Soviet sport electronic version. JSC "Sport-Express

Skirn of the first page new version site

"Soviet Sport" has launched testing of a new version of the site - According to Vyacheslav Muravitsky, technical director of the publishing house “Soviet Sport”, the new site will be much more convenient and new functionality will appear on it.

“On the main page we will have a 'Picture of the Day'. Now we have the main block - a slider, in which, in order to get acquainted with all the main topics, you need to scroll through the slides. On the new site, everything will start with the main news windows - these will be top news, - explained Muravitsky. - They will be followed by the current picture of the day, consisting not only of articles, but also of photos, videos, current news. The user will be able to find out everything on the main topics without scrolling beyond the second screen. "

Besides, according to him, the mobile version of the site will be more convenient. “Not right away, not in the first launch, but gradually we will open the sports part of our site, before we completely switch to it: sections of statistics, matches and everything else. They will be supplemented with new information that is now on the desktop version, but not yet in mobile version... On the main page, we will have a block of plots. It will be easier for the reader to follow a specific storyline - he does not have to read the picture of the day all the time or search for materials on topics of interest to him among the articles. For example, if he is interested in a story about doping in Russia, he will be able to watch all the time what updates have happened in this topic, and keep abreast of events, ”said Muravitsky.

According to him, a special mail address has been created, [email protected], on which you can write any comments and remarks.

The head of the project Vitaly Fomin, in turn, noted an important change - the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonalization. “This is, in my opinion, the key feature of the new site: personalization of everything and everything, setting everything and everything. A user who has entered the site can at any time choose a club for which he is a fan. This setting is called "I'm a fan". User can customize home page the way he wants - the order of news, the order of articles ... In my opinion, this is the coolest feature that will be on our site. We will introduce all new features gradually. For all innovations, we will collect feedback, based on which we will decide how to develop the site, its capabilities, its functionality. This is why the beta test was invented. We will have it open, and not closed, as is the case with many companies. We have our readers, our users will shape the site the way it will look in the future, ”Fomin said.

Horror. A shame. Catastrophe. Darkness. Shame.

You can choose any of these epithets, you can choose another, more severe one. But only such words deserve what “Spartak” demonstrated in Tula. We saw a completely disassembled team, without a single hint of a distinct game, will, character.

The number of inaccurate passes performed by Muscovites (especially in their own half of the field) went off scale beyond all permissible limits.

The ease with which Mirzov and Co. cheated the red-and-white defenders was reminiscent of the early stages of the Cup, when RPL representatives meet with the teams of the second division. And I could not even believe that the current (Dzhikia) and former in the recent past (D. Kombarov) footballers came out against the “gunsmiths”

Bands 11 - 12

Strip 13

Strip 14


It was a real movie. On the day of the finals of the Olympics in PyeongchangEvgeny Dadonovwho would probably have played there scored a hat-trick inNHL... Whose gates -"Pittsburgh", at that time the current Stanley Cup winner! And then he went home to watch on TV halfway across the world how his recent partners in a crazy intrigue game defeat the Germans and take gold.

Moreover, his partner in the famous link SKA and the Russian national team with Artemy Panarin (no joke to say, the three of them at the 2016 World Cup in Moscow and St. Petersburg took the entire podium in the list of scorers!) Vadim Shipachev, who started the season in Las Vegas, and then fell back, was not taken to the final. And the question is - which is better? Play in the best league in the world, do a hat-trick against its strongest team, but not make the playoffs - or be a substitute for the gold Olympic team?

Newspaper "Soviet sport" - the leader among Russian sports publications - in full coverage of all major sports events taking place in Russia and abroad. World and European Championships, international tournaments, World Cups, Olympic Games and other large-scale sports events - all this is reflected in the pages of the newspaper "Soviet sport".

Each issue, 6 days a week, contains the hottest sports news, exclusive interviews with big-time sports stars, public and state figures. "Soviet sport" not only objectively introduces the main sporting events, but also comments in detail on what is happening, publishes the opinions of experts and analysts. There are interesting materials about famous athletes and coaches, their sports careers, personal achievements, stories about how their life outside of sports is developing.

Newspaper "Soviet sport" distinguished by the bright and emotional nature of the publications. The newspaper's correspondents write about what cannot be seen on the TV screen, what is hidden from the eyes of an ordinary fan. What passions are boiling on the benches and in the locker rooms after the match, how athletes tune in to the performance, how they worry if a failure occurs - you will read about all this on the pages of the newspaper "Soviet sport".

Most of the printed material is devoted to the most popular sports in Russia - football and hockey. Here are stories about various clubs, teams, stories from the life of famous athletes. The reports of the journalists of the newspaper are distinguished by the originality of the plot, sharpness, naturalness, the ability to surprise the reader, to find a zest in any material.

Newspaper "Soviet sport" attracts with its truly athletic spirit, creative approach to the events covered, it awakens the reader's desire to develop physically and spiritually.

The publication prints review articles on different types sports, publishes summary tables with the results of various competitions, interesting statistics on sports achievements, serious analytical materials devoted not only to ongoing sports events at different levels, but also to strategic issues of sports development, as well as experts' forecasts. In the "Minority Opinion" section, there is always an assessment and comments on the most memorable and outstanding events of the sports week.

"Soviet sport" - an attractive edition thanks to good quality print, color format and a simple, clear structure of material placement. The newspaper runs many different contests and quizzes for its readers, thus giving the opportunity to win a large number of prizes.

Newspaper "Soviet sport" - the oldest publication in the country, has been published since 1924. Efficiency, truthfulness, an accessible form of material presentation - all this speaks of the dignity of the publication and ensures its growing popularity. The editor-in-chief of the newspaper is Igor Kots, a talented journalist and organizer, he personally knows many athletes, and has an excellent knowledge of sports.