tab that was accidentally closed. To do this, go to the main settings menu and click on Recently closed. You will see a list of tabs that have recently been opened. Please note that after exiting Opera, the data in this section is deleted. If the tabs were still closed, and you could not save or restore them in the ways indicated above, the History of visits will help. You can enter it through the Opera menu or by pressing the combination of "hot" keys Ctrl, Shift and H. Here are the addresses of the websites that the user has visited.

Thus, in the Opera browser, you can not only restore the previous session, etc., but also save open tabs. This can be done in several ways. If you want a new session to start from the place of the previous connection, then you just need to set it in the settings. In the case when the browser was abnormally terminated, the program itself will offer to restore the bookmarks. If you need access to tabs all the time, it is better to add them to your bookmarks initially. By the way, Opera has the ability to add resources to the express panel, where site thumbnails will be located.

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Setting up the browser to suit your needs and interests is an important part of optimizing the system. Often, when you open several tabs in the browser and need to go somewhere, you have to close the browser and turn off the computer. But constantly re-opening all the necessary tabs in the browser is not convenient. In this article, I'll take a look at how to save open browser tabs in popular web browsers such as Mozilla, Opera, and Chrome.
It is much more convenient to launch the browser along with the tabs opened last time. How to keep open tabs in the browser, this question arises from users when they encounter this problem.

How to save open tabs in Mozilla Firefox.

1. In the browser menu, select the "Tools" or "Edit" item, depending on the browser version and platform;
2. Go to the “Settings” menu;

3. In the settings, go to the "General" tab;

4. In the "Startup" section, where it says "When Firefox starts", select from the offered options: "Show windows and tabs opened last time";
We save the changes.

How to save open tabs in Opera browser.

1. We pass along the path:

Menu - Settings - General settings

2. Go to the "General" tab.

3. Where it says “Tell the browser what to do on startup”, select the option “Continue from where it was disconnected”. Save your changes.

In the new version of Opera, you just need to go to the program settings in the “Browser” tab.

And you will immediately see the settings for browser startup behavior.

How to save open tabs in Chrome browser.

1. Click on the icon in the upper right corner of the browser, it looks like a wrench or, as in the screenshot, a square with stripes;

2. Type in the address bar of the browser the address: chrome: // settings /.

To avoid accidentally closing an open tab, you can pin it.

The Google Chrome browser allows you to open the tabs of the last session on startup. However, what if you want to keep the current set of tabs open at any time? You can use browser extensions like Session Buddy. In addition to extensions, you can use Chrome's built-in bookmark feature.

First you need to make sure the bookmarks bar is enabled. If not, click the menu button to the right of the address bar panel. Hover over the "Bookmarks" section and activate "Show bookmarks bar".

The "Bookmark All Tabs" window appears. In order not to clutter up the bookmarks bar, let's create a new folder to store the tabs of the current sessions. Click in this window at the bottom of the button "New folder" and enter a name, the folder will appear at the bottom of the bookmarks bar in the folder tree. Make sure the new folder is selected and enter in the Name field, for example, the date the tabs were saved or a description of their type. Then click "Save".

In our example, all open tabs are added as bookmarks to a folder with the current date, nested in a folder called "Saved Sessions".

The Saved Sessions folder is added to the end of the Bookmarks Bar. If you want to move it to a different location, press and hold the folder name and drag it to another location in the bookmarks bar.

The next time the user wants to open all the tabs of this session, you need to click on the "Saved sessions" folder, right-click on the subfolder and select "Open all bookmarks" from the menu that appears. All bookmarks in this folder will open in separate tabs in the current browser window. Previously opened tabs will also be displayed. You can open all bookmarks from this folder in a new window or in incognito mode.

A bookmark folder can be removed from the tab bar with the right-click context menu.

In the process of working with the browser, we open a large number of tabs, switching between them, we visit several web resources simultaneously. Today we will take a closer look at how you can save open tabs in Firefox.

Suppose the tabs that you have opened in the browser are needed for further work, and therefore you cannot allow them to be accidentally closed.

Stage 1: Start the last session

First of all, you need to install a function in the browser settings that will allow the next time you launch Mozilla Firefox to open not the start page, but the tabs that were launched last time.

Stage 2: pinning tabs

From now on, when you start the browser again, Firefox will open the same tabs that were launched when you closed it. However, when working with a large number of tabs, there is a possibility that the necessary tabs, which in no case should be lost, will still be closed due to the user's carelessness.

To avoid this situation, especially important tabs can be pinned to the browser. To do this, right-click on the tab and in the displayed context menu click on the item "Pin tab".

The tab will decrease in size, and the icon with a cross will disappear near it, which would allow it to be closed. If you no longer need a pinned tab, right-click on it and from the menu that appears, select "Unpin tab", after which it will regain its previous appearance. Here you can immediately close it without first undoing it.

When spending time on the Internet, you often want to save a tab. We will now talk about how this is done. Here is a detailed instruction!

How to save tabs in Opera?

Bookmarking an opera can be done in several ways. Below are each of the different methods for creating a tab.

  1. Right-click on a blank part of the page where you want to save the tab and click the bookmark page button or press Ctrl + T.
  2. Go to the page you want to bookmark. At the top of the browser window menu click the bookmark button will appear, add to bookmark, and will allow you to specify where you want to save the bookmark.

How do I save tabs in Chrome?

  1. Click on the Chrome menu (triple dash) in the browser toolbar and select Bookmarks. Click create a bookmark for the page, then select "Always show bookmark bar".
  2. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + B (Windows and Chrome OS) or Command + Shift + B (Mac). When the bookmark bar is available, you can always find it at the top of the quick access page.

How to save a tab in Mozilla Firefox?

  1. Right-click on a blank part of the page and click the Bookmark this page button or press Ctrl + D.
  2. Go to the page you want to add to tabs. At the top of the browser window, click. Click the star button to bookmark the page.

After you have done one of the above steps, the Add Bookmark window will appear. Specify the location where you want to save the bookmark. If you want to place a tab in a new folder, click the little arrow at the bottom, next to the selection, and click the New Folder button.

How do I save a tab in Internet Explorer?

  1. Right-click on an empty part of the page, and then on the "Add to favorites" button.
  2. Go to the page you want to add to tabs. At the top of the browser window, click the Favorites button. Then click the "Add to favorites" button.

Once one of the above steps is completed, a window will appear that allows you to add your favorite pages to your favorites list.

Adding a tab to the Safari web browser

Just go to the toolbar menu, bookmarks next to "File", "Edit", "View", "History", etc. Click the "Add Bookmark" button and you can choose a name and location to save the bookmark. You can also click the plus sign next to the URL, in a window, or Command-D on a Mac. Alternatively, you can just press Ctrl + D on windows.

We really hope that this instruction will help you understand all the intricacies of your web browser. Whichever of all is installed on your computer.